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All the Mathematics You Missed
by Thomas A. GarrityBeginning graduate students in mathematics and other quantitative subjects are expected to have a daunting breadth of mathematical knowledge. But few have such a background. This 2002 book will help students to see the broad outline of mathematics and to fill in the gaps in their knowledge. The author explains the basic points and a few key results of all the most important undergraduate topics in mathematics, emphasizing the intuitions behind the subject. The topics include linear algebra, vector calculus, differential geometry, real analysis, point-set topology, probability, complex analysis, abstract algebra, and more. An annotated bibliography then offers a guide to further reading and to more rigorous foundations. This book will be an essential resource for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in mathematics, the physical sciences, engineering, computer science, statistics, and economics who need to quickly learn some serious mathematics.
All Things Being Equal: Why Math Is the Key to a Better World
by John MightonFrom the award-winning founder of JUMP Math, All Things Being Equal is a proven guide to succeeding in math, and a passionate argument for why this success can and must be available to the majority instead of the privileged few. For two decades, John Mighton has developed strategies for fostering intellectual potential in all children through learning math. Math, Mighton says, provides us with mental tools of incredible power. When we learn math we learn to see patterns, to think logically and systematically, to draw analogies, to perceive risk, to understand cause and effect--among many other critical skills. Yet we tolerate and in fact expect a vast performance gap in math among students, and live in a world where many adults aren't equipped with these crucial tools. This learning gap is unnecessary, dangerous and tragic, he cautions, and it has led us to a problem of intellectual poverty which is apparent everywhere--in fake news, political turmoil, floundering economies, even in erroneous medical diagnoses. In All Things Being Equal, Mighton argues that math study is an ideal starting point to break down social inequality and empower individuals to build a smarter, kinder, more equitable world. Bringing together the latest cognitive research and incremental learning strategies, Mighton goes deep into the classroom and beyond to offer a hopeful--and urgent--vision for a numerate society.
Allergy Bioinformatics (Translational Bioinformatics #8)
by Ailin Tao Eyal RazThe book introduces the bioinformatics resources and tools available for the study of allergenicity. Allergy symptoms affect more than 25% of the population in industrialized countries. At the same time, biotechnology is a rapidly developing field, which often involves the introduction of potentially allergenic novel proteins into drugs or foods. It is essential to avoid transferring a gene that encodes a major allergenic protein (from any source) into a drug/food crop that did not previously contain that protein. Accurately distinguishing candidate genes from allergens before transferring them into a drug or food would aid preventive efforts to curb the rising incidence of allergies. Several public databases have been created in response to increasing allergen data. The resources provided by these databases have paved the way for the creation of specialized bioinformatics tools that allow allergenicity to be predicted. The book is a useful resource for biologists and biomedical informatics scientists, as well as clinicians. Dr. Ailin Tao is the chief of Guangdong Province Key Laboratory of Allergy & Clinical Immunology, Principal Investigator of the State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University; Dr. Prof. Eyal Raz is a Professor of Medicine at University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California, USA. They collaborate very well on allergy research and this book editi ng.
Allgemeine Psychologie
by Jochen Müsseler Martina RiegerDas Lehrbuch bietet einen umfassenden Einblick in zentrale Aspekte menschlichen Erlebens und Verhaltens. Hierbei stehen Prozesse und Mechanismen der psychischen Vorg#65533;nge im Vordergrund, welche aus kognitions- und neurowissenschaftlicher Perspektive betrachtet werden. Inhaltlich werden in diesem Standardwerk folgende wesentliche Themenbereiche dargestellt: Wahrnehmung und Aufmerksamkeit Emotion und Motivation Lernen und Ged#65533;chtnis Sprachproduktion und -verstehen Denken und Probleml#65533;sen Handlungsplanung und -ausf#65533;hrung Die Kapitel sind von Spezialisten des jeweiligen Gebietes geschrieben. Diese dritte Auflage wurde grundlegend aktualisiert und durch zus#65533;tzliche Kapitel zur multisensorischen Verarbeitung, zum logischen Denken, zu Urteilen und Entscheiden, zum motorischen Lernen und zu Embodied Cognition und Agency erg#65533;nzt. Die Inhalte werden nun durch konkrete Anwendungsbeispiele - aus der Forschung f#65533;r die Praxis - und informative, farbige Illustrationen und ein didaktisch ausgereiftes Layout noch st#65533;rker veranschaulicht. Wie auch die ersten beiden Auflagen bietet diese Auflage eine kompetente Einf#65533;hrung f#65533;r Studierende, die ideal ist zur Pr#65533;fungsvorbereitung im Bachelor- und Masterstudium. Gleichzeitig ist dieses Werk ein optimales Nachschlagewerk f#65533;r wissenschaftlich und praktisch arbeitende Psychologen und Personen benachbarter Disziplinen. #65533;ber www. lehrbuch-psychologie. de werden f#65533;r Studierende und Dozenten hilfreiche Online-Zusatzmaterialien zur Verf#65533;gung gestellt.
