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GED: Mathematics

by Steck-Vaughn

The GED Mathematics Test focuses on the practical use of basic arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. You will be tested on your understanding of how to solve a problem and your ability to do the math to find a solution.

GED® Math Test Tutor, 2nd Edition

by Sandra Rush

REA's GED® Math Test Tutor - Focus on the most challenging part of the GED® test! <P><P>Revised Second Edition <P><P>It's like having your own tutor… <P><P>Each year, test-takers report that the Mathematical Reasoning test is the toughest of all the GED® tests. <P><P>That's why REA offers the most complete guide to success on the GED® Math test. Written by Sandra Rush, a GED® Math tutor and test expert <P><P>- This revised second edition of our best-selling test prep is completely aligned with the content and format of the current GED® test. A comprehensive review covers all the mathematics topics tested on the exam, including fractions, decimals, percentages, algebra, polynomials, scientific notation, and more. Know your way around the TI-30XS MultiView™ calculator <P><P>- A step-by-step tutorial gets you up and running in no time. Helpful hints you need to know - Hundreds of hints, shortcuts, and exercises reinforce key math points, including secrets of rounding, calculating with fractions, knowing the difference between domain and range, a neat way to remember negative and absolute values, and much more!Diagnostic pretest and two full length practice tests <P><P>- A diagnostic pretest with comprehensive feedback helps you pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses. Two full-length practice tests feature every type of question (including drag-and-drop, hot-spot, and drop-down test items), subject area, and skill tested on the GED® Mathematical Reasoning test. Each practice test comes with detailed answer explanations to help you identify where you need extra review.If you're concerned about your math score on the GED®, you need REA's GED® Math Test Tutor!

GED Math Test Tutor, For the 2024-2025 GED Test: Certified GED Content-Aligned Prep (GED® Test Preparation)

by Ms. Sandra Rush

If you’re concerned about your math score on the GED test, you need REA’s GED Math Test Tutor!Certified by GED Testing Service to be 100% aligned and up-to-date for today’s GED testWinner of the ProCert Excellence in Education Award for Best-in-Class GED PrepREA’s GED Math Test Tutor (2nd Edition), now available as a fully accessible, reflowable EPUB edition optimized to be read on a wide range of devices. Test-takers report that the Mathematical Reasoning test is the toughest of all the GED subjects. That’s why REA offers the most complete guide to success on the GED Math test. Here’s what’s included: Expert review of every concept covered on the test – REA’s targeted subject review covers all the math topics you’ll see on the exam, including fractions, decimals, percentages, algebra, polynomials, scientific notation, and more. Know your way around the TI-30XS MultiView calculator – A step-by-step tutorial on the official GED calculator gets you up and running in no time. Helpful hints you need to know – Hundreds of hints, shortcuts, and exercises reinforce key math points, including the secrets of rounding, calculating with fractions, how to tell the difference between domain and range, and much more! Diagnostic pretest and two full-length practice tests – A diagnostic pretest with comprehensive feedback helps you pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses. Two full-length practice tests feature every type of question and skill tested on the GED Mathematical Reasoning test. Each practice test comes with detailed solutions to help you pinpoint where you need more review.Get on your way with REA, a trusted GED Publisher Partner recognized by GED Testing Service for developing content that is 100% aligned with the GED test.

GED Test For Dummies

by Jane R. Burstein Murray Shukyn

Score high on the GED Test In today's job environment, it's usually the better-educated person who gets the position, promotion, or raise. <P><P>Scoring high on the GED Test can give you an edge over the competition—whether it's to get a brand-new job or advance in the one you already have. If you're preparing for the exam and want to increase your odds of scoring higher, GED Test For Dummies gets you up and running with everything you need to know for test day. Inside, you'll find valuable, easy-to-digest information for navigating your way through tests on Language Arts, Social Studies, Mathematical Reasoning, and Science. <P><P>Whether you're looking to perfect your grammar and punctuation skills, put the social in your studies, take the fear out of math and science, get familiar with different types of fiction and nonfiction passages, or answer every multiple-choice question with confidence, <P><P>GED Test For Dummies makes it not only possible, but easy for you to score high on this life-changing exam. <br>Fully updated to reflect the latest version of the GED test Includes two full-length practice tests with answers and detailed explanations <br>Provides vital information and test-taking tips to help maximize your score Includes special considerations for those whose first language isn't English <br> Feel good about yourself knowing that you accomplished something amazing. Get GED Test For Dummies and put yourself on the road to greater success.

