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Showing 31,951 through 31,975 of 34,100 results

UK Law and Your Rights For Dummies

by Liz Barclay

Do you know your legal rights and responsibilities if you're buying or selling a home, moving in with your partner, returning goods, getting your personal finances in order or dealing with a problematic neighbour? There are a multitude of legal rights to protect individuals, and most of us don't consider them until faced with an immediate legal problem. Boost your legal know-how with this simple guide that does away with the jargon and complication of the law, and helps you get a handle on a wide range of everyday legal issues. UK Law and Your Rights For Dummies shows you how to cut through the reams of red tape, avoid legal pitfalls and prepare yourself to deal with any situation.

Ukrainian Healthcare Law in the Context of European and International Law (European Union and its Neighbours in a Globalized World #7)

by Roman Maydanyk André Den Exter Iryna Izarova

This is an increasingly timely book, focusing on issues arising from the impact of COVID-19 on the health care law of the Central and East European countries. It deals with dualism and system of health care law, depicts legal personality in the field of health care, examines property rights and turnover of human tissues, considers moral rights in this field, intellectual ownership in the field of medicine and pharmacy, contracts on health care and contracts on rendering medical services, the legal relationships of transplantology, post-mortem reproduction and donorship, features of family personal property rights in the field of health care, problems of legal regulation of medical workers labour, investigates private legal relationships of surrogate motherhood with foreign element. Special attention is given to the alternative resolution of health care disputes and impact of pandemic on the effective health rights protection. The book is intended for wide auditoria of scholars and practitioners, who engaged in health care rights protection, as well as judges and practicing lawyers, graduate and undergraduate students.

UK's Legal Responses to Terrorism

by Yonah Alexander Edgar H Brenner

First published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

La última cruzada del Papa (The Pope's Last Crusade - Spanish Edition) (The Pope's Last Crusade - Spanish Edition): Cómo un jesuita estadounidense ayudó al

by Peter Eisner

Basándose en recursos sin explotar, entrevistas exclusivas y nueva investigación de archivos, La última cruzada del Papa por Peter Eisner es un emocionante relato que trae a la luz el valiente esfuerzo del Papa Pío XI para condenar el nazismo y la política del Tercer Reich —una cruzada que podría haber cambiado el curso de la segunda guerra mundial.Un escandaloso relato de intriga y suspenso, ilustrado con dieciséis páginas de fotos de archivos, La última cruzada del Papa: cómo un jesuita estadounidense ayudó a la campaña del Papa Pío XI para detener a Hitler ilumina la atrevida pero poco conocida campaña de este líder religioso, una batalla espiritual y política que se descarriló por la muerte de Pío XI tan sólo unos meses más tarde. Peter Eisner revela cómo Pío XI tuvo la intención de rechazar inequívocamente el nazismo en uno de los pronunciamientos sin precedentes y progresistas jamás emitidos por el Vaticano, y cómo un grupo de clérigos conservadores conspiró para prevenirlo.Durante años, se han conocido sólo partes de esta historia. Eisner ofrece una nueva interpretación de este acontecimiento histórico y las figuras poderosas en su centro en una obra esencial que proporciona una visión seria y plantea cuestiones controversiales que afectan nuestra época actual.

The Ultimate Defense: A Practical Plan to Prevent Man's Self-Destructio

by Fredric F. Clair

The utter extinction fo mankind by atomic warfare is a horrifying possibility-if not a probability-whether we face it or not. The Ultimate Defense diagnoses this most crucial problem of our generation and presents a practical plan for solving it.The ethical, pan-humanistic presentation of the author not only reveals a logical plan but also a specific plan. Through its strong personal effect upon the reader, each individual becomes aware of his responsibility for the situation and why it is necessary for him to contribute to its solution.Ringing with sincerity, the author's message extracts the very essence, the basic moral core that units all religions and reveals the identical ethics at the heart of all of them.This is no theoretical treatise on ethics, nor does it advocate any cult or creed. Based on a study of comparative religion, it brings into common focus, with burning brightness, the rays of light that emanate from all religions. The result is a central core of truth that shows not only how to prevent annihilation, but even more important, HOW TO LIVE.