Allgemeine Psychologie
by Martina Rieger Jochen MüsselerDie Neuauflage dieses Standardlehrbuchs bietet einen umfassenden Einblick in zentrale Aspekte menschlichen Erlebens und Verhaltens. Hierbei stehen Prozesse und Mechanismen der psychischen Vorgänge im Vordergrund, welche aus kognitions- und neurowissenschaftlicher Perspektive betrachtet werden. Inhaltlich werden in diesem Standardwerk folgende wesentliche Themenbereiche dargestellt: Wahrnehmung und Aufmerksamkeit; Emotion und Motivation; Lernen und Gedächtnis; Sprachproduktion und -verstehen; Denken und Problemlösen; Handlungsplanung und -ausführung. Die einzelnen Kapitel wurden von Expert:innen des jeweiligen Gebiets verfasst. Diese vierte Auflage ist grundlegend aktualisiert und durch zusätzliche Kapitel ergänzt worden. Die Inhalte werden durch konkrete Anwendungsbeispiele – aus der Forschung für die Praxis – und informative farbige Illustrationen sowie ein didaktisch ausgereiftes Layout veranschaulicht. Zusätzlich sind sie mit digitalen Fragen und Antworten zum Selbsttest angereichert. Wie die vorhergehenden Auflagen bietet auch diese Auflage eine kompetente Einführung für Studierende, die ideal ist zur Prüfungsvorbereitung im Bachelor- und Masterstudium. Gleichzeitig ist dieses Werk ein optimales Nachschlagewerk für wissenschaftlich und praktisch arbeitende Psycholog:innen und Personen aus benachbarten Disziplinen. Studierende und Dozierende finden hilfreiche Online-Zusatzmaterialien und die inkludierte Flashcard-App auf der Begleitwebseite.
Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie und die Darstellung Schwarzer Löcher in interaktiven Medien: Eine Analyse am Beispiel des Computerspiels „Elite Dangerous“ (BestMasters)
by Rebecca MaksimovićDie Darstellungen von Schwarzen Löcher in Büchern, im Fernsehen und in Computerspielen prägen die Vorstellungen der Öffentlichkeit über Astrophysik und die Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie (ART). Deshalb stellt sich die spannende Frage, inwiefern die Darstellungen der Wissenschaft entsprechen. Das vorliegende Buch geht dieser Frage nach, indem zwei Effekte der ART an Schwarzen Löchern, die Lichtablenkung und die gravitative Rotverschiebung, exemplarisch in dem Computerspiel „Elite Dangerous“ untersucht werden. Dafür wird zuerst die ART elementar eingeführt und auf Grundlage der Theorie werden schwarze Löcher und ihre Effekte beschrieben. Danach wird dieses Fachwissen auf Bildausschnitte des Computerspiels angewendet und diese untersucht. Ein besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf eine möglichst nachvollziehbare kleinschrittige Darstellung mit anschaulichen Beispielen gelegt, sodass die Arbeit auch für Lehramtsstudierende und Lehrkräfte gut verständlich ist.
Allocation in Networks
by Jens Leth HougaardA comprehensive overview of networks and economic design, presenting models and results drawn from economics, operations research, and computer science; with examples and exercises. This book explores networks and economic design, focusing on the role played by allocation rules (revenue and cost-sharing schemes) in creating and sustaining efficient network solutions. It takes a normative approach, seeking economically efficient network solutions sustained by distributional fairness, and considers how different ways of allocating liability affect incentives for network usage and development. The text presents an up-to-date overview of models and results currently scattered over several strands of literature, drawing on economics, operations research, and computer science. The book's analysis of allocation problems includes such classic models from combinatorial optimization as the minimum cost spanning tree and the traveling salesman problem. It examines the planner's ability to design mechanisms that will implement efficient network structures, both in large decentralized networks and when there is user-agent information asymmetry. Offering systematic theoretical analyses of various compelling allocation rules in cases of fixed network structures as well as discussions of network design problems, the book covers such topics as tree-structured distribution systems, routing games, organizational hierarchies, the “price of anarchy,” mechanism design, and efficient implementation. Appropriate as a reference for practitioners in network regulation and the network industry or as a text for graduate students, the book offers numerous illustrative examples and end-of-chapter exercises that highlight the concepts and methods presented.
