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Studies in Legal History: The Old English Penitentials and Anglo-Saxon Law
by Stefan JurasinskiSome of the earliest examples of medieval canon law are penitentials - texts enumerating the sins a confessor might encounter among laypeople or other clergy and suggesting means of reconciliation. Often they gave advice on matters of secular law as well, offering judgments on the proper way to contract a marriage or on the treatment of slaves. This book argues that their importance to more general legal-historical questions, long suspected by historians but rarely explored, is most evident in an important (and often misunderstood) subgroup of the penitentials: composed in Old English. Though based on Latin sources - principally those attributed to Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury (d. 690) and Halitgar of Cambrai (d. 831) - these texts recast them into new ordinances meant to better suit the needs of English laypeople. The Old English penitentials thus witness to how one early medieval polity established a tradition of written vernacular law.
Studies in Legal History: Fractional Freedoms
by Mckinley Michelle A.Fractional Freedoms explores how thousands of slaves in colonial Peru were able to secure their freedom, keep their families intact, negotiate lower self-purchase prices, and arrange transfers of ownership by filing legal claims. Through extensive archival research, Michelle A. McKinley excavates the experiences of enslaved women whose historical footprint is barely visible in the official record. She complicates the way we think about life under slavery and demonstrates the degree to which slaves were able to exercise their own agency, despite being ensnared by the Atlantic slave trade. Enslaved women are situated as legal actors who had overlapping identities as wives, mothers, mistresses, wet-nurses and day-wage domestics, and these experiences within the urban working environment are shown to condition their identities as slaves. Although the outcomes of their lawsuits varied, Fractional Freedoms demonstrates how enslaved women used channels of affection and intimacy to press for liberty and prevent the generational transmission of enslavement to their children.
Studies in Legal History: The Treason Prosecution of Jefferson Davis (Studies in Legal History)
by Cynthia NicolettiThis book focuses on the post-Civil War treason prosecution of Confederate President Jefferson Davis, which was seen as a test case on the major question that animated the Civil War: the constitutionality of secession. The case never went to trial because it threatened to undercut the meaning and significance of Union victory. Cynthia Nicoletti describes the interactions of the lawyers who worked on both sides of the Davis case - who saw its potential to disrupt the verdict of the battlefield against secession. In the aftermath of the Civil War, Americans engaged in a wide-ranging debate over the legitimacy and effectiveness of war as a method of legal adjudication. Instead of risking the 'wrong' outcome in the highly volatile Davis case, the Supreme Court took the opportunity to pronounce secession unconstitutional in Texas v. White (1869).
Studies on International Courts and Tribunals: The Legitimacy of International Criminal Tribunals
by Nobuo Hayashi Bailliet Cecilia M. Nicholson Joanna Cecilia M. Joanna NicholsonWith the ad hoc tribunals completing their mandates and the International Criminal Court under significant pressure, today's international criminal jurisdictions are at a critical juncture. Their legitimacy cannot be taken for granted. This multidisciplinary volume investigates key issues pertaining to legitimacy: criminal accountability, normative development, truth-discovery, complementarity, regionalism, and judicial cooperation. The volume sheds new light on previously unexplored areas, including the significance of redacted judgements, prosecutors' opening statements, rehabilitative processes of international convicts, victim expectations, court financing, and NGO activism. The book's original contributions will appeal to researchers, practitioners, advocates, and students of international criminal justice, accountability for war crimes and the rule of law.
Studio Craft & Technique for Architects Second Edition
by Anne Gorman Miriam DelaneyThis one-stop handbook for architecture students provides step-by-step techniques for perfecting the vital skills of drawing, model making and surveying. It is a primer on the conventions of architectural representation and the use of materials. It also explains the primary elements of construction and structure from first principles, using clear diagrams and drawings. Recommended in the first year at numerous architecture schools, this second edition has been updated to include a new section on sustainability, more on types of drawing and when to use them, and more on structural principles and materials.
