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Game, Set and Math: Enigmas and Conundrums
by Ian StewartTwelve essays take a playful approach to the subject, exploring how to play poker over the telephone without the possibility of cheating, how to distinguish plausible fallacies from unbelievable facts, and how to cope mathematically with contorted worms, drunken tennis players, and snakes that eat their own tails.Former columnist for Scientific American's "Mathematical Games" section, Ian Stewart is a professor at the University of Warwick and the author of Another Fine Math You've Got Me Into... and a score of other books of mathematical recreations, popular science, and science fiction. In this collection of pun-studded fables, he once again exercises his immense talent for transforming complicated concepts of modern mathematics into stimulating, accessible fun. Stewart introduces the different kinds of infinity, explains how to build your own virus, explores the brighter ideas of Pascal and Fermat, and even offers a dozen different puzzles for the twelve days of Christmas.
Game Theoretic Analysis of Congestion, Safety and Security
by Jun Zhuang Kjell HauskenMaximizing reader insights into the interactions between game theory, excessive crowding and safety and security elements, this book establishes a new research angle by illustrating linkages between different research approaches and through laying the foundations for subsequent analysis. Congestion (excessive crowding) is defined in this work as all kinds of flows; e. g. , road/sea/air traffic, people, data, information, water, electricity, and organisms. Analysing systems where congestion occurs - which may be in parallel, series, interlinked, or interdependent, with flows one way or both ways - this book puts forward new congestion models, breaking new ground by introducing game theory and safety/security into proceedings. Addressing the multiple actors who may hold different concerns regarding system reliability; e. g. one or several terrorists, a government, various local or regional government agencies, or others with stakes for or against system reliability, this book describes how governments and authorities may have the tools to handle congestion, but that these tools need to be improved whilst additionally ensuring safety and security against various threats. This game-theoretic analysis sets this book apart from the current congestion literature and ensures that the book will be of use to postgraduates, researchers, 3rd/4th-year undergraduates, policy makers, and practitioners.
Game Theoretic Approaches for Spectrum Redistribution
by Fan WuThis brief examines issues of spectrum allocation for the limited resources of radio spectrum. It uses a game-theoretic perspective, in which the nodes in the wireless network are rational and always pursue their own objectives. It provides a systematic study of the approaches that can guarantee the system's convergence at an equilibrium state, in which the system performance is optimal or sub-optimal. The author provides a short tutorial on game theory, explains game-theoretic channel allocation in clique and in multi-hop wireless networks and explores challenges in designing game-theoretic mechanisms for dynamic channel redistribution. Since designing a completely secure mechanism is extremely expensive or impossible in most of distributed autonomous systems, it is more beneficial to study misbehavior of the nodes and develop light-weighted game-theoretic channel allocation mechanisms. With a mix of theoretical and hands-on information, the brief traces the concepts of game theory, the current state of spectrum allocation in wireless networks and future competition for resources. Thorough yet accessible, the content is ideal for researchers and practitioners working on spectrum redistribution. It is also a helpful resource for researchers and advanced-level students interested in game theory and wireless communications.
Game-Theoretical Models in Biology (Chapman & Hall/CRC Mathematical Biology Series #48)
by Jan Rychtář Mark BroomCovering the major topics of evolutionary game theory, Game-Theoretical Models in Biology, Second Edition presents both abstract and practical mathematical models of real biological situations. It discusses the static aspects of game theory in a mathematically rigorous way that is appealing to mathematicians. In addition, the authors explore many applications of game theory to biology, making the text useful to biologists as well. The book describes a wide range of topics in evolutionary games, including matrix games, replicator dynamics, the hawk-dove game, and the prisoner’s dilemma. It covers the evolutionarily stable strategy, a key concept in biological games, and offers in-depth details of the mathematical models. Most chapters illustrate how to use Python to solve various games. Important biological phenomena, such as the sex ratio of so many species being close to a half, the evolution of cooperative behaviour, and the existence of adornments (for example, the peacock’s tail), have been explained using ideas underpinned by game theoretical modelling. Suitable for readers studying and working at the interface of mathematics and the life sciences, this book shows how evolutionary game theory is used in the modelling of these diverse biological phenomena. In this thoroughly revised new edition, the authors have added three new chapters on the evolution of structured populations, biological signalling games, and a topical new chapter on evolutionary models of cancer. There are also new sections on games with time constraints that convert simple games to potentially complex nonlinear ones; new models on extortion strategies for the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma and on social dilemmas; and on evolutionary models of vaccination, a timely section given the current Covid pandemic. Features Presents a wide range of biological applications of game theory. Suitable for researchers and professionals in mathematical biology and the life sciences, and as a text for postgraduate courses in mathematical biology. Provides numerous examples, exercises, and Python code.
