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Showing 35,476 through 35,500 of 35,767 results

Working with Christian Servant Leadership Spiritual Intelligence: The Foundation of Vocational Success

by Gary E. Roberts

This book addresses how Christian leaders integrate faith into the workplace, through a love-based altruistic system of Christian Servant Leadership Spiritual Intelligence (CSLSI). It hypothesizes how CSLSI positively influences a range of desirable employee attitudes and behaviors including servant leadership and followership, organizational citizenship, and positive stress coping and adaptation strategies. This book embraces an interdisciplinary approach to present the global attributes of CSLSI, which includes following God’s will and Golden Rule workplace love expression, with specific workplace applications. The empirical research is supplemented by approximately 100 interviews with Christian leaders providing workplace exemplars and a compelling overview of how Christians honor God in the marketplace. This book will appeal to academics and practitioners in business, psychology, medicine, management, leadership, and theology looking to develop a God-honoring work life. Readers will benefit from the principles and the self-diagnostic surveys that assess spiritual intelligence and ways to enhance it.

Working with Independent Contractors (6th edition)

by Stephen Fishman

Get the legal lowdown on how to beef up your workforce without risking the ire of the IRS.

Working Women and their Rights in the Workplace: International Human Rights and Its Impact on Libyan Law

by Naeima Faraj Al-Hadad

This book addresses women’s rights to work and motherhood in Libya from a legal and international human rights perspective. In an attempt to solve the problem posed by the perception that there is an unsolvable conflict between the right of women to work and their right to motherhood, the author considers how these two sets of rights, as protected under international human rights law, can and should be recognised and promoted within the Libyan legal system. Including first-hand accounts of experiences of Libyan women, the study voices their struggle for their rights as guaranteed by domestic law, international conventions and Islam. Providing a rare insight into a region striving to find its new identity, the author assesses the adequacy of existing Libyan laws and, where warranted, offers proposals for legislative amendments to Libyan policy makers and its new Parliament at such a crucial time in the nation’s history.

The Workings of Human Rights, Law and Justice: A Journey from Nepal to Nobel Nominee (Routledge Research in Human Rights Law)

by Surya P. Subedi, QC

Drawing on the personal experience of a leading international jurist, this book provides insights into the workings of international law and human rights from a global perspective that transcends the traditional divide between the West and the East, and the Global South and Global North. The work follows the author’s remarkable journey from a simple village in Nepal to becoming an international jurist acclaimed for his innovative academic and influential practical legal work and nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize. It offers insights into the powers bearing on international policymaking, the dynamics of human rights negotiations with governments, and the effects of their outcomes on the lives of their citizens. While much has been written on international human rights law, this inspirational memoir casts a new light on the working of human rights, law, and justice through the eyes of a leading actor. It provides a valuable contribution to the study of justice and human rights and the importance of individual action. As such, the book presents an accessible source for current debates around the development and effectiveness of international law and human rights and practices for decolonising these debates. The book will provide inspiration and practical guidance for students, academics, international lawyers, jurists, and human rights advocates.

Workplace Bullying and Harassment: New Developments in International Law

by Ellen Pinkos Cobb

Workplace Bullying and Harassment: New Developments in International Law provides a comprehensive tour around the globe, summarizing relevant legislation and key developments in workplace bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination, violence, and stress in over 50 countries in Europe, the Asia Pacific region, the Americas region, and the Middle East and Africa. Workplace bullying, harassment, and other psychological workplace hazards are becoming increasingly acknowledged and legislated against in the modern work world. The costs of bullying, harassment, violence, discrimination, and stress at work are huge and far-reaching. Frequently under-reported and misunderstood, workplace bullying, harassment, violence, discrimination, and stress wreak havoc on the vitality and prosperity of organizations and individuals alike. Workplace laws have long dealt with physical risks, and psychological risks have begun to be treated similarly. In response to the changing workplace, many countries are regulating workplace bullying and harassment by introducing new legislation or incorporating new provisions into existing legislation to address these risks. Other countries have opted for non-regulatory instruments. Numerous European countries, Canada, Australia, and Japan all prohibit and punish workplace bullying and harassment, with other countries, including the United States of America, moving toward legislation against this abusive workplace conduct. This book brings together need-to-know information on global workplace bullying and harassment in one place, the first publication of its kind to do so. It will aid those in the fields of labor and employment, human resources management, occupational and industrial health psychology, health and safety, and workplace regulatory compliance stay abreast of laws and developments that these practitioners must be aware of, whether operating nationally or globally. Academics will also benefit. Links to laws and references are provided, enabling further research.

