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Showing 1,501 through 1,525 of 27,258 results

Analysis of Survival Data

by D.R. Cox

This monograph contains many ideas on the analysis of survival data to present a comprehensive account of the field. The value of survival analysis is not confined to medical statistics, where the benefit of the analysis of data on such factors as life expectancy and duration of periods of freedom from symptoms of a disease as related to a treatment applied individual histories and so on, is obvious. The techniques also find important applications in industrial life testing and a range of subjects from physics to econometrics. In the eleven chapters of the book the methods and applications of are discussed and illustrated by examples.

Analysis of Survival Data with Dependent Censoring: Copula-Based Approaches (SpringerBriefs in Statistics)

by Takeshi Emura Yi-Hau Chen

This book introduces readers to copula-based statistical methods for analyzing survival data involving dependent censoring. Primarily focusing on likelihood-based methods performed under copula models, it is the first book solely devoted to the problem of dependent censoring. <P><P> The book demonstrates the advantages of the copula-based methods in the context of medical research, especially with regard to cancer patients’ survival data. Needless to say, the statistical methods presented here can also be applied to many other branches of science, especially in reliability, where survival analysis plays an important role. <P> The book can be used as a textbook for graduate coursework or a short course aimed at (bio-) statisticians. To deepen readers’ understanding of copula-based approaches, the book provides an accessible introduction to basic survival analysis and explains the mathematical foundations of copula-based survival models.

Analysis of the Gravity Field: Direct and Inverse Problems (Lecture Notes in Geosystems Mathematics and Computing)

by Fernando Sansò Daniele Sampietro

This textbook presents a comprehensive treatment of the theory and implementation of inverse methods in the analysis and interpretation of Earth’s gravity field. By restricting their consideration to a local rather than global level, the authors focus on the use of observations and data that are more sensitive to local mass anomalies. All necessary theoretical aspects are reformulated in terms of a Euclidean framework so that less complex tools from mathematical analysis can be utilized.Divided into three parts, the text begins with a review of basic mathematical properties of gravitation, computing gravity from mass distributions, and relevant methods from Fourier analysis. In the second part of the text, the Earth’s gravity field and its properties are introduced, and the preprocessing and processing of gravity data are explored. Finally, elementary inverse theory is discussed, after which the general inversion problem is considered via application of both the Tikhonov deterministic approach and a stochastic MCMC model. Throughout, examples and exercises are provided to both clarify material and to illustrate real-word applications for readers. Analysis of the Gravity Field: Direct and Inverse Problems is carefully written to be accessible to both mathematicians and geophysicists without sacrificing mathematical rigor. Readers should have a familiarity with the basics of mathematical analysis, as well as some knowledge of statistics and probability theory. Detailed proofs of more advanced results are relegated to appendices so that readers can concentrate on solution algorithms.

Analysis of the Navier-Stokes Problem: Solution of a Millennium Problem (Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics & Statistics)

by Alexander G. Ramm

This book revises and expands upon the prior edition, The Navier-Stokes Problem. The focus of this book is to provide a mathematical analysis of the Navier-Stokes Problem (NSP) in R^3 without boundaries. Before delving into analysis, the author begins by explaining the background and history of the Navier-Stokes Problem. This edition includes new analysis and an a priori estimate of the solution. The estimate proves the contradictory nature of the Navier-Stokes Problem. The author reaches the conclusion that the solution to the NSP with smooth and rapidly decaying data cannot exist for all positive times. By proving the NSP paradox, this book provides a solution to the millennium problem concerning the Navier-Stokes Equations and shows that they are physically and mathematically contradictive.

The Analysis of Time Series: An Introduction, Sixth Edition

by Chris Chatfield

Since 1975, The Analysis of Time Series: An Introduction has introduced legions of statistics students and researchers to the theory and practice of time series analysis. With each successive edition, bestselling author Chris Chatfield has honed and refined his presentation, updated the material to reflect advances in the field, and presented inter

The Analysis of Time Series: An Introduction with R (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science)

by Chris Chatfield Haipeng Xing

This new edition of this classic title, now in its seventh edition, presents a balanced and comprehensive introduction to the theory, implementation, and practice of time series analysis. The book covers a wide range of topics, including ARIMA models, forecasting methods, spectral analysis, linear systems, state-space models, the Kalman filters, nonlinear models, volatility models, and multivariate models.

