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Geschichten zur 0: Eine Szene und diverse Theorien (Kölner Beiträge zur Didaktik der Mathematik)

by Michael Meyer

Die Grundlage dieses Buches bildet ein Interview mit einer Erstklässlerin zur Zahl Null. Dieses wurde mit verschiedenen theoretischen Perspektiven unter Nutzung einer interpretativen Methode analysiert. Die Perspektiven entstammen der Mathematik, ihrer Didaktik sowie diverser Bezugsdisziplinen (u. a. Germanistik, Naturwissenschaftsdidaktik, Philosophie und Soziologie). Ziel der Analysen (der Geschichten) ist die interaktionistische Rekonstruktion des Gespräches: Was erlaubt die jeweilige Theorie zu erfassen? Anschließend werden die Analysen verglichen, um Spezifika und den Mehrwert herauszustellen.

Geschlechterunterschiede bei Depressionen im Alter: Risikofaktoren und Bewältigungsressourcen im europäischen Vergleich (Dortmunder Beiträge zur Sozialforschung)

by Alina Schmitz

​Geschlechterungleichheiten bei Depressionen wurden in zahlreichen Studien dokumentiert. Die Lebensphase Alter findet in der bisherigen Forschung allerdings wenig Beachtung. Diese Studie verfolgt auf Basis des Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) folgende Fragen: Wie verbreitet sind depressive Symptome in der älteren Bevölkerung Europas? Sind Geschlechterunterschiede bei Depressionen ein universelles Phänomen über Alters- und Ländergrenzen hinweg? Inwiefern lassen sich Geschlechterunterschiede in der Prävalenz von Depressionen auf Ungleichheiten in der Lebenslage im Alter zurückführen? Sind einzelne Risikofaktoren für Frauen relevanter als für Männer – und umgekehrt? Unterscheidet sich je nach Geschlecht, wie stark depressive Symptome nach einer Verwitwung ansteigen? Und können ausreichende finanzielle Mittel und ein intaktes soziales Netzwerk die psychische Belastung abmildern? Die Analysen erfolgen aus einer ländervergleichenden Perspektive. Damit stehen nicht nur individuelle Einflussfaktoren im Fokus, sondern auch der sozialpolitische Kontext, woraus sich Anknüpfungspunkte zur Förderung der psychischen Gesundheit in Europas alternden Gesellschaften ableiten lassen.

Gesetzmäßigkeiten des Zufalls: Stochastik kompakt (essentials)

by Heinz Klaus Strick

In diesem dritten Teil von Stochastik kompakt erläutert Heinz Klaus Strick, welche weiteren Aspekte man untersuchen kann, um Zufallsversuche im Hinblick auf die Zufälligkeit des Versuchsablaufs und des Versuchsergebnisses zu überprüfen. Über die Betrachtung von Häufigkeiten hinaus geht es auch um mögliche Abfolgen und Anordnungen, um Wiederholungen und um die Vollständigkeit des Auftretens aller möglichen Ergebnisse. Die zugrunde liegenden Gesetzmäßigkeiten werden erläutert und Faustregeln zur Beurteilung angegeben. Zur Kontrolle, ob die unterschiedlichen „Gesetzmäßigkeiten des Zufalls“ erfüllt sind, wird ein Binomialtest oder ein Chiquadrat-Anpassungstest angewandt.Der Autor: Heinz Klaus Strick war 37 Jahre lang als Lehrer für Mathematik und Physik an einem Gymnasium in Leverkusen tätig. Durch seine fachdidaktischen Aufsätze, Schulbücher, Vorträge und Lehraufträge an verschiedenen Universitäten wurde er bekannt. Für seine Aktivitäten und insbesondere für seine Anregungen zum Stochastikunterricht wurde ihm 2002 der Archimedes-Preis der MNU verliehen.