GED Test Prep Flash Cards: Arithmetic (Exambusters GED Workbook #5 of 13)

by Ace Inc.

<P><P><i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.</i><P><P> 600 questions. Topics: Fractions and Decimals, Multiplication Tables, Percents, Metric System, Square Roots and Powers, and more. <P><P> EXAMBUSTERS GED Prep Workbooks provide comprehensive, fundamental GED review--one fact at a time--to prepare students to take practice GED tests. Each GED study guide focuses on one specific subject area covered on the GED exam. From 300 to 600 questions and answers, each volume in the GED series is a quick and easy, focused read. Reviewing GED flash cards is the first step toward more confident GED preparation and ultimately, higher GED exam scores!

GED Test Prep Flash Cards: Geometry (Exambusters GED Workbook #7 of 13)

by Ace Inc.

<P><P><i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.</i><P><P> 450 questions. Topics: Triangles, Proofs, Perpendicular Lines, Parallel Lines, Quadrilaterals, Circles, Coordinate Geometry, and more. <P><P> EXAMBUSTERS GED Prep Workbooks provide comprehensive, fundamental GED review--one fact at a time--to prepare students to take practice GED tests. Each GED study guide focuses on one specific subject area covered on the GED exam. From 300 to 600 questions and answers, each volume in the GED series is a quick and easy, focused read. Reviewing GED flash cards is the first step toward more confident GED preparation and ultimately, higher GED exam scores!

GED Test Prep Flash Cards: Algebra (Exambusters GED Workbook #6 of 13)

by Ace Inc.

<P><P><i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.</i><P><P> 450 questions. Topics: Sets, Variables, Exponents, Polynomials, Word Problems, Radicals, Quadratic Equations, and more. <P><P> EXAMBUSTERS GED Prep Workbooks provide comprehensive, fundamental GED review--one fact at a time--to prepare students to take practice GED tests. Each GED study guide focuses on one specific subject area covered on the GED exam. From 300 to 600 questions and answers, each volume in the GED series is a quick and easy, focused read. Reviewing GED flash cards is the first step toward more confident GED preparation and ultimately, higher GED exam scores!


by Graham Tattersall

How big is your vocabulary? How heavy is your house? Do the dead outnumber the living? What are the best words to use in a personal ad? We humans are a curious species, prone to think, ruminate, reflect, cogitate, mull over, and philosophize. We long to explain away the world around us, to answer all those seeming unanswerables: Why are we here? Is there a God? Is there life after death? And, above all, how many houseflies does it take to pull a car? A confirmed and superior geek, Dr. Graham Tattersall has rescued math from the prison of the classroom and put it to use in novel and unexpected ways to explain some oft-pondered mysteries of the world. Geekspeak is an essential tool that will help you exercise your brain and solve the unsolvable, make you sound intelligent so you can impress your friends, and enable you to better understand the fascinating world in which we live in ways never possible before. Math has a new champion, and the geeks a new king.

Gelfand Triples and Their Hecke Algebras: Harmonic Analysis for Multiplicity-Free Induced Representations of Finite Groups (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #2267)

by Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein Fabio Scarabotti Filippo Tolli

This monograph is the first comprehensive treatment of multiplicity-free induced representations of finite groups as a generalization of finite Gelfand pairs. Up to now, researchers have been somehow reluctant to face such a problem in a general situation, and only partial results were obtained in the one-dimensional case. Here, for the first time, new interesting and important results are proved. In particular, after developing a general theory (including the study of the associated Hecke algebras and the harmonic analysis of the corresponding spherical functions), two completely new highly nontrivial and significant examples (in the setting of linear groups over finite fields) are examined in full detail. The readership ranges from graduate students to experienced researchers in Representation Theory and Harmonic Analysis.