Analysis of Variance, Design, and Regression: Linear Modeling for Unbalanced Data, Second Edition (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science #121)

by Ronald Christensen

Analysis of Variance, Design, and Regression: Linear Modeling for Unbalanced Data, Second Edition presents linear structures for modeling data with an emphasis on how to incorporate specific ideas (hypotheses) about the structure of the data into a linear model for the data. The book carefully analyzes small data sets by using tools that are easily scaled to big data. The tools also apply to small relevant data sets that are extracted from big data. New to the Second Edition Reorganized to focus on unbalanced data Reworked balanced analyses using methods for unbalanced data Introductions to nonparametric and lasso regression Introductions to general additive and generalized additive models Examination of homologous factors Unbalanced split plot analyses Extensions to generalized linear models R, Minitab®, and SAS code on the author’s website The text can be used in a variety of courses, including a yearlong graduate course on regression and ANOVA or a data analysis course for upper-division statistics students and graduate students from other fields. It places a strong emphasis on interpreting the range of computer output encountered when dealing with unbalanced data.

Analysis of Variance Designs

by Glenn Gamst Lawrence S. Meyers A. J. Guarino Glenn Gamst Lawrence S. Meyers

ANOVA (Analysis Of Variance) is one of the most fundamental and ubiquitous univariate methodologies employed by psychologists and other behavioural scientists. Analysis of Variance Designs presents the foundations of this experimental design, including assumptions, statistical significance, strength of effect, and the partitioning of the variance. Exploring the effects of one or more independent variables on a single dependent variable as well as two-way and three-way mixed designs, this textbook offers an overview of traditionally advanced topics for advanced undergraduates and graduate students in the behavioural and social sciences. Separate chapters are devoted to multiple comparisons (post hoc and planned/weighted), ANCOVA, and advanced topics. Each of the design chapters contains conceptual discussions, hand calculations, and procedures for the omnibus and simple effects analyses in both SPSS and the new 'click and shoot' SAS Enterprise Guide interface.

Analysis of Variance for Functional Data (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability)

by null Jin-Ting Zhang

Despite research interest in functional data analysis in the last three decades, few books are available on the subject. Filling this gap, Analysis of Variance for Functional Data presents up-to-date hypothesis testing methods for functional data analysis. The book covers the reconstruction of functional observations, functional ANOVA, functional l

Analysis of Variations for Self-similar Processes: A Stochastic Calculus Approach (Probability and Its Applications)

by Ciprian A. Tudor

Self-similar processes are stochastic processes that are invariant in distribution under suitable time scaling, and are a subject intensively studied in the last few decades. This book presents the basic properties of these processes and focuses on the study of their variation using stochastic analysis. While self-similar processes, and especially fractional Brownian motion, have been discussed in several books, some new classes have recently emerged in the scientific literature. Some of them are extensions of fractional Brownian motion (bifractional Brownian motion, subtractional Brownian motion, Hermite processes), while others are solutions to the partial differential equations driven by fractional noises. In this monograph the author discusses the basic properties of these new classes of self-similar processes and their interrelationship. At the same time a new approach (based on stochastic calculus, especially Malliavin calculus) to studying the behavior of the variations of self-similar processes has been developed over the last decade. This work surveys these recent techniques and findings on limit theorems and Malliavin calculus.

Analysis on Function Spaces of Musielak-Orlicz Type (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs and Research Notes in Mathematics)

by Osvaldo Mendez Jan Lang

Analysis on Function Spaces of Musielak-Orlicz Type provides a state-of-the-art survey on the theory of function spaces of Musielak-Orlicz type. The book also offers readers a step-by-step introduction to the theory of Musielak–Orlicz spaces, and introduces associated function spaces, extending up to the current research on the topic Musielak-Orlicz spaces came under renewed interest when applications to electrorheological hydrodynamics forced the particular case of the variable exponent Lebesgue spaces on to center stage. Since then, research efforts have typically been oriented towards carrying over the results of classical analysis into the framework of variable exponent function spaces. In recent years it has been suggested that many of the fundamental results in the realm of variable exponent Lebesgue spaces depend only on the intrinsic structure of the Musielak-Orlicz function, thus opening the door for a unified theory which encompasses that of Lebesgue function spaces with variable exponent. Features Gives a self-contained, concise account of the basic theory, in such a way that even early-stage graduate students will find it useful Contains numerous applications Facilitates the unified treatment of seemingly different theoretical and applied problems Includes a number of open problems in the area

Analysis On Manifolds

by James R. Munkres

A readable introduction to the subject of calculus on arbitrary surfaces or manifolds. Accessible to readers with knowledge of basic calculus and linear algebra. Sections include series of problems to reinforce concepts.

