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Desi, Mami, and the Never-Ending Worries
by Eva MendesFrom actress Eva Mendes comes her debut picture book Desi, Mami, and the Never-Ending Worries, the story of a little girl facing endless scary worries. Every night begins with the same refrain: “MAMI! THERE’S A MONSTER UNDER MY BED!”Desi has so many scary thoughts! Is her brain a monster?!Of course it’s not a real monster, and Mami assures Desi of this. Sometimes we just have scary worries running through our minds. And like anything in life, you just need to work to make things better.With gentle guidance from Mami, Desi realizes she’s the boss of her thoughts. Together they try different approaches to clear their minds of these never-ending worries.While Desi may still have scary thoughts from time to time, she realizes that they can tackle anything!Actress Eva Mendes writes a deeply relatable story about a subject that all parents can likely connect with: the bedtime struggle! Pulling from her own experiences as a mother, she has written a fun and instructive story of a mother and daughter working together to quash those scary thoughts and be off to bed at last.
Desi, mami y las infinitas preocupaciones: Desi, Mami, and the Never-Ending Worries
by Eva MendesIn this Spanish edition of her debut picture book Desi, mami y las infinitas preocupaciones, actress Eva Mendes writes the story of a little girl facing the endless scary worries that come just before bedtime. Cada noche, Desi comienza con el mismo estribillo: “¡MAMI! ¡HAY UN MONSTRUO DEBAJO DE MI CAMA!”.¡Desi tiene tantos pensamientos espantosos! ¿Es su cerebro un monstruo?Por supuesto que no es un monstruo, y mami se lo asegura. A veces, simplemente temenos preocupaciones pavorosas rondando por la mente. Y, como cualquier cosa en la vida, solo necesitas esforzarte para mejorar las cosas.Con la guía gentil de mami, Desi se da cuenta de que ella es la dueña de sus pensamientos. Juntas ensayarán diferentes métodos para despejar la mente de las infinitas preocupaciones. Aunque a Desi se le ocurren de vez en cuando cosas que le dan miedo, se dará cuenta de que junto a su mamá puede enfrentar cualquier pensamiento.La actriz Eva Mendes ha escrito una historia con la que todos los padres pueden identificarse: la batalla a la hora de dormir. Inspirándose en sus propias experiencias como madre, ha escrito una historia divertida e instructiva sobre una madre y una hija que trabajan juntas para deshacerse de los pensamientos aterradores y finalmente pasar la noche durmiendo.
Desiderando un Duca per Natale
by Amanda MarielDesiderando un Duca per Natale di Amanda Mariel Riusciranno Elizabeth e Lord Brookfield a scoprire che nella magia della stagione natalizia , l’amore può essere il dono più meraviglioso di tutti? Wish upon a christmas duke Nell’atmosfera invernale baciata dal gelo dell’Inghilterra, dove la neve che ricopre il paesaggio e un party di Natale luccicano con brindisi e applausi festosi, il fato orchestra una storia d’amore incantevole. Lady Elizabeth Breckenridge, simbolo di grazia con i suoi riccioli dorati e occhi cerulei affascinanti, entra nel vivo dei festeggiamenti natalizi, col cuore desideroso di un amore a cui è sfuggita in due anni movimentati. Everett St. Giles, il Conte di Brookfield, un personaggio distinto con capelli scuri corvino e occhi grigi penetranti che custodiscono segreti taciuti emanano un’aria di mistero. Tuttavia, quando posa gli occhi su Lady Elizabeth nel mezzo dei festeggiamenti del Natale, qualcosa di inspiegabile si insinua dentro di lui, un improvvisa attrazione inattesa che sfida la ragione. Il loro incontro, tra lumi di candela tremolanti e il fascino festoso del vischio, suscita un’immediata connessione che nessuno aveva previsto. In un vortice di risate condivise e sguardi rubati, Lady Elizabeth e Lord Brookfield si ritrovano irresistibilmente attratti l’uno dall’altro, travolti da un mondo di emozioni che sbocciano inaspettatamente nel mezzo delle festività gioiose del Natale. Mentre è alle porte la stagione dei nuovi propositi, i loro cuori si intrecciano in una danza inaspettata di affetto. Scopriranno Lady Elizabeth e Lord Brookfield che nel magico periodo natalizio, l’amore può essere il dono più meraviglioso di tutti?
