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Geometric Methods in PDE's
by Giovanna Citti Maria Manfredini Daniele Morbidelli Sergio Polidoro Francesco UguzzoniThe analysis of PDEs is a prominent discipline in mathematics research, both in terms of its theoretical aspects and its relevance in applications. In recent years, the geometric properties of linear and nonlinear second order PDEs of elliptic and parabolic type have been extensively studied by many outstanding researchers. This book collects contributions from a selected group of leading experts who took part in the INdAM meeting "Geometric methods in PDEs", on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Ermanno Lanconelli. They describe a number of new achievements and/or the state of the art in their discipline of research, providing readers an overview of recent progress and future research trends in PDEs. In particular, the volume collects significant results for sub-elliptic equations, potential theory and diffusion equations, with an emphasis on comparing different methodologies and on their implications for theory and applications.
Geometric Methods in Physics XL: Workshop, Białowieża, Poland, 2023 (Trends in Mathematics)
by Piotr Kielanowski Daniel Beltita Alina Dobrogowska Tomasz GolińskiThis volume collects papers based on lectures given at the XL Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, held in Białowieża, Poland in July 2023. These chapters provide readers an overview of cutting-edge research in infinite-dimensional groups, integrable systems, quantum groups, Lie algebras and their generalizations and a wide variety of other areas. Specific topics include: Yang-Baxter equation The restricted Siegel disc and restricted Grassmannian Geometric and deformation quantization Degenerate integrability Lie algebroids and groupoids Skew braces Geometric Methods in Physics XL will be a valuable resource for mathematicians and physicists interested in recent developments at the intersection of these areas.
Geometric Methods in Physics XXXVIII: Workshop, Białowieża, Poland, 2019 (Trends in Mathematics)
by Piotr Kielanowski Anatol Odzijewicz Emma PreviatoThe book consists of articles based on the XXXVIII Białowieża Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, 2019. The series of Białowieża workshops, attended by a community of experts at the crossroads of mathematics and physics, is a major annual event in the field. The works in this book, based on presentations given at the workshop, are previously unpublished, at the cutting edge of current research, typically grounded in geometry and analysis, with applications to classical and quantum physics.For the past eight years, the Białowieża Workshops have been complemented by a School on Geometry and Physics, comprising series of advanced lectures for graduate students and early-career researchers. The extended abstracts of the five lecture series that were given in the eighth school are included. The unique character of the Workshop-and-School series draws on the venue, a famous historical, cultural and environmental site in the Białowieża forest, a UNESCO World Heritage Centre in the east of Poland: lectures are given in the Nature and Forest Museum and local traditions are interwoven with the scientific activities.
Geometric Methods in Signal and Image Analysis
by Hamid Krim A. Ben HamzaThis comprehensive guide offers a new approach for developing and implementing robust computational methodologies that uncover the key geometric and topological information from signals and images. With the help of detailed real-world examples and applications, readers will learn how to solve complex signal and image processing problems in fields ranging from remote sensing to medical imaging, bioinformatics, robotics, security, and defence. With an emphasis on intuitive and application-driven arguments, this text covers not only a range of methods in use today, but also introduces promising new developments for the future, bringing the reader up-to-date with the state of the art in signal and image analysis. Covering basic principles as well as advanced concepts and applications, and with examples and homework exercises, this is an invaluable resource for graduate students, researchers, and industry practitioners in a range of fields including signal and image processing, biomedical engineering, and computer graphics.
