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Women on Corporate Boards: An International Perspective (Finance, Governance and Sustainability)

by Maria Aluchna Güler Aras

Female presence and involvement on boards improves firm performance, transforms corporate governance and leads to the transition towards more responsible business. Corporate boards are essential bodies for governance and management and their efficiency determines a company’s performance. The board is a crucial element of the corporate governance structure and its efficiency and performance determines the success of the operation and monitoring of the company. The board is viewed as the liaison between providers of capital (shareholders) and managers who use this capital to create value. The board role is to represent, formulate and fulfill the interests and expectations of shareholders as the owners of the companies. The discussion surrounding female participation in business inevitably needs to refer to their presence on corporate boards. It is also a reliable indicator of a gender equality policy and advancement, adopted by countries and companies. The book traces the logic behind the decision patterns of female involvement in governance and management. In particular, it identifies the patterns of women’s presence on corporate boards, with respect to theoretical and conceptual argumentation, policy and regulatory implication, as well as practical adaptation. The phenomenon of women on corporate boards is analyzed in the context of different political, cultural and institutional environments addressing challenges in both developed and emerging economies. The role of female directors is viewed as one of the crucial aspects in corporate governance, adding to the quality of control and management.

Women, Peace and Security and International Law (Hersch Lauterpacht Memorial Lectures)

by Christine Chinkin

In 2000, the UN Security Council adopted the ground-breaking Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) placing women at the centre of the agenda, thanks to years of campaigning. The Resolution recognises the differential impact of armed conflict on women and men, draws attention to the 'inextricable links between gender equality and international peace and security' and stresses the 'important role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts and in peace-building'. But what exactly is the WPS agenda and what is its content? What are its implications for peace and for security? And what does it mean for international lawyers? Through the narratives of women's activism and of international law this book seeks to make the WPS agenda better known to international lawyers and to ask whether it is, or could become, an international legal regime that conforms and responds to the realities of women's lives.

Women Police: Back Door To Equality (International Library Of Criminology, Criminal Justice And Penology - Second Ser.)

by Mangai Natarajan

The law of equal representation should enable men and women in policing to be equally valued and rewarded for the work they perform, but it has been repeatedly shown that due to the great deal of opposition to the entry of women into policing, women worldwide have been unable to fully integrate into this largely male profession. Gender stereotypes have impeded the progress of women in policing and have played an unfortunate role in discriminating and devaluing their work. However, women make a valuable contribution to policing and the recognition and nurturing of their skills presents an important challenge to police management. The introduction to the volume reviews the status of women officers worldwide and the integration progress made to date. The important twenty four articles chosen for inclusion in this book document the need for women officers and describe the many barriers they face in being fully assimilated into policing. This volume serves as a 'wake up call' for police management to find ways to attract and retain women in the police force.

Women, Precarious Work and Care: The Failure of Family-friendly Rights (Law, Society, Policy)

by Emily Grabham

Most workers on temporary, zero hours and involuntary part-time contracts in the UK are women. Many are also carers. Yet employment law tends to exclude such women from family-friendly rights. Drawing on interviews with women in precarious work, this book exposes the everyday problems that these workers face balancing work and care. It argues for stronger and more extensive rights that address precarious workers’ distinctive experiences. Introducing complex legal issues in an accessible way, this crucial text exposes the failures of family-friendly rights and explains how to grant these women effective rights in the wake of COVID-19.

Women, Reentry and Employment: Criminalized and Employable?

