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A Gardner's Workout: Training the Mind and Entertaining the Spirit
by Martin GardnerFor many decades, Martin Gardner, the Grand Master of mathematical puzzles, has provided the tools and projects to furnish our all-too-sluggish minds with an athletic workout. Gardner's problems foster an agility of the mind as they entertain. This volume presents a new collection of problems and puzzles not previously published in book form. Martin Gardner has dedicated it to "all the underpaid teachers of mathematics everywhere, who love their subject and are able to communicate that love to their students."
Gartentherapie als soziale Intervention: Durchführungsbedingungen und Wirkungsanalyse von gartentherapeutischen Maßnahmen bei demenziell erkrankten Bewohner*innen in Altenpflegeheimen
by Andrea Altepost Michael Bau Jessica Bau Isabell GursteinDas ILAG – Institut Leistung Arbeit Gesundheit ist ein interdisziplinär arbeitendes sozialwissenschaftliches Forschungsinstitut und führt seit 2007 Untersuchungen zu Fragen der Gesundheit und zur Veränderung von Arbeit im demografischen und digitalen Wandel durch.
Gas Dynamics with Applications in Industry and Life Sciences: On Gas Kinetic/Dynamics and Life Science Seminar, March 25–26, 2021 and March 17–18, 2022 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #429)
by Mohammad Asadzadeh Larisa Beilina Shigeru TakataThis proceedings volume gathers selected contributions presented at two instances of the "JSPS/SAC Seminar: On Gas Kinetic/Dynamics and Life Science", held by the Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg, Sweden, on March 25-26, 2021 (virtual) and March 17-18, 2022 (virtual).Works in this book provide a concise approach to the theoretical and numerical analysis of kinetic type equations that arise, for example, in modeling industrial, medical, and environmental problems. Readers will find some of the most recent theoretical results, newly developed numerical methods in the field, and some open problems. Possible application areas encompass fission/fusion energy, electromagnetics, nuclear science and engineering, medical service, radiation oncology, and plants growth conditions, to name a few. The JSPS/SAC seminars are jointly organized by JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)—Stockholm Office and the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology & University of Gothenburg, Sweden. These seminars foster discussions on the mathematical theory, industrial and life science applications, and numerical analysis of non-linear hyperbolic partial differential equations modeling collision-less plasma and charged particles.Chapter 4 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer.com.Chapter 11 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer.com.
Gaseous Ion Mobility, Diffusion, and Reaction (Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics #105)
by Larry A. ViehlandThis book is about the drift, diffusion, and reaction of ions moving through gases under the influence of an external electric field, the gas temperature, and the number density. While this field was established late in the 19th century, experimental and theoretical studies of ion and electron swarms continue to be important in such varied fields as atomic and molecular physics, aeronomy and atmospheric chemistry, gaseous electronics, plasma processing, and laser physics. This book follows in the rigorous tradition of well-known older books on the subject, while at the same time providing a much-needed overview of modern developments with a focus on theory. Graduate students and researchers new to this field will find this book an indispensable guide, particularly those involved with ion mobility spectrometry and the use of ion transport coefficients to test and improve ab initio ion-neutral interaction potentials. Established researchers and academics will find in this book a modern companion to the classic references.
Gateway to the Heavens: How Geometric Shapes, Patterns and Symbols Form Our Reality (Gateway Series #1)
by Karen L. FrenchSimple geometric shapes and symbols combine to make the universal, powerful, sacred model Karen French calls Gateway to the Heavens. In this book, French explains the meaning and purpose of these shapes, how they mold our reality and perception of it and how they have a direct bearing on what you are and why you are here. These shapes and symbols contain messages that have been consistently represented in religion, philosophy, mythology, mysticism, the arts and sciences. Their messages are built into our genetic make-up and we recogniZe them instinctively. The book is divided up into 3 parts. Part 1 covers the properties of the basic geometric shapes and numbers. Part 2 describes how these, in turn, form layers of construction, creating principals that are fundamental to the purpose of the universe; the spiral sustains reality, the cross highlighting the central point of existence and the heart is where we weigh up our choices. Part 3 describes how we can use these principals to create positive change in our lives by helping us to expand our awareness of reality.
