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Handbook of Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics: Methologies and Traditional Applications, Volume 1 (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer and Information Science Series)

by Teofilo F. Gonzalez

Handbook of Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics, Second Edition reflects the tremendous growth in the field, over the past two decades. Through contributions from leading experts, this handbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the underlying theory and methodologies, as well as the various applications of approximation algorithms and metaheuristics. Volume 1 of this two-volume set deals primarily with methodologies and traditional applications. It includes restriction, relaxation, local ratio, approximation schemes, randomization, tabu search, evolutionary computation, local search, neural networks, and other metaheuristics. It also explores multi-objective optimization, reoptimization, sensitivity analysis, and stability. Traditional applications covered include: bin packing, multi-dimensional packing, Steiner trees, traveling salesperson, scheduling, and related problems. Volume 2 focuses on the contemporary and emerging applications of methodologies to problems in combinatorial optimization, computational geometry and graphs problems, as well as in large-scale and emerging application areas. It includes approximation algorithms and heuristics for clustering, networks (sensor and wireless), communication, bioinformatics search, streams, virtual communities, and more. About the Editor Teofilo F. Gonzalez is a professor emeritus of computer science at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He completed his Ph.D. in 1975 from the University of Minnesota. He taught at the University of Oklahoma, the Pennsylvania State University, and the University of Texas at Dallas, before joining the UCSB computer science faculty in 1984. He spent sabbatical leaves at the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education and Utrecht University. He is known for his highly cited pioneering research in the hardness of approximation; for his sublinear and best possible approximation algorithm for k-tMM clustering; for introducing the open-shop scheduling problem as well as algorithms for its solution that have found applications in numerous research areas; as well as for his research on problems in the areas of job scheduling, graph algorithms, computational geometry, message communication, wire routing, etc.

Handbook of Automated Scoring: Theory into Practice (Chapman & Hall/CRC Statistics in the Social and Behavioral Sciences)

by Duanli Yan André A. Rupp Peter W. Foltz

"Automated scoring engines […] require a careful balancing of the contributions of technology, NLP, psychometrics, artificial intelligence, and the learning sciences. The present handbook is evidence that the theories, methodologies, and underlying technology that surround automated scoring have reached maturity, and that there is a growing acceptance of these technologies among experts and the public." From the Foreword by Alina von Davier, ACTNext Senior Vice President Handbook of Automated Scoring: Theory into Practice provides a scientifically grounded overview of the key research efforts required to move automated scoring systems into operational practice. It examines the field of automated scoring from the viewpoint of related scientific fields serving as its foundation, the latest developments of computational methodologies utilized in automated scoring, and several large-scale real-world applications of automated scoring for complex learning and assessment systems. The book is organized into three parts that cover (1) theoretical foundations, (2) operational methodologies, and (3) practical illustrations, each with a commentary. In addition, the handbook includes an introduction and synthesis chapter as well as a cross-chapter glossary.

Handbook of Bayesian, Fiducial, and Frequentist Inference (ISSN)

by James Berger

The emergence of data science, in recent decades, has magnified the need for efficient methodology for analyzing data and highlighted the importance of statistical inference. Despite the tremendous progress that has been made, statistical science is still a young discipline and continues to have several different and competing paths in its approaches and its foundations. While the emergence of competing approaches is a natural progression of any scientific discipline, differences in the foundations of statistical inference can sometimes lead to different interpretations and conclusions from the same dataset. The increased interest in the foundations of statistical inference has led to many publications, and recent vibrant research activities in statistics, applied mathematics, philosophy and other fields of science reflect the importance of this development. The BFF approaches not only bridge foundations and scientific learning, but also facilitate objective and replicable scientific research, and provide scalable computing methodologies for the analysis of big data. Most of the published work typically focusses on a single topic or theme, and the body of work is scattered in different journals. This handbook provides a comprehensive introduction and broad overview of the key developments in the BFF schools of inference. It is intended for researchers and students who wish for an overview of foundations of inference from the BFF perspective and provides a general reference for BFF inference.Key Features: Provides a comprehensive introduction to the key developments in the BFF schools of inference Gives an overview of modern inferential methods, allowing scientists in other fields to expand their knowledge Is accessible for readers with different perspectives and backgrounds

