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Geometry: Tutorial and Practical Problems (Idiot's Guides)

by Sonal Bhatt Rebecca Dayton

Covering everything a student would encounter in a high school or college course, Idiot's Guides: Geometry explains concepts in the easiest possible manner. Content includes everything from the basics of geometry; reasoning and proof; triangles; quadrilaterals; area and volume; similarity, perpendicular and parallel lines; and much more. This all-new book integrates a practice problems section to reinforce lessons. In addition, a glossary of geometry terms, postulates, and theorems provides a quick reference to need-to-know information.


by Cindy J. Boyd Jerry Cummins Carol E. Malloy Alfinio Flores

THE PROGRAM STUDENTS NEED; THE FOCUS TEACHERS WANT! "Glencoe Geometry" is a key program in our vertically aligned high school mathematics series developed to help all students achieve a better understanding of mathematics and improve their mathematics scores on today's high-stakes assessments.


by Cindy J. Boyd Jerry Cummins Carol E. Malloy Alfinio Flores John A. Carter

A flexible program with the solid content students need Glencoe Geometry is the leading geometry program on the market. Algebra and applications are embedded throughout the program and an introduction to geometry proofs begins in Chapter 2.


by David A. Brannan Matthew F. Esplen Jeremy J. Gray

This richly illustrated and clearly written undergraduate textbook captures the excitement and beauty of geometry. The approach is that of Klein in his Erlangen programme: a geometry is a space together with a set of transformations of the space. The authors explore various geometries: affine, projective, inversive, hyperbolic and elliptic. In each case they carefully explain the key results and discuss the relationships between the geometries. New features in this second edition include concise end-of-chapter summaries to aid student revision, a list of further reading and a list of special symbols. The authors have also revised many of the end-of-chapter exercises to make them more challenging and to include some interesting new results. Full solutions to the 200 problems are included in the text, while complete solutions to all of the end-of-chapter exercises are available in a new Instructors' Manual, which can be downloaded from www. cambridge. org/9781107647831.


by Carter Cuevas Day

Louisiana Geometry End of Course Test Preparation

Geometry (Navigating Through Geometry)

by John A. Carter Gilbert J. Cuevas Roger Day


by John A. Carter Gilbert J. Cuevas Roger Day

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Geometry: Common Core

by Randall I. Charles

Math textbook for Grades 9/10

Geometry: Mathematics in Context (2nd edition)

by Cord Communications

Points, lines, and planes are the basic figures of geometry. In algebra, you used ordered pairs of numbers to locate points on a coordinate plane. You also used tables of ordered pairs and linear equations to locate and draw straight lines on a coordinate plane. Geometry on the coordinate plane is called coordinate geometry.

Geometry: Euclid And Beyond (Undergraduate Texts In Mathematics)

by Robin Hartshorne

In recent years, I have been teaching a junior-senior-level course on the classi cal geometries. This book has grown out of that teaching experience. I assume only high-school geometry and some abstract algebra. The course begins in Chapter 1 with a critical examination of Euclid's Elements. Students are expected to read concurrently Books I-IV of Euclid's text, which must be obtained sepa rately. The remainder of the book is an exploration of questions that arise natu rally from this reading, together with their modern answers. To shore up the foundations we use Hilbert's axioms. The Cartesian plane over a field provides an analytic model of the theory, and conversely, we see that one can introduce coordinates into an abstract geometry. The theory of area is analyzed by cutting figures into triangles. The algebra of field extensions provides a method for deciding which geometrical constructions are possible. The investigation of the parallel postulate leads to the various non-Euclidean geometries. And in the last chapter we provide what is missing from Euclid's treatment of the five Platonic solids in Book XIII of the Elements. For a one-semester course such as I teach, Chapters 1 and 2 form the core material, which takes six to eight weeks.