Workplace Bullying in India

by Premilla D'Cruz

Workplace bullying, a pattern of persistent and targeted emotional abuse within the context of an evolving unequal interpersonal relationship, has so far not received academic attention in India. This book explores the phenomenon of workplace bullying through a series of quantitative and qualitative inquiries conducted in India’s Information Technology-Enabled Services–Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) sector. Through quantitative evidence from two multi-city surveys, the book highlights the incidence of interpersonal bullying at work and the organizational measures available to deal with it. Over one-third of the survey respondents experienced bullying, which was usually from superiors though cross-level co-bullying was also reported. Approximately 70 per cent of the survey respondents described organizational measures including anti-bullying policies, employee awareness and training programmes, encouragement of witnesses/bystanders to intervene in bullying situations, and organizational actions. Through qualitative data, the book provides insights into both interpersonal and depersonalized bullying. The lived experiences of targets and witnesses/bystanders of interpersonal bullying underscore the critical influence of human resources management (HRM) on target coping, the long-term identity work targets engage in as they respond to identity disruptions and the effect of workplace friendship on witnesses’/bystanders’ behaviour. The presence of institutionalized bullying facilitates the development of the emergent construct of depersonalized bullying. Across both quantitative and qualitative inquiries, the inclusion of socio-cultural, micro-organizational, macro-organizational, and business, dimensions deepens our understanding. The book goes beyond a country-specific contribution to address gaps in the international literature on workplace bullying and will be of interest to academics and practitioners in the fields of management, organizational behaviour (OB), human resources (HR), industrial relations, psychology, sociology, anthropology, and law as well as to the general reader.

Workplace Drug Testing

by Steven B. Karch

Extracted from the Drug Abuse Handbook, 2nd edition, to give you just the information you need at an affordable price.Using sample protocols from the transportation and nuclear power industries, Workplace Drug Testing reviews current federal regulations and mandatory guidelines for federal workplace testing programs and

Workplace Justice: Rights and Labour Resistance in Vietnam (Critical Studies of the Asia-Pacific)

by Tu Phuong Nguyen

This book develops an understanding of workplace justice and labour rights in Vietnam from factory workers’ voices and their resistance against abuse and exploitation. Through interviews with workers and a close analysis of their letters and petitions to the unions and state authorities, Nguyen illuminates how workers’ resistance is enabled and stifled by the legal and political systems that are supposed to protect their rights and benefits. Their calls for justice reflect socialist ideology and widely held norms within society, as well as ideals and values embedded in labour law. The book demonstrates how state law brings about social change through shaping workers’ expectations and increasing consciousness of rights and justice. This book will be of interest to scholars of law, politics and society, and scholars, students and practitioners interested in labour rights in developing countries.

Workplace Mental Health Law: Comparative Perspectives (Routledge Research in Health Law)

by Takenori Mishiba

This book provides a systematic and interdisciplinary study of occupational mental health legislation in seven countries. The work presents a study of the laws, policies, and legal interpretations to help prevent mental health problems from occurring in the workplace and appropriately address problems once they do occur. With a view to improving provision in Japan, the author examines the legal issues relating to workplace mental health and stress in the USA, UK, Denmark, the Netherlands, France and Germany. In presenting a comparative discussion of mental health issues in the workplace, this book seeks to establish a minimum for legal rights and duties that contribute to prevention and not just compensation. With its detailed comparative and descriptive coverage of legal and related provisions in a range of countries, the book will be a valuable resource for academics, policy-makers and practitioners working in labour and employment law, social welfare, occupational health and human resource management.

