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1793: O Lobo e o Vigia

by Niklas Nat Och Dag

Prémio Livro do Ano (Suécia) Prémio da Academia Sueca de Escritores de Crime (Suécia) Prémio para melhor romance Storytel Awards (Suécia) Prémio Crimetime Specsavers (Suécia) Finalista do CWA Ian Fleming Steel Dagger (Reino Unido) Finalista do Golden Bullet Award (Noruega) Finalista LiveLib Reader's choice Awards (Rússia) No seu romance de estreia, 1793, Niklas Natt och Dag pinta um retrato convincente do final do século XVIII em Estocolmo. Através dos olhos dos diferentes narradores, o verniz em pó e a pintura da época são retirados para revelar a realidade assustadora, mas fascinante, escondida além dos factos secos dos textos de História. Com um pé firmemente cravado na tradição literária e outro na literatura de suspense, Natt och Dag cria um género inteiramente novo de thriller histórico sugestivo e realista. 1793, Estocolmo. Quatro anos após da tomada da Bastilha e mais de um ano depois da morte de Gustavo III da Suécia, as guerras estrangeiras esvaziaram os tesouros e a nação é governada com mão de ferro pelo senhor do reino. Na esteira do falecimento do velho rei, a confiança transformou-se num bem escasso. A paranóia e as conspirações sussurradas abundam em todos os cantos. Uma promessa de violência estala no ar enquanto os cidadãos comuns se sentem cada vez mais vulneráveis aos caprichos dos que estão no poder. Quando Mickel Cardell, um ex-soldado aleijado e ex-guarda noturno, encontra um corpo mutilado flutuando no lago malcheiroso da cidade, sente-se compelido a dar ao homem não identificado um enterro condigno. Para Cecil Winge, um brilhante advogado que é também detetive consultor na Polícia de Estocolmo, um corpo sem braços, pernas ou olhos é um enigma formidável e uma última oportunidade de acertar as coisas antes de perder a sua batalha com a morte. Juntos, Winge e Cardell vasculham Estocolmo para descobrir a identidade do corpo, encontrando o lado sórdido da elite da cidade. 1793 retrata a capacidade de se ser cruel em nome da sobrevivência ou da ganância - mas também a capacidade para o amor, a amizade e o desejo de um mundo melhor. Os elogios da crítica:«Complexo e rico. Além dos personagens fascinantes, a maior força de Natt och Dag pode estar na selecção dos pormenores que usa para descrever uma cidade com dois séculos de história. Este é o primeiro romance publicado de Natt och Dag, mas parece demasiado habilidoso e seguro para ser a sua primeira obra.»New York Journal of Books «Um mistério histórico soberbamente pormenorizado.»Irish Times «O noir sueco não pode ficar mais obscuro.»The Herald «Niklas Natt och Dag pega na tradição do crime escandinavo contemporâneo e dá-lhe uma reviravolta histórica assustadoramente horrível# Natt não nos poupa a nada, detalhando horror após horror na sua prosa firme e robusta.»The Guardian «Um romance de estreia notável. A mais recente sensação escandinava.»Sunday Times «Este thriller histórico emocionante anuncia, certamente, a chegada de um novo e delicado talento europeu. Vívido e absorvente.»The Observer «Uma leitura emocionante e chocante.»The Times «No seu romance de estreia, Natt och Dag examina os efeitos de um assassinato brutal sobre aqueles que o investigam - e explora as causas psicológicas do crime... Arrepiante e instigante. Implacável, bem escrito, impossível de largar.»Kirkus «[Um] primeiro romance magistral... Natt och Dag usa a estrutura do livro, que inclui flashbacks e várias perspe

