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Showing 11,526 through 11,550 of 27,293 results

Hands-on Start to Wolfram Mathematica and Programming with the Wolfram Language

by Cliff Hastings Kelvin Mischo Michael Morrison

For more than 25 years, Mathematica has been the principal computation environment for millions of innovators, educators, students, and others around the world. This book is an introduction to Mathematica. The goal is to provide a hands-on experience introducing the breadth of Mathematica, with a focus on ease of use. Readers get detailed instruction with examples for interactive learning and end-of-chapter exercises. Each chapter also contains authors tips from their combined 50+ years of Mathematica use.

Hands-On Swift 5 Microservices Development: Build microservices for mobile and web applications using Swift 5 and Vapor 4

by Ralph Kuepper Tanner Nelson

Learn to design and deploy fully functioning microservices for your applications from scratch using Swift, Docker, and AWS Key Features Understand server-side Swift development concepts for building your first microservice Build microservices using Vapor 4 and deploy them to the cloud using Docker Learn effective techniques for enhancing maintainability and stability of your Swift applications Book Description The capabilities of the Swift programming language are extended to server-side development using popular frameworks such as Vapor. This enables Swift programmers to implement the microservices approach to design scalable and easy-to-maintain architecture for iOS, macOS, iPadOS, and watchOS applications. This book is a complete guide to building microservices for iOS applications. You'll start by examining Swift and Vapor as backend technologies and compare them to their alternatives. The book then covers the concept of microservices to help you get started with developing your first microservice. Throughout this book, you'll work on a case study of writing an e-commerce backend as a microservice application. You'll understand each microservice as it is broken down into details and written out as code throughout the book. You'll also become familiar with various aspects of server-side development such as scalability, database options, and information flow for microservices that are unwrapped in the process. As you advance, you'll get to grips with microservices testing and see how it is different from testing a monolith application. Along the way, you'll explore tools such as Docker, Postman, and Amazon Web Services. By the end of the book, you'll be able to build a ready-to-deploy application that can be used as a base for future applications. What you will learn Grasp server-side Swift development concepts using practical examples Understand the microservices approach and why Swift is a great choice for building microservices Design and structure mobile and web applications using microservices architecture Discover the available database options and understand which one to choose Scale and monitor your microservices Use Postman to automate testing for your microservices API Who this book is for The book is for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS developers and Swift programmers who want to understand how Swift can be used for building microservices. The book assumes familiarity with Swift programming and the fundamentals of the web, including how APIs work.

Hands-On Systems Programming with Go: Build modern and concurrent applications for Unix and Linux systems using Golang

by Alex Guerrieri

If you are a developer who has intermediate knowledge of Go but little to no knowledge of UNIX and Linux system programming and want to learn and master system programming with Go, this book is for you.

Hands-On Test Management with JIRA: End-to-end Test Management With Zephyr, Synapsert, And Jenkins In Jira

by Afsana Atar

This book is for any quality assurance professional, software project manager or test manager interested in learning to implement test management best practices in their team or organization.

Handwerkliches für den Mathematikunterricht: Für Lehramtsstudierende, Berufseinsteiger und Seiteneinsteiger (essentials)

by Rolf J. Neveling

Rolf J. Neveling stellt angehenden Lehrerinnen und Lehrern das Handwerkszeug für einen guten Mathematikunterricht vor. Im Zentrum seines essentials steht der reguläre, unspektakuläre Unterricht. Der Autor erläutert die Gestaltung von Stunden, die Motivation im schulischen Alltag, die Vorbereitung und das Schreiben von Klausuren, die Vorbereitung schriftlicher und mündlicher Prüfungen, die Notengebung sowie die Verwendung von Medien. Didaktische Vorstellungen spielen dabei natürlich eine Rolle, sie stehen aber zugunsten der praktischen Beispiele und Tipps im Hintergrund.Der Autor: Dr. Rolf J. Neveling unterrichtete viele Jahre an einem Gymnasium in Wuppertal; er arbeitete einige Jahre als Lehrer im Hochschuldienst an der Technischen Universität Dortmund und führte Lehraufträge an der Universität Siegen durch. Lange gehörte er zudem der Redaktion des Mathetreffs der Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf an. Der Einsatz von Rechnern in mathematischen Lernprozessen ist eines seiner Interessengebiete und war auch Thema seiner Promotion.

