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Showing 12,676 through 12,700 of 24,753 results

Kripke's Worlds

by Olivier Gasquet Andreas Herzig Bilal Said François Schwarzentruber

Possible worlds models were introduced by Saul Kripke in the early 1960s. Basically, a possible world's model is nothing but a graph with labelled nodes and labelled edges. Such graphs provide semantics for various modal logics (alethic, temporal, epistemic and doxastic, dynamic, deontic, description logics) and also turned out useful for other nonclassical logics (intuitionistic, conditional, several paraconsistent and relevant logics). All these logics have been studied intensively in philosophical and mathematical logic and in computer science, and have been applied increasingly in domains such as program semantics, artificial intelligence, and more recently in the semantic web. Additionally, all these logics were also studied proof theoretically. The proof systems for modal logics come in various styles: Hilbert style, natural deduction, sequents, and resolution. However, it is fair to say that the most uniform and most successful such systems are tableaux systems. Given logic and a formula, they allow one to check whether there is a model in that logic. This basically amounts to trying to build a model for the formula by building a tree. This book follows a more general approach by trying to build a graph, the advantage being that a graph is closer to a Kripke model than a tree. It provides a step-by-step introduction to possible worlds semantics (and by that to modal and other nonclassical logics) via the tableaux method. It is accompanied by a piece of software called LoTREC (www. irit. fr/Lotrec). LoTREC allows to check whether a given formula is true at a given world of a given model and to check whether a given formula is satisfiable in a given logic. The latter can be done immediately if the tableau system for that logic has already been implemented in LoTREC. If this is not yet the case LoTREC offers the possibility to implement a tableau system in a relatively easy way via a simple, graph-based, interactive language.

Kronecker Products and Matrix Calculus with Applications (Dover Books on Mathematics)

by Alexander Graham

Enhanced by many worked examples — as well as problems and solutions — this in-depth text discusses the Kronecker matrix product. Named after a 19th-century German mathematician, Leopold Kronecker, the Kronecker product is an increasingly important and useful matrix operation and an area of matrix calculus with numerous applications. A great deal of information previously only available in specialized and hard-to-find texts and papers is presented here at an undergraduate level.After the preliminaries of an introductory chapter, the treatment proceeds to examinations of the Kronecker product and its applications. An introduction to matrix calculus is followed by further development of the subject, including an application of Kronecker products. Final chapters explore the derivative of a matrix and some applications of matrix calculus. The text concludes with solutions to the problems that appear at the end of each chapter and helpful tables of formulae and derivatives.

Krylov Methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems: From Theory to Computations (Springer Series in Computational Mathematics #57)

by Gérard Meurant Jurjen Duintjer Tebbens

This book aims to give an encyclopedic overview of the state-of-the-art of Krylov subspace iterative methods for solving nonsymmetric systems of algebraic linear equations and to study their mathematical properties. Solving systems of algebraic linear equations is among the most frequent problems in scientific computing; it is used in many disciplines such as physics, engineering, chemistry, biology, and several others. Krylov methods have progressively emerged as the iterative methods with the highest efficiency while being very robust for solving large linear systems; they may be expected to remain so, independent of progress in modern computer-related fields such as parallel and high performance computing. The mathematical properties of the methods are described and analyzed along with their behavior in finite precision arithmetic. A number of numerical examples demonstrate the properties and the behavior of the described methods. Also considered are the methods’ implementations and coding as Matlab®-like functions. Methods which became popular recently are considered in the general framework of Q-OR (quasi-orthogonal )/Q-MR (quasi-minimum) residual methods.This book can be useful for both practitioners and for readers who are more interested in theory. Together with a review of the state-of-the-art, it presents a number of recent theoretical results of the authors, some of them unpublished, as well as a few original algorithms. Some of the derived formulas might be useful for the design of possible new methods or for future analysis. For the more applied user, the book gives an up-to-date overview of the majority of the available Krylov methods for nonsymmetric linear systems, including well-known convergence properties and, as we said above, template codes that can serve as the base for more individualized and elaborate implementations.