Gesundheit – Teilhabechancen – Diskriminierungsrisiken: Health in All Policies als Querschnittsaufgabe bei Beeinträchtigungen und Behinderung (Gesundheitsförderung - Rehabilitation - Teilhabe)

by Elisabeth Wacker Iris Beck Martina Brandt Swantje Köbsell Sonia Lippke Mathilde Niehaus

Dies ist ein Open-Access-Buch.Das Recht auf Gesundheit und Wohlergehen steht allen Menschen zu, unabhängig von Alter, Geschlecht, Beeinträchtigung oder anderen Vielfaltsmerkmalen. Auf die enge Verknüpfung von gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe und bestmöglicher Gesundheit macht das Gemeinschaftswerk aufmerksam. Es weist auf Exklusions- und Isolationsrisiken hin, zeigt Erfahrungen aus der Coronapandemie auf und öffnet Wege, um Benachteiligungen abzubauen, auch für den demografischen Wandel. Vielfache wissenschaftliche Expertise (aus dem Wissenschaftlichen Beirat der Bundesregierung zur Teilhabeberichterstattung) und zukunftsweisende fachliche Debatten werden unterlegt mit neuesten Daten und dem Blick auf die globalen Gesundheitsziele.

Gesundheitsökonomische Evaluation von AAL-Technologien: Eine Analyse am Beispiel von intelligenten Rollatoren in der häuslichen Versorgung (Vechtaer Beiträge zur Gerontologie)

by Mareike Mähs

Um die Informationsbasis über AAL-Technologien zu erhöhen, wird Wissen über die Effektivität, den Nutzen und die Kosten dieser Technologien benötigt. Es fehlen jedoch gerade für AAL-Technologien qualitativ hochwertige gesundheitsökonomische Evaluationsstudien. Die vorliegende Arbeit hat deshalb das Ziel, gesundheitsökonomische Evaluationsverfahren hinsichtlich ihres Einsatzes zur Abschätzung der Wirksamkeit und Wirtschaftlichkeit von AAL-Technologien zu untersuchen und eine geeignete Vorgehensweise zur Evaluationen von AAL-Technologien am Beispiel von intelligenten Rollatoren aufzuzeigen. Mareike Mähs zeigt, dass eine gesundheitsökonomische Evaluation von AAL-Technologien mit spezifischen Herausforderungen einhergeht. Dementsprechend sind vorhandene Verfahren an die Charakteristika der Technologie und ihrer Nutzerinnen sowie Nutzer anzupassen bzw. alternative Verfahren zu wählen. Aus diesem Grund wird ein Framework entwickelt, das eine Orientierung für eine strukturierte Vorgehensweise zur entwicklungsbegleitenden Evaluation von AAL-Technologien am Beispiel von intelligenten Rollatoren entlang deren Lebenszyklus bietet.

Get Ready for 1st Grade Math: Activities & Exercises to Get in Shape for School! (Sylvan Summer Smart Workbooks)

by Sylvan Learning

GET READY TO HEAD BACK TO CLASS! Prepare your child for 1st grade with this math workbook full of fun, engaging exercises and activities, designed to refresh kids on what they need to know before returning to school.Parents, you know that disruptions (whether for summer break, vacations, or other reasons) can put your child's education on pause. By adding just a few pages per day of material from the previous grade into kids&’ routines, you can help your child keep their skills fresh and set them up success for when they return to the classroom! The exercises and activities in Get Ready for 1st Grade Math are drawn from our top-selling SUMMER SMART workbook series (designed to combat summer "learning loss"). Inside, you'll find:• Links to download printable versions of activities with physical components (coloring, tracing)• 40+ pages of teacher-created learning exercises to reinforce math skills your child should know going into the 1st grade• Fun, engaging activities that feel like playWith Sylvan Learning, you don&’t have to compromise between entertainment and education. Your child will love the great mix of activities, stories, and games in these pages. You&’ll love seeing their improved confidence and newfound love of learning!

