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The Sustainability Grand Challenge: A Wicked Learning Workbook

by Edited by Michael Gibbert, Liisa Välikangas and Marijane Luistro-Jonsson

How do universities tackle wicked sustainability challenges faced by society? The Wicked Learning Workbook is a toolkit for setting up and running an interdisciplinary master-level course in the context of real-world problems such as food waste and loss. The book offers a new pedagogical approach that we call 'wicked' because it is unorthodox, ambitious, and tackles complex problems that won’t go away. The pedagogy is also international at the course level rather than the conventional exchange semester, enabling institutions to embed international approaches to their core teaching. The Wicked Learning Workbook speaks directly to academics who are looking for solutions that provide stimuli for research and teaching while giving students an innovative, international learning experience. The approach develops student understanding of the UN Sustainable Development Goals as broad-scale societal issues which are difficult, if not impossible, to ‘solve’. An important outcome of this approach is the laboratory-style classroom that creates opportunities for faculty, students and companies to co-create solutions that are immediately implementable. The resulting methodology is based on industry–university collaboration (such as IKEA and Nestlé). The methodology is of interest to corporate leaders pursuing sustainability goals and business transformation. Achieving sustainability requires cross-boundary, cross-disciplinary, experimental approaches that allow for scalability. Wicked problems can only be tackled with wicked solution approaches.

Sustainability in Austerity: How Local Government Can Deliver During Times of Crisis

by Philip Monaghan

As the economic crisis of 2008/09 unfolded, it became apparent that the huge mountains of debt being built up by central governments were unsustainable and that savage cuts would be needed to balance budgets. It also became clear that the public sector would be one of the first in line when the axe started swinging. Yet, at the very same time, green advocates from business, academia and civil society were making calls for greater investment at the local level in the big sustainability issues of the day such as fostering sustainable consumption or educating communities on making the transition to a low-carbon economy. The upshot is that leaders in local government are going to be asked to do a lot more work on environmental and social sustainability but with much less money. To make matters worse, increasing public scepticism about why we should deal with these dilemmas in the first place has been exacerbating the problem, notably exemplified by concerns over the robustness of the science of climate change. Local sustainability faces a perfect storm. Sustainability in Austerity has been written to provide local leaders with a lifebelt in these turbulent times. It empowers local authorities to address the challenges they now face – by offering a treasure chest of cost-neutral and powerful ways for leaders in local government to advance sustainability as nations emerge from the global recession. The book sets out the required rules for leadership and proposes a myriad of innovative strategies for self-help achieved through habit-forming behaviour change among council members, staff and local communities alike. Packed with international case studies, anecdotes and management tips derived from a wealth of learning by like-minded peers across the world – all of whom have faced and overcome serious sustainability challenges – the book will be a touchstone for professionals working in areas such as: democracy and decision-making; corporate assets and resources; economic development and planning; waste and environmental services; fleet and logistics; and community management. There is an impressive array of books that provide fresh and innovative thinking on sustainability, but the vast majority have ignored or overlooked inspirational stories of positive change in local government. Sustainability in Austerity is a game-changing book and will be essential reading for managers and councillors in local government across the world, in either emerging or developed economies; managers in central government; community organisation leaders; academics; and management consultants who work with this sector on policy and performance.

Sustainability in Coffee Production: Creating Shared Value Chains in Colombia

by Asit K. Biswas Andrea Biswas-Tortajada

Coffee, as a commodity and through its global value chains, is the focus of much interest to achieve fair trade and equitable outcomes for producers, processors and consumers. It has iconic cultural and economic significance for Colombia, which is one of the world's major coffee producers for the global market. This book examines sustainable coffee production in Colombia, specifically the initiatives of Nestlé to create shared value. It describes the transformation of the coffee landscape by the development of economically, socially and environmentally viable and dedicated supply chains. Suppliers have been encouraged to shift production and quality paradigms, in order to develop long-term and sustainable strategies for higher value and premium quality products. This has been partially achieved by establishing a robust partnership with the Coffee Growers Federation and other public, private and social actors, thereby taking control of the institutional architecture and knowledge base that exists in the country. The book provides an important lesson of corporate social responsibility and the creation of shared value for the benefit of farmers, corporations and consumers.

