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Showing 26,051 through 26,075 of 34,147 results

Public Security in the Negotiated State: Policing in Latin America and Beyond (Governance and Limited Statehood)

by Markus-Michael Müller

Policing and security governance in areas of limited statehood have become central issues in contemporary academic and political debates. This book offers an in-depth study on public security provision, the resulting state-society relations, and policing in Mexico City.

Public Sentinels: A Comparative Study of Australian Solicitors-General

by Patrick Keyzer

In recent years, controversy has surrounded the role of top government lawyers in the United States and the United Kingdom. Allegations of bad lawyering and bad ethics in public office over the ’torture memos’ in the United States and the political pressure placed on the Attorney-General in the United Kingdom to approve the legality of the Iraq war, have seen these relatively obscure group of government lawyers thrust into the public debate. Unlike its Anglo-American contemporaries, Australia’s chief legal adviser, the Solicitor-General, has remained largely out of the public eye. This collection provides a rare and overdue insight into a fundamental public institution in all Australian jurisdictions. It provides a historical, theoretical, practical and comparative perspective of this little known, but vitally important, office at a time when the transparency and accountability of government has taken on an increased significance. Of interest to anyone interested in the integrity of government, the book will be particularly useful to government, political parties and the academy. It will also be a valuable reference work to those working towards a redefinition of the role of top government legal advisors.

Public Service Broadcasting 3.0: Legal Design for the Digital Present (Routledge Research in Media Law #8)

by Mira Burri

The digital media environment is characterized by an abundance and diversity of content, a multiplicity of platforms, new modes of content production, distribution and access, and changed patterns of consumer and business behaviour. This has challenged the traditional model of public service broadcasting (PSB) in diverse ways. This book explores whether and how PSB should adapt to reflect the conditions of the digital media space so that it can effectively and efficiently continue to serve its public mandate. Drawing on literature on media governance in media and communication science, public international law as well as discussions on cyberlaw, Mira Burri maps and critically analyses existing policy and scholarly debates on PSB transformation. She challenges some of conventional rationales for reform, identifies new ones, as well as exposes the limitations placed upon existing and future policy solutions by global media governance arrangements, especially in the fields of trade, copyright and Internet governance. The book goes on to advance a future-oriented model of Public Service Media, which is capable of matching an environment of technological and of governance complexity. As a work that explores how public interest objectives can be pursued efficiently and sustainably in the digital media ecology, this book will be of great interest and use to students and researchers in media law, information technology law, and broadcast media studies, as well as to policy-makers.

Public Service Ethics: Individual and Institutional Responsibilities

by James S. Bowman Jonathan P. West

Ethics—in all its exemplary and exhausting forms—matters. It deals with the most gripping question in public life: "What is the right thing to do?" Now in a thoroughly revised second edition, Public Service Ethics: Individual and Institutional Responsibilities introduces readers to this personally relevant and professionally challenging field of study. No matter the topic—the necessity of ethics, intriguing human behavior experiments, the role of ethics codes, whistleblowing incidents, corruption exposés, and the grandeur and decay of morality—there is no shortage of controversy. The book enables readers to: appreciate why ethics is essential to leadership; understand and apply moral development theory at the individual and organizational levels of analysis; differentiate between ethical problems and ethical dilemmas, and design creative ways to deal with them; develop abilities to use moral imagination and ethical reasoning—to appraise, argue, and defend an ethical position, and cultivate individual and institutional initiatives to improve ethical climate and infrastructure. Authors James Bowman and Jonathan West capture reader interest by featuring learning objectives, skill-building material, discussion questions, and exercises in each chapter.? The authors’ narrative is user-friendly and accessible, highlighting dilemmas and challenging readers to "own" the book by annotating the pages with one’s own ideas and insights, then interacting with others in a live or virtual classroom to stretch one’s thinking about the management of ethics and ethics of management. The ultimate goal is to bolster students’ confidence and prepare them for the ethical problems they will face in the future, equipping them with the conceptual frameworks and context to approach thorny questions and behave ethically.

