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Handbook of Exponential and Related Distributions for Engineers and Scientists
by Nabendu Pal Chun Jin Wooi K. LimThe normal distribution is widely known and used by scientists and engineers. However, there are many cases when the normal distribution is not appropriate, due to the data being skewed. Rather than leaving you to search through journal articles, advanced theoretical monographs, or introductory texts for alternative distributions, the Handbook of E
Handbook of Financial Cryptography and Security (Chapman & Hall/CRC Cryptography and Network Security Series)
by Burton RosenbergThe Handbook of Financial Cryptography and Security elucidates the theory and techniques of cryptography and illustrates how to establish and maintain security under the framework of financial cryptography. It applies various cryptographic techniques to auctions, electronic voting, micropayment systems, digital rights, financial portfolios, routing
Handbook of Financial Risk Management
by Ngai Hang Chan Hoi Ying WongAn authoritative handbook on risk management techniques and simulations as applied to financial engineering topics, theories, and statistical methodologies The Handbook of Financial Risk Management: Simulations and Case Studies illustrates the practical implementation of simulation techniques in the banking and financial industries through the use of real-world applications. Striking a balance between theory and practice, the Handbook of Financial Risk Management: Simulations and Case Studies demonstrates how simulation algorithms can be used to solve practical problems and showcases how accuracy and efficiency in implementing various simulation methods are indispensable tools in risk management. The book provides the reader with an intuitive understanding of financial risk management and deepens insight into those financial products that cannot be priced traditionally. The Handbook of Financial Risk Management also features:Examples in each chapter derived from consulting projects, current research, and course instructionTopics such as volatility, fixed-income derivatives, LIBOR Market Models, and risk measuresOver twenty-four recognized simulation modelsCommentary, data sets, and computer subroutines available on a chapter-by-chapter basisAs a complete reference for practitioners, the book is useful in the fields of finance, business, applied statistics, econometrics, and engineering. The Handbook of Financial Risk Management is also an excellent text or supplement for graduate and MBA-level students in courses on financial risk management and simulation.
Handbook of Financial Risk Management (Chapman and Hall/CRC Financial Mathematics Series)
by Thierry RoncalliDeveloped over 20 years of teaching academic courses, the Handbook of Financial Risk Management can be divided into two main parts: risk management in the financial sector; and a discussion of the mathematical and statistical tools used in risk management. This comprehensive text offers readers the chance to develop a sound understanding of financial products and the mathematical models that drive them, exploring in detail where the risks are and how to manage them. Key Features: Written by an author with both theoretical and applied experience Ideal resource for students pursuing a master’s degree in finance who want to learn risk management Comprehensive coverage of the key topics in financial risk management Contains 114 exercises, with solutions provided online at www.crcpress.com/9781138501874
Handbook of Finite Fields (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
by null Gary L. Mullen null Daniel PanarioPoised to become the leading reference in the field, the Handbook of Finite Fields is exclusively devoted to the theory and applications of finite fields. More than 80 international contributors compile state-of-the-art research in this definitive handbook. Edited by two renowned researchers, the book uses a uniform style and format throughout and
Handbook of Finite State Based Models and Applications (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
by Jiacun WangApplicable to any problem that requires a finite number of solutions, finite state-based models (also called finite state machines or finite state automata) have found wide use in various areas of computer science and engineering. Handbook of Finite State Based Models and Applications provides a complete collection of introductory materials on fini
Handbook of Finite Translation Planes (Chapman & Hall/CRC Pure and Applied Mathematics)
by null Norman Johnson null Vikram Jha null Mauro BiliottiThe Handbook of Finite Translation Planes provides a comprehensive listing of all translation planes derived from a fundamental construction technique, an explanation of the classes of translation planes using both descriptions and construction methods, and thorough sketches of the major relevant theorems.From the methods of Andre to coordi
Handbook of First-Order Partial Differential Equations (Differential and Integral Equations and Their Applications)
by null Andrei D. Polyanin null Valentin F. Zaitsev null Alain MoussiauxThis book contains about 3000 first-order partial differential equations with solutions. New exact solutions to linear and nonlinear equations are included. The text pays special attention to equations of the general form, showing their dependence upon arbitrary functions. Each section outlines basic solution methods for the differential equations in that section. The text presents equations and their applications in areas such as differential geometry, nonlinear mechanics, gas dynamics, heat and mass transfer, and wave theory. This handbook is essential for researchers, engineers and students of applied mathematics, mechanics, control theory, and the engineering sciences.
