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A Gentle Introduction To Stata (Fifth Edition)

by Alan C. Acock

Alan C. Acock's A Gentle Introduction to Stata, Fifth Edition, is aimed at new Stata users who want to become proficient in Stata. After reading this introductory text, new users will be able not only to use Stata well but also to learn new aspects of Stata. Acock assumes that the user is not familiar with any statistical software. This assumption of a blank slate is central to the structure and contents of the book. Acock starts with the basics; for example, the portion of the book that deals with data management begins with a careful and detailed example of turning survey data on paper into a Stata-ready dataset on the computer. When explaining how to go about basic exploratory statistical procedures, Acock includes notes that will help the reader develop good work habits. This mixture of explaining good Stata habits and good statistical habits continues throughout the book. Acock is quite careful to teach the reader all aspects of using Stata. He covers data management, good work habits (including the use of basic do-files), basic exploratory statistics (including graphical displays), and analyses using the standard array of basic statistical tools (correlation, linear and logistic regression, and parametric and nonparametric tests of location and dispersion). He also successfully introduces some more advanced topics such as multiple imputation and structural equation modeling in a very approachable manner. Acock teaches Stata commands by using the menus and dialog boxes while still stressing the value of do-files. In this way, he ensures that all types of users can build good work habits. Each chapter has exercises that the motivated reader can use to reinforce the material. The tone of the book is friendly and conversational without ever being glib or condescending. Important asides and notes about terminology are set off in boxes, which makes the text easy to read without any convoluted twists or forward-referencing. Rather than splitting topics by their Stata implementation, Acock arranges the topics as they would appear in a basic statistics textbook; graphics and postestimation are woven into the material in a natural fashion. Real datasets, such as the General Social Surveysfrom 2002 and 2006, are used throughout the book. The focus of the book is especially helpful for those in the behavioral and social sciences because the presentation of basic statistical modeling is supplemented with discussions of effect sizes and standardized coefficients. Various selection criteria, such as semipartial correlations, are discussed for model selection. Acock also covers a variety of commands available for evaluating reliability and validity of measurements. The fifth edition of the book includes two new chapters that cover multilevel modeling and item response theory (IRT) models. The multilevel modeling chapter demonstrates how to fit linear multilevel models using the mixedcommand. Acock discusses models with both random intercepts and random coefficients, and he provides a variety of examples that apply these models to longitudinal data. The IRT chapter introduces the use of IRT models for evaluating a set of items designed to measure a specific trait such as an attitude, value, or a belief. Acock shows how to use the irt suite of commands, which are new in Stata 14, to fit IRT models and to graph the results. In addition, he presents a measure of reliability that can be computed when using IRT.

Gentrification Trends in the United States

by Richard W. Martin

Gentrification Trends in the United States is the first book to quantify the changes that take place when a neighborhood’s income level, educational attainment, or occupational makeup outpace the city as a whole – the much-debated yet poorly understood phenomenon of gentrification. Applying a novel method to four decades of U.S. Census data, this resource for students and scholars provides a quantitative basis for the nuanced demographic trends uncovered through ethnography and other forms of qualitative research. This analysis of a rich data source characterized by a broad regional and chronological scope provides new insight into larger questions about the nature and prevalence of gentrification across the United States. Has gentrification become more common over time? Which cities have experienced the most gentrification? Is gentrification widespread, or does it tend to be concentrated in a small number of cities? Has the nature of gentrification changed over time? Ideal reading for courses in real estate, urban planning, urban economics, sociology, geography, econometrics, and GIS, this pathbreaking addition to the urban studies literature will enrich the perspective of any scholar of U.S. cities.

Gentzen Calculi for Modal Propositional Logic

by Francesca Poggiolesi

The book is about Gentzen calculi for (the main systems of) modal logic. It is divided into three parts. In the first part we introduce and discuss the main philosophical ideas related to proof theory, and we try to identify criteria for distinguishing good sequent calculi. In the second part we present the several attempts made from the 50's until today to provide modal logic with Gentzen calculi. In the third and and final part we analyse new calculi for modal logics, called tree-hypersequent calculi, which were recently introduced by the author. We show in a precise and clear way the main results that can be proved with and about them.

Gentzen's Centenary

by Reinhard Kahle Michael Rathjen

Gerhard Gentzen has been described as logic's lost genius, whom Gödel called a better logician than himself. This work comprises articles by leading proof theorists, attesting to Gentzen's enduring legacy to mathematical logic and beyond. The contributions range from philosophical reflections and re-evaluations of Gentzen's original consistency proofs to the most recent developments in proof theory. Gentzen founded modern proof theory. His sequent calculus and natural deduction system beautifully explain the deep symmetries of logic. They underlie modern developments in computer science such as automated theorem proving and type theory.