Geometry: Our Cultural Heritage

by Audun Holme

This book contains selected topics from the history of geometry, with "modern" proofs of some of the results, as well as a fully modern treatment of selected basic issues in geometry. It is geared towards the needs of future mathematics teachers. All too often the geometry which goes into the syllabus for these students presents the material in a pedantic and formalistic style, suppressing its dynamic character and its role as part of the foundation of our common cultural heritage. As such, one of my goals is to open up these aspects of the field; another is to extend an invitation to mathematics in general. It is an unfortunate fact that today, at a time when mathematics and knowledge of mathematics are more important than ever, phrases like math avoidance and math anxiety are very much in the public vocabulary. Making a serious effort to heal these ills is an essential task. Thus the book also aims at an informed public, interested in making a new beginning in math. <p><p> For the 2nd edition, some of the historical material giving historical context has been expanded and numerous illustrations have been added. The main difference is however the inclusion of a large number of exercises with some suggestions for solutions.

Geometry: A Common Core Curriculum

by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Staff

Geometry A Common Core Curriculum

Geometry: Seeing, Doing, Understanding

by Harold Jacobs

Jacob's Geometry textbook has guided nearly one million students through the process of developing not just knowledge about Geometry, but a lasting understanding of Geometry concepts, principles, and application. Considered by many to be the authoritative Geometry text, Jacobs' math has solidified its reputation of preparing students for academic & career success and is a highly respected standard for teaching high school Geometry. Harold Jacobs' clear, engaging, conversational approach guides students through practical, real-world Geometry, allowing them to develop a true understanding of deductive reasoning, lines & angles, congruence, inequalities, quadrilaterals, area, triangles, circles, theorems, polygons, geometric solids, and more! <P><P><i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.</i>


by Ray C. Jurgensen Richard G. Brown John W. Jurgensen

This book provides exploratory exercises that lead students to discover geometric properties and develop geometric intuition.


by Timothy D. Kanold Edward B. Burger Juli K. Dixon

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Geometry: Integration - Applications - Connections

by Timothy D. Kanold Carol Malloy Robert Cummings Allan Berele

This textbook talks about real-world uses of geometry

Geometry: 1,001 Practice Problems For Dummies (+ Free Online Practice)

by Amber Kuang Allen Ma

easy, medium, and hardFree one-year access to the online questions bankWith 1,001 Geometry Practice Problems For Dummies, you'll get the practice you need to master geometry and gain confidence in the classroom.

Geometry (Big Ideas Math)

by Ron Larson Laurie Boswell

Geometry: Applying, Reasoning, Measuring (Mcdougal Littell High School Math Ser.)

by Ron Larson Laurie Boswell

Geometry, like much of mathematics and science, developed when people began recognizing and describing patterns. In this course, you will study many amazing patterns that were discovered by people throughout history and all around the world. You will also learn to recognize and describe patterns of your own. Sometimes, patterns allow you to make accurate predictions.


by Ron Larson Laurie Boswell Timothy D. Kanold

Advanced Placement Calculus is aligned with the NCTM Standards and the latest AP guidelines and retains the solid, carefully motivated mathematics that characterize previous editions. The Seventh Edition embraces the best aspects of reform by integrating the latest technological tools and by emphasizing real-life data, practical applications, and mathematical models.


by Ron Larson Laurie Boswell Timothy D. Kanold Lee Stiff

In addition to its geometry content, this book includes numerous examples and exercises involving algebra, data analysis, and probability. It also helps students to prepare for standardized tests.


by Ron Larson Laurie Boswell Timothy D. Kanold Lee Stiff

NIMAC-sourced textbook


by Ron Larson Laurie Boswell Lee Stiff

The book covers basics of geometry in detail with very useful student help sections like Application of Mathematics in real life,Skill Review,Quizzes,Test Preparation techniques etc.

Geometry: Explorations and Applications, Practice Workbook

by Mcdougal Littell

This book contains a good collection of math exercises and examples.

Geometry: Homework Practice Workbook

by Glencoe Mcgraw-Hill

The Homework Practice Workbook contains two worksheets for every lesson in the Student Edition. This workbook helps students: Practice the skills of the lesson, Use their skills to solve word problems.

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