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Showing 29,676 through 29,700 of 34,147 results

Spring Fever

by Andrew C Mccarthy

The first fundamental truth about the "Arab Spring" is that there never was one. The salient fact of the Middle East, the only one, is Islam. The Islam that shapes the Middle East inculcates in Muslims the self-perception that they are members of a civilization implacably hostile to the West. The United States is a competitor to be overcome, not the herald of a culture to be embraced.Is this self-perception based on objective truth? Does it reflect an accurate construction of Islam? It is over these questions that American officials and Western intellectuals obsess. Yet the questions are irrelevant. This is not a matter of right or wrong, of some posture or policy whose subtle tweaking or outright reversal would change the facts on the ground. This is simply, starkly, the way it is.Every human heart does not yearn for freedom. In the Islam of the Middle East, "freedom" means something very nearly the opposite of what the concept connotes to Westerners - it is the freedom that lies in total submission to Allah and His law. That law, sharia, is diametrically opposed to core components of freedom as understood in the West - beginning with the very idea that man is free to make law for himself, irrespective of what Allah has ordained. It is thus delusional to believe, as the West's Arab Spring fable insists, that the region teems with Jamal al-Madisons holding aloft the lamp of liberty. Do such revolutionary reformers exist? Of course they do . . . but in numbers barely enough to weave a fictional cover story. When push came to shove - and worse - the reformers were overwhelmed, swept away by a tide of Islamic supremacism, the dynamic, consequential mass movement that beckons endless winter.That is the real story of the Arab Spring - that, and the Pandora's Box that opens when an American administration aligns with that movement, whose stated goal is to destroy America.

Springer Handbook of Science and Technology Indicators (Springer Handbooks)

by Wolfgang Glänzel Henk F. Moed Ulrich Schmoch Mike Thelwall

This handbook presents the state of the art of quantitative methods and models to understand and assess the science and technology system. Focusing on various aspects of the development and application of indicators derived from data on scholarly publications, patents and electronic communications, the individual chapters, written by leading experts, discuss theoretical and methodological issues, illustrate applications, highlight their policy context and relevance, and point to future research directions.A substantial portion of the book is dedicated to detailed descriptions and analyses of data sources, presenting both traditional and advanced approaches. It addresses the main bibliographic metrics and indexes, such as the journal impact factor and the h-index, as well as altmetric and webometric indicators and science mapping techniques on different levels of aggregation and in the context of their value for the assessment of research performance as well as their impact on research policy and society. It also presents and critically discusses various national research evaluation systems.Complementing the sections reflecting on the science system, the technology section includes multiple chapters that explain different aspects of patent statistics, patent classification and database search methods to retrieve patent-related information. In addition, it examines the relevance of trademarks and standards as additional technological indicators.The Springer Handbook of Science and Technology Indicators is an invaluable resource for practitioners, scientists and policy makers wanting a systematic and thorough analysis of the potential and limitations of the various approaches to assess research and research performance.

Spurious Economy for All

by Claudio Pardo Molina

Many modern leaders want to install into the common sense of the masses that economics is bad because economics is synonymous with capitalism. And they do it through countless spurious examples that I will be giving throughout this book. I will use the term Spurious thinking of synonyms such as illegitimate, adulterated, counterfeit, imitated, fraudulent and false. And these spurious examples are given when they explain economic problems with a part of the whole theory because the only purpose is to discredit this social science. Because as mothers and grandmothers tell us as children "A half truth is also a lie."

Spygate: The Attempted Sabotage Of Donald J. Trump

by Dan Bongino D. C. McAllister Matt Palumbo

<P><P>Everyone has an opinion about whether or not Donald Trump colluded with the Russians to defeat Hillary Clinton in 2016. The number of actors involved is staggering, the events are complicated, and it’s hard to know who or what to believe. Spygate bypasses opinion and brings facts together to expose the greatest political scandal in American history. <P><P> Former Secret Service agent and NYPD police officer Dan Bongino joins forces with journalist D.C. McAllister to clear away fake news and show you how Trump’s political opponents, both foreign and domestic, tried to sabotage his campaign and delegitimize his presidency. By following the names and connections of significant actors, the authors reveal: Why the Obama administration sent a spy connected to the Deep State into the Trump campaign How Russians were connected to the opposition research firm hired by the Clinton campaign to find dirt on Trump How the FBI failed to examine DNC computers after they were hacked, relying instead on the findings of a private company connected to the DNC and the Obama administraton Why British intelligence played a role in building the collusion narrative What role Ukrainians played in legitimizing the perception that Trump was conspiring with the Russians How foreign players in the two events that kickstarted the Trump-Russia collusion investigation were connected to the Clinton Foundation, and What motivated the major actors who sought to frame the Trump campaign and secure a win for Hillary Clinton

