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The Words That Made Us: America's Constitutional Conversation, 1760-1840

by Akhil Reed Amar

A history of the American Constitution's formative decades from a preeminent legal scholarWhen the US Constitution won popular approval in 1788, it was the culmination of thirty years of passionate argument over the nature of government. But ratification hardly ended the conversation. For the next half century, ordinary Americans and statesmen alike continued to wrestle with weighty questions in the halls of government and in the pages of newspapers. Should the nation's borders be expanded? Should America allow slavery to spread westward? What rights should Indian nations hold? What was the proper role of the judicial branch? In The Words that Made Us, Akhil Reed Amar unites history and law in a vivid narrative of the biggest constitutional questions early Americans confronted, and he expertly assesses the answers they offered. His account of the document's origins and consolidation is a guide for anyone seeking to properly understand America's Constitution today.

Words Whispered in Water: Why the Levees Broke in Hurricane Katrina

by Sandy Rosenthal

&“Anyone who is interested in Hurricane Katrina, and in America&’s failing infrastructure, will want to read this book . . . a fast-paced narrative.&” —Scott G. Knowles, Drexel University2020 Nautilus Silver Winner In the aftermath of one of the worst disasters in US history, Words Whispered in Water tells the story of one woman&’s fight, against all odds, to expose a mammoth federal agency—and win. In 2005, the entire world watched as a major US city was nearly wiped off the map. The levees ruptured and New Orleans drowned. But while newscasters attributed the New Orleans flood to &“natural catastrophes&” and other types of disasters, citizen investigator Sandy Rosenthal set out to expose the true culprit and compel the media and government to tell the truth. This is her story. When the protective steel flood-walls broke, the Army Corps of Engineers—with cooperation from big media—turned the blame elsewhere. In the chaotic aftermath, Rosenthal heroically exposes the federal agency&’s egregious design errors and changes the narrative surrounding the New Orleans flood. This engaging and revealing tale of man versus nature and man versus man is a horror story, a mystery, and David and Goliath story all in one. &“Reveals what it takes to hold the powerful to account.&” —Publishers Weekly &“There are only a few civilians that fight like real warriors. Sandy Rosenthal is one of them.&” —Russel L. Honoré, Lieutenant General, United States Army (Ret.)

Wordsworth's Ethics

by Adam Potkay

A comprehensive examination that breathes new life into Wordsworth and the ethical concerns that were vital to his nineteenth-century readers.Why read Wordsworth’s poetry—indeed, why read poetry at all? Beyond any pleasure it might give, can it make one a better or more flourishing person? These questions were never far from William Wordsworth’s thoughts. He responded in rich and varied ways, in verse and in prose, in both well-known and more obscure writings.Wordsworth's Ethics is a comprehensive examination of the Romantic poet’s work, delving into his desire to understand the source and scope of our ethical obligations. Adam Potkay finds that Wordsworth consistently rejects the kind of impersonal utilitarianism that was espoused by his contemporaries James Mill and Jeremy Bentham in favor of a view of ethics founded in relationships with particular persons and things. The discussion proceeds chronologically through Wordsworth’s career as a writer—from his juvenilia through his poems of the 1830s and '40s—providing a valuable introduction to the poet’s work. The book will appeal to readers interested in the vital connection between literature and moral philosophy.

Work and AI 2030: Challenges and Strategies for Tomorrow's Work

by Inka Knappertsbusch Kai Gondlach

In ten years, we will take working with artificial intelligence (AI) more for granted than using cell phones today. 78 recognized experts from practice and research provide deep insights and outlooks regarding the influence of AI on everyday working life in 2030, explaining with practical tips how you can prepare for this development.The 41 concise articles cover a broad spectrum in the area examined in each case. Thanks to a standardized structure, they include a summary of the status quo, concrete examples, future expectations, an overview of challenges and possible solutions, and practical tips.The volume begins with societal and ethical issues before discussing legal considerations for employers and HR professionals, as well as the administration of justice. The other chapters examine the impact of AI on the world of work in 2030 in the sectors of business, industry, mobility and logistics, medicine and pharmaceuticals, and (further) education.