Get Ready for 2nd Grade Math: Activities & Exercises to Get in Shape for School! (Sylvan Summer Smart Workbooks)

by Sylvan Learning

GET READY TO HEAD BACK TO CLASS! Prepare your child for 2nd grade with this math workbook full of fun, engaging exercises and activities, designed to refresh kids on what they need to know before returning to school.Parents, you know that disruptions (whether for summer break, vacations, or other reasons) can put your child's education on pause. By adding just a few pages per day of material learned in the previous grade into kids&’ routines, you can help your child keep their skills fresh and set them up success for when they return to the classroom!The exercises and activities in Get Ready for 2nd Grade Math are drawn from our top-selling SUMMER SMART workbook series (designed to combat summer "learning loss"). Inside, you'll find:• Links to download printable versions of activities with physical components (coloring, tracing)• 50+ pages of teacher-created learning exercises to reinforce math skills that your child should know going into 2nd grade• Fun, engaging activities that feel like playWith Sylvan Learning, you don&’t have to compromise between entertainment and education. Your child will love the great mix of activities, stories, and games in these pages. You&’ll love seeing their improved confidence and newfound love of learning!

Get Ready for 3rd Grade Math: Activities & Exercises to Get in Shape for School! (Sylvan Summer Smart Workbooks)

by Sylvan Learning

GET READY TO HEAD BACK TO CLASS! Prepare your child for 3rd grade with this math workbook full of fun, engaging exercises and activities, designed to refresh kids on what they need to know before returning to school.Parents, you know that disruptions (whether for summer break, vacations, or other reasons) can put your child's education on pause. By adding just a few pages per day of material learned in the prior grade into kids&’ routines, you can help your child keep their skills fresh and set them up success for when they return to the classroom!The exercises and activities in Get Ready for 3rd Grade Math are drawn from our top-selling SUMMER SMART workbook series (designed to combat summer "learning loss"). Inside, you'll find:• Links to download printable versions of activities with physical components (coloring, tracing)• 50+ pages of teacher-created learning exercises to reinforce math skills your child should know going into 3rd grade• Fun, engaging activities that feel like playWith Sylvan Learning, you don&’t have to compromise between entertainment and education. Your child will love the great mix of activities, stories, and games in these pages. You&’ll love seeing their improved confidence and newfound love of learning!

Get Ready for 4th Grade Math: Activities & Exercises to Get in Shape for School! (Sylvan Summer Smart Workbooks)

by Sylvan Learning

GET READY TO HEAD BACK TO CLASS! Prepare your child for 4th grade with this math workbook full of fun, engaging exercises and activities, designed to refresh kids on what they need to know before returning to school.Parents, you know that disruptions (whether for summer break, vacations, or other reasons) can put your child's education on pause. By adding just a few pages per day of material learned in the previous grade into kids&’ routines, you can help your child keep their skills fresh and set them up success for when they return to the classroom!The exercises and activities in Get Ready for 4th Grade Math are drawn from our top-selling SUMMER SMART workbook series (designed to combat summer "learning loss"). Inside, you'll find:• Links to download printable versions of activities with physical components (coloring, tracing)• 50+ pages of teacher-created learning exercises to reinforce math skills your child should know going into 4th grade• Fun, engaging activities that feel like playWith Sylvan Learning, you don&’t have to compromise between entertainment and education. Your child will love the great mix of activities, stories, and games in these pages. You&’ll love seeing their improved confidence and newfound love of learning!

Get Ready for 5th Grade Math: Activities a& Exercises to Get in Shape for School! (Sylvan Summer Smart Workbooks)

by Sylvan Learning

GET READY TO HEAD BACK TO CLASS! Prepare your child for 5th grade with this math workbook full of fun, engaging exercises and activities, designed to refresh kids on what they need to know before returning to school.Parents, you know that disruptions (whether for summer break, vacations, or other reasons) can put your child's education on pause. By adding just a few pages per day of material learned in the previous grade into kids&’ routines, you can help your child keep their skills fresh and set them up success for when they return to the classroom!The exercises and activities in Get Ready for 5th Grade Math are drawn from our top-selling SUMMER SMART workbook series (designed to combat summer "learning loss"). Inside, you'll find:• Links to download printable versions of activities with physical components (coloring, tracing)• 50+ pages of teacher-created learning exercises to reinforce math skills your child should know going into 5th grade• Fun, engaging activities that feel like playWith Sylvan Learning, you don&’t have to compromise between entertainment and education. Your child will love the great mix of activities, stories, and games in these pages. You&’ll love seeing their improved confidence and newfound love of learning!

