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Showing 29,826 through 29,850 of 34,144 results

Stem Cell Dialogues: A Philosophical and Scientific Inquiry Into Medical Frontiers

by Sheldon Krimsky

Stem cells and the emerging field of regenerative medicine are at the frontiers of modern medicine. These areas of scientific inquiry suggest that in the future, damaged tissue and organs might be repaired through personalized cell therapy as easily as the body repairs itself, revolutionizing the treatment of numerous diseases. Yet the use of stem cells is fraught with ethical and public policy dilemmas that challenge scientists, clinicians, the public health community, and people of good will everywhere. How shall we deal with these amazing biomedical advances, and how can we talk about potential breakthroughs with both moral and scientific intelligence? This book provides an innovative look at these vexing issues through a series of innovative Socratic dialogues that elucidate key scientific and ethical points in an approachable manner. Addressing the cultural and value issues underlying stem cell research while also educating readers about stem cells' biological function and medical applications, Stem Cell Dialogues features fictional characters engaging in compelling inquiry and debate. Participants investigate the scientific, political, and socioethical dimensions of stem cell science using actual language, analysis, and arguments taken from scientific, philosophical, and popular literature. Each dialogue centers on a specific, recognizable topic, such as the policies implemented by the George W. Bush administration restricting the use of embryonic stem cells; the potential role of stem cells in personalized medicine; the ethics of cloning; and the sale of eggs and embryos. Additionally, speakers debate the use of stem cells to treat paralysis, diabetes, stroke effects, macular degeneration, and cancer. Educational, entertaining, and rigorously researched (with 300 references to scientific literature), Stem Cell Dialogues should be included in any effort to help the public understand the science, ethics, and policy concerns of this promising field.

Stem Cell Research and the Collaborative Regulation of Innovation (Biomedical Law and Ethics Library)

by Sarah Devaney

Hopes are high that stem cell (SC) research will lead to treatments and cures for some of the most serious diseases affecting humankind today. SC science has been used in a treatment setting in the replacement of patients’ windpipes and in restoring sight to patients who were blind in one eye and in future it is hoped that when the body is injured it will be able to be stimulated to produce those types of SCs necessary to repair the particular damage caused. In the meantime, research into specific treatments for a wide range of serious conditions is being undertaken including Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and diabetes. The book considers the regulatory governance of stem cell research, setting out a readily understandable account of the science and the challenges it poses for regulators as the research is increasingly being clinically applied. It provides a critical account of those elements of a regulatory system which will be required for any jurisdiction aiming to facilitate innovative and productive SC research while maintaining appropriate ethical and legal controls. The book addresses the specific failings in the current regulatory approach to SC research in the UK and goes on to look at the regulatory approaches in the US. The book systematically analyses the roles and responsibilities of the three key participants who collaborate in this process: regulators, scientists and tissue providers, arguing that a regulatory system which fails to recognise and facilitate the vital role which each of these three groups plays runs the risk of impairing the chances of the hopes for SC research being realised. The book places a particular emphasis on ensuring that those who contribute their bodily tissues to this endeavour are treated fairly, involving a recognition that their tissues are their property.

Stem Cell Transplantations Between Siblings as Social Phenomena: The Child’s Body and Family Decision-making (Philosophy and Medicine #144)

by Christina Schües Christoph Rehmann-Sutter Martina Jürgensen Madeleine Herzog

This open access book offers insights in short- and long-term experiences from families with bone marrow transplantations between minor siblings. It is based on the first extended qualitative study with 17 families about experiences with recent transplants and experiences with transplants up to 20 years in the past. It covers reflections of donors, recipients and other family members, as well as family interactions. Transplantation of bone marrow from one sibling to another who is ill with a blood cancer (such as Leukemia) is a life-saving therapy. Young children however are not in a position to give consent themselves. How should they be adequately included, depending to their age? Which ethical questions are raised for the parents both at the time of treatment and afterwards, and for the medical professionals in clinical and regulatory contexts? For an in-depth discussion of the findings the books brings together a group of leading scholars from the fields of bioethics, family sociology and philosophy of medicine.