Game Theory: An Introduction (Wiley Series in Operations Research and Management Science #1)
by E. N. BarronAuthoritative and quantitative approach to modern game theory with applications from areas including economics, political science, computer science, and engineering Game Theory acknowledges the role of mathematics in making logical and advantageous decisions in adversarial situations and provides a balanced treatment of the subject that is both conceptual and applied. This newly updated and revised Third Edition streamlines the text to introduce readers to the basic theories behind games in a less technical but still mathematically rigorous way, with many new real-world examples from various fields of study, including economics, political science, military science, finance, biological science, and general game playing. The text introduces topics like repeated games, Bayesian equilibria, signaling games, bargaining games, evolutionary stable strategies, extensive games, and network and congestion games, which will be of interest across a wide range of disciplines. Separate sections in each chapter illustrate the use of Mathematica and Gambit software to create, analyze, and implement effective decision-making models. A companion website contains the related Mathematica and Gambit data sets and code. Solutions, hints, and methods used to solve most problems to enable self-learning are in an Appendix. Game Theory includes detailed information on: The von Neumann Minimax Theorem and methods for solving any 2-person zero sum matrix game. Two-person nonzero sum games solved for a Nash Equilibrium using nonlinear programming software or a calculus method. Nash Equilibria and Correlated Equilibria. Repeated games and punishment strategies to enforce cooperation Games in Extensive Form for solving Bayesian and perfect information games using Gambit. N-Person nonzero sum games, games with a continuum of strategies and many models in economics applications, duels, auctions, of Nash Equilibria, and the Stable Matching problem Coalitions and characteristic functions of cooperative games, an exact nucleolus for three-player games, bargaining Game theory in evolutionary processes and population games A trusted and proven guide for students of mathematics, engineering, and economics, the Third Edition of Game Theory is also an excellent resource for researchers and practitioners in economics, finance, engineering, operations research, statistics, and computer science.
Game Theory
by E. N. BarronAn exciting new edition of the popular introduction to game theory and its applicationsThe thoroughly expanded Second Edition presents a unique, hands-on approach to game theory. While most books on the subject are too abstract or too basic for mathematicians, Game Theory: An Introduction, Second Edition offers a blend of theory and applications, allowing readers to use theory and software to create and analyze real-world decision-making models.With a rigorous, yet accessible, treatment of mathematics, the book focuses on results that can be used to determine optimal game strategies. Game Theory: An Introduction, Second Edition demonstrates how to use modern software, such as MapleTM, Mathematica®, and Gambit, to create, analyze, and implement effective decision-making models. Coverage includes the main aspects of game theory including the fundamentals of two-person zero-sum games, cooperative games, and population games as well as a large number of examples from various fields, such as economics, transportation, warfare, asset distribution, political science, and biology. The Second Edition features:* A new chapter on extensive games, which greatly expands the implementation of available models* New sections on correlated equilibria and exact formulas for three-player cooperative games* Many updated topics including threats in bargaining games and evolutionary stable strategies* Solutions and methods used to solve all odd-numbered problems* A companion website containing the related Maple and Mathematica data sets and codeA trusted and proven guide for students of mathematics and economics, Game Theory: An Introduction, Second Edition is also an excellent resource for researchers and practitioners in economics, finance, engineering, operations research, statistics, and computer science.