1794: The Million Copy International Bestseller (Jean Mickel Cardell #2)

by Niklas Natt Dag

#1 bestseller in Sweden with over 1.5 million copies sold'Niklas Natt och Dag takes the contemporary Scandinavian crime story and gives it a startlingly gruesome historical twist' GuardianThe year is 1794. A young nobleman, Eric Three Roses, languishes in hospital. Some think he would be just at home in the madhouse across the road. Ridden with guilt, he spends his nights writing down memories of his lost love who died on their wedding night. Her mother also mourns her and when no one listens to her suspicions, she begs the aid of the only person who will listen: Jean Mickel Cardell, the one-armed watchman.Cecil Winge is six months in the ground but when his younger brother Emil seeks out the watchman to retrieve his brother's missing pocket watch, Cardell enlists his help to discover what really happened at Three Roses' estate that night. But, unlike his dead brother, the younger Winge is an enigma, and Cardell soon realises that he may be more hindrance than help. And when they discover that a mysterious slave trader has been running Three Roses' affairs, it is a race against time to discover the truth before it's too late.In 1794, the second installment of Niklas Natt och Dag's historical noir trilogy, we are reunited with Mickel Cardell, Anna Stina Knapp, and the bustling world of late eighteenth century Stockholm from The Wolf and the Watchman. The city is about to see its darkest days yet as veneers crack and the splendour of old gives way to what is hiding in the city's nooks and crannies.


by Niklas Natt Och Dag

Finalista do Prémio Storytel para Melhor Romance (Suécia) Finalmente! Depois de 1793, a aguardada continuação do premiado autor e fenómeno editorial internacional. Niklas Natt och Dag criou um novo género que seduz os leitores e a crítica de todo o mundo. 1794, Estocolmo. Uma mãe chora a filha brutalmente assassinada na noite de núpcias. Desesperada, sem ninguém que atenda o seu pedido, acaba por bater à porta do vigia com um só braço e que chora amargamente a morte do amigo. No hospital de Danviken, nos arredores da cidade, um jovem nobre é atormentado pelo crime repugnante que cometeu. A investigação de Cardell leva-o de novo ao abismo de Estocolmo e à descoberta de que a cidade está mais perversa e perigosa do que nunca. Neste novo episódio, o leitor reúne-se com Mickel Cardell e Anna Stina Knapp no seu mundo barulhento e depravado, onde o que fica do esplendor gustaviano está prestes a entrar em colapso. Estocolmo verá os seus dias tornarem-se mais sombrios e o antigo esplendor dará lugar à escuridão escondida nos cantos e recantos da corrupta cidade. Os elogios da crítica: «Extremo e extremamente bom.»Dagens Nyheter «A prosa inigualável deste romance transportará o leitor para uma época completamente diferente, mas muito tangível. E a história, embora seja uma das mais vis que li, é totalmente irresistível.»Vi Läser «1794 é um retrato maravilhosamente misantropo sobre o sofrimento de uma Estocolmo violenta.»BJT «Niklas Natt och Dag encanta os leitores com a sua representação do século XVIII. O que faz o leitor continuar a ler é a história moral no mundo moralmente decadente que o autor retrata. No meio de toda aquela escuridão, resta uma trémula luz para o guiar.»Gefle Dagblad «Como aconteceu com o seu romance deestreia, em 1794, o leitor é imediatamente absorvido pelo enredo habilmente construído.»Göteborgs-Posten «Niklas Natt och Dag sabe bem como guiar os seus protagonistas no duro caminho que a vida lhes impôs. Existem bons motivos para aguardar por 1795.»Svenska Dagbladet «Não vai conseguir parar de ler. Pela trama, mas também pela bela prosa e a fantástica descrição do ambiente.»Dast Magazine «O maior valor do entretenimento nesta obra recai sobre a representação da época, quase documental ao nível do pormenor, já para não falar na prosa. Um contraponto à escuridão que enfrentam todas as personagens é a luz que brilha sob a forma de narrativa, próxima da poesia.»Södermanlands Nyheter