Handbook of Bayesian Variable Selection (Chapman & Hall/CRC Handbooks of Modern Statistical Methods)

by Mahlet G. Tadesse

Bayesian variable selection has experienced substantial developments over the past 30 years with the proliferation of large data sets. Identifying relevant variables to include in a model allows simpler interpretation, avoids overfitting and multicollinearity, and can provide insights into the mechanisms underlying an observed phenomenon. Variable selection is especially important when the number of potential predictors is substantially larger than the sample size and sparsity can reasonably be assumed. The Handbook of Bayesian Variable Selection provides a comprehensive review of theoretical, methodological and computational aspects of Bayesian methods for variable selection. The topics covered include spike-and-slab priors, continuous shrinkage priors, Bayes factors, Bayesian model averaging, partitioning methods, as well as variable selection in decision trees and edge selection in graphical models. The handbook targets graduate students and established researchers who seek to understand the latest developments in the field. It also provides a valuable reference for all interested in applying existing methods and/or pursuing methodological extensions. Features: • Provides a comprehensive review of methods and applications of Bayesian variable selection. • Divided into four parts: Spike-and-Slab Priors; Continuous Shrinkage Priors; Extensions to various Modeling; Other Approaches to Bayesian Variable Selection. • Covers theoretical and methodological aspects, as well as worked out examples with R code provided in the online supplement. • Includes contributions by experts in the field.

Handbook of Beta Distribution and Its Applications (Statistics: A Series of Textbooks and Monographs)

by Arjun K. Gupta Saralees Nadarajah

A milestone in the published literature on the subject, this first-ever Handbook of Beta Distribution and Its Applications clearly enumerates the properties of beta distributions and related mathematical notions. It summarizes modern applications in a variety of fields, reviews up-and-coming progress from the front lines of statistical research and

Handbook of Big Data (Chapman & Hall/CRC Handbooks of Modern Statistical Methods)

by Peter Bühlmann Petros Drineas Michael Kane Mark van der Laan

Handbook of Big Data provides a state-of-the-art overview of the analysis of large-scale datasets. Featuring contributions from well-known experts in statistics and computer science, this handbook presents a carefully curated collection of techniques from both industry and academia. Thus, the text instills a working understanding of key statistical

Handbook of Big Data Analytics (Springer Handbooks Of Computational Statistics Ser.)

by Xiaotong Shen Henry Horng-Shing Lu Wolfgang Karl Härdle

Addressing a broad range of big data analytics in cross-disciplinary applications, this essential handbook focuses on the statistical prospects offered by recent developments in this field. To do so, it covers statistical methods for high-dimensional problems, algorithmic designs, computation tools, analysis flows and the software-hardware co-designs that are needed to support insightful discoveries from big data. The book is primarily intended for statisticians, computer experts, engineers and application developers interested in using big data analytics with statistics. Readers should have a solid background in statistics and computer science.

Handbook of Bioinspired Algorithms and Applications

by Stephan Olariu Albert Y. Zomaya

The mystique of biologically inspired (or bioinspired) paradigms is their ability to describe and solve complex relationships from intrinsically very simple initial conditions and with little or no knowledge of the search space. Edited by two prominent, well-respected researchers, the Handbook of Bioinspired Algorithms and Applications reveals the

Handbook of Biomarkers and Precision Medicine

by Claudio Carini Mark Fidock Alain Van Gool

"The field of Biomarkers and Precision Medicine in drug development is rapidly evolving and this book presents a snapshot of exciting new approaches. By presenting a wide range of biomarker applications, discussed by knowledgeable and experienced scientists, readers will develop an appreciation of the scope and breadth of biomarker knowledge and find examples that will help them in their own work." -Maria Freire, Foundation for the National Institutes of Health Handbook of Biomarkers and Precision Medicine provides comprehensive insights into biomarker discovery and development which has driven the new era of Precision Medicine. A wide variety of renowned experts from government, academia, teaching hospitals, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies share best practices, examples and exciting new developments. The handbook aims to provide in-depth knowledge to research scientists, students and decision makers engaged in Biomarker and Precision Medicine-centric drug development. Features: Detailed insights into biomarker discovery, validation and diagnostic development with implementation strategies Lessons-learned from successful Precision Medicine case studies A variety of exciting and emerging biomarker technologies The next frontiers and future challenges of biomarkers in Precision Medicine Claudio Carini, Mark Fidock and Alain van Gool are internationally recognized as scientific leaders in Biomarkers and Precision Medicine. They have worked for decades in academia and pharmaceutical industry in EU, USA and Asia. Currently, Dr. Carini is Honorary Faculty at Kings’s College School of Medicine, London, UK. Dr. Fidock is Vice President of Precision Medicine Laboratories at AstraZeneca, Cambridge, UK. Prof.dr. van Gool is Head Translational Metabolic Laboratory at Radboud university medical school, Nijmegen, NL.