The Ultimate Enhancement of Morality (SpringerBriefs in Ethics)

by Vojin Rakić

This book deals with good, evil, happiness and morally enhanced post-humans. It offers a succinct historical elaboration of philosophical stances towards morality and happiness, focusing on Kant's ideas in particular. Human augmented ethical maturity in a futuristic version of Kant’s Ethical Commonwealth implies, among else, voluntary moral bio-enhancement (VMBE); consequently, more happiness – as morality and happiness are in a circularly supportive relationship; ultimate morality (UM). UM is in its own way a universal morality. In line with the contention that Kant’s vision of the (not immediate but more distant) future of humanity is one of a cosmopolitan moral order in which humans act virtuously in the broadest possible community, that is, humanity, it is justified to conclude that successful VMBE is conducive to Kant’s vision. In this context the book is of great interest to a broad audience, such as those interested in VMBE and novel conceptions of morality, and those with an interest in the historical development of morality and happiness, in philosophy (specifically, ethics) and in post-humanity.

The Ultimate Guide to Power & Influence: Everything You Need to Know

by Robert L. Dilenschneider

"An inspiring primer on navigating one&’s life with self-knowledge and integrity." —Kirkus Reviews Respected consultant Robert L. Dilenschneider explains how technology and globalization have revolutionized the ways to both build and keep success—and tells readers that to accomplish your goals, you must not only gain power, but also apply it with proper wisdom.The Ultimate Guide to Power & Influence arms its readers with intellectual, technical, and moral weapons—tools you need to get and stay ahead in the increasingly competitive and ever-evolving business world. Acquiring both power and influence is crucial to advancing not only your personal interests, but also a more prosperous society at large.Drawing from current-day lessons and the wisdom of hundreds of drivers of change in all fields of business, The Ultimate Guide to Power & Influence is Robert Dilenschneider&’s latest guide to harnessing the universal principles for success. It provides anecdotes and insights on a wide range of keys to success, including how to seize opportunity amid crisis, manage your network, communicate effectively, and take full advantage of social media to bolster your image.A leader in the sphere of public relations and the founder of The Dilenschneider Group, which provides strategic advice to Fortune 500 companies and leading figures around the world—with experience in everything from mergers and acquisitions to government affairs and international media—Robert Dilenschneider writes with experience and authority to help readers acquire and amplify their power.For graduate students to corporate professionals alike, The Ultimate Guide to Power & Influence is an essential guide to charting the ever-changing waters of the business world with imagination, competence, and grace.

Ultimate Justice

by Mimi Latt

From the Back Cover. Edited. When gifted New York prosecutor Alexandra Locke puts her rising career on hold to be near her dying mother, she hesitatingly accepts a position in the office of her father, Thomas Kendall, the politically ambitious Los Angeles District Attorney. But their already strained father-daughter relationship grows far worse when Alexandra hears a shocking deathbed confession. . Flying in the face of her father's re election bid, Alexandra vows to investigate. . Alexandra joins forces with her handsome former lover and together they pry open a case that was once nailed shut.