by Niklas Natt Och Dag

Engaño, corrupción y crimen en la Suecia del siglo XVIII. La esperada continuación de 1793. Segunda parte de la aclamada trilogía con tintes noir iniciada con 1793 —considerado Mejor Libro del Año en Suecia y elogiado por la crítica por renovar los cánones del thriller histórico—, 1794 presenta un ingenioso entramado de engaños, venganzas y crímenes inmisericordes sobre el telón de fondo de una bulliciosa Estocolmo inmersa en la vorágine generada por la Revolución francesa. Segundo hijo de la acaudalada familia Tres Rosas, Erik es enviado por su padre a la colonia de San Bartolomé, el mayor mercado de esclavos del mundo, en las Antillas, para separarlo de Linnea Charlotta, una chica de extracción humilde con la que se ha jurado amor eterno. Desterrado en la isla caribeña, el muchacho se encuentra enfrascado en adaptarse a un medio tan brutal cuando lassúbitas muertes de su padre y de su hermano primogénito precipitan su regreso a Suecia. Así pues, convertido de repente en heredero de una inmensa fortuna y libre para contraer matrimonio con su amada Linnea Charlotta, la felicidad parece sonreírle cuando otro cruel giro del destino lo arroja de nuevo a las tinieblas: acusado de un crimen horrendo ocurrido durante la misma noche de bodas, la vida de Erik queda en manos del inefable Mickel Cardell, el hosco veterano de guerra que, acompañado ahora por Emil Winge, hermano pequeño y álter ego del malogrado Cecil, se adentrará en los abismos más oscuros y violentos de la sociedad sueca para intentar descubrir la verdad y liberar a Erik de un futuro nefasto. Con una destreza excepcional para idear personajes de una asombrosa complejidad y recrear con todo lujo de detalles un momento histórico apasionante, Niklas Natt och Dag colma con creces las expectativas generadas con 1793 y promete mantener la tensión en vilo hasta eldesenlace de la trilogía. La crítica ha dicho... «Uno de los fenómenos literarios del año». Màrius Carol, La Vanguardia «La continuación de '1793', emocionante simbiosis entre novela histórica y novela negra y una de las mejores del género en 2020». El País «El sueco Niklas Natt och Dag alcanza una sublime fusión de narrativa criminal y recreación histórica detallada». Lilian Neuman, Cultura/s «Con el protagonista de la primera entrega fuera de juego, el autor sueco trenza nuevas alianzas entre sus personajes para arrojar un poco de luz a una época oscura y cruenta sobre la que sobrevuela también el fantasma de la esclavitud». ABC «Es terrorífico...terroríficamente bueno».Dagens Nyheter «Al igual que en su novela debut, el lector se ve inmediatamente atrapado por la prosa de 1794 de Niklas Natt Och Dag.[...] La trama ha sido construida por manos expertas,tal como la última vez».Göteborgs-Posten «1794 es un retrato maravilloso y misantrópico del sufrimiento que existió una vez en Estocolmo. También es terrorífico y emocionante».BTJ

1794: The Million Copy International Bestseller (Jean Mickel Cardell #2)

by Niklas Natt Dag

'Niklas Natt och Dag takes the contemporary Scandinavian crime story and gives it a startlingly gruesome historical twist' GuardianA year has passed. A lot has happened, but worse is to come.The year is 1794. A young nobleman, Eric Three Roses, languishes in hospital. Some think he would be just at home in the madhouse across the road. Ridden with guilt, he spends his nights writing down memories of his lost love who died on their wedding night. Her mother also mourns her and when no one listens to her suspicions, she begs the aid of the only person who will listen: Jean Mickel Cardell, the one-armed watchman.Cecil Winge is six months in the ground but when his younger brother Emil seeks out the watchman to retrieve his brother's missing pocket watch, Cardell enlists his help to discover what really happened at Three Roses' estate that night. But, unlike his dead brother, the younger Winge is an enigma, and Cardell soon realises that he may be more hindrance than help. And when they discover that a mysterious slave trader has been running Three Roses' affairs, it is a race against time to discover the truth before it's too late.In 1794, the second installment of Niklas Natt och Dag's historical noir trilogy, we are reunited with Mickel Cardell, Anna Stina Knapp, and the bustling world of late eighteenth century Stockholm. The city is about to see its darkest days yet as veneers crack and the splendour of old gives way to what is hiding in the city's nooks and crannies.(P) 2022 Hodder & Stoughton Ltd