Künstliche Intelligenz: Vom Schachspieler zur Superintelligenz?

by Manon Bischoff

​Künstliche Intelligenz ist längst nicht mehr nur ein ernstzunehmender Schachgegner, sondern reicht in der Anwendung weit in unseren Alltag hinein. Doch was macht einen Computer eigentlich intelligent? Wie lernen Algorithmen und wie bringt man einer Maschine das Spielen bei? Wobei kann uns KI heute und in Zukunft helfen – und wo versagen die selbstlernenden Programme?Die hier zusammengestellten Artikel aus »Spektrum der Wissenschaft«, »Gehirn&Geist« und »« bieten eine themenübergreifende Übersicht zu den wichtigsten Fragen der künstlichen Intelligenz. Interessierte Laien ohne besonderes Vorwissen erhalten einen Überblick von den Grundlagen neuronaler Netze und evolutionärer Algorithmen bis hin zu aktuellen Forschungsfragen aus Naturwissenschaft und Technik.Im ersten Teil des Buchs erfahren Sie, wie man einem Computer beibringt, selbstständig zu lernen, mit welchen Tricks man Algorithmen weiter verbessert und bekannte Schwächen behebt – und wie sogar Maschinen kreativ werden können. Inwiefern das speziell beim Erlernen von Brett- und Videospielen passiert und was das für weitere Anwendungen bedeutet, erklären wir im zweiten Teil. Der dritte Abschnitt beschäftigt sich mit den Fortschritten in Forschung und Technik, die Wissenschaftler mit Hilfe von KI erlangen: von der Suche nach neuer Physik bis hin zu der Entwicklung neuer Medikamente. Das letzte Kapitel widmet sich der Frage, wo die Grenzen des vermeintlichen Alleskönners KI liegen – und welche potenziellen Gefahren heute und in Zukunft davon ausgehen.

Künstliche Intelligenz und Data Science in Theorie und Praxis: Von Algorithmen und Methoden zur praktischen Umsetzung in Unternehmen

by Andreas Gillhuber Göran Kauermann Wolfgang Hauner

Dieser Sammelband verbindet theoretische Grundlagen und praktische Anwendungen von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) und Data Science: Anerkannte Experten stellen in ihren Beiträgen den aktuellen Stand in Forschung und Wirtschaft dar – und bieten so einen einzigartigen Überblick über aktuelle Konzepte und ihre Umsetzung in Unternehmen. Im ersten Teil des Buchs werden die Methoden und Algorithmen skizziert, die sich größtenteils aus einer Kombination von Statistik und Informatik ergeben und auf Verfahren des Maschinellen Lernens bis hin zu Deep Learning und KI basieren. Im zweiten Teil wird die konzeptionelle Umsetzung in der Praxis skizziert: Hier wird insbesondere aufgezeigt, welche Herausforderungen in der Praxis auftreten – ob nun bei der Einbettung der Daten-Use-Cases in eine Gesamtstrategie oder bei der Produktivsetzung, Weiterentwicklung und dem Betrieb von Daten-basierten Lösungen. Der dritte Teil zeigt das breite Potpourri von Data Science in der Praxis: Branchengrößen wie Allianz, ADAC, BMW, Deutsche Bahn, Lufthansa, REWE, RTL, St. Galler Stadtwerke, SwissRe und viele weitere zeigen konkret, welche Erfahrungen sie bei ihren Projekten gesammelt haben. Fachartikel von über 20 namhaften Unternehmen decken die spezifischen Anforderungen ihrer jeweiligen Branchen ab. Das Buch möchte die interdisziplinäre Diskussion und Kooperation zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft fördern und richtet sich daher an verschiedene Lesergruppen:Studierende und Absolventen, die Orientierung für die eigene Laufbahn suchen.Forschende und Lehrende, die einen Einblick in praxisrelevante Einsatzgebiete erhalten möchten.Anwender, Praktiker und Entscheider, die sich über Chancen und Herausforderungen von KI in der Praxis informieren möchten.