Sustainability in European Transport Policy

by Matthew Humphreys

The construction of the European Economic Communities in 1950 primarily set out to build an integrated economic zone in which national borders were, to a large extent, overcome. The ability of persons and goods to move freely within the economic zone was seminal in the realisation of economic integration. Underlying this, and therefore an implied necessity for European growth, an effective transport infrastructure was essential. However, with rising awareness of environmental issues, and a closer regard to sustainability of development, European transport systems and their regulation have come under scrutiny. This book sets out a critical analysis of the body of law and policy initiatives that constitute the EU's common transport policy. The development of the transport policy is charted through amending and founding Treaties as well as non-legislative documents. The book uses a model of sustainability as the basis for the analysis as the criteria for sustainable development were set out under Article Eleven of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. However, sustainable development, when taken in the context of transport is difficult to reconcile with unbridled economic growth and unchecked freedom of movement and the book identifies a contradiction at the heart of European policy which can only become more accentuated as environmental trends become more explicit. The book argues that European regulation will eventually be forced to recognize this dichotomy, and take more forceful action to protect environmental and social development, even at the cost of economic progress. This book will be of great interest to researchers and students on European Union law and policy courses, transport studies courses and European integration courses. The book is of relevance to all those interested in environmental and transport matters.

Sustainability in Fashion and Textiles: Values, Design, Production and Consumption

by Miguel Angel Gardetti Ana Laura Torres

There is no doubt that the textile industry – the production of clothing, fabrics, thread, fibre and related products – plays a significant part in the global economy. It also frequently operates with disregard to its environmental and social impacts. The textile industry uses large quantities of water and outputs large quantities of waste. As for social aspects, many unskilled jobs have disappeared in regions that rely heavily on these industries. Another serious and still unresolved problem is the flexibility textile industry companies claim to need. Faced with fierce international competition, they are increasingly unable to offer job security. This is without even considering the informal-sector work proliferating both in developing and developed countries. Child labour persists within this sector despite growing pressure to halt it.Fashion demands continuous consumption. In seeking to own the latest trends consumers quickly come to regard their existing garments as inferior, if not useless. "Old" items become unwanted as quickly as new ones come into demand. This tendency towards disposability results in the increased use of resources and thus the accelerated accumulation of waste. It is obvious to many that current fashion industry practices are in direct competition with sustainability objectives; yet this is frequently overlooked as a pressing concern.It is, however, becoming apparent that there are social and ecological consequences to the current operation of the fashion industry: sustainability in the sector has been gaining attention in recent years from those who believe that it should be held accountable for the pressure it places on the individual, as well as its contribution to increases in consumption and waste disposal.This book takes a wide-screen approach to the topic, covering, among other issues: sustainability and business management in textile and fashion companies; value chain management; use of materials; sustainable production processes; fashion, needs and consumption; disposal; and innovation and design.The book will be essential reading for researchers and practitioners in the global fashion business.

Sustainability in Hospitality: How Innovative Hotels are Transforming the Industry

by Miguel Angel Gardetti Ana Laura Torres

This ground-breaking research represents the most complete collection yet on how the hospitality industry is addressing sustainability and ethical issues. Covering supply chain management, innovative sustainability initiatives, CSR programmes, biologically-respectful tourism and Value Creation, Sustainability in Hospitality: How Innovative Hotels are Transforming the Industry presents valuable global viewpoints on embedding sustainability into all aspects of the hospitality industry, and the impact this could have on transforming the sector into an advocate for more sustainable, eco-conscious tourism.The chapters in this edited collection span organizational governance, human rights and labour practices, environment and climate change, fair operating practices, stakeholder engagement, CSR and strategic management. The global reach of the collection brings case studies from China, the US, the UK, Mexico and Italy, while company case studies include Fairmont Luxury Hotels and Sextantio.Sustainability in Hospitality: How Innovative Hotels are Transforming the Industry will be an essential read for academics researching the development of ethically-conscious and sustainable hospitality, and for hotel managers and group CEOs who want to know how sustainability and CSR can be embedded in their day-to-day operations.

