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Geometry of Convex Sets
by J. E. Lewis I. E. LeonardA gentle introduction to the geometry of convex sets in n-dimensional space Geometry of Convex Sets begins with basic definitions of the concepts of vector addition and scalar multiplication and then defines the notion of convexity for subsets of n-dimensional space. Many properties of convex sets can be discovered using just the linear structure. However, for more interesting results, it is necessary to introduce the notion of distance in order to discuss open sets, closed sets, bounded sets, and compact sets. The book illustrates the interplay between these linear and topological concepts, which makes the notion of convexity so interesting. Thoroughly class-tested, the book discusses topology and convexity in the context of normed linear spaces, specifically with a norm topology on an n-dimensional space. Geometry of Convex Sets also features: An introduction to -dimensional geometry including points; lines; vectors; distance; norms; inner products; orthogonality; convexity; hyperplanes; and linear functionals Coverage of n-dimensional norm topology including interior points and open sets; accumulation points and closed sets; boundary points and closed sets; compact subsets of n-dimensional space; completeness of n-dimensional space; sequences; equivalent norms; distance between sets; and support hyperplanes Basic properties of convex sets; convex hulls; interior and closure of convex sets; closed convex hulls; accessibility lemma; regularity of convex sets; affine hulls; flats or affine subspaces; affine basis theorem; separation theorems; extreme points of convex sets; supporting hyperplanes and extreme points; existence of extreme points; Krein-Milman theorem; polyhedral sets and polytopes; and Birkhoff's theorem on doubly stochastic matrices Discussions of Helly's theorem; the Art Gallery theorem; Vincensini's problem; Hadwiger's theorems; theorems of Radon and Caratheodory; Kirchberger's theorem; Helly-type theorems for circles; covering problems; piercing problems; sets of constant width; Reuleaux triangles; Barbier's theorem; and Borsuk's problem Geometry of Convex Sets is a useful textbook for upper-undergraduate level courses in geometry of convex sets and is essential for graduate-level courses in convex analysis. An excellent reference for academics and readers interested in learning the various applications of convex geometry, the book is also appropriate for teachers who would like to convey a better understanding and appreciation of the field to students. I. E. Leonard, PhD, was a contract lecturer in the Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at the University of Alberta. The author of over 15 peer-reviewed journal articles, he is a technical editor for the Canadian Applied Mathematical Quarterly journal. J. E. Lewis, PhD, is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Alberta. He was the recipient of the Faculty of Science Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2004 as well as the PIMS Education Prize in 2002.
Geometry of Curves (Chapman Hall/CRC Mathematics Series)
by null J.W. RutterInterest in the study of geometry is currently enjoying a resurgence-understandably so, as the study of curves was once the playground of some very great mathematicians. However, many of the subject's more exciting aspects require a somewhat advanced mathematics background. For the "fun stuff" to be accessible, we need to offer students an introduction with modest prerequisites, one that stimulates their interest and focuses on problem solving.Integrating parametric, algebraic, and projective curves into a single text, Geometry of Curves offers students a unique approach that provides a mathematical structure for solving problems, not just a catalog of theorems. The author begins with the basics, then takes students on a fascinating journey from conics, higher algebraic and transcendental curves, through the properties of parametric curves, the classification of limaçons, envelopes, and finally to projective curves, their relationship to algebraic curves, and their application to asymptotes and boundedness.The uniqueness of this treatment lies in its integration of the different types of curves, its use of analytic methods, and its generous number of examples, exercises, and illustrations.The result is a practical text, almost entirely self-contained, that not only imparts a deeper understanding of the theory, but inspires a heightened appreciation of geometry and interest in more advanced studies.
Geometry of Deep Learning: A Signal Processing Perspective (Mathematics in Industry #37)
by Jong Chul YeThe focus of this book is on providing students with insights into geometry that can help them understand deep learning from a unified perspective. Rather than describing deep learning as an implementation technique, as is usually the case in many existing deep learning books, here, deep learning is explained as an ultimate form of signal processing techniques that can be imagined. To support this claim, an overview of classical kernel machine learning approaches is presented, and their advantages and limitations are explained. Following a detailed explanation of the basic building blocks of deep neural networks from a biological and algorithmic point of view, the latest tools such as attention, normalization, Transformer, BERT, GPT-3, and others are described. Here, too, the focus is on the fact that in these heuristic approaches, there is an important, beautiful geometric structure behind the intuition that enables a systematic understanding. A unified geometric analysis to understand the working mechanism of deep learning from high-dimensional geometry is offered. Then, different forms of generative models like GAN, VAE, normalizing flows, optimal transport, and so on are described from a unified geometric perspective, showing that they actually come from statistical distance-minimization problems.Because this book contains up-to-date information from both a practical and theoretical point of view, it can be used as an advanced deep learning textbook in universities or as a reference source for researchers interested in acquiring the latest deep learning algorithms and their underlying principles. In addition, the book has been prepared for a codeshare course for both engineering and mathematics students, thus much of the content is interdisciplinary and will appeal to students from both disciplines.