by Anita Grace

Women, Reentry and Employment: Criminalized and Employable? explores the conflicting discourses about employment for women who are exiting prison. It empirically outlines the landscape of employability supports available to reentering women, the ‘steps to employment’ women are directed to follow, and the barriers to employment they face and theoretically explores the subject positions of criminalized and employable women. This book offers a contemporary contribution to the scholarship of the past three decades that has queried, monitored, and challenged practices and policies relating to women’s corrections in Canada. Based on data gathered about community-based employment supports available to reentering women in Ontario, Canada, exploring how language constructs the subject positions of criminalized and employable women, and bringing into conversation the extensive body of work about women’s employment and employability and reintegration, the book marks a unique but important intersection of these empirical and theoretical domains. Central to the book is the juxtaposition of two key subject positions mobilized in women’s corrections. One is that of the criminalized woman, a subject whose experiences of trauma and marginalization have rendered her emotionally and mentally broken; she is constrained by her past and incapable of acting towards her future. The other subject position is that of the employable woman who is future oriented, confident, and ‘responsible’ for her own socio-economic inclusion. How do reentering women experience, inhabit, and resist these incompatible subject positions? Challenging the invisibilization of women’s experiences in the criminal justice system, Women, Reentry and Employment will be of great interest to students and scholars of Criminology, Penology, and Women’s Studies.

Women, Sustainable Entrepreneurship and the Economy: A Global Perspective (Women and Sustainable Business)

by K 305 ymet Tunca Çal&#305 Yurt Liliane Segura

When a woman decides to become an ‘entrepreneur,’ she starts her business with a sense of excitement, freedom, wealth, happiness, prestige; however, these feelings can soon turn to fears over debt, difficulties, unpaid invoices, stress, and uncertainty. Being an entrepreneur means taking risks, making decisions, adapting management styles in line with developmental needs, clashing with rivals, being more agile than competitors, negotiating risky scenarios, following business trends, capturing new opportunities before, and being better than the competition. If a woman wants to be successful as an entrepreneur, she needs to have a business education, undergo continued professional development, and have patience and emotional intelligence. Supporting women in their entrepreneurial activities has been shown to positively affect the economy, which is why governments pay special attention to opening new funding opportunities and training programs for women who want to start or develop a business. Female entrepreneurship has individual characteristics because of those aspects of the business which are affected by cultural, technological, legislative, social, and historical developments. This book discusses the relationship between female entrepreneurship and the economy, and academic authors from developing countries such as Brazil, Turkey, Albania, Kosovo, Portugal, and Malaysia analyze the developments encompassing women and entrepreneurship in their respective countries. The authors discuss the regulatory frameworks of each country to show how these either help or hinder female entrepreneurship, and consequently, the place of women in the economy. Women and entrepreneurship is an emerging theme, and this book is a must-read for researchers from both developing and developed countries.

Women Who Kill, Criminal Law and Domestic Abuse

by Rachel M. McPherson

This book presents an informed, coherent and stimulating analysis of UK legal defences of homicide by victims of domestic abuse. Women killing following domestic abuse from a male partner is a significant category of homicide. In some areas of the UK it represents the most common context in which women kill. Yet, despite its significance, it is an aspect of homicide that remains under-researched within a UK context. Much of what is known about cases of this type comes from other jurisdictions. This book brings together a coherent understanding of the UK landscape in this area. It builds upon existing literature, particularly from the US, which has examined this issue from a practical perspective, using the lived experiences of practitioners involved in cases of this type. The collection combines the experiences of those in practice with academic expertise, pointing to potential sites of injustice that exist in this context and offering suggestions for reform. The volume will be a valuable guide for those involved in cases of this nature whilst also offering insight to those academics with an interest in homicide and legal responses to domestic abuse. The book will also be of interest to those working in the area of comparative criminal justice.

Women Who Offend

by Loraine Gelsthorpe Gill Mcivor Margaret Malloch

Presenting research that will underpin effective practice with women who offend, this unique and thought-provoking text aims to help professionals meet the needs of this group as well as providing a theoretical resource for policy makers and academics. The authors, coming from a variety of professional and research perspectives, discuss important issues concerning women in the criminal justice system, including: * the increase in custodial sentences for women * black women in prison * patterns of female offending * drug use and the criminal justice system * the needs of women on release from prison. Calling into question the relevance to female offenders of research conducted with men who commit crime, the contributors provide a comprehensive knowledge base on women and crime for professionals who work in this area. With a broad range of contributions, this book will be helpful to probation officers, social workers, policy makers and others who work with female offenders.