Game Theory: A Very Short Introduction
by Ken BinmoreGames are everywhere: Drivers maneuvering in heavy traffic are playing a driving game. Bargain hunters bidding on eBay are playing an auctioning game. A firm negotiating next year's wage is playing a bargaining game. When opposing candidates in an election are playing a political game. The supermarket's price for corn flakes is decided by playing an economic game. Game theory is about how to play such games in a rational way. Even when the players have not thought everything out in advance, game theory often works for the same reason that mindless animals sometimes end up behaving very cleverly: evolutionary forces eliminate irrational play because it is unfit. Game theory has seen spectacular successes in evolutionary biology and economics, and is beginning to revolutionize other disciplines from psychology to political science. This Very Short Introduction introduces the fascinating world of game theory, showing how it can be understood without mathematical equations, and revealing that everything from how to play poker optimally to the sex ratio among bees can be understood by anyone willing to think seriously about the problem.
Game Theory: A Nontechnical Introduction
by Morton D. Davis"A lucid and penetrating development of game theory that will appeal to the intuition . . . a most valuable contribution." -- Douglas R. Hofstadter, author of Gödel, Escher, BachThe foundations of game theory were laid by John von Neumann, who in 1928 proved the basic minimax theorem, and with the 1944 publication of the Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, the field was established. Since then, game theory has become an enormously important discipline because of its novel mathematical properties and its many applications to social, economic, and political problems.Game theory has been used to make investment decisions, pick jurors, commit tanks to battle, allocate business expenses equitably -- even to measure a senator's power, among many other uses. In this revised edition of his highly regarded work, Morton Davis begins with an overview of game theory, then discusses the two-person zero-sum game with equilibrium points; the general, two-person zero-sum game; utility theory; the two-person, non-zero-sum game; and the n-person game.A number of problems are posed at the start of each chapter and readers are given a chance to solve them before moving on. (Unlike most mathematical problems, many problems in game theory are easily understood by the lay reader.) At the end of the chapter, where solutions are discussed, readers can compare their "common sense" solutions with those of the author. Brimming with applications to an enormous variety of everyday situations, this book offers readers a fascinating, accessible introduction to one of the most fruitful and interesting intellectual systems of our time.
Game Theory: An Introduction with Step-by-Step Examples
by Ana Espinola-Arredondo Felix Muñoz-GarciaAn introduction to game theory, complete with step-by-step tools and detailed examples. This book offers condensed breakdowns of game-theory concepts. Specifically, this textbook provides “tools” or “recipes” to solve different classes of games. Game Theory presents the information as plainly and clearly as possible. Every chapter begins with the main definitions and concepts before diving into the applications to different settings across economics, business, and other social sciences. Chapters walk readers through algebraic steps and simplifications. This makes the text accessible for undergraduate and Masters-level students in economics and finance. Paired with the exercises published on the accompanying website, students will improve both their theoretical and practical understandings of game theory. Readers will walk away from this book understanding complete and incomplete information models as well as signaling games.
Game Theory: A Modeling Approach (Textbooks in Mathematics)
by Richard Alan Gillman David HousmanGame Theory: A Modeling Approach quickly moves readers through the fundamental ideas of the subject to enable them to engage in creative modeling projects based on game theoretic concepts. The authors match conclusions to real-world scenarios and applications. The text engages students in active learning, group work, in-class discussions and interactive simulations. Each chapter provides foundation pieces or adds more features to help readers build game theoretic models. The chapters include definitions, concepts and illustrative examples. The text will engage and challenge both undergraduate and graduate students. Features: Enables readers to apply game theorty to real-world scenarios Chapters can be used for core course materials or independent stuides Exercises, included at the end of the chapters, follow the order of the sections in the text Select answers and solutions are found at the end of the book Solutions manual for instructors is available from the authors
Game Theory
by Michael Maschler Eilon Solan Shmuel ZamirCovering both noncooperative and cooperative games, this comprehensive introduction to game theory also includes some advanced chapters on auctions, games with incomplete information, games with vector payoffs, stable matchings and the bargaining set. Mathematically oriented, the book presents every theorem alongside a proof. The material is presented clearly and every concept is illustrated with concrete examples from a broad range of disciplines. With numerous exercises the book is a thorough and extensive guide to game theory from undergraduate through graduate courses in economics, mathematics, computer science, engineering and life sciences to being an authoritative reference for researchers.
Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict
by Roger B. MyersonEminently suited to classroom use as well as individual study, Roger Myerson's introductory text provides a clear and thorough examination of the models, solution concepts, results, and methodological principles of noncooperative and cooperative game theory. Myerson introduces, clarifies, and synthesizes the extraordinary advances made in the subject over the past fifteen years, presents an overview of decision theory, and comprehensively reviews the development of the fundamental models: games in extensive form and strategic form, and Bayesian games with incomplete information.
Game Theory
by Hans PetersThis textbook presents the basics of game theory both on an undergraduate level and on a more advanced mathematical level. It is the second, revised version of the successful 2008 edition. The book covers most topics of interest in game theory, including cooperative game theory. Part I presents introductions to all these topics on a basic yet formally precise level. It includes chapters on repeated games, social choice theory, and selected topics such as bargaining theory, exchange economies, and matching. Part II goes deeper into noncooperative theory and treats the theory of zerosum games, refinements of Nash equilibrium in strategic as well as extensive form games, and evolutionary games. Part III covers basic concepts in the theory of transferable utility games, such as core and balancedness, Shapley value and variations, and nucleolus. Some mathematical tools on duality and convexity are collected in Part IV. Every chapter in the book contains a problem section. Hints, answers and solutions are included.
Game Theory: An Introduction
by Steven TadelisThis comprehensive textbook introduces readers to the principal ideas and applications of game theory, in a style that combines rigor with accessibility. Steven Tadelis begins with a concise description of rational decision making, and goes on to discuss strategic and extensive form games with complete information, Bayesian games, and extensive form games with imperfect information. He covers a host of topics, including multistage and repeated games, bargaining theory, auctions, rent-seeking games, mechanism design, signaling games, reputation building, and information transmission games. Unlike other books on game theory, this one begins with the idea of rationality and explores its implications for multiperson decision problems through concepts like dominated strategies and rationalizability. Only then does it present the subject of Nash equilibrium and its derivatives. Game Theory is the ideal textbook for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students. Throughout, concepts and methods are explained using real-world examples backed by precise analytic material. The book features many important applications to economics and political science, as well as numerous exercises that focus on how to formalize informal situations and then analyze them.
Game Theory: An Introduction
by Steven TadelisThe definitive introduction to game theoryThis comprehensive textbook introduces readers to the principal ideas and applications of game theory, in a style that combines rigor with accessibility. Steven Tadelis begins with a concise description of rational decision making, and goes on to discuss strategic and extensive form games with complete information, Bayesian games, and extensive form games with imperfect information. He covers a host of topics, including multistage and repeated games, bargaining theory, auctions, rent-seeking games, mechanism design, signaling games, reputation building, and information transmission games. Unlike other books on game theory, this one begins with the idea of rationality and explores its implications for multiperson decision problems through concepts like dominated strategies and rationalizability. Only then does it present the subject of Nash equilibrium and its derivatives.Game Theory is the ideal textbook for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students. Throughout, concepts and methods are explained using real-world examples backed by precise analytic material. The book features many important applications to economics and political science, as well as numerous exercises that focus on how to formalize informal situations and then analyze them.Introduces the core ideas and applications of game theoryCovers static and dynamic games, with complete and incomplete informationFeatures a variety of examples, applications, and exercisesTopics include repeated games, bargaining, auctions, signaling, reputation, and information transmissionIdeal for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate studentsComplete solutions available to teachers and selected solutions available to students
Game Theory and Applications: A Guide for Students and Researchers (Classroom Companion: Economics)
by Florian Bartholomae Marcus WiensThis textbook provides an overview of the fundamentals of game theory and its applications in various fields. It introduces game theory as an established toolkit for the mathematical analysis and evaluation of strategic decisions. Through applied exercises, it introduces the basic concepts of game theory and offers students from various disciplines the opportunity to practice the concepts through in-depth training. The textbook addresses advanced students of economics, business administration, and related disciplines, university graduates with basic mathematical training as well as interested readers from all fields. For this, it provides student-friendly explanations, a variety of exercises and problems, and useful references to further reading. The book is divided into a beginner-friendly theory section, in which the most important aspects are presented in a compact and clear manner, and an application-oriented problem section, in which the readers can directly check what they have learned and find many application examples. The latter can also be used as a source of inspiration for instructors.
