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Vom „Theater des Schreckens“ zum „peinlichen Rechte nach der Vernunft“: Literatur und Strafrecht im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert (Literatur und Recht #5)
by Eric Achermann Gideon StieningDas Strafrecht der frühen Neuzeit erfährt zwischen dem beginnenden 17. und dem späten 18. Jahrhundert in Theorie und Praxis grundstürzende Veränderungen. Vor allem im Zuge der Aufklärung wird es entschärft, rationalisiert und teilweise humanisiert. Diese Prozesse werden von der europäischen Literatur kritisch reflektiert und kommentiert, womit es ihr häufig gelingt, in die Strafpraxis einzugreifen. Der Band klärt die moralphilosophischen Grundlagen dieser Entwicklung und untersucht das Wechselverhältnis von Literatur und Recht in Einzelstudien zu bedeutenden Werken der Zeit.
Von der Idee zum Produkt für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Alexander RappDaniel Düsentrieb hat es leicht: Sein Genie gibt ihm die Erfindungen ein, über Finanzierung und Patentrecht muss er sich keine Gedanken machen. Das ist schön, die Wirklichkeit ist leider etwas komplizierter: Alexander Rapp zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie als Erfinder systematisch arbeiten, wie Sie Ideen bewerten, diese dann umsetzen und schließlich Ihr Werk auf Herz und Nieren prüfen. Er erklärt Ihnen außerdem, was der Unterschied zwischen Patent und Gebrauchsmuster ist und wie Sie Ihre Erfindung am besten schützen. Schließlich gibt er Ihnen noch Anregungen, wie Sie mit Investitionen und Lizenzen Ihres Geistes Kind zu Geld machen können.
Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Bauabnahmen: Schnelleinstieg für Architekten und Bauingenieure (essentials)
by Konrad MickschDie fachgerechte und ordnungsgemäße Abnahme von Bauleistungen und Gebäuden ist für alle an Bauabnahmen Beteiligten im Bereich der Objektüberwachung komplex und birgt viele Fallstricke. Der Autor beschreibt, was bei der organisatorischen, technischen und rechtlichen Vorbereitung von Abnahmen zu beachten und was bei Störungen der Bauabnahme durch auftretende Mängel zu tun ist. Er informiert darüber, welche Dokumente, Qualitätsnachweise und Erklärungen bei der Abnahme erforderlich sind. Übersichten, Checklisten und Musterformulare runden den Schnelleinstieg in die Thematik ab.Der AutorDipl.-Ing., Dipl.-Ing.-Ök. Konrad Micksch arbeitete viele Jahre als Projekt- und Oberbauleiter im schlüsselfertigen Bahn-, Brücken-, Sport-, Gesellschafts- und Anlagenbau im In- und Ausland.
Vorbeugender Brandschutz in der Gebäudeplanung: Vom Entwurf zum Brandschutzkonzept
by Claus LangeDas Lehrbuch vermittelt anschaulich Grundlagen zur brandschutztechnischen Planung von Gebäuden mit unterschiedlichen Nutzungen. Dabei werden die Schutzziele des vorbeugenden Brandschutzes sowie die baulichen, technischen und organisatorischen Brandschutzmaßnahmen vor dem Hintergrund der Verknüpfung mit dem abwehrenden Brandschutz eingehend erläutert sowie praxisgerecht dargestellt. Vertiefende Einblicke in die Rettungswegsicherung sowie die Anwendung von Ingenieurmethoden des Brandschutzes runden das Werk ab. Ein Anhang mit Übersichten zu brandschutztechnischen Anforderungen an unterschiedliche Gebäudearten (z. B. Wohn- und Geschäftshäuser, Büro- und Verwaltungsgebäude, Versammlungsstätten, Krankenhäuser, Industriebauten) sowie ein ausführliches Glossar können zum schnellen Nachschlagen wichtiger Fakten genutzt werden. Das Werk eignet sich auch als Nachschlagewerk für Praktiker bei der Erstellung von Brandschutzkonzepten.
