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Ο καθαριστής παραθύρων από το Trifouilly-les-Oies

by Agnès Ruiz

Στα 30 του, ο Βίκτορ, καθαριστής παραθύρων από το Trifouilly-les-Oies, έχει μόλις χωρίσει από τη φίλη του. Ο κόσμος του καταρρέει απότομα. Καθώς αμφισβητεί τον εαυτό, τελικά αποφασίζει να αφήσει τα πάντα για μια παγκόσμια περιοδεία στο τιμόνι του παλιού του Ford. Αυτό το αυτοσχέδιο ταξίδι στο άγνωστο θα τον κάνει να ξεχάσει τη ραγισμένη του καρδιά; "Μια ρομαντική απόδραση". Ο Agnès Ruiz είναι συγγραφέaς διαφόρων best-sellers που πωλήθηκαν σε περισσότερα από 370000 αντίτυπα. Είχε τεράστια επιτυχία με το πρώτο της μυθιστόρημα « Η δολοφονημένη ζωή μου » Γράφει τόσο για ενήλικες όσο και για νέους. Τα μυθιστορηματά της σχετικά με τις έρευνες της Ντετέκτιβ Rachel Toury γνώρισαν επίσης τεράστια επιτυχία τόσο στην Ευρώπη όσο και υπερατλαντικά. Πολλοί από τους τίτλους της μεταφράστηκαν σε διάφορες γλώσσες. Προέρχεται από τη Νορμανδία (Γα&l

Το Μυστικό - Βιβλίο 1ο - Φρικιό Μυαλού.

by Katrina Kahler Άννα Βάντη

Όταν η 12χρονη Τες μετακομίζει στην καινούρια γειτονιά, προσπαθεί να πιάσει φιλίες με το αγόρι στο διπλανό σπίτι, ένα συνομήλικο αγόρι, τον Σαμ. Η Τες δε γνωρίζει ότι ο Σαμ έχει μια υπερδύναμη που πρέπει οπωσδήποτε να την κρατήσει μυστικό. Τα άλλα παιδιά νομίζουν ότι είναι παράξενος και τον αποφεύγουν. Αλλά με τον ερχομό της Τες, όλα αλλάζουν. Όμως, ο Σαμ δεν είναι ο μόνος που ενδιαφέρεται για την Τες. Το πιο δημοφιλές αγόρι της τάξης, ο Τζέικ Κόλλινς, αρχίζει να της δίνει σημασία και έτσι ο Σαμ αποφασίζει ότι δεν έχει καμία ελπίδα. Τότε, όταν η συμπεριφορά του Τζέικ προς τον Σαμ χειροτερεύει, ο Σαμ αποφασίζει να του δώσει ένα μάθημα. Τι συμβαίνει όμως όταν ο Σαμ το παρατραβάει; Τελικά ανακαλύπτει η Τες την υπερδύναμη του;

Το Μυστικό - Βιβλίο 2 - Η Αποκάλυψη

by Katrina Kahler Anna Vanti

Το Μυστικό – Βιβλίο 2: Η αποκάλυψη συνεχίζει την ιστορία του Σαμ και των ικανοτήτων του που προσπάθησε τόσο να κρατήσει κρυμμένες. Όταν η Τες, η γειτόνισσα του πέφτει πάνω στο μυστικό του, ο Σαμ είναι σίγουρος ότι η καινούρια του φιλία με το πανέμορφο κορίτσι του διπλανού σπιτιού έχει φτάσει στο τέλος της και φοβάται πια για το χειρότερο. Όμως δεν είναι προετοιμασμένος για το τι θα επακολουθήσει! Από την πλευρά της Τες, αυτή τη φορά, η ιστορία θα σας κρατήσει σε αγωνία μέχρι το τελευταίο κεφάλαιο, όπου η Τες ανακαλύπτει ακόμη περισσότερα! Είναι ένα καταπληκτικό βιβλίο για κορίτσια που λατρεύουν να διαβάζουν για παιδιά με ξεχωριστές ικανότητες και ασυνήθιστες δυνάμεις. Φιλία, δράμα, παιδικοί έρωτες και λίγο ρομάντζο, μια ιστορία ιδανική για κορίτσια από 9 ως 12 ετών.

