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Sovereignty Referendums in International and Constitutional Law

by İlker Gökhan Şen

This book focuses on sovereignty referendums, which have been used throughout different historical periods of democratization, decolonization, devolution, secession and state creation. Referendums on questions of sovereignty and self-determination have been a significant element of the international political and legal landscape since the French Revolution, and have been a central element in the resolution of territorial issues from the referendum in Avignon in 1791 until today. More recent examples include Quebec, East Timor, New Caledonia, Puerto Rico and South Sudan. The global aim of this book is to achieve a better empirical and legal understanding of sovereignty referendums and related problems in international and national law and politics. Accordingly, it presents readers a comprehensive study of sovereignty referendums from the perspectives of both international and constitutional law.

Sovereignty, Statehood and State Responsibility

by Christine Chinkin Freya Baetens

This collection of essays focusses on the following concepts: sovereignty (the unique, intangible and yet essential characteristic of states), statehood (what it means to be a state, and the process of acquiring or losing statehood) and state responsibility (the legal component of what being a state entails). The unifying theme is that they have always been and will in the future continue to form a crucial part of the foundations of public international law. While many publications focus on new actors in international law such as international organisations, individuals, companies, NGOs and even humanity as a whole, this book offers a timely, thought-provoking and innovative reappraisal of the core actors on the international stage: states. It includes reflections on the interactions between states and non-state actors and on how increasing participation by and recognition of the latter within international law has impacted upon the role and attributes of statehood.

Sovereignty's Entailments: First Nation State Formation in the Yukon

by Paul Nadasdy

In recent decades, indigenous peoples in the Yukon have signed land claim and self-government agreements that spell out the nature of government-to-government relations and grant individual First Nations significant, albeit limited, powers of governance over their peoples, lands, and resources. Those agreements, however, are predicated on the assumption that if First Nations are to qualify as governments at all, they must be fundamentally state-like, and they frame First Nation powers in the culturally contingent idiom of sovereignty. Based on over five years of ethnographic research [carried out] in the southwest Yukon, Sovereignty’s Entailments is a close ethnographic analysis of everyday practices of state formation in a society whose members do not take for granted the cultural entailments of sovereignty. This approach enables Nadasdy to illustrate the full scope and magnitude of the "cultural revolution" that is state formation and expose the culturally specific assumptions about space, time, and sociality that lie at the heart of sovereign politics. Nadasdy’s timely and insightful work illuminates how the process of state formation is transforming Yukon Indian people’s relationships with one another, animals, and the land.

Sowing the Dragon's Teeth: Land Mines and the Global Legacy of War

by Philip C. Winslow

[Back Cover[] Each year an estimated twenty-six thousand people are killed or maimed by land mines-- more than 100 million of them sown like the mythical dragon's teeth in over seventy countries. These weapons are designed to maim soldiers, but most victims are civilians, especially the rural poor. Winslow writes about these people and the Campaign to Ban Landmines (which was awarded The Nobel Peace Prize in 1997). He tells about the efforts to pull the dragon's teeth from the earth so that it can be restored to those who live on it. Philip Winslow transports readers to the villages of eastern Angola to witness the daily havoc wreaked by land mines in a country struggling to keep a fragile peace. . .. Sowing the Dragon's Teeth makes a strong case that a ban [on land mines]--championed by the late Princess Diana--is a necessity.

Soziale Netzwerke – Die Familie von heute: Recht und Politik der Regulierung

by Vanessa Kirch

Soziale Netzwerke haben eine Fülle von Problemen in Bezug auf die Privatsphäre und den Schutz personenbezogener Daten aufgeworfen. Die Nutzung sozialer Netzwerke ist zu einem zentralen Anliegen von Rechtswissenschaftlern, politischen Entscheidungsträgern und den Betreibern sowie den Nutzern dieser sozialen Netzwerke geworden. Dieses bahnbrechende Buch beleuchtet die Bedeutung des Datenschutzes im Zusammenhang mit den neuen elektronischen Kommunikationstechnologien von heute, da es widersprüchliche Ansprüche zum Schutz der nationalen und internationalen Sicherheit, der Freiheit des Internets und wirtschaftlicher Überlegungen aufzeigt. Auf der Grundlage des intellektuellen Rahmens der New Haven School of Jurisprudence stellt der Autor das geltende Recht zum Schutz der Privatsphäre und zu sozialen Medien in internationaler und vergleichender Perspektive dar und konzentriert sich dabei auf die Vereinigten Staaten, die Europäische Union und ihre Allgemeine Datenschutzverordnung von 2018 sowie auf Deutschland, das Vereinigte Königreich und Lateinamerika. Das Buch bewertet das geltende Recht, erörtert Alternativen und gibt Empfehlungen für eine öffentliche Ordnung der Menschenwürde. Übersetzt mit (kostenlose Version)

