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2001: Una Odisea Espacial (Odisea espacial #Volumen 1)

by Arthur C. Clarke

Un gran clásico de la ciencia ficción. Los doctores David Bowman y Frank Poole se encuentran a bordo del Discovery One con el objetivo de realizar una expedición a los confines del universo en busca de evidencias que confirmen que el ser humano no está solo. Les acompañan tres científicos en animación suspendida y HAL 9000, un ordenador excepcionalmente inteligente. Pero la misión se vuelve muy peligrosa cuando HAL empieza a fallar. ¿Se trata de un problema técnico? ¿O quizá Hal tiene voluntad propia? ¿Qué influencia ejerce el monolito? Con estas preguntas, surgen otras: ¿Cuál es nuestra esencia? ¿Qué lugar ocupamos en el cosmos? Uno de los grandes clásicos de la ciencia ficción, que ofrece una visión totalizadora sobre el origen de la consciencia y la evolución de la humanidad. Arthur C. Clarke colaboró estrechamente con Stanley Kubrick en la producción de la célebre película homónima. Reseña:«Clarkemezcla con maestría hallazgos, filosofía y un novedoso sentido del ritmo.»Time

2001: Una odisea espacial

by Arthur C. Clarke

Una expedición a los confines del universo y a los del alma, en la que pasado, presente y futuro se amalgaman en un continuo enigmático. ¿Qué esencia última nos rige? ¿Qué lugar ocupa el hombre en el complejo entramado del infinito? ¿Qué es el tiempo, la vida, la muerte? Una grandiosa novela de dimensiones épicas cuyo amplio abanico de interpretaciones ofrece una visión totalizadora. Arthur C.Clarke colaboró estrechamente con Stanley Kubrick en la producción de la célebre película homónima.

2001: A Space Odyssey

by Arthur C. Clarke

The year is 2001, and cosmonauts uncover a mysterious monolith that has been buried on the Moon for at least three million years. To their astonishment, the monolith releases an equally mysterious pulse—a kind of signal—in the direction of Saturn after it is unearthed. Whether alarm or communication, the human race must know what the signal is—and who it was intended for. The Discovery and its crew, assisted by the highly advanced HAL 9000 computer system, sets out to investigate. But as the crew draws closer to their rendezvous with a mysterious and ancient alien civilization, they realize that the greatest dangers they face come from within the spacecraft itself. HAL proves a dangerous traveling companion, and the crew must outwit him to survive. <P> This novel version of the famous Stanley Kubrick film 2001: A Space Odyssey was written by Clarke in conjunction with the movie’s production. It is meant to stand as a companion piece, and it offers a complementary narrative that’s loaded with compelling science fiction ideas.

2001: A Space Odyssey (Space Odyssey Ser.)

by Arthur C. Clarke

Written when landing on the moon was still a dream, and made into one of the most influential films of all time, 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY remains a classic work of science fiction fifty years after its original publication. The discovery of a black monolith on the moon leads to a manned expedition deep into the solar system, in the hope of establishing contact with an alien intelligence. Yet long before the crew can reach their destination, the voyage descends into disaster . . . Brilliant, compulsive and prophetic, Arthur C. Clarke's timeless novel tackles the enduring theme of mankind's place in the universe.Praise for Arthur C. Clarke:'The king of science fiction . . . His influence continues to inform the genre' Guardian'Arthur C. Clarke is awesomely informed about physics and astronomy, and blessed with one of the most astounding imaginations ever encountered in print' New York Times'Arthur C. Clarke is one of the truly prophetic figures of the space age . . . The colossus of science fiction' New Yorker 'Dazzling' Time