Sustainability in Innovation and Entrepreneurship

by Antonio Leal-Millan Marta Peris-Ortiz Antonio L. Leal-Rodríguez

This book provides a richly illustrated study of sustainability, innovation and entrepreneurship. Specifically, it examines the ways in which governmental policies and practices modify the social conditions necessary to promote innovation in businesses and by so doing impact economic development. Exploring topics such as green innovation, green customer capital, smart cities, green entrepreneurship and environmental responsibility, this book presents some of the most current research and best practices in the field. In today's global economy, strategies, policies and practices that address the negative effects of human activity on the environment need to be incorporated into the business framework in order for companies to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. Around the world, such changes have already resulted in a broad range of products, production methods and technical features that ensure environmental protection. At the same time, the mass media's communication of a deteriorating earth have motivated a growing number of citizens in both developed and developing nations to modify their consumption habits towards more ecological products. Consequently, an increasing number of companies are reacting to these changes in business and legal frameworks and consumer preferences by investing in new forms of green innovation or "eco-innovation" designed to promote both environmental and corporate sustainability. For example, Hewlett-Packard eliminated lead from its welding process; Wal-Mart reduced the emissions of their suppliers; and Cisco, Dell and IBM are investing in smart grids. This volume showcases pioneering efforts among companies, citizens, and government agencies that are moving from theory to practice by placing sustainability at the core of their development strategies.

Sustainability in Public Procurement, Corporate Law and Higher Education (Transnational Law and Governance)

by Lela Mélon

Contemporary changes in law and policy at the global level to efficiently answer to environmental and social issues correspond to the traditional approach of limiting the regulatory and policy changes to a singular field or discipline: tackling the inherent unsustainability of corporate laws or incentivising the offering of sustainable finance to stimulate the transition towards sustainable practices. This book provides a new viewpoint and approach of simultaneously regulating seemingly non-connected fields in order to provide a fertile ground for a truly organic change towards sustainable outcomes. It addresses diverse questions of sustainable transition of the three specific fields to support sustainable practices in public procurement, private market transaction, and in educating future business leaders and legal experts by incorporating sustainable concerns as the underlying guiding principles of their conduct. It translates scientific findings into a practical format that can be used by diverse stakeholders searching for information and solutions in their respective professional fields. The underlying assumption is that a simultaneous action in the three respective fields of public procurement, corporate law, and higher education brings about more coherent and interconnected results that incentivise further action and changes towards sustainable practices. The book furthers the idea of policy coherence by building upon the findings in the field of public procurement, corporate law, and practice and higher education curricula. By identifying the barriers in the three respective fields for sustainable action and proposing solutions for either eliminating or minimising those barriers at the EU level, the book calls for further changes in the respective fields as well as for considering the spillover effects of these policies on other fields.

Sustainability in the Public Sector: An Essential Briefing for Stakeholders (Doshorts Ser.)

by Sonja Powell

Sustainability in the Public Sector provides a quick-start guide for a wide variety of public sector stakeholders, equipping them with knowledge of both the sustainable development challenges and the political backdrop to this agenda.This guide: uncovers the history of the term "sustainable development" and introduces basic sustainability theory; highlights the realities of the politics behind the sustainable development agenda, alongside the responses of successive political administrations; provides a snapshot of how sustainable development in local government is developed and demystifies the roadmap for achieving the UK’s 2050 carbon reduction targets.This book will be invaluable to a variety of public bodies, such as local authorities, and their stakeholders, including councillors, officers, members of Local Enterprise Partnerships, Local Nature Partnerships, scrutiny panels and other forums, in enhancing understanding of both the sustainable development challenge facing us today and the political backdrop to this agenda.

Sustainability Labels in the Shadow of the Law (Studies in European Economic Law and Regulation #22)

by Eva van der Zee

This book describes and examines three EU legal frameworks (EU competition law, EU consumer law, and EU fundamental rights law) that may affect the extent to which consumers purchase more sustainably. In doing so, this book goes beyond a rationalist understanding of the interpretation and application of EU law. Rational approaches have severely impacted the interpretation and application of EU law. Practice shows, however, that the implications of using a noncritical application of rationalist approaches in the interpretation and application of EU competition law, EU consumer law, and EU fundamental rights law to sustainability labels may have an inhibiting effect on sustainable consumption. The book offers remedies to overcome this inhibitive effect by critically applying insights from cognitive science and behavioral economics in the legal interpretation and application of EU law.

Sustainability Land Use and the Environment

by Mark Stallworthy

This book focuses on land use, a topic at the heart of attempts to find sustainable solutions. It will be invaluable to practitioners and students of environmental law.