Geometric Modeling and Mesh Generation from Scanned Images (Chapman & Hall/CRC Mathematical and Computational Imaging Sciences Series #6)
by Yongjie Jessica ZhangCutting-Edge Techniques to Better Analyze and Predict Complex Physical Phenomena Geometric Modeling and Mesh Generation from Scanned Images shows how to integrate image processing, geometric modeling, and mesh generation with the finite element method (FEM) to solve problems in computational biology, medicine, materials science, and engineering. Based on the author’s recent research and course at Carnegie Mellon University, the text explains the fundamentals of medical imaging, image processing, computational geometry, mesh generation, visualization, and finite element analysis. It also explores novel and advanced applications in computational biology, medicine, materials science, and other engineering areas. One of the first to cover this emerging interdisciplinary field, the book addresses biomedical/material imaging, image processing, geometric modeling and visualization, FEM, and biomedical and engineering applications. It introduces image-mesh-simulation pipelines, reviews numerical methods used in various modules of the pipelines, and discusses several scanning techniques, including ones to probe polycrystalline materials. The book next presents the fundamentals of geometric modeling and computer graphics, geometric objects and transformations, and curves and surfaces as well as two isocontouring methods: marching cubes and dual contouring. It then describes various triangular/tetrahedral and quadrilateral/hexahedral mesh generation techniques. The book also discusses volumetric T-spline modeling for isogeometric analysis (IGA) and introduces some new developments of FEM in recent years with applications.
Geometric Modeling in Probability and Statistics
by Ovidiu Calin Constantin UdrişteThis book covers topics of Informational Geometry, a field which deals with the differential geometric study of the manifold probability density functions. This is a field that is increasingly attracting the interest of researchers from many different areas of science, including mathematics, statistics, geometry, computer science, signal processing, physics and neuroscience. It is the authors' hope that the present book will be a valuable reference for researchers and graduate students in one of the aforementioned fields. This textbook is a unified presentation of differential geometry and probability theory, and constitutes a text for a course directed at graduate or advanced undergraduate students interested in applications of differential geometry in probability and statistics. The book contains over 100 proposed exercises meant to help students deepen their understanding, and it is accompanied by software that is able to provide numerical computations of several information geometric objects. The reader will understand a flourishing field of mathematics in which very few books have been written so far.
Geometric Modeling with Splines: An Introduction
by Elaine Cohen Richard F. Riesenfeld Gershon ElberWritten by researchers who have helped found and shape the field, this book is a definitive introduction to geometric modeling. The authors present all of the necessary techniques for curve and surface representations in computer-aided modeling with a focus on how the techniques are used in design.
Geometric Optics
by Antonio Romano Roberto CavaliereThis book--unique in the literature--provides readers with the mathematical background needed to design many of the optical combinations that are used in astronomical telescopes and cameras. The results presented in the work were obtained by using a different approach to third-order aberration theory as well as the extensive use of the software package Mathematica®. Replete with workout examples and exercises, Geometric Optics is an excellent reference for advanced graduate students, researchers, and practitioners in applied mathematics, engineering, astronomy, and astronomical optics. The work may be used as a supplementary textbook for graduate-level courses in astronomical optics, optical design, optical engineering, programming with Mathematica, or geometric optics.
Geometric Optimal Control
by Urszula Ledzewicz Heinz SchättlerThis book gives a comprehensive treatment of the fundamental necessary and sufficient conditions for optimality for finite-dimensional, deterministic, optimal control problems. The emphasis is on the geometric aspects of the theory and on illustrating how these methods can be used to solve optimal control problems. It provides tools and techniques that go well beyond standard procedures and can be used to obtain a full understanding of the global structure of solutions for the underlying problem. The text includes a large number and variety of fully worked out examples that range from the classical problem of minimum surfaces of revolution to cancer treatment for novel therapy approaches. All these examples, in one way or the other, illustrate the power of geometric techniques and methods. The versatile text contains material on different levels ranging from the introductory and elementary to the advanced. Parts of the text can be viewed as a comprehensive textbook for both advanced undergraduate and all level graduate courses on optimal control in both mathematics and engineering departments. The text moves smoothly from the more introductory topics to those parts that are in a monograph style were advanced topics are presented. While the presentation is mathematically rigorous, it is carried out in a tutorial style that makes the text accessible to a wide audience of researchers and students from various fields, including the mathematical sciences and engineering. Heinz Schättler is an Associate Professor at Washington University in St. Louis in the Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering, Urszula Ledzewicz is a Distinguished Research Professor at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
Geometric Origami (Origami Books)
by Faye GoldmanToo hip to be square, Geometric Origami takes the art of paper folding to stunning new heights.A sophisticated new origami kit for advanced paper-folding enthusiasts, Geometric Origami takes paper art to spectacular new levels. Fifteen intricate paper projects use specially designed strips that come with the book and include a tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron, truncated tetrahedron, cuboctahedron, icosidodecahedron, rhombic triacontahedron, snub dodecahedron, zonohedron, and buckyballs. And don't worry - there are even a few pronounceable shapes like the egg and a geometric bracelet, plus more surprises. This beautifully designed kit gives a new perspective on geometry and the world of origami and is great fun for the entire family - or the perfect gift for a math professor.