Get Ready for Kindergarten Math: Activities & Exercises to Get in Shape for School! (Sylvan Summer Smart Workbooks)

by Sylvan Learning

GET READY TO HEAD TO CLASS! Prepare your child for kindergarten with this numbers workbook full of fun, engaging exercises and activities, designed to refresh kids on what they need to know before heading to school.Parents, you know that disruptions (whether for summer break, vacations, or other reasons) can put your child's education on pause. By adding just a few pages per day of Pre-K-level material into kids&’ routines, you can help your child keep their skills fresh and set them up success for when they return to the classroom!The exercises and activities in Get Ready for Kindergarten Math are drawn from our top-selling SUMMER SMART workbook series (designed to combat summer "learning loss"). Inside, you'll find:• Links to download printable versions of activities with physical components (coloring, tracing)• 50+ pages of teacher-created learning exercises to reinforce the early math skills and number familiarity that your child should grasp when going into kindergarten• Fun, engaging activities that feel like playWith Sylvan Learning, you don&’t have to compromise between entertainment and education. Your child will love the great mix of activities, stories, and games in these pages. You&’ll love seeing their improved confidence and newfound love of learning!

Get Smart: The Big Ideas You Should Know

by Julia Collins

Can you explain Fermat's Last Theorem? What is the shape of the Universe? And how do you add up to infinity? Challenge yourself with Get Smart: Maths and learn to think and talk like the world's greatest mathematical geniuses. Taking you on a journey through the mathematical ideas that underpin our world - from imaginary numbers and Turing machines to chaos theory and mathematical paradoxes; from the search for primes and game theory to relativity and the arithmetic of altruism - Get Smart: Maths demystifies 50 key concepts and provides you with the tools to master the very biggest ideas. Includes: imaginary numbers; the riemann hypothesis; mathematical paradoxes; chaos theory; code breaking; Gödel's incompleteness theorem; topology; the Poincaré conjecture; game theory; the maths of symmetry; calculus; Turing machines; fractals; the prisoner's dilemma; primes; knot theory; probability and statistics; the Monty Hall problem . . . and many more.

The GETMe Mesh Smoothing Framework: A Geometric Way to Quality Finite Element Meshes

by Dimitris Vartziotis Joachim Wipper

High quality meshes play a key role in many applications based on digital modeling and simulation. The finite element method is a paragon for such an approach and it is well known that quality meshes can significantly improve computational efficiency and solution accuracy of this method. Therefore, a lot of effort has been put in methods for improving mesh quality. These range from simple geometric approaches, like Laplacian smoothing, with a high computational efficiency but possible low resulting mesh quality, to global optimization-based methods, resulting in an excellent mesh quality at the cost of an increased computational and implementational complexity. <P><P>The geometric element transformation method (GETMe) aims to fill the gap between these two approaches. It is based on geometric mesh element transformations, which iteratively transform polygonal and polyhedral elements into their regular counterparts or into elements with a prescribed shape. GETMe combines a Laplacian smoothing-like computational efficiency with a global optimization-like effectiveness. The method is straightforward to implement and its variants can also be used to improve tangled and anisotropic meshes. <P><P>This book describes the mathematical theory of geometric element transformations as foundation for mesh smoothing. It gives a thorough introduction to GETMe-based mesh smoothing and its algorithms providing a framework to focus on effectively improving key mesh quality aspects. It addresses the improvement of planar, surface, volumetric, mixed, isotropic, and anisotropic meshes and addresses aspects of combining mesh smoothing with topological mesh modification. <P><P>The advantages of GETMe-based mesh smoothing are demonstrated by the example of various numerical tests. These include smoothing of real world meshes from engineering applications as well as smoothing of synthetic meshes for demonstrating key aspects of GETMe-based mesh improvement. Results are compared with those of other smoothing methods in terms of runtime behavior, mesh quality, and resulting finite element solution efficiency and accuracy. <P><P>Features: <li>Helps to improve finite element mesh quality by applying geometry-driven mesh smoothing approaches. <li>Supports the reader in understanding and implementing GETMe-based mesh smoothing. <li>Discusses aspects and properties of GETMe smoothing variants and thus provides guidance for choosing the appropriate mesh improvement algorithm. <li>Addresses smoothing of various mesh types: planar, surface, volumetric, isotropic, anisotropic, non-mixed, and mixed. <li>Provides and analyzes geometric element transformations for polygonal and polyhedral elements with regular and non-regular limits. <li>Includes a broad range of numerical examples and compares results with those of other smoothing methods.