Handbook of Biometric Anti-Spoofing: Presentation Attack Detection and Vulnerability Assessment (Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)

by Sébastien Marcel Julian Fierrez Nicholas Evans

The third edition of this authoritative and comprehensive handbook is the definitive work on the current state of the art of Biometric Presentation Attack Detection (PAD) – also known as Biometric Anti-Spoofing. Building on the success of the previous editions, this thoroughly updated third edition has been considerably revised to provide even greater coverage of PAD methods, spanning biometrics systems based on face, fingerprint, iris, voice, vein, and signature recognition. New material is also included on major PAD competitions, important databases for research, and on the impact of recent international legislation. Valuable insights are supplied by a selection of leading experts in the field, complete with results from reproducible research, supported by source code and further information available at an associated website.Topics and features: reviews the latest developments in PAD for fingerprint biometrics, covering recent technologies like Vision Transformers, and review of competition series; examines methods for PAD in iris recognition systems, the use of pupil size measurement or multiple spectra for this purpose; discusses advancements in PAD methods for face recognition-based biometrics, such as recent progress on detection of 3D facial masks and the use of multiple spectra with Deep Neural Networks; presents an analysis of PAD for automatic speaker recognition (ASV), including a study of the generalization to unseen attacks; describes the results yielded by key competitions on fingerprint liveness detection, iris liveness detection, and face anti-spoofing; provides analyses of PAD in finger-vein recognition, in signature biometrics, and in mobile biometrics; includes coverage of international standards in PAD and legal aspects of image manipulations like morphing.This text/reference is essential reading for anyone involved in biometric identity verification, be they students, researchers, practitioners, engineers, or technology consultants. Those new to the field will also benefit from a number of introductory chapters, outlining the basics for the most important biometrics.This text/reference is essential reading for anyone involved in biometric identity verification, be they students, researchers, practitioners, engineers, or technology consultants. Those new to the field will also benefit from a number of introductory chapters, outlining the basics for the most important biometrics.

Handbook of Capture-Recapture Analysis

by Steven C. Amstrup Trent L. McDonald Bryan F. J. Manly

Every day, biologists in parkas, raincoats, and rubber boots go into the field to capture and mark a variety of animal species. Back in the office, statisticians create analytical models for the field biologists' data. But many times, representatives of the two professions do not fully understand one another's roles. This book bridges this gap by helping biologists understand state-of-the-art statistical methods for analyzing capture-recapture data. In so doing, statisticians will also become more familiar with the design of field studies and with the real-life issues facing biologists. Reliable outcomes of capture-recapture studies are vital to answering key ecological questions. Is the population increasing or decreasing? Do more or fewer animals have a particular characteristic? In answering these questions, biologists cannot hope to capture and mark entire populations. And frequently, the populations change unpredictably during a study. Thus, increasingly sophisticated models have been employed to convert data into answers to ecological questions. This book, by experts in capture-recapture analysis, introduces the most up-to-date methods for data analysis while explaining the theory behind those methods. Thorough, concise, and portable, it will be immensely useful to biologists, biometricians, and statisticians, students in both fields, and anyone else engaged in the capture-recapture process.

Handbook of Causal Analysis for Social Research

by Stephen L. Morgan

What constitutes a causal explanation, and must an explanation be causal? What warrants a causal inference, as opposed to a descriptive regularity? What techniques are available to detect when causal effects are present, and when can these techniques be used to identify the relative importance of these effects? What complications do the interactions of individuals create for these techniques? When can mixed methods of analysis be used to deepen causal accounts? Must causal claims include generative mechanisms, and how effective are empirical methods designed to discover them? The Handbook of Causal Anlaysis for Social Research tackles these questions with nineteen chapters from leading scholars in sociology, statistics, public health, computer science, and human development.

Handbook of Cliometrics

by Claude Diebolt Michael Haupert

The Handbook of Cliometrics is a milestone in the field of historical economics and econometric history through its emphasis on the concrete contribution of cliometrics to our knowledge in economics and history. The articles in the handbook authored by the leading scholars in the fields, stress the usefulness of cliometrics for economists, historians and social scientists in general. The Handbook offers a comprehensive coverage of topics with each article providing an overview of the contributions of cliometrics to a particular topic. The Handbook sets a new standard of quality in the field by offering a world-wide forum of discussion in cliometrics.