Geometric Partial Differential Equations and Image Analysis
by Guillermo SapiroThis book provides an introduction to the use of geometric partial differential equations in image processing and computer vision. It brings a number of new concepts into the field, providing a very fundamental and formal approach to image processing. State-of-the-art practical results in a large number of real problems are achieved with the techniques described. Applications covered include image segmentation, shape analysis, image enhancement, and tracking. The volume provides information for people investigating new solutions to image processing problems as well as for people searching for existent advanced solutions.
Geometric Procedures for Civil Engineers
by Elias C. Tonias Constantine N. ToniasThis book provides a multitude of geometric constructions usually encountered in civil engineering and surveying practice. A detailed geometric solution is provided to each construction as well as a step-by-step set of programming instructions for incorporation into a computing system. The volume is comprised of 12 chapters and appendices that may be grouped in three major parts: the first is intended for those who love geometry for its own sake and its evolution through the ages, in general, and, more specifically, with the introduction of the computer. The second section addresses geometric features used in the book and provides support procedures used by the constructions presented. The remaining chapters and the appendices contain the various constructions. The volume is ideal for engineering practitioners in civil and construction engineering and allied areas.
Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic PDE's
by Angelo Alvino Rolando Magnanini Shigeru SakaguchiThe study of qualitative aspects of PDE's has always attracted much attention from the early beginnings. More recently, once basic issues about PDE's, such as existence, uniqueness and stability of solutions, have been understood quite well, research on topological and/or geometric properties of their solutions has become more intense. The study of these issues is attracting the interest of an increasing number of researchers and is now a broad and well-established research area, with contributions that often come from experts from disparate areas of mathematics, such as differential and convex geometry, functional analysis, calculus of variations, mathematical physics, to name a few. This volume collects a selection of original results and informative surveys by a group of international specialists in the field, analyzes new trends and techniques and aims at promoting scientific collaboration and stimulating future developments and perspectives in this very active area of research.
Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic PDE's (Springer INdAM Series #47)
by Vincenzo Ferone Tatsuki Kawakami Paolo Salani Futoshi TakahashiThis book contains the contributions resulting from the 6th Italian-Japanese workshop on Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic PDEs, which was held in Cortona (Italy) during the week of May 20–24, 2019. This book will be of great interest for the mathematical community and in particular for researchers studying parabolic and elliptic PDEs. It covers many different fields of current research as follows: convexity of solutions to PDEs, qualitative properties of solutions to parabolic equations, overdetermined problems, inverse problems, Brunn-Minkowski inequalities, Sobolev inequalities, and isoperimetric inequalities.
Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic PDE's
by Filippo Gazzola Kazuhiro Ishige Carlo Nitsch Paolo SalaniThis book collects recent research papers by respected specialists in the field. It presents advances in the field of geometric properties for parabolic and elliptic partial differential equations, an area that has always attracted great attention. It settles the basic issues (existence, uniqueness, stability and regularity of solutions of initial/boundary value problems) before focusing on the topological and/or geometric aspects. These topics interact with many other areas of research and rely on a wide range of mathematical tools and techniques, both analytic and geometric. The Italian and Japanese mathematical schools have a long history of research on PDEs and have numerous active groups collaborating in the study of the geometric properties of their solutions.