Handbook of Floating-Point Arithmetic
by Serge Torres Nathalie Revol Guillaume Melquiond Vincent Lefèvre Mioara Joldes Claude-Pierre Jeannerod Florent De Dinechin Nicolas Brunie Jean-Michel MullerFloating-point arithmetic is the most widely used way of implementing real-number arithmetic on modern computers. However, making such an arithmetic reliable and portable, yet fast, is a very difficult task. As a result, floating-point arithmetic is far from being exploited to its full potential. This handbook aims to provide a complete overview of modern floating-point arithmetic. So that the techniques presented can be put directly into practice in actual coding or design, they are illustrated, whenever possible, by a corresponding program. The handbook is designed for programmers of numerical applications, compiler designers, programmers of floating-point algorithms, designers of arithmetic operators, and more generally, students and researchers in numerical analysis who wish to better understand a tool used in their daily work and research.
Handbook of Forensic Statistics (ISSN)
by David Banks, Karen Kafadar, David H. Kaye and Maria TackettHandbook of Forensic Statistics is a collection of chapters by leading authorities in forensic statistics. Written for statisticians, scientists, and legal professionals having a broad range of statistical expertise, it summarizes and compares basic methods of statistical inference (frequentist, likelihoodist, and Bayesian) for trace and other evidence that links individuals to crimes, the modern history and key controversies in the field, and the psychological and legal aspects of such scientific evidence.Specific topics include uncertainty in measurements and conclusions; statistically valid statements of weight of evidence or source conclusions; admissibility and presentation of statistical findings; and the state of the art of methods (including problems and pitfalls) for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data in such areas as forensic biology, chemistry, and pattern and impression evidence. The particular types of evidence that are discussed include DNA, latent fingerprints, firearms and toolmarks, glass, handwriting, shoeprints, and voice exemplars.
Handbook of Formal Analysis and Verification in Cryptography (Prospects in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
by Sedat Akleylek Besik DunduaThis handbook of formal analysis in cryptography is very important for secure communication and processing of information. It introduces readers to several formal verification methods and software used to analyse cryptographic protocols. The chapters give readers general knowledge and formal methods focusing on cryptographic protocols. Handbook of Formal Analysis and Verification in Cryptography includes major formalisms and tools used for formal verification of cryptography, with a spotlight on new-generation cryptosystems such as post-quantum, and presents a connection between formal analysis and cryptographic schemes. The text offers formal methods to show whether security assumptions are valid and compares the most prominent formalism and tools as they outline common challenges and future research directions. Graduate students, researchers, and engineers worldwide will find this an exciting read.
The Handbook of Formal Methods in Human-Computer Interaction
by Benjamin Weyers Judy Bowen Alan Dix Philippe PalanqueThis book provides a comprehensive collection of methods and approaches for using formal methods within Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research, the use of which is a prerequisite for usability and user-experience (UX) when engineering interactive systems. World-leading researchers present methods, tools and techniques to design and develop reliable interactive systems, offering an extensive discussion of the current state-of-the-art with case studies which highlight relevant scenarios and topics in HCI as well as presenting current trends and gaps in research and future opportunities and developments within this emerging field. The Handbook of Formal Methods in Human-Computer Interaction is intended for HCI researchers and engineers of interactive systems interested in facilitating formal methods into their research or practical work.
Handbook of Formal Optimization
by Amir H. Gandomi Anand J. KulkarniThe formal optimization handbook is a comprehensive guide that covers a wide range of subjects. It includes a literature review, a mathematical formulation of optimization methods, flowcharts and pseudocodes, illustrations, problems and applications, results and critical discussions, and much more. The book covers a vast array of formal optimization fields, including mathematical and Bayesian optimization, neural networks and deep learning, genetic algorithms and their applications, hybrid optimization methods, combinatorial optimization, constraint handling in optimization methods, and swarm-based optimization. This handbook is an excellent reference for experts and non-specialists alike, as it provides stimulating material. The book also covers research trends, challenges, and prospective topics, making it a valuable resource for those looking to expand their knowledge in this field.