Alltagsentscheidungen: Die anderen sind nicht dümmer als wir
by Klaus SchredelsekerDieses Buch besch#65533;ftigt sich mit Entscheidungen, aber es ist kein Buch #65533;ber Entscheidungstheorie, wenngleich ab und zu auch auf entscheidungstheoretische Konzeptionen Bezug genommen wird. Es ist ein Buch #65533;ber die Allt#65533;glichkeit von Entscheidungen, pr#65533;sentiert anhand von 99 h#65533;chst unterschiedlichen Episoden, trivialen und weniger trivialen. Viele Menschen haben Schwierigkeiten mit selbstreflexiven Problemen, bei denen es nicht nur um das eigene Problemverst#65533;ndnis, sondern vor allem um das anderer Personen geht (Mehrpersonenentscheidungen, Spiele, M#65533;rkte). Der Autor hat #65533;ber die Jahre eine F#65533;lle derartiger Probleme gesammelt und in diesem Buch zusammengetragen. Es geht um Denkfehler, asymmetrische Informationen und Signalling. Formuliert anhand praxiserprobter Beispiele, die jeder von uns aus dem Alltag kennt.
Almost All About Unit Roots
by In ChoiMany economic theories depend on the presence or absence of a unit root for their validity, and econometric and statistical theory undergo considerable changes when unit roots are present. Thus, knowledge on unit roots has become so important, necessitating an extensive, compact, and nontechnical book on this subject. This book is rested on this motivation and introduces the literature on unit roots in a comprehensive manner to both empirical and theoretical researchers in economics and other areas. By providing a clear, complete, and critical discussion of unit root literature, In Choi covers a wide range of topics, including uniform confidence interval construction, unit root tests allowing structural breaks, mildly explosive processes, exuberance testing, fractionally integrated processes, seasonal unit roots and panel unit root testing. Extensive, up to date, and readily accessible, this book is a comprehensive reference source on unit roots for both students and applied workers.
Almost Automorphic Type and Almost Periodic Type Functions in Abstract Spaces
by Toka DiaganaThis book presents a comprehensive introduction to the concepts of almost periodicity, asymptotic almost periodicity, almost automorphy, asymptotic almost automorphy, pseudo-almost periodicity, and pseudo-almost automorphy as well as their recent generalizations. Some of the results presented are either new or else cannot be easily found in the mathematical literature. Despite the noticeable and rapid progress made on these important topics, the only standard references that currently exist on those new classes of functions and their applications are still scattered research articles. One of the main objectives of this book is to close that gap. The prerequisites for the book is the basic introductory course in real analysis. Depending on the background of the student, the book may be suitable for a beginning graduate and/or advanced undergraduate student. Moreover, it will be of a great interest to researchers in mathematics as well as in engineering, in physics, and related areas. Further, some parts of the book may be used for various graduate and undergraduate courses.
Almost Completely Decomposable Groups (Algebra, Logic and Applications)
by null A MaderAn almost completely decomposable abelian (acd) group is an extension of a finite direct sum of subgroups of the additive group of rational numbers by a finite abelian group. Examples are easy to write and are frequently used but have been notoriously difficult to study and classify because of their computational nature. However, a general theory o
Almost Global Solutions of Capillary-Gravity Water Waves Equations on the Circle (Lecture Notes Of The Unione Matematica Italiana Ser. #24)
by Massimiliano Berti Jean-Marc DelortThe goal of this monograph is to prove that any solution of the Cauchy problem for the capillary-gravity water waves equations, in one space dimension, with periodic, even in space, small and smooth enough initial data, is almost globally defined in time on Sobolev spaces, provided the gravity-capillarity parameters are taken outside an exceptional subset of zero measure. In contrast to the many results known for these equations on the real line, with decaying Cauchy data, one cannot make use of dispersive properties of the linear flow. Instead, a normal forms-based procedure is used, eliminating those contributions to the Sobolev energy that are of lower degree of homogeneity in the solution. Since the water waves equations form a quasi-linear system, the usual normal forms approaches would face the well-known problem of losses of derivatives in the unbounded transformations. To overcome this, after a paralinearization of the capillary-gravity water waves equations, we perform several paradifferential reductions to obtain a diagonal system with constant coefficient symbols, up to smoothing remainders. Then we start with a normal form procedure where the small divisors are compensated by the previous paradifferential regularization. The reversible structure of the water waves equations, and the fact that we seek solutions even in space, guarantees a key cancellation which prevents the growth of the Sobolev norms of the solutions.
