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Public–Private Partnership Projects in Infrastructure: An Essential Guide for Policy Makers

by Delmon Jeffrey

Investment in infrastructure is critical to economic growth, quality of life, poverty reduction, access to education, healthcare, and achieving many of the goals of a robust economy. But infrastructure is difficult for the public sector to get right. Public-private partnerships (PPPs) can help; they provide more efficient procurement, focus on consumer satisfaction and life cycle maintenance, and provide new sources of investment, in particular through limited recourse debt. But PPPs present challenges of their own. This book provides a practical guide to PPPs for policy makers and strategists, showing how governments can enable and encourage PPPs, providing a step-by-step analysis of the development of PPP projects, and explaining how PPP financing works, what PPP contractual structures look like, and how PPP risk allocation works in practice. It includes specific discussion of each infrastructure sector, with a focus on the strategic and policy issues essential for successful development of infrastructure through PPPs.

Publishing and the Law: Current Legal Issues

by Linda S Katz

Get the latest information on new developments in copyright law!This timely volume sheds light on the important legal issues that influence the scholarly publishing world. The often-confusing field of publishing law--including copyright, licensing, liability, electronic publishing, and taxation--is going through an unprecedented upheaval as we move into the twenty-first century. Publishing and the Law: Current Legal Issues offers clear, current explanations of the implications of recent laws and technologies and predicts what further changes to expect. Featuring legal, business, and publishing experts, Publishing and the Law discusses the wide-ranging implications of the decline of fair use, the rise of software licensing, the Communications Decency Act, and such landmark legal cases as LaMacchia, Feist, and Matthew Bender. Questions of ownership, fair use, and licensing--historically a problem for authors such as Twain and Dickens--have become exacerbated by the fact that information is no longer static, but rather fluid and transportable. Publishing and the Law addresses the vital questions of interest to librarians, publishers, and scholars, including: How will changing technologies affect the legal status of libraries, universities, authors, and publishers? What are the latest trends in liability for authors and publishers? How does anti-trust law affect library budgets? Why is copyright giving way to licensing, and what does that mean for libraries? How has the definition of fair use changed? Do attempts to censor the Internet abrogate First Amendment rights? How does electronic publishing force changes to the rules that worked for traditional printed books and journals?In an age of advancing technology, Congress and the courts will be called upon with more and more frequency to maintain a balance between the copyright holder's economic interests and society's right to have access to information. Librarians, university administrators, authors, and publishers can benefit from Publishing and the Law: Current Legal Issues to help them understand current trends in intellectual property law.

Publishing Contracts and the Post Negotiation Space: Lifting the Lid on Publishing’s Black Box of Aspirations, Laws and Money

by Katherine Day

Many writers dream of having their work published by a respected publishing house, but don’t always understand publishing contract terms – what they mean for the contracting parties and how they inform book-publishing practice. In turn, publishers struggle to satisfy authors’ creative expectations against the industry’s commercial demands. This book challenges our perceptions of these author–publisher power imbalances by recasting the publishing contract as a cultural artefact capable of adapting to the industry’s changing landscape. Based on a three-year study of publishing negotiations, Katherine Day reveals how relational contract theory provides possibilities for future negotiations in what she describes as a ‘post negotiation space’. Drawing on the disciplines of cultural studies, law, publishing studies and cultural sociology, this book reveals a unique perspective from publishing professionals and authors within the post negotiation space, presenting the editor as a fundamental agent in the formation and application of publishing’s contractual terms.

Publishing Law

by Hugh Jones Christopher Benson

Publishing Law is an authoritative and engaging guide to a wide range of legal issues affecting publishing today. Hugh Jones and Christopher Benson present readers with clear and accessible guidance to the complex legal areas specific to the ever evolving world of contemporary publishing, including copyright, moral rights, contracts and licensing, privacy, confidentiality, defamation, infringement and trademarks, with analysis of legal issues relating to sales, advertising, marketing, distribution and competition. This new fifth edition presents updated coverage of the key principles of copyright , as well as new copyright exceptions, licensing and open access. There is also further in-depth coverage of the legal issues around the sale of digital content. Key features of the fifth edition include: updated coverage of EU and UK copyright, including a new chapter on copyright exceptions following the significant changes in the 2014 Regulations Comprehensive coverage of publishing contracts with authors, as well as with other providers, including translators, contributors and contracts for subsidiary rights up to date coverage of the Defamation Act 2013, and other changes to EU and UK legislation exploration of the legal issues relating to digital publishing, including eBook and other electronic agreements, data protection and online issues in relation to privacy, and copyright infringement a range of summary checklists on key issues, ranging from copyright ownership to promotion and data protection useful appendices offering an A to Z glossary of legal terms and lists of useful address and further reading.