Vorsatzanfechtung: Mit Rechtsprechungsregeln Ansprüche vermeiden, abwehren und verfolgen (essentials)
by Tobias Hirte Karsten KieselTobias Hirte und Karsten Kiesel stellen Rechtsprechungsregeln für Vorsatzanfechtungsfälle gemäß § 133 InsO unter Nennung der jeweils wesentlichen Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofs dar, die im Zusammenhang mit Vorsatzanfechtungssachverhalten stehen. Dabei wird besonderes Augenmerk auf Indizien, Beweisanzeichen sowie Beweiserleichterungen gelegt. Anhand dieser Kriterien lassen sich allgemeine Erwägungen ableiten, die für Fälle der Vorsatzanfechtung gelten. Die Vorsatzanfechtung ist sowohl für den Insolvenzverwalter, und damit für die Gläubiger im Rahmen eines Insolvenzverfahrens, als auch für die (potenziellen) Anfechtungsgegner ein bedeutendes Thema.
Vorschlagswesen zur Innovation in der Öffentlichen Verwaltung: Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter treiben die Veränderung (essentials)
by Gottfried Richenhagen Hans-Dieter SchatDie öffentliche Verwaltung unterliegt einem großen Veränderungsdruck durch die Digitalisierung (Onlinezugangsgesetz!) und die Demografie (Fachkräftemangel und Generation Y in den Verwaltungen, "Digital Natives" und anspruchsvolle ältere Seniorinnen und Senioren als Bürger). Dadurch ist der Kostendruck schon fast zur Gewohnheit geworden. Öffentliche Verwaltungen bestehen aus Menschen. Wenn die Mitarbeitenden in den Verwaltungen nicht mitgenommen werden, dann wird ein Wandel nicht gelingen. Mit dem Vorschlagswesen wird ein bewährtes Konzept vorgestellt. Hier können die Mitarbeitenden selbst aktiv werden und ihre Sicht einbringen. Dies führt zu einer neuen Kultur in der Verwaltung.
Vorstandsvergütung 2020: Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung der Vergütung nach Umsetzung der ARUG II-Richtlinie und der DCGK Reform 2020 (Juridicum - Schriften zum Unternehmens- und Wirtschaftsrecht)
by Florian TimmerAusufernde Vergütungen für Vorstände von börsennotierten Aktiengesellschaften entsprechen einem öffentlichen Vorurteil. Das gilt gerade dann, wenn die Gesellschaften selbst zuvor keine ebenso hohen Gewinne erwirtschafteten oder die Börsenkurse ins Wanken gerieten. Auch sonst sorgten millionenhohe Vergütungen oft für öffentliches Unverständnis. Aus diesem Grund hat der europäische Gesetzgeber mit Erlass der zweiten Aktionärsrechterichtlinie (2. ARRL) einen weiteren Regulierungsversuch unternommen, um diesem Phänomen einen Riegel vorzuschieben. In Deutschland wurde die Richtlinie durch das zweite Aktionärsrechterichtlinien-Umsetzungsgesetz (ARUG II) in nationales Recht überführt. In unmittelbarem Zusammenhang damit wurde auch der Deutsche Corporate Governance Kodex in seiner ab 2020 geltenden Fassung (DCGK 2020) deutlich überarbeitet. Auf der Basis dieser Neuerungen wertet dieses Werk aus, ob bekannte Probleme der Vergütung gelöst wurden. Zudem wird die neue Gesetzeslage kritisch gewürdigt. Abschließend wird auf die impliziten Auswirkungen eingegangen.
Vorstandsvergütung als Mechanismus der Corporate Governance: Grundsätze für die Konzeption und Publizität der Vorstandsvergütung in Deutschland (Rechnungswesen und Unternehmensüberwachung)
by Laura BundleDie Vorstandsvergütung stellt einen wesentlichen Mechanismus der Corporate Governance dar. Durch das Gesetz zur Umsetzung der zweiten Aktionärsrechterichtlinie (ARUG II) werden neue Anforderungen an die Konzeption und Publizität der Vorstandsvergütung gestellt. Die Verfasserin unterzieht die Änderungen der vergütungsbezogenen Corporate-Governance-Mechanismen einer umfassenden normativen und empirisch-deskriptiven Analyse. Es wird untersucht, ob durch das ARUG II eine Verbesserung der Corporate Governance in Deutschland erfolgt. Durch die Entwicklung von Grundsätzen für die Vorstandsvergütung normiert Laura Bundle weiterführende Anforderungen an die Konzeption und Publizität der Vorstandsvergütung.Die AutorinDr. Laura Bundle promovierte als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin bei Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Böcking an der Professur für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Wirtschaftsprüfung und Corporate Governance an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main.
