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Google's PageRank and Beyond: The Science of Search Engine Rankings
by Amy N. Langville Carl D. MeyerWhy doesn't your home page appear on the first page of search results, even when you query your own name? How do other web pages always appear at the top? What creates these powerful rankings? And how? The first book ever about the science of web page rankings, Google's PageRank and Beyond supplies the answers to these and other questions and more. The book serves two very different audiences: the curious science reader and the technical computational reader. The chapters build in mathematical sophistication, so that the first five are accessible to the general academic reader. While other chapters are much more mathematical in nature, each one contains something for both audiences. For example, the authors include entertaining asides such as how search engines make money and how the Great Firewall of China influences research. The book includes an extensive background chapter designed to help readers learn more about the mathematics of search engines, and it contains several MATLAB codes and links to sample web data sets. The philosophy throughout is to encourage readers to experiment with the ideas and algorithms in the text. Any business seriously interested in improving its rankings in the major search engines can benefit from the clear examples, sample code, and list of resources provided. Many illustrative examples and entertaining asides MATLAB code Accessible and informal style Complete and self-contained section for mathematics review
GOP GPS: How to Find the Millennials and Urban Voters the Republican Party Needs to Survive
by Evan Siegfried Robert A. GeorgeEditors’ Pick for the Conservative Book ClubA roadmap to the future for Republicans With each passing election cycle, Republicans face stiffer and stiffer odds for winning elections at all levels. They have long relied on a combination of Baby Boomers and rural voters to propel them to victory in races for office. However, both of these populations will decline in the future. At the same time, the ranks of millennials and urban voters have exploded. Millennials (now the largest generation in the United States) and urban residents (the growing majority of the population) are the two groups that are the key to the future?both for the United States and for any major political party. Unfortunately, the Republican Party has largely put off bringing these vital groups into the fold. In fact, it faces a real identity crisis with them. Mention the words ?GOP” or ?Republican” and they immediately react negatively. They see the party and its members as being out of touch and focused on the past. What possible reason should they have to vote for them, or even listen to their ideas?GOP GPS offers a roadmap for Republicans to win over these key groups, showing how to do so using conservative values and principles. It addresses a wide array of issues, including social justice, education, marriage equality, debt, and the family. It will challenge all and show that the Republican Party is not the caricature the Left or the media make it out to be.
Gorenstein Homological Algebra
by Alina IacobGorenstein homological algebra is an important area of mathematics, with applications in commutative and noncommutative algebra, model category theory, representation theory, and algebraic geometry. While in classical homological algebra the existence of the projective, injective, and flat resolutions over arbitrary rings are well known, things are a little different when it comes to Gorenstein homological algebra. The main open problems in this area deal with the existence of the Gorenstein injective, Gorenstein projective, and Gorenstein flat resolutions. Gorenstein Homological Algebra is especially suitable for graduate students interested in homological algebra and its applications.
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: The Polymath Who Brought Us Calculus
by M. B. W. TentGottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: The Polymath Who Brought Us Calculus focuses on the life and accomplishments of one of the seventeenth century's most influential mathematicians and philosophers. The book, which draws on Leibniz's written works and translations, and reconstructs dialogues Leibniz may have had based on the historical record of his life ex
Gottlieb and Whitehead Center Groups of Spheres, Projective and Moore Spaces
by Marek Golasiński Juno MukaiThis is a monograph that details the use of Siegel's method and the classical results of homotopy groups of spheres and Lie groups to determine some Gottlieb groups of projective spaces or to give the lower bounds of their orders. Making use of the properties of Whitehead products, the authors also determine some Whitehead center groups of projective spaces that are relevant and new within this monograph.
Governance and Opportunity in Metropolitan America
by National Research CouncilAmerica's cities have symbolized the nation's prosperity, dynamism, and innovation. Even with the trend toward suburbanization, many central cities attract substantial new investment and employment. Within this profile of health, however, many urban areas are beset by problems of economic disparity, physical deterioration, and social distress.This volume addresses the condition of the city from the perspective of the larger metropolitan region. It offers important, thought-provoking perspectives on the structure of metropolitan-level decisionmaking, the disadvantages faced by cities and city residents, and expanding economic opportunity to all residents in a metropolitan area. The book provides data, real-world examples, and analyses in key areas: Distribution of metropolitan populations and what this means for city dwellers, suburbanites, whites, and minorities.How quality of life depends on the spatial structure of a community and how problems are based on inequalities in spatialopportunity--with a focus on the relationship between taxes and services.The role of the central city today, the rationale for revitalizing central cities, and city-suburban interdependence. The book includes papers that provide in-depth examinations of zoning policy in relation to patterns of suburban development; regionalism in transportation and air quality; the geography of economic and social opportunity; social stratification in metropolitan areas; and fiscal and service disparities within metropolitan areas.