Geometric Puzzle Design
by Stewart CoffinThis book discusses how to design "good" geometric puzzles: two-dimensional dissection puzzles, polyhedral dissections, and burrs. It outlines major categories of geometric puzzles and provides examples, sometimes going into the history and philosophy of those examples. The author presents challenges and thoughtful questions, as well as practical d
Geometric Quantization and Applications to Fields and Fluids (SpringerBriefs in Physics)
by V. Parameswaran NairThis open access book explains geometric quantization from a physicist’s perspective. After presenting the general formalism, it delves into several examples reflecting current research interests in high-energy physics and condensed matter physics. Applications explore Chern-Simons theory, theta vacuum, the Hall effect, fluid dynamics, and elements of noncommutative geometry. The content is tailored to appeal to researchers, graduate students, and advanced undergraduates in high-energy physics, particle physics, and mathematical physics. A background in differential geometry and group theory is beneficial for a comprehensive understanding of the discussions.
Geometric Representation Theory and Gauge Theory: Cetraro, Italy 2018 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #2248)
by Alexander Braverman Michael Finkelberg Andrei Negut Alexei OblomkovThis book offers a review of the vibrant areas of geometric representation theory and gauge theory, which are characterized by a merging of traditional techniques in representation theory with the use of powerful tools from algebraic geometry, and with strong inputs from physics. The notes are based on lectures delivered at the CIME school "Geometric Representation Theory and Gauge Theory" held in Cetraro, Italy, in June 2018. They comprise three contributions, due to Alexander Braverman and Michael Finkelberg, Andrei Negut, and Alexei Oblomkov, respectively. Braverman and Finkelberg’s notes review the mathematical theory of the Coulomb branch of 3D N=4 quantum gauge theories. The purpose of Negut’s notes is to study moduli spaces of sheaves on a surface, as well as Hecke correspondences between them. Oblomkov's notes concern matrix factorizations and knot homology. This book will appeal to both mathematicians and theoretical physicists and will be a source of inspiration for PhD students and researchers.
Geometric Science of Information
by Frank Nielsen Frédéric BarbarescoThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Geometric Science of Information, GSI 2015, held in Palaiseau, France, in October 2015. The 80 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 110 submissions and are organized into the following thematic sessions: Dimension reduction on Riemannian manifolds; optimal transport; optimal transport and applications in imagery/statistics; shape space and diffeomorphic mappings; random geometry/homology; Hessian information geometry; topological forms and Information; information geometry optimization; information geometry in image analysis; divergence geometry; optimization on manifold; Lie groups and geometric mechanics/thermodynamics; computational information geometry; Lie groups: novel statistical and computational frontiers; geometry of time series and linear dynamical systems; and Bayesian and information geometry for inverse problems.
Geometric Science of Information
by Frank Nielsen Frédéric BarbarescoThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Conference on Geometric Science of Information, GSI 2013, held in Paris, France, in August 2013. The nearly 100 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions and are organized into the following thematic sessions: Geometric Statistics on Manifolds and Lie Groups, Deformations in Shape Spaces, Differential Geometry in Signal Processing, Relational Metric, Discrete Metric Spaces, Computational Information Geometry, Hessian Information Geometry I and II, Computational Aspects of Information Geometry in Statistics, Optimization on Matrix Manifolds, Optimal Transport Theory, Probability on Manifolds, Divergence Geometry and Ancillarity, Entropic Geometry, Tensor-Valued Mathematical Morphology, Machine/Manifold/Topology Learning, Geometry of Audio Processing, Geometry of Inverse Problems, Algebraic/Infinite dimensional/Banach Information Manifolds, Information Geometry Manifolds, and Algorithms on Manifolds.
Geometric Science of Information: Third International Conference, Gsi 2017, Paris, France, November 7-9, 2017, Proceedings (Lecture Notes In Computer Science Ser. #10589)
by Frank Nielsen Frédéric BarbarescoThis book constitutes the proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Geometric Science of Information, GSI 2021, held in Paris, France, in July 2021. The 98 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 125 submissions. They cover all the main topics and highlights in the domain of geometric science of information, including information geometry manifolds of structured data/information and their advanced applications. The papers are organized in the following topics: Probability and statistics on Riemannian Manifolds; sub-Riemannian geometry and neuromathematics; shapes spaces; geometry of quantum states; geometric and structure preserving discretizations; information geometry in physics; Lie group machine learning; geometric and symplectic methods for hydrodynamical models; harmonic analysis on Lie groups; statistical manifold and Hessian information geometry; geometric mechanics; deformed entropy, cross-entropy, and relative entropy; transformation information geometry; statistics, information and topology; geometric deep learning; topological and geometrical structures in neurosciences; computational information geometry; manifold and optimization; divergence statistics; optimal transport and learning; and geometric structures in thermodynamics and statistical physics.