Stench: The Making of the Thomas Court and the Unmaking of America

by David Brock

A blistering exposé of Clarence Thomas and the conservative regime of corruption that has usurped the Supreme Court—by a Democratic activist and former Republican political operativePublic confidence in the Supreme Court has plummeted to new lows in the last few years—and for good reason. In the past three decades, six conservative justices have gained a supermajority through questionable means: a dubious intervention in a presidential election, perjury during Senate testimony, and a GOP Senate Leader&’s unethical blockade of a Supreme Court nomination. Behind this strategic dismantling of our Supreme Court is a vast, well-funded political machine—backed by the extreme right-wing Federalist Society, the notoriously secretive Catholic organization Opus Dei, and GOP megadonors operating from behind closed doors.Armed with an insider&’s perspective from his time within the conservative movement, David Brock reveals how the efforts to stack the Court in service of extreme right-wing interests stem from a decades-long strategy to weaponize our judicial system into an extension of the Republican Party itself. Stench investigates the ethics scandals that surround Clarence Thomas and his wife, the right-wing activist Ginni Thomas, culling new material from Thomas&’s accusers, along with original reporting and Brock&’s firsthand knowledge of the inner workings of the GOP. Stench is a staggering exposé, one that only Brock could write—exhaustive in its research and revelatory in its access to the world of what has effectively become the Thomas Court.

Stereoscopic Law: Oliver Wendell Holmes and Legal Education

by Alexander Lian

In this unique book, Alexander Lian, a practicing commercial litigator, advances the thesis that the most famous article in American jurisprudence, Oliver Wendell Holmes's “The Path of the Law,” presents Holmes's leading ideas on legal education. Through meticulous analysis, Lian explores Holmes's fundamental ideas on law and its study. He puts “The Path of the Law” within the trajectory of Holmes's jurisprudence, from earliest scholarship to The Common Law to the occasional pieces Holmes wrote or delivered after joining the U.S. Supreme Court. Lian takes a close look at the reactions “The Path of the Law” has evoked, both positive and negative, and restates the essay's core teachings for today's legal educators. Lian convincingly shows that Holmes's “theory of legal study” broke down artificial barriers between theory and practice. For contemporary legal educators, Stereoscopic Law reformulates Holmes's fundamental message that the law must been seen and taught three-dimensionally.

Sterilized by the State

by Randall Hansen Desmond King

This book is the first comprehensive analysis of eugenics in North America focused on the second half of the twentieth century. Based on new research, Randall Hansen and Desmond King show why eugenic sterilization policies persisted after the 1940s in the United States and Canada. Through extensive archival research, King and Hansen show how both superintendents at homes for the 'feebleminded' and pro-sterilization advocates repositioned themselves after 1945 to avoid the taint of Nazi eugenics. Drawing on interviews with victims of sterilization and primary documents, this book traces the post-1940s development of eugenic policy and shows that both eugenic arguments and committed eugenicists informed population, welfare, and birth control policy in postwar America. In providing revisionist histories of the choice movement, the anti-population growth movement, and the Great Society programs, this book contributes to public policy and political and intellectual history.