The Work and Play of the Mind in the Information Age: Whose Property? (Frontiers of Globalization)

by Phillip Kalantzis-Cope

This book tells a series of living stories about a domain of social activity, "the work and play of the mind," in a particular historical epoch: the "information age. " The stories concern political processes and movements as varied as the World Trade Organization's Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, China's Great Firewall, practices of image sharing in social media, Occupy Wall Street, The Arab Spring, The Alt-Right, and the use of geographical indications by indigenous peoples and farmers to defend their lifestyles. In its theoretical analysis, the book illuminates four alternative political agendas for the work and play of the mind. These four "propertyscapes" represent competing visions for social life, framing projects for collective political action that are at times competing, at times overlapping. The author prompts us to consider whose property is the work and play of the mind, as well as addressing larger questions regarding the framing of political space, the kinds of political communities we may need for the future, and the changing place of the work and play of the mind within these social imaginaries. The book will be of interest to students and scholars across a range of disciplines including media and communications, arts and design, law, politics and interdisciplinary social sciences.

Work as a Calling: From Meaningful Work to Good Work (Routledge Studies in Business Ethics)

by Garrett W. Potts

Amidst the exponentially growing interest in "work as a calling," contemporary discussions have taken an individualistic turn away from the earlier prosocial character that once marked this orientation to work. Now, discussions about "work as a calling" mostly prioritize personal fulfilment via the pursuit of deeply "meaningful work." Excessive focus has been placed on the experience of meaningful work in ways that are detached from the genuinely good workplace ends that allow for such a meaningful experience to ensue. This book provides a novel paradigm for reimagining the idea of "work as a calling," which serves as a corrective that better supports the individuals’ search for meaning and their contribution to the common good, arguing that the two go hand in hand, and so they cannot be separated. Thus, the key idea captured herein is not simply that scholars have misunderstood the very notion of "work as a calling" by implying that it is essentially just synonymous with meaningful work, but, even more importantly, the point is that scholars and laypersons alike often fail to realize how true meaning ensues as a result of a genuine concern for contributing to human flourishing and the common good through one’s work. Providing a new perspective on "work as a calling" by examining the issue from the perspective of morality rather than self-actualization, this volume will be of interest to researchers, academics, professionals, and students in the fields of business ethics, management, leadership, and organizational studies.

Work Beyond the Pandemic: Towards a Human-Centred Recovery

by Tindara Addabbo Edoardo Ales Ylenia Curzi Tommaso Fabbri Olga Rymkevich Iacopo Senatori

This book addresses the impact of Covid-19 on employment relations and provides a reconstruction and a critical assessment of the measures enacted worldwide to tackle the economic and social crisis triggered by the global health emergency. The pandemic has been a booster of critical issues that for years have been silently shaping society and the labor market and so it can represent an opportunity to relaunch a critical analysis on the future of work.Beginning from this assumption, this book collects contributions from different disciplines, including law, economics and organization theory. It covers topics such as the measures enacted to protect workers’ health and cushion the labour, the new inequalities that emerged during the pandemic and the strategies to construct a sustainable and human-centred development in the post pandemic scenario. It is highly relevant to scholars and students of organisation studies, resilience, the labour market and labour law.

Work, Inheritance, and Deserts in Joseph Conrad’s Fiction

by Evelyn Tsz Chan

This book focuses on the complex relationships between inheritance, work, and desert in literature. It shows how, from its manifestation in the trope of material inheritance and legacy in Victorian fiction, “inheritance” gradually took on additional, more modern meanings in Joseph Conrad’s fiction on work and self-making. In effect, the emphasis on inheritance as referring to social rank and wealth acquired through birth shifted to a focus on talent, ability, and merit, often expressed through work.The book explores how Conrad’s fiction engaged with these changing modes of inheritance and work, and the resulting claims of desert they led to. Uniquely, it argues that Conrad’s fiction critiques claims of desert arising from both work and inheritance, while also vividly portraying the emotional costs and existential angst that these beliefs in desert entailed. The argument speaks to and illuminates today’s debates on moral desert arising from work and inheritance, in particular from meritocratic ideals. Its new approach to Conrad’s works will appeal to students and scholars of Conrad and literary modernism, as well as a wider audience interested in philosophical and social debates on desert deriving from inheritance and work.