Women Who Only Serve Chai: Gender Quotas, Reservations and Proxies in India

by Brian Turnbull

This book investigates the experiences of women city councilors in India. It follows the careers of women in Jaipur, Rajasthan, who were brought into public office through a gender quota instituted over two decades ago. It reveals how, even in office, women continue to face stigma and normative restrictions imposed by a society not entirely willing to accept them in a public and independent position; and how men, technically blocked by the gender quota from holding office themselves, continue to exert control and influence over women officeholders, even sidelining them in many cases as proxies. The volume also documents the role of these men, colloquially known as parshad-patis, who have uniquely subverted the gender quota without violating any of the formal quota rules. To combat these challenges, the author presents pragmatic approaches to empower women in political offices at the grassroots and highlights the need for a comprehensive support structure to aid gender quota institutions in delivering equality in highly patriarchal environments. Drawing on extensive fieldwork and interviews with elected members and their spouses, as well as journalists, women’s rights activists, and student political leaders, this book provides fascinating insights into the everyday politics of India. It will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of gender studies, politics, political processes, and South Asian studies.

Women Who Perpetrate Relationship Violence: Moving Beyond Political Correctness

by Frederick Buttell Michelle Mohr Carney

Find out what drives women to violence in their intimate relationships-and how to prevent itWomen Who Perpetrate Relationship Violence examines the causes and consequences of violence initiated by women against their partners. This unique book fills the void of available literature on domestically violent women, taking a frank look at the issues surrounding female batterers who are the primary aggressors in their intimate relationships. Contributors write candidly about the similarities and differences between violent women and violent men, how to develop effective interventions, existing theories on the development of abusive behavior in women, and society&’s response to violent women.The counseling and psychological community has responded to the problem of domestic abuse and violence against women. But very little has been done to address the issues of domestic abuse and violence committed by women. Women Who Perpetrate Relationship Violence presents innovative original research that focuses specifically on women as offenders, rather than simply adapting programs created for male batterers to women. The book includes epidemiological studies, secondary analyses, personality profiles, and a study of women entering a 16-week, court-mandated, batterer intervention program (BIP). Women Who Perpetrate Relationship Violence examines: predictors of intimate violence, including antisocial criminal records, alcohol abuse, and personality disorders associations between interpersonal dependency and violence elevated histrionic, narcissistic, and compulsive personality traits personality disorders lethal domestic assaults recidivism differences in demographic and psychological variables between women who complete treatment programs and those who drop out and much moreWomen Who Perpetrate Relationship Violence is an invaluable professional resource for psychologists, social workers, and counselors.

Women Who Succeed: Strangers in Paradise

by Susan Durbin

The number of women in senior management remains stubbornly low. Women Who Succeed examines the real life experiences of forty-six senior women who have 'made it' into senior management. It considers the strategies that these women adopted, the support they received and the relationships they formed in building their careers.

The Women Who Wouldn't Wheesht

by Susan Dalgety Lucy Hunter Blackburn

THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLEROn the 25th anniversary of the Scottish Parliament, this book captures an important moment in contemporary history: how a grassroots women's movement, harking back to the suffragettes and second wave feminists of the 1970s and 1980s, took on the political establishment - and changed the course of history.Through a collection of over thirty essays and photographs, some of the women involved tell the story of the five-year campaign to protect women's sex-based rights. Author J.K. Rowling explains why she used her global reach to stand up for women. Leading SNP MP Joanna Cherry writes of how she risked her political career for her beliefs. Survivors of male violence who MSPs refused to meet are given the voice they were denied at Holyrood. Ash Regan MSP recounts what it was like to become the first government minister to resign on a question of principle since the SNP came to power in 2007. Former prison governor Rhona Hotchkiss charts how changes in prison policy in Scotland led to the controversy over Isla Bryson.It is the story of women who risked their job, reputation, even the bonds of family and friendship, to make their voices heard, and ended up - unexpectedly - contributing to the downfall of Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland's first woman first minister.Above all, it is the story of the women who wouldn't wheesht.