Studio Craft & Technique for Architects Second Edition
by Anne Gorman Miriam DelaneyThis one-stop handbook for architecture students provides step-by-step techniques for perfecting the vital skills of drawing, model making and surveying. It is a primer on the conventions of architectural representation and the use of materials. It also explains the primary elements of construction and structure from first principles, using clear diagrams and drawings. Recommended in the first year at numerous architecture schools, this second edition has been updated to include a new section on sustainability, more on types of drawing and when to use them, and more on structural principles and materials.
A Study in Moral Theory (Routledge Revivals)
by John LairdFirst published in 1926, this study addresses the theory of morality using four overarching approaches: analytical, psychological, theoretical, and finally, philosophical. Within these methodologies, chapters explore such areas as the character of moral enquiry, the knowledge of good and evil, freedom and self-determination and moral philosophy. This is an interesting reissue, which will be of particular value to students researching the philosophy of ethics and morality.
The Study in the Use of Hypnosis to Subvert Polygraphic Findings
by Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.An informative manual that may be of interest to the law enforcement officer, investigators and those who use polygraph and investigative hypnosis in the scope of their duties. This is a controlled study that was conducted by doctor Kuhns investigating the facts of if someone using hypnosis as a polygraph countermeasure could affect the results of a polygraph examination.
A Study of Criminal Proceeding Conventions in Tang Dynasty
by Xi ChenThis book uses the monographic study of litigation subjects, prosecution, trial, and enforcement to reveal the formation, operation, and development of criminal proceeding conventions in the Tang Dynasty. It also outlines the combination, coordination, and interaction of rules, conventions, and ideas in the traditional Chinese legal system, and presents an overview of the evolution and development of traditional litigation in China. This book is intended mainly for scholars and graduate and undergraduate students in the fields of law and Chinese history.
A Study of India's Textile Exports and Environmental Regulations
by K.S. Kavi KumarThis book examines the interplay between trade and the environment, with a focus on the Indian textile sector. While it is often claimed that developed countries' non-tariff trade measures adversely affect the trade prospects of developing countries, establishing that claim systematically is a challenging task. This book examines the dilemma on the basis of various approaches, including a primary survey of different stakeholders and the large-scale modelling of the economy-environment inter-linkages. The interplay between the costs involved in meeting environmental regulations and the potential price-premiums that the cleaner products would get in the international market is analysed in order to assess the future trade prospects for Indian textiles. In addition, the book provides a comprehensive overview of the present scenario of the Indian textile sector. Accordingly, it will be of great interest to researchers, policy makers and graduate students specializing in environmental economics, development economics and international economics.
The Study of Law: A Critical Thinking Approach (Fourth Edition )
by Katherine A. Currier Thomas E. EimermannThe Study of Law: A Critical Thinking Approach focuses on the basic foundations of the law and on the legal reasoning process. In addition to presenting an overview of the legal system, this book teaches the basic skills necessary to read and understand statutes and court cases. Part 1, The American Legal System, introduces students to the study of law and the organization of the legal system. Part 2, Substantive Law and Ethical Issues, introduces students to basic concepts and terminology used in the most prominent substantive areas of law.
A Study of Legal Tradition of China from a Culture Perspective: Searching for Harmony in the Natural Order
by Zhiping LiangProfessor Zhiping Liang offers a new understanding of Chinese legal tradition in this profoundly influential book. Unlike the available literature using the usual method of legal history research, this book attempts to illustrate ancient Chinese legal tradition through cultural interpretation. The author holds that both the concept and practice of law are meaningful cultural symbols. The law reveals not only the life pattern in a specific time and space but also the world of the mind of a specific group of people. Therefore, just as cultures have different types, laws embedded in different societies and cultures also have different characters and spirits. Believing that human experience is often condensed into concepts, categories, and classifications, the author begins his discussion with the analysis of relevant terms and then seeks to understand history by interpreting the interaction and interconnectedness of the words, ideas, and practices. Based on the same understanding, the author uses modern concepts reflectively and critically, consciously exploiting the differences between ancient and contemporary Chinese and Western concepts to achieve a more realistic understanding of history while avoiding the ethnocentrism and modern-centrism common in historical studies.