Un pueblo llamado Gaviotas: El lugar donde se reinventó el mundo

by Alan Weisman

Los Lla nos #la región lluviosa situada en la zona oriental de Colombia, en guerra desde hace décadas# es una de las zonas más hostiles de la Tierra y el sorprendente escenario de una de las historias medioambientales más esperanzadoras jamás contadas. A finales de los 60, un joven experto en desarrollo, Paolo Lugari, se preguntó si la casi desierta y árida región podría hacerse habitable para la creciente población de su país. No podía imaginar que cuarenta años más tarde su experimento constituiría uno de los ejemplos más importantes de desarrollo sostenible, un pueblo permanente llamado Gaviotas.

La puerta estrecha

by André Gide

Narrada en forma de confesión íntima, este libro bellísimo denuncia los extravíos de una moral austera y puritana, capaz de negar las leyes de la naturaleza y de la vida. Jérôme Palissier es un delicado joven parisino que pasa los veranos en la casa de campo de su tío, en Normandía. Durante uno de esos veranos él y su prima Alissa se enamoran profundamente. Sin embargo, ella se convence poco a poco de que la apasionada alma de su amado corre peligro; para salvarlo, decide recorrer el camino de la renuncia y el ascetismo espiritual. Reseña:«Gide, a quien he podido admirar por vez primera en este libro, es dueño inusitado del mundo que describe. En él todo sirve a un propósito, y de esa firmeza nacen las finas ramificaciones que, como la savia, alimentan al libro apaciblemente, hasta sus márgenes inconmensurables.»Rainer Maria Rilke

Puerto Rico and the Origins of U.S. Global Empire: The Disembodied Shade (Law and the Postcolonial)

by Charles R. Venator-Santiago

Drawing on a postcolonial legal history of the United States’ territorial expansionism, this book provides an analysis of the foundations of its global empire. Charles R. Venator-Santiago argues that the United States has developed three traditions of territorial expansionism with corresponding constitutional interpretations, namely colonialist, imperialist, and global expansionist. This book offers an alternative interpretation of the origins of US global expansion, suggesting it began with the tradition of territorial expansionism following the 1898 Spanish–American War to legitimate the annexation of Puerto Rico and other non-contiguous territories. The relating constitutional interpretation grew out of the 1901 Insular Cases in which the Supreme Court coined the notion of an unincorporated territory to describe the 1900 Foraker Act’s normalization of the prevailing military territorial policies. Since then the United States has invoked the ensuing precedents to legitimate a wide array of global policies, including the ‘war on terror’. Puerto Rico and the Origins of US Global Empire: The Disembodied Shade combines a unique study of Puerto Rican legal history with a new interpretation of contemporary US policy. As such, it provides a valuable resource for students and scholars of the legal and historical disciplines, especially those with a specific interest in American and postcolonial studies.

A Puget Sound Orca in Captivity: The Fight To Bring Lolita Home

by Sandra Pollard David Neiwert

On August 8, 1970, the Southern Resident orcas of Puget Sound were herded into Penn Cove on Whidbey Island by explosives, spotter planes and speedboats in a coordinated effort to capture seven young whales. Between 1964 and 1976, dozens of these now-endangered orcas were torn from their home and sent to marine parks around the globe. Just over a decade later, all but one had died. This lone survivor is Tokitae, also known as Lolita, and she's spent most of her life performing at the Miami Seaquarium. For twenty years, the Orca Network has called for her release, and now the indigenous Lummi Nation, People of the Sea, have joined the fight. Author Sandra Pollard chronicles the extraordinary effort to bring Tokitae home.

Puget Sound Whales for Sale: The Fight to End Orca Hunting

by Sandra Pollard

A look at the history of the commercial capturing of orcas in Washington’s Puget Sound, the whales taken, and the efforts to save them. In November, 2005, Washington’s iconic killer whales, known as Southern Resident orcas, were placed on the endangered species list. It was a victory long overdue for a fragile population of fewer than one hundred whales. Author and certified marine naturalist Sandra Pollard traces the story and destinies of the many Southern Resident orcas captured for commercial purposes in or near the Puget Sound between 1964 and 1976. During this time, these highly intelligent members of the dolphin family lost nearly one-third of their population. Drawing on original archive material, this important volume outlines the history of orca captivity while also recounting the harrowing struggle—and ultimate triumph—for the Puget Sound orcas’ freedom.“Making liberal use of interviews, correspondence and newspaper accounts, as well as less intensive use of legislative, governmental, and nonprofit records, Pollard constructs an easily digestible narrative for lay individuals curious about the hunting of Puget Sound’s Northern and Southern Resident killer whale groups between 1965 and 1976. Puget Sound Whales for Sale significantly succeeds the former (Blackfish) in breadth and depth.” —Pacific Northwest Quarterly