The Vortex of Power: Intellectuals and Politics in Indonesia's Post-Authoritarian Era
by Airlangga Pribadi KusmanThis book explores the role of intellectuals and governance processes in post-authoritarian Indonesia. Focusing on East Java, the author argues that intellectuals have played an increasingly direct and practical role in the exercise of governance at the local level of Indonesian politics.The book provides insights into how the collaboration between intellectuals and local politico-business elites has shaped good governance and democratic institution-building, validating power structures that continue to obstruct political participation in the country. In addition, the book also delves into the contribution of local intellectuals in resolving the contradictions between technocratic ideas and governance practices, in the interest of local elites.Empirical studies included in the book add to the broader literature on the social role of intellectuals, highlighting their role as not just defined by their capacity to produce and circulate knowledge, but also by their particular position in concrete social and political struggle. The author also explores the manner in which relationships between intellectuals, business and political elites and NGOs in local political and economic practices, intersect with national-level contests over power and resources.
Votes and More for Women: Suffrage and After in Connecticut
by Carole NicholsThis fascinating book demonstrates the diversity of Connecticut’s women’s feminist activities in pre- and post-suffrage eras and refutes the notion that feminist activism died out with the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment.
Votescam: The Stealing of America (Forbidden Bookshelf #15)
by James M. Collier Kenneth F. CollierThe groundbreaking investigation into the corruption of American democracy, beginning at the voting booth This book is the culmination of a 25-year investigation into computerized vote fraud in the United States. Journalists James and Kenneth Collier pose the question, "Why can't we vote the bastards out?" Their answer: "Because we didn't even vote the bastards in." Votescam fills in the blanks for anyone who senses that their ballot is worthless, but does not know why. It tracks down, confronts, and calls the names of Establishment thieves who silently steal votes for their own profit. It comes face-to-face with the Supreme Court justice who buried key vote fraud evidence; the most powerful female publisher in America, who refused to permit her newspapers and television stations to expose vote rigging; the Attorney General who jailed Jim Collier to avoid an investigation into vote fraud; and a cast of weak-kneed, corrupt politicians, lawyers, and members of the media entangled in a massive crime, but who have yet to be held accountable. First published in 1992, this groundbreaking exposé has been updated by journalist Victoria Collier, daughter and niece, respectively, of the late James and Kenneth Collier, and editor of Votescam.org, to reflect modern threats to American democracy. As computers grow ever more powerful, the need to read Votescam is increasingly urgent.
Voting in Elections (U.S. Government)
by Amy KortuemWhat is an election? Learn about elections and why it is important that people vote. Descriptive main text, full-color photos, fast facts, and callout definitions work together to support understanding.
Voting Rights of Refugees
by Ruvi ZieglerVoting Rights of Refugees develops a novel legal argument about the voting rights of refugees recognised in the 1951 Geneva Convention. The main normative contention is that such refugees should have the right to vote in the political community where they reside, assuming that this community is a democracy and that its citizens have the right to vote. The book argues that recognised refugees are a special category of non-citizen residents: they are unable to participate in elections of their state of origin, do not enjoy its diplomatic protection and consular assistance abroad, and are unable or unwilling, owing to a well-founded fear of persecution, to return to it. Refugees deserve to have a place in the world, in the Arendtian sense, where their opinions are significant and their actions are effective. Their state of asylum is the only community in which there is any prospect of political participation on their part.
The Voting Rights War: The NAACP and the Ongoing Struggle for Justice
by Gloria J. Browne-Marshall C. T. VivianThe Voting Rights War tells the story of the courageous struggle to achieve voting equality through more than one hundred years of work by the NAACP at the Supreme Court. Readers take the journey for voting rights from slavery to the Plessy v. Ferguson case that legalized segregation in 1896 through today's conflicts around voter suppression. The NAACP brought important cases to the Supreme Court that challenged obstacles to voting: grandfather clauses, all-White primaries, literacy tests, gerrymandering, vote dilution, felony disenfranchisement, and photo identification laws. <P><P>This book highlights the challenges facing American voters, especially African Americans, the brave work of NAACP members, and the often contentious relationship between the NAACP and the Supreme Court. This book shows the human price paid for the right to vote and the intellectual stamina needed for each legal battle. The Voting Rights War follows conflicts on the ground and in the courtroom, from post-slavery voting rights and the formation of the NAACP to its ongoing work to gain a basic right guaranteed to every citizen. Whether through litigation, lobbying, or protest, the NAACP continues to play an unprecedented role in the battle for voting equality in America, fighting against prison gerrymandering, racial redistricting, the gutting of the Voting Rights Act, and more. The Voting Rights War highlights the NAACP's powerful contribution and legacy.
