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Showing 651 through 675 of 34,390 results

Agentenbasierte Modellierung: Eine interdisziplinäre Einführung (essentials)

by Silvio Andrae Patrick Pobuda

Mit Hilfe der agentenbasierten Modellierung (ABM) lassen sich komplexe Systeme wie Finanzmärkte, Gesellschaften, Infrastrukturnetze, Organisationen oder ähnliches detailliert darstellen und anschließend realitätsnah simulieren. Aufgrund der zentralen Fähigkeit der ABM, das Zusammenspiel einer Vielzahl heterogener Agenten miteinander sowie mit ihrer Umgebung recht einfach zu modellieren, können Phänomene auf der Makroebene durch Ereignisse auf der Mikroebene verständlich erklärt, zuverlässig prognostiziert oder auch in experimenteller Weise erkundet werden. Diese computergestützte Methode bietet zahlreiche Vorteile, weshalb sie heutzutage bereits in vielen Anwendungsbereichen erfolgreich eingesetzt wird. So kann beispielsweise, abhängig von der gewählten Modellierungsumgebung bzw. der verwendeten Software, eine grundlegende Einarbeitung ohne größeren Zeitaufwand und vor allem auch ohne entsprechende Programmierkenntnisse autodidaktisch geschehen. Diese interdisziplinär angelegte Einführung ermöglicht einer breiten Zielgruppe einen Einblick in die Grundlagen der ABM.

Agents and Structures in Cross-Border Governance: North American and European Perspectives

by Bruno Dupeyron Andrea Noferini Tony Payan

In North America and Europe, cross-border governance arrangements have provided formal and informal frameworks to support cross-border cooperation. Analysing how these frameworks have emerged, the ways in which they have become institutionalized, and the processes by which they change is fundamental. Moreover, these frameworks are increasingly challenged by border securitization, thus limiting or jeopardizing decades of cross-border cooperative governance and coordinated public policies. Agents and Structures in Cross-Border Governance offers a series of case studies that explore these complex dynamics. To understand a range of cross-border governance frameworks, this collection addresses such topics as infrastructure development and management, resource sharing, regional politics, economics, security, human rights, the environment, culture, and community. The book explains how cross-border governance schemes have sought to mitigate some of the negative consequences of border security policies, allowing readers to discern how concrete national power struggles between federal/national and subnational governments unfold in border areas. In a world increasingly impacted by climate change and more recently the COVID-19 pandemic, Agents and Structures in Cross-Border Governance sheds light on the ongoing complexity of cross-border governance and offers lessons to help mitigate these challenges.

Agents of Flourishing: Pursuing Shalom in Every Corner of Society (Made to Flourish Resources)

by Amy L. Sherman

God calls Christians to participate in his redemptive mission in every sphere of life.

The Ages of American Law

by Prof. Philip Bobbitt Grant Gilmore

Following its publication in 1974, Grant Gilmore's compact portrait of the development of American law from the eighteenth century to the mid-twentieth century became a classic. In this new edition, the portrait is brought up to date with a new chapter by Philip Bobbitt that surveys the trajectory of American law since the original publication. Bobbitt also provides a Foreword on Gilmore and the celebrated lectures that inspired The Ages of American Law. "Sharp, opinionated, and as pungent as cheddar."--New Republic "This book has the engaging qualities of good table talk among a group of sophisticated and educated friends--given body by broad learning and a keen imagination and spiced with wit."--Willard Hurst

Ages of Anxiety: Historical and Transnational Perspectives on Juvenile Justice (Youth, Crime, and Justice #2)

by David S. Tanenhaus William S. Bush

Six compelling histories of youth crime in the twentieth century Ages of Anxiety presents six case studies of juvenile justice policy in the twentieth century from around the world, adding context to the urgent and international conversation about youth, crime, and justice. By focusing on magistrates, social workers, probation and police officers, and youth themselves, editors William S. Bush and David S. Tanenhaus highlight the role of ordinary people as meaningful and consequential historical actors. After providing an international perspective on the social history of ideas about how children are different from adults, the contributors explain why those differences should matter for the administration of justice. They examine how reformers used the idea of modernization to build and legitimize juvenile justice systems in Europe and Mexico, and present histories of policing and punishing youth crime. Ages of Anxiety introduces a new theoretical model for interpreting historical research to demonstrate the usefulness of social histories of children and youth for policy analysis and decision-making in the twenty-first century. Shedding new light on the substantive aims of the juvenile court, the book is a historically informed perspective on the critical topic of youth, crime, and justice.