Ultimate Punishment: A Lawyer's Reflections on Dealing with the Death Penalty

by Scott Turow

America's leading writer about the law takes a close, incisive look at one of society's most vexing legal issuesScott Turow is known to millions as the author of peerless novels about the troubling regions of experience where law and reality intersect. In "real life," as a respected criminal lawyer, he has been involved with the death penalty for more than a decade, including successfully representing two different men convicted in death-penalty prosecutions. In this vivid account of how his views on the death penalty have evolved, Turow describes his own experiences with capital punishment from his days as an impassioned young prosecutor to his recent service on the Illinois commission which investigated the administration of the death penalty and influenced Governor George Ryan's unprecedented commutation of the sentences of 164 death row inmates on his last day in office. Along the way, he provides a brief history of America's ambivalent relationship with the ultimate punishment, analyzes the potent reasons for and against it, including the role of the victims' survivors, and tells the powerful stories behind the statistics, as he moves from the Governor's Mansion to Illinois' state-of-the art 'super-max' prison and the execution chamber.Ultimate Punishment, this gripping, clear-sighted, necessary examination of the principles, the personalities, and the politics of a fundamental dilemma of our democracy has all the drama and intellectual substance of Turow's celebrated fiction.

Ultimate Questions

by Bryan Magee

We human beings had no say in existing--we just opened our eyes and found ourselves here. We have a fundamental need to understand who we are and the world we live in. Reason takes us a long way, but mystery remains. When our minds and senses are baffled, faith can seem justified--but faith is not knowledge. In Ultimate Questions, acclaimed philosopher Bryan Magee provocatively argues that we have no way of fathoming our own natures or finding definitive answers to the big questions we all face.With eloquence and grace, Magee urges us to be the mapmakers of what is intelligible, and to identify the boundaries of meaningfulness. He traces this tradition of thought to his chief philosophical mentors--Locke, Hume, Kant, and Schopenhauer--and shows why this approach to the enigma of existence can enrich our lives and transform our understanding of the human predicament. As Magee puts it, "There is a world of difference between being lost in the daylight and being lost in the dark."The crowning achievement to a distinguished philosophical career, Ultimate Questions is a deeply personal meditation on the meaning of life and the ways we should live and face death.

The Ultra Vires Doctrine in Corporate Law: A Comparative Review (SpringerBriefs in Law)

by Marco Antonio Jiménez Sánchez

This book offers a comparative review of the ultra vires doctrine in corporate law. Divided into three main sections, it first provides a brief overview of the historical background and the scope of the ultra vires doctrine. It then analyses the essential features of the doctrine in the common law and civil law traditions across the Western world. Lastly, the book examines the objects clause, procedural aspects, and the mechanism of ratification of such ultra vires acts. The book's comparative approach and global contextualization of the subject matter will be of interest to readers from around the globe, familiarizing them with legal provisions, case law, and recent literature. Although it is primarily intended for scholars in the area of corporate law, it is also a valuable resource for professionals in the field of commercial law who deal with issues related to the capacity of firms and the powers of their directors.

Ultrasocial: The Evolution of Human Nature and the Quest for a Sustainable Future

by John M. Gowdy

Ultrasocial argues that rather than environmental destruction and extreme inequality being due to human nature, they are the result of the adoption of agriculture by our ancestors. Human economy has become an ultrasocial superorganism (similar to an ant or termite colony), with the requirements of superorganism taking precedence over the individuals within it. Human society is now an autonomous, highly integrated network of technologies, institutions, and belief systems dedicated to the expansion of economic production. Recognizing this allows a radically new interpretation of free market and neoliberal ideology which - far from advocating personal freedom - leads to sacrificing the well-being of individuals for the benefit of the global market. Ultrasocial is a fascinating exploration of what this means for the future direction of the humanity: can we forge a better, more egalitarian, and sustainable future by changing this socio-economic - and ultimately destructive - path? Gowdy explores how this might be achieved.

Ultrasonic (Essays)

by Steven Church

A well-written collection of essays by a writer, professor, father of two. Each essay is managed differently in presentation on the page, leading the reader to wonder what might be next.

Ultrasonic Exposimetry

by Marvin C. Ziskin Peter A. Lewin

Ultrasonic Exposimetry presents the fundamentals of ultrasonics and discusses the theoretical background of acoustic wave generation and reception. Measurements, instrumentation, and interpretation of measured data (including error analysis) are examined in detail.