Voto en contra
by José Ramón Cossío DíazEste libro muestra uno de los rostros más luminosos de México: el de la pluralidad, la inteligencia y las instituciones. En los últimos 15 años, México ha librado algunas de sus batallas más importantes... en la Suprema Cortede Justicia de la Nación. Ahí se han debatido -y definido- los límites a la libertad de expresión, los derechos de los indígenas a juicios justos, las fronteras de la privacidad, la inclusión, el valor de los tratados internacionales e incluso el "derecho a la irreverencia", entre muchos otros. Y poco a poco, gracias a jueces como José Ramón Cossío, las perspectivas más progresistas han ido ganando terreno. En esta obra, el exministro explica con sencillez y pasión algunos de los votos más importantes de su carrera: aquéllos en los que discrepó con la mayoría, pero que a la larga permitieron más derechos, más democracia, más pluralidad. Voto en contra revela, así, un país dinámico, vibrante y complejo, en el que la inteligencia y las instituciones pueden librar y ganar las batallas más trascendentes.
Votos, drogas y violencia
by Guillermo Trejo¿POR QUÉ A MEDIDA QUE LA DEMOCRACIA SE HA CONSOLIDADO EN MÉXICO LA VIOLENCIA A GRAN ESCALA SE HA MULTIPLICADO?. Guillermo Trejo y Sandra Ley ofrecen en este libro una teoría novedosa y necesaria sobre la violencia criminal, que enfatiza la influencia crucial de la política. A partir de estudios de caso en profundidad y análisis estadísticos que abarcan más de dos décadas y distintos niveles de gobierno, muestran que los procesos de transición democrática, aunados a la fragmentación del poder político, pudieron ser la causa principal del estallido e intensificación de las guerras en México, así como su expansión a las esferas de la política local y la sociedad civil. A diferencia de estudios previos, que ven a los grupos de crimen organizado como empresas económicas libres que operan en oposición a las autoridades estatales, Trejo y Ley los conciben como grupos ilegales íntimamente relacionados con el Estado. Por tanto, estos grupos responden al cambio político: el crimen organizado no puede existir ni operar con éxito si no cuenta con algún grado de protección estatal. Los autores denominan a esa intersección colaborativa zona gris, un espacio donde los grupos criminales pueden respirar, crecer, reproducirse y triunfar. Sin embargo, cuando la esfera del poder estatal cambia, el equilibrio de la zona gris también lo hace y eso genera violencia. Votos, drogas y violencia propone un nuevo enfoque político que amplía nuestra comprensión del crimen organizado y de las condiciones que propician la guerra y la paz en el inframundo criminal.
The Voucher Promise: "Section 8" and the Fate of an American Neighborhood
by Eva RosenAn in-depth look at America’s largest rental assistance program and how it shapes the lives of residents in one low-income Baltimore neighborhoodHousing vouchers are a cornerstone of US federal housing policy, offering aid to more than two million households. Vouchers are meant to provide the poor with increased choice in the private rental marketplace, enabling access to safe neighborhoods with good schools and higher-paying jobs. But do they?The Voucher Promise examines the Housing Choice Voucher Program, colloquially known as “Section 8,” and how it shapes the lives of families living in a Baltimore neighborhood called Park Heights. Eva Rosen tells stories about the daily lives of homeowners, voucher holders, renters who receive no housing assistance, and the landlords who provide housing. While vouchers are a powerful tool with great promise, she demonstrates how the housing policy can replicate the very inequalities it has the power to solve.Rosen spent more than a year living in Park Heights, sitting on front stoops, getting to know families, accompanying them on housing searches, speaking to landlords, and learning about the neighborhood’s history. Voucher holders disproportionately end up in this area despite rampant unemployment, drugs, crime, and abandoned housing. Exploring why they are unable to relocate to other neighborhoods, Rosen illustrates the challenges in obtaining vouchers and the difficulties faced by recipients in using them when and where they want to. Yet, despite the program’s real shortcomings, she argues that vouchers offer basic stability for families and should remain integral to solutions for the nation’s housing crisis.Delving into the connections between safe, affordable housing and social mobility, The Voucher Promise investigates the profound benefits and formidable obstacles involved in housing America’s poor.