Aggressors in Blue: Exposing Police Sexual Misconduct

by Tom Barker

This book presents a powerful and thorough investigation into police deviance and sexual misconduct in the US. Drawing on news reports, official government press releases and academic research sources, Barker examines a wide array of cases including sexual harassment, sexual abuse, child molestation and police killings, including those of prisoners behind bars. Substantiated with additional cases from the UK, Russia and beyond, analysis is also conducted of the experiences of the victims of those crimes. Aggressors in Blue argues that this misconduct has its roots in the nature of the law enforcement occupation, and outlines the typical conditions which enables police sexual abuse to take place. This is a bold new investigation which speaks to students and academics in criminal justice, criminology and social justice in particular, as well as to scholars, social justice advocates, law enforcement professionals, policy-makers and academics in other related disciplines.

Agile Audit Transformation and Beyond (Security, Audit and Leadership Series)

by Toby DeRoche

Auditing at the speed of risk requires internal auditors to rethink the way we work. Agile auditing provides a path forward that blends the best elements from agile project management and internal audit best practices. Leaders in internal audit are ready to incorporate an agile audit mindset in their departments, but most of the available resources provide theoretical ideas. Even when outside consultants lead an agile transition, the consultants primarily focus on adding agile ceremonies without addressing the fundamental mindset change required for an agile audit transformation. This book provides a practical guide for audit leaders to follow as a playbook for implementing agile across their department, impacting every facet of the audit lifecycle, and addressing the mental shift required for making a lasting change. Every chapter includes discussion questions to facilitate discourse or just to help you analyze your own department. Next, we look at a typical internal audit department as they attempt the transition from a traditional audit methodology to agile auditing so we can learn from their missteps and successes. The guidance in Agile Audit Transformation and Beyond includes the basics of agile auditing, practical directions for shifting each phase of the audit life cycle, common hurdles faced during the transition, and forward-looking thought leadership on expanding beyond internal audit into agile assurance.

Agile Auditing: Fundamentals and Applications (Wiley Corporate F&A)

by Raven Catlin Ceciliana Watkins

Master new, disruptive technologies in the field of auditing Agile Auditing: Fundamentals and Applications introduces readers to the applications and techniques unlocked by tested and proven agile project management principles. This book educates readers on an approach to auditing that emphasizes risk-based auditing, collaboration, and speedy delivery of meaningful assurance assessments while ensuring quality results and a focus on the areas that pose the greatest material risks to the business under audit. The discipline of auditing has been forever changed via the introduction of new technologies, including: Machine learning Virtual Conferencing Process automation Data analytics Hugely popular in software development, the agile approach is just making its way into the field of audit. This book provides concrete examples and practical solutions for auditors who seek to implement agile techniques and methods. Agile Auditing is perfect for educators, practitioners, and students in the auditing field who are looking for ways to introduce greater levels of efficiency and effectiveness to their discipline.

Agile Einführung der E-Akte mit Scrum: Die digitale Akte als kollaborative Teamplattform aufsetzen