2007: Novela

by Kobi Ovadia

Una polémica e incorrecta novela del autor más odiado de Israel: sociedad psicótica y adicción a las terapias. Miles de personas adoran a Sharón Young, pero nadie sabe cómo es realmente. Su vida se sustenta en los likes, los shares y los comentarios de sus fans en las redes sociales. Su verdadero oficio, sin embargo, lo desempeña desde el piso veintisiete de un lujoso rascacielos de Tel Aviv, resguardado en un nido de tecnología y diseño. Tras una máscara y desde la pantalla de su ordenador, es el amo de varios jóvenes que desean ser dominados, su hueste de esclavos sexuales. Pero cuando un trágico suceso desmonta sus principios vitales, emprenderá un viaje para buscar la redención y el perdón de los suyos. Y para convertirse en una persona nueva... y heterosexual. 2007 es una novela delirante y satírica, eterna y plenamente contemporánea, donde porno y mesianismo unen fuerzas para construir un mundo tan bello como horrible, tan real como el nuestro. La crítica ha dicho...«Su ascenso, caída y conversión a heterosexual hacen de Sharón uno de los mejores personajes literarios modernos, un Dorian Gray meridional que se alimenta de las fantasías sexuales de los residentes de Tel Aviv. Es adicto a las marcas, la cocaína y las terapias sanadoras. Abstemio en el amor. Carismático y adorado. También es un cascarón vacío, un hombre de mil nombres, forzado a reinventarse año tras año.»Yediot Ajronot «Una novela icónica e ambiciosa, rica en matices, repleta de talento, compuesta de mil capas, profunda y divertida, triste y delicada. Un hito para la literatura en hebreo.»Haaretz «Belleza, horror y verdad, todo junto en una sola novela.»At Magazine «El de Ovadia es un triunfo literario: una novela real que refleja el mundo que nos rodea.»Makor Rishon

2010: Odyssey Two

by Arthur C. Clarke

An instant book and movie classic, its fame has grown. Yet, a host of questions has grown more insistent, for example: who or what transformed Dave Bowman into the Star-Child? What alien purpose lay behind the monoliths on the Moon and out in space? What could drive HAL to kill the crew? Now all those questions have been answered, in this stunning sequel. Cosmic in sweep, eloquent in its depiction of Man's place in the Universe, and filled with the romance of space, this novel is a good read.

2010: Odyssey Two (Space Odyssey Series #2)

by Arthur C. Clarke

The celebrated author continues his Space Odyssey with this Hugo Award winner: &“A daring romp through the solar system and a worthy successor to 2001&” (Carl Sagan). In 1968, Arthur C. Clarke&’s bestselling 2001: A Space Odyssey captivated the world and was adapted into the classic film by Stanley Kubrick. Fourteen years later, fans and critics were thrilled by the release of 2010: Odyssey Two. Nine years after the ill-fated Discovery One mission to Jupiter, a joint Soviet-American crew travels to the planet to investigate the mysterious monolith orbiting the planet, the cause of the earlier mission&’s failure—and what became of astronaut David Bowman. The crew includes project expert Heywood Floyd, and Dr. Chandra, the creator of HAL 9000. What they discover is an unsettling alien conspiracy tampering with the evolution of life on Jupiter&’s moons as well as that of humanity itself. Meanwhile, the being that was once Dave Bowman—the only human to unlock the mystery of the monolith—streaks toward Earth on a vital mission of its own . . . &“Clarke deftly blends discovery, philosophy, and a newly acquired sense of play.&” —Time &“2010 is easily Clarke&’s best book in over a decade.&” —The San Diego Union-Tribune

2012: In The Courts Of The Sun

by Brian D'Amato

Los mayas previeron el fin del mundo.¿Podrá uno de sus descendientes, un matemático prodigioso, salvar el planeta? 21 de diciembre de 2012.El día en que el tiempo se detendrá. Jed DeLanda, descendiente de los mayas, tiene una mente prodigiosa para las matemáticas y pasa la mayor parte de su tiempo jugando al go contra su ordenador mientras vive de los beneficios que le dan sus negocios en la red. ¿Su arma secreta? El juego de adivinación maya utilizado antiguamente para predecir acontecimientos del futuro. Pero el fin del mundo se acerca. Comienza la cuenta atrás. Jed deberá averiguar por qué los mayas predijeron el fin de los tiempos en esa fecha e iniciar la búsqueda de la clave que le ayude a evitar el Armagedón. ¿Podrá un solo hombre salvar al planeta? Reseña:«Brian D'Amato conjuga la historia maya, la ciencia moderna, la teoría del juego y el inminente Apocalipsis maya en un mismo relato, consiguiendo como resultado una lectura absorbente y emocionante.»Douglas Preston