Gathering Social Network Data (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences #180)
by jimi adamsGathering Social Network Data fills an important gap in the literature by focusing on methods for designing, collecting, and evaluating the data that are the subject of these analytic techniques. Author jimi adams draws on his extensive teaching experience to provide a guide that can be used by both novice and more experienced researchers alike. The volume focuses on principles, with the goal of providing readers the tools needed to develop their own approach to gathering social network data.
Gathering Social Network Data (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences #180)
by jimi adamsGathering Social Network Data fills an important gap in the literature by focusing on methods for designing, collecting, and evaluating the data that are the subject of these analytic techniques. Author jimi adams draws on his extensive teaching experience to provide a guide that can be used by both novice and more experienced researchers alike. The volume focuses on principles, with the goal of providing readers the tools needed to develop their own approach to gathering social network data.
Gauge Fields and Strings
by A. M. PolyakovBased on his own work, the author synthesizes the most promising approaches and ideals in field theory today. He presents such subjects as statistical mechanics, quantum field theory and their interrelation, continuous global symmetry, non-Abelian gauge fields, instantons and the quantam theory of loops, and quantum strings and random surfaces. This book is aimed at postgraduate students studying field theory and statistical mechanics, and for research workers in continuous global theory.
Gauge Integral Structures for Stochastic Calculus and Quantum Electrodynamics
by Patrick MuldowneyA stand-alone introduction to specific integration problems in the probabilistic theory of stochastic calculus Picking up where his previous book, A Modern Theory of Random Variation, left off, Gauge Integral Structures for Stochastic Calculus and Quantum Electrodynamics introduces readers to particular problems of integration in the probability-like theory of quantum mechanics. Written as a motivational explanation of the key points of the underlying mathematical theory, and including ample illustrations of the calculus, this book relies heavily on the mathematical theory set out in the author’s previous work. That said, this work stands alone and does not require a reading of A Modern Theory of Random Variation in order to be understandable. Gauge Integral Structures for Stochastic Calculus and Quantum Electrodynamics takes a gradual, relaxed, and discursive approach to the subject in a successful attempt to engage the reader by exploring a narrower range of themes and problems. Organized around examples with accompanying introductions and explanations, the book covers topics such as: Stochastic calculus, including discussions of random variation, integration and probability, and stochastic processes. Field theory, including discussions of gauges for product spaces and quantum electrodynamics. Robust and thorough appendices, examples, illustrations, and introductions for each of the concepts discussed within. An introduction to basic gauge integral theory. The methods employed in this book show, for instance, that it is no longer necessary to resort to unreliable "Black Box" theory in financial calculus; that full mathematical rigor can now be combined with clarity and simplicity. Perfect for students and academics with even a passing interest in the application of the gauge integral technique pioneered by R. Henstock and J. Kurzweil, Gauge Integral Structures for Stochastic Calculus and Quantum Electrodynamics is an illuminating and insightful exploration of the complex mathematical topics contained within.
The Gaussian Approximation Potential
by Albert Bartók-PártaySimulation of materials at the atomistic level is an important tool in studying microscopic structures and processes. The atomic interactions necessary for the simulations are correctly described by Quantum Mechanics, but the size of systems and the length of processes that can be modelled are still limited. The framework of Gaussian Approximation Potentials that is developed in this thesis allows us to generate interatomic potentials automatically, based on quantum mechanical data. The resulting potentials offer several orders of magnitude faster computations, while maintaining quantum mechanical accuracy. The method has already been successfully applied for semiconductors and metals.