Women With Disabilities: Found Voices

by Lillian Holcomb Mary Willmuth

Here is a powerful stimulus for thought, discussion, and coalition building in the area of women and disability. This innovative book was written by women with disabilities and women professionals who work with persons with disabilities. Women With Disabilities covers many concerns about life with a disability and issues related to disability and psychotherapy.The authors represent a variety of disabilities, ethnicities, sexualities, and politics. This diversity of experience and perspective forces readers to grapple with contradictions, paradox, and their own preconceptions about disabilities and women. These women writers reveal, in deeply personal, closely technical, and sometimes theoretical terms, how they have coped with the contradictions of being women, of being members of varied colors and classes, and having bodies that don’t “fit.”Women With Disabilities provides a wealth of information for psychologists, social workers, feminist therapists, and counselors working in rehabilitation, vocational rehabilitation, and mental health. It covers a variety of subjects, including transference and countertransference, spinal cord injury, visual impairment, and chronic illness. Some specific topics covered include: therapy issues for therapists working with women with disabilities parenthood and disability use of assistive technology by women with disabilities sexual exploitation of women with disabilities women’s responses to disability at different points in the life cycleReaders will be fascinated by the illuminating depth and breadth of experience expressed by the authors. Voices of rebellion, activism, and resistance sparkle across these pages. Women With Disabilities is an invitation for theoretical, therapeutic, and political coalition building to those with--and without--disabilities.

Women's Empowerment and Public Policy in the Arab Gulf States: Exploring Challenges and Opportunities (Gulf Studies #11)

by Rabia Naguib

This open access book explores the various dimensions of women’s empowerment in public policy in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region, with a particular focus on Qatar, comparing the country to the other Gulf states. Through its rich compilation of empirical qualitative research, the text unpacks the various ways in which women’s empowerment materializes in the GCC context, providing insights into public policy perspectives in high-income rentier states more broadly. The Arab world has long been part of the global dialogue on women’s economic and political empowerment and the GCC has, over the past decade, situated women’s empowerment amongst their respective national priorities and long-term strategies. In turn, the Gulf has seen gradual implementation of policies aimed at women, specifically, in looking to attract and retain them in the labour market, and in the public sector more broadly. The collection surveys and evaluates the progress made in recent decades, paying close attention to the cultural and policy constraints still limiting women’s empowerment in the Gulf. With a key linkage to SDG5, this book is a timely text addressing the context and drivers behind policies centering on women in the Arab region, in its analysis of the interplay of international women’s empowerment discourse and regional public policy decisions. It is relevant to researchers and policy makers focused on women and gender issues in relation to social, cultural, economic, and political empowerment in the Gulf specifically, but also in the Arab world and beyond.

Women's Entrepreneurship in STEM Disciplines: Issues and Perspectives (Contributions to Management Science)

by Michaela Mari Sara Poggesi Lene Foss

This book presents scholarly reflections on women's entrepreneurial propensity and on women's entrepreneurship in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. Contributing to a country's innovativeness and competitiveness, women entrepreneurs also promote healthy social and economic growth and act as mentors and role models for younger women. However, the low involvement of women in STEM, which begins at education, affects the share of women entrepreneurs in these fields. The authors address these issues and highlight the output of research studies by bringing together both global and country-specific evidence. Researchers and policymakers interested in advancing women's entrepreneurship, especially in STEM, will particularly benefit from this book.

Women's Health and the Limits of Law: Domestic and International Perspectives (Routledge Research in Human Rights Law)

by Irehobhude O. Iyioha

Despite some significant advances in the creation and protection of rights affecting women’s health, these do not always translate into actual health benefits for women. This collection asks: 'What is an effective law and what influences law’s effectiveness or ineffectiveness? What dynamics, elements, and conditions come together to limit law’s capacity to achieve instrumental goals for women’s health and the advancement of women’s health rights?' The book presents an integrated, co-referential and sustained critical discussion of the normative and constitutive reasons for law’s limited effectiveness in the field of women’s health. It offers comprehensive and cohesive explanatory accounts of law’s limits and for the first time in the field, introduces a distinction between formal and substantive effectiveness of laws. Its approach is trans-systemic, multi-jurisdictional and comparative, with a focus on six countries in North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa and international human rights case law based on matters arising from Hungary, Portugal, Spain, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Peru and Bolivia. The book will be a valuable resource for educators, students, lawyers, rights advocates and policymakers working in women’s health, socio-legal studies, human rights, feminist legal studies, and legal philosophy more broadly.