A Study of Mixed Legal Systems: Endangered Entrenched Or Blended (Juris Diversitas)
by Sue Farran Esin ÖrücüA Study of Mixed Legal Systems: Endangered, Entrenched, or Blended takes the reader on a fascinating voyage of discovery. It includes case studies of a number of systems from across the globe: Cyprus, Guyana, Jersey, Mauritius, Philippines, Quebec, St Lucia, Scotland, and Seychelles. Each combines its legal legacies in novel ways. Large and small, in Europe and beyond, some are sovereign, some part of larger political units. Some are monolingual, some bilingual, some multilingual. Along with an analytical introduction and conclusion, the chapters explore the manner in which the elements of these mixed systems may be seen to be ’entrenched’, ’endangered’, or ’blended’. It explores how this process of legal change happens, questions whether some systems are at greater risk than others, and details the strategies that have been adopted to accelerate or counteract change. The studies involve consideration of the colourful histories of the jurisdictions, of their complex relationships to parent legal systems and traditions, and of language, legal education and legal actors. The volume also considers whether the experiences of these systems can tell us something about legal mixtures and movements generally. Indeed, the volume will be helpful both for scholars and students with a special interest in mixed legal systems as well as anyone interested in comparative law and legal history, in the diversity and dynamism of law.
A Study of Quality Management of Official Statistics in China (Research Series on the Chinese Dream and China’s Development Path)
by Wuyi ZengThis book focuses on how to improve the quality management of official statistics in China. Official statistics help to build an overview of China’s social and economic development and play an important role in policymaking for government as well as in decision-making for enterprises. Because of the great value in reference, the quality of official statistics also constitutes the concern from the public. This book summarizes three levels for understanding the concept of the quality of official statistics and analyzes possible affections from social and economic environment, political and management perspectives. Government statistical data is an important information reflecting China’s economic and social development, an important tool for Party committees at all levels, governments, enterprises and the public to understand and grasp China’s economic operation and social development, an important basis for Party committees and governments at all levels to conduct economic and social management and decision-making and an important reference for enterprises and the public to make decisions on production, operation, investment and consumption. Therefore, the government, enterprises and the public at all levels are demanding more and more government statistics. Accordingly, the quality of government statistical data is becoming more and more important, because it concerns the objectivity and accuracy of government statistical data, the scientificity of economic and social management, the decision-making of Party committees, the correctness of production, operation, investment and consumption decisions of enterprises and the public. Therefore, the quality of government statistical data is extremely important, which is not only the focus of social concern, but also the core issue of government statistics.
The Study of The Federal Reserve and Its Secrets
by Eustace Clarence MullinsIn the fall of 1949 I went to the Library of Congress to get material for a newspaper article about the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. What I expected to be a week's labor turned into a lengthy research job of nineteen months, for I discovered, in my initial inquiry, that there existed not one narrative account of the origins and activities of this powerful organization. The standard works on the Federal Reserve System, almost entirely abstruse and technical works on economics, I found of little practical value. Even in the matter of acceptances, the usual textbooks contained no information upon such an important item in America's economic history as the changeover from the open-book system of credit to the acceptance system, which has wrought such vast changes in our practice of commerce, and for this information I found only one source, a few pamphlets published by the American Acceptance Council from 1915 to 1928. It is, then, little wonder that the student with a Master's Degree in Economics from one of the better universities will see here for the first time material which should have been before him in his elementary courses." Eustace Clarence Mullins, Jr was a populist American political writer and biographer. His most famous and influential work is The Secrets of The Federal Reserve, described by congressman Wright Patman as 'a very fine book [which] has been very useful to me'. He is generally regarded as one of the most influential authors in the genre of conspiracism.