Um Ato Patriota

by Kenneth Eade

Morte e lei, nessa ordem na Baía de Guantánamo. Quando um cidadão americano naturalizado desaparece no Iraque, Brent Marks luta contra o gigante Governo dos EUA com sua própria Constituição. O contador de Santa Bárbara, Ahmed Khury, responde ao apelo de seu irmão, Sabeen, suspeito de lavagem de dinheiro no Iraque. Antes que Ahmed perceba o que aconteceu, ele está no campo de detenção da Baía de Guantánamo, sendo submetido a torturas para extrair informações que não possui. O drama fora do tribunal explode e quando assassinato, corrupção e encobrimento entram em cena, ninguém está seguro, incluindo Brent.

Uma Mensagem da Ucrânia

by Volodymyr Zelensky

As palavras de um homem. A mensagem de um povo. Reunindo os mais poderosos discursos de guerra de Volodymyr Zelensky, e com uma introdução do próprio, este livro relata a história da Ucrânia através das palavras do seu presidente. É a história de uma nação que se defende com valentia da agressão da Rússia. E é a história de um povo que lidera o mundo na defesa da democracia. Acima de tudo, é um grito de guerra para que nos ergamos e lutemos pela liberdade. Se não for agora, quando o faremos?

The Umbilical Cord Blood Controversies in Medical Law (Biomedical Law and Ethics Library)

by Karen Devine

Since the therapeutic value of umbilical cord blood (UCB) stem cells was first recognised in the late 1980s, there has been a proliferation of both public and private UCB banks worldwide. However, the ability to utilise such a potentially valuable resource has provoked a number of controversies. In a distinctly accessible style, this book unpacks the socio-legal implications of the UCB collection process and constructs a detailed analysis of the law and ethics that surrounds UCB banking in the UK, including ownership of the cells. Its enquiry is located within the theoretical framework of altruism versus self-interest and explores the notions of risk and choice associated with this distinctive blend of public/private healthcare provision. The book evaluates the impact of the Human Tissue Act 2004 and the European Union Tissues and Cells Directive (2004/23/EC) on the UCB industry and provides a unique insight into the effect that the law may have on the NHS whose maternity staff and premises are used to collect UCB. This book would be of interest primarily to a UK readership in addition to expectant families, health professionals, students, academics, practitioners and the UCB industry elsewhere in the world.

Umgang mit Grenzverletzungen: Professionelle Standards und ethische Fragen in der Psychotherapie (Psychotherapie: Praxis)

by Andrea Schleu

Das Buch setzt sich lebendig und anhand vieler anschaulicher Beispiele mit schwierigen Behandlungssituationen in der Psychotherapie auseinander. Einen Orientierungsrahmen bieten Ethikleitlinien, Berufsordnung und wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse, die jedoch keine abschließenden Antworten geben können. Das Buch führt in einen offenen Diskurs über den Umgang mit Irrtum, Verwicklung, Grenzen und Grenzverletzungen, von dem sowohl Aus- und Weiterbildungsteilnehmer als auch erfahrene Kollegen profitieren können. Vor dem Hintergrund des aktuellen Stands der Forschung und der rechtlichen Rahmenbedingung wird jenseits von Tabuisierung und Schweigen ein hilfreicher Umgang mit der Dynamik von Grenzverletzungen und Machtmissbrauch in der Psychotherapie entwickelt. Die teils gravierenden Folgen für Patienten und Psychotherapeuten sowie die gesamte Profession werden eingehend erörtert und Maßnahmen zur Prävention dargestellt. Aus dem Inhalt: Grenzverletzungen – Abstinenzverletzungen – Machtmissbrauch – Machtgefälle – Behandlungsfehler – Regelverstöße – Nebenwirkungen – Therapieschäden – professionelle und ethische Standards in der Psychotherapie – Ethikverein – Folgetherapie – Prävention – politische Konsequenzen. Die Autorin: Dr. med. Andrea Schleu, Fachärztin für Psychotherapeutische Medizin und Innere Medizin, Psychoanalyse (DGPT), EMDR (EMDRIA), Spez. Psychotraumatologie (DeGPT), Supervision (DGSv), Dozentin, Referentin, Beraterin und Vorsitzende Ethikverein e.V.