Pulled Over: How Police Stops Define Race and Citizenship (Chicago Series in Law and Society)

by Steven Maynard-Moody Charles R. Epp Donald Haider-Markel

In sheer numbers, no form of government control comes close to the police stop. Each year, twelve percent of drivers in the United States are stopped by the police, and the figure is almost double among racial minorities. Police stops are among the most recognizable and frequently criticized incidences of racial profiling, but, while numerous studies have shown that minorities are pulled over at higher rates, none have examined how police stops have come to be both encouraged and institutionalized. Pulled Over deftly traces the strange history of the investigatory police stop, from its discredited beginning as "aggressive patrolling” to its current status as accepted institutional practice. Drawing on the richest study of police stops to date, the authors show that who is stopped and how they are treated convey powerful messages about citizenship and racial disparity in the United States. For African Americans, for instance, the experience of investigatory stops erodes the perceived legitimacy of police stops and of the police generally, leading to decreased trust in the police and less willingness to solicit police assistance or to self-censor in terms of clothing or where they drive. This holds true even when police are courteous and respectful throughout the encounters and follow seemingly colorblind institutional protocols. With a growing push in recent years to use local police in immigration efforts, Hispanics stand poised to share African Americans’ long experience of investigative stops. In a country that celebrates democracy and racial equality, investigatory stops have a profound and deleterious effect on African American and other minority communities that merits serious reconsideration. Pulled Over offers practical recommendations on how reforms can protect the rights of citizens and still effectively combat crime.

Punished for Aging: Vulnerability, Rights, and Access to Justice in Canadian Penitentiaries

by Adeline Iftene

Built around the experiences of older prisoners, Punished for Aging looks at the challenges individuals face in Canadian penitentiaries and their struggles for justice. Through firsthand accounts and quantitative data drawn from extensive interviews, this book brings forward the experiences of federally incarcerated people living their "golden years" behind bars. These experiences show the limited ability of the system to respond to heightened needs, while also raising questions about how international and national laws and policies are applied, and why they fail to ensure the safety and well-being of incarcerated individuals. In so doing, Adelina Iftene explores the shortcomings of institutional processes, prison-monitoring mechanisms, and legal remedies available in courts and tribunals, which leave prisoners vulnerable to rights abuses. Some of the problems addressed in this book are not new; however, the demographic shift and the increase in people dying in prisons after long, inadequately addressed illnesses, with few release options, adds a renewed sense of urgency to reform. Working from the interview data, contextualized by participants’ lived experiences, and building on previous work, Iftene seeks solutions for such reform, hich would constitute a significant step forward not only in protecting older prisoners, but in consolidating the status of incarcerated individuals as holders of substantive rights.

Punishing Atrocities through a Fair Trial: International Criminal Law From Nuremberg To The Age Of Global Terrorism

by Jonathan Hafetz

Over the past decades, international criminal law has evolved to become the operative norm for addressing the worst atrocities. Tribunals have conducted hundreds of trials addressing mass violence in the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Cambodia, and other countries to bring to justice perpetrators of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. <P><P>But international courts have struggled to hold perpetrators accountable for these offenses while still protecting the fair trial rights of defendants. Punishing Atrocities through a Fair Trial explores this tension, from criticism of the Nuremberg Trials as 'victor's justice' to the accusations of political motivations clouding prosecutions today by the International Criminal Court. It explains why international criminal law must adhere to transparent principles of legality and due process to ensure its future as a legitimate and viable legal regime.<P> Provides a new framework for conceptualizing developments in international criminal law.<P> Discusses various aspects of fairness in international criminal proceedings.<P> Highlights the tension between accountability and due process when prosecuting atrocities.<P>