The Study of Violent Crime: Its Correlates and Concerns
by Scott Mire Cliff RobersonViolence is a complex subject that is rooted in a multitude of disciplines, including not only criminology but also psychology, sociology, biology, and other social science disciplines. It is only through understanding violence as a concept that we can hope to respond to it appropriately and to prevent it. The Study of Violent Crime: Its Correlates
Study on the Auditing System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
by Jiayi LiuA comprehensive, authoritative examination of Chinese auditing practices Study on the Auditing System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics provides unprecedented insight into China's current audit process, with expert contributions and predictions of future trends. Author Jiayi Liu is the Auditor General of the National Audit Office of the People's Republic of China, and the current chairman of the governing boards of the International Organizations of Supreme Audit Institutions; in this book, he draws upon his vast experience to help you better understand China's unique approach to auditing. Contributions from senior auditors across the China National Audit Office share deep insight into the system's framework, features, and development, providing a comprehensive, systematic examination of current, past, and future practices. As a leading global auditing authority, Liu is the ideal source of information and clarity on China's auditing system. This book opens up the practices, processes, and foundational aspects of this complex system to provide insight for those doing business in China. Understand the foundation of the Chinese auditing system Learn how the system was created and developed over time Delve into the system's framework and detailed features Gain first-hand insight into China's auditing experience Developed as a companion to Study on the Auditing Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, this book expands upon the system's basic foundations to show how theory translates into practice. Companies who do business in China need a working knowledge of the system, and a scientific examination from the definitive authority provides a level of insight you won't find anywhere else. Study on the Auditing System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics is the essential primer to the Chinese audit.
Study on the Auditing Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Revised Edition
by Jiayi LiuA comprehensive guide to China's public, private, and internal audit system Study on the Auditing Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics provides a comprehensive overview of China's auditing practices. Recent years have seen the National Audit Office of China (CNAO) making remarkable headway not only in China by guaranteeing the healthy operation of the economy and society and improving national governance through government auditing, but also in the international arena by carrying out audits with the United Nations. With constant development in the practice, an audit theory with socialist Chinese characteristics has taken shape, centering on the premise that government auditing serves as the cornerstone and safeguard of national governance. At the XXI INCOSAI held in 2013 in Beijing, the theme of "national audit and national governance" proposed and chaired by CNAO, was met with widespread approval by participants from over 160 countries, and led to the endorsement of the Beijing Declaration, which makes it a priority and target for audit institutions to promote good national governance. To explore the nature and development of government auditing, this book probes into the history and reality, and theories and practices of auditing in various countries, and puts forward the assertion that, "as a cornerstone and important safeguard for national governance, government auditing is an 'immune system' endogenous within the synthetical system of national governance, with functions of precaution, revelation and defense." Furthermore, China's socialist auditing theory has been elaborated in nine aspects, nature, functions, goals, features, methods, management, framework of regulations and standards, IT application and culture, covering the new concepts, methodologies, techniques and achievements of China's government auditing. This book is highly relevant, practical, and readable. Jiayi Liu, the chief author, is the Auditor General of China and the current Chairman of INTOSAI Governing Board. In 2013 he won the United Nations Peace Prize in recognition of his auditing work for UN peacekeeping operations.
A Study on the Creation, Impact and Legal Issues of Crypto Special Drawing Rights (Modern China and International Economic Law)
by Leo ZengThis book analyzes the concept, theory, rules, and impact of the reform of the international monetary system and Crypto-SDRs and provides a feasibility analysis of the combination of blockchain technology and SDRs. It explores and summarizes the possibility of solving problems such as the inherent defects of the current international monetary system and creatively suggests that the birth of Crypto-SDR will have a positive impact on countries and industries and fields around the world, especially in anti-money laundering, cross-border asset recovery, international payments, banking, insurance, financial auditing, Fintech regulation, etc.
Study on the Issue of Taiwan’s Participation in the International Space
by Jie ZhuThis book points out the legal roots of the alignment of Cross-Strait political relations and the issues of Taiwan's participation in international space, and the Treaty of San Francisco and the “Undetermined Status of Taiwan”. Based on an academic standpoint, the book studies the legal theories related to the alignment of Cross-Strait political relations and the issues of Taiwan's participation in international space from the Mainland Chinese perspective. It focuses on the different descriptions and regulations of the alignment of Cross-Strait political relations between the Mainland of China and Taiwan and discusses the status, forms, problems, and prospects of the coexistence of the two sides in the international space. Compared with the policy oaths used in current studies, the book systematically discusses the alignment of Cross-Strait political relations and the issues of Taiwan's participation in international space with a theoretical interpretation. It uses detailed historical materials, especially valuable policy documents and excerpts of speeches cited of the Mainland of China. This book puts forward a series of important propositions, such as the construction of a mechanism for Taiwan’s orderly participation in the international space and means of existence of the Taiwan region in the international space.