Gaussian Capacity Analysis (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #2225)
by Liguang Liu Jie Xiao Dachun Yang Wen YuanThis monograph develops the Gaussian functional capacity theory with applications to restricting the Gaussian Campanato/Sobolev/BV space. Included in the text is a new geometric characterization of the Gaussian 1-capacity and the Gaussian Poincaré 1-inequality. Applications to function spaces and geometric measures are also presented. This book will be of use to researchers who specialize in potential theory, elliptic differential equations, functional analysis, probability, and geometric measure theory.
Gaussian Harmonic Analysis (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
by Wilfredo Urbina-RomeroAuthored by a ranking authority in Gaussian harmonic analysis, this book embodies a state-of-the-art entrée at the intersection of two important fields of research: harmonic analysis and probability. The book is intended for a very diverse audience, from graduate students all the way to researchers working in a broad spectrum of areas in analysis. Written with the graduate student in mind, it is assumed that the reader has familiarity with the basics of real analysis as well as with classical harmonic analysis, including Calderón-Zygmund theory; also some knowledge of basic orthogonal polynomials theory would be convenient. The monograph develops the main topics of classical harmonic analysis (semigroups, covering lemmas, maximal functions, Littlewood-Paley functions, spectral multipliers, fractional integrals and fractional derivatives, singular integrals) with respect to the Gaussian measure. The text provide an updated exposition, as self-contained as possible, of all the topics in Gaussian harmonic analysis that up to now are mostly scattered in research papers and sections of books; also an exhaustive bibliography for further reading. Each chapter ends with a section of notes and further results where connections between Gaussian harmonic analysis and other connected fields, points of view and alternative techniques are given. Mathematicians and researchers in several areas will find the breadth and depth of the treatment of the subject highly useful.
Gaussian Integrals and their Applications
by Oscar A. NievesGaussian Integrals form an integral part of many subfields of applied mathematics and physics, especially in topics such as probability theory, statistics, statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics and so on. They are essential in computing quantities such as the statistical properties of normal random variables, solving partial differential equations involving diffusion processes, and gaining insight into the properties of particles. In Gaussian Integrals and their Applications, the author has condensed the material deemed essential for undergraduate and graduate students of physics and mathematics, such that for those who are very keen would know what to look for next if their appetite for knowledge remains unsatisfied by the time they finish reading this book. Features A concise and easily digestible treatment of the essentials of Gaussian Integrals Suitable for advanced undergraduates and graduate students in mathematics, physics, and statistics The only prerequisites are a strong understanding of multivariable calculus and linear algebra. Supplemented by numerous exercises (with fully worked solutions) at the end, which pertain to various levels of difficulty and are inspired by different fields in which Gaussian integrals are used.
Gaussian Markov Random Fields: Theory and Applications
by Havard Rue Leonhard HeldGaussian Markov Random Field (GMRF) models are most widely used in spatial statistics - a very active area of research in which few up-to-date reference works are available. This is the first book on the subject that provides a unified framework of GMRFs with particular emphasis on the computational aspects. This book includes extensive case-studie
Gaussian Measures in Finite and Infinite Dimensions (Universitext)
by Daniel W. StroockThis text provides a concise introduction, suitable for a one-semester special topicscourse, to the remarkable properties of Gaussian measures on both finite and infinitedimensional spaces. It begins with a brief resumé of probabilistic results in which Fourieranalysis plays an essential role, and those results are then applied to derive a few basicfacts about Gaussian measures on finite dimensional spaces. In anticipation of the analysisof Gaussian measures on infinite dimensional spaces, particular attention is given to thoseproperties of Gaussian measures that are dimension independent, and Gaussian processesare constructed. The rest of the book is devoted to the study of Gaussian measures onBanach spaces. The perspective adopted is the one introduced by I. Segal and developedby L. Gross in which the Hilbert structure underlying the measure is emphasized.The contents of this book should be accessible to either undergraduate or graduatestudents who are interested in probability theory and have a solid background in Lebesgueintegration theory and a familiarity with basic functional analysis. Although the focus ison Gaussian measures, the book introduces its readers to techniques and ideas that haveapplications in other contexts.