The Workplace Reimagined: Accommodating Our Bodies and Our Lives

by Nicole Buonocore Porter

In the wake of the pandemic, many employers continue to allow their employees to work from home, but much of the workplace remains governed by strict structural norms such as shifts, schedules, attendance, and leave-of-absence policies that determine when and where work is performed. In The Workplace Reimagined, Nicole Buonocore Porter explores how these workplace norms marginalize people with disabilities and workers with caregiving responsibilities. Using COVID-19 as a lens to illustrate how entrenched workplace norms are often not inevitable or necessary, Porter theoretically and practically reconceptualizes the workplace to end the stigmatization of these employees and helps readers understand the value of accommodating all workers. The Workplace Reimagined is timely, eye-opening, and will help us realize a workplace in which we account for the reality, the precarity, and the diversity of all our lives and bodies.

Workplace Safety and Health: Assessing Current Practices and Promoting Change in the Profession (Occupational Safety & Health Guide Series)

by Thomas D. Schneid

Are the tried and true safety practices still effective in the changing workplace? Is there a better way of safeguarding employees from accidents and injuries? In short, why do you perform the safety activities that you do on a daily basis and do they produce the results necessary to keep your safety program and your company competitive in the global market? Answering these questions and more, Workplace Safety and Health: Assessing Current Practices and Promoting Change in the Profession analyzes the current practices and identifies emerging issues and challenges in the safety and health profession.We Need a Game Changer … A New Way of Achieving a Safe and Healthful WorkplaceSafety pioneer and educator Thomas Schneid makes a strong case that mandatory compliance with OSHA regulations is only the first step in a safety program. And that, due to globalization and the current emphasis on sustainability, the requirements of the safety profession have changed. He explores new sources of information and guidance for addressing the new and emerging issues created by the current economic situation, globalization, and the changing workplace. He also identifies and analyzes emerging ethical issues within the safety and health profession, then suggests potential solutions.Schneid then examines the basic assumptions and challenges you to assess and evaluate your activities in search of a better and more effective way of achieving the results necessary to be competitive in today’s workplace. Taking a provocative look at the current issues facing the safety profession, he shows you how to view safety activities and actions from a different perspective and see the real impact they have on the lives of others. He gives you the tools you need to go beyond OSHA compliance and develop safety programs that will be effective in the global workplace and create and maintain a safe workplace that eliminates all injuries and illnesses.

The World According to Mister Rogers: Important Things to Remember

by Fred Rogers

From the book: There are few personalities who evoke such universal feelings of warmth as Fred Rogers. An enduring presence in American homes for over 30 years, his plainspoken wisdom continues to guide and comfort many. The World According to Mister Rogers distills the legacy and singular worldview of this beloved American figure. An inspiring collection of stories, anecdotes, and insights--with sections titled Understanding Love, The Courage to Be Yourself, The Challenge of Inner Discipline, and We Are All Neighbors--The World According to Mister Rogers is a testament to the legacy of a man who served and continues to serve as a role model to millions.

The World According to Monsanto: Pollution, Corruption, and the Control of Our Food Supply

by Marie-Monique Robin

An investigation of the massive agribusiness company, from a winner of the Rachel Carson Prize: &“Well supported by wide-ranging scientific evidence.&” —Kirkus Reviews The result of a remarkable three-year-long investigation that took award-winning journalist and documentary filmmaker Marie-Monique Robin across four continents, The World According to Monsanto tells the little-known yet shocking story of this agribusiness giant—the world&’s leading producer of GMOs (genetically modified organisms)—and how its new &“green&” face is no less malign than its PCB- and Agent Orange–soaked past. Robin reports that, following its long history of manufacturing hazardous chemicals and lethal herbicides, Monsanto is now marketing itself as a &“life sciences&” company, seemingly convinced about the virtues of sustainable development. However, Monsanto now controls the majority of the yield of the world&’s genetically modified corn and soy—ingredients found in more than 95 percent of American households—and its alarming legal and political tactics to maintain this monopoly are the subject of worldwide concern. Released alongside the documentary film of the same name, The World According to Monsanto is sure to change the way we think about food safety and the corporate control of our food supply.