Geometry of Derivation with Applications
by Norman L. JohnsonGeometry of Derivation with Applications is the fifth work in a longstanding series of books on combinatorial geometry (Subplane Covered Nets, Foundations of Translation Planes, Handbook of Finite Translation Planes, and Combinatorics of Spreads and Parallelisms). Like its predecessors, this book will primarily deal with connections to the theory of derivable nets and translation planes in both the finite and infinite cases. Translation planes over non-commutative skewfields have not traditionally had a significant representation in incidence geometry, and derivable nets over skewfields have only been marginally understood. Both are deeply examined in this volume, while ideas of non-commutative algebra are also described in detail, with all the necessary background given a geometric treatment. The book builds upon over twenty years of work concerning combinatorial geometry, charted across four previous books and is suitable as a reference text for graduate students and researchers. It contains a variety of new ideas and generalizations of established work in finite affine geometry and is replete with examples and applications.
The Geometry of Geodesics
by Herbert BusemannA comprehensive approach to qualitative problems in intrinsic differential geometry, this text for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students emphasizes cases in which geodesics possess only local uniqueness properties--and consequently, the relations to the foundations of geometry are decidedly less relevant, and Finsler spaces become the principal subject.This direct approach has produced many new results and has materially generalized many known phenomena. Author Herbert Busemann begins with an explanation of the basic concepts, including compact metric spaces, convergence of point sets, motion and isometry, segments, and geodesics. Subsequent topics include Desarguesian spaces, with discussions of Riemann and Finsler spaces and Beltrami's theorem; perpendiculars and parallels, with examinations of higher-dimensional Minkowskian geometry and the Minkowski plane; and covering spaces, including locally isometric space, the universal covering space, fundamental sets, free homotopy and closed geodesics, and transitive geodesics on surfaces of higher genus. Concluding chapters explore the influence of the sign of the curvature on the geodesics, and homogenous spaces, including those with flat bisectors.
Geometry of Holomorphic Mappings (Frontiers in Mathematics)
by Sergey Pinchuk Rasul Shafikov Alexandre SukhovThis monograph explores the problem of boundary regularity and analytic continuation of holomorphic mappings between domains in complex Euclidean spaces. Many important methods and techniques in several complex variables have been developed in connection with these questions, and the goal of this book is to introduce the reader to some of these approaches and to demonstrate how they can be used in the context of boundary properties of holomorphic maps. The authors present substantial results concerning holomorphic mappings in several complex variables with improved and often simplified proofs. Emphasis is placed on geometric methods, including the Kobayashi metric, the Scaling method, Segre varieties, and the Reflection principle. Geometry of Holomorphic Mappings will provide a valuable resource for PhD students in complex analysis and complex geometry; it will also be of interest to researchers in these areas as a reference.
Geometry of Hypersurfaces
by Thomas E. Cecil Patrick J. RyanThis exposition provides the state-of-the art on the differential geometry of hypersurfaces in real, complex, and quaternionic space forms. Special emphasis is placed on isoparametric and Dupin hypersurfaces in real space forms as well as Hopf hypersurfaces in complex space forms. The book is accessible to a reader who has completed a one-year graduate course in differential geometry. The text, including open problems and an extensive list of references, is an excellent resource for researchers in this area. Geometry of Hypersurfaces begins with the basic theory of submanifolds in real space forms. Topics include shape operators, principal curvatures and foliations, tubes and parallel hypersurfaces, curvature spheres and focal submanifolds. The focus then turns to the theory of isoparametric hypersurfaces in spheres. Important examples and classification results are given, including the construction of isoparametric hypersurfaces based on representations of Clifford algebras. An in-depth treatment of Dupin hypersurfaces follows with results that are proved in the context of Lie sphere geometry as well as those that are obtained using standard methods of submanifold theory. Next comes a thorough treatment of the theory of real hypersurfaces in complex space forms. A central focus is a complete proof of the classification of Hopf hypersurfaces with constant principal curvatures due to Kimura and Berndt. The book concludes with the basic theory of real hypersurfaces in quaternionic space forms, including statements of the major classification results and directions for further research.