The Work of Management: A Leader’s Guide to Applying Systems Leadership

by null Ian Macdonald null Catherine Burke null Karl Stewart

The Work of Management demonstrates how the concepts, models and tools of Systems Leadership can be applied, enabling you to become a more effective manager by improving your own work to create a more positive and effective organisation.Positive organisations, where people come together to achieve a productive and personally satisfying purpose, and which provide the basis for a good society, do not occur by chance. They are created by the work of leaders and members who are dependent upon the way the organisation is designed and operates – its structure and systems. While the theory is explained, this book primarily presents the practical aspects – the specific values, methods and tools – that can be used to improve work and the work performance of direct reports. Building on the bestselling book Systems Leadership, this book provides leaders with a manual for the application of concepts as well as an introduction to Systems Leadership Theory, a method that has been used successfully by businesses from large multinational firms and banks, to SMEs, public agencies and NGOs. It provides a predictive capability, allowing a leader to predict what will work well and what is likely to fail, according to the context. It gives the benefit of foresight as decisions must be made.Designed as a leader’s manual for the application of the concepts around Systems Leadership, this book is for people who want to improve their own, and their organisation’s, work practices and performance.

Work, Race, and the Emergence of Radical Right Corporatism in Imperial Germany

by Dennis Sweeney

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the Saar river valley was one of the three most productive heavy industrial regions in Germany and one of the main reference points for national debates over the organization of work in large-scale industry. Among Germany's leading opponents of trade unions, Saar employers were revered for their system of factory organization, which was both authoritarian and paternalistic, stressing discipline and punitive measures and seeking to regulate behavior on and off the job. In its repressive and beneficent dimensions, the Saar system provided a model for state labor and welfare policy during much of the 1880s and 1890s. Dennis Sweeney examines the relationship between labor relations in heavy industry and public life in the Saar as a means of tracing some of the wider political-ideological changes of the era. Focusing on the changing discourses, representations, and institutions that gave shape and meaning to factory work and labor conflict in the Saar,Work, Race, and the Emergence of Radical Right Corporatism in Imperial Germanydemonstrates the ways in which Saar factory culture and labor relations were constituted in wider fields of public discourse and anchored in the institutions of the local-regional public sphere and the German state. Of particular importance is the gradual transition in the Saar from a paternalistic workplace to a corporatist factory regime, a change that brought with it an authoritarian vision that ultimately converged with core elements in the ideological discourses of the German radical Right, including the National Socialists. This volume will be of interest to scholars and students of labor, industrial organization, ideology and political culture, and the genealogies of Nazism. Dennis Sweeney is Associate Professor of History at the University of Alberta. "The author makes a very insightful argument about the emergence of a kind of scientific racism within the new corporatism, one that brings biopolitics into German industry prior to the rise of National Socialism. This book will be an important contribution to the history of Imperial Germany, and has much potential to appeal to audiences in other fields of history. " ---Andrew Zimmerman, George Washington University

Work with Me: How gender intelligence can help you succeed at work and in life

by John Gray Barbara Annis

Despite the strenuous efforts to give women equal status in the workplace over the last few decades, tension between the sexes in the workplace remains as rampant as ever: during exit interviews many women, often leaving to start their own businesses, cite feeling undervalued or unappreciated at the office. Despite countless company initiatives, equality protocols, and gender seminars we have made little significant advancement. So why can't the sexes work together?In this fresh exploration of the relationships between men and women in the office, world-renowned expert on gender issues in the workplace, Barbara Annis, and John Gray, author of the number one relationship book of all time, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, team up to reveal the eight gender blindspots that create friction between the sexes at work. Annis and Gray use stories, science and research (including over 100,000 in-depth interviews of male and female executives in over 60 Fortune 500 companies) to expose the blindspots that cause misunderstandings, miscommunications, mistrust, resentment and frustrations. Filled with 'ah-ha' moments, Work with Me provides a blueprint for boosting your gender intelligence. It provides new insights and solutions that will help break down barriers and enable men and women to bridge their different values, build trust and increase their credibility with each other, at work and at home.

Worker Cooperatives in India

by Timothy Kerswell Surendra Pratap

This book discusses the experiences of cooperative enterprises in India that have been operated by or influenced to a significant extent by trade unions. It describes the origins of these movements in India presenting a political-strategic view of their development and, in some cases, their decline. The book also presents case studies of groundbreaking social experiments conducted in India in which trade unions have formed cooperatives for production and service provision for the working class movement. It also offers lessons learned from previous social experiments and explains how to use them for future strategies in the working class movement by using primary research undertaken on trade union cooperatives in India. With globalization often given as a reason for the decline of trade unions and transformative social movements, this book demonstrates that where movements declined it was due to their own internal weaknesses, while presenting successful case studies of movements which have shown resilience in the face of globalization. The book also gives an extensive criticism of India’s Self Employed Women’s Association as a model of a depoliticized trade union cooperative. The main lesson of this book is that cooperatives represent a viable strategy to build working class power in the 21st century in India, and elsewhere.