World and Life as One: Ethics and Ontology in Wittgenstein’s Early Thought (Cultural Memory in the Present)

by Martin Stokhof

This book explores in detail the relation between ontology and ethics in the early work of Ludwig Wittgenstein, notably the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and, to a lesser extent, the Notebooks 1914-1916. Self-contained and requiring no prior knowledge of Wittgenstein's thought, it is the first book-length argument that his views on ethics decisively shaped his ontological and semantic thought. The book's main thesis is twofold. It argues that the ontological theory of the Tractatus is fundamentally dependent on its logical and linguistic doctrines: the tractarian world is the world as it appears in language and thought. It also maintains that this interpretation of the ontology of the Tractatus can be argued for not only on systematic grounds, but also via the contents of the ethical theory that it offers. Wittgenstein's views on ethics presuppose that language and thought are but one way in which we interact with reality. Although detailed studies of Wittgenstein's ontology and ethics exist, this book is the first thorough investigation of the relationship between them. As an introduction to Wittgenstein, it sheds new light on an important aspect of his early thought.

The World and Us

by Roberto Mangabeira Unger

"A restless visionary striving to realize the highest aspirations of modernity itself."–New York TimesA radical re-envisioning of the human condition by the acclaimed Brazilian philosopherIn The World and Us, Roberto Mangabeira Unger sets out to reinvent philosophy. His central theme is our transcendence, everything in our existence points beyond itself, and its relation to our finitude: everything that surrounds us, and we ourselves, are flawed and ephemeral.He asks how we can live so that we die only once, instead of dying many small deaths; how we can breathe new life and new meaning into the revolutionary movement that has aroused humanity for the last three centuries, but that is now weakened and disoriented; and how we can make sense of ourselves without claiming for human beings a miraculous exception to the general regime of nature. For Unger, philosophy must be the mind on fire, insisting on our prerogative to speak to what matters most.From this perspective, he redefines each of the traditional parts of philosophy, from ontology and epistemology to ethics and politics. He turns moral philosophy into an exploration of the contest between the two most powerful contemporary moral visions: an ethic of self-fashioning and non-conformity, and an ethic of human connection and responsibility.And he turns political philosophy into a program of deep freedom, showing how to democratize the market economy, energize democratic politics, and give the individual worker and citizen the means to flourish amid permanent innovation.

World as Lover, World as Self

by Joanna Macy

A new beginning for the environment must start with a new spiritual outlook. In this book, author Joanna Macy offers concrete suggestions for just that, showing how each of us can change the attitudes that continue to threaten our environment. Using the Buddha's teachings on Paticca Samuppada, which stresses the interconnectedness of all things in the world and suggests that any one action affects all things, Macy describes how decades of ignoring this principle has resulted in a self-centeredness that has devastated the environment. Humans, Macy implores, must acknowledge and understand their connectedness to their world and begin to move toward a more focused effort to save it.

The World Bank Legal Review

by Hassane Cissé

This volume will explore the potentially transformative role of effective laws and legal institutions in providing people with more opportunity that is both inclusive and equitable. Laws, legal frameworks and judicial institutions can create opportunity by providing the space to build human capital and assets, create jobs, and encourage individuals and organizations to make productive investments based on a greater sense of stability. They can also promote inclusion by advancing access to jobs and expanding the reach and quality of services including access to justice as well as promote equity by supporting equal opportunities, promoting open and accountable governance, and effective judicial and legal institutions. The objective is to shift focus to laws, legal frameworks and judicial institutions. To this end, submissions will explore the potentially transformative role of effective laws and legal institutions in providing people with more opportunity that is both inclusive and equitable.

The World Bank Legal Review

by Hassane Cissé Daniel D. Bradlow Benedict Kingsbury

This books focuses on the legal challenges and opportunities for International Financial Institutions in the post-crisis world. It includes contributions from academics, practitioners and Bank staff. The contributions cover a broad array of issues, included governance reform and constitutional framework of IFIs, privileges and immunities, responsibility of international organizations, issues related to fragile and conflict-affected states, climate finance, and the recent financial crisis. The book is organized in three main areas, namely (i) Law of International Organizations: Issues Confronting IFIs; (ii) Legal Obligations and Institutions of Developing Countries: Rethinking Approaches of IFIs; and (iii) International Finance and the Challenges of Regulatory Governance.