1795 (Trilogía de Estocolmo #Volumen 3)

by Niklas Natt Och Dag

En el esperado final de la aclamada trilogía histórica de Niklas Natt och Dag se vislumbran las puertas del infierno. En la última entrega de la aclamada trilogía de Niklas Natt och Dag, el mal acecha por los sinuosos callejones de Estocolmo, encarnado en la figura del turbio y vengativo Tycho Ceton, que prepara un asombroso y perverso plan para sumir a la capital sueca en los abismos infernales. Dos lúcidos investigadores intentan atrapar al siniestro Ceton desde hace más de un año: aunque Emil Winge dedica todos sus esfuerzos a resolver el caso, los fantasmas del pasado lo acechan, las autoridades tienen asuntos más importantes que atender y su fiel escudero, Mickel Cardell, está ocupado en la búsqueda de Anna Stina Knapp, desaparecida tras la muerte de sus mellizos. Entretanto, el infierno se cierne de un modo inexorable... La crítica ha dicho:«El fenómeno de la novela negra antes del fin del mundo.»Carlos Zanón «Dicen de él que es el nuevo Stieg Larsson. Ahora su nombre te resultará impronunciable, pero te lo aprenderás seguro.»Patricia Villalobos «Paisajes grises o helados. Historias que estremecen. Preciosa ambientación y tramas de alta intensidad.»Lilian Neuman «Un fresco completo del mal absoluto.»Ernesto Calabuig «Narrativamente, el mejor volumen de la trilogía.»Svenska Dagbladet «Extremadamente seductora. [...] No puedes parar de leer.»Weekendavisen «Una cima literaria.»Jyllands-Posten «¡Una lectura única!»Mariestads-Tidningen «Un narrador brillante. [...] Niklas Natt och Dag ha creado una trilogía única, una poderosa recreación de la historia y una saga policíaca increíblemente apasionante y sangrienta.»Dagens Nyheter

1795: The Order of the Furies (Jean Mickel Cardell #3)

by Niklas Natt Dag

'Niklas Natt och Dag takes the contemporary Scandinavian crime story and gives it a startlingly gruesome historical twist' GuardianIt is 1795 and evil lurks in the winding alleys of Stockholm. Tycho Ceton prowls the city, willing to do anything to survive and reclaim the honour he has lost. No one knows what he is planning next but Emil Winge, haunted by the ghosts of his past, is determined to stop him. Meanwhile, Jean Mickel Cardell is preoccupied with his own search for Anna Stina Knapp. She may have in her possession a letter which could have devastating consequences in the wrong hands.All the while, hell looms inexorably . . .In 1795: The Order of the Furies, the third instalment of Niklas Natt och Dag's historical noir trilogy, we are plunged once again into the bustling world of late eighteenth-century Stockholm. The city is teetering on a precipice, with evil shaking its core, but can love and friendship prevail?Translated by Ian Giles

1795: The Order of the Furies (Jean Mickel Cardell #3)

by Niklas Natt Dag

'Niklas Natt och Dag takes the contemporary Scandinavian crime story and gives it a startlingly gruesome historical twist' GuardianIt is 1795 and evil lurks in the winding alleys of Stockholm. Tycho Ceton prowls the city, willing to do anything to survive and reclaim the honour he has lost. No one knows what he is planning next but Emil Winge, haunted by the ghosts of his past, is determined to stop him. Meanwhile, Jean Mickel Cardell is preoccupied with his own search for Anna Stina Knapp. She may have in her possession a letter which could have devastating consequences in the wrong hands.All the while, hell looms inexorably . . .In 1795: The Order of the Furies, the third instalment of Niklas Natt och Dag's historical noir trilogy, we are plunged once again into the bustling world of late eighteenth-century Stockholm. The city is teetering on a precipice, with evil shaking its core, but can love and friendship prevail?Translated by Ian Giles