Дон Кихот [Don Kikhot]: A Dramatic Adaptation (Texts and Translations #29)

by Mikhail Bulgakov

When Soviet censors approved Mikhail Bulgakov's ??? ?????, a stage adaptation of Don Quixote, they were unaware that they were sanctioning a subtle but powerful criticism of Stalinist rule. The author, whose novel ?????? ? ????????? would eventually bring him world renown, achieved this sleight of hand through a deft interpretation of Cervantes's knight. Bulgakov's Don Quixote fits comfortably into the nineteenth-century Russian tradition of idealistic, troubled intellectuals, but Quixote's quest becomes an allegory of the artist under the strictures of Stalin's regime. Bulgakov did not live to see the play performed: it went into production in 1940, only months after his death.The volume's introduction provides background for Bulgakov's adaptation and compares Bulgakov with Cervantes and the twentieth-century Russian work with the seventeenth-century Spanish work.

Призрак для Kомиссара

by Claudio Ruggeri Ирина Марусик-Миотто

Комиссар Винсент Джермано принадлежит к полицейским старой школы. Родившись в Сан Франциско, он уже двадцать лет живёт в Италии и не собирается ничего менять в своей жизни. В провинции Кастелли Романи, к югу от Рима, происходят преступления, подвергающие проницательность комиссара и его помощников нешуточным испытаниям. Речь идёт о «дополнительном времени» для футбольного арбитра и об исчезнувшей девушке...

अलविदा अ672ई92 पंचमविश्व

by Laurel A. Rockefeller

अ672ई92 पंचमविश्व बर्बाद होने वाला है - वास्तव में भी और राजनैतिक रूप से भी, क्योंकि इसका सूर्य अ672ई92 अपनी आख़िरी सांसें गिन रहा है, जिससे उसका आकार बढ़ता जा रहा है और वह धीरे-धीरे सारे ग्रहों को निगल लेगा जिससे सब लोग मारे जाएँगे - लेकिन वे लोग तो आपसी लड़ाइयों में ही ख़ुद को तबाह करने पर तुले हैं और अपने सूरज को यह मौका ही नहीं देना चाहते। जबकि ख़ून-ख़राबा अपने चरम पर है, दो व्यक्तियों पर न चाहते हुए भी उस विश्वयुद्ध को रुकवाने की ज़िम्मेदारी आ पड़ती है जो सारे ग्रह के लोगों को वहाँ से निकाल कर ले जाने की राह रोके हुए है। लोगों को सितारों से परे, नए ग्रह पर कौन, कैसे ले जाएगा?

¡ Duérmete, carajo!

by Adam Mansbach

¡Duérmete, carajo! es un cuento para dormir para los padres que viven en el mundo real, en el cual un par de gatitos ronroneando y unas líneas simpáticas no son lo suficiente para zumbar a un niño pequeño a dormir felizmente. Profano, cariñoso y franco de manera radical, cuenta la conocida y callada tribulación de acostar a su angelito. Bello, subversivo y para mearse ¡Duérmete, carajo! es un libro para padres experimentados, nuevos e incipientes. (Y probablemente es mejor no leérselo a los pequeños.)

« La Princesse Et Le Dauphin »

by Dan Alatorre

Livre amusant illustré d’images attractives pour les jeunes lecteurs, « La Princesse et le Dauphin » raconte l’histoire d’une jeune princesse qui a perdu, quelque part, dans le château, sa peluche qui lui tenait tant à cœur ! A l’aide de ses parents (le roi et la reine) ainsi que du chien de famille, ils se mettent aussitôt à sa recherche. Ce livre souligne l’importance de la persévérance ainsi que l’ingéniosité et la collaboration. Votre petite princesse, qui égare ses jouets, en vit non seulement l’expérience mais aussi en tire une belle leçon sur la responsabilité ! Idéal pour les parents à lire aux tous petits ou aux enfants un peu plus âgés à lire aux parents !

Повредената Pамка

by Claudio Ruggeri Емилия Божинова

A man is found dead inside his art gallery, Vincent Germano will be expected to wade through thousands of possible assumptions, the Commissioner will have to deal with an investigation shadowed by melancholy.

¿ Pero por qué tantas M ?

by Magali Dubreuil-Bourguet

***Una historia llena de giros y contrastes, de emociones y de humanidad*** El Sr. Michel Muller, devastado por el luto, solo se mantiene sobreviviendo desde hace años. Su hotel, en el corazón del bosque, se asemeja al Titanic cuyos empleados, leales y fieles, son los músicos que siguen tocando sin abandonar el barco, hasta la llegada de la nueva trabajadora andaluza, Malika y de su hija Millie. Para escapar de una vida de violencia y libertinaje, se han instalado en secreto en la finca forestal del hotel en su vieja autocaravana. Madre e hija se motivarán e, impulsarán para finalmente despertar al Sr. Muller y a su equipo que están a punto de hundirse.