Spying on Canadians: The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Security Service and the Origins of the Long Cold War

by Gregory S. Kealey

Award winning author Gregory S. Kealey’s study of Canada’s security and intelligence community before the end of World War II depicts a nation caught up in the Red Scare in the aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution and tangled up with the imperial interests of first the United Kingdom and then the United States. Spying on Canadians brings together over twenty five years of research and writing about political policing in Canada. Through itse use of the Dominion Police and later the RCMP, Canada repressed the labour movement and the political left in defense of capital. The collection focuses on three themes; the nineteenth-century roots of political policing in Canada, the development of a national security system in the twentieth-century, and the ongoing challenges associated with research in this area owing to state secrecy and the inadequacies of access to information legislation. This timely collection alerts all Canadians to the need for the vigilant defence of civil liberties and human rights in the face of the ever increasing intrusion of the state into our private lives in the name of countersubversion and counterterrorism.

Spying on Democracy

by Heidi Boghosian Lewis Lapham

"Everyone of us is under the omniscient magnifying glass of the government and corporate spies. . . . How do we respond to this smog of surveillance? Start by reading Spying on Democracy: Government Surveillance, Corporate Power, and Public Resistance by Heidi Boghosian"--Bill Moyers"With ex-CIA staffer Edward Snowden's leaks about National Security Agency surveillance in the headlines, Heidi Boghosian's Spying on Democracy: Government Surveillance, Corporate Power, and Public Resistance feels especially timely. Boghosian reveals how the government acquires information from telecommunications companies and other organizations to create databases about 'persons of interest.'" -- Publishers Weekly"Heidi Boghosian's Spying on Democracy is the answer to the question, 'if you're not doing anything wrong, why should you care if someone's watching you?'"-Michael German, Senior Policy Counsel, ACLU and former FBI agentUntil the watershed leak of top-secret documents by Edward Snowden to the Guardian UK and the Washington Post, most Americans did not realize the extent to which our government is actively acquiring personal information from telecommunications companies and other corporations. As made startlingly clear, the National Security Agency (NSA) has collected information on every phone call Americans have made over the past seven years. In that same time, the NSA and the FBI have gained the ability to access emails, photos, audio and video chats, and additional content from Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Microsoft, YouTube, Skype, Apple, and others, allegedly in order to track foreign targets.In Spying on Democracy, National Lawyers Guild Executive Director Heidi Boghosian documents the disturbing increase in surveillance of ordinary citizens and the danger it poses to our privacy, our civil liberties, and to the future of democracy itself. Boghosian reveals how technology is being used to categorize and monitor people based on their associations, their movements, their purchases, and their perceived political beliefs. She shows how corporations and government intelligence agencies mine data from sources as diverse as surveillance cameras and unmanned drones to iris scans and medical records, while combing websites, email, phone records and social media for resale to third parties, including U.S. intelligence agencies.The ACLU's Michael German says of the examples shown in Boghosian's book, "this unrestrained spying is inevitably used to suppress the most essential tools of democracy: the press, political activists, civil rights advocates and conscientious insiders who blow the whistle on corporate malfeasance and government abuse." Boghosian adds, "If the trend is permitted to continue, we will soon live in a society where nothing is confidential, no information is really secure, and our civil liberties are under constant surveillance and control." Spying on Democracy is a timely, invaluable, and accessible primer for anyone concerned with protecting privacy, freedom, and the U.S. Constitution.Heidi Boghosian is the Executive Director of the National Lawyers Guild. She co-hosts Law and Disorder, broadcast on WBAI-FM in New York and over forty stations nationwide. She is based in New York City.