Umgang mit Krisenauswirkungen in der Bauwirtschaft: Schnelleinstieg für Architekten und Bauingenieure (essentials)

by Matthias Linnemann Andreas Bahner Georg Bremer

​Die letzten Jahre waren weltumspannend geprägt von Auswirkungen der Pandemie und der Kriegslage in Europa. Auch die Auswirkungen auf die Bauwirtschaft sind erheblich und mitunter existenziell. Dadurch stellen sich viele Fragen: Wie geht man mit der internationalen Verflechtung von Lieferketten in der Bauwirtschaft um? Wie wird man krisenresistenter und -resilienter in der Vertragsgestaltung? Welche Möglichkeiten sind baubetrieblich greifbar, um den Umgang mit den Auswirkungen besser zu realisieren?Die Kooperationsverpflichtung der Vertragsparteien endet nicht mit dem Beginn von Komplikationen im Bauablauf.Das Ziel muss also ein angemessener Interessensausgleich sowohl der Auftraggeberseite, als auch der Auftragnehmerseite sein.

Umgang von Verwaltungsmitarbeitenden mit Red Tape (BestMasters)

by Nicolas Drathschmidt

Wesenskern der Verwaltungswissenschaft ist nach wie vor die Frage nach Dysfunktionalitäten bürokratischer Organisationen. Schwerfälligkeit durch überbordende Bürokratie wird in der Forschung hierbei als Red Tape bezeichnet. Aufgrund der relationalen Beschaffenheit ist die Frage weniger, was alles Red Tape ist, sondern vielmehr wie Verwaltungsmitarbeitende mit Red Tape umgehen. Diese Arbeit soll dazu beitragen, Bewältigungsstrategien, auch Coping genannt, bezogen auf Red Tape zu verstehen. Mittels Survey-Experiment wird untersucht, inwieweit die individuelle Bewältigungsstrategie durch die Form (analog/digital), über die Red Tape transportiert wird, und den Ursprung (intern/extern), von dem Red Tape ausgeht, beeinflusst wird. Die Ergebnisse zeigen unter Berücksichtigung des transaktionalen Stressmodells von Lazarus und Folkman, dass Mitarbeitende der Verwaltung insbesondere dann aktive Bewältigungsstrategien auswählen, wenn diese durch externe Quellen hervorgerufen wird und zudem analog vorliegt.

Umiker's Management Skills for the New Health Care Supervisor

by Rachel Ellison

Written for those who have little or no management training, Umiker’s Management Skills for the New Health Care Supervisor comprehensively covers what the new health care supervisor will need to know to be successful in their career. Through real world cases studies, readers gain insight into a supervisor’s day-to-day interactions with patients, colleagues, outside stakeholders, and their employees. Updated throughout to cover the many ongoing challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare supervisors and managers, the new Eighth Edition offers an all-new chapter on ethics in the workplace; new materials on the aging workforce and women in health care; virtual meeting, remote jobs, and working from home; different types of mentorships, the increase in importance of value-based care, sexual harassment and the METOO movement; and much more.

Umwelt- und Klimagerechtigkeit: Aktualität und Zukunftsvision

by Regine Grafe

Es wird die Komplexität von Umweltverschmutzung und Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigung im Kontext von sozialer Indikation dargestellt. Mit Hilfe von Sozialindikatoren wird aufgezeigt, wie Umweltverschmutzung, Gesundheitszustand, Bildungsteilhabe und Arbeitswelt auf die Menschen, insbesondere in Ballungsgebieten und in ausgewählten Innenstadtbereichen sowie in Satelitenstädten unmittelbar zusammenhängen. Die Bewertungsgrößen Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) und Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) werden im Kontext der Humanbiometereologie (HBM) ausführlich diskutiert Stadtklimatologie und Geometrie der Stadtarchitektur werden in Hinblick auf die urbane Gesundheit und die soziale Beeinflussungen der Bewohner dargestellt.