Загадка Yбийцы

by Claudio Ruggeri Сергей Скворцов

Книга из серии повестей о комиссаре Джермано. От сердечного приступа умирает бывший владелец похоронного бюро, в последние годы занимавшийся исключительно своим виноградником. Смерть кажется совершенно естественной, но проницательный комиссар Джермано сразу понимает, что здесь что-то не так. И начинает расследование...

* - 0 - #

by William Earle

Roland Howard finally shares a secret he's kept for four months with his best friend, Seth Martin - the discovery of time travel! Now, the two must work together and work fast to share the secret with someone who could develop it successfully for them and for the world. But, are they the only two in the world to know about it?

01-01-00: The Novel of the Millennium

by R. J. Pineiro

As 01-01-00 approaches, Susan Garnett, a senior analyst at the FBI's high-tech crime unit, and Cameron Slater, an anthropologist, must draw on their combined knowledge of ancient glyphs and modern algorithms in order to crack a code hidden in a formidable computer virus. Susan traces the virus's signal to its point of origin, an area near Tikal, the site of one of the largest cities of the ancient Maya. Susan and Cameron travel to the remote jungle, convinced that if they fail to solve the riddles, both ancient and new, before the turn of the new millennium, the virus could trigger a powerful event of global proportions.

01 On the Beach (Leveled Readers 2.6.3)

by Joanna Solins

Ask yourself what ocean waves might push up onto a beach. Then read to find some answers.

01 The Perfect Instrument (Leveled Readers 2.6.3)

by Bill Tang

In this story, Sebastian has to try several instruments before he finds the one that is perfect for him.


by Rubén Cardona Quiñones

Algo terrible revivió de sus sueños y vendrá pronto en busca de ella. Pánuco Zacatecas, 5 de enero del 2005. La noche en que dos niños, Sofía y Ricardo, formarían parte de lo que sería la peor pesadilla que jamás habrían podido haber experimentado. Fuertes e inconcebibles manifestaciones que, rompiendo con todo paradigma, marcarían sus vidas por completo. La angustia y el terror se apoderarían de ellos, dejando en claro que no se encontraban solos en aquella casa.

03.5 El Camino de Ameilia 9781880000076

by Linda Jacobs Altman

03.5 Estrellita de oro Little Gold Star 9780938317494: A Cinderella Cuento

by Joe Hayes Gloria Osuna Perez Lucia Angela Perez

03.5 Friends from the Other Side 9780892391301

by Gloria Anzaldúa Consuelo Mendez

"Did you come from the other side? You know, from Mexico?" So begins the friendship between Prietita and Joaquin, the young boy who, with his mother, has crossed the Rio Grande River to Texas in search of a new life. Prietita, a brave young Mexican American girl, defends Joaquin from the neighborhood kids who taunt him with shouts of "mojado" or "wetback." But what can she do to protect Joaquin and his mother from the Border Patrol as the van cruises slowly up the street toward their hiding place? Writer Gloria Anzaldua is a major Mexican American literary voice. Illustrator Consuelo Mendez is a noted Latin American artist. Both grew up in South Texas. In this, their first collaboration, they have captured not only the hardship of daily life on the border, but also the beauty of the landscape and the dignity and generosity of spirit that the Mexican Americans and the Mexican immigrants share.

1,000 Books to Read Before You Die: A Life-Changing List

by James Mustich

It’s time to talk books—and the conversation starts here. Encompassing fiction, poetry, science and science fiction, memoir, travel writing, biography, children’s books, history, and more, 1,000 Books to Read Before You Die moves across cultures and through time to present an eclectic collection of titles, each described with the special enthusiasm readers summon when recommending a book to a friend. The expected pillars are here, including Jane Austen and Toni Morrison, Virgil, Dante, Dickens and Tolstoy, Franz Kafka and Simone de Beauvoir—their works made fresh through the author’s animated essays. Established classics are joined by new and unexpected choices like Citizen and Friday Night Lights. A Visit from the Goon Squad and The Pillow Bookof Sei Shōnagon, The Day of the Jackal and The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat. The result is a treasury of essential reading for expansive tastes. The book’s alphabetical listing by last name results in the serendipity of juxtaposition—Cormac McCarthy’s The Road next to Robert McCloskey’s Make Way for Ducklings, John le Carré next to Ursula K. Le Guin next to Harper Lee. Following each entry are rich endnotes that include publication dates and preferred editions, other books by the same author, related books to try, and listings of worthy adaptations, including movies and audiobooks. In total, more than six thousand titles by thirty-five hundred authors are recommended. A Miscellany of Special Lists at the end of the book offers the reader surprising entry points into the collection, such as “Books to Read in a Sitting,” including The Little Virtues by Natalia Ginzburg and The Third Man by Graham Greene, and “Offbeat Escapes,” including Freya Stark’s The Valleys of the Assassins and Felice Benuzzi’s No Picnic on Mount Kenya. For the truly dedicated reader, “A Long Climb, but What a View”—a perfect way to describe those mountainous texts we long to scale, such as Proust’s In Search of Lost Time and Shelby Foote’s The Civil War. An insightfully curated personal compendium that will inspire hours of browsing and a lifetime of reading, 1,000 Books to Read Before You Die celebrates the gorgeous mosaic that is our literary heritage.