Analysis On Manifolds

by James R. Munkres

A readable introduction to the subject of calculus on arbitrary surfaces or manifolds. Accessible to readers with knowledge of basic calculus and linear algebra. Sections include series of problems to reinforce concepts.

Analysis, Retrieval and Delivery of Multimedia Content (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #158)

by Andrea Cavallaro Pierangelo Migliorati Nicola Adami Riccardo Leonardi

Covering some of the most cutting-edge research on the delivery and retrieval of interactive multimedia content, this volume of specially chosen contributions provides the most updated perspective on one of the hottest contemporary topics. The material represents extended versions of papers presented at the 11th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, a vital international forum on this fast-moving field. Logically organized in discrete sections that approach the subject from its various angles, the content deals in turn with content analysis, motion and activity analysis, high-level descriptors and video retrieval, 3-D and multi-view, and multimedia delivery. The chapters cover the finest detail of emerging techniques such as the use of high-level audio information in improving scene segmentation and the use of subjective logic for forensic visual surveillance. On content delivery, the book examines both images and video, focusing on key subjects including an efficient pre-fetching strategy for JPEG 2000 image sequences. Further contributions look at new methodologies for simultaneous block reconstruction and provide a trellis-based algorithm for faster motion-vector decision making.

Analysis und Lineare Algebra: Eine Einführung für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler (BA KOMPAKT)

by Thomas Holey Armin Wiedemann

Analysis und Lineare Algebra

Analysis with Ultrasmall Numbers (Textbooks in Mathematics)

by null Karel Hrbacek null Olivier Lessmann null Richard O'Donovan

Analysis with Ultrasmall Numbers presents an intuitive treatment of mathematics using ultrasmall numbers. With this modern approach to infinitesimals, proofs become simpler and more focused on the combinatorial heart of arguments, unlike traditional treatments that use epsilon-delta methods. Students can fully prove fundamental results, such as the

Analysis without Borders: Dedicated to Ilya Spitkovsky on Occasion of his 70th Anniversary (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications #297)

by Sergei Rogosin

This book is a tribute to the achievements of Ilya Spitkovsky in operator theory, pseudo-differential and integral equations, factorization theory and many other related topics. Ilya Spitkovsky started his career under the guidance of Mark Krein in Odessa, Ukraine. During these years, Ilya’s rigorous and clear style of doing mathematics matured. Since 1990 Ilya Spitkovsky has been a professor of mathematics at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, where he has taught a wide range of courses, including linear algebra, real, complex, and functional analysis. He has authored more than 300 publications, including four research monographs, and edited eight books of proceedings. Ilya Spitkovsky is currently a member of the editorial board of five international journals. Since 2013 he is a professor of the Division of Science and Mathematics New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE. With this volume, the authors of the articles join the large family of people who congratulate Ilya Spitkovsky on his anniversary. It is their wish that the contributions in this volume offer inspiring insights to researchers working in these fields.

Analytic, Algebraic and Geometric Aspects of Differential Equations: Będlewo, Poland, September 2015 (Trends in Mathematics)

by Galina Filipuk Yoshishige Haraoka Sławomir Michalik

This volume consists of invited lecture notes, survey papers and original research papers from the AAGADE school and conference held in Będlewo, Poland in September 2015. The contributions provide an overview of the current level of interaction between algebra, geometry and analysis and demonstrate the manifold aspects of the theory of ordinary and partial differential equations, while also pointing out the highly fruitful interrelations between those aspects. These interactions continue to yield new developments, not only in the theory of differential equations but also in several related areas of mathematics and physics such as differential geometry, representation theory, number theory and mathematical physics. The main goal of the volume is to introduce basic concepts, techniques, detailed and illustrative examples and theorems (in a manner suitable for non-specialists), and to present recent developments in the field, together with open problems for more advanced and experienced readers. It will be of interest to graduate students, early-career researchers and specialists in analysis, geometry, algebra and related areas, as well as anyone interested in learning new methods and techniques.