Voyage Charters (Lloyd's Shipping Law Library)
by Julian Cooke Tim Young Michael Ashcroft Andrew Taylor John Kimball David Martowski LeRoy Lambert Michael SturleyWidely regarded as the leading authority on voyage charters, this book is the most comprehensive and intellectually-rigorous analysis of the area, is regularly cited in court and by arbitrators, and is the go-to guide for drafting and disputing charterparty contracts. Voyage Charters provides the reader with a clause-by-clause analysis of the two major charterparty forms: the Gencon standard charterparty contract and the Asbatankvoy form. It also delivers thorough treatment of COGSA and the Hague and Hague-Visby Rules, a comparative analysis of English and United States law, and a detailed section on arbitration awards. This book is an indispensable, practical guide for both contentious and non-contentious shipping law practitioners, and postgraduate students studying this area of law.
Voyage Charters (Lloyd's Shipping Law Library)
by Andrew Taylor Michael Ashcroft John Kimball Julian Cooke David Martowski LeRoy Lambert Michael Sturley Tim YoungWidely regarded as the leading authority on voyage charters, this book is the most comprehensive and intellectually-rigorous analysis of the area, is regularly cited in court and by arbitrators, and is the go-to guide for drafting and disputing charterparty contracts. Voyage Charters provides the reader with a clause-by-clause analysis of the two major charterparty forms: the Gencon standard charterparty contract and the Asbatankvoy form. It also delivers thorough treatment of COGSA and the Hague and Hague-Visby Rules, a comparative analysis of English and United States law, and a detailed section on arbitration awards. Key features of the fourth edition: The only textbook to deal specifically with this key area of maritime law Written by an impressive team of highly-regarded maritime authorities from both sides of the Atlantic Contains a wealth of updated English and American case law and arbitrations, as well as addressing broader issues such as Rome II Regulation Convention regarding the conflict of laws Practical user-friendly guide, which is accessible not only to lawyers but also shipping professionals A new, detailed United States law section on COGSA This book is an indispensable, practical guide for both contentious and non-contentious shipping law practitioners, and postgraduate students studying this area of law.
Voyeur Nation: Media, Privacy, and Peering in Modern Culture
by Clay CalvertFrom 24-hour-a-day "girl cam" sites on the World Wide Web to trash-talk television shows like "Jerry Springer" and reality television programs like "Cops," we've become a world of voyeurs. We like to watch others as their intimate moments, private facts, secrets, and dirty laundry are revealed. Voyeur Nation traces the evolution and forces driving what the author calls the 'voyeurism value. ' Calvert argues that although spectatorship and sensationalism are far from new phenomena, today a confluence of factors-legal, social, political, and technological-pushes voyeurism to the forefront of our image-based world. The First Amendment increasingly is called on to safeguard our right, via new technologies and recording devices, to peer into the innermost details of others' lives without fear of legal repercussion. But Calvert argues that the voyeurism value contradicts the value of discourse in democracy and First Amendment theory, since voyeurism by its very nature involves merely watching without interacting or participating. It privileges watching and viewing media images over participating and interacting in democracy.
The Vulgar Boatman (The Brady Coyne Mysteries #6)
by William G. TapplyWhen a politician&’s son is suspected of murder, Boston lawyer Brady Coyne is dispatched to fix it—only to uncover a web of deceit: &“Tapply at his best&” (The New York Times). Running for governor on the Republican ticket, Tom Baron needs his image to be squeaky clean. He employs men like Brady Coyne, a compassionate Boston attorney, to keep problems far away from his campaign. But when his son doesn&’t come home one night, Tom&’s political strategy becomes a criminal matter. His son&’s girlfriend has been murdered, and the boy has no alibi. To protect his friend&’s political ambitions, Brady digs into the investigation, finding a trail of drugs and corruption that stretches far across the Eastern seaboard. Tom Baron may be his friend, but Brady Coyne will stomach no cover-up. If the son is guilty and Tom is involved, Brady will come down on the would-be governor with a fury that will make Boston politics look like a student council election.