1,000 Coils of Fear: A Novel

by Olivia Wenzel

A multilayered and rhythmic debut novel about her life as a Black German woman living in Berlin and New York during the chaos of the 2016 U.S. presidential election from playwright Olivia Wenzel.A young woman attends a play about the fall of the Berlin Wall—and realizes she is the only Black person in the audience.She and her boyfriend are hanging out by a lake outside Berlin—and four neo-Nazis show up.In New York, she is having sex with a stranger on the night of the 2016 presidential election—and wakes up to panicked texts from her friends in Germany about Donald Trump&’s unlikely victory.Engaging in a witty Q&A with herself—or is it her alter ego?—she takes stock of our rapidly changing times, sometimes angry, sometimes amused, sometimes afraid, and always passionate. And she tells the story of her family: Her mother, a punk in former East Germany who never had the freedom she dreamed of. Her Angolan father, who returned to his home country before she was born to start a second family. Her grandmother, whose life of obedience to party principles brought her prosperity and security but not happiness. And her twin brother, who took his own life at the age of nineteen.Heart-rending, opinionated, and wry, Olivia Wenzel&’s remarkable debut novel is a clear-sighted and polyphonic investigation into origins and belonging, the roles society wants to force us into and why we need to resist them, and the freedoms and fears that being the odd one out brings.

1,000 Comic Books You Must Read

by Tony Isabella

Hero Worship!1000 Comic Books You Must Read is an unforgettable journey through 70 years of comic books. Arranged by decade, this book introduces you to 1000 of the best comic books ever published and the amazing writers and artists who created them.See Superman from his debut as a sarcastic champion of the people, thumbing his nose at authority, to his current standing as a respected citizen of the worldExperience the tragic moment when Peter Parker and a generation of Spider-Man fans learned that "with great power, there must also come great responsibility"Meet classic characters such as Archie and his Riverdale High friends, Uncle Scrooge McDuck, Little Lulu, Sgt. Rock, the kid cowboys of Boys' Ranch, and more.Enjoy gorgeous full-color photos of each comic book, as well as key details including the title, writer, artist, publisher, copyright information, and entertaining commentary.1000 Comic Books You Must Read is sure to entertain and inform with groundbreaking material about comics being published today as well as classics from the past.


by Evangelos Georgiou

A boy has just left his friend’s house and is walking the short distance to his home. His birthday is in two days. He is turning 13, the start of teens. Halfway home, and as he is typing a message to another friend, he is bundled into a van and left unconscious. From that moment onwards, his life is in the hands of his captor. Would he survive or be killed? Would he be found by the police or would it be too late?

1, 2, 3 Cheers for the Toronto Maple Leafs!: An Official Toronto Maple Leafs Book of Numbers

by Matt Napier

A companion book to M Is for Maple Leafs, this illustrated counting book will delight both young and old. Officially licenced by The Toronto Maple Leafs and NHL and published in celebration of TML 100th anniversary in 2017.In One Leafs Nation, One Hundred Years, Matt Napier and Melanie Rose take us on a tour of Maple Leafs history though vivid illustration and rhyming verse. For children learning their numbers, it has never been this fun -- whether it's Tim Horton's number SEVEN, Darryl Sittler's TEN points in one game, the Leafs' THIRTEEN Stanley Cups, Rick Vaive's FIFTY-goal year, or celebrating the Leafs' ONE HUNDRED years as a team. This book captures the spirit of "Canada's game." One Leafs Nation, One Hundred Years is destined to become a classic that will be handed down from generation to generation.

1 2 3, A Family Counting Book

by Bobbie Combs

In this delightful, rhyming picture book, all sorts of animals and other things teach children how to count to twenty. "Three: books waiting to be read. Four:puppies waiting to be fed." The detailed pictures have been finely described so that all children will benefit from the number repetitions (e.g.: four empty dog bowls), from the humorous moments and from the frolicking good fun which happens on every page. This file should make an excellent embossed braille copy.

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