by Wolf Steinbrecher

Dieses Buch nimmt Ihnen Ihre Unsicherheit bei der Einführung der E-Akte Die Digitalisierung macht auch vor der Dokumentenverwaltung in Behörden oder größeren Organisationen nicht Halt. Um in diesem Bereich vorherrschende Unsicherheiten abzubauen und die Aktenführung im Sinne der Verwaltung 4.0 im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung voranzutreiben, hat Wolf Steinbrecher dieses Buch über die Einführung der E-Akte (elektronische Akte) herausgegeben. Es begleitet Sie bei jeder Phase eines solchen Projekts und stellt agile Vorgehensweisen detailliert dar:Vision der E-Akte und digitaler mehrdimensionaler AktenplänenVorstellung eines Musterlastenhefts und eines agilen Vertrags nach EVB-ITGestaltung von Abteilungsworkshops beim Roll-outLesen Sie in diesem Buch außerdem nach, wie Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter vom Nutzen der Einführung von E-Akten überzeugen und sie in die aktive Mitgestaltung einer neuen Arbeitsumgebung miteinbeziehen. Denn nur so sind Sie in der Lage, die Digitalisierung in der (öffentlichen) Verwaltung im Sinne des papierlosen Büros zu einem Erfolgsprojekt zu machen. Zukunftsweisende Impulse für jede ProjektphaseDieses Buch untergliedert die Einführung der E-Akte in drei Teile. Erfahren Sie zunächst, wie Sie Ihre Vision des Arbeitens mit digitalen Akten richtig formulieren. Anschließend zeigen Ihnen die Verfasser einen idealen Projektverlauf auf, bevor die Implementierung neuer Prozesse im Vordergrund steht. Daneben befasst sich dieses Werk auch mit diesen Schwerpunkten: Problem: SchnittstellenKick-off in einer AbteilungEinen Prozess ins DMS überführenBieterpräsentationen vorbereitenPraktische Tipps, beispielsweise mit Blick auf die DMS (Dokumentenmanagement-Software) -Beschaffung, sowie Erfahrungsberichte verschiedener Stakeholder runden dieses Buch über die Einführung von E-Akten ab. Daher ist dieses Sammelwerk mit Blick auf die digitale Transformation im eGovernment-Bereich eine Empfehlung für:Führungskräfte, die in ihrer Abteilung die E-Akte mittels DMS einführen möchtenLeiter einer Organisations- oder IuK (Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik) -AbteilungMitarbeiter in der Datenverarbeitung

Agile Verwaltung: Wie Der Öffentliche Dienst Aus Der Gegenwart Die Zukunft Entwickeln Kann

by Martin Bartonitz Veronika Lévesque Thomas Michl Wolf Steinbrecher Cornelia Vonhof Ludger Wagner

Der Begriff „agil“ erobert seit einigen Jahren ganz unterschiedliche Bereiche – von der Softwareentwicklung über das Unternehmensmanagement bis zur öffentlichen Verwaltung. Für öffentliche Institutionen und deren Verwaltungen sind sie ein Weg, sich neuen Anforderungen und ungewohnten Problemstellungen zu nähern. In dem Buch stellen die Autorinnen und Autoren agile Konzepte und Methoden im Detail vor und zeigen, wie sie in der Verwaltung öffentlicher Institutionen angewendet werden können.Das Buch gliedert sich in drei Teile. Im ersten Teil wird erörtert, was Agilität in Bezug auf öffentliche Institutionen und ihre Verwaltung bedeutet. Aufbauend auf diesen grundsätzlichen Fragen führt der zweite Teil die Leser durch die Vielfalt der Methoden: vom Projektmanagement-Tool Scrum, agile Aufwandsschätzung und Retrospektiven über Teamorganisation mit Personal Kanban bis zur visuellen Methode des Storymapping – um nur einige Beispiele zu nennen. Im dritten Teil werden Fallbeispiele aus verschiedenen Bereichen der öffentlichen Verwaltung im In- und Ausland vorgestellt. Die Best-Practice-Beispiele berichten von der agilen Projektarbeit in der Bibliothek oder von der Organisationsentwicklung mit Scrum in der kirchlichen Verwaltung. Andere beschreiben Erfahrungen aus der Sozial- und Personalverwaltung und wie sich die Pflege oder das Lernen an Schulen und Hochschulen mit agilen Methoden zeitgemäß organisieren lässt.Das Buch richtet sich an Experten und Praktiker auf dem Gebiet der öffentlichen Verwaltung, die einen kompakten Überblick zum Thema suchen und ihre fachliche Expertise erweitern wollen. Darüber hinaus ist es auch als Lehrbuch für Studierende geeignet, die eine Berufstätigkeit in der öffentlichen Verwaltung anstreben.