Künstliche Intelligenz und Machine Learning mit R: Anwendungen im Bereich Business Analytics

by Bernd Heesen

In einer VUCA-Welt, die sich als immer unbeständiger, unsicherer und komplexer erweist, gilt es für Unternehmen, Organisation und Staaten zeitnah und adäquat auf die jeweiligen Situationen zu reagieren. Entscheidungen basierend auf in der Vergangenheit gemachten Erfahrungen zu treffen ist in diesen Zeiten weniger erfolgreich als ein akkurates Verständnis der gegenwärtigen Bedingungen. Die Bedeutung von empirischen Wissenschaften, das permanente Beobachten der Umwelt, die zeitnahe Analyse von Wirkungszusammenhängen und das daraus abgeleitete Gewinnen neuer Erkenntnissen, nimmt zu. Daraus lässt sich ableiten, welche Maßnahmen mit einer vorhersagbaren Wahrscheinlichkeit zur Erreichung der eigenen Ziele geeignet sind, z.B. welcher Preis für ein Angebot die gewünschte Nachfrage erzeugt oder welche Marketingmaßnahme eine gewünschte Zielgruppe erreicht.Wo früher klassische Statistik für Berechnungen und Vorhersagen herangezogen wurde, da erlauben heute kostenlose (Open Source) Werkzeuge wie R Daten in unterschiedlichsten Formaten und aus beliebig vielen Quellen für die Analyse einzulesen, aufzubereiten und mit Hilfe von Methoden der Künstlichen Intelligenz und des Machine Learning zu analysieren. Die Ergebnisse können dann anschließend perfekt visuell dargestellt werden, so dass die Entscheider schnell und effektiv davon profitieren können.Das Zeitalter von Data Science ist erreicht. Digitalisierung ist mehr als ein Schlagwort oder ein Versprechen, es ist für jeden umsetzbar und nutzbar.Dieses Buch vermittelt Ihnen auf Basis der zum Zeitpunkt der Publikation aktuellsten Version von R, wie Sie Künstliche Intelligenz und Machine Learning in der Industrie 4.0 nutzen können.

Kunterbunte Mathematik: Begeisternde Erkundungen für Kinder, Lehrende und Eltern

by Heinz Klaus Strick

Dieses Buch zeichnet ein – im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes – farbenfrohes Bild von Mathematik: Es stellt eine Auswahl von mathematischen Themen vor, die mithilfe durchgehend farbig gestalteter Abbildungen und unterstützt durch möglichst einfache Erläuterungen erschlossen werden. Auf Formeln und Rechnungen wurde soweit wie möglich verzichtet.Das Buch eignet sich insbesondere für Kinder ab etwa 8 Jahren und Jugendliche. Lehrenden und Eltern bietet es entsprechende Anregungen für gemeinsame mathematische Erkundungen. Die einzelnen Kapitel sind im Wesentlichen unabhängig voneinander lesbar, sodass sie möglichst vielseitig einsetzbar sind. Durch regelmäßig eingestreute Anregungen zum Nachdenken und Anstöße für eigene Untersuchungen wird mathematisches Entdecken erlebbar. Lösungshinweise zu diesen Anregungen sowie Kopiervorlagen werden online zur Verfügung gestellt.Die Mehrzahl der Themen wird Leserinnen und Lesern der beliebten Bücher Mathematik ist schön, Mathematik ist wunderschön und Mathematik ist wunderwunderschön bekannt vorkommen – es handelt sich um eine Auswahl von Inhalten aus diesen Büchern, die hier größtenteils völlig neu aufbereitet wurden: Die Darstellungen sind im vorliegenden „kunterbunten“ Buch nochmal sehr viel anschaulicher, ausführlicher und kindgerechter. Außerdem sind weitere Themen hinzugekommen, die sich besonders für jüngere Mathematikinteressierte eignen.

Kuranishi Structures and Virtual Fundamental Chains (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)