Geometric Singular Perturbation Theory Beyond the Standard Form (Frontiers in Applied Dynamical Systems: Reviews and Tutorials #6)
by Martin WechselbergerThis volume provides a comprehensive review of multiple-scale dynamical systems. Mathematical models of such multiple-scale systems are considered singular perturbation problems, and this volume focuses on the geometric approach known as Geometric Singular Perturbation Theory (GSPT). It is the first of its kind that introduces the GSPT in a coordinate-independent manner. This is motivated by specific examples of biochemical reaction networks, electronic circuit and mechanic oscillator models and advection-reaction-diffusion models, all with an inherent non-uniform scale splitting, which identifies these examples as singular perturbation problems beyond the standard form. The contents cover a general framework for this GSPT beyond the standard form including canard theory, concrete applications, and instructive qualitative models. It contains many illustrations and key pointers to the existing literature. The target audience are senior undergraduates, graduate students and researchers interested in using the GSPT toolbox in nonlinear science, either from a theoretical or an application point of view. Martin Wechselberger is Professor at the School of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Sydney, Australia. He received the J.D. Crawford Prize in 2017 by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) for achievements in the field of dynamical systems with multiple time-scales.
Geometric Structures: An Inquiry-Based Approach for Prospective Elementary and Middle School Teachers
by Douglas Aichele John WolfeFor prospective elementary and middle school teachers. This text provides a creative, inquiry-based experience with geometry that is appropriate for prospective elementary and middle school teachers. The coherent series of text activities supports each student’s growth toward being a confident, independent learner empowered with the help of peers to make sense of the geometric world. This curriculum is explicitly developed to provide future elementary and middle school teachers with experience recalling and appropriately using standard geometry ideas, experience learning and making sense of new geometry, experience discussing geometry with peers, experience asking questions about geometry, experience listening and understanding as others talk about geometry, experience gaining meaning from reading geometry, experience expressing geometry ideas through writing, experience thinking about geometry, and experience doing geometry. These activities constitute an “inquiry based” curriculum. In this style of learning and teaching, whole class discussions and group work replace listening to lectures as the dominant class activity.
Geometric Structures of Information (Signals and Communication Technology)
by Frank NielsenThis book focuses on information geometry manifolds of structured data/information and their advanced applications featuring new and fruitful interactions between several branches of science: information science, mathematics and physics. It addresses interrelations between different mathematical domains like shape spaces, probability/optimization & algorithms on manifolds, relational and discrete metric spaces, computational and Hessian information geometry, algebraic/infinite dimensional/Banach information manifolds, divergence geometry, tensor-valued morphology, optimal transport theory, manifold & topology learning, and applications like geometries of audio-processing, inverse problems and signal processing. The book collects the most important contributions to the conference GSI’2017 – Geometric Science of Information.
Geometric Structures of Statistical Physics, Information Geometry, and Learning
by Frédéric Barbaresco Frank NielsenMachine learning and artificial intelligence increasingly use methodological tools rooted in statistical physics. Conversely, limitations and pitfalls encountered in AI question the very foundations of statistical physics. This interplay between AI and statistical physics has been attested since the birth of AI, and principles underpinning statistical physics can shed new light on the conceptual basis of AI. During the last fifty years, statistical physics has been investigated through new geometric structures allowing covariant formalization of the thermodynamics. Inference methods in machine learning have begun to adapt these new geometric structures to process data in more abstract representation spaces. <P><P> This volume collects selected contributions on the interplay of statistical physics and artificial intelligence. The aim is to provide a constructive dialogue around a common foundation to allow the establishment of new principles and laws governing these two disciplines in a unified manner. The contributions were presented at the workshop on the Joint Structures and Common Foundation of Statistical Physics, Information Geometry and Inference for Learning which was held in Les Houches in July 2020. The various theoretical approaches are discussed in the context of potential applications in cognitive systems, machine learning, signal processing.