Aging in Place: Navigating the Maze of Long-Term Care

by Mary Mashburn

Overwhelmed by handling your aging loved ones affairs? Is your parents estate in good order? Do you know what their wishes are and how you can honor them? Are you struggling with where your parent can be best cared for following a hospital stay? Are you feeling guilty or manipulated by your family?Using real life examples, Aging in Place is instrumental in promoting healthy family discourse on these important topics. Mary Mashburn discusses the roadblocks and pitfalls you and your family might encounter, explains many useful planning techniques, and provides information on local and national resources. Whether in the midst of a crisis or just beginning to discuss options with loved ones, you gain valuable insight and information that guides you and your family toward making the best choices that fit your unique situation. Rather than offering a magic wand to make the difficulties of aging disappear, Aging in Place offers useful information to make decisions that provide peace and strength as those who are aging and their loved ones face these challenges together.,

Aging Matters: An Introduction to Social Gerontology

by Nancy R. Hooyman H. Asuman Kiyak Kevin Y. Kawamoto

Presents Social Gerontology from Multiple Perspectives Aging Matters illuminates cultural, biological, physiological, emotional, cognitive, economic, and social aspects of aging. A useful guide to a range of disciplines, this title helps readers of all educational backgrounds understand the dynamic interactions between older people and their environments.

The Aging Revolution: The History of Geriatric Health Care and What Really Matters to Older Adults

by Charles Kenney Michael J. Dowling Maria Torroella Carney

A history of aging in the United States and an innovative blueprint for revolutionizing care for older adults from Northwell Health, New York&’s largest health care system. The New York Times described Dr. Robert Butler as &“the man who saw old age anew.&” In his 1975 book Why Survive: Being Old in America, Butler argued that for far too many people old age was &“a period of quiet despair . . . and muted rage&” and he set out to mitigate it. Nearly five decades since he penned his book, a devoted band of brilliant physicians and others in the healthcare field have realized at least a portion of Butler&’s dream: to recognize and alleviate suffering among the aging.The Aging Revolution is the story of Butler and his disciples: women and men who saw older distressed adults in hospitals and homes, and worse: being ignored by most of the medical establishment. These revolutionaries could not ignore the suffering, and they set out—individually and collectively—to create entirely new ways of caring for aging adults to ease their suffering and improve their quality and length of life. This revelatory book tells a story never-before told in its entirety, recounting the one of the most significant periods of improvement in American medical history. Readers will learn about pioneering individuals, concepts, and ideas that have improved the lives of millions, including: the women who placed the spotlight on delirium and falls—major issues for older adults; the campaign to build and spread Geriatric and Palliative Care; the small bands of doctors who worked the halls of Congress to create a new program that provides primary care along with home visits from healthcare professionals; and the New York-based foundation that has devoted its mission and millions exclusively to improving care and quality of life for aging adults. Today, as a result, chronic conditions that almost always accompany old age are far more manageable. Older people enjoy more options for work and professional development, for education, for leisure and travel, for sports and maintaining physical strength and mobility. For increasing numbers of Americans, life is healthier and richer in the experiences that matter most. Yet, aging in America can still be a challenge and, too often, particularly for the poor, a painful struggle. The range of mental and physical well-being has almost infinite variations: ninety-year-olds running marathons; sixty-five-year-olds incapacitated by stroke. While this book celebrates the incredible progress and strides made in this field, it also highlights areas that need improvement. The authors lay out specific steps that, if implemented, could ignite the aging revolution and diminish the total volume of older adults suffering in America.

Agreement Technologies: Second International Conference, At 2013, Beijing, China, August 1-2, 2013. Proceedings (Law, Governance and Technology Series #8)

by Sascha Ossowski

More and more transactions, whether in business or related to leisure activities, are mediated automatically by computers and computer networks, and this trend is having a significant impact on the conception and design of new computer applications. The next generation of these applications will be based on software agents to which increasingly complex tasks can be delegated, and which interact with each other in sophisticated ways so as to forge agreements in the interest of their human users. The wide variety of technologies supporting this vision is the subject of this volume. It summarises the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action project on Agreement Technologies (AT), during which approximately 200 researchers from 25 European countries, along with eight institutions from non-COST countries, cooperated as part of a number of working groups. The book is the first to provide a comprehensive overview of the emerging field of Agreement Technologies, written and coordinated by the leading researchers in the field. The results set out here are due for wide dissemination beyond the computer technology sector, involving law and social science as well.


by Oliver Black

Combining rigorous philosophical analysis with a deep knowledge of law, this study of agreements illuminates legal doctrine by philosophical theory and vice versa. Against the prevailing philosophical view of agreements, the book argues that they are to be understood in terms not of promises but of offer and acceptance. Topics covered include the obligations associated with agreements; the practical reasoning that leads parties to make and perform agreements; the relation between agreement and intention; and the reasons the State has to intervene in agreements. There are also separate chapters devoted to doctrines of agreement in the laws of contract, competition and conspiracy.