Spymaster: The Life of Britain's Most Decorated Cold War Spy and Head of MI6, Sir Maurice Oldfield

by Martin Pearce

'I cannot think of a better biography of a spy chief'Richard Davenport-Hines, The SpectatorSir Maurice Oldfield was one of the most important British spies of the Cold War era. _________A farmer’s son from a provincial grammar school who found himself accidentally plunged into the world of espionage, Sir Maurice was the first Chief of MI6 who didn’t come to the role via the traditional public school and Oxbridge route. Oldfield was the voice of British Intelligence in Washington at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the assassination of JFK, and was largely responsible for keeping the UK out of the Vietnam War. Working his way to the top of the secret service, he took on the job of rebuilding confidence in the British Secret Service in the wake of the Philby, Burgess and Maclean spy scandals.This is the fascinating life story, told in detail for the first time, of a complex, likeable character as well as a formidable intelligence chief.

Squatting and the State: Resilient Property in an Age of Crisis

by Lorna Fox O'Mahony Marc L. Roark

Squatting and the State offers a new theoretical and methodological approach for analyzing state response to squatting, homelessness, empty land, and housing. Embedded in local, national, and transnational contexts, and reaching beyond conventional property theories, this important work sets out a fresh analytical paradigm for understanding the deep, interlocking problems facing not just the traditional 'victims' of narratives about homelessness and squatting but also a variety of other participants in these conflicts. Against the backdrop of economic, social, and political crises, Squatting and the State offers readers important insights about the changing natures of property, investment, housing, communities, and the multi-level state, and describes the implications of these changes for how we think and talk about property in law.

Srebrenica in the Aftermath of Genocide

by Lara J. Nettelfield Sarah E. Wagner

The fall of the United Nations "safe area" of Srebrenica in July 1995 to Bosnian Serb and Serbian forces stands out as the international community's most egregious failure to intervene during the Bosnian war. It led to genocide, forced displacement, and a legacy of loss. But wartime inaction has since spurred numerous postwar attempts to address the atrocities' effects on Bosnian society and its diaspora. Srebrenica in the Aftermath of Genocide reveals how interactions between local, national, and international interventions - from refugee return and resettlement to commemorations, war crimes trials, immigration proceedings, and election reform - have led to subtle, positive effects of social repair, despite persistent attempts at denial. Using an interdisciplinary approach, diverse research methods, and more than a decade of fieldwork in five countries, Lara J. Nettelfield and Sarah E. Wagner trace the genocide's reverberations in Bosnia and abroad. The findings of this study have implications for research on post-conflict societies around the world.

Sri Lanka, Human Rights and the United Nations: A Scrutiny into the International Human Rights Engagement with a Third World State (International Law and the Global South)

by Thamil Venthan Ananthavinayagan

This book examines the engagement between the United Nations’ human rights machinery and the respective governments since Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) joined the United Nations.Sri Lanka has a long and rich history of engagement with international human rights instruments. However, despite its active membership in the UN, the country’s post-colonial trials and tribulations are emblematic of the limited influence the international organisation has exerted on this country in the Global South.Assessing the impact of this international engagement on the country’s human rights infrastructure and situation, the book outlines Sri Lanka’s colonial and post-colonial development. It then considers the development of a domestic human rights infrastructure in the country. It also examines and analyzes Sri Lanka’s engagement with the UN’s treaty-based and charter-based human rights bodies, before offering conclusions concerning the impact of said engagement. The book offers an innovative approach to gauging the impact of international human rights engagement, while also taking into account the colonial and post-colonial imperatives that have partly dictated governmental behaviour. By doing so, the book seeks to combine and analyse international human rights law, post-colonial critique, studies on biopower, and critical approaches to international law. It will be a useful resource not only for scholars of international law, but also for practitioners and activists working in this area.

St. Thomas Aquinas On Politics And Ethics (Norton Critical Editions)

by Thomas Aquinas Paul E. Sigmund

The selections not only include St. Thomas Aquinas's views ongovernment, law, war, property, and sexual ethics, but also provide thetheological, epistemological, and psychological background for hispolitical and ethical thought, including the Five Proofs on theexistence of God and Aquinas's theories of knowledge, the soul, thepurpose of man, and the order of the universe. Throughout the book,footnotes explain technical terms and historical, biblical, andclassical references. "Backgrounds and Sources" follows the text, with selections from thewritings of Aristotle, St. Augustine, and Dionysius the Areopagite. "Interpretations" traces Aquinas's influence on medieval thought, onRoman Catholicism during the Renaissance, on early modern politicalthought (Richard Hooker and Francisco Suarez), on nineteenth-andtwentieth-century papal social thought, and on contemporary ChristianDemocratic political parties in Europe and Latin America. The volume concludes with "Contemporary Problems in Thomistic Ethics",which contains eight analyses of the influence of Aquinas's thought onmodern debates on war, contraception, and abortion. A Selected Bibliography is included.