Public Service Ethics: Individual and Institutional Responsibilities

by James S. Bowman Jonathan P. West

The study and practice of ethics, in all its exemplary and execrable forms, matter now more than ever. It deals with one of the most gripping questions in life: "What is the right thing to do?" Public Service Ethics: Individual and Institutional Responsibilities, Third Edition, introduces readers to this personally relevant and professionally challenging field of study. No matter the topic—the necessity of ethics, intriguing human behavior experiments, provocative approaches to decision-making, new theories to understand ethical actions, the role of ethics codes, whistleblowing incidents, corruption exposés, and the grandeur as well as decay of morality—there is no shortage of controversy. This book discusses these issues, explains how they arise, and suggests what can be done about them. The authors make the narrative user-friendly and accessible by highlighting dilemmas, challenging readers to resolve them, and enticing them to go beyond the text to discover and confront new issues. New to this Third Edition: Exploration of fascinating and important new topics such as the Green New Deal, Black Lives Matter, oaths of office, classroom dishonesty, state corruption, the Biden administration, and the ethical challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and response. In-depth profiles of newsworthy figures, including Michael Flynn, Alexander Vindman, Anthony Fauci, and John Lewis. All new case studies drawing on actual and hypothetical events to give students an opportunity to apply concepts and analytical frameworks. All new end-of-chapter discussion questions and exercises to encourage students to think more deeply about ethical issues. The authors' conversational writing style invites readers to annotate pages with their own ideas, experiences, comparisons, and insights, bolstering students' confidence and ultimately preparing them for the ethical problems they will face in their own careers. This lively and thorough new edition is required reading for all public administration and public policy students.

Public Service Media in Europe: Law, Theory and Practice (Routledge Research in Media Law)

by Karen Donders

Contributing to a rethink of Public Service Media, this book combines theoretical insights and legal frameworks with practice, examining theory and policy development in a bottom-up manner. It explores the practices of Public Service Media across Europe, assessing the rules that govern Public Service Media at both the EU and the National Member State level, identifying common trends, initiated by both the European Commission and individual countries, illustrating the context-dependent development of Public Service Media and challenging the theories of Public Service Broadcasting which have developed an ideal-type public broadcaster based on the well-funded BBC in an atypical media market. Seeking to further explore the actual practices of Public Service Media and make recommendations for the development of more sustainable policies, this book offers case studies of rules and practices from across a variety of EU Member States to consider the extent to which public broadcasters are making the transition to public media organisations, and how public broadcasters and governments are shaping Public Service Media together. This book is a must-read for all scholars who take an interest in Public Service Media, media policy and media systems literature at large. It will also be of interest to practitioners working in government, Public Service Media and commercial media.

Public Service Motivation in der Polizei: Eine Grounded Theory Studie zum Diskrepanzerleben nebenberuflich studierender Bediensteter im Polizeivollzugsdienst (Schriftenreihe zur Polizei- und Sicherheitsforschung)

by Annika Dreimann

Public Service Motivation (PSM) beschreibt eine besondere Motivation von Mitarbeitenden im öffentlichen Dienst, auch ohne externe Anreize einen Beitrag zum Gemeinwohl leisten zu wollen. Doch was passiert mit Bediensteten im Polizeivollzugsdienst, wenn sie plötzlich ihre Energie auf ein nebenberufliches Studium lenken? Im vorliegenden Band wurde mittels Grounded Theory Methodik untersucht, ob sich die Motivation für ein nebenberufliches Studium auf die PSM von Bediensteten im Polizeivollzugsdienst auswirkt und welche Faktoren hierbei eine Rolle spielen. Anhand vieler Beispiele wird ein spezifisches Diskrepanzerleben von Mitarbeitenden im Polizeivollzugsdienst erläutert, um das Phänomen besser verstehen zu können. Ein duales Handlungsmodell unterstützt Polizeibehörden sowie Personalverantwortliche dabei, angemessen und zielgerichtet auf das neue Phänomen zu reagieren, um eine langfristige Mitarbeiterbindung sowie den Erhalt der Leistungsbereitschaft und Leistungsfähigkeit im Sinne einer ausgeprägten PSM sicherzustellen.