The Handy Math Answer Book

by Patricia Barnes-Svarney Thomas E Svarney

From modern-day challenges such as balancing a checkbook, following the stock market, buying a home, and figuring out credit card finance charges to appreciating historical developments by Pythagoras, Archimedes, Newton, and other mathematicians, this engaging resource addresses more than 1,000 questions related to mathematics. Organized into chapters that cluster similar topics in an easily accessible format, this reference provides clear and concise explanations about the fundamentals of algebra, calculus, geometry, trigonometry, and other branches of mathematics. It contains the latest mathematical discoveries, including newly uncovered historical documents and updates on how science continues to use math to make cutting-edge innovations in DNA sequencing, superstring theory, robotics, and computers. With fun math facts and illuminating figures, The Handy Math Answer Book explores the uses of math in everyday life and helps the mathematically challenged better understand and enjoy the magic of numbers.

Hangzhou Lectures on Eigenfunctions of the Laplacian (Annals of Mathematics Studies #188)

by Christopher D. Sogge

Based on lectures given at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China, and Johns Hopkins University, this book introduces eigenfunctions on Riemannian manifolds. Christopher Sogge gives a proof of the sharp Weyl formula for the distribution of eigenvalues of Laplace-Beltrami operators, as well as an improved version of the Weyl formula, the Duistermaat-Guillemin theorem under natural assumptions on the geodesic flow. Sogge shows that there is quantum ergodicity of eigenfunctions if the geodesic flow is ergodic.Sogge begins with a treatment of the Hadamard parametrix before proving the first main result, the sharp Weyl formula. He avoids the use of Tauberian estimates and instead relies on sup-norm estimates for eigenfunctions. The author also gives a rapid introduction to the stationary phase and the basics of the theory of pseudodifferential operators and microlocal analysis. These are used to prove the Duistermaat-Guillemin theorem. Turning to the related topic of quantum ergodicity, Sogge demonstrates that if the long-term geodesic flow is uniformly distributed, most eigenfunctions exhibit a similar behavior, in the sense that their mass becomes equidistributed as their frequencies go to infinity.

Hank Greenberg in 1938: Hatred and Home Runs in the Shadow of War

by Ron Kaplan

"Hammerin’” Hank Greenberg was coming off a stellar season where he’d hit 40 home runs and 184 RBIs, becoming only the thirteenth player to ever hit 40 or more homers (and one of only four players to have 40 or more home runs and 175 or more RBIs in a season). Even with his success at the plate, neither Greenberg nor the rest of the world could have expected what was about to happen in 1938. From his first day in the big leagues, the New York-born Greenberg had dealt with persecution for being Jewish. From teammate Jo-Jo White asking where his horns were to the verbal abuse from bigoted fans and the media, the 6-foot-3 slugger always did his best to shut the noise out and concentrate on baseball. But in 1938, that would be more difficult then he could have ever imagined.While Greenberg was battling at the plate, his people overseas were dealing with a completely different battle. Adolf Hitler, who had been chancellor of Germany since 1933, had taken direct control of the country’s military in February of ’38. He then began his methodic takeover of all neighboring countries, spreading Nazism and the early stages of World War II and the Holocaust.Hank Greenberg in 1938 chronicles the events of 1938, both on the baseball diamond and the streets of Europe. As Greenberg’s bat had him on course for Babe Ruth’s home run record, Hitler’s "Final Solution” was beginning to take shape. Jews across the US, worried about the issues overseas, looked to Greenberg as a symbol of hope. Though normally hesitant to speak about the anti-Semitism he dealt with, the slugger still knew the role he was playing for so many of his people, saying "I came to feel that if I, as a Jew, hit a home run, I was hitting one against Hitler.”

Hans Blumenberg's History and Philosophy of Science (Studies in History and Philosophy of Science #63)

by Alberto Fragio Josefa Ros Velasco Martina Philippi Cornelius Borck

This book highlights and develops a hitherto neglected area of Hans Blumenberg's contributions, i.e., history and philosophy of science. It covers both Blumenberg’s works on the history of ideas and conceptual change, as well as his studies on transformative periods and his intellectual history of technology. Hans Blumenberg (1920-1996) was one of the leading German philosophers after the Second World War, bridging from the continental tradition of philosophy, conceptual history and metaphorology. This volume, though, explores the methodological instruments that he developed and how we may use them to do history and philosophy of science. In doing so it opens up a new field of research and provides insight into further developing a continental history and philosophy of science, making this book of great interest to both historians and philosophers alike.