Sustainability Leadership: Wie Führungskräfte mitteltständischer Unternehmen Nachhaltigkeit verankern können (essentials)

by Wolfgang Zimmermann Felix Richter Andre Stuer

​Das Buch zeigt, wie Mittelstands- und Familienunternehmen die Nachhaltigkeitswende ihres Unternehmens mit Hilfe von Sustainability Leadership meistern können. Denn zunehmende staatliche Vorgaben und die ökologische Transformation veranlassen viele Unternehmer dazu, sich aktiv mit dem Thema auseinanderzusetzen. Dabei stehen Unternehmen und Organisationen vor neuen Herausforderungen – alte Führungs- und Managementmuster passen nicht mehr. Als Führungskraft ist es nicht immer leicht, angesichts hoher Komplexität und Unsicherheit die Orientierung zu behalten und die eigene Unternehmensstrategie mit den Bedürfnissen von Mitarbeitenden und externen Stakeholdern in Einklang zu bringen. Die Autoren zeigen anhand von praxisnahen Beispielen und konkreten Werkzeugen einen ganzheitlichen und integrativen Leadershipansatz auf, wie Führungskräfte mittelständischer Unternehmen Nachhaltigkeit erfolgreich in ihrem Unternehmen verankern können. Besonders bemerkenswert: Dies kann die Geburtsstunde eines „Unternehmertum 2.0“ sein. Es basiert auf den oftmals tiefen Wurzeln des Unternehmens und neuen, innovativen Perspektiven. Interviews mit Unternehmerpersönlichkeiten vermitteln Impulse und geben Einblicke zu ihren Erfahrungen mit der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation.

Sustainability Mindset and Transformative Leadership: A Multidisciplinary Perspective (Sustainable Development Goals Series)

by Isabel Rimanoczy Aixa A. Ritz

This volume examines the importance of leadership in developing an effective sustainability strategy. It defines the sustainability mindset and surveys the primary motivations, conditions, or environment(s) that cause leaders to embrace sustainable practices. As described in the UN Sustainable Development Goal 8, embracing the sustainability mindset will lead to greater productivity and promote economic growth.Organized into themes of organizational operations, leadership competencies, and leadership practices, the chapters, written by contributors representing global perspectives, tackle topics such as strategy, culture, and leadership styles in developing a new form of mindfulness for leaders as well as organizations. Recognizing the need for accelerated change in organizations as well as society at large, this book presents scholars with a framework for establishing a mindset for sustainability to foster much-needed transformative leadership.

The Sustainability Mindset Principles: A Guide to Developing a Mindset for a Better World (The Principles for Responsible Management Education Series)

by Isabel Rimanoczy

As we increase our awareness of the planetary challenges and how they intersect with the discipline or profession we choose to focus on, we have put our attention on the external forces and impacts. What remains untouched however is the set of beliefs, values, assumptions, mental processes, and paradigms that we hold and share: our mindset. But how do we change a mindset? This book is the first to introduce the 12 Principles for a Sustainability Mindset, presenting educators with a framework that makes it easy to include them into teaching plans and lessons of any discipline. Written in a very clear and practical way, the book provides examples, checklists, tips, and tools for professionals and educators. It transforms the development of a much-needed mindset for sustainability into an accessible, fun and intuitive task. The book is written with educators from a variety of disciplines in mind, including but not limited to management educators, coaches, and trainers. No other book comes close to providing such a well-organized and solid way of starting to shift our mindsets in the direction of sustainability.

Sustainability Objectives in Competition and Intellectual Property Law (LIDC Contributions on Antitrust Law, Intellectual Property and Unfair Competition)

by Pranvera Këllezi Pierre Kobel Bruce Kilpatrick

This open access volume of LIDC contributions focuses on how competition and intellectual property laws incorporate sustainability objectives. Businesses are increasingly embracing sustainability objectives, driven by the international community. Although competition and intellectual property law are certainly not the only tools for addressing sustainability issues, they can play a role in moving toward a more sustainable society.Sustainability has gained prominence in competition law in all jurisdictions covered in this volume. The contributions focus on classic questions such as whether sustainability agreements restrict competition and, if so, to what extent businesses can be exempted on efficiency grounds. The papers also raise a number of questions, in particular concerning the treatment of non-market efficiencies. The soft law and case law produced by competition authorities are examined, and the leadership role of some competition authorities in the field – from advocacy to policy papers and sustainability guidelines – is highlighted. The authors call for more individual guidance to provide enhanced transparency and clarity to industry, advisors and society at large on sustainability issues, with guidelines or sustainability-related block exemptions providing even greater legal certainty.With regard to intellectual property, the contributions examine various important issues, such as the need for intellectual property rights to remain technology-neutral, ways to promote the use of sustainable technologies and incentives for licensing, and ways to promote the dissemination of sustainable technologies, including compulsory licensing, cross-licensing, open source or FRAND licensing, and replacing the destruction of counterfeit goods with recycling. The papers also discuss greenwashing and how it can be addressed through revisions to trademarks and related rights.