The 17th Suspect (Women's Murder Club #17)

by James Patterson Maxine Paetro

In the newest Women's Murder Club thriller, a killer who chooses victims personally is stalking San Francisco--and getting too close to Detective Lindsay Boxer. <P><P>A series of shootings exposes San Francisco to a methodical yet unpredictable killer, and a reluctant woman decides to put her trust in Sergeant Lindsay Boxer. <P>The confidential informant's tip leads Lindsay to disturbing conclusions, including that something has gone horribly wrong inside the police department itself. <P>The hunt for the killer lures Lindsay out of her jurisdiction, and gets inside Lindsay in dangerous ways. <P> She suffers unsettling medical symptoms, and her friends and confidantes in the Women's Murder Club warn Lindsay against taking the crimes too much to heart. <P>With lives at stake, the detective can't help but follow the case into ever more terrifying terrain. <P>A decorated officer, loving wife, devoted mother, and loyal friend, Lindsay's unwavering integrity has never failed her. <P>But now she is confronting a killer who is determined to undermine it all. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

18: A Novel Of Golf And Life

by John Barnes

Craig Cantwell is well known as a journeyman millionaire and 'the best professional golfer who has not won a major.' His successful life as a tour pro is shattered when he is suspended from the PGA Tour. Without a place to compete and with a personal life tangled with drama, Craig has to find his way back to a life he knows. His fight is not with the scions of the tour, the public, or the scores of great golfers who would be his opponents. He has to prevail over the toughest of adversaries - himself. "18" beautifully tells the story of Cantwell and those in his life: Rachelle Keys, the mother of Craig's daughter and a heroic FBI Agent. Kelly Keys, the new 'IT' girl of golf. Thomas Kincaid, agent and lawyer to the rich and scandalous. And Seth Reede, the personal development guru with a past more shocking than any fallen hero. Far more involved than just a tale of athletic triumph, "18" is a story of forgiveness, truth, courage, and redemption.

18: Solo se vive una vez

by F. M. Espinosa

Seis chicos, una misma ciudad y la casualidad más increíble: todos ellos cumplen la mayoría de edad el mismo día. Para celebrarlo se gesta en las calles de un Londres veraniego y alocado la mayor fiesta de todas. La fiesta de los 18. 18 es una novela iniciática llena de luz. Francesca siente algo por Warren, el cínico novio de su amiga Kali. Oliver tiene problemas graves de autoestima, Hugo está lejos de casa, Emma cree que le gustan las chicas... y esto solo es el principio. En medio de este desenfreno de emociones, de relaciones y desengaños descubrirán que al final lo que prevalece es estar unidos. #18SoloSeViveUnaVez

+18: Saga Inspírame: Libro 1 (Saga: Inspírame #Volumen 1)

by Darlis Stefany

Uno de los últimos fenómenos de la plataforma Wattpad: una historia de amor alocada, divertida y llena de giros inesperados. Cuando los secretos salen a la luz... ¡todo es posible. Alaska Hans tiene un secreto: le encanta escribir. Y se le da especialmente bien. Tanto que su novela escrita bajo seudónimo se ha convertido en un éxito total en la plataforma JoinApp. Drake, su insoportable pero atractivo vecino lo descubrirá y nada volverá a ser lo mismo entre los dos. Porque cuando tu vecino sexy descubre tu mayor secreto... ¿hay algo que puede ir mal? Escenas comprometedoras, situaciones incómodas y una historia romántica que nos recuerda que el amor platónico no es más que una simple excusa para aquellos que no se atreven a dar el paso. Una novela alocada, caótica, divertida y sobre todo... +18.

18 bajo cero (Fabian Risk #Volumen 3)