Geometry of Manifolds with Non-negative Sectional Curvature
by Owen Dearricott Fernando Galaz-García Lee Kennard Catherine Searle Gregor Weingart Wolfgang ZillerProviding an up-to-date overview of the geometry of manifolds with non-negative sectional curvature, this volume gives a detailed account of the most recent research in the area. The lectures cover a wide range of topics such as general isometric group actions, circle actions on positively curved four manifolds, cohomogeneity one actions on Alexandrov spaces, isometric torus actions on Riemannian manifolds of maximal symmetry rank, n-Sasakian manifolds, isoparametric hypersurfaces in spheres, contact CR and CR submanifolds, Riemannian submersions and the Hopf conjecture with symmetry. Also included is an introduction to the theory of exterior differential systems.
Geometry of Minkowski Space-Time
by Paolo Zampetti Vincenzo Catoni Roberto Cannata Francesco Catoni Dino BoccalettiThis book provides an original introduction to the geometry of Minkowski space-time. A hundred years after the space-time formulation of special relativity by Hermann Minkowski, it is shown that the kinematical consequences of special relativity are merely a manifestation of space-time geometry. The book is written with the intention of providing students (and teachers) of the first years of University courses with a tool which is easy to be applied and allows the solution of any problem of relativistic kinematics at the same time. The book treats in a rigorous way, but using a non-sophisticated mathematics, the Kinematics of Special Relativity. As an example, the famous "Twin Paradox" is completely solved for all kinds of motions. The novelty of the presentation in this book consists in the extensive use of hyperbolic numbers, the simplest extension of complex numbers, for a complete formalization of the kinematics in the Minkowski space-time. Moreover, from this formalization the understanding of gravity comes as a manifestation of curvature of space-time, suggesting new research fields.
Geometry of Moduli (Abel Symposia #14)
by Jan Arthur Christophersen Kristian RanestadThe proceedings from the Abel Symposium on Geometry of Moduli, held at Svinøya Rorbuer, Svolvær in Lofoten, in August 2017, present both survey and research articles on the recent surge of developments in understanding moduli problems in algebraic geometry. Written by many of the main contributors to this evolving subject, the book provides a comprehensive collection of new methods and the various directions in which moduli theory is advancing. These include the geometry of moduli spaces, non-reductive geometric invariant theory, birational geometry, enumerative geometry, hyper-kähler geometry, syzygies of curves and Brill-Noether theory and stability conditions. Moduli theory is ubiquitous in algebraic geometry, and this is reflected in the list of moduli spaces addressed in this volume: sheaves on varieties, symmetric tensors, abelian differentials, (log) Calabi-Yau varieties, points on schemes, rational varieties, curves, abelian varieties and hyper-Kähler manifolds.
The Geometry of Musical Rhythm: What Makes a "Good" Rhythm Good?, Second Edition
by Godfried T. ToussaintThe original edition of The Geometry of Musical Rhythm was the first book to provide a systematic and accessible computational geometric analysis of the musical rhythms of the world. It explained how the study of the mathematical properties of musical rhythm generates common mathematical problems that arise in a variety of seemingly disparate fields. The book also introduced the distance approach to phylogenetic analysis and illustrated its application to the study of musical rhythm. The new edition retains all of this, while also adding 100 pages, 93 figures, 225 new references, and six new chapters covering topics such as meter and metric complexity, rhythmic grouping, expressive timbre and timing in rhythmic performance, and evolution phylogenetic analysis of ancient Greek paeonic rhythms. In addition, further context is provided to give the reader a fuller and richer insight into the historical connections between music and mathematics.