Geo-Environmental Hazards using AI-enabled Geospatial Techniques and Earth Observation Systems (Advances in Geographic Information Science)

by Jung-Sup Um Tanupriya Choudhury Bappaditya Koley Anindita Nath Atul Kumar Patidar

This edited collection provides a comprehensive exploration of cutting-edge ideas, approaches, simulations, evaluations of risk, and systems that enhance the practicality of current geospatial technologies for reducing hazard risks. The various sections within this book delve into subjects such as the foundational principles of Earth Observation Systems (EOS) and geospatial methodologies. Additionally, the text serves as an advisory resource on the collaborative use of satellite-derived data and artificial intelligence to track and alleviate geo-environmental threats. The volume imparts extensive understanding regarding geo-environmental dangers and their analysis via EOS along with geospatial strategies. It encompasses key hazard-related themes including coastal degradation, predisposition to landslides, mapping vegetation coverages, tropical storm patterns, soil depletion due to erosion processes, vulnerability to rapid or extended flooding events, variations in oceansurface temperatures alongside chlorophyll-a levels; it also addresses assessments related to groundwater reserves and quality measures as well as sustainable management practices for watersheds that support community livelihoods—all through leveraging AI-integrated geospatial tools in conjunction with earth observation technologies. Furthermore, this work engages in discourse about systems designed for mitigating these ecological challenges sustainably. Scholars engaged in research activities; educational professionals; those involved in landscape design; engineers working at ground level; individuals responsible for policy-making—all who are concerned with geo-environmental hazards or associated domains—will find valuable insights within these pages.

Geo-intelligence for Sustainable Development (Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences)

by T. P. Singh Dharmaveer Singh R. B. Singh

Globally, concerns for the environment and human well-being have increased as results of threats imposed by climate change and disasters, environmental degradation, pollution of natural resources, water scarcity and proliferation of slums. Finding appropriate solutions to these threats and challenges is not simple, as these are generally complex and require state-of-the-art technology to collect, measure, handle and analyse large volumes of varying data sets. However, the recent advances in sensor technology, coupled with the rapid development of computational power, have greatly enhanced our abilities to capture, store and analyse the surrounding physical environment. This book explores diverse dimensions of geo-intelligence (GI) technology in developing a computing framework for location-based, data-integrating earth observation and predictive modelling to address these issues at all levels and scales. The book provides insight into the applications of GI technology in several fields of spatial and social sciences and attempts to bridge the gap between them.

Geochemical Mechanics and Deep Neural Network Modeling: Applications to Earthquake Prediction (Advances in Geological Science)

by Mitsuhiro Toriumi

The recent understandings about global earth mechanics are widely based on huge amounts of monitoring data accumulated using global networks of precise seismic stations, satellite monitoring of gravity, very large baseline interferometry, and the Global Positioning System. New discoveries in materials sciences of rocks and minerals and of rock deformation with fluid water in the earth also provide essential information. This book presents recent work on natural geometry, spatial and temporal distribution patterns of various cracks sealed by minerals, and time scales of their crack sealing in the plate boundary. Furthermore, the book includes a challenging investigation of stochastic earthquake prediction testing by means of the updated deep machine learning of a convolutional neural network with multi-labeling of large earthquakes and of the generative autoencoder modeling of global correlated seismicity. Their manifestation in this book contributes to the development of human society resilient from natural hazards. Presented here are (1) mechanics of natural crack sealing and fluid flow in the plate boundary regions, (2) large-scale permeable convection of the plate boundary, (3) the rapid process of massive extrusion of plate boundary rocks, (4) synchronous satellite gravity and global correlated seismicity, (5) Gaussian network dynamics of global correlated seismicity, and (6) prediction testing of plate boundary earthquakes by machine learning and generative autoencoders.