Sozialklimawandel in der Komfortgesellschaft: Konsumbasierte Verletzungen und Illusionen

by Günther Rosenberger

Anlass für dieses Buchs sind die zunehmende Kälte im Umgang der Bürger miteinander und ihre mangelnde Empathie: normenverletzendes Handeln zulasten der Mitmenschen, Hassausbrüche in sozialen Netzen, Übergriffigkeiten jeder Art. Oft wird vor einem Auseinanderfallen des gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhangs gewarnt, manche Protestformen gewinnen gar bürgerkriegsähnlichen Charakter. Welche Rolle spielen dabei hedonistischer Konsum, Identitätszweifel, die Suche nach Selbstwert und eskapistisches Verhalten? Wo die Ursachen dieses Sozialklimawandels zu suchen sind, untersucht das Buch anhand zeittypischen Verhaltens.


by Sebastian Göse

Das Buch unterstützt Unternehmen bei der Integration von Menschen mit Behinderung in den 1. Arbeitsmarkt. So versucht die Case Study ein Grundverständnis dafür zu schaffen, welche Herausforderungen das Management von Sozialunternehmen beinhaltet. Dazu werden insbesondere Themen aus der Personalführung, dem Personalmanagement, der Unternehmenskultur sowie die besonderen Bedürfnisse von Menschen mit Handicap analysiert. Darüber hinaus wird erarbeitet, was ein „Social Business“ von „Social Entrepreneurship“ oder „Social Enterprise“ unterscheidet. Außerdem wird das Social Business mit Blick auf die direkte und indirekte Erfüllung gesellschaftlicher Bedürfnisse mit dem „Commercial Business“ verglichen. So wird herausgearbeitet, wie speziell Sozialunternehmen als neue Unternehmensform Menschen mit Handicap helfen und von diesen genutzt werden können. Die Case Study beschreibt, wie ein Businessplan von einem Unternehmen in der Sozialwirtschaft aussehen könnte. Darüber hinaus wird die spezielle Unternehmenskultur am Beispiel der AfB gGmbH diskutiert und wie sich diese von der herkömmlicher Unternehmen unterscheidet. Des Weiteren werden die besonderen Herausforderungen bei der Akquise von Menschen mit Handicap und deren Integration in ein Unternehmen behandelt.So setzen sich die Bearbeiterinnen und Bearbeiter mit den Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten der AfB gGmbH auseinander und entwickeln ein nachhaltiges Konzept zur gewünschten Expansion des Unternehmens.Die Leuphana Case Studies sind ein Projekt, das in Zusammenarbeit mit kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen erstellt und entwickelt worden ist. Sie sind ein Lehrbuch, mit dessen Hilfe Unternehmen, die vor ähnlichen Herausforderungen stehen, selbige bewältigen können. Dafür ist keine Hilfe von Dritten notwendig. Auf Grundlage der einzelnen Case Studies werden den Bearbeiterinnen und Bearbeitern elementare Werkzeuge aus der wissenschaftlichen Theorie erklärt. Diese können sie anwenden, um mit den Insiderkenntnissen des eigenen Unternehmens Prozesse zu optimieren, Ziele entwickeln und erreichen oder schwierige Herausforderungen zu bewältigen.

Sozialwirtschaft kompakt: Grundzüge der Sozialwirtschaftslehre (essentials)

by Wolf Rainer Wendt

Dieses essential enthält eine kurze und prägnante Darstellung der Theorie sozialen Wirtschaftens. Es erhellt den Handlungsbereich der personenbezogenen Wohlfahrtsproduktion im sozialen Versorgungssystem und im organisierten Zusammenwirken professioneller, frei engagierter und selbstbetroffener Akteure. In der Sozialwirtschaftslehre wird die Erbringung sozialer und gesundheitsbezogener Leistungen institutionell und funktional begriffen.