Gems of Combinatorial Optimization and Graph Algorithms

by Dorothea Wagner Sebastian Stiller Martin Skutella Andreas S. Schulz

Are you looking for new lectures for your course on algorithms, combinatorial optimization, or algorithmic game theory? Maybe you need a convenient source of relevant, current topics for a graduate student or advanced undergraduate student seminar? Or perhaps you just want an enjoyable look at some beautiful mathematical and algorithmic results, ideas, proofs, concepts, and techniques in discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science? Gems of Combinatorial Optimization and Graph Algorithms is a handpicked collection of up-to-date articles, carefully prepared by a select group of international experts, who have contributed some of their most mathematically or algorithmically elegant ideas. Topics include longest tours and Steiner trees in geometric spaces, cartograms, resource buying games, congestion games, selfish routing, revenue equivalence and shortest paths, scheduling, linear structures in graphs, contraction hierarchies, budgeted matching problems, and motifs in networks. This volume is aimed at readers with some familiarity of combinatorial optimization, and appeals to researchers, graduate students, and advanced undergraduate students alike.

The Gen Y Handbook

by Diane E. Spiegel

With four generations simultaneously co-habitating today's workplace, miscommunication and dissatisfaction are prevalent. Generation Y is the newest generation to enter our workforce and they pose a whole new set of particularly thorny issues, especially when it is their elders who must manage them. So how can you, as a leader, help them reach their full potential? In The Gen Y Handbook: Applying Relationship Leadership to Engage Millennials Diane Spiegel takes a close look into the workings of the Gen Y mind-how they operate, their strengths, their weaknesses, and how to effectively engage the wide range of abilities at their disposal. The Gen Y Handbook was written to help managers and business leaders avoid the pitfalls that multigenerational workforces can cause, while aiding in the implementation of the best techniques and most efficient ways of utilizing Millennial talent. Spiegel explains the particularities of Generation Y, why they are the way they are, and how to understand these differences without negative judgment.

Gender and Family in Japan (Monograph Series of the Socio-Economic History Society, Japan)

by Nobuko Okuda Tetsuhiko Takai

This book is the 6th volume of the Monograph Series of the Socio-Economic History Society, Japan. The book focuses on how economic developments changed the everyday lives of ordinary women in early-modern and modern Japan. Different from precedent gender studies, the spotlight here is on the daily activities and structural positions of women rather than feminist movements or activities of elite women. Using demography, anthropometrics, and labour economics, this book explicates childcare, physical development of girls, and women’s labour migration. The dynamics of ordinary women in prewar Japan may change deep-rooted images of women as oppressed beings. Using quantitative data multi-dimensionally with the latest statistical analysis methods, this book shows how Japanese economic historians can contribute to historians of gender and family who are interested in early-modern and modern Japan. The first part consists of four chapters that discuss women migrant workers in the Tokugawa period, women’s work, and family strategies in the underdeveloped regions of the country, conflicts between child-rearing and women’s work on family farms, and living standards of teenaged girls in early twentieth-century Japan. Those chapters provide a bridge between economic historians and feminist historians and articulate new research fields for both. The second part, comprising four book reviews, illustrates how the gender concept has been adopted in family and gender historiography in Japan.

Gender Before Birth in India: Role of Indigenous and Traditional Medicines

by Sutapa Bandyopadhyay Neogi

This book focuses on the role of the indigenous system of medicine or traditional medicines in gender selection in India. Issues such as the harmful effects of traditional practices on the health of the woman and the foetus during early pregnancy are explored in this book. It analyses the social and cultural practices and establishes linkages with modern methods of scientific investigations. It discusses how systematic exploration lends evidence of harmful traditional practices. The book is an important read for researchers, healthcare professionals and students in the field of medicine, public health and social sciences. It is an extremely valuable resource for all those engaged in research of traditional and modern systems of medicine.