by W. J. May Silvia StefaniNon si scherza con le figlie delle Tenebre, soprattutto non con Victoria. Solo la morte potrebbe fermarla ora. Victoria era una cacciatrice vampira, ma ora è lei a essere cacciata. Quando scoprirà che Evan è stato rapito dal consiglio, non si fermerà davanti a nulla pur di riprenderselo. Allo stesso tempo, è sconvolta nel venire a sapere che Malcolm, il suo ex compagno di caccia, è sulle sue tracce. Malcolm la conosce molto bene perché hanno lavorato insieme per innumerevoli decenni. Conosce ogni sua mossa e ogni suo possibile nascondiglio. Tori quindi chiede l’aiuto di Finn, che era riuscito a restare vivo per secoli fuori dal radar del consiglio. È sicura che lui possa proteggere lei, Eddie e Trent finché non elaboreranno un piano per arrivare a Evan. Vlad la vuole, che sia viva o morta sembra non avere più importanza ora. Tori farà qualsiasi cosa pur di tenere Evan al sicuro, anche se ciò significa ribellarsi al padre e dargli la caccia.
Desiderio di Vendetta
by Ls MorganUn avvincente, coinvolgente e incredibile romanzo romantico. Hazel Eyes (Desiderio di Vendetta) alias: Alex Hazel è un imprenditore di successo nel mondo degli affari, in cui ha faticato ad entrare. Abbandonato dalla donna che amava e tradito da coloro di cui si fidava, ha plasmato il suo destino con un unico desiderio, quello di Vendetta. Può adempiere ai suoi piani quando il destino entra in gioco per riportare indietro colei che gli aveva rubato il cuore? Avventurati in questo romanzo circondato da mistero e intense emozioni per scoprire fino a che punto arriva un uomo, sia per odio che per amore.
El desierto
by Carlos Franz1993. Veinte años después de haber sido destituida como jueza, Laura Larco regresa de su exilio en Berlín a Pampa Hundida, pueblo detenido en el tiempo en el norte de Chile, a enfrentar los fantasmas de los años posteriores al golpe de Estado, y así responderle a su hija adolescente, sobre su participación durante los años de la represión.Simultáneamente, ha regresado también el mayor Cáceres, quien fuera el encargado de los campos de prisioneros, juicios militares, ejecuciones y desapariciones. Con la celebración de la Diablada como música de fondo, en este reencuentro se revelará un oscuro pasado en el que se conjugan el débil rol de la justicia, el poder del mal y la responsabilidad ética de la sociedad.