The Sterling Redemption: Twenty-Five Years to Clear My Name

by James Edmiston Lawrence Kormornick

The fight against a false accusation in the Arms-to-Iraq affair. &“A searing expose of one of the most shameful and cynical prosecutions of modern times.&” —The Guardian This is the untold true story of James Edmiston who suffered an extraordinary miscarriage of justice in 1983 when senior officials blocked vital witnesses coming to his trial which led to a personal tragedy; a broken marriage, and the loss of a business. The book explains how he was wrongly charged with alleged illegal exports to Iraq, and then took on the establishment against seemingly impossible odds for twenty-five years, to establish his innocence and to win record compensation from the British government in a truly remarkable case. Divorced and bankrupted, he is now rebuilding a shattered life, nearly thirty years later. This extraordinary story is a fascinating insight into government and the abuse of power and is based on many original sources including the Scott Report and Judgment of the Court of Appeal (criminal). The co-author, Lawrence Kormornick, is a Solicitor-Advocate (civil) who has represented Edmiston and several other victims of the Arms-to-Iraq prosecution scandal against the government and has a unique insight into these cases. Packed with ironies, twists of fate, and many unanswered questions it is a compelling read for anyone interested in political intrigue and abuse of power, miscarriage of justice, and learning about how an individual took on the state and won. &“A true story of alleged skulduggery and, possibly, criminal acts in the form of perverting the course of justice by the authorities and it should be bedside reading for everybody who believes in the rule of law.&” —The Law Society Gazette

Steuergerechtigkeit: Die Besteuerungsprinzipien eines verfassungskonformen Steuerrechts

by Reiner Sahm

Dieses Buch vermittelt die ethischen Grundprinzipien eines gerechten, verfassungskonformen Steuerrechts und die wesentlichen Reformvorschläge und -perspektiven des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts für ein transparentes und effizientes Steuersystem in Deutschland. Bereits vor über 100 Jahren initiierte der Reichsfinanzminister Matthias Erzberger eine umfassende Reform der Finanzverfassung und des Steuersystems, um „Gerechtigkeit im gesamten Steuerwesen zu schaffen“. Doch die Systematik dieser ehemals international hoch angesehenen deutschen Steuergesetze hat in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland kontinuierlich gelitten, da der Gesetzgeber fortlaufend einer Vielzahl politischer Erwägungen den Vorrang einräumte. Aktuell stellen Steuerrechtswissenschaftler jedoch die Steuergerechtigkeit auf Basis konsistenter Prinzipien in den Mittelpunkt ihrer Überlegungen, um den Inhalt und die Grenzen der staatlichen Rechte zu bestimmen. Die in diesem Buch dargestellten ethisch fundierten Rechtsprinzipien bilden daher eine gute Grundlage, um ein neues Steuersystem für Deutschland zu gestalten, das einfacher, sozialer, transparenter und gerechter ist.

Steuerhinterziehung in der Schweiz: Mehr als nur kriminelle Energie: Hintergründe - Erklärungsversuche - Ansätze zur Bekämpfung

by Roland Hofmann

Steuerehrlichkeit ist für viele Steuerpflichtige eine Gratwanderung zwischen Aufrichtigkeit und empfundener Ungerechtigkeit, mithin ein soziales Dilemma. Auch die Rolle der Banken und des Bankkundengeheimnisses hinsichtlich der Steuerehrlichkeit hat sich in den letzten Jahren fundamental verändert. Roland Hofmann erläutert das Phänomen der Steuerhinterziehung aus finanzwissenschaftlicher Perspektive und macht deutlich, dass verschiedene Beweggründe dazu führen und nicht immer ausschliesslich kriminelle Energie dahintersteckt. Oft ist unklar, ob Aufdeckung und Bestrafung die richtigen Mittel sind, um Steuerhinterziehung wirksam zu bekämpfen. Dieses Buch erörtert alternative Ansätze und stellt neue Anreize zur Steuerehrlichkeit vor.

Steuerlehre für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Nikola Fee Budilov-Nettelmann

Studieren Sie in einem wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Studiengang und müssen deshalb die Grundzüge der betrieblichen Steuerlehre beherrschen? Dieses Buch erklärt Ihnen steuerrechtliche Grundprinzipien und stellt Ihnen die Steuerarten vor, die für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler relevant sind: Einkommensteuer, Körperschaftsteuer, Gewerbesteuer und Umsatzsteuer. Anschauliche Beispiele bringen Leben in das Thema, und Sie werden sehen: Steuerlehre kann richtig spannend sein!