Gender-Biased Sex Selection in South Korea, India and Vietnam: Assessing the Influence of Public Policy (Demographic Transformation and Socio-Economic Development #11)

by Laura Rahm

This book provides an in-depth analysis of the influence of public policy on sex selection. Three Asian countries were chosen for the comparative policy analysis, namely South Korea, India and Vietnam that share in common a historical legacy of son preference, high levels of sex imbalances and active policy response to curbing the growing demographic masculinization of their nations. The research based on the data collected from field work in the three countries shows that despite the adoption of very similar anti-sex selection policies the outcomes have been markedly different for each of the three countries. These unexpected diverse outcomes are explained partly by their different historical and cultural contexts, and partly to the different social, political and economic institutions and dynamics. This monograph offers careful and detailed explanations of both within and across country diversities in policy outcomes, pointing to the importance and the limits of cross-national policy learning and adoption, and raising questions about the efficacy of international organizations’ current approaches to global policy and knowledge transfer.

Gender & Diversity Studies in MINT meets Naturwissenschaftsdidaktik: Synergien und Impulse für eine gender- & diversitätssensible Forschung und Lehre der Naturwissenschaften (Edition Fachdidaktiken)

by Martina Erlemann Sarah Huch

Gender und dessen Zusammenwirken mit weiteren Diversity-Dimensionen wie etwa soziale Herkunft, ein (zugeschriebener) Migrationshintergrund oder sexuelle Orientierung stehen an Hochschulen verstärkt im Fokus. Gefordert sind dabei auch gender- und diversitysensible Ausrichtungen der Forschung und Lehre der MINT-Fächer sowie der hochschulischen Lehramtsausbildung für MINT. Welche inhaltliche Relevanz haben Gender- und Diversity-Aspekte in Fachkultur, Forschungsinhalten sowie im Wissenschaftsverständnis der Naturwissenschaften? Wie strukturieren Geschlecht und andere soziale Differenzkategorien die Forschung? Wie kann eine Gender- und Diversity-Kompetenzen vermittelnde Lehrer*innenbildung aussehen?Auf diese Fragen geben die interdisziplinären Beiträge der Wissenschaftler*innen, etwa aus Physik, Biologie, Medizin, Feminist Science & Technology Studies sowie die naturwissenschaftlichen Fachdidaktiken Antworten. Ansätze sowie Wissensbestände der Gender & Diversity Studies in MINT werden mit den gender- und diversityausgerichteten Naturwissenschaftsdidaktiken zusammengeführt. Mit vielfältigen Anregungen ermutigen sie zu einer gender- und diversityorientierten Ausrichtung der (eigenen) Forschung und Lehre.

Gender in STEM Education in the Arab Gulf Countries

by Martina Dickson Melissa McMinn Dean Cairns

This book explores the critical issues in gender and STEM education in the Arabian Gulf, written within a context of educational systems developing rapidly over recent decades. With the ever-growing need for a highly skilled, gender-inclusive STEM workforce, the issues raised in this book are more topical than ever. It presents chapters from various sectors such as children’s perceptions of science, scientists and their work, adolescent and university years by studying large-scale secondary data variations across countries in the region and finally presenting work relating to gender in STEM education. The book closes with a chapter on factors of success in female leaders’ STEM career journeys. It offers recommendations for both policy and practices in gender equity in the STEM workplace, based on their experiences. This book is written in a highly accessible yet academic manner. It is an essential resource for a wide-ranging audience interested in the complex relationships between gender and STEM.