Sustainability of the Exploration and Use of Outer Space

by Yvonne Karimi-Schmidt

This book provides insight into the significance of the law of outer space in promoting order, cooperation, and peaceful activities in space. It emphasizes the advantages of having a legal framework in place to govern space exploration and utilization, rather than relying on power and force.

Sustainability Prospects for Autonomous Vehicles: Environmental, Social, and Urban

by George T. Martin

The Autonomous Vehicle (AV) has been strongly heralded as the most exciting innovation in automobility for decades. Autonomous Vehicles are no longer an innovation of the future (seen only in science fiction) but are now being road-tested for use. And yet while the technical and economic success and possibilities of the AV have been widely debated, there has been a notable lack of discussion around the social, behavioural, and environmental implications. This book is the first to address these issues and to deeply consider the environmental and social sustainability outlook for the AV and how it will impact on communities. Environmental and social sustainability are goals unlike those of technical development (a new tool) and economic development (a new investment). The goal of sustainability is development of societies that live well and equitably within their ecological limits. Is it reasonable and desirable that only technical and economic success comprise the swelling AV parade, or should we be looking at the wider impacts on personal well-being, wider society, and the environment? The uptake for AVs looks to be lengthy, disjointed, and episodic, in large measure because it faces a range of known unknown risks. This book assesses the environmental and social sustainability potential for AVs based on their prospective energy use and their impacts on climate change, urban landscapes, public health, mobility inequalities, and individual and social well-being. It examines public attitudes about AV use and its risk of fostering a rebound effect that compromises potential sustainability gains. The book concludes with a discussion of critical issues involved in sustainable AV diffusion.

Sustainability Reporting for SMEs: Competitive Advantage Through Transparency (Doshorts Ser.)

by Elaine Cohen

Sustainability reporting can help companies make more money. Sustainability Reporting for SMEs shows you how. Reporting, done well, requires a company to make public a set of promises that bind the company to its sustainability commitments. By adopting a transparent approach to both business practice and reporting, SMES can gain significant business advantage, both in terms of more effective internal processes and in terms of reputation and business-building.Elaine Cohen provides guidance and tools for actual actions that will improve the sustainability impacts of your company, and a process for reporting that adds value which is much greater than the printed or online report itself. This book will help SMEs develop "the transparency habit" so that they both make more money and contribute more proactively to the sustainability of our society and planet.It is vital reading for SME owners and managers, entrepreneurs, business and sustainability students and teachers, and consultants. Sustainability managers in larger organisations will find this book helpful in assisting their organisations manage their supply chains which undoubtedly include several SMEs.

Sustainability Reporting in Central and Eastern European Companies: International Empirical Insights (MIR Series in International Business)

by Judith M. Pütter Péter Horváth

This collection of expert articles highlights the standards and practices concerning sustainability reporting among companies in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Due to the growing interest in corporate social responsibility issues, sustainability reporting has become increasingly common among businesses that claim to adhere to certain social, environmental and economic standards. While it can be observed that sustainability reporting is widely practiced in Western and Northern European countries, only few studies have been conducted on this topic in the CEE region. Drawing on a major empirical study involving researchers from 10 different CEE countries, this book addresses the status quo of sustainability reporting, outlines future prospects and provides essential recommendations for practitioners.

Sustainability Science

by R. Eugene Turner Michael P. Weinstein

The object of this book is to highlight how the nascent field of sustainability science is addressing a key challenges for scientists; that is, understanding the workings of complex systems especially when humans are involved. A consistent thread in the sustainability science movement is the wide acknowledgement that greater degrees of integration across what are now segmented dimensions of extant Science and Technology systems will be a key factor in matching the most appropriate science and technology solutions to specific sustainability problems in specific places.