Workers against the City: The Fight for Free Speech in Hague v. CIO (Working Class in American History)

by Donald W. Rogers

The 1939 Supreme Court decision Hague v. CIO was a constitutional milestone that strengthened the right of Americans, including labor organizers, to assemble and speak in public places. Donald W. Rogers eschews the prevailing view of the case as a morality play pitting Jersey City, New Jersey, political boss Frank Hague against the Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO) and allied civil libertarian groups. Instead, he draws on a wide range of archives and evidence to re-evaluate Hague v. CIO from the ground up. Rogers's review of the case from district court to the Supreme Court illuminates the trial proceedings and provides perspectives from both sides. As he shows, the economic, political, and legal restructuring of the 1930s refined constitutional rights as much as the court case did. The final decision also revealed that assembly and speech rights change according to how judges and lawmakers act within the circumstances of a given moment. Clear-eyed and comprehensive, Workers against the City revises the view of a milestone case that continues to impact Americans' constitutional rights today.

Workers' Compensation and Employee Protection Laws in a Nutshell (Sixth Edition)

by Jack B. Hood Benjamin A. Hardy Lauren A. Simpson

This compact, comprehensive reference guide covers workers compensation and employee protection laws, stressing the rights and duties of both the employer and the employee in the workplace. The text pays special attention to the laws that protect the employee and answers the most common workers compensation questions asked by students and lawyers. It is ideal both for use as a student study aid or review for the practitioner.

Workers' Compensation Law

by Neal R. Bevans

Workers' Compensation Law provides an in-depth look at the day-to-day practice of this field in addition to addressing theoretical aspects that form a critical foundation for this branch of law. It explains activities from drafting petitions, presenting cases to an administrative law judge, and bringing an appeal. Workers' Compensation Law profiles professionals who are intimately involved in a workers compensation case including attorneys, paralegals, administrative law judges, chiropractors, medical doctors, and more. It balances theory and practice, provides ethical discussions, and explores the use of private investigators and various discovery devices in order to examine claims. Content throughout is reinforced with excerpted cases, brief interviews, a variety of exhibits, and practical real-life examples. An appendix provides a wide variety of Workers Compensation forms, petitions, and medical reports.

Workers' Rights and Labor Compliance in Global Supply Chains: Is a Social Label the Answer? (Routledge Studies in Business Ethics)

by Jennifer Bair Marsha A. Dickson Doug Miller

This book provides insight into the potential for the market to protect and improve labour standards and working conditions in global apparel supply chains. It examines the possibilities and limitations of market approaches to securing social compliance in global manufacturing industries. It does so by tracing the historic origins of social labelling both in trade union and consumer constituencies, considering industry and consumer perspectives on the benefits and drawbacks of social labelling, comparing efforts to develop and implement labelling initiatives in various countries, and locating social labelling within contemporary debates and controversies about the implications of globalization for workers worldwide. Scholars and students of globalisation, development, corporate social responsibility, human geography, labour and industrial relations, business ethics, consumer behaviour and fashion will find its contents of relevance. CSR practitioners in the clothing and other industries will also find this useful in developing policy with respect to supply chain assurance.

Working Alternatives: American and Catholic Experiments in Work and Economy (Catholic Practice in North America)

by John C. Seitz, Christine Firer Hinze

Working Alternatives explores economic life from a humanistic and multidisciplinary perspective, with a particular eye on religions’ implications in practices of work, management, supply, production, remuneration, and exchange. Its contributors draw upon historical, ethical, business, and theological conversations considering the sources of economic sustainability and justice.The essays in this book—from scholars of business, religious ethics, and history—offer readers practical understanding and analytical leverage over these pressing issues. Modern Catholic social teaching—a 125-year-old effort to apply Christian thinking about the implications of faith for social, political, and economic circumstances—provides the key springboard for these discussions.Contributors: Gerald J. Beyer, Alison Collis Greene, Kathleen Holscher, Michael Naughton, Michael Pirson, Nicholas Rademacher, Vincent Stanley, Sandra Sullivan-Dunbar, Kirsten Swinth, Sandra Waddock

Working Collaboratively: A Practical Guide to Achieving More (Doshorts Ser.)

by Penny Walker

The really big sustainability challenges for your business can’t be solved by your business. But they can be solved by your business working in collaboration with others. Working Collaboratively provides tools to help you understand and manage successful collaborations: identify potential collaborators, e.g. key players from other parts of the system; spot internal "ways of working" that support or get in the way of collaboration; use a range of techniques to explore win-wins with potential collaborators. Collaboration means sharing decisions, resources, risks... and control. It means trusting others, sharing your weaknesses as well as your strengths and taking the time to find win-wins (or compromises). It requires a leap of faith, because you never know what will emerge from the chaotic early steps. Drawing on examples of collaboration between strange bedfellows, this practical guide will help you take the first steps towards building sustainable solutions together.