Staatensouveränität und ius cogens: Eine Untersuchung zu Ursprung und Zukunftsfähigkeit der beiden Konzepte im Völkerrecht (Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht #287)

by Martin Philipp Sommerfeld

Das Buch untersucht das Verhältnis von Staatensouveränität und ius cogens aus ideen- und rechtsgeschichtlicher Perspektive und ist bestrebt, den rechtshistorischen Befund für die aktuelle völkerrechtliche Konstitutionalisierungsdebatte fruchtbar zu machen. Während das Konzept des ius cogens im aktuellen Völkerrecht eng mit dem Ruf nach der Konstitutionalisierung einer Internationalen (Rechts-)Gemeinschaft verbunden wird, gilt das Konzept der Staatensouveränität als Hort des Unilateralismus und rücksichtslosen Autonomiestrebens. Der Autor vertritt demgegenüber eine differenziertere Sichtweise. Er unternimmt eine ideenhistorische Untersuchung der Ursprünge beider Konzepte und gelangt zu dem Befund, dass die Konzepte der Staatensouveränität und des ius cogens auf den gleichen antik-römischen Vorstellungen über das ius publicum aufbauen. Er analysiert diese römisch-antiken Gedanken und zeigt, wie sie – etwa in Form der quod-omnes-tangit-Formel – prägend für Vorstellungen von zwingendem supranationalem Recht und „souveräner“ Herrschaft in Mittelalter und Moderne wurden. Nach Auffassung des Autors gibt es demnach keine „Geburtsstunde“ der Staatensouveränität in der Antike oder dem Mittelalter, sondern vielmehr eine Gedankenevolution, die sich von den gemeinsamen antiken Ursprüngen bis zu modernen Vorstellungen über das ius cogens und die Staatensouveränität verfolgen lässt. Vor dem Hintergrund dieses Befundes führt das Buch aus, dass auch im heutigen Völkerrecht die beiden Konzepte als Ausfluss des gleichen „republikanischen“ Grundprinzips verstanden und so miteinander harmonisiert werden könnten. Dabei macht das Buch aber deutlich, dass ein durch rechtshistorische Analyse vermitteltes Verständnis bestenfalls als Inspirationsquelle für die künftige Ausgestaltung des Rechts dienen mag, rechtshistorische Befunde aber keinesfalls als rechtliche Argumente dienen können.

Staatliche Souveränität: Zu einem Schlüsselbegriff der Staatsdiskussion (essentials)

by Rüdiger Voigt

Das essential erläutert zunächst die Begriffsgeschichte und Bedeutung der Souveränität für den Staat des 21. Jahrhunderts und beschreibt die drei Typen Parlamentssouveränität, Rechts- bzw. Verfassungssouveränität sowie (direkte) Volkssouveränität. Anschließend analysiert der Autor den Begriff der nationalstaatlichen Souveränität im Kontext der Globalisierung, Internationalisierung sowie Europäisierung und stellt die Auswirkungen des globalen Finanzkapitalismus auf die nationalstaatliche Souveränität dar. Die Übertragung von Kernkompetenzen an die Europäische Union bei gleichzeitigem Souveränitätsverlust der Mitgliedstaaten und die Kontroverse zwischen Universalisten, Nationalisten und Partikularisten werden kritisch diskutiert. Abschließend liefert das essential Ansatzpunkte zu einer Erneuerung der Volkssouveränität im demokratischen Rechtsstaat.