Soziologie der Würde: Eine Einführung in ihre Problemzugänge, Analysen und Befunde

by Friedrich W. Stallberg

Dieses Studienbuch bietet eine soziologische Einführung in die konfliktreiche Welt der Menschenwürde. In Abgrenzung zum vorherrschenden normativen Verständnis von Würde wird diese als eine Achtung und Autonomie anstrebende individuelle Handlungsorientierung beschrieben, die interaktiv und institutionell geformt ist, und deren Erfolgschancen von den umfassenden gesellschaftlichen Verhältnissen abhängen. Da sich Würde im Alltag erst in Situationen der Bedrohtheit und Beschädigung als für Lebensführung und Identität unentbehrlich zu erkennen gibt, konzentriert sich auch die Darstellung ihrer Realität auf Risiken, Formen und zentrale Schauplätze ihrer Beeinträchtigung.

Space and Fates of International Law: Between Leibniz and Hobbes (ASIL Studies in International Legal Theory)

by Ekaterina Yahyaoui Krivenko

The book offers the first analysis of the influence exercised by the concept of space on the emergence and continuing operation of international law. By adopting a historical perspective and analysing work of two central early modern thinkers – Leibniz and Hobbes – it offers a significant addition to a limited range of resources on early modern history of international law. The book traces links between concepts of space, universality, human cognition, law, and international law in these two early modern thinkers in a comparative fashion. Through this analysis, the book demonstrates the dependency of the contemporary international law on the Hobbesian concept of space. Although some Leibnizian elements continue to operate, they are distorted. This continuing operation of Leibnizian elements is explained by the inability of international law, which is based on the Hobbesian concept of space, to ensure universality of its normative foundation.

Space and the Memories of Violence

by Estela Schindel Pamela Colombo

Authors from a variety of disciplines dealing with diverse historical cases engage with the spatial deployment of violence and the possibilities for memory and resistance in contexts of state sponsored violence, enforced disappearances and regimes of exception. Contributors include Aleida Assmann, Jay Winter and David Harvey.

Space Business: Emerging Theory and Practice

by William W. Baber Arto Ojala

This book is an academic investigation of commercial activities of firms in the space related industries and those utilizing services provided by space technology firms. These firms and their activities are part of the “New Space” concept where space related commercial activities are undertaken and funded by private firms rather than government institutions. New Space is leading to business model innovation and new theory about space business activities including upstream and downstream commercial activities. Upstream value chains include activities prior to turnover of launched systems to operators. Downstream value chains include operation of systems in space as well as the transfer, processing, and sale of space-based data and data services. The commercial activities of space business now reach into everyday lives of most humans from banking and disaster management to resource monitoring to tourism. With such broad reach, the New Space ecosystem is rapidly developing in importance and complexity.

Space Capacity Building in the XXI Century (Studies in Space Policy #22)

by Stefano Ferretti

This book, edited by the European Space Policy Institute, is the first international publication, following UNISPACE+50, to analyze how space capacity building can empower the international community towards fully accessing all the economic and societal benefits that space assets and data can offer. New innovation models are increasingly spreading across various sectors and disciplines, including space, which is becoming an integral part of many societal activities (e.g. telecoms, weather, climate change and environmental monitoring, civil protection, infrastructures, transportation and navigation, healthcare and education). The book helps readers construct their own space capacity building roadmaps, which take into account key stakeholders and also new private actors, NGOs and civil society. Starting from a policy and strategy perspective, it addresses key aspects of capacity building, including innovation and exploration, global health, climate change and resilient societies. It outlines the available options and summarizes the ideal programmatic conditions for their successful implementation. Showcasing reflections from a range of senior space professionals around the world, with their unique perspectives and solutions, it provides a rich mosaic in which various cultural and policy approaches to space are translated into actionable programs and ideas so that space may truly benefit all of humankind.