Women's Human Rights: Mixed Norms and Identities in Infertility Management in Zimbabwe

by Anne Hellum Henriette Sinding Aasen

Mixed Norms and Identities in Infertility Management in Zimbabwe.

Women's Human Rights and Migration: Sex-Selective Abortion Laws in the United States and India (Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights)

by Sital Kalantry

Some of the most hotly contested international women's rights issues today arise from the movement of peoples from one country to another and the practices they purportedly bring with them. In Women's Human Rights and Migration, Sital Kalantry focuses on immigrants of Asian descent living in the United States who are believed to abort female fetuses because they do not want a female child. <P><P>While sex-selective abortion is a human rights concern in India, should we, for that reason, assume that the practice undermines women's equality in the United States? Although some pro-choice feminists believe that these prohibitions on sex-selective abortion promote women's equality, other feminists fiercely oppose such laws, characterizing them as a Trojan horse in the larger pursuit to overturn the reproductive rights guaranteed by Roe v. Wade. <P><P>Nearly half of state legislatures in the United States have proposed laws restricting sex-selective abortion since 2009 and nine have adopted them.Kalantry argues that traditional feminist legal theories and international human rights law fail to provide adequate guidance in examining the human rights implications of the reproductive practices of immigrant women, evidenced by the fact that both supporters and opponents ground their claims in women's equality. She advocates instead for a context-based approach that is open to the possibility that sex-selective abortion practices will have significantly different human rights implications when they emerge in different national contexts. <P><P>The product of extensive empirical and interdisciplinary research, Kalantry's book investigates the actual occurrence of sex-selective abortion among Asian Americans, the social and cultural contexts in which women in the United States and India practice sex-selective abortion, and the consequences of the laws in each country for women's equality. Women's Human Rights and Migration develops a transnational feminist legal approach to examining and legislating contested acts that result from migration.

Women’s Human Rights in India

by Christine Forster Jaya Sagade

This book focusses on women’s human rights in India. Drawing on case studies, it provides a clear overview of the key sources on gender and rights in the country. Further, it contextualizes women’s rights at the critical intersection of caste, religion and class, and analyses barriers to the realization of women’s human rights in practice. It also develops strategies for moving forward towards greater recognition, protection, promotion and fulfilment of women’s human rights in India. Drawing on critical pedagogical tools to analyse groundbreaking court cases, this book will be a key text in human rights studies. It will be indispensable to students, scholars and researchers of gender studies, sociology, law and human rights.

Women’s Issues (Volume #1)

by Margaret Mcfadden

Volume I is from "Abbott, Edith and Grace" to "Firestone, Shulamith". A thorough and carefully prepared encyclopedia containing entries for 696 terms, personages, organizations, historical events, and contemporary issues pertaining to women in the US and Canada. Entries are arranged A-Z and encompass US Supreme Court cases and federal legislation; education; employment; feminist theory; health, sexuality, and reproductive rights; the role of women in literature, media, and the arts; marriage and the family; violence; politics and civil rights; race, ethnicity and religion; female athletic participation; and women's experience in American wars. Each entry begins with a summary of issues and significance. Articles of 1,250 words or more conclude with a bibliography; those of more than 2,500 words include annotations. Appendices include lists of institutions offering women's studies programs or degrees; important landmarks, monuments, and historical sites; museums and archives devoted to women's studies; selected organizations; and a chronology of relevant US Supreme Court decisions.

Women's Lives - Men's Laws

by Catharine A. Mackinnon

In the past twenty-five years, no one has been more instrumental than Catharine MacKinnon in making equal rights real for women. As Peter Jennings once put it, more than anyone else in legal studies, she "has made it easier for other women to seek justice. " This collection, the first since MacKinnon's celebrated Feminism Unmodified appeared in 1987, brings together previously uncollected and unpublished work in the national arena from 1980 to the present, defining her clear, coherent, consistent approach to reframing the law of men on the basis of the lives of women. By making visible the deep gender bias of existing law, MacKinnon has recast legal debate and action on issues of sex discrimination, sexual abuse, prostitution, pornography, and racism. The essays in this volume document and illuminate some of the momentous and ongoing changes to which this work contributes; the recognition of sexual harassment, rape, and battering as claims for sexual discrimination; the redefinition of rape in terms of women's actual experience of sexual violation; and the reframing of the pornography debate around harm rather than morality. The perspectives in these essays have played an essential part in changing American law and remain fundamental to the project of building a sex-equal future.