Almost Periodic and Almost Automorphic Functions in Abstract Spaces
by Gaston M. N'GuérékataThis book presents the foundation of the theory of almost automorphic functions in abstract spaces and the theory of almost periodic functions in locally and non-locally convex spaces and their applications in differential equations. Since the publication of Almost automorphic and almost periodic functions in abstract spaces (Kluwer Academic/Plenum, 2001), there has been a surge of interest in the theory of almost automorphic functions and applications to evolution equations. Several generalizations have since been introduced in the literature, including the study of almost automorphic sequences, and the interplay between almost periodicity and almost automorphic has been exposed for the first time in light of operator theory, complex variable functions and harmonic analysis methods. As such, the time has come for a second edition to this work, which was one of the most cited books of the year 2001.This new edition clarifies and improves upon earlier materials, includes many relevant contributions and references in new and generalized concepts and methods, and answers the longtime open problem, "What is the number of almost automorphic functions that are not almost periodic in the sense of Bohr?" Open problems in non-locally convex valued almost periodic and almost automorphic functions are also indicated.As in the first edition, materials are presented in a simplified and rigorous way. Each chapter is concluded with bibliographical notes showing the original sources of the results and further reading.
Almost Periodic Functions (Dover Books on Mathematics)
by Harvey Cohn Harald BohrMathematician Harald Bohr, motivated by questions about which functions could be represented by a Dirichlet series, devised the theory of almost periodic functions during the 1920s. His groundbreaking work influenced many later mathematicians, who extended the theory in new and diverse directions. In this volume, Bohr focuses on an essential aspect of the theory — the functions of a real variable — in full detail and with complete proofs.The treatment, which is based on Bohr's lectures, starts with an introduction that leads to discussions of purely periodic functions and their Fourier series. The heart of the book, his exploration of the theory of almost periodic functions, is supplemented by two appendixes that cover generalizations of almost periodic functions and almost periodic functions of a complete variable.
Almost Periodic Solutions of Differential Equations in Banach Spaces (Stability and Control: Theory, Methods and Applications)
by null Yoshiyuki Hino null Toshiki Naito null Nguyen VanMinh null Jong Son ShinThis monograph presents recent developments in spectral conditions for the existence of periodic and almost periodic solutions of inhomogenous equations in Banach Spaces. Many of the results represent significant advances in this area. In particular, the authors systematically present a new approach based on the so-called evolution semigroups with
Almost Periodicity, Chaos, and Asymptotic Equivalence (Nonlinear Systems and Complexity #27)
by Marat AkhmetThe central subject of this book is Almost Periodic Oscillations, the most common oscillations in applications and the most intricate for mathematical analysis. Prof. Akhmet's lucid and rigorous examination proves these oscillations are a "regular" component of chaotic attractors. The book focuses on almost periodic functions, first of all, as Stable (asymptotically) solutions of differential equations of different types, presumably discontinuous; and, secondly, as non-isolated oscillations in chaotic sets. Finally, the author proves the existence of Almost Periodic Oscillations (asymptotic and bi-asymptotic) by asymptotic equivalence between systems. The book brings readers' attention to contemporary methods for considering oscillations as well as to methods with strong potential for study of chaos in the future. Providing three powerful instruments for mathematical research of oscillations where dynamics are observable and applied, the book is ideal for engineers as well as specialists in electronics, computer sciences, robotics, neural networks, artificial networks, and biology.Distinctively combines results and methods of the theory of differential equations with thorough investigation of chaotic dynamics with almost periodic ingredients;Provides all necessary mathematical basics in their most developed form, negating the need for any additional sources for readers to start work in the area;Presents a unique method of investigation of discontinuous almost periodic solutions in its unified form, employed to differential equations with different types of discontinuity;Develops the equivalence method to its ultimate effective state such that most important theoretical problems and practical applications can be analyzed by the method.