Agricultural and Agribusiness Law: An introduction for non-lawyers

by Theodore A. Feitshans

This introductory textbook provides an overview of the concepts necessary for an understanding of agricultural and agribusiness law. The text will help students of land-based industries with little or no legal background to appreciate and identify issues which may require referral or consultation with legal counsel. Each concise chapter addresses a different legal issue that those employed in agriculture and agribusiness may face, and both federal law and representative examples of state law are included. In addition to traditional topics such as contracts, property law and estate planning, the book also covers more contemporary issues such as organic certification, animal law, genetically engineered crops and food safety. Agricultural law extends beyond those directly engaged in farming to those in agribusiness who provide services and inputs to farmers, buy farmers’ products, store or transport products, manufacture food products, and serve as intermediaries between farmers and consumers. The book will therefore also serve as a reference and a guide for those employed in agribusiness as well as agriculture.

Agricultural and Agribusiness Law: An Introduction for Non-Lawyers

by Theodore A. Feitshans

This introductory textbook provides an overview of the concepts necessary for an understanding of agricultural and agribusiness law. The text will help students of land-based industries with little or no legal background to appreciate and identify issues that may require referral or consultation with legal counsel. This new edition is fully revised and updated, particularly addressing developments in taxation and trade, and includes a new chapter on criminal law, an area of increasing relevance to agriculture. Each concise chapter addresses a different legal issue that those employed in agriculture and agribusiness may face, and both federal law and representative examples of state law are included. In addition to traditional topics such as contracts, property law, and estate planning, the book also covers more contemporary issues such as organic certification, animal law, genetically engineered crops, and food safety. Agricultural law extends beyond those directly engaged in farming to those in agribusiness who provide services and inputs to farmers, buy farmers’ products, store or transport products, manufacture food products and serve as intermediaries between farmers and consumers. The book will, therefore, also serve as a reference and a guide for those employed in agribusiness and agriculture.

Agricultural Biotechnology and Intellectual Property: Seeds of Change

by Jay P. Kesan

This volume addresses the intersection of agricultural biotechnology with intellectual property rights (IPRs) from a number of diverse perspectives.

The Agricultural Cooperative in the Framework of the European Cooperative Society: Discussing and Comparing Issues of Cooperative Governance and Finance in Italy and Austria (Economic Analysis of Law in European Legal Scholarship #8)

by Georg Miribung

This book assesses the Statute for a European Cooperative Society (SCE) regarding agricultural activities by comparing how specific questions arising in this context must be dealt with under the Italian and Austrian legal systems. In this regard, Council Regulation (EC) No. 1435/2003, of 22 July 2003, on the Statute for a European Cooperative Society (SCE), is used as a tool for the structured analysis of various aspects of agricultural cooperatives. However, a comparison is only meaningful if the results are made comparable on the basis of a previously defined standard. Accordingly, the study uses, on one hand, a cooperative model developed by European legal scholars that defines general guidelines on how cooperatives should function (PECOL). On the other, the results are presented in connection with economic considerations to discuss how efficient rules can be developed.

Agricultural Domestic Support Under the WTO: Experience and Prospects (Cambridge International Trade and Economic Law)

by Lars Brink David Orden

The WTO Agreement on Agriculture subjects different groups of developed and developing countries to different limits on domestic support and allows various exemptions from these limits. Offering a comprehensive assessment of the Agreement's rules and implementation, this book develops guidance toward socially desirable support policies. Although dispute settlement has clarified interpretation of the Agriculture and SCM Agreements, gaps remain between the legal disciplines and the economic effects of support. Considering the Agriculture Agreement also in the context of today's priorities of sustainability and climate change mitigation, Lars Brink and David Orden build a strategy that aligns the rules and members' commitments with the economic impacts of agricultural support measures. While providing in-depth analysis of the existing rules, their shortcomings and the limited scope of ongoing negotiations, the authors take a long-term view, where policies directed toward evolving priorities in agriculture are compatible with strengthened rules that reduce trade and production distortions.