by Stefan Ahnhem

Sugestiva y escalofriante, 18 bajo cero es la tercera entrega de la serie protagonizada por el detective Fabian Risk, con más de dos millones de ejemplares vendidos en todo el mundo. En un caluroso día de verano. Un coche acelera por las calles de Helsingør. Cuando llega al puerto, el conductor sigue su camino, y se adentra y sumerge directamente hacia el mar frío y oscuro.Un cuerpo en el agua. Pero no se trata de un suicidio. La autopsia revela que este hombre lleva un tiempo muerto. Fue asesinado hace dos meses y su cuerpo ha sido congelado. Todo se vuelve más frío. A medida que se descubren más cuerpos, Fabian Risk debe cazar a un asesino que parece tener una misión: preservar el cadáver de sus víctimas y crear la muerte perfecta. La crítica ha dicho...«Si te gusta Millenium de Stieg Larsson, adorarás esta oscura y diabólicamente inteligente novela.»Caitlyn Lynch «Esta novela noir nórdica del escritor y guionista best seller Stefan Ahnhem, hará que no te despegues de la butaca.»Sunday Post«Una novela policiaca escalofriantemente emocionante»Lokalavisen Nordsjælland (Dinamarca) «Ahnhem desvela los monstruosos crímenes que acechan bajo la aparentemente plácida superficie de Escandinavia».Publishers Weekly, US (starred review) «Acosará tu memoriamucho después de que hayas terminado de leer. /.../ Me quito el sombrero ante Ahnhem».Kirkus Reviews US (starred review) «Tiene todos los elementos de un buen thriller: intriga, asesinatos, mentes retorcidas, giros inesperados y mucha acción.»Mydearbookstagram's Reviews, Goodreads«Una novela negra negrísima.»Un momento para la lectura «Un thriller oscuro y violento donde la maldad es la verdadera protagonista.»Anika entre libros

18 Best Stories by Edgar Allan Poe

by Edgar Allan Poe Chandler Borssard Vincent Price

A chilling compilation of some of Edgar Allen Poe's best-loved stories, edited by Vincent Price and Chandler Brossard and with an introduction by Vincent Price, including: The Black Cat - The Fall of the House of Usher - The Masque of the Red Death - The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar - The Premature Burial - Ms. Found in a Bottle - A Tale of the Ragged Mountains - The Sphinx - The Murders in the Rue Morgue - The Tell-Tale Heart - The Gold-Bug - The System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether - The Man That Was Used Up - The Balloon Hoax - A Descent Into the Maelstrom - The Purloined Letter - The Pit and The Pendulum - The Cask of Amontillado

18 Days

by Giulia Mastrantoni Sara Fiore

There are moments when life slows down. We have to wait and we are both scared and hopeful. That’s how I spent the first 18 days of my daughter’s life. She was born and she was moved from one hospital to another in order to get the chance to survive. It was not easy, nor foreseenable. We all needed to be strong. That’s what happened and I am glad she doesn’t remember any of it.

18% Gray

by Angela Rodel Zachary Karabashliev

After Stella disappears, Zack sets off on a trip across America with his memories, a camera, and a duffle bag of dope. Through the lens of the old camera, he starts rediscovering himself by photographing an America we rarely see. His journey unleashes a series of erratic, hilarious, and life-threatening events interspersed with flashbacks to his relationship with Stella.

18 Seconds

by George Shuman

Sherry Moore, a beautiful, blind psychic, has the extraordinary ability to 'see' the last eighteen seconds of a murder victim's life by touching the corpse. She uses her gift to help others solve mysteries only she can tap into. Serial killer Earl Sykes never got caught for his vicious murders. Instead, it was a deadly auto accident that landed him in prison. Now, years later, he is free and hungry for revenge. Setting his sights on Lieutenant Kelly O'Shaughnessy, the daughter of his captor, he returns to his seaside hometown of Wildwood, New Jersey - and to his gruesome, murderous ways. When Lieutenant O'Shaughnessybegins to investigate the disappearance of young women from desolate areas of the boardwalk, she encounters frustrating dead-end clues and more deaths. Her desperation leads her to accept Sherry's help, but not without consequences. Together, the two women set out to discover the identity of the killer and become entangled in a dangerous web that could cost them their lives. With two memorable heroines, pulse-pounding suspense, and twists that will keep readers guessing until the last pages, 18 SECONDS introduces a powerful writing talent to the suspense scene.