Punishing Immigrants: Policy, Politics, and Injustice (New Perspectives in Crime, Deviance, and Law #15)

by Marjorie S. Zatz Ramiro Martínez Charis E. Kubrin

Arizona's controversial new immigration bill is just the latest of many steps in the new criminalization of immigrants. While many cite the presumed criminality of illegal aliens as an excuse for ever-harsher immigration policies, it has in fact been well-established that immigrants commit less crime, and in particular less violent crime, than the native-born and that their presence in communities is not associated with higher crime rates. Punishing Immigrants moves beyond debunking the presumed crime and immigration linkage, broadening the focus to encompass issues relevant to law and society, immigration and refugee policy, and victimization, as well as crime. The original essays in this volume uncover and identify the unanticipated and hidden consequences of immigration policies and practices here and abroad at a time when immigration to the U.S. is near an all-time high. Ultimately, Punishing Immigrants illuminates the nuanced and layered realities of immigrants' lives, describing the varying complexities surrounding immigration, crime, law, and victimization. Podcast: Susan Bibler Coutin, on the process and effects of deportation --Listen here.

Punishing Places: The Geography of Mass Imprisonment

by Jessica T. Simes

Punishing Places applies a unique spatial analysis to mass incarceration in the United States. It demonstrates that our highest imprisonment rates are now in small cities, suburbs, and rural areas. Jessica Simes argues that mass incarceration should be conceptualized as one of the legacies of U.S. racial residential segregation, but that a focus on large cities has diverted vital scholarly and policy attention away from communities affected most by mass incarceration today. This book presents novel measures for estimating the community-level effects of incarceration using spatial, quantitative, and qualitative methods. This analysis has broad and urgent implications for policy reforms aimed at ameliorating the community effects of mass incarceration and promoting alternatives to the carceral system.

Punishing Poverty: How Bail and Pretrial Detention Fuel Inequalities in the Criminal Justice System

by Christine S. Scott-Hayward Henry F. Fradella

Most people in jail have not been convicted of a crime. Instead, they have been accused of a crime and cannot afford to post the bail amount to guarantee their freedom until trial. Punishing Poverty examines how the current system of pretrial release detains hundreds of thousands of defendants awaiting trial. Tracing the historical antecedents of the US bail system, with particular attention to the failures of bail reform efforts in the mid to late twentieth century, the authors describe the painful social and economic impact of contemporary bail decisions. The first book-length treatment to analyze how bail reproduces racial and economic inequality throughout the criminal justice system, Punishing Poverty explores reform efforts, as jurisdictions begin to move away from money bail systems, and the attempts of the bail bond industry to push back against such reforms. This accessibly written book gives a succinct overview of the role of pretrial detention in fueling mass incarceration and is essential reading for researchers and reformers alike.

Punishment (Key Ideas in Criminology)

by Rob Canton

This book explores the concept of punishment: its meaning and significance, not least to those subject to it; its social, political and emotional contexts; its role in the criminal justice system; and the difficulties of bringing punishment to an end. It explores how levels of criminal punishment could and should be reduced, without compromising moral standards, public safety or the rights of victims of crime. Core contents include: Why punishment matters, the salience of emotions in its various discourses and the role of culture. The politicisation of punishment and legitimacy. The penal system, the prominence of the prison in research on punishment and the role of community sanctions. The aims of punishment, its limits and the role of power. The ethics of punishment and human rights. Punishment and social order. This book is essential reading for all criminologists, as well as students taking courses on punishment, penology, prisons and the criminal justice system.

Punishment: Rhetoric, Rule, and Practice (Routledge Revivals)

by Christopher Harding Richard W. Ireland

First published in 1989, Punishment examines the practice of punishment, not simply as a typical sanction employed by the state but as a pervasive feature of social organisation in both past and contemporary societies. With depth and rigour, they consider penal practice in a variety of historical and cultural contexts, such as the family, kinship and tribal groupings, small communities, educational institutions, the workplace and the commercial environment, criminal organisations, and the wider international community, as well as that of the state. In this way they widen the scope of the debate about the use of punishment as an instrument of human organisation, presenting different perspectives on the phenomenon of punishment and questioning the boundaries between different disciplines – juridical, philosophical, sociological, psychological and historical – within which the subject has been considered in the past. This book will be of interest to students and teachers of history, sociology, criminology, law, philosophy and psychology.

Punishment: A Legal Thriller

by Linda Rocker

It was a day like any other at the West Palm Beach courthouse -- that is until the bomb went off and set the mayhem in motion. Bailiff Casey Portman arrived too late for her morning coffee, but early enough to see the beginning of a series of mishaps, mistakes, and murders that would tie the justice system in knots. At the center of it all is the trial of the decade in her judge's courtroom, a case nicknamed a "Dogicide" for the man charged with murder using his pit bull as a weapon.