Agricultural Ethics in East Asian Perspective: A Transpacific Dialogue (The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics #27)

by Paul B. Thompson Kirill O. Thompson

This book brings together agricultural ethics scholars from the US, Japan and Taiwan to discuss crucial issues in agricultural ethics and sustainability ethics in comparative context. Agricultural ethics and sustainability ethics are wide-ranging and closely linked to environmental ethics, bioethics, virtue ethics, animal welfare, soil conservation, not to mention rural traditions and lifestyles. Six of the chapters cover historical traditions and values in Europe, the US and East Asia. Four of the chapters cover the role of virtue ethics in the analysis of agrarian and environmental ethics, agricultural biotechnology, food ethics, and alternative agriculture, respectively. Finally, two of the chapters cover field efforts of agricultural ethics involving preserving agricultural heritage and building consensus for sustainable farming, respectively. Although the papers are divided into three groups, their contents are interconnected and mutually informative.

Agricultural Land Use and Natural Gas Extraction Conflicts: A Global Socio-Legal Perspective (Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management)

by Madeline Taylor Tina Hunter

Onshore unconventional gas operations, in most jurisdictions, operate on the legal principle that all activities during exploration and extraction are ‘temporary’ in nature. The concept that the onshore unconventional gas industry has a temporary effect on the land on which it operates creates a regulatory paradox. On one hand, unconventional gas activities create energy security, national wealth and a bourgeoning export industry. On the other, agricultural land and agriculturalists may be significantly disadvantaged by unconventional gas activities potentially producing permanent damage to non-renewable fertile soils and spoiling the underground water tables. Thus, threatening future food security and food sovereignty. This book explores the socio-regulatory dimensions of coexistence between agricultural and onshore unconventional gas land uses in the jurisdictions with the highest concentration of proven unconventional gas reserves – Australia, Canada, the USA, the UK, France, Poland and China. In exploring the differing regulatory standpoints of unconventional gas land uses on productive farming land in the chosen jurisdictions, this book provides an original three-part categorisation of regulatory approaches addressing the coexistence of agricultural land and unconventional gas namely: adaptive management, precautionary and, finally, statism. It offers a timely and topical approach to socio-legal natural resource governance theory based on the participation, transparency and empowerment for agricultural landholders, examining how differing frameworks such as the collective bargaining framework can create equitable and sustainable contractual arrangements with unconventional gas companies.

Agricultural Law: Current Issues from a Global Perspective (LITES - Legal Issues in Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies #1)

by Mariagrazia Alabrese Margherita Brunori Silvia Rolandi Andrea Saba

This book focuses on the social and environmental issues being addressed by agricultural law within the current globalised system. What is agricultural law? Agricultural regulations concern and affect essential human needs and values that must be dealt with by pursuing a comprehensive and coordinated global approach. By tracking the developments in this context, this book explores the new challenges that agricultural law needs to address in order to frame emerging dilemmas. International governance of natural resources and their role in addressing food insecurity is the object of the first Part of the volume, which deals with sustainable agriculture and agro-ecosystem services in connection with the food security issue. The second Part focuses on the regulation of food as the main product of agricultural activity, and explores the answers that the law can provide in order to accommodate consumers' interests and concerns (inter alia, novel foods, animal welfare, direct sales and e-commerce). The third Part examines the social, environmental and legal consequences of a renewed interest in agricultural investments. Further, it analyses the evolution and the interplay between different legal systems with regard to land tenure, environmental concerns and investments in agriculture.

Agricultural Nanobiotechnology: Modern Agriculture for a Sustainable Future

by Fernando López-Valdez Fabián Fernández-Luqueño

Nanobiotechnology in agriculture is a new knowledge area that offers novel possibilities to achieve high productivity levels at manageable costs during the production and merchandising of crops. This book shows us how we can use the cutting-edge knowledge about agriculture, nanotechnology, and biotechnology to increase the agricultural productivity and shape a sustainable future in order to increase the social welfare in rural areas and preserve the environmental health. Specialists from several countries will provide their feedback on a range of relevant topics such as environment-friendly use of nanofertilisers, nanodevices, nano-food packaging, nanocoating and nanocarriers and their relationship with the modern agriculture.

Agricultural Policy: Farm Programs and National Welfare

by Rainer Schickele

This book is written for the student of rural America, be he farmer, businessman, labor leader, public servant, college student, or instructor, anyone who is curious to understand what problems farmers are facing in their relations to an industrial world, and what the government is doing to help them meet these problems.

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