Alpha Teach Yourself Algebra I in 24 Hours (Alpha Teach Yourself)
by Jane CookThe first step in complex math is now the easiest. Alpha Teach Yourself Algebra I in 24 Hours provides readers with a structured, self-paced, straight-forward tutorial to algebra. It's the perfect textbook companion for students struggling with algebra, a solid primer for those looking to get a head start on an upcoming class, and a welcome refresher for parents tasked with helping out with homework, all in 24 one-hour lessons. Algebra is the second-most popular mathematic course for college- bound high school students Nearly all college-bound high school students now take algebra
Altern als Zukunft – eine Studie der VolkswagenStiftung
by Frieder R. Lang Stephan Lessenich Klaus RothermundDeutschland altert – aber was heißt das? Ist das schlimm? Und kann eine Gesellschaft überhaupt als Ganzes altern? In einer Zusammenführung von psychologischen, gerontologischen und soziologischen Erkenntnissen eröffnet dieses Open Access Buch einen bislang einzigartigen, vielseitigen und realistischen Blick auf das Phänomen des Alters und den Prozess des Alterns. Schwerpunkte des Projekts Altern als Zukunft waren Forschungen zu Altersbildern, zur Vorsorge für das Alter sowie zum Zeithandeln im Alter. Über ein Jahrzehnt lang führten die Autoren hierzu quantitative und qualitative Untersuchungen in drei Kontinenten durch. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass vereinseitigende Sichtweisen auf das Alter – seien es negative Stereotypen oder positive Überhöhungen – der Komplexität von Alternserfahrungen nicht gerecht werden. Das Buch richtet sich an alle, die sich für das Altern interessieren: wissenschaftlich, gesellschaftspolitisch, praktisch und persönlich. Ob alt oder jung, das Buch regt dazu an, eigene Sichtweisen zu hinterfragen. Eines wird deutlich: das ‚eine‘ Alter gibt es nicht – und Altern ist unsere Zukunft. Altern als Zukunft plädiert für die individuelle wie gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz der sozialen Tatsache des Alterns – und für das Recht, im höheren Alter genauso selbstbestimmt leben zu können wie in anderen Altersphasen auch.
Altern in der Landwirtschaft als gesellschaftliche Herausforderung: Eine Analyse von Erwerbsbiographien selbstständiger Landwirte (Dortmunder Beiträge zur Sozialforschung)
by Kim Marei KusserowSeit Jahrzehnten befindet sich die Landwirtschaft in einem Strukturwandel, der mit zahlreichen Entwicklungen einhergeht. Neben einer veränderten Arbeitsstruktur und -organisation nimmt der Strukturwandel auch Einfluss auf die (Erwerbs-)Biographien der Menschen, die in der Landwirtschaft arbeiten. Auf Grundlage qualitativer Interviews mit Betriebsleiter*innen aus Niedersachsen sowie Vertreter*innen landwirtschaftlicher Organisationen befasst sich das vorliegende Buch mit den aktuellen und zukünftigen Rahmenbedingungen für die Lebensgestaltung im höheren Alter von selbstständigen Landwirt*innen und analysiert diese vor dem Hintergrund biographietheoretischer Konzepte.
Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Machine Learning
by Zhouchen Lin Huan Li Cong FangMachine learning heavily relies on optimization algorithms to solve its learning models. Constrained problems constitute a major type of optimization problem, and the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) is a commonly used algorithm to solve constrained problems, especially linearly constrained ones. Written by experts in machine learning and optimization, this is the first book providing a state-of-the-art review on ADMM under various scenarios, including deterministic and convex optimization, nonconvex optimization, stochastic optimization, and distributed optimization. Offering a rich blend of ideas, theories and proofs, the book is up-to-date and self-contained. It is an excellent reference book for users who are seeking a relatively universal algorithm for constrained problems. Graduate students or researchers can read it to grasp the frontiers of ADMM in machine learning in a short period of time.
Alternative Theoretical Frameworks for Mathematics Education Research: Theory Meets Data
by Elizabeth De Freitas Margaret WalshawThis book explicates some of the fundamental philosophical tenets underpinning key theoretical frameworks, and demonstrates how these tenets inform particular kinds of research practice in mathematics education research. We believe that a deep understanding of significant theories from the humanities and social sciences is crucial for doing high-quality research in education. For that reason, this book focuses on six key theoretical sources, unpacking their relevance and application to specific research examples. We situate these key theorists within a larger framework pertaining to the history of thought more generally, and discuss how competing theories of teaching and learning differ in terms of their philosophical assumptions. In so doing, we offer context and motivation for particular research methods, with the agenda of helping researchers reflect on why particular approaches and not others might work for them.