Staatsorganisationsrecht (essentials)

by Mike Wienbracke

Das essential stellt auf kompakte und #65533;bersichtliche Weise die Grundz#65533;ge des Staatsorganisationsrechts der Bundesrepublik Deutschland dar. Mike Wienbracke erl#65533;utert neben grundlegenden Begriffen wie ,,Staat" und ,,Verfassung" die Staatsstrukturprinzipien des Grundgesetzes, die obersten Staatsorgane des Bundes sowie die Staatsfunktionen. Der Leser erh#65533;lt damit einen Einblick u. a. in folgende Themen: (indirekte und direkte) Demokratie, Republik, Rechtsstaat, Bundesstaat und Sozialstaat; Bundestag, Bundesrat, Bundesregierung, Bundespr#65533;sident und Bundesverfassungsgericht; Gesetzgebung, vollziehende Gewalt und Rechtsprechung; Verfassungs#65533;nderung, R#65533;ckwirkung, Verh#65533;ltnism#65533;#65533;igkeitsgrundsatz, soziale Sicherheit und Gerechtigkeit, Wahlrechtsgrunds#65533;tze, 5%-Klausel, Grundmandatsklausel, #65533;berhang- und Ausgleichsmandate, Immunit#65533;t und Indemnit#65533;t, konstruktives Misstrauensvotum, Vertrauensfrage, Gewaltenteilung, Gesetzgebungskompetenz, Gesetzgebungsverfahren, Einspruchs- und Zustimmungsgesetze.

Staatsorganisationsrecht I für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Thomas Heinicke

Wer wählt den Bundeskanzler? Was sind die Aufgaben des Bundespräsidenten? Wie war das nochmal mit der Gewaltenteilung? Wann kommt das Bundesverfassungsgericht zum Einsatz? Staatsorganisationsrecht ist viel spannender als Sie vielleicht denken! In diesem Buch erfahren Sie Wissenswertes über die Staatsorgane Bundestag, Bundesrat, Bundesregierung und Bundespräsident, aber auch den Gemeinsamen Ausschuss und das Bundesverfassungsgericht. Thomas Heinicke stellt Ihnen die Staatsstrukturprinzipien nach Artikel 20 des Grundgesetzes vor und erklärt Ihnen die Staatsfunktionen des Bundes und die Ziele, die der Staat laut Grundgesetz verfolgen soll. Nach der Lektüre dieses Buches sind Sie in jedem Fall mündiger Bürger und, falls Staatsorganisationsrecht zu Ihrem Studium gehört, auch fit für die Prüfung.

Staatsrecht I Staatsorganisationsrecht für Dummies (F&uuml;r Dummies)

by Thomas Heinicke

Das Grundgesetz ist seit über 70 Jahren ein Garant für Freiheit, Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit. Thomas Heinicke stellt Ihnen die Staatsstrukturprinzipien nach Artikel 20 des Grundgesetzes, die Staatsfunktionen des Bundes und die Ziele des Staates vor. Sie erfahren, welche Staatsorgane es gibt, welche Aufgaben diese haben und wie sie zusammenarbeiten. Nach der Lektüre dieses Buchs sind Sie in jedem Fall ein mündiger Bürger! Und können sich, falls Staatsorganisationsrecht zu Ihrem Studium gehört, anhand der Musterklausuren mit ausformulierten Lösungen auf Prüfungen vorbereiten.

Staatsrecht II: Grundrechte für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Thomas Heinicke

Thomas Heinicke behandelt in seinem zweiten Buch zum Staatsrecht die wichtigsten Grundrechte für Prüfung und Praxis. Er führt zunächst in die allgemeine Grundrechtslehre ein und stellt den Prüfungsaufbau von Grundrechten und das Recht der Verfassungsbeschwerde dar. Im Hauptteil behandelt der Autor die einzelnen Grundrechte. Fallbearbeitungen runden das Buch ab.

Stabilization and Human Security in UN Peace Operations (Routledge Research in the Law of Armed Conflict)

by Alexander Gilder

UN peace operations are increasingly asked to pursue stabilization mandates with lofty expectations of being able to stabilize conflict zones, achieve national reconciliation, and rebuild state legitimacy. This book investigates the relationship between UN stabilization mandates and the concept of ‘human security’. The book is divided into three parts. Part I outlines the emergence of stabilization and other trends in peacekeeping practice and outlines an analytical framework of human security. Part II applies the analytical framework to case studies of MINUSMA, MINUSCA, and UNMISS examining issues, such as human rights, empowerment, protection, and vulnerability. In Part III the book draws out several concerns that arise from stabilization mandates, including the militarisation of UN peace operations and the consequences under international humanitarian law, the risks of close cooperation with the host state and engagement in counter-terror activities, and the potential clash between peacebuilding activities and militarisation. The book will be a valuable resource for academics, policymakers and practitioners working on UN peacekeeping generally, and those specifically looking at stabilization, from the perspective of international relations, international law, peace and conflict studies, security studies and human rights.