Working Ethics: How to Be Fair in a Culturally Complex World

by Richard Rowson

Working Ethics sets out an ethical foundation for professionals and for the professions in a modern, culturally complex society. This book will be of interest to anyone who takes seriously their obligations to society as a whole and to the individuals with whom they work. Richard Rowson puts forward an ethical framework comprising four basic elements - fairness, respect for autonomy, integrity, and seeking the most beneficial and least harmful consequences. The three parts of the book explore: * sources of ethical guidance such as laws, social conventions, professional codes of conduct and religious beliefs, identifying the ethical values integral to the professions * the obligations these values give to members of the professions, and the ethical issues which arise when they are concerned to produce benefits and prevent harm, treat people fairly, respect others and act with integrity * how these values might be incorporated into professional practice. The book ends with a brief guide to dealing with blame in a professional context and claims about rights. At the end of each chapter, key questions encourage readers to think through the issues discussed. Rowson shows how this ethical framework can enable professionals to work more effectively, earn trust, mutual support and respect, and how it can foster democratic ideals in the workplace and community. This book will be essential reading for professionals in the public and private sector - including teachers, civil servants, police personnel, nurses, doctors, lawyers, accountants and engineers.

Working Knowledge: Employee Innovation and the Rise of Corporate Intellectual Property, 1800-1930

by Catherine L. Fisk

Skilled workers of the early nineteenth century enjoyed a degree of professional independence because workplace knowledge and technical skill were their "property," or at least their attribute. In most sectors of today's economy, however, it is a foundational and widely accepted truth that businesses retain legal ownership of employee-generated intellectual property. InWorking Knowledge, Catherine Fisk chronicles the legal and social transformations that led to the transfer of ownership of employee innovation from labor to management. This deeply contested development was won at the expense of workers' entrepreneurial independence and ultimately, Fisk argues, economic democracy. By reviewing judicial decisions and legal scholarship on all aspects of employee-generated intellectual property and combing the archives of major nineteenth-century intellectual property-producing companies--including DuPont, Rand McNally, and the American Tobacco Company--Fisk makes a highly technical area of law accessible to general readers while also addressing scholarly deficiencies in the histories of labor, intellectual property, and the business of technology.

Working Law: Courts, Corporations, and Symbolic Civil Rights

by Lauren B. Edelman

Since the passage of the Civil Rights Act, virtually all companies have antidiscrimination policies in place. Although these policies represent some progress, women and minorities remain underrepresented within the workplace as a whole and even more so when you look at high-level positions. They also tend to be less well paid. How is it that discrimination remains so prevalent in the American workplace despite the widespread adoption of policies designed to prevent it? One reason for the limited success of antidiscrimination policies, argues Lauren B. Edelman, is that the law regulating companies is broad and ambiguous, and managers therefore play a critical role in shaping what it means in daily practice. Often, what results are policies and procedures that are largely symbolic and fail to dispel long-standing patterns of discrimination. Even more troubling, these meanings of the law that evolve within companies tend to eventually make their way back into the legal domain, inconspicuously influencing lawyers for both plaintiffs and defendants and even judges. When courts look to the presence of antidiscrimination policies and personnel manuals to infer fair practices and to the presence of diversity training programs without examining whether these policies are effective in combating discrimination and achieving racial and gender diversity, they wind up condoning practices that deviate considerably from the legal ideals.

The Working of the Indian Constitution

by Arghya Sengupta and Omita Goyal

The Indian Constitution has held the country together for 75 years now. This volume demonstrates the Constitution is not a static document and has seen several amendments and interpretations over the years. It delves into how the document has worked for the people since its adoption — its strengths and weaknesses, its many interpretations, how it has influenced and shaped our collectives over time and in turn been shaped by the people.The Indian Constitution clearly vests power in the hands of its people. This volume critically examines how the longest written national Constitution is made successful by people who take its spirit to heart and let it inform their activities, and how like anywhere in the world, it is a work in progress. It covers a range of debates on issues such as individual freedom (of expression, of association, freedom to lead lives of dignity, etc.), liberty (freedom from oppression), the right to life, right to equality, justice, among several others. The book contains essays by judges, lawyers and academics who describe the journey of the Constitution through doctrine, case-law, and comparative analyses with other countries. At the same time, it also contains essays by doctors, politicians, activists, bureaucrats, and a number of methodologically diverse essays by a host of demographically diverse writers.The volume will be an indispensable read for scholars and researchers of legal studies, political scientists, governance, public policy, modern history, and South Asia studies. It will also be of immense interest to political scientists, political theorists, legal scholars, historians, lawyers, and general readers interested in the history of the Indian Constitution.