Punishment: The gripping international bestseller

by Ferdinand von Schirach

A young lawyer puts aside her sense of justice to succeed at her new firm. A man who values silence is driven to murder by his noisy neighbours. A cheated wife seeks revenge.How do you decide what punishment fits the crime?Our narrator is a man you'd never want to meet unless you really needed him. A nameless criminal defence lawyer, he coolly narrates the fate of twelve characters who cross his path. In spare, gripping prose, he tells their stories, uncovering the loneliness and alienation, desire and desperation which drive their choices and shape the consequences they face. Drawn from Ferdinand von Schirach's eminent career as a criminal defence lawyer, Punishment masterfully treads the line between fiction and truth, each meticulously crafted story crackling with white-knuckle suspense and vivid characters who stay with you long after the final page.

Punishment: The gripping international bestseller

by Ferdinand von Schirach

A young lawyer puts aside her sense of justice to succeed at her new firm. A man who values silence is driven to murder by his noisy neighbours. A cheated wife seeks revenge.How do you decide what punishment fits the crime?Our narrator is a man you'd never want to meet unless you really needed him. A nameless criminal defence lawyer, he coolly narrates the fate of twelve characters who cross his path. In spare, gripping prose, he tells their stories, uncovering the loneliness and alienation, desire and desperation which drive their choices and shape the consequences they face. Drawn from Ferdinand von Schirach's eminent career as a criminal defence lawyer, Punishment masterfully treads the line between fiction and truth, each meticulously crafted story crackling with white-knuckle suspense and vivid characters who stay with you long after the final page. Translated from the German by Katharina Hall

Punishment and Inclusion: Race, Membership, and the Limits of American Liberalism

by Andrew Dilts

At the start of the twenty-first century, 1 percent of the U.S. population is behind bars. An additional 3 percent is on parole or probation. In all but two states, incarcerated felons cannot vote, and in three states felon disenfranchisement is for life. More than 5 million adult Americans cannot vote because of a felony-class criminal conviction, meaning that more than 2 percent of otherwise eligible voters are stripped of their political rights. Nationally, fully a third of the disenfranchised are African American, effectively disenfranchising 8 percent of all African Americans in the United States. In Alabama, Kentucky, and Florida, one in every five adult African Americans cannot vote. Punishment and Inclusion gives a theoretical and historical account of this pernicious practice of felon disenfranchisement, drawing widely on early modern political philosophy, continental and postcolonial political thought, critical race theory, feminist philosophy, disability theory, critical legal studies, and archival research into state constitutional conventions. It demonstrates that the history of felon disenfranchisement, rooted in postslavery restrictions on suffrage and the contemporaneous emergence of the modern “American” penal system, reveals the deep connections between two political institutions often thought to be separate, showing the work of membership done by the criminal punishment system and the work of punishment done by the electoral franchise. Felon disenfranchisement is a symptom of the tension that persists in democratic politics between membership and punishment. This book shows how this tension is managed via the persistence of white supremacy in contemporary regimes of punishment and governance.

Punishment and Inequality in America

by Bruce Western

Over the last thirty years, the prison population in the United States has increased more than seven-fold to over two million people, including vastly disproportionate numbers of minorities and people with little education. For some racial and educational groups, incarceration has become a depressingly regular experience, and prison culture and influence pervade their communities. Almost 60 percent of black male high school drop-outs in their early thirties have spent time in prison. In Punishment and Inequality in America, sociologist Bruce Western explores the recent era of mass incarceration and the serious social and economic consequences it has wrought. Punishment and Inequality in America dispels many of the myths about the relationships among crime, imprisonment, and inequality. While many people support the increase in incarceration because of recent reductions in crime, Western shows that the decrease in crime rates in the 1990s was mostly fueled by growth in city police forces and the pacification of the drug trade. Getting "tough on crime" with longer sentences only explains about 10 percent of the fall in crime, but has come at a significant cost. Punishment and Inequality in America reveals a strong relationship between incarceration and severely dampened economic prospects for former inmates. Western finds that because of their involvement in the penal system, young black men hardly benefited from the economic boom of the 1990s. Those who spent time in prison had much lower wages and employment rates than did similar men without criminal records. The losses from mass incarceration spread to the social sphere as well, leaving one out of ten young black children with a father behind bars by the end of the 1990s, thereby helping perpetuate the damaging cycle of broken families, poverty, and crime. The recent explosion of imprisonment is exacting heavy costs on American society and exacerbating inequality. Whereas college or the military were once the formative institutions in young men's lives, prison has increasingly usurped that role in many communities. Punishment and Inequality in America profiles how the growth in incarceration came about and the toll it is taking on the social and economic fabric of many American communities.