Gaussian Measures in Hilbert Space: Construction and Properties
by Alexander KukushAt the nexus of probability theory, geometry and statistics, a Gaussian measure is constructed on a Hilbert space in two ways: as a product measure and via a characteristic functional based on Minlos-Sazonov theorem. As such, it can be utilized for obtaining results for topological vector spaces. Gaussian Measures contains the proof for Fernique's theorem and its relation to exponential moments in Banach space. Furthermore, the fundamental Feldman-Hájek dichotomy for Gaussian measures in Hilbert space is investigated. Applications in statistics are also outlined. In addition to chapters devoted to measure theory, this book highlights problems related to Gaussian measures in Hilbert and Banach spaces. Borel probability measures are also addressed, with properties of characteristic functionals examined and a proof given based on the classical Banach–Steinhaus theorem. Gaussian Measures is suitable for graduate students, plus advanced undergraduate students in mathematics and statistics. It is also of interest to students in related fields from other disciplines. Results are presented as lemmas, theorems and corollaries, while all statements are proven. Each subsection ends with teaching problems, and a separate chapter contains detailed solutions to all the problems. With its student-tested approach, this book is a superb introduction to the theory of Gaussian measures on infinite-dimensional spaces.
Gaussian Process Regression Analysis for Functional Data
by null Jian Qing Shi null Taeryon ChoiGaussian Process Regression Analysis for Functional Data presents nonparametric statistical methods for functional regression analysis, specifically the methods based on a Gaussian process prior in a functional space. The authors focus on problems involving functional response variables and mixed covariates of functional and scalar variables.Coveri
Gaussian Processes on Trees: From Spin Glasses to Branching Brownian Motion
by Anton BovierBranching Brownian motion (BBM) is a classical object in probability theory with deep connections to partial differential equations. This book highlights the connection to classical extreme value theory and to the theory of mean-field spin glasses in statistical mechanics. Starting with a concise review of classical extreme value statistics and a basic introduction to mean-field spin glasses, the author then focuses on branching Brownian motion. Here, the classical results of Bramson on the asymptotics of solutions of the F-KPP equation are reviewed in detail and applied to the recent construction of the extremal process of BBM. The extension of these results to branching Brownian motion with variable speed are then explained. As a self-contained exposition that is accessible to graduate students with some background in probability theory, this book makes a good introduction for anyone interested in accessing this exciting field of mathematics.
The GCHQ Puzzle Book: Perfect for anyone who likes a good headscratcher
by GCHQSharpen your mind to beat the smartest brains in Britain with the original official GCHQ puzzle bookWould GCHQ recruit you? Pit your wits against the people who cracked Enigma in the official puzzle book from Britain's top secret intelligence and security organisationOver the years, their codebreakers have helped keep our country safe, from the Bletchley Park breakthroughs of WWII to the modern-day threat of cyber attack. So it comes as no surprise that, even in their time off, the staff at GCHQ love a good puzzle.Whether they're recruiting new staff or challenging each other to the toughest Christmas quizzes and treasure hunts imaginable, puzzles are at the heart of what GCHQ does. Now they're opening up their archives of decades' worth of codes, puzzles and challenges for everyone to try.In this book you will find:- Tips on how to get into the mindset of a codebreaker- Puzzles ranging in difficulty from easy to brain-bending- A competition section where we search for Britain's smartest puzzlerWith hundreds of stimulating puzzles, The GCHQ Puzzle Book is the perfect companion and will keep you occupied as you attempt to beat the smartest brains in Britain.GOOD LUCK!'Fiendish . . . as frustrating, divisive and annoying as it is deeply fulfilling' Guardian'Ideal for the crossword enthusiast' Daily TelegraphLooking for more ways to test yourself? The GCHQ Puzzle Book 2, a new collection of head-scratching, mind-boggling and brain-bending puzzles is out now!