Public Service Reforms in a Small Island State: The Case of Malta (Public Administration, Governance and Globalization #22)

by Frank Bezzina Emanuel Camilleri Vincent Marmarà

This book provides a detailed examination of public service reforms in Malta. Focusing on both the trajectory and substance of the reforms, the volume provides a holistic treatment of the public sector in the European Union’s smallest member state. The book is divided into four parts. Part I covers the historical background of public service administration and management in Malta from the 1500s to the 2010s. Part II focuses on recent reforms, begun in 2013, after the election of Prime Minister Joseph Muscat. Each chapter in this part addresses a particular reform theme: transparency and accountability; civil service systems and HR management; service delivery and digitalisation; organisation and management of government reforms; policy making, coordination, and implementation. Part III investigates the internal and external impact of the reforms, reporting and analyzing the results of a survey carried out among government employees and the Maltese population. The book concludes with a chapter on global reform trends that are likely to impact public service delivery in the future. Providing an in-depth view of public service in a small island state, this volume will be useful to researchers and students interested in public sector management, administration, and public policy as well as practitioners, consultants, and government employees.

Public Services and EU Competition Law: The Social Market Economy in Action (Routledge-Giappichelli Studies in Law)

by Daniele Gallo

This monograph, which was also designed as a short reference book for specialized undergraduate and graduate courses on EU law, intends to shed light on, and legally frame, the evolution of the doctrine of services of general economic interest (SGEIs). The book emphasizes the pivotal role played by SGEIs in striking a fair balance between market and social objectives. To this end, the book claims, first of all, that SGEIs have a dual nature inasmuch as they act as a limitation to/derogation from the free market and, simultaneously, as a value and positive obligation addressed at national authorities, undertakings, and EU institutions. The EU notions of access to public services and universal service are the clearest signal of such phenomenon. Secondly, the book claims that the transfer of competences from the Union to the Member States and the reaffirmation of Member States’ sovereignty in crucial sectors of the economy are not the only solutions to foster social rights. In fact, this narrative is apt to undermine the foundations, spirit, and purpose of the process of European integration, especially at a time like the present, when new forms of populism and anti-Europeanism are on the rise, and when a European response is imperative to counter the spread of the coronavirus in European countries. The book concludes that SGEIs’ regulation is an area of law where the EU institutions have generally successfully put into action and consolidated the social market economy principles on which the EU was founded. This is even further proof that the EU is not merely the reflection of interests linked to market completion, but also and foremost a ‘Community based on the rule of law’. The book will be a valuable resource for academics and researchers in EU Law, European Public Law and EU competition law.

Public Services and International Trade Liberalization: Human Rights and Gender Implications

by Barnali Choudhury

Does public service liberalization pose a threat to gender and human rights? Traditionally considered essential services provided by a state to its citizens, public services are often viewed as public goods which embody social values. Subjecting them to market ideology thus raises concerns that the intrinsic social nature of these services will be negated. Moreover, as those most likely to be reliant on public services, public service liberalization may also further marginalize women. Nevertheless, states continue to increasingly liberalize public services. Barnali Choudhury explores the implications of public service liberalization. Using primarily a legal approach, but drawing from case studies, empirical research and gender theories, she examines whether liberalization under the General Agreement on Trade in Services and other liberalization vehicles such as preferential trade and investment agreements compromise human rights and gender objectives.