Game Theory and Behavior
by Jeffrey Carpenter Andrea RobbettAn introduction to game theory that offers not only theoretical tools but also the intuition and behavioral insights to apply these tools to real-world situations.This introductory text on game theory provides students with both the theoretical tools to analyze situations through the logic of game theory and the intuition and behavioral insights to apply these tools to real-world situations. It is unique among game theory texts in offering a clear, formal introduction to standard game theory while incorporating evidence from experimental data and introducing recent behavioral models. Students will not only learn about incentives, how to represent situations as games, and what agents &“should&” do in these situations, but they will also be presented with evidence that either confirms the theoretical assumptions or suggests a way in which the theory might be updated.Features:Each chapter begins with a motivating example that can be run as an experiment and ends with a discussion of the behavior in the example.Parts I–IV cover the fundamental &“nuts and bolts&” of any introductory game theory course, including the theory of games, simple games with simultaneous decision making by players, sequential move games, and incomplete information in simultaneous and sequential move games.Parts V–VII apply the tools developed in previous sections to bargaining, cooperative game theory, market design, social dilemmas, and social choice and voting.Part VIII offers a more in-depth discussion of behavioral game theory models including evolutionary and psychological game theory.Supplemental material on the book&’s website include solutions to end-of-chapter exercises, a manual for running each chapter&’s experimental games using pencil and paper, and the oTree codes for running the games online.
Game Theory and Climate Change
by Parkash ChanderDespite the growing consensus on the need for action to counteract climate change, complex economic and political forces have so far prevented international actors from making much headway toward resolving the problem. Most approaches to climate change are based in economics and environmental science; in this book, Parkash Chander argues that we can make further progress on the climate change impasse by considering a third approach—game theory.Chander shows that a game-theoretic approach, which offers insight into the nature of interactions between sovereign countries behaving strategically and the kinds of outcomes such interactions produce, can illuminate how best to achieve international agreements in support of climate-change mitigation strategies. Game Theory and Climate Change develops a conceptual framework with which to analyze climate change as a strategic or dynamic game, bringing together cooperative and noncooperative game theory and providing practical analyses of international negotiations. Chander offers economic and game-theoretic interpretations of both the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement and argues that the Paris Agreement may succeed where the Kyoto Protocol failed. Finally, Chander discusses the policy recommendations his framework generates, including a global agreement to support development of cleaner technologies on a global scale.
Game Theory and Fisheries Management: Theory and Applications
by Lone Grønbæk Marko Lindroos Gordon Munro Pedro PintassilgoThis book is the first to present in a systematic manner the application of game theory to fisheries management at both international and national levels. Strategic interaction among fishers and nations exploiting fishery resources is an inescapable fact of life. This has long been recognized at the international level, and is becoming increasingly recognized at the national/regional level. It follows, therefore, that, in order to be able to analyse effectively the management of these resources, the theory of strategic interaction ̶ game theory ̶ must be brought to bear. In this book the step-by-step development of the game theory is accompanied by numerous applications to the real world of fisheries management policy. As such, it is designed to appeal to policy makers and stakeholders, as well as to graduate students in Economics.
Game Theory and Its Applications
by Akio Matsumoto Ferenc SzidarovszkyThis book integrates the fundamentals, methodology, and major application fields of noncooperative and cooperative games including conflict resolution. The topics addressed in the book are discrete and continuous games including games represented by finite trees; matrix and bimatrix games as well as oligopolies; cooperative solution concepts; games under uncertainty; dynamic games and conflict resolution. The methodology is illustrated by carefully chosen examples, applications and case studies which are selected from economics, social sciences, engineering, the military and homeland security. This book is highly recommended to readers who are interested in the in-depth and up-to-date integration of the theory and ever-expanding application areas of game theory.