18 Seconds: A Novel

by George D. Shuman

Investigative consultant Sherry Moore is blind and stunningly beautiful, with the extraordinary ability to "see" the deceased's last eighteen seconds of memory by touching the corpse. A head injury at age five left her without sight and prevented her from remembering her past. When Sherry discovers she has the sight, she learns to use her gift to help others solve mysteries that only she can tap into. Serial killer Earl Sykes was never caught for his vicious murders. Instead, a deadly traffic accident landed him in prison. Now almost thirty years later, he returns to the seaside town of Wildwood, New Jersey -- and to abducting young female victims for his gruesome games. Wildwood police lieutenant Kelly O'Shaughnessy is stymied over the disappearance of young women. When an old man's untimely death leads Sherry Moore to Wildwood, O'Shaughnessy's desperation forces her to accept Sherry's help, but not without consequence. As the two women join forces to discover the killer's identity, they unwittingly become the hunted, marching deeper with every step into the monster's lair. A law enforcement veteran himself, George Shuman packs a realistic style and authentic investigative detail into this taunt tale filled with pulse pounding tension that will send listeners right to the edge.

180 Days of Reading for Fourth Grade: Practice, Assess, Diagnose

by Margot Kinberg

Helps fourth-grade students to build their reading comprehension and word study skills using daily practice activities.

180 More: Extraordinary Poems for Every Day

by Billy Collins

Come full circle with 180 new, exciting poems selected and introduced by Billy Collins. Inspired by Billy Collins's poem-a-day program for American high schools that he began through the Library of Congress, the original Poetry 180: A Turning Back to Poetry was a gathering of clear, contemporary poems aimed at a wide audience. In180 More, Collins continues his ambitious mission of exposing readers of all ages to the best of today's poetry. Here are another 180 hospitable, engaging, reader-friendly poems, offering surprise and delight in a wide range of literary voices-comic, melancholy, reflective, irreverent. If poetry is the original travel literature, this anthology contains 180 vehicles ready to carry you away to unexpected places. With poems by Robert Bly Carol Ann Duffy Eamon Grennan Mark Halliday Jane Kenyon David Kirby Thomas Lux Donna Masini W. S. Merwin Paul Muldoon Carol Muske-Dukes Vijay Seshadri Naomi Shihab Nye Gerald Stern Ron Padgett Linda Pastan Victoria Redel Franz Wright Robert Wrigley and many more.

180 segundos

by Jessica Park

Algunas personas se pasan toda la vida sin cambiar de perspectiva. Para Allison sólo bastarán 180 segundos... Las redes sociales y la popularidad a veces ayudan a quien menos se lo espera, ¿pero será tan fácil? 180 SEGUNDOS pueden propiciar un beso trascendental que te lleve a las nubes, incluso regalarte muchos amigos, pero tu nueva y maravillosa vida es capaz de propinarte el revés más cruel. Tras una dura infancia viviendo de aquí para allá en hogares temporales, Allison mantiene su distancia, no se le da la vida social. Le cuesta mucho hacer amigos y prefiere la seguridad de su cuarto, pues sabe mejor que nadie que las cosas no duran mucho tiempo. Pero ya en la universidad cada vez le es más difícil aislarse en sus audífonos. Una tarde cualquiera se ve enganchada en un experimento social en las afueras del campus. De repente ya está frente a una multitud, forzada a interactuar con un completo extraño durante 180 segundos. Ni Allison ni Esben Baylor, el chico estrella de las redes sociales sentado justo frente a ella, están preparados para lo que va a pasar. Cuando se acaba el tiempo, la intensidad de la experiencia los abruma a ambos, los electriza. Con un empujoncito de su mejor amiga, Allison se embarca en una aventura para averiguar si lo que Esben y ella compartieron es real y si por fin podrá confiar en sí misma, en los demás y en el amor. ¿Cómo lograr ser valiente si siempre has levantado muros emocionales a tu alrededor? ¿Y si el mundo te hace una mala broma y alguien que amas levanta sus propios muros contigo?

1805: Number 6 in series (Nathaniel Drinkwater #6)

by Richard Woodman

It is the summer of 1804 and Napoleon is massing his vast army for the invasion of England. Nathaniel Drinkwater has command of HMS Antigone, and he and his men are sent to patrol the Channel coast, helping the Royal Navy maintain a blockade of the enemy's ports. As Nelson's and Napoleon's mighty fleets draw closer to one another, Drinkwater is unprepared for the role that destiny deals him when he becomes a prisoner of the French and suddenly finds himself on the wrong side of the British bombardment.