Steuerrecht: Grundlagen und Anwendungsfälle aus der Wirtschaft (FOM-Edition)

by Tim Jesgarzewski Jens M. Schmittmann

In diesem Lehrbuch liefern Spezialisten einen umfassenden Überblick über die Grundzüge des Steuerrechts, wobei der Praxisbezug stets im Fokus steht. Neben den einzelnen Steuerarten werden auch das Verfahrensrecht einschließlich des finanzgerichtlichen Verfahrens sowie das Haftungsrecht, das zahlreiche risikobehaftete Fallstricke für Entscheidungsträger beinhaltet, behandelt. Steuerrechtliche Kenntnisse sind für ein vorausschauendes Unternehmertum essenziell. Denn unternehmerische Entscheidungen müssen nicht nur vor einem rechtlichen und betriebswirtschaftlichen Hintergrund getroffen werden, sondern auch steuerrechtlichen Anforderungen genügen. Das Buch wendet sich an Dozierende und Studierende der Betriebswirtschaft, des Wirtschafts- und Steuerrechts und vergleichbarer Studiengänge sowie an Praktiker, die mit steuerrechtlichen Fragestellungen konfrontiert sind.In der dritten Auflage wurde alle Beiträge überarbeitet und an die aktuelle Gesetzeslage angepasst. Neu hinzugekommen ist ein Beitrag zum internationalen Steuerrecht.

Steuerrecht: Grundlagen und Anwendungsfälle aus der Wirtschaft (FOM-Edition)

by Tim Jesgarzewski Jens M. Schmittmann

In diesem Lehrbuch liefern Spezialisten einen umfassenden Überblick über die Grundzüge des Steuerrechts, wobei der Praxisbezug stets im Fokus steht. Neben den einzelnen Steuerarten werden auch das Verfahrensrecht einschließlich des finanzgerichtlichen Verfahrens sowie das Haftungsrecht, das zahlreiche risikobehaftete Fallstricke für Entscheidungsträger beinhaltet, behandelt. Steuerrechtliche Kenntnisse sind für ein vorausschauendes Unternehmertum essenziell. Denn unternehmerische Entscheidungen müssen nicht nur vor einem rechtlichen und betriebswirtschaftlichen Hintergrund getroffen werden, sondern auch steuerrechtlichen Anforderungen genügen.Das Buch wendet sich an Dozierende und Studierende der Betriebswirtschaft, des Wirtschafts- und Steuerrechts und vergleichbarer Studiengänge sowie an Praktiker, die mit steuerrechtlichen Fragestellungen konfrontiert sind.In der vierten Auflage wurde alle Beiträge überarbeitet und an die aktuelle Gesetzeslage angepasst. Die Rechtsprechung des EuGH und des BFH wurde umfassend ausgewertet.

Steuerstrafrecht (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Dennis Bock Friedrich Sebastian Fülscher

Dieses Buch enthält – insbesondere für Studierende, aber auch Berufseinsteiger – eine Einführung in das Steuerstrafrecht sowohl in materieller als auch verfahrensrechtlicher Hinsicht. Die Autoren aus Wissenschaft und Praxis verbinden ihre Erfahrungen zu einem mit zahlreichen Beispielsfällen (vornehmlich aus der aktuellen Rechtsprechung) versehenen Lehrwerk, welches sich zum Ziel setzt, eine auf den ersten Blick nicht leicht zugängliche Materie einprägsam darzustellen.