Punishment and Inequality in America

by Bruce Western

Over the last thirty years, the prison population in the United States has increased more than seven-fold to over two million people, including vastly disproportionate numbers of minorities and people with little education. For some racial and educational groups, incarceration has become a depressingly regular experience, and prison culture and influence pervade their communities. Almost 60 percent of black male high school drop-outs in their early thirties have spent time in prison. In Punishment and Inequality in America, sociologist Bruce Western explores the recent era of mass incarceration and the serious social and economic consequences it has wrought. Punishment and Inequality in America dispels many of the myths about the relationships among crime, imprisonment, and inequality. While many people support the increase in incarceration because of recent reductions in crime, Western shows that the decrease in crime rates in the 1990s was mostly fueled by growth in city police forces and the pacification of the drug trade. Getting “tough on crime” with longer sentences only explains about 10 percent of the fall in crime, but has come at a significant cost. Punishment and Inequality in America reveals a strong relationship between incarceration and severely dampened economic prospects for former inmates. Western finds that because of their involvement in the penal system, young black men hardly benefited from the economic boom of the 1990s. Those who spent time in prison had much lower wages and employment rates than did similar men without criminal records. The losses from mass incarceration spread to the social sphere as well, leaving one out of ten young black children with a father behind bars by the end of the 1990s, thereby helping perpetuate the damaging cycle of broken families, poverty, and crime. The recent explosion of imprisonment is exacting heavy costs on American society and exacerbating inequality. Whereas college or the military were once the formative institutions in young men’s lives, prison has increasingly usurped that role in many communities. Punishment and Inequality in America profiles how the growth in incarceration came about and the toll it is taking on the social and economic fabric of many American communities.

Punishment and Madness: Governing Prisoners with Mental Health Problems

by Toby Seddon

The focus of this book is on the government of prisoners with mental health problems in England and Wales over the last twenty-five years. The wider context and backdrop to the book is the shift to 'late modernity', which, since the 1970s has seen massive structural change in most Western societies, affecting the social, economic and cultural spheres, as well as the field of crime and punishment. This book investigates whether these profound transformations have also led to a reconfiguring of responses to mentally vulnerable offenders who end up in prison. Specifically, it explores how this group of prisoners has come to be viewed increasingly as sources of 'risk', requiring 'management' or containment, rather than as people suitable for therapeutic responses. The book draws on primary research carried out by the author, including interviews with key informants involved in the field during this period, such as former cabinet ministers, senior civil servants, campaigners and academics. In conducting this investigation, the author has developed a method of research which combines and synthesizes different forms of analysis to create a novel approach to socio-historical research.

Punishment and Modern Society: A Study in Social Theory (Studies In Crime And Justice Ser.)

by David Garland

In this path-breaking book, David Garland argues that punishment is a complex social institution that affects both social relations and cultural meanings. Drawing on theorists from Durkheim to Foucault, he insightfully critiques the entire spectrum of social thought concerning punishment, and reworks it into a new interpretive synthesis. "Punishment and Modern Society is an outstanding delineation of the sociology of punishment. At last the process that is surely the heart and soul of criminology, and perhaps of sociology as well—punishment—has been rescued from the fringes of these 'disciplines'. . . . This book is a first-class piece of scholarship."—Graeme Newman, Contemporary Sociology "Garland's treatment of the theorists he draws upon is erudite, faithful and constructive. . . . Punishment and Modern Society is a magnificent example of working social theory."—John R. Sutton, American Journal of Sociology "Punishment and Modern Society lifts contemporary penal issues from the mundane and narrow contours within which they are so often discussed and relocates them at the forefront of public policy. . . . This book will become a landmark study."—Andrew Rutherford, Legal Studies "This is a superbly intelligent study. Its comprehensive coverage makes it a genuine review of the field. Its scholarship and incisiveness of judgment will make it a constant reference work for the initiated, and its concluding theoretical synthesis will make it a challenge and inspiration for those undertaking research and writing on the subject. As a state-of-the-art account it is unlikely to be bettered for many a year."—Rod Morgan, British Journal of Criminology Winner of both the Outstanding Scholarship Award of the Crime and Delinquency Division of the Society for the Study of Social Problems and the Distinguished Scholar Award from the American Sociological Association's Crime, Law, and Deviance Section

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