Getting: Practice and Principles of Data Visualisation (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Science Series)

by Antony Unwin

Data graphics are used extensively to present information. Understanding graphics is a lot about understanding the data represented by the graphics, having a feel not just for the numbers themselves, the reliability and uncertainty associated with them, but also for what they mean. This book presents a practical approach to data visualisation with real applications front and centre.The first part of the book is a series of case studies, each describing a graphical analysis of a real dataset. The second part pulls together ideas from the case studies and provides an overview of the main factors affecting understanding graphics.Key Features: Explains how to get insights from graphics. Emphasises the value of drawing many graphics. Underlines the importance for analysis of background knowledge and context. Readers may be data scientists, statisticians or people who want to become more visually literate. A knowledge of Statistics is not required, just an interest in data graphics and some experience of working with data. It will help if the reader knows something of basic graphic forms such as barcharts, histograms, and scatterplots.

Getting Acquainted with Homogenization and Multiscale (Compact Textbooks in Mathematics)

by Leonid Berlyand Volodymyr Rybalko

The objective of this book is to navigate beginning graduate students in mathematics and engineering through a mature field of multiscale problems in homogenization theory and to provide an idea of its broad scope. An overview of a wide spectrum of homogenization techniques ranging from classical two-scale asymptotic expansions to Gamma convergence and the rapidly developing field of stochastic homogenization is presented. The mathematical proofs and definitions are supplemented with intuitive explanations and figures to make them easier to follow. A blend of mathematics and examples from materials science and engineering is designed to teach a mixed audience of mathematical and non-mathematical students.

Getting it Wrong: How Faulty Monetary Statistics Undermine the Fed, the Financial System, and the Economy

by William A. Barnett

A leading economist contends that the recent financial crisis was caused not by the failure of mainstream economics but by corrupted monetary data constructed without reference to economics.Blame for the recent financial crisis and subsequent recession has commonly been assigned to everyone from Wall Street firms to individual homeowners. It has been widely argued that the crisis and recession were caused by “greed” and the failure of mainstream economics. In Getting It Wrong, leading economist William Barnett argues instead that there was too little use of the relevant economics, especially from the literature on economic measurement. Barnett contends that as financial instruments became more complex, the simple-sum monetary aggregation formulas used by central banks, including the U.S. Federal Reserve, became obsolete. Instead, a major increase in public availability of best-practice data was needed. Households, firms, and governments, lacking the requisite information, incorrectly assessed systemic risk and significantly increased their leverage and risk-taking activities. Better financial data, Barnett argues, could have signaled the misperceptions and prevented the erroneous systemic-risk assessments.When extensive, best-practice information is not available from the central bank, increased regulation can constrain the adverse consequences of ill-informed decisions. Instead, there was deregulation. The result, Barnett argues, was a worst-case toxic mix: increasing complexity of financial instruments, inadequate and poor-quality data, and declining regulation.Following his accessible narrative of the deep causes of the crisis and the long history of private and public errors, Barnett provides technical appendixes, containing the mathematical analysis supporting his arguments.