by Brian Damato

21 de diciembre de 2012.El día en que el tiempo se detendrá.Jed DeLanda, descendiente de los mayas, tiene una mente prodigiosa para las matemáticas y pasa la mayor parte de su tiempo jugando al go contra su ordenador mientras vive de los beneficios que le dan sus negocios en la red. ¿Su arma secreta? El juego de adivinación maya utilizado antiguamente para predecir acontecimientos del futuro. Pero el fin del mundo se acerca. Comienza la cuenta atrás. Jed deberá averiguar por qué los mayas predijeron el fin de los tiempos en esa fecha e iniciar la búsqueda de la clave que le ayude a evitar el Armagedón. ¿Podrá un solo hombre salvar al planeta?« Brian DAmato conjuga la historia maya, la ciencia moderna, la teoría del juego y el inminente Apocalipsis maya en un mismo relato, consiguiendo como resultado una lectura absorbente y emocionante.»Douglas Preston


by Whitley Strieber

December 21, 2012, may be one of the most watched dates in history. Every 26,000 years, Earth lines up with the exact center of our galaxy. At 11:11 on December 21, 2012, this event happens again, and the ancient Maya calculated that it would mark the end, not only of this age, but of human consciousness as we know it.But what will actually happen? The end of the world? A new age for mankind? Nothing? The last time this happened, Cro-Magnon man suddenly began creating great art in the caves of southern France, which to this day remains one of the most inexplicable changes in human history. Now Whitley Strieber explores 2012 in a towering work of fiction that will astound readers with its truly new insights and a riveting roller-coaster ride of a story. A mysterious alien presence unexpectedly bursts out of sacred sites all over the world and begins to rip human souls from their bodies, plunging the world into chaos it has never before known. Courage meets cowardice, loyalty meets betrayal as an entire world struggles to survive this incredible end-all war. Heroes emerge, villains reveal themselves, and in the end something completely new and unexpected happens that at once lifts the fictional characters into a new life, and sounds a haunting real-world warning for the future.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

2012: The Crystal Skull

by Manda Scott

The ancient Mayans predicted the End of Days with uncanny precision: 21 December 2012.But they also provided the key to staving off apocalypse: a flawless sapphire of incomparable beauty carved into the perfect likeness of a human skull.For more than four centuries, the skull and its legacy of dark intrigue and murder have been hidden, protected by a code few can break.Now it's about to be found.

2012 Daily Calendar: Worst-Case Scenario

by Joshua Piven David Borgenicht

Be prepared for the worst with expert advise and survival trivia all year long.

2013: Raising the Earth to the Next Vibration

by Richard Grossinger

For the Earth to move to the next vibration, says Richard Grossinger, consciousness must change in profound ways, and these involve core elements of humanity: evil, grief, bliss, and compassion. 2013 locates these elements in often unlikely places and seeks their nature and capacity for change. With playfulness and precision, 2013 tackles the questions of creation and existence in their twenty-first-century incarnation. In these intellectual field notes, the author's absorbing style combines memoir with scientific deconstruction, metaphysical ontology, and experimental prose that recalls the Black Mountain school to draw transcendental insight from the ephemeral space-time we call daily life. Moving with equal ease between matters cosmic and earthly, Grossinger details existence as an exhilarating adventure always pushing us toward a higher state in this wide-ranging, humorous, and heartfelt book. Including an informal course in psychic development, 2013 sheds light on the ephemera of planets and iPods, politics and Zen, Buddy Holly and road trips in its study of the elements of psychic development that could transform humankind and the Earth.

2013 Daily Calendar: VICE Dos & Don'ts

by Vice Magazine

From VICE magazine--a.k.a. the "hipster bible"--this ebook includes photos from the uber popular DOs & DON'Ts street fashion feature in which candid photos of strangers are accompanied by over-the-top critiques either praising (a "Do") or ridiculing (a "Don't"). Featuring the best Dos and the worst Don'ts, this ebook provides a hearty dose of the most amazing--and appalling--street fashion finds.

2013 Daily Calendar: Worst-Case Scenario

by Joshua Piven David Borgenicht

Be prepared for the worst with expert advice and survival trivia all year long.

2014 Ready Common Core: Reading Instruction (Grade #4)

by Curriculum Associates

This book uses the best-practice teaching strategies and routines to help students in early grades develop reading comprehension skills assessed by the Common Core.

2014 Ready Common Core, English Language Arts Practice [Grade] 7

by Curriculum Associates Llc

NIMAC-sourced textbook

2014 Ready Common Core, Reading Instruction [Grade 3]

by Curriculum Associates Llc.