1812: The Rivers of War

by Eric Flint

Eric Flint's acclaimed 1634: The Galileo Affair was a national bestseller from one of the most talked-about voices in his field. Now, in this extraordinary new alternate history, Flint begins a dramatic saga of the North American continent at a dire turning point, forging its identity and its future in the face of revolt from within, and attack from without. In the War of 1812, U. S. troops are battling the British on the Canadian border, even as a fierce fight is being waged against the Creek followers of the Indian leader Tecumseh and his brother, known as The Prophet. In Europe, Napoleon Bonaparte's war has become a losing proposition, and the British are only months away from unleashing a frightening assault on Washington itself. Fateful choices are being made in the corridors of power and on the American frontier. As Andrew Jackson, backed by Cherokee warriors, leads a fierce attack on the Creek tribes, his young republic will soon need every citizen soldier it can find. What if-at this critical moment-bonds were forged between men of different races and tribes? What if the Cherokee clans were able to muster an integrated front, and the U. S. government faced a united Indian nation bolstered by escaping slaves, freed men of color, and even influential white allies? Through the remarkable adventures of men who were really there-men of mixed race, mixed emotions, and a singular purpose-The Rivers of War carries us in this new direction, brilliantly transforming an extraordinary chapter of American history. With a cast of unforgettable characters-from James Monroe and James Madison to Sam Houston, Francis Scott Key, and Cherokee chiefs John Ross and Major Ridge-The Rivers of War travels from the battle of Horseshoe Bend to the battle of New Orleans, and brings every explosive moment to life. With exquisite attention to detail, an extraordinary grasp of history, and a storyteller's gift for the dramatic, Flint delivers a bold, thought-provoking epic of enemies and allies, traitors and revolutionaries, and illuminates who we are as a nation, how we got here, and how history itself is made-and remade.


by David Nevin

The war of 1812 would either make America a global power sweeping all the way to the Pacific--or break it into small pieces bound to mighty England. It was a second revolution of sorts to prove to the British that America had to be taken seriously. The principal actors in this drama were James and Dolley Madison, and Andrew and Rachel Jackson. Their courage and determination would shape America's destiny.

1824: The Arkansas War

by Eric Flint

In the newest volume of this exhilarating series, Eric Flint continues to reshape American history, imagining how a continent and its people might have taken a different path to its future. With 1824: The Arkansas War, he spins an astounding and provocative saga of heroism, battlefield action, racial conflict, and rebellion as a nation recovering from war is plunged into a dangerous era of secession. Buffered by Spanish possessions to the south and by free states and two rivers to the north, Arkansas has become a country of its own: a hybrid confederation of former slaves, Native American Cherokee and Creek clans, and white abolitionists-including one charismatic warrior who has gone from American hero to bête noire. Irish-born Patrick Driscol is building a fortune and a powerful army in the Arkansas Confederacy, inflaming pro-slavers in Washington and terrifying moderates as well. Caught in the middle is President James Monroe, the gentlemanly Virginian entering his final year in office with a demagogic House Speaker, Henry Clay, nipping at his heels and fanning the fires of war. But Driscol, whose black artillerymen smashed both the Louisiana militia in 1820 and the British in New Orleans, remains a magnet for revolution. And fault lines are erupting throughout the young republic-so that every state, every elected official, and every citizen will soon be forced to choose a side. For a country whose lifeblood is infected with the slave trade, the war of 1824 will be a bloody crisis of conscience, politics, economics, and military maneuvering that will draw in players from as far away as England. For such men as Secretary of State John Quincy Adams, Commissioner of Indian Affairs Sam Houston, charismatic war hero Andrew Jackson, and the violent abolitionist John Brown, it is a time to change history itself. Filled with fascinating insights into some of America's most intriguing historical figures, 1824: The Arkansas War confirms Eric Flint as a true master of alternate history, a novelist who brings to bear exhaustive research, remarkable intuition, and a great storyteller's natural gifts to chronicle the making of our nation as it might have been. From the Hardcover edition.

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