Sustainability Stories: The Power of Narratives to Understand Global Challenges

by Brigitte Bernard-Rau

"Sustainability Stories" is an impactful book that offers a global perspective on the grand theme of sustainability. Through the lens of practitioners deeply committed to this cause, the book amplifies sometimes unheard voices, inspiring readers from diverse backgrounds to embrace environmental, social, and financial responsibilities. Each contributor, whether an entrepreneur, professor, lawyer, artist, or sustainability expert, acts as a visionary communicator, forging connections and leading by example. Featuring over 30 narratives from countries such as France, Germany, India, Morocco, Spain, Switzerland, and the United States, "Sustainability Stories" is sure to engage an international audience. Through its pages, this book spreads optimism, determination, and a desire for positive societal change. It empowers readers of all ages and educational backgrounds to join the movement toward a sustainable future. By sharing unique insights and experiences, "Sustainability Stories" serves as a catalyst, inspiring individuals to take action and make a difference in their professional practices, communities and lives.

Sustainability Strategies

by Renato J. Orsato

The request on managers to base eco-investments on solid grounds has never been so vital. They need to know what they should do first, and why. Should they focus on generating carbon credits via eco-efficiencies? Enhance corporate reputation by joining Green Clubs? Subscribe to eco-label programs? Explore emerging cleantech markets? Within the overwhelming possibilities, many spend precious resources without sound criteria. By analyzing the rationales for sustainability strategies, this book addresses a timely question for managers, academics and MBAs: “when does it pay to be green?” Based on solid theoretical foundations and empirical research, it clarifies the elements involved in the formation and evaluation of sustainability strategies in firms, helping managers to prioritize eco-investments and transform them into sources of competitive advantage and new market spaces. Sustainability Strategies delves particularly deep into the troublesome global auto industry. By identifying the roots of economic and environmental problems of the sector, the book shows how to develop Sustainable Value Innovation: the creation of differential value for customers and contribution to society at both, reduced costs and environmental impacts.

Sustainability to Social Change: Lead Your Company from Managing Risks to Creating Social Value

by Philip Mirvis Bradley Googins

Is your company using its talent to create social value? Or is it simply managing risks? To address the problems facing society and business today, sustainability is not good enough.Instead, companies need to do their part to lead social change. In Sustainability to Social Change, leadership and social innovation experts Philip Mirvis and Bradley K. Googins share their hands-on research to reveal how leaders can design and guide their companies to create more inclusive prosperity and become agents of social change. The book reveals the inside story of how socially innovative companies are making the strategic shift from minimizing risk to creating social value. It then outlines the strategies and practices that leaders can use to address the five biggest problems facing companies and society today: Purpose, Prosperity, Products, Planet and People. Filled with real life examples, hands-on guidelines and self-assessments to rate your company's performance, Sustainability to Social Change helps you pivot your company's mindset and practices in order to enhance society and the environment, and fuel its own success. Online resources include a guide to help employees become socially conscious, operate in a purposeful company, become allies for equity and social justice, add social value at work and establish "green" habits.

Sustainability Transformations: Agents and Drivers across Societies

by Björn-Ola Linnér Victoria Wibeck

Societal transformations are needed across the globe in light of pressing environmental issues. This need to transform is increasingly acknowledged in policy, planning, academic debate, and media, whether it is to achieve decarbonization, resilience, national development plans, or sustainability objectives. This volume provides the first comprehensive comparison of how sustainability transformations are understood across societies. It contains historical analogies and concrete examples from around the world to show how societal transformations could achieve the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through governance, innovations, lifestyle changes, education and new narratives. It examines how societal actors in different geographical, political and cultural contexts understand the agents and drivers of societal change towards sustainability, using data from the academic literature, international news media, lay people's focus groups across five continents, and international politics. This is a valuable resource for academics and policymakers working in environmental governance and sustainability.

Sustainability Unpacked: Food, Energy and Water for Resilient Environments and Societies

by Kristiina Vogt Toral Patel-Weynand Maura Shelton Daniel J Vogt John C. Gordon Cal Mukumoto Asep. S. Suntana Patricia A. Roads

Food, water and energy form some of the basic elements of sustainability considerations. This ground-breaking book examines and decodes these elements, exploring how a range of countries make decisions regarding their energy and bio-resource consumption and procurement. The authors consider how these choices impact not only the societies and environments of those countries, but the world in general. To achieve this, the authors review the merits of various sustainability and environmental metrics, and then apply these to 34 countries that are ranked low, medium or high on the human development index. The book assesses their resource capacities and the environmental impacts, both within and outside their country boundaries, from consuming food, water, and energy. The final section uses the lessons derived from the earlier analyses of resource consumption to explore the importance of geography, climates and sustainable management of forests and other natural resources for building resilient societies in the future.

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