Geocoding Health Data: The Use of Geographic Codes in Cancer Prevention and Control, Research and Practice

by Gerard Rushton Marc P. Armstrong Josephine Gittler Barry R. Greene Claire E. Pavlik Michele M. West Dale L. Zimmerman

In the past, disease pattern mapping depended on census tracts based on political units, such as states and counties. However, with the advent of geographic information systems (GIS), researchers can now achieve a new level of precision and flexibility in geographic locating. This emerging technology allows the mapping of many different kinds of ge


by Robert J. Abrahart Linda See

A revision of Openshaw and Abrahart's seminal work, GeoComputation, Second Edition retains influences of its originators while also providing updated, state-of-the-art information on changes in the computational environment. In keeping with the field's development, this new edition takes a broader view and provides comprehensive coverage across the

Geocomputation with Python (Chapman & Hall/CRC The Python Series)

by null Michael Dorman null Anita Graser null Jakub Nowosad null Robin Lovelace

Geocomputation with Python is a comprehensive resource for working with geographic data with the most popular programming language in the world. The book gives an overview of Python's capabilities for spatial data analysis, as well as dozens of worked-through examples covering the entire range of standard GIS operations. A unique selling point of the book is its cohesive and joined-up coverage of both vector and raster geographic data models and consistent learning curve. This book is an excellent starting point for those new to working with geographic data with Python, making it ideal for students and practitioners beginning their journey with Python.Key features: Showcases the integration of vector and raster datasets operations. Provides explanation of each line of code in the book to minimize surprises. Includes example datasets and meaningful operations to illustrate the applied nature of geographic research. Another unique feature is that this book is part of a wider community. Geocomputation with Python is a sister project of Geocomputation with R (Lovelace, Nowosad, and Muenchow 2019), a book on geographic data analysis, visualization, and modeling using the R programming language that has numerous contributors and an active community.The book teaches how to import, process, examine, transform, compute, and export spatial vector and raster datasets with Python, the most widely used language for data science and many other domains. Reading the book and running the reproducible code chunks within will make you a proficient user of key packages in the ecosystem, including shapely, geopandas, and rasterio. The book also demonstrates how to make use of dozens of additional packages for a wide range of tasks, from interactive map making to terrain modeling. Geocomputation with Python provides a firm foundation for more advanced topics, including spatial statistics, machine learning involving spatial data, and spatial network analysis, and a gateway into the vibrant and supportive community developing geographic tools in Python and beyond.

Geocomputation with R (Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series)

by Robin Lovelace Jakub Nowosad Jannes Muenchow

Geocomputation with R is for people who want to analyze, visualize and model geographic data with open source software. It is based on R, a statistical programming language that has powerful data processing, visualization, and geospatial capabilities. The book equips you with the knowledge and skills to tackle a wide range of issues manifested in geographic data, including those with scientific, societal, and environmental implications. This book will interest people from many backgrounds, especially Geographic Information Systems (GIS) users interested in applying their domain-specific knowledge in a powerful open source language for data science, and R users interested in extending their skills to handle spatial data. The book is divided into three parts: (I) Foundations, aimed at getting you up-to-speed with geographic data in R, (II) extensions, which covers advanced techniques, and (III) applications to real-world problems. The chapters cover progressively more advanced topics, with early chapters providing strong foundations on which the later chapters build. Part I describes the nature of spatial datasets in R and methods for manipulating them. It also covers geographic data import/export and transforming coordinate reference systems. Part II represents methods that build on these foundations. It covers advanced map making (including web mapping), "bridges" to GIS, sharing reproducible code, and how to do cross-validation in the presence of spatial autocorrelation. Part III applies the knowledge gained to tackle real-world problems, including representing and modeling transport systems, finding optimal locations for stores or services, and ecological modeling. Exercises at the end of each chapter give you the skills needed to tackle a range of geospatial problems. Solutions for each chapter and supplementary materials providing extended examples are available at

Geodesic Convexity in Graphs

by Ignacio M. Pelayo

​​​​​​​​Geodesic Convexity in Graphs is devoted to the study of the geodesic convexity on finite, simple, connected graphs. The first chapter includes the main definitions and results on graph theory, metric graph theory and graph path convexities. The following chapters focus exclusively on the geodesic convexity, including motivation and background, specific definitions, discussion and examples, results, proofs, exercises and open problems. The main and most st​udied parameters involving geodesic convexity in graphs are both the geodetic and the hull number which are defined as the cardinality of minimum geodetic and hull set, respectively. This text reviews various results, obtained during the last one and a half decade, relating these two invariants and some others such as convexity number, Steiner number, geodetic iteration number, Helly number, and Caratheodory number to a wide range a contexts, including products, boundary-type vertex sets, and perfect graph families. This monograph can serve as a supplement to a half-semester graduate course in geodesic convexity but is primarily a guide for postgraduates and researchers interested in topics related to metric graph theory and graph convexity theory. ​