Gender Inequalities and Vulnerability of sub-Saharan Adolescents: The Case of Benin (Demographic Transformation and Socio-Economic Development #15)

by Yves Charbit Mustapha Omrane

This book analyses the vulnerability of adolescent girls, which results from cumulative inequalities: gender, lack of education, residential, and poverty. It is based on original analyses of data from the national survey carried out by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Analysis in collaboration with UNICEF.The book discusses three main themes. First, the experience of adolescence: access to globalization, via access to TIC (Trusted Internet Connections) and mass media; subjective well-being; smoking and alcohol consumption; child discipline and domestic violence are discussed. Secondly, the book focusses on the beginning of fertile life: child marriage; early pregnancy; prenatal care; birth weight and breastfeeding. HIV/AIDS and sexuality.The third theme touches on the potential contribution of adolescents to harvesting the demographic dividend: fertility and contraception; postnatal care and vaccination of children; pre-school learning; education and gender; household health vulnerability (water and sanitation). On the basis of the analyses of data, implications regarding concrete policy measures aimed at reducing the vulnerability of adolescents are identified at the end of each chapter.Through the richness of the analyses and the methodological rigor, this book provides an interesting read to both specialists and non-specialists interested in adolescence and the future of Benin, Africa and beyond.The [basis of the] English translation of this book from its French original manuscript was done with the help of artificial intelligence. A subsequent human revision of the content was done by the author.

Gender, Language and Discourse (Women and Psychology)

by Ann Weatherall

Is language sexist? Do women and men speak different languages?Gender, Language and Discourse uniquely examines the contribution that psychological research - in particular, discursive psychology - has made to answering these questions. Until now, books on gender and language have tended to be from the sociolinguistic perspective and have focused on one of two issues - sexism in language or gender differences in speech. This book considers both issues and develops the idea that they shouldn't be viewed as mutually exclusive endeavours but rather as part of the same process - the social construction of gender. Ann Weatherall highlights the fresh insights that a social constructionist approach has made to these debates, and presents recent theoretical developments and empirical work in discursive psychology relevant to gender and language.Gender, Language and Discourse provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date discussion of the gender and language field from a psychological perspective. It will be invaluable to students and researchers in social psychology, cultural studies, education, linguistic anthropology and women's studies.

Gene Expression Analysis: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2880)

by Nalini Raghavachari Natalia Garcia-Reyero

This second edition volume expands on the previous edition with updates on the latest methodologies in the transcriptomics field. The chapters in this book cover topics such as spatial omics, long-read sequencing technology, tissue microarrays, analysis of saliva and extracellular vesicles, machine learning and artificial intelligence-based approaches for analysis of singe cells transcriptome, and large sets of data on multi-omics including transcriptomics. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Cutting-edge and practical, Gene Expression Analysis: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition is a valuable resource for advanced undergraduate and graduate students studying gene expression analysis, and scientists interested in learning more about this rapidly advancing field.

Gene Expression Data Analysis: A Statistical and Machine Learning Perspective

by Dhruba Kumar Bhattacharyya Jugal Kumar Kalita Pankaj Barah

Development of high-throughput technologies in molecular biology during the last two decades has contributed to the production of tremendous amounts of data. Microarray and RNA sequencing are two such widely used high-throughput technologies for simultaneously monitoring the expression patterns of thousands of genes. Data produced from such experiments are voluminous (both in dimensionality and numbers of instances) and evolving in nature. Analysis of huge amounts of data toward the identification of interesting patterns that are relevant for a given biological question requires high-performance computational infrastructure as well as efficient machine learning algorithms. Cross-communication of ideas between biologists and computer scientists remains a big challenge. Gene Expression Data Analysis: A Statistical and Machine Learning Perspective has been written with a multidisciplinary audience in mind. The book discusses gene expression data analysis from molecular biology, machine learning, and statistical perspectives. Readers will be able to acquire both theoretical and practical knowledge of methods for identifying novel patterns of high biological significance. To measure the effectiveness of such algorithms, we discuss statistical and biological performance metrics that can be used in real life or in a simulated environment. This book discusses a large number of benchmark algorithms, tools, systems, and repositories that are commonly used in analyzing gene expression data and validating results. This book will benefit students, researchers, and practitioners in biology, medicine, and computer science by enabling them to acquire in-depth knowledge in statistical and machine-learning-based methods for analyzing gene expression data. Key Features: An introduction to the Central Dogma of molecular biology and information flow in biological systems A systematic overview of the methods for generating gene expression data Background knowledge on statistical modeling and machine learning techniques Detailed methodology of analyzing gene expression data with an example case study Clustering methods for finding co-expression patterns from microarray, bulkRNA, and scRNA data A large number of practical tools, systems, and repositories that are useful for computational biologists to create, analyze, and validate biologically relevant gene expression patterns Suitable for multidisciplinary researchers and practitioners in computer science and biological sciences