Space Criminology: Analysing Human Relationships with Outer Space (Palgrave Studies in Green Criminology)

by Jack Lampkin Rob White

As humans expand the frequency and scale of interactions off-planet, Space Criminology ponders the nature of crime, harm and transgression in outer space and possible responses to these. The first book of its kind, it discusses the dynamics of space crime, from those involving powerful elites through to those associated with the mundane interactions of people living and working in space. It is essential reading for anyone interested in extra-terrestrial crime, space law, and criminal justice.

Space Debris Peril: Pathways to Opportunities

by M. Madi and O. Sokolova

"This book provides up-to-date knowledge of space debris and valuable insights on how to grapple with this issue from legal, technical, economical and societal aspects. I would strongly recommend that everyone who is working on space development and utilizations and even non-specialists once read this book and think over how human being should be faced with this issue." –Prof. Shinichi Nakasuka, University of Tokyo, Japan Space Debris Peril: Pathways to Opportunities takes readers through the wide spectrum of problems created by space debris – including technical, political, legal and socio-economical aspects – and suggests ways to mitigate its negative consequences and create new opportunities. With chapter contributions from authors at world-renowned universities, private or public entities, and research institutes active in the field of space debris mitigation, space policy and law, risk and resilience, liability and insurance, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to the subject helping the reader to grasp the whole picture of the current space debris remediation challenges. This book will be of interest to the scientific communities, policy makers, business developers, (re)insurers and international standards developers for space operations and orbital debris mitigation. Also, it should appeal to a broader audience among non-specialists in various sectors and the general public. Key features: Brings together interdisciplinary perspectives on the topic in one, cohesive book Chapter contributions from specialists in this interdisciplinary field from around the globe Up-to-date information with the latest developments

Space Fostering African Societies: Developing the African Continent through Space, Part 2 (Southern Space Studies)

by Annette Froehlich

This peer-reviewed book provides detailed insights into how space and its applications are, and can be used to support the development of the full range and diversity of African societies, as encapsulated in the African Union’s Agenda 2063. Following on from Part 1, which was highly acclaimed by the space community, it focuses on the role of space in supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Africa, but covers an even more extensive array of relevant and timely topics addressing all facets of African development. It demonstrates that, while there have been significant achievements in recent years in terms of economic and social development, which have lifted many of Africa’s people out of poverty, there is still a great deal that needs to be done to fulfill the basic needs of Africa's citizens and afford them the dignity they deserve. To this end, space is already being employed in diverse fields of human endeavor to serve Africa’s goals for its future, but there is much room for further incorporation of space systems and data. Providing a comprehensive overview of the role space is playing in helping Africa achieve its developmental aspirations, the book will appeal to both students and professionals in fields such as space studies, international relations, governance, and social and rural development.

Space Fostering African Societies: Developing the African Continent Through Space, Part 3 (Southern Space Studies)

by Annette Froehlich

This peer-reviewed book provides detailed insights into how space and its applications are, and can be used to support the development of the full range and diversity of African societies, as encapsulated in the African Union’s Agenda 2063. Following on from Part 1 and 2, which were highly acclaimed by the space community, it focuses on the role of space in supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Africa, but covers an even more extensive array of relevant and timely topics addressing all facets of African development. It demonstrates that, while there have been significant achievements in recent years in terms of economic and social development, which have lifted many of Africa’s people out of poverty, there is still a great deal that needs to be done to fulfill the basic needs of Africa's citizens and afford them the dignity they deserve. To this end, space is already being employed in diverse fields of human endeavor to serve Africa’s goals for its future, but there is much room for further incorporation of space systems and data. Providing a comprehensive overview of the role space is playing in helping Africa achieve its developmental aspirations, the book will appeal to both students and professionals in fields such as space studies, international relations, governance, and social and rural development.