Analytic and Probabilistic Approaches to Dynamics in Negative Curvature (Springer INdAM Series #9)

by Françoise Dal'Bo Marc Peigné Andrea Sambusetti

The work consists of two introductory courses, developing different points of view on the study of the asymptotic behaviour of the geodesic flow, namely: the probabilistic approach via martingales and mixing (by Stéphane Le Borgne); the semi-classical approach, by operator theory and resonances (by Frédéric Faure and Masato Tsujii). The contributions aim to give a self-contained introduction to the ideas behind the three different approaches to the investigation of hyperbolic dynamics. The first contribution focus on the convergence towards a Gaussian law of suitably normalized ergodic sums (Central Limit Theorem). The second one deals with Transfer Operators and the structure of their spectrum (Ruelle-Pollicott resonances), explaining the relation with the asymptotics of time correlation function and the periodic orbits of the dynamics.

Analytic Aspects of Convexity (Springer INdAM #25)

by Gabriele Bianchi Andrea Colesanti Paolo Gronchi

This book presents the proceedings of the international conference Analytic Aspects in Convexity, which was held in Rome in October 2016. It offers a collection of selected articles, written by some of the world’s leading experts in the field of Convex Geometry, on recent developments in this area: theory of valuations; geometric inequalities; affine geometry; and curvature measures. The book will be of interest to a broad readership, from those involved in Convex Geometry, to those focusing on Functional Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Differential Geometry, or PDEs. The book is a addressed to PhD students and researchers, interested in Convex Geometry and its links to analysis.

Analytic Combinatorics

by Philippe Flajolet Robert Sedgewick

Analytic Combinatorics is a self-contained treatment of the mathematics underlying the analysis of discrete structures, which has emerged over the past several decades as an essential tool in the understanding of properties of computer programs and scientific models with applications in physics, biology and chemistry. Thorough treatment of a large number of classical applications is an essential aspect of the presentation. Written by the leaders in the field of analytic combinatorics, this text is certain to become the definitive reference on the topic. The text is complemented with exercises, examples, appendices and notes to aid understanding therefore, it can be used as the basis for an advanced undergraduate or a graduate course on the subject, or for self-study.

Analytic Combinatorics: A Multidimensional Approach (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)

by Marni Mishna

Analytic Combinatorics: A Multidimensional Approach is written in a reader-friendly fashion to better facilitate the understanding of the subject. Naturally, it is a firm introduction to the concept of analytic combinatorics and is a valuable tool to help readers better understand the structure and large-scale behavior of discrete objects. Primarily, the textbook is a gateway to the interactions between complex analysis and combinatorics. The study will lead readers through connections to number theory, algebraic geometry, probability and formal language theory. The textbook starts by discussing objects that can be enumerated using generating functions, such as tree classes and lattice walks. It also introduces multivariate generating functions including the topics of the kernel method, and diagonal constructions. The second part explains methods of counting these objects, which involves deep mathematics coming from outside combinatorics, such as complex analysis and geometry. Features Written with combinatorics-centric exposition to illustrate advanced analytic techniques Each chapter includes problems, exercises, and reviews of the material discussed in them Includes a comprehensive glossary, as well as lists of figures and symbols About the author Marni Mishna is a professor of mathematics at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia. Her research investigates interactions between discrete structures and many diverse areas such as representation theory, functional equation theory, and algebraic geometry. Her specialty is the development of analytic tools to study the large-scale behavior of discrete objects.

Analytic Combinatorics for Multiple Object Tracking

by Roy Streit Robert Blair Angle Murat Efe

​The book shows that the analytic combinatorics (AC) method encodes the combinatorial problems of multiple object tracking—without information loss—into the derivatives of a generating function (GF). The book lays out an easy-to-follow path from theory to practice and includes salient AC application examples. Since GFs are not widely utilized amongst the tracking community, the book takes the reader from the basics of the subject to applications of theory starting from the simplest problem of single object tracking, and advancing chapter by chapter to more challenging multi-object tracking problems. Many established tracking filters (e.g., Bayes-Markov, PDA, JPDA, IPDA, JIPDA, CPHD, PHD, multi-Bernoulli, MBM, LMBM, and MHT) are derived in this manner with simplicity, economy, and considerable clarity. The AC method gives significant and fresh insights into the modeling assumptions of these filters and, thereby, also shows the potential utility of various approximation methods that are well established techniques in applied mathematics and physics, but are new to tracking. These unexplored possibilities are reviewed in the final chapter of the book.