El desierto invisible: Premio Clarín Novela 2022
by Miguel GayaUna historia de la conquista del desierto en la que todo puede haber sido de otra manera. El indio manco del guante de hierro, el coronel y su señora, el cautivo blanco, la mujer que acuna la cabeza del marido degollado, el gobernador omnipresente en el que se vislumbra a Rosas son los personajes sin nombre que pueblan esta ficción que se remonta a uno de los territorios y momentos más polémicos de la historia argentina: la turbulenta frontera con el indio durante el siglo XIX. Novela de imaginación histórica, magistralmente escrita, con personajes inolvidables y un humor a toda prueba, El desierto invisible viaja al pasado para iluminar modos de vida alejados de la versión civilizadora que nos separa en dos mundos antagónicos y sin conciliación posible. La crítica dijo... «Una novela de alta calidad literaria. [...] Dejando de lado cualquier convención trillada, el autor hace de cada uno de estos personajes un ser humano pleno, creíble, tan equivocado y confuso como cualquiera de nosotros.»Ana María Shua «El despojo, la demonización, la marginación de nuestros pueblos originarios, todas esas construcciones ideológicas que se siguen justificando según parámetros y prejuicios establecidos en el siglo XIX están vigentes hoy en día; imaginar un pasado diferente, no del que sucedió, sino del que fue fijado en la memoria colectiva por el discurso dominante, es a lo que nos invita a pensar esta novela.»Carlos Gamerro «El desierto invisible es una incursión multiforme, sólida, profunda en uno de los territorios y momentos más polémicos, más conflictivos de la historia argentina: la lucha por su frontera sur. Esta novela tiene la gran virtud de iluminar ese espacio y ese tiempo que miramos poco.»Martín Caparrós
Un desierto lleno de gente
by Esteban ValentinoCuentos que buscan el fondo, los límites de la realidad, tratando deencontrar las puertas de salida. Emilio Careaga recuerda la noche en que conoció el amor entre los bombardeos ingleses en Malvinas; Sebastián y Alcira oponen su luz a la oscuridad de un chupadero de la dictadura: un joven Van Gogh sufre ante un padre autoritario; el cacique Inancayal es destruido por la máquina del poder central. Dice el autor: "Escribí estos cuentos simplemente porque no puedo escribir sobre otras cosas. Si hablara de temas más agradables tal vez vendería más, pero no puedo. Me siento a la máquina y me sale la pobreza, la soledad del adolescente frente a una realidad sin futuro, nuestra historia de desaparecidos y guerras ridículas".
Desierto Sonoro
by Valeria LuiselliUn matrimonio en crisis viaja en coche con sus dos hijos pequeños desde Nueva York hasta Arizona. Ambos son documentalistas y cada uno se concentra en un proyecto propio: él está tras los rastros de la última banda apache en rendirse al poder militar estadounidense; ella busca documentar la diáspora de niños que llegan a la frontera sur del país en busca de asilo. Mientras el coche familiar atraviesa el vasto territorio norteamericano, los dos niños, sentados en el asiento trasero, escuchan las conversaciones e historias de sus padres y a su manera confunden las noticias de la crisis migratoria con el genocidio de los pueblos originarios de Norteamérica. En su imaginación, estas historias se entremezclan, dando lugar a una aventura que es la historia de una familia, un país y un continente. Desierto sonoro, tercera novela de Valeria Luiselli, combina lo mejor de dos grandes tradiciones literarias, la del viaje y la del éxodo: trasiega por el asfalto y atraviesa horizontes desérticos, se detiene en moteles de carretera y penetra en los territorios íntimos de sus personajes, ofreciendo con precisión una serie de instantáneas que retratan las infinitas capas del paisaje geográfico, sonoro, político y espiritual que conforman la realidad contemporánea. Un relato conmovedor y necesario que muestra la fragilidad con que se definen los lazos familiares, indaga en la manera en que documentamos nuestras existencias y pasamos las historias de generación en generación, y se pregunta qué significa ser humano en un mundo cada vez más deshumanizado.
Desierto Sonoro
by Valeria LuiselliUn matrimonio en crisis viaja en coche con sus dos hijos pequeños desde Nueva York hasta Arizona. Ambos son documentalistas y cada uno se concentra en un proyecto propio: él está tras los rastros de la última banda apache en rendirse al poder militar estadounidense; ella busca documentar la diáspora de niños que llegan a la frontera sur del país en busca de asilo. Mientras el coche familiar atraviesa el vasto territorio norteamericano, los dos niños, sentados en el asiento trasero, escuchan las conversaciones e historias de sus padres y a su manera confunden las noticias de la crisis migratoria con el genocidio de los pueblos originarios de Norteamérica. En su imaginación, estas historias se entremezclan, dando lugar a una aventura que es la historia de una familia, un país y un continente. Desierto sonoro, tercera novela de Valeria Luiselli, combina lo mejor de dos grandes tradiciones literarias, la del viaje y la del éxodo: trasiega por el asfalto y atraviesa horizontes desérticos, se detiene en moteles de carretera y penetra en los territorios íntimos de sus personajes, ofreciendo con precisión una serie de instantáneas que retratan las infinitas capas del paisaje geográfico, sonoro, político y espiritual que conforman la realidad contemporánea. Un relato conmovedor y necesario que muestra la fragilidad con que se definen los lazos familiares, indaga en la manera en que documentamos nuestras existencias y pasamos las historias de generación en generación, y se pregunta qué significa ser humano en un mundo cada vez más deshumanizado.