Steuertipps für YouTuber, Blogger und Influencer: Die besten Strategien für Ihren Erfolg

by Thomas Siegel Felix Siegel

Basiswissen und Geschäftsstrategien für künftige Internetstars und Influencer sowie für Künstler und Medienschaffende. Dieses Buch führt praxisnah und verständlich durch alle wesentlichen steuerlichen Themengebiete wie Meldepflichten, Rechtsform, Versicherungen, Einnahmen und Ausgaben u.v.m. Aufgrund der vielen steuerrechtlichen Fragen auf diesem neuen Gebiet ist es auch für Steuerberater interessant, die sich schnell und umfassend mit der Materie vertraut machen wollen. Neben den unterschiedlichen Steuerarten und Rechtsfragen werden auch Fragen der Abgrenzung zur steuerrechtlichen Liebhaberei und die Kleinunternehmerregelung nach § 19 UStG behandelt. Jedes Kapitel enthält anschauliche Beispiele aus der beruflichen Praxis der Autoren. – Mit kommentierten Musterrechnungen und praktischen Tipps, um im Alltag Steuern zu sparen und die eigene Buchhaltung zu optimieren.

Steuerung der betrieblichen Altersversorgung in Europa: garantierte Sicherheit?

by Sylvie Hennion Otto Kaufmann

Nahezu alle europäischen Staaten haben ihre Alterssicherungssysteme reformiert mit dem Ziel, sie zu konsolidieren. Die betriebliche Altersversorgung ist seitdem zu einem Schwerpunkt betrieblicher Sozialpolitik geworden. Bei der Errichtung, Durchführung und der Kontrolle betrieblicher Altersversorgungssysteme stellen sich zahlreiche Rechtsfragen. In dem Werk wird das Zusammenwirken der Sozialpartner analysiert. Es wird aufgezeigt, welche Handlungsspielräume bestehen und welche Kontroll- und Entscheidungskompetenzen jeweils eingeräumt werden.

Steuerung öffentlich geförderter Forschungs‐ und Entwicklungsprojekte

by Mathias Hennemann

Basierend auf einer empirischen Studie unter Projektträgern und Bundesministerien zeigt Mathias Hennemann alternative Lösungsansätze für das Management und die Steuerung von Zuwendungen für Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte auf. Dabei betrachtet er die speziellen Anforderungen der Fördermittelverwaltung an die Wahrung von Effizienz und Effektivität ebenso wie die haushaltsrechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen. Ein zusätzlicher Fokus wird im Sinne des New Public Managements auf die Integration privatwirtschaftlicher Steuerungsinstrumente in das Verwaltungshandeln gelegt.

Steven Petrow's Complete Gay And Lesbian Manners: The Definitive Guide To LGBT Life

by Steven Petrow Sally Chew

Finally, the first big book of manners for the more than 15 million lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the United States and Canada and the people who love them, work with them, and live with them. Written by Steven Petrow, the go-to authority on the subject-he's the same-sex wedding expert at The New York Times and a columnist for The Huffington Post, Yahoo's Shine, GayWeddings. com, and the "Q" Syndicate (with distribution to more than 100 LGBT newspapers and websites)-this is the definitive book of LGBT etiquette. Encyclopedic in its approach, filled with practical wisdom, lively wit, and much insight, Steven Petrow's Complete Gay & Lesbian Manners covers everything: from coming out to being out in the workplace; from dealing with the joy and complexity of same-sex weddings and commitment ceremonies (including how to propose and write meaningful vows) to handling the legal paperwork every couple needs. There's a chapter on sex etiquette, and another on the challenges and opportunities of raising a family, plus sections on travel, bullying, entertaining, meeting new friends, introducing your partner to your family, a primer on gay pride, and so much more. Throughout there are hundreds of questions-some posed by LGBT folk, and others by straight people: What do the mothers of two brides wear to a lesbian wedding? What do you say to an anti-gay joke? How do you answer "Who's the father?" when there are two mothers? Manners, yes, but with a twist. **In recognition of Quality, Excellence, and Design, this ebook has been granted a QED seal of approval from Digital Book World. **