Space Fostering African Societies: Developing the African Continent Through Space, Part 4 (Southern Space Studies)

by Annette Froehlich

This peer-reviewed book provides detailed insights into how space and its applications are, and can be used to support the development of the full range and diversity of African societies, as encapsulated in the African Union’s Agenda 2063. Following on from Part 1 to Part 3, which was highly acclaimed by the space community, it focuses on the role of space in supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Africa, but covers an even more extensive array of relevant and timely topics addressing all facets of African development. It demonstrates that, while there have been significant achievements in recent years in terms of economic and social development, which have lifted many of Africa’s people out of poverty, there is still a great deal that needs to be done to fulfill the basic needs of Africa's citizens and afford them the dignity they deserve. To this end, space is already being employed in diverse fields of human endeavor to serve Africa’s goals for its future, but there is much room for further incorporation of space systems and data. Providing a comprehensive overview of the role space is playing in helping Africa achieve its developmental aspirations, the book will appeal to both students and professionals in fields such as space studies, international relations, governance, social, rural and technical development.

Space Fostering African Societies: Developing the African Continent Through Space, Part 5 (Southern Space Studies)

by Annette Froehlich

This peer-reviewed book provides detailed insights into how space and its applications are, and can be used to support the development of the full range and diversity of African societies, as encapsulated in the African Union’s Agenda 2063. Following on from Part 1 to Part 4, which were highly acclaimed by the space community, it focuses on the role of space in supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Africa, but covers an even more extensive array of relevant and timely topics addressing all facets of African development. It demonstrates that, while there have been significant achievements in recent years in terms of economic and social development, which have lifted many of Africa’s people out of poverty, there is still a great deal that needs to be done to fulfill the basic needs of Africa's citizens and afford them the dignity they deserve. To this end, space is already being employed in diverse fields of human endeavor to serve Africa’s goals for its future, but there is much room for further incorporation of space systems and data. Providing a comprehensive overview of the role space is playing in helping Africa achieve its developmental aspirations, the book will appeal to both students and professionals in fields such as space studies, international relations, governance, social, rural and technical development.

Space Fostering African Societies: Developing the African Continent through Space, Part 1 (Southern Space Studies)

by Annette Froehlich

This book provides detailed insights into how space and its applications are, and can be, used to support the development of the full range and diversity of African societies, as encapsulated in the African Union’s Agenda 2063. Like previous books in the "Southern Space Studies" series, it focuses on the role of space in supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Africa, but it covers an even more extensive array of relevant and timely topics addressing all facets of African development. It demonstrates that, while great achievements have been made in recent years in terms of economic and social development, which has lifted many of Africa’s people out of poverty, there is still much that needs to be done to fulfill the basic needs of Africa's citizens and afford them the dignity they deserve: to this end space is already being employed in diverse fields of human endeavor to serve Africa’s goals for its future, but there is much room for further incorporation of space systems and data. Providing a comprehensive overview of the role space is playing in achieving Africa’s developmental aspirations, the book is of great interest to both students and professionals in fields such as space studies, international relations, governance, social and rural development, and many others.

Space Fostering Latin American Societies: Developing the Latin American Continent through Space, Part 1 (Southern Space Studies)

by Annette Froehlich

This book presents a comprehensive overview of the role space is playing in unlocking Latin America’s developmental aspirations. It explains how space and its applications can be used to support the development of the full range and diversity of Latin American societies, while being driven by Latin American goals. The Latin American space sector is currently undergoing a phase of rapid and dynamic expansion, with new actors entering the field and with space applications increasingly used to support the continent’s social, economic, and political development. All across Latin America, attention is shifting to space as a fundamental part of the continental development agenda, and the creation of a Latin American space agency is evidence of this. Additionally, while in recent years, great advances in economic and social development have lifted many of Latin America’s people out of poverty, there is still much that needs to be done to fulfill the basic needs of the population and to afford them the dignity they deserve. To this end, space is already being employed in diverse fields of human endeavor to serve Latin America’s goals for its future, but there is still a need for further incorporation of space systems and data. The book is of great interest to researchers, professionals and students in fields such as Space Studies, International Relations, Governance, Social and Rural Development, and many others.