Women's Movements in Post-"Arab Spring" North Africa

by Fatima Sadiqi

Unexpected and transformative revolutions broke off in North Africa and quickly spread to the Middle East and the rest of the world in 2010 and 2011. Spontaneous, leaderless, youth-driven, and backed by social media, these revolutions called for karamah (dignity) and democracy. Centering on women's movements before, during, and after the revolutions, Women's Movements in Post-"Arab Spring" North Africa highlights the broader sources of authority that affected the emergence of new feminist actors and agents and their impact on the sociopolitical landscapes of the region. Until recently, studies of North African women's movements have focused on single aspects of women's achievements at a time. By providing a comparative analysis, this book for the first time sheds light not only on the role that these superstructures play in shaping women's experiences in North Africa, but also on the rich variety of women's responses to authority, and their potential contributions to African and global feminist thought. From the pre-history of the revolutions to their aftermath, the far-reaching historical and national scope of this collection expands the study of women's movements in North Africa beyond national borders, while still paying close attention to local characteristics.

Women’s Political Participation in Bangladesh

by Pranab Kumar Panday

This volume offers an understanding of institutional reforms, gender-related policy dynamics, the role of different actors in the policy process, and the impact of a particular policy on the state of women's political participation in Bangladesh. The discussion is set against the background of the Fourth World Conference on Women, 1995, in Beijing, in which a Platform for Action signed by heads of governments expressed their countries' commitment to achieve 'gender equality and empowerment of women' through ensuring integration of the gender perspective at all levels. In Bangladesh, notable among the initiatives undertaken was the enactment of the Local Government (Union Parishads) (Second Amendment) of 1997, through which one-third of seats were reserved for women in the Union Parishad (UP) and the system of direct election was introduced to elect women members in reserved seats. The Act of 1997 is considered to be a milestone, since it has enhanced women's participation in the local government politics significantly. Against this background, the specific research questions that have been addressed in this volume include: the necessity of reform for enhancing women's participation in politics; the context against which the Government of Bangladesh enacted the Act and the reasons such an initiative was not taken earlier; the actors behind the reforms and their role in the reform process; and the impact of the reform on the state of women's participation at the local level in Bangladesh.

Women's Rights and Religious Law: Domestic and International Perspectives (Law and Religion)

by Fareda Banda Lisa Fishbayn Joffe

The three Abrahamic faiths have dominated religious conversations for millennia but the relations between state and religion are in a constant state of flux. This relationship may be configured in a number of ways. Religious norms may be enforced by the state as part of a regime of personal law or, conversely, religious norms may be formally relegated to the private sphere but can be brought into the legal realm through the private acts of individuals. Enhanced recognition of religious tribunals or religious doctrines by civil courts may create a hybrid of these two models. One of the major issues in the reconciliation of changing civic ideals with religious tenets is gender equality, and this is an ongoing challenge in both domestic and international affairs. Examining this conflict within the context of a range of issues including marriage and divorce, violence against women and children, and women’s political participation, this collection brings together a discussion of the Abrahamic religions to examine the role of religion in the struggle for women’s equality around the world. The book encompasses both theory and practical examples of how law can be used to negotiate between claims for gender equality and the right to religion. It engages with international and regional human rights norms and also national considerations within countries. This book will be of great relevance to scholars and policy makers with an interest in law and religion, gender studies and human rights law.

Women's Voices in Management: Identifying Innovative and Responsible Solutions

by Helena Desivilya Syna Carmen Eugenia Costea

Women's Voices in Management examines a wide array of women's voices across different geo-political, social and organizational contexts in management. Extant research provides clear evidence on gendering in organizations throughout all the ranks including top management.

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