Game Theory and Politics
by Steven J. BramsIn this illuminating and instructive survey, author Steven J. Brams demonstrates both the insights and the pitfalls that can result from applying game theoretic models to the analysis of problems in political science. Using plenty of real-life examples, Brams shows how game theory can explain and elucidate complex political situations, from warfare to presidential vetoes. In these cases and others, game theory's mathematical structure provides a rigorous, consistent method for formulating, analyzing, and solving strategic problems. Minimal mathematical background is necessary, making the book accessible to a wide audience of students and teachers of politics and social science, as well as other readers with a serious interest in politics. New preface to the Dover edition. 1975 edition.
Game Theory and the Law
by Douglas G. Baird Robert H. Gertner Randal C. PickerThis book is the first to apply the tools of game theory and information economics to advance our understanding of how laws work. Organized around the major solution concepts of game theory, it shows how such well known games as the prisoner’s dilemma, the battle of the sexes, beer-quiche, and the Rubinstein bargaining game can illuminate many different kinds of legal problems. Game Theory and the Law highlights the basic mechanisms at work and lays out a natural progression in the sophistication of the game concepts and legal problems considered.
Game Theory Evolving: A Problem-Centered Introduction to Modeling Strategic Interaction - Second Edition
by Herbert GintisSince its original publication in 2000, Game Theory Evolving has been considered the best textbook on evolutionary game theory. This completely revised and updated second edition of Game Theory Evolving contains new material and shows students how to apply game theory to model human behavior in ways that reflect the special nature of sociality and individuality. The textbook continues its in-depth look at cooperation in teams, agent-based simulations, experimental economics, the evolution and diffusion of preferences, and the connection between biology and economics. Recognizing that students learn by doing, the textbook introduces principles through practice. Herbert Gintis exposes students to the techniques and applications of game theory through a wealth of sophisticated and surprisingly fun-to-solve problems involving human and animal behavior. The second edition includes solutions to the problems presented and information related to agent-based modeling. In addition, the textbook incorporates instruction in using mathematical software to solve complex problems. Game Theory Evolving is perfect for graduate and upper-level undergraduate economics students, and is a terrific introduction for ambitious do-it-yourselfers throughout the behavioral sciences. Revised and updated edition relevant for courses across disciplines Perfect for graduate and upper-level undergraduate economics courses Solutions to problems presented throughout Incorporates instruction in using computational software for complex problem solving Includes in-depth discussions of agent-based modeling
Game Theory for Applied Economists
by Robert S. GibbonsThis book introduces one of the most powerful tools of modern economics to a wide audience: those who will later construct or consume game-theoretic models. Robert Gibbons addresses scholars in applied fields within economics who want a serious and thorough discussion of game theory but who may have found other works overly abstract. Gibbons emphasizes the economic applications of the theory at least as much as the pure theory itself; formal arguments about abstract games play a minor role. The applications illustrate the process of model building--of translating an informal description of a multi-person decision situation into a formal game-theoretic problem to be analyzed. Also, the variety of applications shows that similar issues arise in different areas of economics, and that the same game-theoretic tools can be applied in each setting. In order to emphasize the broad potential scope of the theory, conventional applications from industrial organization have been largely replaced by applications from labor, macro, and other applied fields in economics. The book covers four classes of games, and four corresponding notions of equilibrium: static games of complete information and Nash equilibrium, dynamic games of complete information and subgame-perfect Nash equilibrium, static games of incomplete information and Bayesian Nash equilibrium, and dynamic games of incomplete information and perfect Bayesian equilibrium.
Game Theory for Control of Optical Networks
by Lacra PavelOptical networks epitomize complex communication systems, and they comprise the Internet's infrastructural backbone. The first of its kind, this book develops the mathematical framework needed from a control perspective to tackle various game-theoretical problems in optical networks. In doing so, it aims to help design control algorithms that optimally allocate the resources of these networks. With its fresh problem-solving approach, Game Theory in Optical Networks is a unique resource for researchers, practitioners, and graduate students in applied mathematics and systems/control engineering, as well as those in electrical and computer engineering.