Geometry of PDEs and Related Problems: Cetraro, Italy 2017 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #2220)
by Rolando Magnanini Chiara Bianchini Henrik Shahgholian Wolfgang Reichel Daniel Peralta-Salas Antoine Henrot Xavier CabréThe aim of this book is to present different aspects of the deep interplay between Partial Differential Equations and Geometry. It gives an overview of some of the themes of recent research in the field and their mutual links, describing the main underlying ideas, and providing up-to-date references.Collecting together the lecture notes of the five mini-courses given at the CIME Summer School held in Cetraro (Cosenza, Italy) in the week of June 19–23, 2017, the volume presents a friendly introduction to a broad spectrum of up-to-date and hot topics in the study of PDEs, describing the state-of-the-art in the subject. It also gives further details on the main ideas of the proofs, their technical difficulties, and their possible extension to other contexts. Aiming to be a primary source for researchers in the field, the book will attract potential readers from several areas of mathematics.
The Geometry of Physics
by Theodore FrankelThis book provides a working knowledge of those parts of exterior differential forms, differential geometry, algebraic and differential topology, Lie groups, vector bundles and Chern forms that are essential for a deeper understanding of both classical and modern physics and engineering. Included are discussions of analytical and fluid dynamics, electromagnetism (in flat and curved space), thermodynamics, the Dirac operator and spinors, and gauge fields, including Yang–Mills, the Aharonov–Bohm effect, Berry phase and instanton winding numbers, quarks and quark model for mesons. Before discussing abstract notions of differential geometry, geometric intuition is developed through a rather extensive introduction to the study of surfaces in ordinary space. The book is ideal for graduate and advanced undergraduate students of physics, engineering or mathematics as a course text or for self study. This third edition includes an overview of Cartan's exterior differential forms, which previews many of the geometric concepts developed in the text.
Geometry of Quantum States: An Introduction to Quantum Entanglement
by Ingemar Bengtsson Karol ŻyczkowskiQuantum information theory is a branch of science at the frontier of physics, mathematics, and information science, and offers a variety of solutions that are impossible using classical theory. This book provides a detailed introduction to the key concepts used in processing quantum information and reveals that quantum mechanics is a generalisation of classical probability theory. The second edition contains new sections and entirely new chapters: the hot topic of multipartite entanglement; in-depth discussion of the discrete structures in finite dimensional Hilbert space, including unitary operator bases, mutually unbiased bases, symmetric informationally complete generalized measurements, discrete Wigner function, and unitary designs; the Gleason and Kochen-Specker theorems; the proof of the Lieb conjecture; the measure concentration phenomenon; and the Hastings' non-additivity theorem. This richly-illustrated book will be useful to a broad audience of graduates and researchers interested in quantum information theory. Exercises follow each chapter, with hints and answers supplied.
The Geometry of René Descartes: with a Facsimile of the First Edition
by René DescartesThis is an unabridged republication of the definitive English translation of one of the very greatest classics of science. Originally published in 1637, it has been characterized as "the greatest single step ever made in the progress of the exact sciences" (John Stuart Mill); as a book which "remade geometry and made modern geometry possible" (Eric Temple Bell). It "revolutionized the entire conception of the object of mathematical science" (J. Hadamard).With this volume Descartes founded modern analytical geometry. Reducing geometry to algebra and analysis and, conversely, showing that analysis may be translated into geometry, it opened the way for modern mathematics. Descartes was the first to classify curves systematically and to demonstrate algebraic solution of geometric curves. His geometric interpretation of negative quantities led to later concepts of continuity and the theory of function. The third book contains important contributions to the theory of equations.This edition contains the entire definitive Smith-Latham translation of Descartes' three books: Problems the Construction of which Requires Only Straight Lines and Circles; On the Nature of Curved Lines; and On the Construction of Solid and Supersolid Problems. Interleaved page by page with the translation is a complete facsimile of the 1637 French text, together with all Descartes' original illustrations; 248 footnotes explain the text and add further bibliography.
The Geometry of Spacetime: A Mathematical Introduction to Relativity Theory (Graduate Texts in Physics)
by Rainer OloffThis book systematically develops the mathematical foundations of the theory of relativity and links them to physical relations. For this purpose, differential geometry on manifolds is introduced first, including differentiation and integration, and special relativity is presented as tensor calculus on tangential spaces. Using Einstein's field equations relating curvature to matter, the relativistic effects in the solar system including black holes are discussed in detail. The text is aimed at students of physics and mathematics and assumes only basic knowledge of classical differential and integral calculus and linear algebra.