Alterung und Pflege als kommunale Aufgabe: Deutsche und japanische Ansätze und Erfahrungen (Dortmunder Beiträge zur Sozialforschung)
by Franz Waldenberger Gerd Naegele Hiroko Kudo Tomoo MatsudaDie Beiträge in diesem Open-Access-Sammelband beschreiben und analysieren aus multidisziplinärer Sicht die Herausforderungen und Bewältigungsstrategien von Alterung und Pflege in japanischen und deutschen Gemeinden. Thematisiert werden rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen, zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement, Pflegekräftemangel, Technologiekonzepte für die Pflege und schließlich auch der Einfluss der Covid-19 Pandemie auf die Situation älterer und pflegebedürftiger Bürgerinnen und Bürger. Die Gegenüberstellung der Ansätze und Erfahrungen beider Länder erweitert das Spektrum an Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten und kann Impulse für eine Neuausrichtung bestehender Lösungsstrategien geben.
Alteryx Designer: Simplify and Automate Your Analytics
by Joshua BurkhowAnalytics projects are frequently long, drawn-out affairs, requiring multiple teams and skills to clean, join, and eventually turn data into analysis for timely decision-making. Alteryx Designer changes all of that. With this low-code, self-service, drag-and-drop workflow platform, new and experienced data and business analysts can deliver results in hours instead of weeks.This practical book shows you how to master all areas of Alteryx Designer quickly. Author and Alteryx ACE Joshua Burkhow starts with the basics of building a workflow, then introduces more than 200 tools for working with intermediate and advanced analytics functionality. With Alteryx Designer's all-in-one toolkit, you'll migrate from legacy analytics software or Excel with ease.Ready to work with data quickly and efficiently? This guide gets you started.Learn the fundamentals of cleaning, prepping, and analyzing data with Alteryx DesignerInstall, navigate, and quickly become competent with the Alteryx Designer layout and functionalityConstruct accurate, performant, reliable, and well-documented workflows that automate business processesLearn intermediate techniques using spatial analytics, reporting, and in-database toolsDive into advanced Alteryx capabilities, including predictive and machine learning toolsGet introduced to the entire Alteryx Analytic Process Automation (APA) Platform
Amanda Bean's Amazing Dream: A Mathematical Story
by Cindy Neuschwander Liza WoodruffNIMAC-sourced textbook
Amazin' Again: How the 2015 New York Mets Brought the Magic Back to Queens
by Greg W. Prince Howie RoseThey were coming off a seemingly endless string of losing records. They were considered years away from legitimate contention. They were derided and disregarded as a matter of course. But in 2015 the New York Mets changed their course and changed their story. The result was the best kind of amazin’. Against all expectations, these Mets surged from the starting gate, hung tough when adversity threatened to overwhelm their budding chances, and fortified themselves for a stretch drive few could have foreseen. In short order, they proceeded to capture a division title, raise a pennant, and lay claim to the heart of their city.With an unforgettable cast of characters including Matt Harvey, David Wright, Jacob deGrom, Yoenis Cespedes, and Daniel Murphy, the tale of the 2015 National League champion New York Mets is told for the ages in Amazin’ Again. Author Greg Prince-cocreator of Faith and Fear in Flushing, the blog that has distilled the heart and soul of Mets fandom for more than a decade-traces the trajectory of this championship season, from its roots in a long-ago amateur draft to its climax within the cauldron of Citi Field’s first World Series. In between, Prince re-creates the emotions of a year that culminated in the Mets making New York their kind of town once again.Skyhorse Publishing, as well as our Sports Publishing imprint, are proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in sports-books about baseball, pro football, college football, pro and college basketball, hockey, or soccer, we have a book about your sport or your team.Whether you are a New York Yankees fan or hail from Red Sox nation; whether you are a die-hard Green Bay Packers or Dallas Cowboys fan; whether you root for the Kentucky Wildcats, Louisville Cardinals, UCLA Bruins, or Kansas Jayhawks; whether you route for the Boston Bruins, Toronto Maple Leafs, Montreal Canadiens, or Los Angeles Kings; we have a book for you. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to publishing books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked by other publishers and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.