Study Skills for Criminology (SAGE Study Skills Series)
by Dr Mark Simpson Olwen Harrison Mr John Harrison Ms Emma MartinThe new edition of this best-selling study skills book provides a practical guide for success for individuals at every level of their criminology and criminal justice degree. The new edition of this best-selling study skills book is a practical guide to success for individuals at every level of their criminology and criminal justice degree. Fully revised to reflect changes in the curriculum, the book continues to provide students with practical and relevant information for their degree, including topics on choosing modules, sourcing and researching, applying theory to practice, writing essays, presentation skills, revision, taking exams and careers after your degree. New to the second edition: o a chapter on plagiarism o developments in virtual learning environments and e-resources o expanded coverage of internet and e-learning skills o advice on moving from A-level to university. Maintaining its student-friendly approach and useful pedagogy - tips, activities, glossary, key terms and issues - Study Skills for Criminology is an essential purchase for any student of criminology or criminal justice looking to excel in their degree. SAGE Study Skills are essential study guides for students of all levels. From how to write great essays and succeeding at university, to writing your undergraduate dissertation and doing postgraduate research, SAGE Study Skills help you get the best from your time at university.John Harrison, formerly of Teesside University. Mark Simpson is Dean of the School of Social Sciences and Law at Teesside University. Olwen Harrison, formerly of Teesside University. Emma Martin is Senior Lecturer in Criminology at Teesside University.
Studying for your Policing Degree (Critical Study Skills)
by null Jane Bottomley null Steven Pryjmachuk null Martin WrightStudying for your Policing Degree is PERFECT for anyone wanting to train to become a police officer. After reading this fully comprehensive guide you will understand: the structure and culture of HE, and how policing fits into it what to expect, and what will be expected of you, as a university student teaching and assessment methods within policing, so that you can perform to the best of your ability in an academic environment how to manage your policing studies in an effective way and make the most of the resources available to you. The books in our Critical Study Skills series will help you gain the knowledge, skills and strategies you need to achieve your goals. They provide support in all areas important for university study, including institutional and disciplinary policy and practice, self-management, and research and communication. Packed with tasks and activities to help you improve your learning, including learner autonomy and critical thinking, and to guide you towards reflective practice in your study and work life. Uniquely, this book is written by a subject specialist and an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) expert.
Studying Islam in Practice (Studying Religions in Practice)
by Gabriele MarranciThis book presents Islam as a lived religion through observation and discussion of how Muslims from a variety of countries, traditions and views practice their religion. It conveys the experiences of researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds and demonstrates the dynamic and heterogeneous world of Islam. The fascinating case studies range from Turkey, Egypt, Morocco and Lebanon to the UK, USA, Australia and Indonesia, and cover topics such as music, art, education, law, gender and sexuality. Together they will help students understand how research into religious practice is carried out, and what issues and challenges arise.
Stump Your Lawyer
by Howard ZaharoffFor the lawyers who think they know it all&mdas;lor for those of you who worry that your legal counsel can't tell a tort from a tartStump Your Lawyer! is a hilarious tour of the quirks and curiosities of our legal system. This tongue-in-cheek volume offers witty, practical, and thought-provoking challenges for the legally minded. Short case histories, definitions, multiple-choice quizzes, and other formats mock the bar exam approach and probe the reader's knowledge of obscure statutes, baffling decisions, bizarre legal concepts, and antiquated jargon. Whether you're studying, practicing, or running from the law, this book will keep you laughing--and learning--all the way to the courthouse.
Stung: The Incredible Obsession of Brian Molony
by Gary Stephen RossHe was one of the brightest stars at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, a brilliant young banker on his way to the top. But Brian Molony had a secret obsession: he loved to gamble. The unsuspecting bank was soon fueling that obsession, as Molony helped himself to hundreds of thousands, then millions, of dollars in fraudulent loans. Despite falling deeper and deeper in the hole, Molony convinced himself he could win it all back. Before long, the mild-mannered assistant manager had become one of the biggest high-rollers the casinos had ever seen and earned himself a place in the annals of criminal history.