Public Services and the European Union

by Laura Nistor

Politically sensitive and economically important, welfare services such as health care, health insurance and education have opened up a heated debate in the EU. The application of EU law to welfare services raises discontent from the part of the Member States who perceive their systems to be under threat. Resisting to the application of the EU law is sometimes seen as part of protecting those values. This book suggests that this resistance is largely unjustified. EU law is not damaging to welfare systems, but it provides adequate balancing mechanisms to ensure that all interests are protected. The approach taken in analysing the impact of EU law on welfare services is to look at the negative integration process and answer the questions related to the extent to which EU law applies to welfare services and the kinds of safeguards the Court offers for these services. The proportionality principle distinguishes itself as the central element in balancing national and Community interests. Being part of the broader integration process, negative harmonization creates legislative lacunae, and therefore, this book also looks at alternative solutions to the negative harmonization process, namely positive and soft law.

Public Services in EU Law

by Wolf Sauter

In the EU public services, utilities and welfare services can be seen as both building blocks for the internal market and as a persistent irritant in the integration process. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the EU law on public services within the context of European integration. It brings together important analysis of the primary Treaty law, mainly on the internal market and competition, and of the secondary legislation at EU level, including different sector specific regimes. Particular attention is given to case law of the EU courts. This will be essential reading for those looking to have a broader understanding of the subject.

Public Services in EU Trade and Investment Agreements (Legal Issues of Services of General Interest)

by Luigi F. Pedreschi

This book examines the impact of EU trade and investment agreements on public services, a topic that continues to be the subject of heated political debate. It surveys a broad range of EU agreements and provides a comprehensive, up-to-date analysis of the rules and disciplines of such agreements that can affect the provision of public services.Going beyond the existing literature, it asks whether the treatment of public services in EU trade and investment agreements is coherent with the special status of public services in “internal” EU law, specifically internal market law, while also challenging the notion that trade and investment agreements automatically pose serious threats to public services.The book will be of keen interest to legal scholars and students specialising in EU and/or international economic law together with national and international policy-makers.Luigi F. Pedreschi is affiliated to the European University Institute in Florence, Italy, and currently works as a Research Associate at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, also located in Florence.

Public Services Issues with Rare and Archival Law Materials

by Michael Widener

“Rare books and archives come alive when consulted by readers and researchers.” --from the IntroductionIn the administrative and budgetary environment of law librarianship, outstanding reference service is crucial to the survival and growth of special collections. Public Services Issues with Rare and Archival Law Materials offers practical suggestions for putting these valuable special collections to work. Each chapter gives clear, proven advice on making the most of rare book sections and archives to contribute to the mission of their libraries and parent institutions. Public Services Issues with Rare and Archival Law Materials provides a comprehensive overview of issues in using these special collections. It begins with an original study of the research habits of legal historians, which can help you plan a strategy for making your collection more accessible to scholars. It concludes with thoughtful consideration of the ethical issues of using archived papers, balancing the scholar&’s need to understand the inner workings of the legal system against the need for private court deliberations and attorney-client privilege. This wide-ranging book provides the tools you need for keeping archives in active service, including: detailed instructions for the care and use of rare legal materials ideas for creating exhibits and outreach activities, including Web sites suggestions for working with early books on Roman and canon law practical techniques for using archives in litigation and cooperating with attorneys a bibliography of law-related archives and rare-book librarianshipThis essential book will assist rare book librarians and archivists to provide better reference service by providing examples of best practice and solutions to common problems. Public Services Issues with Rare and Archival Law Materials is an indispensable resource for law librarians, archivists, and scholars.