Space Fostering Latin American Societies: Developing the Latin American Continent Through Space, Part 2 (Southern Space Studies)

by Annette Froehlich

This peer-reviewed book presents a comprehensive overview of the role space is playing in enabling Latin America to fulfill its developmental aspirations. Following on from the highly acclaimed Part 1, it explains how space and its applications can be used to support the development of the full range and diversity of Latin America societies, while being driven by Latin American goals. The Latin American space sector is currently undergoing a phase of rapid and dynamic expansion, with new actors entering the field and with space applications increasingly being used to support the continent’s social, economic, and political development. All across Latin America, attention is shifting to space as a fundamental part of the continental development agenda, and the creation of a Latin American space agency is evidence of this. Additionally, while in recent years, significant advances in economic and social development have lifted many of Latin America’s people out of poverty, there is still much that needs to be done to fulfill the basic needs of the population and to afford them the dignity they deserve. To this end, space is already being employed in diverse fields of human endeavor to serve Latin America’s goals for its future, but there is still a need for further incorporation of space systems and data. This book will appeal to researchers, professionals and students in fields such as space studies, international relations, governance, and social and rural development.

Space Fostering Latin American Societies: Developing the Latin American Continent Through Space, Part 3 (Southern Space Studies)

by Annette Froehlich

This peer-reviewed book presents a comprehensive overview of the role space is playing in enabling Latin America to fulfill its developmental aspirations. Following on from the highly acclaimed Part 1 and Part 2, it explains how space and its applications can be used to support the development of the full range and diversity of Latin America societies, while being driven by Latin American goals. The Latin American space sector is currently undergoing a phase of rapid and dynamic expansion, with new actors entering the field and with space applications increasingly being used to support the continent’s social, economic, and political development. All across Latin America, attention is shifting to space as a fundamental part of the continental development agenda, and the creation of a Latin American space agency is evidence of this. Additionally, while in recent years, significant advances in economic and social development have lifted many of Latin America’s people out of poverty, there is still much that needs to be done to fulfill the basic needs of the population and to afford them the dignity they deserve. To this end, space is already being employed in diverse fields of human endeavor to serve Latin America’s goals for its future, but there is still a need for further incorporation of space systems and data. This book will appeal to researchers, professionals and students in fields such as space studies, international relations, governance, and social and rural development.

Space Fostering Latin American Societies: Developing the Latin American Continent Through Space, Part 4 (Southern Space Studies)

by Annette Froehlich

This peer-reviewed book presents a comprehensive overview of the role space is playing in enabling Latin America to fulfil its developmental aspirations. Following on from the highly acclaimed Parts 1 to 3, it explains how space and its applications can be used to support the development of the full range and diversity of Latin America societies, while being driven by Latin American goals. The Latin American space sector is currently undergoing a phase of rapid and dynamic expansion, with new actors entering the field and with space applications increasingly being used to support the continent’s social, economic, and political development. All across Latin America, attention is shifting to space as a fundamental part of the continental development agenda, and the creation of a Latin American space agency is evidence of this. Additionally, while in recent years, significant advances in economic and social development have lifted many of Latin America’s people out of poverty, there is still much that needs to be done to fulfil the basic needs of the population and to afford them the dignity they deserve. To this end, space is already being employed in diverse fields of human endeavour to serve Latin America’s goals for its future, but there is still a need for further incorporation of space systems and data. This book will appeal to researchers, professionals and students in fields such as space studies, international relations, governance, and social and rural development.

Space Fostering Latin American Societies: Developing the Latin American Continent Through Space, Part 5 (Southern Space Studies)

by Annette Froehlich

This peer-reviewed book presents a comprehensive overview of the role space is playing in enabling Latin America to fulfil its developmental aspirations. Following on from the highly acclaimed Parts 1 to 4, it explains how space and its applications can be used to support the development of the full range and diversity of Latin America societies, while being driven by Latin American goals. The Latin American space sector is currently undergoing a phase of rapid and dynamic expansion, with new actors entering the field and with space applications increasingly being used to support the continent’s social, economic, and political development. All across Latin America, attention is shifting to space as a fundamental part of the continental development agenda, and the creation of a Latin American space agency is evidence of this. Additionally, while in recent years, significant advances in economic and social development have lifted many of Latin America’s people out of poverty, there is still much that needs to be done to fulfil the basic needs of the population and to afford them the dignity they deserve. To this end, space is already being employed in diverse fields of human endeavour to serve Latin America’s goals for its future, but there is still a need for further incorporation of space systems and data. This book will appeal to researchers, professionals and students in fields such as space studies, international relations, governance, and social and rural development.

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