Stabilization Clauses in International Investment Law: A Sustainable Development Approach

by Jola Gjuzi

This book analyzes the tension between the host state’s commitment to provide regulatory stability for foreign investors – which is a tool for attracting FDI and generating economic growth – and its evolving non-economic commitments towards its citizens with regard to environmental protection and social welfare. The main thesis is that the ‘stabilization clause/regulatory power antinomy,’ as it appears in many cases, contradicts the content and rationale of sustainable development, a concept that is increasingly prevalent in national and international law and which aims at the integration and balancing of economic, environmental, and social development. To reconcile this antinomy at the decision-making and dispute settlement levels, the book employs a ‘constructive sustainable development approach,’ which is based on the integration and reconciliation imperatives of the concept of sustainable development as well as on the application of principles of law such as non-discrimination, public purpose, due process, proportionality, and more generally, good governance and rule of law. It subsequently re-conceptualizes stabilization clauses in terms of their design (ex-ante) and interpretation (ex-post), yielding stability to the benefit of foreign investors, while also mitigating their negative effects on the host state’s power to regulate.

Stabilization of Switched Nonlinear Systems with Unstable Modes

by Hao Yang Bin Jiang Vincent Cocquempot

This book provides its reader with a good understanding of the stabilization of switched nonlinear systems (SNS), systems that are of practical use in diverse situations: design of fault-tolerant systems in space- and aircraft; traffic control; and heat propagation control of semiconductor power chips. The practical background is emphasized throughout the book; interesting practical examples frequently illustrate the theoretical results with aircraft and spacecraft given particular prominence. Stabilization of Switched Nonlinear Systems with Unstable Modes treats several different subclasses of SNS according to the characteristics of the individual system (time-varying and distributed parameters, for example), the state composition of individual modes and the degree and distribution of instability in its various modes. Achievement and maintenance of stability across the system as a whole is bolstered by trading off between individual modes which may be either stable or unstable or by exploiting areas of partial stability within all the unstable modes. The book can be used as a reference for academic research on switched systems or used by graduate students of control theory and engineering. Readers should have studied linear and nonlinear system theory and have some knowledge of switched and hybrid systems to get the most from this monograph.

Stadtmarketing: Grundlagen, Analysen, Praxis

by Thomas Breyer-Mayländer Christopher Zerres

Stadtmarketing ist das Aufgabenfeld verschiedener Disziplinen und Berufsgruppen. Neben Marketingfachleuten aus Wissenschaft, Beratung und Praxis beschäftigt es auch Verwaltungsexperten oder Praktiker aus Handel und Gastronomie. Voraussetzung und Basis für erfolgreiche Marketingstrategien ist daher eine interdisziplinäre, konstruktive und flexible Zusammenarbeit aller Beteiligten. Dieses Buch gibt einen Überblick über die Grundlagen des Stadtmarketing und liefert Ansatzpunkte für die Weiterentwicklung von Städten, Kommunen und Regionen. Es beleuchtet die wichtigen Aspekte Transformation, Mobilität und Infrastruktur und bietet gezielte Anregungen für die Marketingpraxis. Zudem werden Beispiele erfolgreicher praktischer Umsetzungen aufgezeigt, wie etwa in Freiburg, Frankfurt, Neumünster, Offenburg, Jena, Mainz oder Leipzig.Über 40 renommierte Branchenexperten beschreiben, was die Branche bewegt und was es in Zukunft zu beachten gilt. Das Werk bietet Neulingen und Quereinsteigern aus anderen Fachgebieten sowie Studierenden großen Nutzwert. Außerdem enthält es wegweisende Anregungen für erfahrene Praktiker, die die Kommunikation und Kooperation mit Stakeholdern aus unterschiedlichen Fachdisziplinen verbessern möchten und zugleich nach Impulsen für die eigene Arbeit suchen.