Getting it Wrong: How Faulty Monetary Statistics Undermine the Fed, the Financial System, and the Economy

by William A. Barnett

Blame for the recent financial crisis and subsequent recession has commonly been assigned to everyone from Wall Street firms to individual homeowners. It has been widely argued that the crisis and recession were caused by "greed" and the failure of mainstream economics. In Getting It Wrong, leading economist William Barnett argues instead that there was too little use of the relevant economics, especially from the literature on economic measurement. Barnett contends that as financial instruments became more complex, the simple-sum monetary aggregation formulas used by central banks, including the U. S. Federal Reserve, became obsolete. Instead, a major increase in public availability of best-practice data was needed. Households, firms, and governments, lacking the requisite information, incorrectly assessed systemic risk and significantly increased their leverage and risk-taking activities. Better financial data, Barnett argues, could have signaled the misperceptions and prevented the erroneous systemic-risk assessments. When extensive, best-practice information is not available from the central bank, increased regulation can constrain the adverse consequences of ill-informed decisions. Instead, there was deregulation. The result, Barnett argues, was a worst-case toxic mix: increasing complexity of financial instruments, inadequate and poor-quality data, and declining regulation. Following his accessible narrative of the deep causes of the crisis and the long history of private and public errors, Barnett provides technical appendixes, containing the mathematical analysis supporting his arguments.

Getting Ready for the Smarter Balanced Assessment Grade 4

by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Math practice tests for Grade 4

Getting Started in Mathematical Life Sciences: From MATLAB Programming to Computer Simulations (Theoretical Biology)

by Makoto Sato

This book helps the reader make use of the mathematical models of biological phenomena starting from the basics of programming and computer simulation. Computer simulations based on a mathematical model enable us to find a novel biological mechanism and predict an unknown biological phenomenon. Mathematical biology could further expand the progress of modern life sciences. Although many biologists are interested in mathematical biology, they do not have experience in mathematics and computer science. An educational course that combines biology, mathematics, and computer science is very rare to date. Published books for mathematical biology usually explain the theories of established mathematical models, but they do not provide a practical explanation for how to solve the differential equations included in the models, or to establish such a model that fits with a phenomenon of interest. MATLAB is an ideal programming platform for the beginners of computer science. This book starts from the very basics about how to write a programming code for MATLAB (or Octave), explains how to solve ordinary and partial differential equations, and how to apply mathematical models to various biological phenomena such as diabetes, infectious diseases, and heartbeats. Some of them are original models, newly developed for this book. Because MATLAB codes are embedded and explained throughout the book, it will be easy to catch up with the text. In the final chapter, the book focuses on the mathematical model of the proneural wave, a phenomenon that guarantees the sequential differentiation of neurons in the brain. This model was published as a paper from the author’s lab (Sato et al., PNAS 113, E5153, 2016), and was intensively explained in the book chapter “Notch Signaling in Embryology and Cancer”, published by Springer in 2020. This book provides the reader who has a biological background with invaluable opportunities to learn and practice mathematical biology.

Getting Started with Business Analytics: Insightful Decision-Making

by David Roi Hardoon Galit Shmueli

Assuming no prior knowledge or technical skills, Getting Started with Business Analytics: Insightful Decision-Making explores the contents, capabilities, and applications of business analytics. It bridges the worlds of business and statistics and describes business analytics from a non-commercial standpoint. The authors demystify the main concepts

Getting Started with Grafana: Real-Time Dashboards for IT and Business Operations

by Ronald McCollam

Begin working with the Grafana data visualization platform. This book is a “how-to manual” for deploying and administering Grafana, creating real-time dashboards and alerts, exploring the data you have, and even synthesizing new data by combining and manipulating data from multiple different sources. You’ll be able to see and manage data on any scale, from your laptop or a Raspberry Pi to a production datacenter or even a multi-region cloud environment!Getting Started with Grafana takes a hands-on approach. You’ll learn by doing with easy-to-follow examples along with pointers to more resources to help you go deeper. The skills you’ll learn will help you provide business value by monitoring your operations in real time and reacting to changing circumstances as they occur. You’ll be able to derive new insights from your existing data through Grafana’s powerful and beautiful graphing capabilities, and you’ll be able to share your dashboards with colleagues so everyone in your organization can benefit. What You Will LearnConnect to data "where it lives” and work with multiple sources of dataBuild beautiful and informative dashboards that show real-time statusDeploy Grafana at any scale and manage it efficientlyIntegrate with other enterprise systems such as LDAP or Active DirectoryAutomate creation and deployment of Grafana, dashboards, and alertsUnderstand what is available in the Enterprise version of GrafanaWho This Book Is ForAnyone who has data that they want to understand visually, IT professionals who work with multiple sources of data on a regular basis and need to make sense of the confusion that this data sprawl causes, and people who learn best by doing and want to get hands-on experience quickly with a project and then grow their knowledge