Geodetic Boundary Value Problem: the Equivalence between Molodensky’s and Helmert’s Solutions

by Fernando Sansò Michael G. Sideris

This book offers a new approach to interpreting the geodetic boundary value problem, successfully obtaining the solutions of the Molodensky and Stokes boundary value problems (BVPs) with the help of downward continuation (DC) based methods. Although DC is known to be an improperly posed operation, classical methods seem to provide numerically sensible results, and therefore it can be concluded that such classical methods must in fact be manifestations of different, mathematically sound approaches. Here, the authors first prove the equivalence of Molodensky's and Stoke's approaches with Helmert's reduction in terms of both BVP formulation and BVP solutions by means of the DC method. They then go on to show that this is not merely a downward continuation operation, and provide more rigorous interpretations of the DC approach as a change of boundary approach and as a pseudo BVP solution approach.

Geodetic Time Series Analysis in Earth Sciences (Springer Geophysics)

by Jean-Philippe Montillet Machiel S. Bos

This book provides an essential appraisal of the recent advances in technologies, mathematical models and computational software used by those working with geodetic data. It explains the latest methods in processing and analyzing geodetic time series data from various space missions (i.e. GNSS, GRACE) and other technologies (i.e. tide gauges), using the most recent mathematical models. The book provides practical examples of how to apply these models to estimate seal level rise as well as rapid and evolving land motion changes due to gravity (ice sheet loss) and earthquakes respectively. It also provides a necessary overview of geodetic software and where to obtain them.

geoENV VII – Geostatistics for Environmental Applications

by C. D. Lloyd Peter M. Atkinson

This volume brings together selected contributions from geoENV 2008, the 7th International Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications, held in Southampton, UK, in September 2008. This book presents the state-of-the-art in geostatistics for the environmental sciences. It includes a wide range of methodological advances and applications. It offers insight and guidance for researchers, professionals, graduate students and others seeking information on the latest perspectives in the field. The rich body of applications will enable those new to geostatistics to assess the utility of the methods for their own applications. The book includes 35 chapters on topics as diverse as methodological developments, applications in the soil sciences, climatology, pollution, health, wildlife mapping, fisheries and remote sensing, amongst other areas. With its focus on environmental applications of geostatistics, rather than the more traditional geostatistical remit of mining and petroleum exploration, this book is part of a series that presents an invaluable resource. This book will be a first port of call for those who wish to apply geostatistical methods in the environmental sciences.

Geographic Data Analysis Using R

by Xindong He

This book is structured to encompass both the foundational and specialized aspects of quantitative analysis in geography. The basic content covers descriptive statistical analysis and correlation analysis of geographical data, while the professional content delves into more advanced topics like linear regression analysis, geographically weighted regression analysis, time series analysis, cluster analysis, principal component analysis, Markov chain analysis, and geographical network analysis. The methodologies span from widely utilized techniques to more recent developments, and the data primarily originates from reputable sources in China. The example code provided in the book can be executed using R packages available on the CRAN website.This book is an invaluable resource for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as researchers interested in learning and applying R for processing, visualizing, and analyzing geographic data. It serves as an introductory course in quantitative methods in geography for students in geography departments. Additionally, it is an ideal supplementary text for applied methods courses across various disciplines that involve geographic data, such as human and physical geography, geographic information science, ecology, public health, crime, and economics.

Geographic Data Science with R: Visualizing and Analyzing Environmental Change (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Science Series)

by Michael C. Wimberly

The burgeoning field of data science has provided a wealth of techniques for analysing large and complex geospatial datasets, including descriptive, explanatory, and predictive analytics. However, applying these methods is just one part of the overall process of geographic data science. Other critical steps include screening for suspect data values, handling missing data, harmonizing data from multiple sources, summarizing the data, and visualizing data and analysis results. Although there are many books available on statistical and machine learning methods, few encompass the broader topic of scientific workflows for geospatial data processing and analysis. The purpose of Geographic Data Science with R is to fill this gap by providing a series of tutorials aimed at teaching good practices for using geospatial data to address problems in environmental geography. It is based on the R language and environment, which currently provides the best option for working with diverse spatial and non-spatial data in a single platform. Fundamental techniques for processing and visualizing tabular, vector, and raster data are introduced through a series of practical examples followed by case studies that combine multiple types of data to address more complex problems. The book will have a broad audience. Both students and professionals can use it as a workbook to learn high-level techniques for geospatial data processing and analysis with R. It is also suitable as a textbook. Although not intended to provide a comprehensive introduction to R, it is designed to be accessible to readers who have at least some knowledge of coding but little to no experience with R. Key Features: Focus on developing practical workflows for processing and integrating multiple sources of geospatial data in R Example-based approach that teaches R programming and data science concepts through real-world applications related to climate, land cover and land use, and natural hazards. Consistent use of tidyverse packages for tabular data manipulation and visualization. Strong focus on analysing continuous and categorical raster datasets using the new terra package Organized so that each chapter builds on the topics and techniques covered in the preceding chapters Can be used for self-study or as the textbook for a geospatial science course.

