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Showing 10,726 through 10,750 of 27,258 results

GIS-Based Simulation and Analysis of Intra-Urban Commuting

by Yujie Hu Fahui Wang

Commuting, the daily link between residences and workplaces, sets up the complex interaction between the two most important land uses (residential and employment) in a city, and dictates the configuration of urban structure. In addition to prolonged time and stress for individual commuters on traffic, commuting comes with additional societal costs including elevated crash risks, worsening air quality, and louder traffic noise, etc. These issues are important to city planners, policy researchers, and decision makers. GIS-Based Simulation and Analysis of Intra-Urban Commuting, presents GIS-based simulation, optimization and statistical approaches to measure, map, analyze, and explain commuting patterns including commuting length and efficiency. Several GIS-automated easy-to-use tools will be available, along with sample data, for readers to download and apply to their own studies. This book recognizes that reporting errors from survey data and use of aggregated zonal data are two sources of bias in estimation of wasteful commuting, it studies the temporal trend of intraurban commuting pattern based on the most recent period newly-available 2006-2010, and it focuses on commuting, and especially wasteful commuting within US cities. It includes ready-to-download GIS-based simulation tools and sample data, and an explanation of optimization and statistical techniques of how to measure commuting, as well as presenting a methodology that can be applicable to other studies. This book is an invaluable resource for students, researchers, and practitioners in geography, urban planning, public policy, transportation engineering, and other related disciplines.

GIS Tutorial 1: Basic Workbook (10. 3 Edition) (GIS Tutorials Series)

by Wilpen L. Gorr Kristen S. Kurland

Updated for ArcGIS Desktop 10, GIS Tutorial 1: Basic Workbook provides effective GIS training in an easy-to-follow, step-by-step format. By combining ArcGIS tutorials with self-study exercises intended to gradually build upon basic skills, the GIS Tutorial 1 is fully adaptable to individual needs, as well as the classroom setting. The tutorial demonstrates a range of GIS functionality, from creating maps and collecting data to using geoprocessing tools and models as well as ArcGIS 3D Analyst and ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extensions for further analysis. GIS Tutorial 1 includes a data CD for working through the exercises and fully functioning 180-day trial DVD of ArcGIS Desktop10 software, making it the smart choice for GIS beginners.

GIS Tutorial 1 For ArcGIS Pro: A Platform Workbook (GIS Tutorials Series)

by Wilpen Gorr Kristen Kurland

GIS Tutorial 1 for ArcGIS(R) Pro: A Platform Workbook is an introductory text for learning ArcGIS Pro, the premier professional desktop GIS application. In-depth exercises that use ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, and other ArcGIS apps feature the latest GIS technology to show readers how to make maps, how to create and analyze spatial data, and how to manage systems with GIS. <P><p>Incorporating proven teaching methods in detailed exercises, "Your Turn" sections, and expanded homework assignments, this book is suited to learning GIS in a classroom. Wilpen L. Gorr and Kristen S. Kurland have written the top-selling GIS Tutorial 1: Basic Workbook, GIS Tutorial for Health, and GIS Tutorial for Crime Analysis.

Give It! (A Moneybunny Book)

by Cinders McLeod

In this delightful introduction to simple money concepts, an enthusiastic young bunny discovers how good it feels to use his allowance to help others.Chummy longs to be a superhero. He wants to save the world--or at least Bunnyland--from dragons, so spending his carrots on a superhero costume seems like a great plan! When his grandma reminds him that there aren't any dragons in Bunnyland, but that there are creatures that could use help, Chummy starts reconsidering the best way to spend his wad. This is the fourth book in the internationally acclaimed Moneybunny Books series that also includes Earn It!, Spend It!, and Save It!

Give Me Half!

by Stuart J. Murphy G. Brian Karas

How do you share a pizza? You split it in half! Two siblings split a yummy lunch and discover that using fractions can be messy. This hilarious book written by Stuart J. Murphy and illustrated by G. Brian Karas introduces the simplest of fractions: 1/2. This is a Level 2 MathStart book, which is perfect for kids ages 6 and up. The MathStart series uses funny stories and colorful art to show kids that they use math every day, even outside of the classroom! Each book features an activity guide to have fun with the math concepts presented in the story. Supports the Common Core Learning Standards