Getting Started with Julia Programming

by Ivo Balbaert

This book is for you if you are a data scientist or working on any technical or scientific computation projects. The book assumes you have a basic working knowledge of high-level dynamic languages such as MATLAB, R, Python, or Ruby.

Getting Started with Python Data Analysis

by Phuong Vothihong

If you are a Python developer who wants to get started with data analysis and you need a quick introductory guide to the python data analysis libraries, then this book is for you.

Getting Started with ResearchKit

by Edward Cessna Dhanush Balachandran

Enter the era of medical research using mobile devices with the help of this guide on ResearchKit! About This Book * Create a simple clinical research app using most aspects of ResearchKit * Build a simple survey with various data types with the results printed on the screen. * A step-by-step guide introducing Apple's ResearchKit and techniques to incorporate it into various apps. Who This Book Is For This book is aimed at medical researchers with basic iOS coding knowledge and iOS developers looking to create clinical research apps. What You Will Learn * Learn to create customized consent form * Get introduced to two backend services: a simple backend server using Sinatra and Sage Bridge * Build a custom task (a conditional survey example) and a navigable task * Get an Overview of ResearchKit's open source repository and App Core * Interaction with the hardware of the device including the gyro and the motion sensors * Learn the basics of this revolutionary technology * Get introduced to the barebones app and learn to write your first code In Detail ResearchKit is an open source software development framework from Apple that lets you easily create mobile applications for clinical research studies. ResearchKit provides you the ability to orchestrate the administration of tasks and recording of the results. ResearchKit provides tasks in order to perform informed consent, active tasks, and surveys. Starting with the basics of the ResearchKit framework, this books walks you through the steps of creating iOS applications that could serve as the basis of a clinical research mobile app. This book will introduce readers to ResearchKit and how to turn your iPhone into into a clinical research tool. The book will start off by installing and building the research framework in line with the researcher's needs; during this, the reader will learn to embed ResearchKit in the application and create a small task. After this, the book will go a little deeper into creating modules for surveys, consents, and so on. The book will also cover the various aspects of privacy and security with regard to participant data, and how to build dashboards for visualizing medical data and results in line with the researcher's requirements: data backends, JSON serialization and deserialization, and so on. Readers will be able to fully utilize ResearchKit for medical research, will be able to get more and more patients to participate in their surveys, and will gain insights from the surveys using the dashboards created. Style and approach A hands-on guide with ample screenshots for you to follow and learn about ResearchKit. Each topic is explained sequentially and placed in context so that you can get a better understanding of every step in the process of creating clinical research apps.

Getting Started with RStudio: An Integrated Development Environment for R

by John Verzani

Dive into the RStudio Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for using and programming R, the popular open source software for statistical computing and graphics. This concise book provides new and experienced users with an overview of RStudio, as well as hands-on instructions for analyzing data, generating reports, and developing R software packages.The open source RStudio IDE brings many powerful coding tools together into an intuitive, easy-to-learn interface. With this guide, you’ll learn how to use its main components—including the console, source code editor, and data viewer—through descriptions and case studies. Getting Started with RStudio serves as both a reference and introduction to this unique IDE.Use RStudio to provide enhanced support for interactive R sessionsClean and format raw data quickly with several RStudio componentsEdit R commands with RStudio’s code editor, and combine them into functionsEasily locate and use more than 3,000 add-on packages in R’s CRAN serviceDevelop and document your own R packages with the code editor and related componentsCreate one-click PDF reports in RStudio with a mix of text and R output

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