Handbook of Cliometrics

by Claude Diebolt Michael Haupert

This handbook is a milestone in the field of historical economics and econometric history through its emphasis on the concrete contribution of cliometrics to our knowledge in economics and history. The articles in the handbook authored by the leading scholars in the fields, stress the usefulness of cliometrics for economists, historians and social scientists in general. The handbook offers a comprehensive coverage of topics with each article providing an overview of the contributions of cliometrics to a particular topic. The handbook has set a new standard of quality in the field by offering a world-wide forum of discussion in cliometrics. This updated and extended third edition of the handbook of cliometrics offers a substantially enlarged collection of articles and thus stresses its unique position as authoritative reference work in this field.

Handbook of Cluster Analysis (Chapman & Hall/CRC Handbooks of Modern Statistical Methods)

by Christian Hennig Marina Meila Fionn Murtagh Roberto Rocci

Handbook of Cluster Analysis provides a comprehensive and unified account of the main research developments in cluster analysis. Written by active, distinguished researchers in this area, the book helps readers make informed choices of the most suitable clustering approach for their problem and make better use of existing cluster analysis tools.The

Handbook of CO₂ in Power Systems

by Niko A. Iliadis Qipeng P. Zheng Mario V. Pereira Steffen Rebennack Panos M. Pardalos

The Handbook of CO in Power Systems' objective is to include the state-of-the-art developments that occurred in power systems taking CO emission into account. The book includes power systems operation modeling with CO emissions considerations, CO market mechanism modeling, CO regulation policy modeling, carbon price forecasting, and carbon capture modeling. For each of the subjects, at least one article authored by a world specialist on the specific domain is included.

Handbook of Cognitive Mathematics

by Marcel Danesi

Cognitive mathematics provides insights into how mathematics works inside the brain and how it is interconnected with other faculties through so-called blending and other associative processes. This handbook is the first large collection of various aspects of cognitive mathematics to be amassed into a single title, covering decades of connection between mathematics and other figurative processes as they manifest themselves in language, art, and even algorithms. It will be of use to anyone working in math cognition and education, with each section of the handbook edited by an international leader in that field.

Handbook of Combinatorial Designs (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)

by Charles J. Colbourn Jeffrey H. Dinitz

Continuing in the bestselling, informative tradition of the first edition, the Handbook of Combinatorial Designs, Second Edition remains the only resource to contain all of the most important results and tables in the field of combinatorial design. This handbook covers the constructions, properties, and applications of designs as well as existence

Handbook of Complex Analysis

by Steven G. Krantz

In spite of being nearly 500 years old, the subject of complex analysis is still today a vital and active part of mathematics. There are important applications in physics, engineering, and other aspects of technology. This Handbook presents contributed chapters by prominent mathematicians, including the new generation of researchers. More than a compilation of recent results, this book offers students an essential stepping-stone to gain an entry into the research life of complex analysis. Classes and seminars play a role in this process. More, though, is needed for further study. This Handbook will play that role. This book is also a reference and a source of inspiration for more seasoned mathematicians—both specialists in complex analysis and others who want to acquaint themselves with current modes of thought.The chapters in this volume are authored by leading experts and gifted expositors. They are carefully crafted presentations of diverse aspects of the field, formulated for a broad and diverse audience. This volume is a touchstone for current ideas in the broadly construed subject area of complex analysis. It should enrich the literature and point in some new directions.

Handbook of Computational Approaches to Counterterrorism

by V. S. Subrahmanian

Terrorist groups throughout the world have been studied primarily through the use of social science methods. However, major advances in IT during the past decade have led to significant new ways of studying terrorist groups, making forecasts, learning models of their behaviour, and shaping policies about their behaviour. Handbook of Computational Approaches to Counterterrorism provides the first in-depth look at how advanced mathematics and modern computing technology is shaping the study of terrorist groups. This book includes contributions from world experts in the field, and presents extensive information on terrorism data sets, new ways of building such data sets in real-time using text analytics, introduces the mathematics and computational approaches to understand terror group behaviour, analyzes terror networks, forecasts terror group behaviour, and shapes policies against terrorist groups. Auxiliary information will be posted on the book's website. This book targets defence analysts, counter terror analysts, computer scientists, mathematicians, political scientists, psychologists, and researchers from the wide variety of fields engaged in counter-terrorism research. Advanced-level students in computer science, mathematics and social sciences will also find this book useful.