Gene Expression Studies Using Affymetrix Microarrays (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Biology Series)

by null Hinrich Gohlmann null Willem Talloen

The Affymetrix GeneChip system is one of the most widely adapted microarray platforms. However, due to the overwhelming amount of information available, many Affymetrix users tend to stick to the default analysis settings and may end up drawing sub-optimal conclusions. Written by a molecular biologist and a biostatistician with a combined decade of

Gene Network Inference

by Alberto Fuente

This book presents recent methods for Systems Genetics (SG) data analysis, applying them to a suite of simulated SG benchmark datasets. Each of the chapter authors received the same datasets to evaluate the performance of their method to better understand which algorithms are most useful for obtaining reliable models from SG datasets. The knowledge gained from this benchmarking study will ultimately allow these algorithms to be used with confidence for SG studies e. g. of complex human diseases or food crop improvement. The book is primarily intended for researchers with a background in the life sciences, not for computer scientists or statisticians.

GeNeDis 2020: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #1338)

by Panayiotis Vlamos

The 4th World Congress on Genetics, Geriatrics and Neurodegenerative Diseases Research (GeNeDis 2020) focuses on the latest major challenges in scientific research, new drug targets, the development of novel biomarkers, new imaging techniques, novel protocols for early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases, and several other scientific advances, with the aim of better, safer, and healthier aging. Computational methodologies for implementation on the discovery of biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases are extensively discussed. This volume focuses on the sessions from the conference regarding computational biology and bioinformatics.

GeNeDis 2022: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #1424)

by Panagiotis Vlamos

The 5th World Congress on Genetics, Geriatrics and Neurodegenerative Diseases Research (GeNeDis 2022) focuses on the latest major challenges in scientific research, new drug targets, the development of novel biomarkers, new imaging techniques, novel protocols for early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases, and several other scientific advances, with the aim of better, safer, and healthier aging. Computational methodologies for implementation on the discovery of biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases are extensively discussed. This volume focuses on the sessions from the conference regarding computational biology and bioinformatics.

General and Statistical Thermodynamics (Graduate Texts in Physics)

by Raza Tahir-Kheli

This textbook provides comprehensive information on general and statistical thermodynamics. It begins with an introductory statistical mechanics course, deriving all the important formulae meticulously and explicitly, without mathematical shortcuts. In turn, the main part of the book focuses on in-depth discussions of the concepts and laws of thermodynamics, van der Waals, Kelvin and Claudius theories, ideal and real gases, thermodynamic potentials, phonons and all related aspects. To elucidate the concepts introduced and to provide practical problem-solving support, numerous carefully worked-out examples are included. The text is clearly written and punctuated with a number of interesting anecdotes. The book also provides alternative solutions to problems and second equivalent explanations of important physical concepts. This second edition has been expanded to cover the foundations of superconductivity with new chapters on Cooper pairs, the Bogoliubov transformation, and superconductivity. It is suitable as a main thermodynamics textbook for upper-undergraduate students and provides extensive coverage, allowing instructors to ‘pick and choose’ the elements that best match their class profile.

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