The Geometry of Special Relativity (Textbooks in Mathematics)
by Tevian DrayThis unique book presents a particularly beautiful way of looking at special relativity. The author encourages students to see beyond the formulas to the deeper structure.The unification of space and time introduced by Einstein’s special theory of relativity is one of the cornerstones of the modern scientific description of the universe. Yet the unification is counterintuitive because we perceive time very differently from space. Even in relativity, time is not just another dimension, it is one with different propertiesThe book treats the geometry of hyperbolas as the key to understanding special relativity. The author simplifies the formulas and emphasizes their geometric content. Many important relations, including the famous relativistic addition formula for velocities, then follow directly from the appropriate (hyperbolic) trigonometric addition formulas.Prior mastery of (ordinary) trigonometry is sufficient for most of the material presented, although occasional use is made of elementary differential calculus, and the chapter on electromagnetism assumes some more advanced knowledge.Changes to the Second Edition The treatment of Minkowski space and spacetime diagrams has been expanded. Several new topics have been added, including a geometric derivation of Lorentz transformations, a discussion of three-dimensional spacetime diagrams, and a brief geometric description of "area" and how it can be used to measure time and distance. Minor notational changes were made to avoid conflict with existing usagein the literature. Table of Contents Preface1. Introduction.2. The Physics of Special Relativity.3. Circle Geometry.4. Hyperbola Geometry. 5. The Geometry of Special Relativity. 6. Applications.7. Problems III.8. Paradoxes.9. Relativistic Mechanics.10. Problems II.11. Relativistic Electromagnetism. 12. Problems III.13. Beyond Special Relativity. 14. Three-Dimensional Spacetime Diagrams.15. Minkowski Area via Light Boxes.16. Hyperbolic Geometry.17. Calculus.Bibliography. Author Biography Tevian Dray is a Professor of Mathematics at Oregon State University. His research lies at the interface between mathematics and physics, involving differential geometry and general relativity, as well as nonassociative algebra and particle physics; he also studies student understanding of "middle-division" mathematics and physics content. Educated at MIT and Berkeley, he held postdoctoral positions in both mathematics and physics in several countries prior to coming to OSU in 1988. Professor Dray is a Fellow of the American Physical Society for his work in relativity, and an award-winning teacher.
The Geometry of Special Relativity - a Concise Course
by Norbert DragonIn this concise primer it is shown that, with simple diagrams, the phenomena of time dilatation, length contraction and Lorentz transformations can be deduced from the fact that in a vacuum one cannot distinguish physically straight and uniform motion from rest, and that the speed of light does not depend on the speed of either the source or the observer. The text proceeds to derive the important results of relativistic physics and to resolve its apparent paradoxes. A short introduction into the covariant formulation of electrodynamics is also given. This publication addresses, in particular, students of physics and mathematics in their final undergraduate year.
Geometry of Submanifolds (Dover Books on Mathematics)
by Bang-Yen ChenThe first two chapters of this frequently cited reference provide background material in Riemannian geometry and the theory of submanifolds. Subsequent chapters explore minimal submanifolds, submanifolds with parallel mean curvature vector, conformally flat manifolds, and umbilical manifolds. The final chapter discusses geometric inequalities of submanifolds, results in Morse theory and their applications, and total mean curvature of a submanifold.Suitable for graduate students and mathematicians in the area of classical and modern differential geometries, the treatment is largely self-contained. Problems sets conclude each chapter, and an extensive bibliography provides background for students wishing to conduct further research in this area. This new edition includes the author's corrections.
Geometry of Submanifolds and Applications (Infosys Science Foundation Series)
by Bang-Yen Chen Majid Ali Choudhary Mohammad Nazrul Islam KhanThis book features chapters written by renowned scientists from various parts of the world, providing an up-to-date survey of submanifold theory, spanning diverse topics and applications. The book covers a wide range of topics such as Chen–Ricci inequalities in differential geometry, optimal inequalities for Casorati curvatures in quaternion geometry, conformal η-Ricci–Yamabe solitons, submersion on statistical metallic structure, solitons in f(R, T)-gravity, metric-affine geometry, generalized Wintgen inequalities, tangent bundles, and Lagrangian submanifolds.Moreover, the book showcases the latest findings on Pythagorean submanifolds and submanifolds of four-dimensional f-manifolds. The chapters in this book delve into numerous problems and conjectures on submanifolds, providing valuable insights for scientists, educators, and graduate students looking to stay updated with the latest developments in the field. With its comprehensive coverage and detailed explanations, this book is an essential resource for anyone interested in submanifold theory.