NIMAC-sourced textbook

2014 Ready Common Core, Reading Instruction [Grade] 5

by Curriculum Associates

NIMAC-sourced textbook

2014 Ready Common Core, Reading Instruction [Grade] 6

by Curriculum Associates Llc.

NIMAC-sourced textbook

2014 Ready New York CCLS, Common Core Edition, English Language Arts Instruction [Grade] 6

by Curriculum Associates

NIMAC-sourced textbook

2014 Ready New York CCLS English Language Arts Practice (Grade #7)

by The Editors at the Curriculum Associates

This book is part of a review program for the Common Core Learning Standards for English Language Arts, with 2 practice exams, each with 59 ELA questions.

2014 Top Ten Gay Romance (Top Ten Gay Romance #1)

by J. M. Snyder

2014 Top Ten Gay Romance brings together the best-selling short stories published by JMS Books that year.From first love to true love, from submission to sensual, from heat to sweet and everything in between, the couples in these stories are sure to keep you turning the pages as you fall in love with them.With stories by J.M. Snyder, Drew Hunt, J.L. Merrow, A.R. Moler, Jeff Adams, Terry O’Reilly, Iyana Jenna, J.D. Walker, Sam Singer, and Paul Alan Fahey, this head-over-heels collection goes beyond bedtime reading. Whether happily ever after or happy for now, there’s an ending for everyone in here!Contains the stories: Rivals by Jeff Adams, Words by Paul Alan Fahey, The Nutcracker by Drew Hunt, Ya Like That? by Iyana Jenna, Making It Pay by J.L. Merrow, Personal Protection by A.R. Moler, My Beagle, the Yenta by Terry O’Reilly, Broken by Sam Singer, Blurring the Lines by J.M. Snyder, and The Best Man for Me by J.D. Walker.

2015 Top Ten Gay Romance (Top Ten Gay Romance #2)

by J. M. Snyder

2015 Top Ten Gay Romance brings together the best-selling short stories published by JMS Books that year.From first love to true love, from submission to sensual, from heat to sweet and everything in between, the couples in these stories are sure to keep you turning the pages as you fall in love with them.With stories by J.M. Snyder, J.L. Merrow, Edward Kendrick, Hunter Frost, Drew Hunt, Lisa Gray, A.R. Moler, Rebecca James, Jeff Adams, and J.D. Walker, this head-over-heels collection goes beyond bedtime reading. Whether happily ever after or happy for now, there’s an ending for everyone in here!Contains the stories: Hat Trick Overtime: Summer Camp by Jeff Adams, The Courage to Heal by Hunter Frost, Surprise Gifts by Drew Hunt, A Pebble in the Water by Lisa Gray, Partners by Rebecca James, Let Go of Loneliness by Edward Kendrick, Batteries Not Included by J.L. Merrow, Djinn: What's In Your Box? by A.R. Moler, Just My Style by J.M. Snyder, and A Cowboy for Keeps by J.D. Walker.

2016 Top Ten Gay Romance (Top Ten Gay Romance #3)

by Rebecca James J. M. Snyder Jl Merrow J. D. Walker Terry O'Reilly Tinnean Becky Black Michael P. Thomas A. R. Moler T. A. Creech Shawn Lane

2016 Top Ten Gay Romancebrings together the best-selling short stories published by JMS Books that year.From first love to true love, from submission to sensual, from heat to sweet and everything in between, the couples in these stories are sure to keep you turning the pages as you fall in love with them.With stories by Becky Black, T.A. Creech, Rebecca James, Shawn Lane, J.L. Merrow, A.R. Moler, Terry O'Reilly, Michael P. Thomas, Tinnean, and J.D. Walker, this head-over-heels collection goes beyond bedtime reading. Whether happily ever after or happy for now, there’s an ending for everyone in here!Contains the stories:Me and My Big Mouth by Becky Black,Captive by T.A. Creech,Love Lost, Love Found by Rebecca James,Accidentally His by Shawn Lane,A Pint of Beer, a Bag of Chips, and Thou by J.L. Merrow,For the Last Time by A.R. Moler,First and Goal by Terry O'Reilly,It's Not Yule, It's Me by Michael P. Thomas,In His Line of Work by Tinnean, andAnd This is Ed by J.D. Walker.

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