Stewart Macaulay: Selected Works (Law and Philosophy Library #133)

by David Campbell

This book represents a unique resource about Stewart Macaulay one of the common law world’s leading scholars of the law of contract and of the law in action approach to the study of law. Since 1959, he has published over 50 articles in leading journals, a number of working papers, (with colleagues at the University of Wisconsin Law School) a pathbreaking casebook for the teaching of the law of contract, and (with other colleagues) equally pathbreaking collections of materials for the teaching of the law in action or law in context approach to the study of law. In this work Macaulay has established himself as one of the postwar world’s leading scholars of the law of contract and of the sociology of law. His work is an absolute reference point in both disciplines, and it has attracted great attention elsewhere, most notably in economic sociology, where his concept of non-contractual economic relationships is regarded as an important theoretical innovation. Macaulay’s work has become an object of commentary in its own right, and the proposed book is intended to assist further such commentary by making hitherto difficult to obtain works readily accessible. Most of Macaulay’s work is now, when the leading journals are generally available in electronic form, readily accessible to students and researchers in universities. There are, however, a number of interesting and in most cases important works published in less accessible journals or works which were not published in an electronic form, which are difficult to obtain. This book will make them readily available, and in so doing will make it possible in future for scholars to have Macaulay’s complete oeuvre readily to hand. Although Macaulay’s work has provoked very considerable discussion, there previously have been no overall accounts of that work as opposed to critical engagements with aspects of it. In this book, two additional essays by leading commentators give accounts of Macaulay’s work and provide an introduction to, exegesis of and general evaluation of Macaulay’s work as a whole which is not to be found in the existing literature.

Sticks & Stones (Rachael Flynn Mysteries, Book #2)

by Susan Meissner

"They're going to find a body at the River Ten-ace construction site. He deserved what he got, but it wasn't supposed to happen. It was an accident." Lawyer Rachael Flynn has only been at her new job in the Ramsey County attorney's office for four months when she receives an unsigned letter with the startling message. Two days later the predicted body is found, but to everyone's astonishment, the remains have been buried for at least 20 years. When the body is identified as that of a 15-year-old boy the police begin to dig for clues. Rachael continues to receive anonymous notes... and the questions keep coming... Was it really an accident, or was it murder? Why has it taken so many year for this story to come to light? And why did the young man "deserve" to die? As Rachael searches out the identity of the writer, she finds herself drawn to the neighborhood where the body was found-and to an abandoned house that no longer exists, but seems to call out to her

Stiff Upper Lip: Secrets, Crimes and the Schooling of a Ruling Class

by Alex Renton

'A brave and necessary book' GUARDIAN'Shocking, gripping and sobering' SUNDAY TELEGRAPHNo other society sends its young boys and girls away to school to prepare them for a role in the ruling class.Beating, bullying, fagging, cold baths, vile food and paedophile teachers are just some of the features of this elite education, and, while some children loved boarding school, others now admit to suffering life-altering psychological damage. Stiff Upper Lip exposes the hypocrisy, cronyism and conspiracy that are key to understanding the scandals over abuse and neglect in institutions all over the world.Award-winning investigative journalist Alex Renton went to three traditional boarding schools. Drawing on those experiences, and the vivid testimony of hundreds of former pupils, he has put together a compelling history, important to anyone wondering what shaped the people who run Britain in the twenty-first century.

Stiff Upper Lip: Secrets, Crimes and the Schooling of a Ruling Class

by Alex Renton

This is the story of generations of parents, Britain's richest and grandest, who believed that being miserable at school was necessary to make a good and successful citizen. Childish suffering was a price they accepted for the preservation of their class, and their entitlement. The children who were moulded by this misery and abuse went on - as they still do - to run Britain's public institutions and private companies.Confronting the truth of his own schooldays and the crimes he witnessed, Alex Renton has revealed a much bigger story. It is of a profound malaise in the British elite, shown up by tolerance of the abuse of its own children that amounts to collusion. This culture and its traditions, and the hypocrisy, cronyism and conspiracy that underpin them, are key to any explanation of the scandals over sexual abuse, violence and cover-up in child care institutions that are now shocking the nation.As Renton shows, complicity in this is the bleak secret at the heart of today's British elite.Read by David Thorpe.(p) 2017 Orion Publishing Group