Design and Truth in Autobiography (Routledge Library Editions: Autobiography #7)
by Roy PascalOriginally published in 1960. Is there an art of autobiography? What are its origins and how has it come to acquire the form we know today? For what does the autobiographer seek, and why should it be so popular? This study suggests some of the answers to these questions. It takes the view that autobiography is one of the dominant and characteristic forms of literary self-expression and deserves examination for its own sake. This book outlines a definition of the form and traces its historical origins and development, analyses its ‘truth’ and talks about what sort of self-knowledge it investigates.
Design Flaws of the Human Condition
by Paul S. SchmidtbergerAs can only happen in New York, two strangers find themselves railroaded into an anger-management class, where they soon become fast friends. Iris is there because of an eminently justifiable meltdown on a crowded flight, whereas Ken got caught defacing library books with rude (but true!) messages about his former boyfriend. The boyfriend that he caught in bed with another man.Needless to say, Iris and Ken were cosmically destined to be friends. What follows is a strikingly original comedy as Ken enlists Iris to infiltrate his ex-boyfriend's life in the hope of discovering that he's miserable. And Iris reciprocates, dispatching Ken to work himself into the confidence of her own boyfriend, whom she suspects of cheating. But what if Ken's ex isn't crying himself to sleep? What if he's not the amoral fiend Ken wants to believe he is? And what should Iris do when her worst suspicions start to come true? Exactly how perfect do we have the right to expect our fellow human beings to be?Anger, betrayal, loyalty, and friendship--Design Flaws of the Human Condition explores these universal themes with wisdom, compassion, and a wickedly irreverent sense of humor.
Design for an Accident
by Denise EgertonDesign for an Accident, first published in 1958, is a novel of suspense and mystery, set in France, and concerning an English tutor. The tutor, out of jail after his involvement in a fatal car crash, accepts a post in France, but sees his streak of dangerously bad luck continue to follow him in his new home.
Design for Dying: A Lillian Frost And Edith Head Novel (Lillian Frost & Edith Head #1)
by Renee PatrickThe first in a series of riveting behind-the-scenes mysteries, Renee Patrick's Design for Dying is a delightful romp through Hollywood's Golden Age.Los Angeles, 1937. Lillian Frost has traded dreams of stardom for security as a department store salesgirl . . . until she discovers she's a suspect in the murder of her former roommate, Ruby Carroll. Party girl Ruby died wearing a gown she stole from the wardrobe department at Paramount Pictures, domain of Edith Head.Edith has yet to win the first of her eight Academy Awards; right now she's barely hanging on to her job, and a scandal is the last thing she needs. To clear Lillian's name and save Edith's career, the two women join forces. Unraveling the mystery pits them against a Hungarian princess on the lam, a hotshot director on the make, and a private investigator who's not on the level. All they have going for them are dogged determination, assists from the likes of Bob Hope and Barbara Stanwyck, and a killer sense of style. In show business, that just might be enough.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.