by Kenji Fukaya Yong-Geun Oh Hiroshi Ohta Kaoru Ono

The package of Gromov’s pseudo-holomorphic curves is a major tool in global symplectic geometry and its applications, including mirror symmetry and Hamiltonian dynamics. The Kuranishi structure was introduced by two of the authors of the present volume in the mid-1990s to apply this machinery on general symplectic manifolds without assuming any specific restrictions. It was further amplified by this book’s authors in their monograph Lagrangian Intersection Floer Theory and in many other publications of theirs and others. Answering popular demand, the authors now present the current book, in which they provide a detailed, self-contained explanation of the theory of Kuranishi structures.Part I discusses the theory on a single space equipped with Kuranishi structure, called a K-space, and its relevant basic package. First, the definition of a K-space and maps to the standard manifold are provided. Definitions are given for fiber products, differential forms, partitions of unity, and the notion of CF-perturbations on the K-space. Then, using CF-perturbations, the authors define the integration on K-space and the push-forward of differential forms, and generalize Stokes' formula and Fubini's theorem in this framework. Also, “virtual fundamental class” is defined, and its cobordism invariance is proved.Part II discusses the (compatible) system of K-spaces and the process of going from “geometry” to “homological algebra”. Thorough explanations of the extension of given perturbations on the boundary to the interior are presented. Also explained is the process of taking the “homotopy limit” needed to handle a system of infinitely many moduli spaces. Having in mind the future application of these chain level constructions beyond those already known, an axiomatic approach is taken by listing the properties of the system of the relevant moduli spaces and then a self-contained account of the construction of the associated algebraic structures is given. This axiomatic approach makes the exposition contained here independent of previously published construction of relevant structures.

Kurt Gödel: The Genius of Metamathematics (Springer Biographies)

by William D. Brewer

During his lifetime, Kurt Gödel was not well known outside the professional world of mathematicians, philosophers and theoretical physicists. Early in his career, for his doctoral thesis and then for his Habilitation (Dr.Sci.), he wrote earthshaking articles on the completeness and provability of mathematical-logical systems, upsetting the hypotheses of the most famous mathematicians/philosophers of the time. He later delved into theoretical physics, finding a unique solution to Einstein’s equations for gravity, the ‘Gödel Universe’, and made contributions to philosophy, the guiding theme of his life. This book includes more details about the context of Gödel’s life than are found in earlier biographies, while avoiding an elaborate treatment of his mathematical/scientific/philosophical works, which have been described in great detail in other books. In this way, it makes him and his times more accessible to general readers, and will allow them to appreciate the lasting effects of Gödel’s contributions (the latter in a more up-to-date context than in previous biographies, many of which were written 15–25 years ago). His work spans or is relevant to a wide spectrum of intellectual endeavor, and this is emphasized in the book, with recent examples. This biography also examines possible sources of his unusual personality, which combined mathematical genius with an almost childlike naiveté concerning everyday life, and striking scientific innovations with timidity and hesitancy in practical matters. How he nevertheless had a long and successful career, inspiring many younger scholars along the way, with the help of his loyal wife Adele and some of his friends, is a fascinating story in human nature.

Kurt Gödel: Metamathematisches Genie

by William D. Brewer

Zu seinen Lebzeiten war Kurt Gödel außerhalb der Fachwelt der Mathematiker, Philosophen und theoretischen Physiker kaum bekannt. Zu Beginn seiner Karriere schuf er beeindruckende Arbeiten zur Vollständigkeit und Beweisbarkeit formaler logischer Systeme, die zu seiner Dissertation und seiner Habilitations-schrift wurden und ihn unter Fachleuten weltberühmt machten. Seine Unvoll-ständigkeitssätze läuteten das Ende der formal-logischen Programme der Logizisten (Russell et al.) und der Formalisten (Hilbert et al.) ein. Später erzielte er auch signifikante Ergebnisse in der Mengenlehre. Nach seiner Emigration in die USA (Princeton), widmete er sich mehr der Philosophie, dem Leitmotiv seines Lebens, und er fand auch eine einzigartige Lösung zu Einsteins Feld-gleichungen der Gravitation, sein “Gödel-Universum“. Dieses Buch beschreibt sowohl den Gödel, der ein genialer Wissenschaftler war, und der gewagte und neuartige Hypothesen zu den Fundamenten der Mathe-matik und Physik hervorbrachte, ‒ als auch den Gödel, der ein perfekter Rationalist war, aber sein Alltagsleben nur mit Mühe meistern konnte und zeitlebens unter Depressionen, Angstneurosen und Hypochondrie litt. Ein Leben voller Paradoxen, in dem er trotz all seiner psychischen Probleme Beachtliches leistete und zu einem Vorbild für viele jüngere Wissenschaftler wurde. Das Buch liefert den Kontext zu seinen Errungenschaften, die ein verblüffend breites Spektrum intellektueller Unternehmungen darstellen, und zu seiner zunehmenden Geisteskrankheit; und es zeigt, wie er eine lange und erfolgreiche Karriere mit Hilfe seiner loyalen Ehefrau Adele und einigen seiner Freunde durchlaufen konnte. Dies ist eine faszinierende Geschichte der wissen-schaftlichen Genialität und der menschlichen Natur.