The Stage Producer's Business and Legal Guide

by Charles Grippo

The entire range of individuals involved in entertainment-performers, writers, and directors to box office managers, theater board members, and theater owners-will find comprehensive answers to questions on every aspect of theater business and law. Written by attorney, producer, and playwright, this book reveals hundreds of insider strategies for minimizing legal costs, negotiating contracts, and licensing and producing plays. It also features expert, practical advice on such topics as tax risks and liabilities, safety regulations, organizing the theater company, financing, box office management, not-for-profit management, and much more. Plus everything is explained clearly, written without a lot of legal jargon.

The Stage Producer's Business and Legal Guide (Second Edition)

by Charles Grippo

Expert, Practical Advice for Everyone in Show Business Now updated and expanded, this second edition of The Stage Producer’s Business and Legal Guide is the ultimate survival kit for anyone presenting live entertainment. The information contained in this handbook is essential for those working in Broadway, regional, stock, or university theater; concert halls; opera houses; and more. Attorney, producer, and playwright Charles Grippo provides comprehensive advice on every aspect of the theater business and the law, including: Crowdfunding Your ProductionNew Opportunities to Raise MoneySelf-ProductionLicensing and Producing PlaysDevised Theater and CollaborationsCreating Jukebox MusicalsOrganizing a Theater CompanyTheatrical InsuranceMaintaining a Harassment-Free EnvironmentNegotiating ContractsEssential Rules Every Board Member Must KnowManaging a Not-for-Profit Theater CompanyNavigating TaxesUsing Third-Party Intellectual PropertyAnd much, much more! The entire range of individuals involved in entertainment—producers, performers, writers, directors, managers, and theater owners—will find invaluable practical and legal advice in this handy guide.

Staged: Show Trials, Political Theater, and the Aesthetics of Judgment

by Minou Arjomand

Theater requires artifice, justice demands truth. Are these demands as irreconcilable as the pejorative term “show trials” suggests? After the Second World War, canonical directors and playwrights sought to claim a new public role for theater by restaging the era’s great trials as shows. The Nuremberg trials, the Eichmann trial, and the Auschwitz trials were all performed multiple times, first in courts and then in theaters. Does justice require both courtrooms and stages?In Staged, Minou Arjomand draws on a rich archive of postwar German and American rehearsals and performances to reveal how theater can become a place for forms of storytelling and judgment that are inadmissible in a court of law but indispensable for public life. She unveils the affinities between dramatists like Bertolt Brecht, Erwin Piscator, and Peter Weiss and philosophers such as Hannah Arendt and Walter Benjamin, showing how they responded to the rise of fascism with a new politics of performance. Linking performance with theories of aesthetics, history, and politics, Arjomand argues that it is not subject matter that makes theater political but rather the act of judging a performance in the company of others. Staged weaves together theater history and political philosophy into a powerful and timely case for the importance of theaters as public institutions.

Stages of Capital: Law, Culture, and Market Governance in Late Colonial India

by Ritu Birla

In Stages of Capital, Ritu Birla brings research on nonwestern capitalisms into conversation with postcolonial studies to illuminate the historical roots of India's market society. Between 1870 and 1930, the British regime in India implemented a barrage of commercial and contract laws directed at the "free" circulation of capital, including measures regulating companies, income tax, charitable gifting, and pension funds, and procedures distinguishing gambling from speculation and futures trading. Birla argues that this understudied legal infrastructure institutionalized a new object of sovereign management, the market, and along with it, a colonial concept of the public. In jurisprudence, case law, and statutes, colonial market governance enforced an abstract vision of modern society as a public of exchanging, contracting actors free from the anachronistic constraints of indigenous culture. Birla reveals how the categories of public and private infiltrated colonial commercial law, establishing distinct worlds for economic and cultural practice. This bifurcation was especially apparent in legal dilemmas concerning indigenous or "vernacular" capitalists, crucial engines of credit and production that operated through networks of extended kinship. Focusing on the story of the Marwaris, a powerful business group renowned as a key sector of India's capitalist class, Birla demonstrates how colonial law governed vernacular capitalists as rarefied cultural actors, so rendering them illegitimate as economic agents. Birla's innovative attention to the negotiations between vernacular and colonial systems of valuation illustrates how kinship-based commercial groups asserted their legitimacy by challenging and inhabiting the public/private mapping. Highlighting the cultural politics of market governance, Stages of Capital is an unprecedented history of colonial commercial law, its legal fictions, and the formation of the modern economic subject in India.

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