The World Bank Legal Review

by Hassane Cissé Sam Muller Chantal Thomas Chenguang Wang

Much has been written about the role of law in furthering development. More analysis and debate is needed to understand more fully the true nature of this role. The World Bank Legal Review collects much of this debate and analysis, contributed by scholars and practitioners from around the world. The subtitle of the volume, Legal Innovation and Empowerment for Development, focuses attention on how the law can respond to the challenges posed to development in a world slowly emerging from a protracted economic crisis. Innovation in law means new strategies and ways of thinking about what the law can do in the development realm. Empowerment can mean many things, such as how to place the law into the hands of the poor. The two concepts are linked by their relevance to the future of law as a force for development. This volume contains essays that examine legal innovations and efforts at empowerment worldwide, in individual countries and in the broader international system more generally. Contributions have been collected from scholars and practitioners from across the world. The World Bank Legal Review is an important contribution to the scholarship of law and development.

The World Bank Legal Review Volume 6 Improving Delivery in Development

by Alberto Ninio Teresa Doherty Cisse' Jan Wouters

Many developing countries have the capacity to develop broad development policy directions and formulate development programs that are logical and consistent, but these do not obtain the desired or targeted results because of challenges in the delivery system. It is increasingly apparent that development efforts must be carefully crafted and targeted in the right way to achieve the most effective results in an efficient manner. Recent literature in development studies evidence the important role of 'delivery' in actualizing positive and efficient development impact. Improving delivery and development impact requires a multidisciplinary approach. Development practitioners devoted to rule of law and justice must conjoin their efforts, concepts, tools and knowledge with experts from various disciplines so as to shape a delivery system that adds economic and social value to ultimate beneficiaries of development. In the foregoing light, the book brings together the diverse perspectives of development experts, international lawyers, academics, researchers, legal practitioners, public and civil servants, and other professionals, in order to explore the values of voice, social contract and accountability, and thereby address the following issue: How can law and justice tools, concepts and knowledge - when anchored in values such as voice, social contract and accountability - shape a delivery system that adds economic and social value to ultimate beneficiaries of development? The book revolves around a discussion of the three values of voice, social contract, and accountability as they relate to the role and function of law, rule of law, justice, judicial systems and other related areas, in delivering development impact. Additionally, the book departs from the legal and includes other multidisciplinary approaches in its discussion of the three values and their impact on delivery in development. The range of issues covered by the book include those relating to human rights, government policy, urban development, resource management, gender, social rights, economic reforms, financial empowerment, opportunity creation, governance, urban law, sustainable development and anti-corruption.

The World Bank Legal Review, Volume 7 Financing and Implementing the Post-2015 Development Agenda: The Role of Law and Justice Systems

by Kevin E. Davis Laurence Boisson de Chazournes Frank Fariello

The newly adopted post-2015 development agenda is centered on 17 sustainable development goals to be reached by 2030. This volume of the World Bank Legal Review looks at how law and justice systems can support the financing and implementation of these goals, including the role of the rule of law and economic and social rights. The contributors, including legal scholars, development practitioners, and financial experts, analyze the goals, explore ways in which they can be achieved, and examine ways that recent relevant law and justice programs have worked. A wide array of topics are covered, from the legal aspects of collecting and monitoring vital data, to improving legal identity programs, to creating innovative health care regulation, to legal and judicial reform, to providing private sector "financing of public education projects to the provision of global public goods. Additionally, a special section on Europe looks at financial crisis management, enforcement of court decisions and the workings of the European Court of Justice. The opportunities and challenges of the 2030 agenda are many. This volume looks at both from multiple perspectives, demonstrating how sustainable development can go forward in a way in which everyone benefits.