Kurt Gödel and the Foundations of Mathematics

by Matthias Baaz Christos H. Papadimitriou Hilary W. Putnam Dana S. Scott Charles L. Harper

This volume commemorates the life, work, and foundational views of Kurt Gödel (1906-1978), most famous for his hallmark works on the completeness of first-order logic, the incompleteness of number theory, and the consistency - with the other widely accepted axioms of set theory - of the axiom of choice and of the generalized continuum hypothesis. It explores current research, advances, and ideas for future directions not only in the foundations of mathematics and logic, but also in the fields of computer science, artificial intelligence, physics, cosmology, philosophy, theology, and the history of science. The discussion is supplemented by personal reflections from several scholars who knew Gödel personally, providing some interesting insights into his life. By putting his ideas and life's work into the context of current thinking and perceptions, this book will extend the impact of Gödel's fundamental work in mathematics, logic, philosophy, and other disciplines for future generations of researchers.

The Kurzweil-Henstock Integral for Undergraduates: A Promenade Along the Marvelous Theory of Integration (Compact Textbooks in Mathematics)

by Alessandro Fonda

This beginners' course provides students with a general and sufficiently easy to grasp theory of the Kurzweil-Henstock integral. The integral is indeed more general than Lebesgue's in RN, but its construction is rather simple, since it makes use of Riemann sums which, being geometrically viewable, are more easy to be understood. The theory is developed also for functions of several variables, and for differential forms, as well, finally leading to the celebrated Stokes–Cartan formula. In the appendices, differential calculus in RN is reviewed, with the theory of differentiable manifolds. Also, the Banach–Tarski paradox is presented here, with a complete proof, a rather peculiar argument for this type of monographs.

L² Approaches in Several Complex Variables

by Takeo Ohsawa

The purpose of this monograph is to present the current status of a rapidly developing part of several complex variables, motivated by the applicability of effective results to algebraic geometry and differential geometry. Highlighted are the new precise results on the L² extension of holomorphic functions. In Chapter 1, the classical questions of several complex variables motivating the development of this field are reviewed after necessary preparations from the basic notions of those variables and of complex manifolds such as holomorphic functions, pseudoconvexity, differential forms, and cohomology. In Chapter 2, the L² method of solving the d-bar equation is presented emphasizing its differential geometric aspect. In Chapter 3, a refinement of the Oka-Cartan theory is given by this method. The L² extension theorem with an optimal constant is included, obtained recently by Z. BÅ,ocki and by Q. -A. Guan and X. -Y. Zhou separately. In Chapter 4, various results on the Bergman kernel are presented, including recent works of Maitani-Yamaguchi, Berndtsson, and Guan-Zhou. Most of these results are obtained by the L² method. In the last chapter, rather specific results are discussed on the existence and classification of certain holomorphic foliations and Levi flat hypersurfaces as their stables sets. These are also applications of the L² method obtained during these 15 years.

L² Approaches in Several Complex Variables: Towards the Oka–Cartan Theory with Precise Bounds (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)

by Takeo Ohsawa

This monograph presents the current status of a rapidly developing part of several complex variables, motivated by the applicability of effective results to algebraic geometry and differential geometry. Special emphasis is put on the new precise results on the L² extension of holomorphic functions in the past 5 years.In Chapter 1, the classical questions of several complex variables motivating the development of this field are reviewed after necessary preparations from the basic notions of those variables and of complex manifolds such as holomorphic functions, pseudoconvexity, differential forms, and cohomology. In Chapter 2, the L² method of solving the d-bar equation is presented emphasizing its differential geometric aspect. In Chapter 3, a refinement of the Oka–Cartan theory is given by this method. The L² extension theorem with an optimal constant is included, obtained recently by Z. Błocki and separately by Q.-A. Guan and X.-Y. Zhou. In Chapter 4, various results on the Bergman kernel are presented, including recent works of Maitani–Yamaguchi, Berndtsson, Guan–Zhou, and Berndtsson–Lempert. Most of these results are obtained by the L² method. In the last chapter, rather specific results are discussed on the existence and classification of certain holomorphic foliations and Levi flat hypersurfaces as their stables sets. These are also applications of the L² method obtained during the past 15 years.