Analytic Continuation and q-Convexity (SpringerBriefs in Mathematics)

by Takeo Ohsawa Thomas Pawlaschyk

The focus of this book is on the further development of the classical achievements in analysis of several complex variables, the analytic continuation and the analytic structure of sets, to settings in which the q-pseudoconvexity in the sense of Rothstein and the q-convexity in the sense of Grauert play a crucial role. After giving a brief survey of notions of generalized convexity and their most important results, the authors present recent statements on analytic continuation related to them. Rothstein (1955) first introduced q-pseudoconvexity using generalized Hartogs figures. Słodkowski (1986) defined q-pseudoconvex sets by means of the existence of exhaustion functions which are q-plurisubharmonic in the sense of Hunt and Murray (1978). Examples of q-pseudoconvex sets appear as complements of analytic sets. Here, the relation of the analytic structure of graphs of continuous surfaces whose complements are q-pseudoconvex is investigated. As an outcome, the authors generalize results by Hartogs (1909), Shcherbina (1993), and Chirka (2001) on the existence of foliations of pseudoconcave continuous real hypersurfaces by smooth complex ones. A similar generalization is obtained by a completely different approach using L²-methods in the setting of q-convex spaces. The notion of q-convexity was developed by Rothstein (1955) and Grauert (1959) and extended to q-convex spaces by Andreotti and Grauert (1962). Andreotti–Grauert's finiteness theorem was applied by Andreotti and Norguet (1966–1971) to extend Grauert's solution of the Levi problem to q-convex spaces. A consequence is that the sets of (q-1)-cycles of q-convex domains with smooth boundaries in projective algebraic manifolds, which are equipped with complex structures as open subsets of Chow varieties, are in fact holomorphically convex. Complements of analytic curves are studied, and the relation of q-convexity and cycle spaces is explained. Finally, results for q-convex domains in projective spaces are shown and the q-convexity in analytic families is investigated.

Analytic Function Theory of Several Variables: Elements of Oka’s Coherence

by Junjiro Noguchi

The purpose of this book is to present the classical analytic function theory of several variables as a standard subject in a course of mathematics after learning the elementary materials (sets, general topology, algebra, one complex variable). This includes the essential parts of Grauert–Remmert's two volumes, GL227(236) (Theory of Stein spaces) and GL265 (Coherent analytic sheaves) with a lowering of the level for novice graduate students (here, Grauert's direct image theorem is limited to the case of finite maps).The core of the theory is "Oka's Coherence", found and proved by Kiyoshi Oka. It is indispensable, not only in the study of complex analysis and complex geometry, but also in a large area of modern mathematics. In this book, just after an introductory chapter on holomorphic functions (Chap. 1), we prove Oka's First Coherence Theorem for holomorphic functions in Chap. 2. This defines a unique character of the book compared with other books on this subject, in which the notion of coherence appears much later.The present book, consisting of nine chapters, gives complete treatments of the following items: Coherence of sheaves of holomorphic functions (Chap. 2); Oka–Cartan's Fundamental Theorem (Chap. 4); Coherence of ideal sheaves of complex analytic subsets (Chap. 6); Coherence of the normalization sheaves of complex spaces (Chap. 6); Grauert's Finiteness Theorem (Chaps. 7, 8); Oka's Theorem for Riemann domains (Chap. 8). The theories of sheaf cohomology and domains of holomorphy are also presented (Chaps. 3, 5). Chapter 6 deals with the theory of complex analytic subsets. Chapter 8 is devoted to the applications of formerly obtained results, proving Cartan–Serre's Theorem and Kodaira's Embedding Theorem. In Chap. 9, we discuss the historical development of "Coherence".It is difficult to find a book at this level that treats all of the above subjects in a completely self-contained manner. In the present volume, a number of classical proofs are improved and simplified, so that the contents are easily accessible for beginning graduate students.

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