Public Speaking for Criminal Justice Professionals: A Manner of Speaking

by Thomas P Mauriello

Public Speaking for Criminal Justice Professionals: A Manner of Speaking is a one-of-a-kind public speaking guide specifically written for criminal justice professionals, written by a criminal justice professional. Author Thomas Mauriello has worked his entire professional career both as a practitioner and as an educator in the fields of criminal justice and forensic science. This book outlines the public speaking skills he has learned, used, and taught to thousands of criminal justice, forensic science, security, and counterintelligence professionals over the years. The book can either be read from cover-to-cover—to fine tune the reader’s existing oral communication skills—or read in a modular fashion, as a reference guide to focus on certain skills and techniques. A list of over 55 proven, effective presentation tools will be listed, discussed, and demonstrated throughout the book—using illustrated criminal justice and forensic sciences topic examples. Contrary to popular believe, simply knowing your subject or being an expert in the subject does not guarantee a successful presentation. Aristotle, who many recognize as the Father of Public Speaking and Forensic Debate, said it best when he declared, "It is not enough to know what to say, one must know how to say it." This guide focuses on technique and the recognition that a speaker must have of both the subject and the listener. The purpose is to improve readers' skill level and ability to engage and, thereby, inform the listener. Whether preparing to speak to one person, or one thousand people, Public Speaking for Criminal Justice Professionals provides specific techniques for professionals to speaking with confidence, and present effective engaging presentations.

Public Trust

by Sarah Gregory

TRIAL AND ERROR. Beautiful, brainy Texas attorney Sharon Hays thought she knew her way around the labyrinth of the law and the crooked corridors of power. She also thought she could trust her sense as well as her senses when she said yes to a man. Now she was finding out how wrong she might be. She had to take the word of a savage rapist-killer that the D.A. had put the wrong man on death row. She had to take on the top candidate for governor of the Lone Star State in a cutthroat courtroom contest and a campaign of primal terror. And she had to fight losing her head in the arms of a lawyer lover who might be too good to be true. Sharon Hays was in a game of high-power politics and high-voltage passion, where the guilty held all the cards--and to be innocent was to ante up your life. ...

Public Trust in Business

by Jared D. Harris Brian T. Moriarty Andrew C. Wicks Jared D. Harris Brian T. Moriarty

Public trust in business is one of the most important but least understood issues for business leaders, public officials, employees, NGOs and other key stakeholders. This book provides much-needed thinking on the topic. Drawing on the expertise of an international array of experts from academic disciplines including business, sociology, political science and philosophy, it explores long-term strategies for building and maintaining public trust in business. The authors look to new ways of moving forward, by carefully blending the latest academic research with conclusions for future research and practice. They address core drivers of public trust, how to manage it effectively, the consequences of low public trust, and how best to address trust challenges and repair trust when it has been lost. This is a must-read for business practitioners, policy makers and students taking courses in corporate social responsibility or business ethics.

The Public Understanding of Political Integrity

by Jonathan Rose

Through detailed analyses of major and newly available datasets, this study examines the utility of a public probity-focused approach to understanding citizen disaffection with politicians. It shows that perceptions of public probity are coherent, substantively meaningful, responsive, and, most importantly, that they do matter.

Public Value and Social Development (The Frontier of Public Administration in China)

by Bing Wang

This book aims to seek for the truth which connects public value and social development as basis to build a harmony community for individuals as well as society. The book tries to bridge science, technology, economics, politics, history, ethics, and environment under the concept of public values, and reveals the essentials of public policy for individual and social development. The potential audience of the book are officials and policy makers in the public sectors, as well as managers in the private sectors.

Public Vows: A History of Marriage and the Nation

by Nancy F. Cott

We commonly think of marriage as a private matter between two people, a personal expression of love and commitment. In this pioneering history, Nancy F. Cott demonstrates that marriage is and always has been a public institution.

Public Vows: Fictions of Marriage in the English Enlightenment

by Melissa J. Ganz

In eighteenth-century England, the institution of marriage became the subject of heated debates, as clerics, jurists, legislators, philosophers, and social observers began rethinking its contractual foundation. Public Vows argues that these debates shaped English fiction in crucial and previously unrecognized ways and that novels, in turn, played a central role in the debates.Like many legal and social thinkers of their day, novelists such as Daniel Defoe, Samuel Richardson, Frances Burney, Eliza Fenwick, and Amelia Opie imagine marriage as a public institution subject to regulation by church and state rather than a private agreement between two free individuals. Through recurring scenes of infidelity, fraud, and coercion as well as experiments with narrative form, these writers show the practical and ethical problems that result when couples attempt to establish and dissolve unions simply by exchanging consent. Even as novelists seek to shore up the legal regulation of marriage, however, they contest the specific forms that these regulations take.In recovering novelists’ engagements with the nuptial controversies of the Enlightenment, Public Vows challenges longstanding accounts of domestic fiction as contributing to sharp divisions between public and private life and as supporting the traditional, patriarchal family. At the same time, the book counters received views of law and literature, highlighting fiction’s often simultaneous affirmations and critiques of legal authority.