Vulnerabilities: Rethinking Medicine Rights and Humanities in Post-pandemic (Integrated Science #18)
by Stefania Achella Chantal MaraziaDrawing from a wide array of disciplinary perspectives and geographical contexts, this volume offers new insights for critically engaging with the problem of vulnerability. The essays here contained take the move from the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to explore the inherent vulnerability of individuals, but also of social, economic and political systems, and probe the descriptive and prescriptive import of the concept.Each chapter provides a self-contained perspective on vulnerability, as well as a specific methodological framework for questioning its meaning. Taken together, the chapters combine into a multi-disciplinary toolkit for approaching the various forms and structures of vulnerability, with a special attention to the intersectional factors shaping the individual experience of it: from gender to age, from disability to mental illness, from hospitalisation to incarceration. The book explores the theoretical richness and complexity of the concept and proposes new analytical approaches to it, before illustrating its multifariousness through empirically grounded case studies. The closing section engages with “the future of vulnerability”, as a hermeneutic, epistemological, and critical-normative perspective to be deployed beyond the domain of global crises and emergencies.The volume is primarily intended as a reference for scholars in the human, social and health sciences. The accessible structure and plain language of the chapters make it also a valuable didactic resource for graduate courses in philosophy, the social sciences and public health.
Vulnerabilities, Care and Family Law
by Julie Wallbank Jonathan HerringWhile in the past family life was characterised as a "haven from the harsh realities of life", it is now recognised as a site of vulnerabilities and a place where care work can go unacknowledged and be a source of social and economic hardship. This book addresses the strong relationships that exist between vulnerability and care and dependency in particular contexts, where family law and social policy have a contribution to make. A fundamental premise of this collection is that vulnerability needs to be analysed in a way that gets at the heart of the differential power relationships that exist in society, particularly in respect of access to family justice, including effective social policy and law targeted at the specific needs of families in mutually dependent caring relationships. It is therefore crucial to critically examine the various approaches taken by policy makers and law reformers in order to understand the range of ways that some families, and some family members, may be rendered more vulnerable than others. The first book of its kind to provide an intersectional approach to this subject, Vulnerabilities, Care and Family Law will be of interest to students and practitioners of social policy and family law.
Vulnerability: Reflections on a New Ethical Foundation for Law and Politics (Gender in Law, Culture, and Society)
by Martha Albertson Fineman Anna GrearMartha Albertson Fineman’s earlier work developed a theory of inevitable and derivative dependencies as a way of problematizing the core assumptions underlying the ’autonomous’ subject of liberal law and politics in the context of US equality discourse. Her ’vulnerability thesis’ represents the evolution of that earlier work and situates human vulnerability as a critical heuristic for exploring alternative legal and political foundations. This book draws together major British and American scholars who present different perspectives on the concept of vulnerability and Fineman's ’vulnerability thesis’. The contributors include scholars who have thought about vulnerability in different ways and contexts prior to encountering Fineman’s work, as well as those for whom Fineman’s work provided an introduction to thinking through a vulnerability lens. This collection demonstrates the broad and intellectually exciting potential of vulnerability as a theoretical foundation for legal and political engagements with a range of urgent contemporary challenges. Exploring ways in which vulnerability might provide a new ethical foundation for law and politics, the book will be of interest to the general reader, as well as academics and students in fields such as jurisprudence, philosophy, legal theory, political theory, feminist theory, and ethics.
Vulnerability and Human Rights (Essays on Human Rights #1)
by Bryan S. TurnerThe mass violence of the twentieth century’s two world wars—followed more recently by decentralized and privatized warfare, manifested in terrorism, ethnic cleansing, and other localized forms of killing—has led to a heightened awareness of human beings’ vulnerability and the precarious nature of the institutions they create to protect themselves from violence and exploitation. This vulnerability, something humans share amid the diversity of cultural beliefs and values that mark their differences, provides solid ground on which to construct a framework of human rights.Bryan Turner undertakes this task here, developing a sociology of rights from a sociology of the human body. His blending of empirical research with normative analysis constitutes an important step forward for the discipline of sociology. Like anthropology, sociology has traditionally eschewed the study of justice as beyond the limits of a discipline that pays homage to cultural relativism and the “value neutrality” of positivistic science. Turner’s expanded approach accordingly involves a truly interdisciplinary dialogue with the literature of economics, law, medicine, philosophy, political science, and religion.