Handbook of Formulas and Software for Plant Geneticists and Breeders
by Manjit S. KangA simple solution to complicated statistical techniques and formulas! The Handbook of Formulas and Software for Plant Geneticists and Breeders is an up-to-date reference source that eliminates the need for hand calculations of complicated genetic formulas and equations. Contributions from members of the C1 Division of the Crop Science Society of America include computer program codes not found in Statistical Analysis System (SAS) and other commonly available statistical packages. The book provides an invaluable shortcut to sorting through piles of literature in search of programs that may have been published in abbreviated forms or never at all. The Handbook of Formulas and Software for Plant Geneticists and Breeders puts full-fledged program codes of specialized statistical and genetics-related software programs at your fingertips. It shows practicing geneticists, breeders, and students how to use specialized software through practical examples. The book is an excellent research and teaching tool in quantitative genetics and plant breeding, providing definitions of key terms and information on how to obtain desired software and key references. It also includes an extensive listing of programs available for linkage and mapping software that can be accessed through the Internet. The Handbook of Formulas and Software for Plant Geneticists and Breeders presents, among others, programs related to: genotype-by-environmental interaction (GEI) and stability analysis genetic diversity estimation best linear unbiased predictors (BLUPs) principal component and additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) analyses quantitative trait loci -by-environment (QTL x E) analysis GGE biplot analysis diallel analyses path analysis trend analysis field plot technique The Handbook of Formulas and Software for Plant Geneticists and Breeders is essential for academics and researchers working in genetics, breeding, and genomics, and as a supplement for coursework in quantitative genetics and plant breeding.
Handbook of Fractional Calculus for Engineering and Science (ISSN)
by Harendra Singh H. M. Srivastava Juan J. NietoFractional calculus is used to model many real-life situations from science and engineering. The book includes different topics associated with such equations and their relevance and significance in various scientific areas of study and research. In this book readers will find several important and useful methods and techniques for solving various types of fractional-order models in science and engineering. The book should be useful for graduate students, PhD students, researchers and educators interested in mathematical modelling, physical sciences, engineering sciences, applied mathematical sciences, applied sciences, and so on. This Handbook: Provides reliable methods for solving fractional-order models in science and engineering. Contains efficient numerical methods and algorithms for engineering-related equations. Contains comparison of various methods for accuracy and validity. Demonstrates the applicability of fractional calculus in science and engineering. Examines qualitative as well as quantitative properties of solutions of various types of science- and engineering-related equations. Readers will find this book to be useful and valuable in increasing and updating their knowledge in this field and will be it will be helpful for engineers, mathematicians, scientist and researchers working on various real-life problems.
Handbook of Function and Generalized Function Transformations
by Ahmed I. ZayedFunction transformations, which include linear integral transformations, are some of the most important mathematical tools for solving problems in all areas of engineering and the physical sciences. They allow one to quickly solve a problem by breaking it down into a series of smaller, more manageable problems.The author has compiled the most important and widely used of these function transforms in applied mathematics and electrical engineering. In addition to classical transforms, newer transforms such as wavelets, Zak, and Radon are included. The book is neither a table of transforms nor a textbook, but it is a source book that provides quick and easy access to the most important properties and formulas of function and generalized function transformations. It is organized for convenient reference, with chapters broken down into the following sections:
Handbook of Functional Equations
by Themistocles M. RassiasThis handbook consists of seventeen chapters written by eminent scientists from the international mathematical community, who present important research works in the field of mathematical analysis and related subjects, particularly in the Ulam stability theory of functional equations. The book provides an insight into a large domain of research with emphasis to the discussion of several theories, methods and problems in approximation theory, analytic inequalities, functional analysis, computational algebra and applications. The notion of stability of functional equations has its origins with S. M. Ulam, who posed the fundamental problem for approximate homomorphisms in 1940 and with D. H. Hyers, Th. M. Rassias, who provided the first significant solutions for additive and linear mappings in 1941 and 1978, respectively. During the last decade the notion of stability of functional equations has evolved into a very active domain of mathematical research with several applications of interdisciplinary nature. The chapters of this handbook focus mainly on both old and recent developments on the equation of homomorphism for square symmetric groupoids, the linear and polynomial functional equations in a single variable, the Drygas functional equation on amenable semigroups, monomial functional equation, the Cauchy-Jensen type mappings, differential equations and differential operators, operational equations and inclusions, generalized module left higher derivations, selections of set-valued mappings, D'Alembert's functional equation, characterizations of information measures, functional equations in restricted domains, as well as generalized functional stability and fixed point theory.