The GCHQ Puzzle Book II
by GCHQTrain your brain with these fiendishly difficult puzzles, the perfect companion for anyone wanting to keep their mind busy'Fiendishly tricky' Daily MailWith their first bestselling book, The GCHQ Puzzle Book, the UK's intelligence and security experts tested us with puzzles, codes and real-life entrance tests from their archives.Now, they are back with a NEW collection of head-scratching, mind-boggling and brain-bending puzzles that will leave you pondering for hours.For those who often found themselves stumped with the first book, The GCHQ Puzzle Book 2 offers even more starter puzzles to get those brains warmed up. Puzzle aficionados needn't worry though, as there is also an 'Even Harder' section to test everyone to their limits . . .Not only that, but in celebration of GCHQ's centenary, the puzzles in this new book sit alongside stories, facts and photos from the organisation's first 100 years at the heart of the nation's security. From the Government Code & Cipher School, to Bletchley Park, through to protecting against cyberattacks, the security of our country is in the hands of GCHQ. With this book, you get exclusive snapshots into the organisation that keeps us all safe.Train your brain to compete with the smartest in the country with this stimulating book of puzzles. If you haven't yet tested yourself with the first instalment of The GCHQ Puzzle Book, check it out now!'This is the perfect gift to fuel his ludicrous presumption that he could have definitely been a spy - even better if he's already dog-eared the first version' Huffington Post
GCSE Mathematics - A Pocket Guide for Re-takers and Adults
by Mick PriceAs its title suggests, this book by been devised by author Mick Price as an essential guide for those revisiting Mathematics at GCSE level. Crafted from years of experience and class-tested materials, it serves as a unique revision tool, tailored for both FE college students and adults seeking to improve their previous grades or refresh long-forgotten knowledge. Stripping back the complexities of mathematics, this book focuses on the fundamentals needed to achieve a grade 4, without overwhelming its readers with the entirety of KS4 content. GCSE Mathematics promises accessibility and convenience, making it an indispensable companion for both classroom learning and self-study. Inside, you’ll find a blend of theoretical essentials, practical real-life examples, and exercises designed for both younger and more mature learners, all presented in a straightforward, uncondescending manner. GCSE Mathematics is not just a book: it’s a tool for success, always within reach.
GDP: A Brief but Affectionate History - Revised and expanded Edition
by Diane CoyleHow GDP came to rule our lives—and why it needs to changeWhy did the size of the U.S. economy increase by 3 percent on one day in mid-2013—or Ghana's balloon by 60 percent overnight in 2010? Why did the U.K. financial industry show its fastest expansion ever at the end of 2008—just as the world’s financial system went into meltdown? And why was Greece’s chief statistician charged with treason in 2013 for apparently doing nothing more than trying to accurately report the size of his country’s economy? The answers to all these questions lie in the way we define and measure national economies around the world: Gross Domestic Product. This entertaining and informative book tells the story of GDP, making sense of a statistic that appears constantly in the news, business, and politics, and that seems to rule our lives—but that hardly anyone actually understands.Diane Coyle traces the history of this artificial, abstract, complex, but exceedingly important statistic from its eighteenth- and nineteenth-century precursors through its invention in the 1940s and its postwar golden age, and then through the Great Crash up to today. The reader learns why this standard measure of the size of a country’s economy was invented, how it has changed over the decades, and what its strengths and weaknesses are. The book explains why even small changes in GDP can decide elections, influence major political decisions, and determine whether countries can keep borrowing or be thrown into recession. The book ends by making the case that GDP was a good measure for the twentieth century but is increasingly inappropriate for a twenty-first-century economy driven by innovation, services, and intangible goods.