GL 11+ Mathematics Practice Papers

by David E Hanson

Exam Board: ISEBLevel: 11 PlusSubject: MathsFirst Teaching: September 2015First Exam: Autumn 2016Brand new for 2016, these practice exam papers prepare children for the most challenging pre-tests and 11 plus independent school examinations. Nine levelled exam papers with a total of 184 questions are designed to test pupil's ability across all mathematical topics:- there are four training tests, which include some simpler questions and slower timing designed to develop confidence- four tests in the style of pre-tests, ISEB and short-format CEM in terms of difficulty, speed and question variation- one test in the style of the longer format GL/bespoke tests in multiple choice question formatThe papers will develop and perfect exam technique, and will teach pupils to improve their response rates with timed papers. Pupils will ...- become familiar with the way long-format 11 plus tests are presented- build exam-room confidence by practising with a variety of exam paper styles- work with the most challenging question setThe brand new 11 plus and pre-test range has been constructed to help pupils follow a three step revision journey ..Step 1) 11 Plus Maths Revision GuideStep 2) Practice Papers11 Plus Maths Practice Papers 111 Plus Maths Practice Papers 2Step 3) Workbooks10-Minute Maths Tests Workbook Age 8-10 10-Minute Maths Tests Workbook Age 9-11 Mental Arithmetic Workbook Age 8-10 Mental Arithmetic Workbook Age 9-11

GL 11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning Practice Papers: For 11+, Pre-test And Independent School Exams Including Cem, Gl And Iseb

by Peter Francis

Three practice exam papers to test pupils ahead of the GL 11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning test,including those taking bespoke tests created by GL for individual schools. The papers are designed to:- Develop and perfect exam technique for GL 11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning tests- Teach pupils to improve their response rates with timed papers- Identify weaker areas and improve results by studying the answers, which contain references to Galore Park's revision materials for guidance and useful tips- The resource also contains links to downloadable answer sheets so that the tests can be re-sat.These practice papers are part of Galore Park's 11+ revision series, which provides a three-step learning journey that teaches children the skills needed to pass rigorous school entrance exams.

Glatte Mannigfaltigkeiten

by Claudio Gorodski

Dieses prägnante und praxisorientierte Lehrbuch präsentiert die Grundlagen der Mathematik auf glatten Mannigfaltigkeiten. Glatte Mannigfaltigkeiten sind ein Schlüsselkonzept in der Mathematik und weit verbreitet: Sie treten auf als Riemannsche Mannigfaltigkeiten in der Differentialgeometrie; als Raum-Zeiten in der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie; als Phasenräume und Energieniveaus in der Mechanik; als Definitionsbereiche von gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen in dynamischen Systemen; als Lie-Gruppen in Algebra und Geometrie; und in vielen anderen Bereichen.Das Buch präsentiert zunächst die grundlegenden Begriffe und Sätze zu glatten Mannigfaltigkeiten und kulminiert mit dem Frobenius-Theorem, bevor es Tensoren auf Mannigfaltigkeiten behandelt (einschließlich einer Darstellung der äußeren Ableitung von Differentialformen).Es behandelt dann Lie-Gruppen und Lie-Algebren und geht kurz auf homogene Mannigfaltigkeiten ein.Integration auf Mannigfaltigkeiten, Erläuterungen des Stokes-Theorems und der de-Rham-Kohomologie sowie Grundlagen der Differentialtopologie vervollständigen dieses Werk. Es enthält auch Übungen im gesamten Text, um den Lesern zu helfen, die Theorie zu verstehen, sowie anspruchsvollere Probleme für diejenigen, die Herausforderungen mögen, am Ende jedes Kapitels. Konzipiert für einen einsemestrigen Kurs über differentielle Mannigfaltigkeiten und Lie-Gruppen, der von vielen Graduiertenprogrammen weltweit angeboten wird, ist es eine wertvolle Ressource für Studierende und Dozenten gleichermaßen.Die Übersetzung wurde mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz durchgeführt. Eine anschließende menschliche Überarbeitung erfolgte vor allem in Bezug auf den Inhalt.

Gleichungen und Ungleichungen: Klartext Für Nichtmathematiker (Essentials)

by Guido Walz

Das Buch vermittelt in leicht verständlicher Sprache die Grundlagen des Lösens von Gleichungen und Ungleichungen. Eines der Hauptthemen ist das Lösen von quadratischen Gleichungen, unabhängig davon, ob sie bereits in Normalform vorliegen oder erst in diese gebracht werden müssen. Als Instrument hierfür behandelt der Autor die p-q-Formel und die Mitternachtsformel. Daneben geht es um lineare Gleichungen sowie ganz allgemein um die Frage, welche Manipulationen man an einer Gleichung vornehmen darf, ohne ihre Lösungen zu ändern. Weiterhin werden die wichtigsten Ungleichungen behandelt und Strategien zu ihrer Lösung aufgezeigt.Der Autor Dr. Guido Walz ist Professor für Angewandte Mathematik an der Wilhelm-Büchner-Hochschule Darmstadt und Dozent an der Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Herausgeber des fünfbändigen „Lexikon der Mathematik“ sowie Autor zahlreicher Fachveröffentlichungen und Lehrbücher, z.B. „Mathematik für Fachhochschule und duales Studium“.