Umweltgerechtigkeit: Aktualität und Zukunftsvision (Essentials Ser.)

by Regine Grafe

Es wird die Komplexität von Umweltverschmutzung und Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigung im Kontext von sozialer Indikation dargestellt. Mit Hilfe von Sozialindikatoren wird aufgezeigt, wie Umweltverschmutzung, Gesundheitszustand, Bildungsteilhabe und Arbeitswelt auf die Menschen, insbesondere in Ballungsgebieten und in ausgewählten Innenstadtbereichen sowie in Satelitenstädten unmittelbar zusammenhängen. Die Bewertungsgrößen Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) und Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) werden im Kontext der Humanbiometereologie (HBM) ausführlich diskutiert Stadtklimatologie und Geometrie der Stadtarchitektur werden in Hinblick auf die urbane Gesundheit und die soziale Beeinflussungen der Bewohner dargestellt.

Umweltgerechtigkeit – Wohnen und Energie: Instrumente und Handlungsansätze (essentials)

by Regine Grafe

Wie sozial gerecht ist Wohnraum? Sollen Mieter, die in nicht gut gedämmten Wohnungen leben, dafür zahlen, dass sie aufgrund dessen mehr Energie verbrauchen und höhere Energiekosten haben? Müssen externalisierte Kosten der Energiegewinnung und -verteilung nicht zukünftig internalisiert werden? Der ganzheitliche Umweltgerechtigkeitsansatz impliziert auch Gesundheitsgerechtigkeit. Das heißt, sowohl sozialräumliche Gegebenheiten als auch soziökonomische Belange sind im Zusammenhang mit der Energieeffizienz von Wohngebäuden und der Energieversorgung einzubeziehen. Die Problematiken, die sich daraus ergeben, sind nicht mit den aktuell üblichen Transferleistungen für Einkommensschwache zu lösen. Erforderlich sind stadtplanerische Instrumente gepaart mit politischem Willen, wie energieeffiziente Sanierung von Wohnbauten und Stadtquartieren, Vermeidung von Raumreduktion und den damit verbundenen siedlungshygienischen und stadtklimatischen Beeinflussungen der Gesundheit der Bewohner. Notwendig ist auch das Einbinden von wegeökonomischen Mobilitätskonzepten in den Bestand der Verkehrswege.

Umweltmanagement in Skigebieten

by Ulrike Pröbstl-Haider Monika Brom Claudia Dorsch Alexandra Jiricka-Pürrer

Das vorliegende Buch zeigt, welche ökonomischen, ökologischen und rechtlichen Vorteile für Unternehmen entstehen, wenn sie die sensible Bergwelt so schonend wie möglich nutzen. Einsparpotenziale werden ebenso thematisiert wie ökologische Verbesserungen durch Pistenpflege oder Maßnahmen zum Vogelschutz. Ausführlich kommen auch die innerbetrieblichen Effekte zur Sprache, wie ein erhöhtes Engagement der Mitarbeiter durch die Beteiligung am Umweltmanagementsystem.Dieses Buch soll dazu beitragen, die Anzahl zertifizierter Skigebiete zu erhöhen sowie eine generelle Sensibilität für umwelt- und ressourcenschonendes Management in Wintersportgebieten zu erzeugen. Skigebietsbetreiber, Kommunen und beteiligte Planungs- und Beratungsbüros finden hier wertvolle Hinweise und Checklisten, die den Weg zu einem naturverträglichen Skigebietsmanagement erleichtern. Die Ausführungen werden durch Praxisbeispiele aus diversen Skigebieten anschaulich illustriert.

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