Working Stiff: Two Years, 262 Bodies, and the Making of a Medical Examiner

by Judy Melinek T.J. Mitchell

“Fun…and full of smart science. Fans of CSI—the real kind—will want to read it” (The Washington Post): A young forensic pathologist’s “rookie season” as a NYC medical examiner, and the hair-raising cases that shaped her as a physician and human being.Just two months before the September 11 terrorist attacks, Dr. Judy Melinek began her training as a New York City forensic pathologist. While her husband and their toddler held down the home front, Judy threw herself into the fascinating world of death investigation—performing autopsies, investigating death scenes, counseling grieving relatives. Working Stiff chronicles Judy’s two years of training, taking readers behind the police tape of some of the most harrowing deaths in the Big Apple, including a firsthand account of the events of September 11, the subsequent anthrax bio-terrorism attack, and the disastrous crash of American Airlines Flight 587. An unvarnished portrait of the daily life of medical examiners—complete with grisly anecdotes, chilling crime scenes, and a welcome dose of gallows humor—Working Stiff offers a glimpse into the daily life of one of America’s most arduous professions, and the unexpected challenges of shuttling between the domains of the living and the dead. The body never lies—and through the murders, accidents, and suicides that land on her table, Dr. Melinek lays bare the truth behind the glamorized depictions of autopsy work on television to reveal the secret story of the real morgue. “Haunting and illuminating...the stories from her average workdays…transfix the reader with their demonstration that medical science can diagnose and console long after the heartbeat stops” (The New York Times).

Working the Boundaries: Race, Space, and "Illegality" in Mexican Chicago

by Nicholas De Genova

While Chicago has the second-largest Mexican population among U. S. cities, relatively little ethnographic attention has focused on its Mexican community. This much-needed ethnography of Mexicans living and working in Chicago examines processes of racialization, labor subordination, and class formation; the politics of nativism; and the structures of citizenship and immigration law. Nicholas De Genova develops a theory of "Mexican Chicago" as a transnational social and geographic space that joins Chicago to innumerable communities throughout Mexico. "Mexican Chicago" is a powerful analytical tool, a challenge to the way that social scientists have thought about immigration and pluralism in the United States, and the basis for a wide-ranging critique of U. S. notions of race, national identity, and citizenship. De Genova worked for two and a half years as a teacher of English in ten industrial workplaces (primarily metal-fabricating factories) throughout Chicago and its suburbs. In Working the Boundaries he draws on fieldwork conducted in these factories, in community centers, and in the homes and neighborhoods of Mexican migrants. He describes how the meaning of "Mexican" is refigured and racialized in relation to a U. S. social order dominated by a black-white binary. Delving into immigration law, he contends that immigration policies have worked over time to produce Mexicans as the U. S. nation-state's iconic "illegal aliens. " He explains how the constant threat of deportation is used to keep Mexican workers in line. Working the Boundaries is a major contribution to theories of race and transnationalism and a scathing indictment of U. S. labor and citizenship policies.

Working towards Equity: Disability Rights, Activism, and Employment in Late Twentieth Century Canada

by Dustin Galer

In Working towards Equity, Dustin Galer argues that paid work significantly shaped the experience of disability during the late twentieth century. Using a critical analysis of disability in archival records, personal collections, government publications and a series of interviews, Galer demonstrates how demands for greater access among disabled people for paid employment stimulated the development of a new discourse of disability in Canada. Family advocates helped people living in institutions move out into the community as rehabilitation professionals played an increasingly critical role in the lives of working-age adults with disabilities. Meanwhile, civil rights activists crafted a new consumer-led vision of social and economic integration. Employment was, and remains, a central component in disabled peoples' efforts to become productive, autonomous and financially secure members of Canadian society. Working towards Equity offers new in-depth analysis on rights activism as it relates to employment, sheltered workshops, deinstitutionalization and labour markets in the contemporary context in Canada.

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