Glencoe Accounting: Real-world Applications and Connections

by Donald Guerrieri F. Haber William Hoyt Robert Turner

Glencoe Accounting: Real World Applications and Connections - First Year Course is the only accounting program with Peachtree fully integrated throughout. Glencoe is the only publisher to use real-world accounting software and companies to teach accounting!

Glencoe Advanced Mathematical Concepts: Precalculus with Applications

by Berchie W. Gordon-Holliday Lee E. Yunker F. Joe Crosswhite Glen D. Vannatta

This textbook contains unit lessons on: Relations, Functions, and Graphs, Trigonometry, Advanced Functions and Graphing, Discrete Mathematics, and An Introduction to Calculus.

Glencoe Advanced Mathematical Concepts Precalculus with Applications

by Berchie Holliday Gilbert J. Cuevas Melissa S. Mcclure John A. Carter Daniel Marks

Advanced Mathematical Concepts provides comprehensive coverage of all the topics covered in a full-year Precalculus course. Its unit organization readily allows for semester courses in Trigonometry, Discrete Mathematics, Analytic Geometry, and Algebra and Elementary Functions.

Glencoe Advanced Mathematical Concepts, Precalculus with Applications [Grade 11]

by Berchie Holliday Gilbert J. Cuevas Melissa S. Mcclure

"Advanced Mathematical Concepts, (c)2006 provides comprehensive coverage of all the topics covered in a full-year Precalculus course. Its unique unit organization readily allows for semester courses in Trigonometry, Discrete Mathematics, Analytic Geometry, and Algebra and Elementary Functions. Pacing and Chapter Charts for Semester Courses are conveniently located on page T4 of the Teacher Wraparound Edition. <BR>"Advanced Mathematical Concepts lessons develop mathematics using numerous examples, real-world applications, and an engaging narrative. Graphs, diagrams, and illustrations are used throughout to help students visualize concepts. Directions clearly indicate which problems may require the use of a graphing calculator.

Glencoe Advanced Mathematical Concepts, Precalculus with Applications [Grade 11]

by Berchie Holliday Gilbert J. Cuevas Melissa S. Mcclure

Advanced Mathematical Concepts, ©2006 provides comprehensive coverage of all the topics covered in a full-year Precalculus course. Its unique unit organization readily allows for semester courses in Trigonometry, Discrete Mathematics, Analytic Geometry, and Algebra and Elementary Functions. Pacing and Chapter Charts for Semester Courses are conveniently located in the Teacher Wraparound Edition. Advanced Mathematical Conceptslessons develop mathematics using numerous examples, real-world applications, and an engaging narrative. Graphs, diagrams, and illustrations are used throughout to help students visualize concepts. Directions clearly indicate which problems may require the use of a graphing calculator.

Glencoe Algebra 1

by John A. Carter Gilbert J. Cuevas Roger Day

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Glencoe Algebra 1

by John A. Carter Gilbert J. Cuevas Roger Day

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Glencoe Algebra 1

by Gilbert J. Cuevas Roger Day John A. Carter

Glencoe High School Math Series is about connecting math content, rigor, and adaptive instruction for student success

Glencoe Algebra 1: Integration, Applications, Connections, Vol. 1

by Glencoe McGraw-Hill Staff

Why do I need to study algebra? When am I ever going to have to use algebra in the real world? Many people, not just algebra students, wonder why mathematics is important. Algebra 1 is designed to answer those questions through integration, applications, and connections. Did you know that algebra and geometry are closely related? Topics from all branches of mathematics, like geometry and statistics, are integrated throughout the text.

Glencoe Algebra 2: (Math Detective Pilot Test) (Merrill Algebra 2 Series)

by John A. Carter Gilbert J. Cuevas Roger Day

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Glencoe Algebra 2

by John A. Carter Gilbert J. Cuevas Roger Day

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Glencoe Algebra 2

by John A. Carter Gilbert J. Cuevas Roger Day

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Glencoe California Math: Your Common Core Edition, CCSS, Course 1, Volume 2

by Carter Cuevas Day

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Glencoe California Math: Your Common Core Edition, CCSS, Course 2, Volume 1

by Carter Cuevas Day

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Glencoe California Math: Your Common Core Edition, CCSS, Course 2, Volume 2

by Carter Cuevas Day

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Glencoe California Math: Your Common Core Edition, CCSS, Volume 1

by Carter Cuevas Day Malloy Kersaint Reynosa Silbey Vielhaber

NIMAC-sourced textbook

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Showing 10,726 through 10,750 of 27,258 results