Happiness and Wellbeing in Singapore: Beyond Economic Prosperity (Routledge Focus on Business and Management)

by Siok Kuan Tambyah Soo Jiuan Tan Yuen Wei Lun

To present a multifaceted and holistic perspective of what makes Singaporeans happy, Tambyah, Tan and Yuen discuss the findings and insights from the 2022 Quality of Life Survey, which examines the perceptions and views of 1,905 Singapore citizens. This is the latest survey in a series of studies on the wellbeing of Singaporeans. While the impact of the COVID- 19 pandemic on wellbeing is a timely discussion, the findings are also compared with previous surveys conducted in 2011 and 2016 to provide a longitudinal perspective of how Singaporeans’ wellbeing has evolved over the years. Key aspects of this topic include life satisfaction and satisfaction with specific life domains, aspects of affective wellbeing (e.g., happiness, enjoyment and achievement), economic wellbeing, psychological flourishing, personal values, value orientations and views on socio- political issues. Pertinent differences due to demographics such as gender, marital status, age, education and household income are also highlighted. The book also features four archetypes and clusters of Singaporeans, which are representative of the unique demographics, values and wellbeing outcomes examined. The findings and insights will be useful to academics, policy makers, practitioners, students and the general public who are interested in understanding the life satisfaction and wellbeing of Singaporeans.

Happy Pi Day to You! All About Measuring Circles (The Cat in the Hat's Learning Library)

by null Bonnie Worth

Laugh and learn with fun facts about the history of pi, measurements, theorems, and more—all told in Dr. Seuss&’s beloved rhyming style and starring the Cat in the Hat! &“It is all about circles and measuring fun. So put on your Pi Hats! Let&’s start, everyone!&” The Cat in the Hat&’s Learning Library series combines beloved characters, engaging rhymes, and Seussian illustrations to introduce children to non-fiction topics from the real world! Go on an adventure with the Cat in the Hat and learn: how to measure and draw circleshow pi is a number so long that it never endshow Ancient Egyptians used pi to help build the pyramidsand much more!Perfect for story time and for the youngest readers, Happy Pi Day to You! All About Measuring Circles also includes an index, glossary, and suggestions for further learning. Look for more books in the Cat in the Hat&’s Learning Library series!High? Low? Where Did It Go? All About Animal CamouflageIs a Camel a Mammal? All About MammalsThe 100 Hats of the Cat in the Hat: A Celebration of the 100th Day of SchoolA Great Day for Pup: All About Wild BabiesWould You Rather Be a Pollywog? All About Pond LifeI Can Name 50 Trees Today! All About TreesFine Feathered Friends: All About BirdsMy, Oh My--A Butterfly! All About ButterfliesOh Say Can You Seed? All About Flowering PlantsInside Your Outside! All About the Human BodyIce is Nice! All About the North and South Poles

Haptic Interaction with Deformable Objects

by Guido Böttcher

The focus from most Virtual Reality (VR) systems lies mainly on the visual immersion of the user. But the emphasis only on the visual perception is insufficient for some applications as the user is limited in his interactions within the VR. Therefore the textbook presents the principles and theoretical background to develop a VR system that is able to create a link between physical simulations and haptic rendering which requires update rates of 1\,kHz for the force feedback. Special attention is given to the modeling and computation of contact forces in a two-finger grasp of textiles. Addressing further the perception of small scale surface properties like roughness, novel algorithms are presented that are not only able to consider the highly dynamic behaviour of textiles but also capable of computing the small forces needed for the tactile rendering at the contact point. Final analysis of the entire VR system is being made showing the problems and the solutions found in the work

The Harary Index of a Graph

by Kexiang Xu Kinkar Ch. Das Nenad Trinajstić

This is the first book to focus on the topological index, the Harary index, of a graph, including its mathematical properties, chemical applications and some related and attractive open problems. This book is dedicated to Professor Frank Harary (1921--2005), the grandmaster of graph theory and its applications. It has be written by experts in the field of graph theory and its applications. For a connected graph G, as an important distance-based topological index, the Harary index H(G) is defined as the sum of the reciprocals of the distance between any two unordered vertices of the graph G. In this book, the authors report on the newest results on the Harary index of a graph. These results mainly concern external graphs with respect to the Harary index; the relations to other topological indices; its properties and applications to pure graph theory and chemical graph theory; and two significant variants, i. e. , additively and multiplicatively weighted Harary indices. In the last chapter, we present a number of open problems related to the Harary index. As such, the book will not only be of interest to graph researchers, but to mathematical chemists as well.