Handbook of Computational Chemistry

by Jerzy Leszczynski

The role the Handbook of Computational Chemistry is threefold. It is primarily intended to be used as a guide that navigates the user through the plethora of computational methods currently in use; it explains their limitations and advantages; and it provides various examples of their important and varied applications. This reference work is presented in three volumes. Volume I introduces the different methods used in computational chemistry. Basic assumptions common to the majority of computational methods based on molecular, quantum, or statistical mechanics are outlined and special attention is paid to the limits of their applicability. Volume II portrays the applications of computational methods to model systems and discusses in detail molecular structures, the modelling of various properties of molecules and chemical reactions. Both ground and excited states properties are covered in the gas phase as well as in solution. This volume also describes Nanomaterials and covers topics such as clusters, periodic, and nano systems. Special emphasis is placed on the environmental effects of nanostructures. Volume III is devoted to the important class of Biomolecules. Useful models of biological systems considered by computational chemists are provided and RNA, DNA and proteins are discussed in detail. This volume presents examples of calcualtions of their properties and interactions and reveals the role of solvents in biologically important reactions as well as the structure function relationship of various classes of Biomolecules.

Handbook of Computational Finance

by James E. Gentle Jin-Chuan Duan Wolfgang Karl Härdle

Any financial asset that is openly traded has a market price. Except for extreme market conditions, market price may be more or less than a "fair" value. Fair value is likely to be some complicated function of the current intrinsic value of tangible or intangible assets underlying the claim and our assessment of the characteristics of the underlying assets with respect to the expected rate of growth, future dividends, volatility, and other relevant market factors. Some of these factors that affect the price can be measured at the time of a transaction with reasonably high accuracy. Most factors, however, relate to expectations about the future and to subjective issues, such as current management, corporate policies and market environment, that could affect the future financial performance of the underlying assets. Models are thus needed to describe the stochastic factors and environment, and their implementations inevitably require computational finance tools.

Handbook of Computational Group Theory (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)

by Derek F. Holt Bettina Eick Eamonn A. O'Brien

The origins of computation group theory (CGT) date back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Since then, the field has flourished, particularly during the past 30 to 40 years, and today it remains a lively and active branch of mathematics.The Handbook of Computational Group Theory offers the first complete treatment of all the fundame

Handbook of Computational Neurodegeneration

by Panagiotis Vlamos Ilias S. Kotsireas Ioannis Tarnanas

The Handbook of Computational Neurodegeneration provides a comprehensive overview of the field and thus bridges the gap between standard textbooks of research on neurodegeneration and dispersed publications for specialists that have a narrowed focus on computational methods to study this complicated process. The handbook reviews the central issues and methodological approaches related to the field for which the reader pursues a thorough overview. It also conveys more advanced knowledge, thus serving both as an introductory text and as a starting point for an in-depth study of a specific area, as well as a quick reference source for the expert by reflecting the state of the art and future prospects. The book includes topics that are usually missing in standard textbooks and that are only marginally represented in the specific literature. The broad scope of this handbook is reflected by five major parts that facilitate an integration of computational concepts, methods and applications in the study of neurodegeneration. Each part is intended to stand on its own, giving an overview of the topic and the most important problems and approaches, which are supported by examples, practical applications, and proposed methodologies. The basic concepts and knowledge, standard procedures and methods are presented, as well as recent advances and new perspectives.

Handbook of Computational Statistics

by James E. Gentle Wolfgang Karl Härdle Yuichi Mori

The Handbook of Computational Statistics - Concepts and Methods (second edition) is a revision of the first edition published in 2004, and contains additional comments and updated information on the existing chapters, as well as three new chapters addressing recent work in the field of computational statistics. This new edition is divided into 4 parts in the same way as the first edition. It begins with "How Computational Statistics became the backbone of modern data science" (Ch.1): an overview of the field of Computational Statistics, how it emerged as a separate discipline, and how its own development mirrored that of hardware and software, including a discussion of current active research. The second part (Chs. 2 - 15) presents several topics in the supporting field of statistical computing. Emphasis is placed on the need for fast and accurate numerical algorithms, and some of the basic methodologies for transformation, database handling, high-dimensional data and graphics treatment are discussed. The third part (Chs. 16 - 33) focuses on statistical methodology. Special attention is given to smoothing, iterative procedures, simulation and visualization of multivariate data. Lastly, a set of selected applications (Chs. 34 - 38) like Bioinformatics, Medical Imaging, Finance, Econometrics and Network Intrusion Detection highlight the usefulness of computational statistics in real-world applications.

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