Handbook of Fuzzy Computation
by Enrique H Ruspini; Piero P Bonissone; Witold PedryczInitially conceived as a methodology for the representation and manipulation of imprecise and vague information, fuzzy computation has found wide use in problems that fall well beyond its originally intended scope of application. Many scientists and engineers now use the paradigms of fuzzy computation to tackle problems that are either intractable
Handbook of Geometric Constraint Systems Principles (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
by Meera Sitharam Audrey St. John Jessica SidmanThe Handbook of Geometric Constraint Systems Principles is an entry point to the currently used principal mathematical and computational tools and techniques of the geometric constraint system (GCS). It functions as a single source containing the core principles and results, accessible to both beginners and experts. The handbook provides a guide for students learning basic concepts, as well as experts looking to pinpoint specific results or approaches in the broad landscape. As such, the editors created this handbook to serve as a useful tool for navigating the varied concepts, approaches and results found in GCS research. <P><P>Key Features: <li>A comprehensive reference handbook authored by top researchers <li>Includes fundamentals and techniques from multiple perspectives that span several research communities <li>Provides recent results and a graded program of open problems and conjectures <li>Can be used for senior undergraduate or graduate topics course introduction to the area <li>Detailed list of figures and tables <P><P>About the Editors: <P><P>Meera Sitharam is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Florida’s Department of Computer & Information Science and Engineering. She received her Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Audrey St. John is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Mount Holyoke College, who received her Ph. D. from UMass Amherst. Jessica Sidman is a Professor of Mathematics on the John S. Kennedy Foundation at Mount Holyoke College. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan.
Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities I
by Dũng Tráng Lê José Luis Cisneros Molina José SeadeThis volume consists of ten articles which provide an in-depth and reader-friendly survey of some of the foundational aspects of singularity theory. Authored by world experts, the various contributions deal with both classical material and modern developments, covering a wide range of topics which are linked to each other in fundamental ways. Singularities are ubiquitous in mathematics and science in general. Singularity theory interacts energetically with the rest of mathematics, acting as a crucible where different types of mathematical problems interact, surprising connections are born and simple questions lead to ideas which resonate in other parts of the subject. This is the first volume in a series which aims to provide an accessible account of the state-of-the-art of the subject, its frontiers, and its interactions with other areas of research. The book is addressed to graduate students and newcomers to the theory, as well as to specialists who can use it as a guidebook.
Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities III
by José Luis Cisneros-Molina Lê Dũng Tráng José SeadeThis is the third volume of the Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities, a series which aims to provide an accessible account of the state of the art of the subject, its frontiers, and its interactions with other areas of research. This volume consists of ten chapters which provide an in-depth and reader-friendly survey of various important aspects of singularity theory. Some of these complement topics previously explored in volumes I and II, such as, for instance, Zariski’s equisingularity, the interplay between isolated complex surface singularities and 3-manifold theory, stratified Morse theory, constructible sheaves, the topology of the non-critical levels of holomorphic functions, and intersection cohomology. Other chapters bring in new subjects, such as the Thom–Mather theory for maps, characteristic classes for singular varieties, mixed Hodge structures, residues in complex analytic varieties, nearby and vanishing cycles, and more. Singularities are ubiquitous in mathematics and science in general. Singularity theory interacts energetically with the rest of mathematics, acting as a crucible where different types of mathematical problems interact, surprising connections are born and simple questions lead to ideas which resonate in other parts of the subject, and in other subjects. Authored by world experts, the various contributions deal with both classical material and modern developments, covering a wide range of topics which are linked to each other in fundamental ways. The book is addressed to graduate students and newcomers to the theory, as well as to specialists who can use it as a guidebook.
Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities IV
by José Luis Cisneros-Molina Lê Dũng Tráng José SeadeThis is the fourth volume of the Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities, a series that aims to provide an accessible account of the state of the art of the subject, its frontiers, and its interactions with other areas of research. This volume consists of twelve chapters which provide an in-depth and reader-friendly survey of various important aspects of singularity theory. Some of these complement topics previously explored in volumes I to III. Amongst the topics studied in this volume are the Nash blow up, the space of arcs in algebraic varieties, determinantal singularities, Lipschitz geometry, indices of vector fields and 1-forms, motivic characteristic classes, the Hilbert-Samuel multiplicity and comparison theorems that spring from the classical De Rham complex. Singularities are ubiquitous in mathematics and science in general. Singularity theory is a crucible where different types of mathematical problems interact, surprising connections are born and simple questions lead to ideas which resonate in other subjects. Authored by world experts, the various contributions deal with both classical material and modern developments, covering a wide range of topics which are linked to each other in fundamental ways. The book is addressed to graduate students and newcomers to the theory, as well as to specialists who can use it as a guidebook.
Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities V: Foliations
by Lê Dũng Tráng Felipe Cano José Luis Cisneros-Molina José SeadeThis is the fifth volume of the Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities, a series which aims to provide an accessible account of the state-of-the-art of the subject, its frontiers, and its interactions with other areas of research. Singularities are ubiquitous in mathematics and science in general, and singularity theory is a crucible where different types of mathematical problems converge, surprising connections are born and simple questions lead to ideas which resonate in other parts of the subject, and in other subjects. This Volume V focuses on singular holomorphic foliations, which is a multidisciplinary field and a whole area of mathematics in itself. Singular foliations arise, for instance, by considering: The fibers of a smooth map between differentiable manifolds, with singularities at the critical points. The integral lines of a vector field, or the action of a Lie group on a manifold. The singularities are the orbits with special isotropy. The kernel of appropriate 1-forms. The singularities are the zeros of the form. Open books, which naturally appear in singularity theory as foliations with singular set the binding. These important examples highlight the deep connections between foliations and singularity theory. This volume, like its companion Volume VI, also focused on foliations, consists of nine chapters, authored by world experts, which provide in-depth and reader-friendly introductions to some of the foundational aspects of the theory. These introductions also give insights into important lines of further research. The volume starts with a foreword by one of the current world leaders in the theory of complex foliations. The book is addressed to graduate students and newcomers to the theory, as well as to specialists who can use it as a guidebook.
Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities VI: Foliations
by Lê Dũng Tráng Felipe Cano José Luis Cisneros-Molina José SeadeThis is the sixth volume of the Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities, a series which aims to provide an accessible account of the state-of-the-art of the subject, its frontiers, and its interactions with other areas of research. Singularities are ubiquitous in mathematics and science in general, and singularity theory is a crucible where different types of mathematical problems converge, surprising connections are born and simple questions lead to ideas which resonate in other parts of the subject, and in other subjects.This Volume VI goes together with Volume V and focuses on singular holomorphic foliations, which is a multidisciplinary field and a whole area of mathematics in itself. Singular foliations arise, for instance, by considering:The fibers of a smooth map between differentiable manifolds, with singularities at the critical points.The integral lines of a vector field, or the action of a Lie group on a manifold. The singularities are the orbits with special isotropy.The kernel of appropriate 1-forms. The singularities are the zeroes of the form.Open books, which naturally appear in singularity theory, are foliations with singular set the binding.These important examples highlight the deep connections between foliations and singularity theory. This volume consists of nine chapters, authored by world experts, which provide in-depth and reader-friendly introductions to some of the foundational aspects of the theory. These introductions also give insights into important lines of further research. Volume VI ends with an Epilogue by one of the current world leaders in the theory of complex foliations, with plenty of open questions and ideas for further research.The book is addressed to graduate students and newcomers to the theory, as well as to specialists who can use it as a guidebook.
Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities VII
by José Luis Cisneros-Molina Lê Dũng Tráng José SeadeThis is the seventh volume of the Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities, a series that aims to provide an accessible account of the state of the art of the subject, its frontiers, and its interactions with other areas of research. This volume consists of fourteen chapters that provide an in-depth and reader-friendly introduction to various important aspects of singularity theory. The volume begins with an outstanding exposition on Jim Damon’s contributions to singularity theory and its applications. Jim passed away in 2022 and he was one of the greatest mathematicians of recent times, having made remarkable contributions to singularity theory and its applications, mostly to medical image computing. The next chapter focuses on the singularities of real functions and their bifurcation sets. Then, we look at the perturbation theory of polynomials and linear operators, complex analytic frontal singularities, the global singularity theory of differentiable maps, and the singularities of holomorphic functions from a global point of view. The volume continues with an overview of new tools in singularity theory that spring from symplectic geometry and Floer-type homology theories. Then, it looks at the derivation of Lie algebras of isolated singularities and the three-dimensional rational isolated complete intersection singularities, as well as recent developments in algebraic K-stability and the stable degeneration conjecture. This volume also contains an interesting survey on V-filtrations, a theory began by Malgrange and Kashiwara that can be used to study nearby and vanishing cycle functors and introduced by Deligne. Then, we present a panoramic view of the Hodge, toric, and motivic methods in the study of Milnor fibers in singularity theory, both from local and global points of view. The Monodromy conjecture is also explained; this is a longstanding open problem in singularity theory that lies at the crossroads of number theory, algebra, analysis, geometry, and topology. This volume closes with recent developments in the study of the algebraic complexity of optimization problems in applied algebraic geometry and algebraic statistics. The book is addressed to graduate students and newcomers to the theory, as well as to specialists who can use it as a guidebook.