World Criminal Justice Systems: A Comparative Survey

by Richard J. Terrill

The revised tenth edition of this core textbook provides an understanding of major world criminal justice systems by discussing and comparing the systems of six of the world’s countries—each representative of a different type of legal system. England, France, Japan, South Africa, Russia, and China are all covered in detail, and an additional chapter on Islamic law uses three example nations to illustrate the range of practice within Sharia. Political, historical, organizational, procedural, and critical issues confronting the justice systems are explained and analyzed. Neatly organized with a parallel structure throughout the text, each chapter contains material on government, police, judiciary, law, corrections, juvenile justice, and other critical issues. A new feature of this text focuses on the nature of the political world order and the significant clash between some democratic and authoritarian governments. Of particular concern are those authoritarian governments that have seen the rise of what has been popularly referred to as the strongman leader. The countries covered in this text have seen the emergence of four such strongmen. While the rise of each occurred in different contexts, they were each facilitated in significant ways by the manner in which they asserted their control over the country’s criminal justice system. This book is suitable for undergraduate and graduate students in criminal justice, prelaw, and similar programs. Supplementary materials for instructors include test bank and lecture slides.

The World Crisis and International Law: The Knowledge Economy and the Battle for the Future

by Paul B. Stephan

The knowledge economy, a seeming wonder for the world, has caused unintended harms that threaten peace and prosperity and undo international cooperation and the international rule of law. The world faces threats of war, pandemics, growing domestic political discord, climate change, disruption of international trade and investment, immigration, and the pollution of cyberspace, just as international law increasingly falls short as a tool for managing these challenges. Prosperity dependent on meritocracy, open borders, international economic freedom, and a wide-open Internet has met its limits, with international law one of the first casualties. Any effective response to these threats must reflect the pathway by which these perils arrive. Part of the answer to these challenges, Paul B. Stephan argues, must include a re-conception of international law as arising out of pragmatic and limited experiments by states, rather than as grand projects to remake and redeem the world.

The World Customs Organization: Past, Present and Future (Law for Professionals)

by Héctor Hugo Juárez Allende

This book will take the reader through the past, the present, and into the future of the flagship institution of the international customs community: the World Customs Organization (WCO). The purpose is to present to the reader, in a comprehensive, orderly, and synthetic manner, the enormous contributions that this prestigious and recognized institution has been making to the secure growth of global international trade. In the development of the text, special consideration has been given to the relevant instruments in day-to-day customs work, which constitute the bases of the WCO (the Harmonized System Convention, the Revised Kyoto Convention, and the SAFE Framework of Standards, among many others), as well as those issues that are currently of specific interest to the global customs community (cross-border e-commerce, trade facilitation, and authorized economic operator, to mention but a few), trying to reconcile the various practical aspects of customs operations with their theoretical underpinnings. In the final part, the book turns to the future of customs, analyzing the most pressing challenges presented by technological advances, including the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, and blockchain. In short, this book will be of great interest to all foreign trade operators, mainly to customs officials, customs brokers, carriers and international forwarding agents, managers of importing and exporting companies, as well as all those (professionals and students) who wish to deepen their knowledge of the exciting world of customs and international trade.

The World-Directedness of Emotional Feeling: On Affect and Intentionality

by Jean Moritz Müller

This book engages with what are widely recognized as the two core dimensions of emotion. When we are afraid, glad or disappointed, we feel a certain way; moreover, our emotion is intentional or directed at something: we are afraid of something, glad or disappointed about something. Connecting with a vital strand of recent philosophical thinking, Müller conceives of these two aspects of emotion as unified. Examining different possible ways of developing the view that the feeling dimension of emotion is itself intentional, he argues against the currently popular view that it is a form of perception-like receptivity to value. Müller instead proposes that emotional feeling is a specific type of response to value, an affective ‘position-taking’. This alternative conceives of emotional feeling as intimately related to our cares and concerns. While situating itself within the analytic-philosophical debate on emotion, the discussion crucially draws on ideas from the early phenomenological tradition and thinks past the theoretical strictures of many contemporary approaches to this subject. The result is an innovative view of emotional feeling as a thoroughly personal form of engagement with value.

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