Harcourt Math: Reteach Workbook (Grade #4)

by Harcourt

This Reteach Workbook for Grade 4 contains: Understand Whole Numbers and Operations, Time, Data, and Graphing, Multiplication and Division Facts, Multiply By 1- and 2-Digit Numbers, Divide By 1- and 2-Digit Divisors, Geometry and Algebra, Fractions and Probability, Measurement and Decimals, Perimeter, Area, and Volume, etc.

Harcourt Math: Practice Workbook (Grade #3)

by Harcourt School Publishers

A Grade 3 Math practice book.

Harcourt Math: Practice Workbook (Grade Two)

by Harcourt School Publishers

The math practice workbook for grade two deals with numbers and operations, digit addition and subtraction, money, time and data, geometry and patterns, and measurements and fractions.

Harcourt Math: Practice Workbook (Grade #4)

by Harcourt School Publishers

A grade four mathematics book.

Harcourt Math: Practice Workbook (Grade #5)

by Harcourt School Publishers

Write and solve an equation for each problem. Explain what the variable represents.

Harcourt Math: Grade 5

by Harcourt School Publishers

Grade 5 Harcourt math

Harcourt Math: Level 5 (Harcourt School Publishers Math Ser.)

by Harcourt School Publishers Staff

The authors of Harcourt Math want you to enjoy learning math and to feel confident that you can do it. We invite you to share your math book with family members. Take them on a guided tour through your book!

Harcourt Math

by Evan M. Maletsky

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Harcourt Math (Grade #6)

by Evan M. Maletsky

The authors of Harcourt Math want you to be a good mathematician, but most of all we want you to enjoy learning math and feel confident that you can do it. We invite you to share your book with family members. Take them on a guided tour through your book!

Harcourt Math

by Evan M. Maletsky Angela Giglio Andrews Jennie M. Bennett

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Harcourt Math (California Edition)

by Harcourt School Publishers

This book makes a student enjoy learning math and to feel confident that he CAN DO. The unit lessons of the book contain: Understand Numbers and Operations, Data, Graphing, and Time, Multiplication and Division Facts, Multiply by 1- and 2-Digit Numbers, Divide by 1- and 2-Digit Divisors, Fractions and Decimals, Measurement, Algebra, and Graphing, Geometry, and Probability.

Hard X-Ray Imaging of Solar Flares

by Michele Piana A. Gordon Emslie Anna Maria Massone Brian R. Dennis

The idea for this text emerged over several years as the authors participated in research projects related to analysis of data from NASA's RHESSI Small Explorer mission. The data produced over the operational lifetime of this mission inspired many investigations related to a specific science question: the when, where, and how of electron acceleration during solar flares in the stressed magnetic environment of the active Sun.A vital key to unlocking this science problem is the ability to produce high-quality images of hard X-rays produced by bremsstrahlung radiation from electrons accelerated during a solar flare. The only practical way to do this within the technological and budgetary limitations of the RHESSI era was to opt for indirect modalities in which imaging information is encoded as a set of two-dimensional spatial Fourier components. Radio astronomers had employed Fourier imaging for many years. However, differently than for radio astronomy, X-ray images produced by RHESSI had to be constructed from a very limited number of sparsely distributed and very noisy Fourier components. Further, Fourier imaging is hardly intuitive, and extensive validation of the methods was necessary to ensure that they produced images with sufficient accuracy and fidelity for scientific applications.This book summarizes the results of this development of imaging techniques specifically designed for this form of data. It covers a set of published works that span over two decades, during which various imaging methods were introduced, validated, and applied to observations. Also considering that a new Fourier-based telescope, STIX, is now entering its nominal phase on-board the ESA Solar Orbiter, it became more and more apparent to the authors that it would be a good idea to put together a compendium of these imaging methods and their applications. Hence the book you are now reading.

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