Geographic Information, Geospatial Technologies and Spatial Data Science for Health

by Justine Blanford

Geographic information, spatial analysis and geospatial technologies play an important role in understanding changes in planetary health and in defining the drivers contributing to different health outcomes both locally and globally. Patterns influencing health outcomes and disease in the environment are complex and require an understanding of the ecology of the disease and how these interact in space and time. Knowing where and when diseases are prevalent, who is affected and what may be driving these outcomes is important for determining how to respond. In reality, we all would like to be healthy and live in healthy places.In this book, epidemiology and public health are integrated with spatial data science to examine health issues in dynamically changing environments. This is too broad a field to be completely covered in one book, and so, it has been necessary to be selective with the topics, methods and examples used to avoid overwhelming introductory readers while at the same time providing sufficient depth for geospatial experts interested in health and for health professionals interested in integrating geospatial elements for health analysis. A variety of geographic information (some novel, some volunteered, some authoritative, some big and messy) is used with a mix of methods consisting of spatial analysis, data science and spatial statistics to better understand health risks and disease outcomes.Key Features: Makes spatial data science accessible to health Integrates epidemiology and disease ecology with spatial data science Integrates theoretical geographic information science concepts Provides practical and applied approaches for examining and exploring health and disease risks Provides spatial data science skill development ranging from map making to spatial modelling

Geographical Modeling: Cities and Territories

by Denise Pumain

The modeling of cities and territories has progressed greatly in the last 20 years. This is firstly due to geographic information systems, followed by the availability of large amounts of georeferenced data – both on the Internet and through the use of connected objects. In addition, the rise in performance of computational methods for the simulation and exploration of dynamic models has facilitated advancement. Geographical Modeling presents previously unpublished information on the main advances achieved by these new approaches. Each of the six chapters builds a bibliographic review and precisely describes the methods used, highlighting their advantages and discussing their interpretations. They are all illustrated by many examples. The book also explains with clarity the theoretical foundations of geographical analysis, the delicate operations of model selection, and the applications of fractals and scaling laws. These applications include gaining knowledge of the morphology of cities and the organization of urban transport, and finding new methods of building and exploring simulation models and visualizations of data and results.

Geographical Perspectives on International Trade (SpringerBriefs in Geography)

by Purva Yadav

This book analyzes spatial and temporal patterns of international trade from a geographical perspective. Trade is an important key to understanding the changing dynamics of economic spaces over time. However, studies by geographers are largely confined to case studies, whereas the spatial dimension is often missing from the approach of economists. This study highlights spatial patterns and commodity composition of global trade and the nature of relationship between trade and other economic attributes. A case study of the MERCOSUR trade block examines inter-regional and intra-regional trade flows. The book captures a comprehensive picture of the structure of international exchange by using ample maps and illustrations as supporting features. Many different methods are applied such as the location quotient to capture concentration and diversification of commodity composition, data reduction techniques such as factor analysis and regression models for relating the economic structures and trade patterns as well as residual mapping among others. This book is a significant contribution to geographical, economical and social sciences research and very useful to graduate and post-graduate students as well as scientists of all related areas who have interest in exploring the changing dynamics of the global economy via trade flows. It provides a road map to further explore different dimensions of international trade and its role in understanding the transforming global economy.

Geographies of Ageing: Social Processes and the Spatial Unevenness of Population Ageing (Perspectives On Rural Policy And Planning Ser.)

by Amanda Davies Amity James

Population ageing is projected to affect all countries across the world in coming decades. The current rate of population ageing is unprecedented in human history with population projections indicating that this will be an enduring trend. Moreover, population ageing is spatially pervasive, affecting every man, woman and child. This has considerable implications for policy responding to the economic, social and healthcare outcomes of population ageing. The potential economic implications have been likened to those of the 2008 global financial crisis. This book examines the patterns and causes of uneven population ageing. It identifies those countries and localities most likely to experience population ageing and the reasons for this. Attention is also given to the role that youth migration, labour force migration, retirement migration and ageing in place have in influencing the spatial concentrations of older people. The book brings together a range of diverse international case studies to illustrate the importance of understanding the causes of population ageing. Case studies include a review of ageing in Florida's (USA) labour force, an investigation into the housing arrangements for the elderly in Northern Ireland and an assessment of the environmental stewardship activities of Grey Nomads on Western Australia's remote north coast.