The GDPR Challenge: Privacy, Technology, and Compliance in an Age of Accelerating Change
by Amie TaalConsent is necessary for collecting, processing and transferring Personal Identifiable Information (PII) and sensitive personal data. But to what extent? What are the limitations and restricts to avoid penalties under The General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR) rules, which may be up to 4% of annual global turnover or €20 million (whichever is higher), enforcements and sanctions? Under GDPR Article 51, each EU Member State shall maintain an independent public authority to be responsible for monitoring the application of this regulation to protect the fundamental rights of data subjects (Supervisory Authority). The Supervisory Authority has powers to issue warnings, conduct audits, recommend remediation, order erasure of data and suspend data transfers to a third country.GDPR has changed the way data is used, accessed and stored. It's reach extends well beyond the European Union and is the basis of other data privacy laws around the world.This book provides a review and guidance on implementing and compliance of GDPR while taking advantage of technology innovations and supported by real-life examples. The book shows the wide scope of applications to protect data privacy while taking advantage of processes and techniques in various fields such as eDiscovery, Cyber Insurance, Virtual-based Intelligence, Information Security, Cyber Security, Information Governance, Blockchain and Biometric technologies and techniques.
Gears: Volume 1: Geometric and Kinematic Design (Springer Series in Solid and Structural Mechanics #10)
by Vincenzo VulloThe book explores the geometric and kinematic design of the various types of gears most commonly used in practical applications, also considering the problems concerning their cutting processes. The cylindrical spur and helical gears are first considered, determining their main geometric quantities in the light of interference and undercut problems, as well as the related kinematic parameters. Particular attention is paid to the profile shift of these types of gears either generated by rack-type cutter or by pinion-rack cutter. Among other things, profile-shifted toothing allows to obtain teeth shapes capable of greater strength and more balanced specific sliding, as well as to reduce the number of teeth below the minimum one to avoid the operating interference or undercut. These very important aspects of geometric-kinematic design of cylindrical spur and helical gears are then generalized and extended to the other examined types of gears most commonly used in practical applications, such as: straight bevel gears; crossed helical gears; worm gears; spiral bevel and hypoid gears. Finally, ordinary gear trains, planetary gear trains and face gear drives are discussed. Includes fully-developed exercises to draw the reader's attention to the problems that are of interest to the designer, as well as to clarify the calculation procedure Topics are addressed from a theoretical standpoint, but in such a way as not to lose sight of the physical phenomena that characterize the various types of gears which are examined The analytical and numerical solutions are formulated so as to be of interest not only to academics, but also to designers who deal with actual engineering problems concerning the gears
Gears: Volume 2: Analysis of Load Carrying Capacity and Strength Design (Springer Series in Solid and Structural Mechanics #11)
by Vincenzo VulloThis book explores the geometric and kinematic design of the various types of gears most commonly used in practical applications, also considering the problems concerning their cutting processes. The cylindrical spur and helical gears are first considered, determining their main geometric quantities in the light of interference and undercut problems, as well as the related kinematic parameters. Particular attention is paid to the profile shift of these types of gears either generated by rack-type cutter or by pinion-rack cutter. Among other things, profile-shifted toothing allows to obtain teeth shapes capable of greater strength and more balanced specific sliding, as well as to reduce the number of teeth below the minimum one to avoid the operating interference or undercut. These very important aspects of geometric-kinematic design of cylindrical spur and helical gears are then generalized and extended to the other examined types of gears most commonly used in practical applications, such as straight bevel gears; crossed helical gears; worm gears; spiral bevel and hypoid gears. Finally, ordinary gear trains, planetary gear trains and face gear drives are discussed. This is the most advanced reference guide to the state of the art in gear engineering. Topics are addressed from a theoretical standpoint, but in such a way as not to lose sight of the physical phenomena that characterize the various types of gears which are examined. The analytical and numerical solutions are formulated so as to be of interest not only to academics, but also to designers who deal with actual engineering problems concerning the gears