Government Consolidation and Economic Development in Allegheny County and the City of Pittsburgh
by Sally Sleeper Rae W. ArchibaldThis report concludes that, although evidence is mixed and effects difficult to measure, consolidating the City of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County could enhance economic development by unifying leadership, improving policy direction and coordination, and sharpening economic-development initiatives. Increased collaboration with the private sector also is important, and combining only two governments still leaves the region highly fragmented.
GPU Parallel Program Development Using CUDA (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Science)
by Tolga SoyataGPU Parallel Program Development using CUDA teaches GPU programming by showing the differences among different families of GPUs. This approach prepares the reader for the next generation and future generations of GPUs. The book emphasizes concepts that will remain relevant for a long time, rather than concepts that are platform-specific. At the same time, the book also provides platform-dependent explanations that are as valuable as generalized GPU concepts. The book consists of three separate parts; it starts by explaining parallelism using CPU multi-threading in Part I. A few simple programs are used to demonstrate the concept of dividing a large task into multiple parallel sub-tasks and mapping them to CPU threads. Multiple ways of parallelizing the same task are analyzed and their pros/cons are studied in terms of both core and memory operation. Part II of the book introduces GPU massive parallelism. The same programs are parallelized on multiple Nvidia GPU platforms and the same performance analysis is repeated. Because the core and memory structures of CPUs and GPUs are different, the results differ in interesting ways. The end goal is to make programmers aware of all the good ideas, as well as the bad ideas, so readers can apply the good ideas and avoid the bad ideas in their own programs. Part III of the book provides pointer for readers who want to expand their horizons. It provides a brief introduction to popular CUDA libraries (such as cuBLAS, cuFFT, NPP, and Thrust),the OpenCL programming language, an overview of GPU programming using other programming languages and API libraries (such as Python, OpenCV, OpenGL, and Apple’s Swift and Metal,) and the deep learning library cuDNN.
GPU Pro 360 Guide to Geometry Manipulation
by Wolfgang EngelWolfgang Engel’s GPU Pro 360 Guide to Geometry Manipulation gathers all the cutting-edge information from his previous seven GPU Pro volumes into a convenient single source anthology that covers geometry manipulation in computer graphics. This volume is complete with 19 articles by leading programmers that focus on the ability of graphics processing units to process and generate geometry in exciting ways. GPU Pro 360 Guide to Geometry Manipulation is comprised of ready-to-use ideas and efficient procedures that can help solve many computer graphics programming challenges that may arise. <P><P> Key Features: <li> Presents tips and tricks on real-time rendering of special effects and visualization data on common consumer software platforms such as PCs, video consoles, mobile devices <li> Covers specific challenges involved in creating games on various platforms <li> Explores the latest developments in the rapidly evolving field of real-time rendering <li> Takes a practical approach that helps graphics programmers solve their daily challenges
Grade 1 Math Speed Drills: Beginning Arithmetic
by Rod and Staff PublishersThis small tablet of 72 speed drills provides timed practice of addition and subtractions facts. These drills begin at lesson 28 and continue through lesson 170. Speed drills are to be given every other day. Directions for using this tablet are in the teacher's manual.
Grade 5: Getting Ready for High Stakes Assessments
by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing CompanyGo Math! Getting Ready for High Stakes Assessments Student Edition Grade 5
Grade 7 Common Core Assessment Readiness
by Holt McdougalMathematics: Assessment Readiness Workbook Grade 7
Graded Finite Element Methods for Elliptic Problems in Nonsmooth Domains (Surveys and Tutorials in the Applied Mathematical Sciences #10)
by Hengguang LiThis book develops a class of graded finite element methods to solve singular elliptic boundary value problems in two- and three-dimensional domains. It provides an approachable and self-contained presentation of the topic, including both the mathematical theory and numerical tools necessary to address the major challenges imposed by the singular solution. Moreover, by focusing upon second-order equations with constant coefficients, it manages to derive explicit results that are accessible to the broader computation community. Although written with mathematics graduate students and researchers in mind, this book is also relevant to applied and computational mathematicians, scientists, and engineers in numerical methods who may encounter singular problems.
Graded Rings and Graded Grothendieck Groups
by Roozbeh HazratThis study of graded rings includes the first systematic account of the graded Grothendieck group, a powerful and crucial invariant in algebra which has recently been adopted to classify the Leavitt path algebras. The book begins with a concise introduction to the theory of graded rings and then focuses in more detail on Grothendieck groups, Morita theory, Picard groups and K-theory. The author extends known results in the ungraded case to the graded setting and gathers together important results which are currently scattered throughout the literature. The book is suitable for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, as well as researchers in ring theory.