The Geographies of COVID-19: Geospatial Stories of a Global Pandemic (Global Perspectives on Health Geography)

by Melinda Laituri Robert B. Richardson Junghwan Kim

This volume of case studies focuses on the geographies of COVID-19 around the world. These geographies are located in both time and space concentrating on both first- and second-order impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. First-order impacts are those associated with the immediate response to the pandemic that include tracking number of deaths and cases, testing, access to hospitals, impacts on essential workers, searching for the origins of the virus and preventive treatments such as vaccines and contact tracing. Second-order impacts are the result of actions, practices, and policies in response to the spread of the virus, with longer-term effects on food security, access to health services, loss of livelihoods, evictions, and migration. Further, the COVID-19 pandemic will be prolonged due to the onset of variants as well as setting the stage for similar future events. This volume provides a synopsis of how geography and geospatial approaches are used to understand this event and the emerging “new normal.” The volume's approach is necessarily selective due to the global reach of the pandemic and the broad sweep of second-order impacts where important issues may be left out. However, the book is envisioned as the prelude to an extended conversation about adaptation to complex circumstances using geospatial tools.Using case studies and examples of geospatial analyses, this volume adopts a geographic lens to highlight the differences and commonalities across space and time where fundamental inequities are exposed, the governmental response is varied, and outcomes remain uncertain. This moment of global collective experience starkly reveals how inequality is ubiquitous and vulnerable populations – those unable to access basic needs – are increasing. This place-based approach identifies how geospatial analyses and resulting maps depict the pandemic as it ebbs and flows across the globe. Data-driven decision making is needed as we navigate the pandemic and determine ways to address future such events to enable local and regional governments in prioritizing limited resources to mitigate the long-term consequences of COVID-19.

Geographies of Migration

by Richard A. Wright

Migration is an enormously broad topic of academic enquiry engaging researchers from many different social science disciplines. A wide variety of contributors from across the globe capture some of the methodological and conceptual range of migration research in the discipline of Geography today. This volume covers a large area geographically and in the expanse of subject areas involved: eighteen chapters investigate migration from, to, or within at least fifteen countries, with several sections spanning multiple places and scales. Many chapters are deeply concerned with vulnerable populations, which is not only a characteristic of much immigration scholarship but also one that connects with other areas of geography. The study of geographical assertions of sovereign power via the discourses of disorder, chaos, and crisis, shows that in these transnational times, national power is being violently reasserted, on, within, and beyond international borders. Other important topics covered include migration and climate change, "illegality", security, government policy, labor, family, and sexual orientation. This book was previously published as a special issue of Annals of the Association of American Geographers.

The Geography of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Between East and West (World Regional Geography Book Series)

by Haris Gekić Aida Bidžan-Gekić Nusret Drešković Ranko Mirić Péter Reményi

This monograph provides a comprehensive overview of fundamental scientific insights into the geographical features of a country which was and still is in the centre of the geopolitical battle of the large world powers and especially neighboring countries. The book presents the scientifically proven reserves of individual resources such as: mineral riches, land, forests, flora and fauna, water and climate features, to the extent needed, through statistical indicators and geographic maps. The authors point to features and specifics of the existing interdependence of economic and political development and impact of natural resources on spatial development which can be useful for potential investors, spatial planers, decision makers, politicians, geographers, students, large Bosnian diaspora and anyone interested in area of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This book fills the gap in geographical literature on Bosnia and Herzegovina in the English language. The monograph appeals to researchers and scholars of all levels in the fields of geography, geopolitics, history and related fields and everyone interested in this country between East and West.

Geography of South East Asia: தென்கிழக்கு ஆசியா

by G. Krishnamoorthy

இந்த தென்கிழக்கு ஆசிய புவியியல் புத்தகத்தில் தென்கிழக்கு ஆசியாவில் உள்ள மண்வளங்கள். கனிமங்கள், ஆறுகள், இயற்கை போன்றவற்றை பற்றி நாம் தெரிந்து கொள்வதற்கு நமக்கு பேரூதவியாக இருக்கிறது.

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