Public Workers: Government Employee Unions, the Law, and the State, 1900-1962

by Joseph E. Slater

From the dawn of the twentieth century to the early 1960s, public-sector unions generally had no legal right to strike, bargain, or arbitrate, and government workers could be fired simply for joining a union. Public Workers is the first book to analyze why public-sector labor law evolved as it did, separate from and much more restrictive than private-sector labor law, and what effect this law had on public-sector unions, organized labor as a whole, and by extension all of American politics. Joseph E. Slater shows how public-sector unions survived, represented their members, and set the stage for the most remarkable growth of worker organization in American history. Slater examines the battles of public-sector unions in the workplace, courts, and political arena, from the infamous Boston police strike of 1919, to teachers in Seattle fighting a yellow-dog rule, to the BSEIU in the 1930s representing public-sector janitors, to the fate of the powerful Transit Workers Union after New York City purchased the subways, to the long struggle by AFSCME that produced the nation's first public-sector labor law in Wisconsin in 1959. Slater introduces readers to a determined and often-ignored segment of the union movement and expands our knowledge of working men and women, the institutions they formed, and the organizational obstacles they faced.

Public Wrongs, Private Actions

by Emile van der Does de Willebois Jean-Pierre Brun Mahesh Uttamchandani Sarah Jais Jeanne Hauch Pascale Helene Dubois Yannis Mekki Katherine Rose Sylvester Anastasia Sotiropoulou

Over the last decade, the topics of corruption and recovery of its proceeds have steadily risen in the international policy agenda, with the entry into force of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) in 2005, the Arab Spring in 2011, and most recently a string of scandals in the financial sector. As states decide how best to respond to corruption and recover assets, the course of action most often discussed is criminal investigation and prosecution rather than private lawsuits. But individuals, organizations, and governments harmed by corruption are also entitled to recover lost assets and/or receive compensation for the damage suffered. To accomplish these goals of recovery and compensation, private or 'civil' actions are often a necessary and useful complement to criminal proceedings. This study explores how states can act as private litigants to bring lawsuits to recover assets lost to corruption.

Publications of the German Historical Institute: Thieves in Court

by Rebekka Habermas Kathleen Mitchell Dell’Orto

From the seemingly insignificant theft of some bread and a dozen apples in nineteenth century rural Germany, to the high courts and modern-day property laws, this English-language translation of Habermas' Diebe vor Gericht explores how everyday incidents of petty stealing and the ordinary people involved in these cases came to shape the current legal system. Habermas draws from an unusual cache of archival documents of theft cases, tracing the evolution and practice of the legal system of Germany through the nineteenth century. This close reading, relying on approaches of legal anthropology, challenges long-standing narratives of legal development, state building, and modern notions of the rule of law. Ideal for legal historians and scholars of modern German and nineteenth-century European history, this innovative volume steps outside the classic narratives of legal history and gives an insight into the interconnectedness of social, legal and criminal history.

Publicity in International Lawmaking: Covert Operations and the Use of Force

by Marie Aronsson-Storrier

This book explores how best to recalibrate our understanding of international lawmaking through the lens of increased reporting and legal debate around covert and quasi-covert uses of force. Recent changes in practice and communication call for closer attention to be paid to the requirement of publicity for state practice, since they challenge the perception of the concepts 'public' and 'covert', and thus raise questions as to the impact that covert and quasi-covert acts do and should have on the development of international law. It is argued that, in order to qualify as such practice, acts must be both publicly known and acknowledged. The book further examines how state silence around covert and quasi-covert operations has opened up significant space for legal scholars and other experts to influence the development of international law.

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