L.E.J. Brouwer – Topologist, Intuitionist, Philosopher

by Dirk Van Dalen

Dirk van Dalen's biography studies the fascinating life of the famous Dutch mathematician and philosopher Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer. Brouwer belonged to a special class of genius; complex and often controversial and gifted with a deep intuition, he had an unparalleled access to the secrets and intricacies of mathematics. Most mathematicians remember L.E.J. Brouwer from his scientific breakthroughs in the young subject of topology and for the famous Brouwer fixed point theorem. Brouwer's main interest, however, was in the foundation of mathematics which led him to introduce, and then consolidate, constructive methods under the name 'intuitionism'. This made him one of the main protagonists in the 'foundation crisis' of mathematics. As a confirmed internationalist, he also got entangled in the interbellum struggle for the ending of the boycott of German and Austrian scientists. This time during the twentieth century was turbulent; nationalist resentment and friction between formalism and intuitionism led to the Mathematische Annalen conflict ('The war of the frogs and the mice'). It was here that Brouwer played a pivotal role. The present biography is an updated revision of the earlier two volume biography in one single book. It appeals to mathematicians and anybody interested in the history of mathematics in the first half of the twentieth century.

L-Functions and Automorphic Forms (Contributions In Mathematical And Computational Sciences Ser. #10)

by Jan Hendrik Bruinier Winfried Kohnen

This book presents a collection of carefully refereed research articles and lecture notes stemming from the Conference "Automorphic Forms and L-Functions", held at the University of Heidelberg in 2016. The theory of automorphic forms and their associated L-functions is one of the central research areas in modern number theory, linking number theory, arithmetic geometry, representation theory, and complex analysis in many profound ways. The 19 papers cover a wide range of topics within the scope of the conference, including automorphic L-functions and their special values, p-adic modular forms, Eisenstein series, Borcherds products, automorphic periods, and many more.

L1-Norm and L∞-Norm Estimation

by Richard William Farebrother

This monograph is concerned with the fitting of linear relationships in the context of the linear statistical model. As alternatives to the familiar least squared residuals procedure, it investigates the relationships between the least absolute residuals, the minimax absolute residual and the least median of squared residuals procedures. It is intended for graduate students and research workers in statistics with some command of matrix analysis and linear programming techniques.

Lab Manual for Psychological Research and Statistical Analysis

by J. Cooper Cutting Dawn M. McBride

Lab Manual for Psychological Research and Statistical Analysis serves as an additional resource for students and instructors in a research methods, statistics, or combined course where classroom and/or laboratory exercises are conducted. Packed with exercises, checklists, and how-to sections, this robust lab manual gives students hands-on guidance and practice for conducting and analyzing their own psychological research. Dawn M. McBride and J. Cooper Cutting provide students with additional opportunities for practice in a course with challenging material that requires practice and repetition for deeper understanding.

Lab Manual for Psychological Research and Statistical Analysis

by J. Cooper Cutting Dawn M. McBride

Lab Manual for Psychological Research and Statistical Analysis serves as an additional resource for students and instructors in a research methods, statistics, or combined course where classroom and/or laboratory exercises are conducted. Packed with exercises, checklists, and how-to sections, this robust lab manual gives students hands-on guidance and practice for conducting and analyzing their own psychological research. Dawn M. McBride and J. Cooper Cutting provide students with additional opportunities for practice in a course with challenging material that requires practice and repetition for deeper understanding.

Lab Manual for Statistical Analysis

by J. Cooper Cutting Dawn M. McBride

Packed with exercises, checklists, and how-to sections, this robust lab manual gives students hands-on guidance and practice for analyzing their own psychological research. The lab manual’s four sections include activities that correspond directly with the chapters of Dawn M. McBride’s The Process of Statistical Analysis in Psychology; activities related to data analysis projects (including data sets) that students can manipulate and analyze; activities designed to help students choose the correct test for different types of data; and exercises designed to help students write up results from analyses in APA style.