Design for Loving
by Doug SanfordAn obscene phone call gone wrong started everything. Instead of the gay phone sex he planned, Tucson real estate agent, Marc, finds himself talking to a straight University of Arizona undergraduate named Bart who has no interest in Marc’s sexual come-on. But instead of hanging up, they hang on and continue to talk. When, after refusing to meet Marc in person for months, Bart finally relents, a journey begins which takes both of them in totally unexpected directions.More complications arise when Leslie, a girl from one of Bart’s classes appears in his life and then leaves six months later. Bart and Marc move to LA where Bart becomes a minor soap opera sex symbol and Leslie, now a college professor, suddenly reappears.What seemed to be one kind of relationship between Bart and Marc becomes another, and then yet still another. And when a newspaper reporter begins digging into Bart’s life, he is forced to come to terms with who he is and what labels, if any, describe him. What will happen when Bart’s insistence on honesty lets the world know the truth about the three of them?
Design for Murder (Death on Demand #2)
by Carolyn G. HartAnnie is asked to stage a murder for the annual spring house tour sponsored by the Historical Society of Chastain, South Carolina. Her only problem is deciding which fictional murder to stage--until a corpse turns up in the town pond. The second Annie Laurance/Max Darling novel.
The Design Is Murder
by Jean HarringtonBook five of Murders by DesignInterior designer Deva Dunne should be focusing her attention on buying a new home with Lt. Victor Rossi. But in typical Deva-style, she's got her mind on everyone else's abodes. Keeping her busy are her two newest clients, who have a lot in common. They both live on Whiskey Lane, and both were involved with the same woman. Coincidence or competition?James Stahlman believes Stew Hawkins moved into the house across the street to terrorize him after he became engaged to Kay, Stew's ex-wife. But Stew is over it. He's remarried-and to someone much younger. When both women are found "accidentally" dead weeks apart, Deva thinks there's something afoot on Whiskey Lane. Coincidence or murder?Deva can't stay away...as much as her protective fiancé would like her to. And it's becoming clear that someone thinks Deva's seen too much. With the list of suspects growing, and Deva and Rossi that much closer to becoming homeless-really, where are they going to live?-she'll have to sift through the clues herself, or there'll be no happily ever after.71,000 words
The Design of Biographia Literaria (RLE: Wordsworth and Coleridge)
by Catherine M. WallaceFirst published in 1983, this book examines a work whose intricacies have baffled and infuriated generations of readers and proposes a theory of Coleridge’s writing habits that "explain(s) his explanation". The author painstakingly analyses the Biographia’s organising structure distinguishing between the daring conception and often inept execution of Coleridge’s idea of critical discourse. It is argued that Coleridge’s autobiographical format present a richly metaphorical "self" whose literary life has led to the now-famous doctrine of secondary imagination. The author’s command of Coleridge scholarship will shed new light on the Biographia for specialists and non-specialists alike.
The Design of Us
by Sajni PatelOne impulsive lie leads to a weeklong adventure of fake dating for two bickering coworkers in this swoony destination wedding rom-com by Sajni Patel, author of The Trouble with Hating You. Sunshine incarnate Bhanu brings big UX energy to whatever she does, including going for the promotion where her only serious competition is her work nemesis, AKA Sunny, the grump with the Denzel voice. She expected to get a reprieve from him while visiting her family in Hawai&’i, but the universe has other plans. When Bhanu runs into Sunny at the hotel and witnesses his ex criticizing him about being single, Bhanu does the first thing that comes to mind: she impetuously claims to be Sunny&’s girlfriend just to get some peace and quiet. Except Sunny is on island for a friend&’s wedding and his ex has already texted the entire wedding party about this mysterious girlfriend. Bhanu truly is the bane of Sunny&’s existence. But the last thing he wants to do is cause tension during his friend&’s wedding festivities, much less be the object of their pity. He has no choice except to play along, if only he and Bhanu can put aside their quarreling and act like a real couple. Between Bhanu&’s hilariously meddling family and Sunny&’s ecstatic friends, the two are pushed closer together, even as stress mounts over the impending promotion. They say what happens on island, stays on island. But as Sunny and Bhanu let their guards down, will either of them be able to resist this romantic getaway without crossing the line?