Stiftungsunternehmen: Grundlagen, Perspektiven, Fallbeispiele

by Ann-Kristin Achleitner Jörn Block Rupert Graf Strachwitz

Dieses Buch gibt einen Überblick über den State-of-the-Art zum Thema Stiftungsunternehmen in Deutschland. Das Werk dient als Basis für weitere wissenschaftliche Arbeiten ebenso wie für die praktische Orientierung in Stiftungsunternehmen selbst.Stiftungsunternehmen werden oft als "gute Kapitalisten" bezeichnet, die auf Kontinuität setzen und gemeinwohlorientiert handeln. Gleichzeitig mangelt es häufig an Transparenz und Accountability. Der Band vermittelt einen interdisziplinären Einblick in verschiedene Bereiche, von Corporate Social Responsibility und Nachfolgeplanung bis hin zur Zusammenarbeit mit Stiftungen.

Stigma, State Expressions and the Law: Implications of Freedom of Speech

by Paul Quinn

This book demonstrates the difficulties the law is likely to encounter in regulating the expressive activities of the state, particularly with regard to the stigmatization of vulnerable groups and minorities. Freedom of speech is indispensable to a democratic society, enabling it to operate with a healthy level of debate and discussion. Historically, legal scholars have underappreciated the power of stigmatization, instead focusing on anti-discrimination law, and the implicit assumption that the state is permitted to communicate freely with little fear of legal consequences. Whilst integral to a democratic society, the freedom of a state to express itself can however also be corrosive, allowing influential figures and organizations the possibility to stigmatize vulnerable groups within society. The book takes this idea and, uniquely weaving legal analysis with extant psychological and sociological research, shows that current legal approaches to stigmatization are limited. Starting with a deep insight into what constitutes state expressions and how they can become stigmatizing, the book then goes on to look into the capacity the law currently has to limit these expressions and asks even if it could, should it? This fascinating study of an increasingly topical subject will be of interest to any legal scholar working in the field of freedom of expression and discrimination law.

Stikeman Elliott: New Millennium, New Paradigms Volume 2

by Richard W. Pound

In its sixty-year existence, the Stikeman Elliott firm has played a role in many of the most significant transactions in Canadian business history, appearing before the major courts of the country in precedent-setting litigation. Its members are at the top of the legal profession and its reach is global. Clients include major foreign investors requiring advice for entry into Canada, as well as for investments in many other parts of the world. In Stikeman Elliott: The First Fifty Years, Richard Pound recounted how Heward Stikeman and Fraser Elliott developed their small law practice into a national and global organization. Here Pound details the firm's global expansion at a time of worldwide economic uncertainty. Embracing both diversity and corporate social responsibility, the organization's unwavering commitment to client confidentiality, knowledge management, and recruiting and retaining lawyers and staff of the highest quality has helped Stikeman Elliott retain its place as one of the preeminent business law firms in the country. An insightful look at recent innovations put into practice, Stikeman Elliott: New Millennium, New Paradigms offers an insider's view of a firm which has carved out an important role in Canadian legal and business history.

Still Hungry in America

by Robert Coles

Before a child is born he has already lived a life; and when he is born he comes into more than the immediate world of his mother's arms. Not all pregnant women can take food and vitamins for granted, or a gynecologist to tell them they are indeed pregnant or an obstetrician to watch them and care for them and eventually deliver them a healthy son or daughter. For that matter, not all pregnant women can take for granted clean, running water, or a home that is warm in winter and reasonably free of germ-bearing flies and mosquitoes in summer. Nor can some pregnant women forget about rats and cockroaches, or garbage that is ignored by local "authorities," or sewage that is not adequately drained away.These are American women, American mothers, American children.

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