Lab Manual for Statistical Analysis

by J. Cooper Cutting Dawn M. McBride

Packed with exercises, checklists, and how-to sections, this robust lab manual gives students hands-on guidance and practice for analyzing their own psychological research. The lab manual’s four sections include activities that correspond directly with the chapters of Dawn M. McBride’s The Process of Statistical Analysis in Psychology; activities related to data analysis projects (including data sets) that students can manipulate and analyze; activities designed to help students choose the correct test for different types of data; and exercises designed to help students write up results from analyses in APA style.

Labor Struggle in the Post Office: From Selective Lobbying to Collective Bargaining (Labor And Human Resources)

by John Walsh Garth L. Mangum

Using data from the 2000 Census, this collection examines the major demographic and employment trends in the rural Midwestern states with special attention to the issues that state and local policy makers must address in the near future.

Laboratory Experiments in Information Retrieval: Sample Sizes, Effect Sizes, and Statistical Power (The Information Retrieval Series #40)

by Tetsuya Sakai

Covering aspects from principles and limitations of statistical significance tests to topic set size design and power analysis, this book guides readers to statistically well-designed experiments. Although classical statistical significance tests are to some extent useful in information retrieval (IR) evaluation, they can harm research unless they are used appropriately with the right sample sizes and statistical power and unless the test results are reported properly. The first half of the book is mainly targeted at undergraduate students, and the second half is suitable for graduate students and researchers who regularly conduct laboratory experiments in IR, natural language processing, recommendations, and related fields.Chapters 1–5 review parametric significance tests for comparing system means, namely, t-tests and ANOVAs, and show how easily they can be conducted using Microsoft Excel or R. These chapters also discuss a few multiple comparison procedures for researchers who are interested in comparing every system pair, including a randomised version of Tukey's Honestly Significant Difference test. The chapters then deal with known limitations of classical significance testing and provide practical guidelines for reporting research results regarding comparison of means. Chapters 6 and 7 discuss statistical power. Chapter 6 introduces topic set size design to enable test collection builders to determine an appropriate number of topics to create. Readers can easily use the author’s Excel tools for topic set size design based on the paired and two-sample t-tests, one-way ANOVA, and confidence intervals. Chapter 7 describes power-analysis-based methods for determining an appropriate sample size for a new experiment based on a similar experiment done in the past, detailing how to utilize the author’s R tools for power analysis and how to interpret the results. Case studies from IR for both Excel-based topic set size design and R-based power analysis are also provided.

Laborstatistik für technische Assistenten und Studierende (essentials)

by Patric U. Vogel

In diesem essential wird die Anwendung von statistischen Analysen von normalverteilten Daten im Laboralltag dargestellt. Hierzu zählen die Berechnung von Mittelwert und Standardabweichung sowie die Erstellung von einfachen grafischen Abbildungen. Im Anschluss werden Tests auf Ausreißer und Normalverteilung sowie Stichprobenberechnungen anhand einfacher Beispiele vorgestellt. Abschließend erlernen die Leser*innen den Vergleich von Datengruppen mittels t-test und ANOVA, das Erkennen von Zusammenhängen mittels linearer Regression und Korrelation sowie die Anwendung von Konfidenzintervallen. Zusätzlich werden übliche Fehlerquellen bei der Anwendung statistischer Methoden erklärt.

The Labour Market Impact of the EU Enlargement

by Francesco Pastore Floro Ernesto Caroleo

Until recently, regional labour market imbalances were considered transitory phenomena caused by state failure in yielding distorted investment incentives and by labour market rigidities. Labour mobility and wage flexibility were at the core of the debate over the causes of and cures for regional imbalances. This book bears witness to the changed perspective of research. For instance, in the recent literature, internal migration is depicted as a cause of further geographical divergence. The book contributes to the debate by presenting important new findings on: a) the reasons why structural change in some sectors causes a slump in some regions; b) the extent to which poverty traps explain spatial imbalances; c) the degree of convergence across EU countries and regions; d) the role of labour mobility in Central and Eastern Europe; e) and the role of pro-active employment schemes and child care facilities in alleviating the hardship of the weakest segments of the population.

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