Design Theory, Language and Architectural Space in Lewis Carroll (Routledge Research in Design History)
by Caroline DionneThis volume offers spatial theories of the emergent based on a careful close reading of the complete works of nineteenth-century writer and mathematician Lewis Carroll—from his nonsense fiction, to his work on logic and geometry, including his two short pamphlets on architecture. Drawing on selected key moments in our philosophical tradition, including phenomenology and sociospatial theories, Caroline Dionne interrogates the relationship between words and spaces, highlighting the crucial role of language in processes of placemaking. Through an interdisciplinary method that relates literary and language theories to theories of space and placemaking, with emphasis on the social and political experience of architectural spaces, Dionne investigates Carroll’s most famous children’s books, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, in relation to his lesser-known publications on geometry and architecture. The book will be of interest to scholars working in design theory, design history, architecture, and literary theory and criticism.
Design Theory, Language and Architectural Space in Lewis Carroll (Routledge Research in Design History)
by Caroline DionneThis volume offers spatial theories of the emergent based on a careful close reading of the complete works of nineteenth-century writer and mathematician Lewis Carroll—from his nonsense fiction, to his work on logic and geometry, including his two short pamphlets on architecture. Drawing on selected key moments in our philosophical tradition, including phenomenology and sociospatial theories, Caroline Dionne interrogates the relationship between words and spaces, highlighting the crucial role of language in processes of placemaking. Through an interdisciplinary method that relates literary and language theories to theories of space and placemaking, with emphasis on the social and political experience of architectural spaces, Dionne investigates Carroll’s most famous children’s books, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, in relation to his lesser-known publications on geometry and architecture. The book will be of interest to scholars working in design theory, design history, architecture, and literary theory and criticism.
Designated Daddy
by Jane Toombs007 FACES FATHERHOOD Steely government agent Steve Henderson was a lone wolf. Afraid of nothing. Needing no one. Until compassionate nurse Victoria Reynaud placed a newborn in his arms, inexplicably calling the baby girl his! The orphaned little one made Steve's strong knees go weak. And he desperately needed this nurse's nurturing to keep the precious infant safe. Worse, once he whisked the tiny baby and tenderhearted Victoria to his moonlit mountain hideaway, the macho loner was beset with incomprehensible yearnings. Besotted with both woman and child. And—heaven help him—beginning to feel a lot like the father of this makeshift "family"!
Designated Daughters (A Deborah Knott Mystery #19)
by Margaret MaronWhen Deborah Knott's terminally ill aunt, Rachel, is found smothered to death in her bed at a hospice center, all of her Colleton County kith and kin are shocked. Who kills a dying woman? As Deborah and her husband, Sheriff's Deputy Dwight Bryant, try to find Rachel's killer, they cross paths with the Designated Daughters, a support group for caregivers, not all of whom are women. Rachel's flamboyant daughter, Sally, is a member, and when a con artist cheats one of the group, they swing into action. They want more than just a shoulder to cry on-they want revenge.
The Designated Drivers' Club
by Shelley K. WallJenny Madison was fired from her office job for an "attitude problem" that resulted from, well, a disappointing life. Out of desperation and a need to pay her rent and car loan, she starts a business driving people home after a night on the town. Customer calls continue to put her in contact with Grant Tucker, an equally disillusioned entertainment executive whose life has been derailed due to a family incident of past years.Grant doesn't remember the young passenger in the car that killed his niece. He just knows the driver died. At the time, the family needed stability and he needed a job so he delved in to help keep the small entertainment company afloat while his aunt and uncle, the owners, dealt with the loss of a daughter. Years later, meeting Jenny seemed more an aggravation than salvation.Jenny faces significant personal challenges when a number of her clients, contacts, and friends end up associated to the haunting accident from her past that killed her father. Unfortunately, the little girl also killed in the accident has no intention of staying hidden in the dark. She makes her presence known in a most inconvenient way.Sensuality Level: Sensual