The Gradient Discretisation Method (Mathématiques et Applications #82)
by Jérôme Droniou Robert Eymard Thierry Gallouët Cindy Guichard Raphaèle HerbinThis monograph presents the Gradient Discretisation Method (GDM), which is a unified convergence analysis framework for numerical methods for elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations. The results obtained by the GDM cover both stationary and transient models; error estimates are provided for linear (and some non-linear) equations, and convergence is established for a wide range of fully non-linear models (e.g. Leray–Lions equations and degenerate parabolic equations such as the Stefan or Richards models). The GDM applies to a diverse range of methods, both classical (conforming, non-conforming, mixed finite elements, discontinuous Galerkin) and modern (mimetic finite differences, hybrid and mixed finite volume, MPFA-O finite volume), some of which can be built on very general meshes.
Gradually-varied Flow Profiles in Open Channels
by Chyan-Deng JanGradually-varied flow (GVF) is a steady non-uniform flow in an open channel with gradual changes in its water surface elevation. The evaluation of GVF profiles under a specific flow discharge is very important in hydraulic engineering. This book proposes a novel approach to analytically solve the GVF profiles by using the direct integration and Gaussian hypergeometric function. Both normal-depth- and critical-depth-based dimensionless GVF profiles are presented. The novel approach has laid the foundation to compute at one sweep the GVF profiles in a series of sustaining and adverse channels, which may have horizontal slopes sandwiched in between them.
A Graduate Course in Probability (Dover Books on Mathematics)
by Howard G. TuckerSuitable for a graduate course in analytic probability theory, this text requires no previous knowledge of probability and only a limited background in real analysis. In addition to providing instruction for graduate students in mathematics and mathematical statistics, the book features detailed proofs that offer direct access to the basic theorems of probability theory for mathematicians of all interests.The treatment strikes a balance between measure-theoretic aspects of probability and distribution aspects, presenting some of the basic theorems of analytic probability theory in a cohesive manner. Statements are rendered as simply as possible in order to make them easy to remember and to demonstrate the essential idea behind each proof. Topics include probability spaces and distributions, stochastic independence, basic limiting operations, strong limit theorems for independent random variables, the central limit theorem, conditional expectation and Martingale theory, and an introduction to stochastic processes, particularly Brownian motion. Each section concludes with problems that reinforce the preceding material.
A Graduate Course on Statistical Inference (Springer Texts in Statistics)
by Bing Li G. Jogesh BabuThis textbook offers an accessible and comprehensive overview of statistical estimation and inference that reflects current trends in statistical research. It draws from three main themes throughout: the finite-sample theory, the asymptotic theory, and Bayesian statistics. The authors have included a chapter on estimating equations as a means to unify a range of useful methodologies, including generalized linear models, generalized estimation equations, quasi-likelihood estimation, and conditional inference. They also utilize a standardized set of assumptions and tools throughout, imposing regular conditions and resulting in a more coherent and cohesive volume. Written for the graduate-level audience, this text can be used in a one-semester or two-semester course.
A Graduate Introduction to Numerical Methods: From the Viewpoint of Backward Error Analysis
by Robert M. Corless Nicolas FillionThis book provides an extensive introduction to numerical computing from the viewpoint of backward error analysis. The intended audience includes students and researchers in science, engineering and mathematics. The approach taken is somewhat informal owing to the wide variety of backgrounds of the readers, but the central ideas of backward error and sensitivity (conditioning) are systematically emphasized. The book is divided into four parts: Part I provides the background preliminaries including floating-point arithmetic, polynomials and computer evaluation of functions; Part II covers numerical linear algebra; Part III covers interpolation, the FFT and quadrature; and Part IV covers numerical solutions of differential equations including initial-value problems, boundary-value problems, delay differential equations and a brief chapter on partial differential equations. The book contains detailed illustrations, chapter summaries and a variety of exercises as well some Matlab codes provided online as supplementary material. "I really like the focus on backward error analysis and condition. This is novel in a textbook and a practical approach that will bring welcome attention. " Lawrence F. Shampine A Graduate Introduction to Numerical Methods and Backward Error Analysis" has been selected by Computing Reviews as a notable book in computing in 2013 Computing Reviews Best of 2013 list consists of book and article nominations from reviewers, CR category editors, the editors-in-chief of journals, and others in the computing community.
Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency (Outstanding Contributions to Logic #18)
by Can Başkent Thomas Macaulay FergusonThis book presents the state of the art in the fields of formal logic pioneered by Graham Priest. It includes advanced technical work on the model and proof theories of paraconsistent logic, in contributions from top scholars in the field. Graham Priest’s research has had a considerable influence on the field of philosophical logic, especially with respect to the themes of dialetheism—the thesis that there exist true but inconsistent sentences—and paraconsistency—an account of deduction in which contradictory premises do not entail the truth of arbitrary sentences. Priest’s work has regularly challenged researchers to reappraise many assumptions about rationality, ontology, and truth.This book collects original research by some of the most esteemed scholars working in philosophical logic, whose contributions explore and appraise Priest’s work on logical approaches to problems in philosophy, linguistics, computation, and mathematics. They provide fresh analyses, critiques, and applications of Priest’s work and attest to its continued relevance and topicality. The book also includes Priest’s responses to the contributors, providing a further layer to the development of these themes.
Grammar-Based Feature Generation for Time-Series Prediction
by Anthony Mihirana De Silva Philip H. W. LeongThis book proposes a novel approach for time-series prediction using machine learning techniques with automatic feature generation. Application of machine learning techniques to predict time-series continues to attract considerable attention due to the difficulty of the prediction problems compounded by the non-linear and non-stationary nature of the real world time-series. The performance of machine learning techniques, among other things, depends on suitable engineering of features. This book proposes a systematic way for generating suitable features using context-free grammar. A number of feature selection criteria are investigated and a hybrid feature generation and selection algorithm using grammatical evolution is proposed. The book contains graphical illustrations to explain the feature generation process. The proposed approaches are demonstrated by predicting the closing price of major stock market indices, peak electricity load and net hourly foreign exchange client trade volume. The proposed method can be applied to a wide range of machine learning architectures and applications to represent complex feature dependencies explicitly when machine learning cannot achieve this by itself. Industrial applications can use the proposed technique to improve their predictions.
Grammar for Writing (Fifth Course Gr. #10)
by Phyllis Goldenberg Elaine Epstein Carol Domblewski Martin LeeThis book is designed to take the mystery out of grammar and to help you become a better, more confident writer.
Grammatical Inference
by Wojciech WieczorekThis book focuses on grammatical inference, presenting classic and modern methods of grammatical inference from the perspective of practitioners. To do so, it employs the Python programming language to present all of the methods discussed. Grammatical inference is a field that lies at the intersection of multiple disciplines, with contributions from computational linguistics, pattern recognition, machine learning, computational biology, formal learning theory and many others. Though the book is largely practical, it also includes elements of learning theory, combinatorics on words, the theory of automata and formal languages, plus references to real-world problems. The listings presented here can be directly copied and pasted into other programs, thus making the book a valuable source of ready recipes for students, academic researchers, and programmers alike, as well as an inspiration for their further development. >
Grandchildhood in Multigenerational Living: Practices, Meanings, Relations
by Adéla SouralováGrandchildhood in Multigenerational Living: Practices, Meanings, Relations is the first book to sociologically analyse grandchild-grandparent relationships from the perspective of grandchildren. Expanding the knowledge about hitherto under-researched grandchildren, this book puts grandchildren’s perspectives in the centre of qualitative analysis focuses. Presenting grandchildhood in its complexity, the author addresses its multiple dimensions from 54 in-depth interviews with grandchildren living in three-generation households with their parents and grandparents. Drawing upon 'family practices', this book conceptionally develops ‘grandchild practices’ as a new approach to see the diversities and similarities, harmonies and tensions, joys and obligations, or, simply put, the daily ambivalences of family relationships. This unique book is an indispensable resource for researchers and students of family studies and sociology of generations who wish to investigate how grandchildren understand, negotiate and make sense of their relationships with grandparents.
Granular Computing in Decision Approximation
by Lech Polkowski Piotr ArtiemjewThis book presents a study in knowledge discovery in data with knowledge understood as a set of relations among objects and their properties. Relations in this case are implicative decision rules and the paradigm in which they are induced is that of computing with granules defined by rough inclusions, the latter introduced and studied within rough mereology, the fuzzified version of mereology. In this book basic classes of rough inclusions are defined and based on them methods for inducing granular structures from data are highlighted. The resulting granular structures are subjected to classifying algorithms, notably k--nearest neighbors and bayesian classifiers. Experimental results are given in detail both in tabular and visualized form for fourteen data sets from UCI data repository. A striking feature of granular classifiers obtained by this approach is that preserving the accuracy of them on original data, they reduce substantially the size of the granulated data set as well as the set of granular decision rules. This feature makes the presented approach attractive in cases where a small number of rules providing a high classification accuracy is desirable. As basic algorithms used throughout the text are explained and illustrated with hand examples, the book may also serve as a textbook.