Geometry of Surfaces: A Practical Guide for Mechanical Engineers
by Stephen P. RadzevichThis updated and expanded edition presents a highly accurate specification for part surface machining. Precise specification reduces the cost of this widely used industrial operation as accurately specified and machined part surfaces do not need to undergo costly final finishing. Dr. Radzevich describes techniques in this volume based primarily on classical differential geometry of surfaces. He then transitions from differential geometry of surfaces to engineering geometry of surfaces, and examines how part surfaces are either machined themselves, or are produced by tools with surfaces that are precisely machined. The book goes on to explain specific methods, such as derivation of planar characteristic curves based on Plücker conoid constructed at a point of the part surface, and that analytical description of part surface is vital for surfaces machined using CNC technology, and especially so for multi-axes NC machines. Providing readers with a powerful tool for analytical description of part surfaces machined on conventional machine tools and numerically controlled machines, this book maximizes understanding on optimal treatment of part surfaces to meet the requirements of today’s high tech industry.
Geometry of the Generalized Geodesic Flow and Inverse Spectral Problems
by Luchezar N. Stoyanov Vesselin M. PetkovThis book is a new edition of a title originally published in1992. No other book has been published that treats inverse spectral and inverse scattering results by using the so called Poisson summation formula and the related study of singularities. This book presents these in a closed and comprehensive form, and the exposition is based on a combination of different tools and results from dynamical systems, microlocal analysis, spectral and scattering theory.The content of the first edition is still relevant, however the new edition will include several new results established after 1992; new text will comprise about a third of the content of the new edition. The main chapters in the first edition in combination with the new chapters will provide a better and more comprehensive presentation of importance for the applications inverse results. These results are obtained by modern mathematical techniques which will be presented together in order to give the readers the opportunity to completely understand them. Moreover, some basic generic properties established by the authors after the publication of the first edition establishing the wide range of applicability of the Poison relation will be presented for first time in the new edition of the book.
Geometry of the Phase Retrieval Problem: Graveyard of Algorithms (Cambridge Monographs on Applied and Computational Mathematics)
by Alexander H. Barnett Charles L. Epstein Leslie Greengard Jeremy MaglandRecovering the phase of the Fourier transform is a ubiquitous problem in imaging applications from astronomy to nanoscale X-ray diffraction imaging. Despite the efforts of a multitude of scientists, from astronomers to mathematicians, there is, as yet, no satisfactory theoretical or algorithmic solution to this class of problems. Written for mathematicians, physicists and engineers working in image analysis and reconstruction, this book introduces a conceptual, geometric framework for the analysis of these problems, leading to a deeper understanding of the essential, algorithmically independent, difficulty of their solutions. Using this framework, the book studies standard algorithms and a range of theoretical issues in phase retrieval and provides several new algorithms and approaches to this problem with the potential to improve the reconstructed images. The book is lavishly illustrated with the results of numerous numerical experiments that motivate the theoretical development and place it in the context of practical applications.
Geometry of the Unit Sphere in Polynomial Spaces (SpringerBriefs in Mathematics)
by Jesús Ferrer Domingo García Manuel Maestre Gustavo A. Muñoz Daniel L. Rodríguez Juan B. SeoaneThis brief presents a global perspective on the geometry of spaces of polynomials. Its particular focus is on polynomial spaces of dimension 3, providing, in that case, a graphical representation of the unit ball. Also, the extreme points in the unit ball of several polynomial spaces are characterized. Finally, a number of applications to obtain sharp classical polynomial inequalities are presented.The study performed is the first ever complete account on the geometry of the unit ball of polynomial spaces. Nowadays there are hundreds of research papers on this topic and our work gathers the state of the art of the main and/or relevant results up to now. This book is intended for a broad audience, including undergraduate and graduate students, junior and senior researchers and it also serves as a source book for consultation. In addition to that, we made this work visually attractive by including in it over 50 original figures in order to help in the understanding of all the results and techniques included in the book.
Geometry (Ohio)
by Cindy J. Boyd Jerry Cummins Carol E. MalloyA flexible program with the solid content students need Glencoe Geometry is the leading geometry program on the market. Algebra and applications are embedded throughout the program and an introduction to geometry proofs begins in Chapter 2.