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Showing 15,651 through 15,675 of 23,786 results

Neue Materialien für einen realitätsbezogenen Mathematikunterricht 8: ISTRON-Schriftenreihe (Realitätsbezüge im Mathematikunterricht)

by Martin Bracke Matthias Ludwig Katrin Vorhölter

Dieser neue ISTRON-Band für die Lehrerbildung beschäftigt sich mit der Konzeption, Organisation und Betreuung von Modellierungsprojekten für Schülerinnen und Schüler. Hierbei handelt es sich um offene Fragestellungen – in vielen Fällen eingebettet in ein interdisziplinäres Umfeld – bei denen es in der Bearbeitung einen großen Freiraum gibt, sowohl die inhaltliche Ausgestaltung als auch den zeitlichen Rahmen betreffend. Die Autoren/innen sind erfahrene Mathematikdidaktiker/innen und die Projekte wurden bereits erfolgreich erprobt. Inhaltlich reichen die Themen von der Frage Wie funktionieren Animationsfilme? über Funktionsweise und Konstruktion einer Spidercam® bis hin zu Modellierung, Simulation und Bau eines Musikbrunnens. Außerdem werden die folgenden Fragestellungen adressiert, die bei der Planung von eigenen Modellierungsprojekten sehr oft auftreten: Wie kommt man an eine Problemstellung?, Welche Rolle spielt der Computereinsatz in Modellierungsprojekten?, Wie kann eine sinnvolle Betreuung der Lernenden aussehen? und Welche Chancen und Herausforderungen bieten Modellierungsprojekte mit Schülerinnen und Schülern?. Dazu kommen Erfahrungsberichte aus Perspektive der Lernenden, der Lehrkräfte als Teilnehmer solcher Projekte sowie der Projektplaner/innen und -betreuer/innen.Dies ist der siebte Band mit Neuem Material für einen realitätsbezogenen Mathematikunterricht von ISTRON, einer Gruppe von Lehrenden an Schulen und Hochschulen sowie in der Lehrerbildung tätigen Personen, der innerhalb der Reihe Realitätsbezüge im Mathematikunterricht erscheint.

Neue Materialien für einen realitätsbezogenen Mathematikunterricht 9: ISTRON-Schriftenreihe (Realitätsbezüge im Mathematikunterricht)

by Martin Frank Christina Roeckerath

Erprobte Materialien mit authentischen und realen Modellierungsproblemen für den eigenen Mathematikunterricht? Dieses Buch liefert genau das. (Angehende) Lehrkräfte erhalten digitale und direkt einsetzbare Lehr- und Lernmaterialien für die Umsetzung von schülernahen Projekten zur mathematischen Modellierung. Es werden fünf Workshops zu realen Problemstellungen inklusive der zugehörigen digitalen Lernmaterialien detailliert beschrieben, die allesamt zahlreiche Anknüpfungspunkte an schulmathematische Inhalte liefern.In den fünf Workshops können die Schülerinnen und Schülerdie Bedeutung mathematischer Modellierung im Bereich Solarenergie erkunden,diskutieren und statistisch begründen, inwieweit der Klimawandel existiert,die Funktionsweise von Computertomographen erarbeiten,am Beispiel von Liedern ein eigenes Modell zur Datenkomprimierung entwickeln oder der Funktionsweise der Musikerkennungs-App Shazam auf den Grund gehen.Die Materialien der Workshops wurden bereits in verschiedenen Modellierungsveranstaltungen mit Schülerinnen und Schülern unterschiedlicher Jahrgangsstufen (ab Klasse 9) bearbeitet und kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt. Dieser Band liefert Hintergrundwissen zu allen fünf Workshops sowie didaktische Tipps für deren Umsetzung im Mathematikunterricht oder in fächerübergreifenden Projekten. Zugleich erhalten die Lehrkräfte Zugang zu dem digitalen Lernmaterial der Workshops. Dieses liegt auf einer Workshop-Plattform zum direkten Unterrichtseinsatz bereit. Lehrkräfte sowie Schülerinnen und Schüler können die Workshopmaterialien im Webbrowser bearbeiten.Die ZielgruppenMathematiklehrerinnen und -lehrer der SekundarstufenLehrende in der Fort- und Weiterbildung für Lehrkräfte (für Mathematiklehrkräfte)Studierende des Lehramts Mathematik ab dem 1. SemesterLehrende der Mathematik und ihrer Didaktik an Hochschulen

Neue Perspektiven auf mathematische Lehr-Lernprozesse mit digitalen Medien: Eine Auswahl grundlagenorientierter und praxisorientierter Beiträge (MINTUS – Beiträge zur mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Bildung)

by Frederik Dilling Felicitas Pielsticker Ingo Witzke

Der Band stellt eine mathematikdidaktische Zusammenschau zum Einsatz digitaler Medien und Werkzeuge im Mathematikunterricht sowie in der Lehramtsausbildung Mathematik dar. Enthalten sind sowohl grundlagenorientierte Beiträge als auch reflektierte Praxisbeiträge. Die Autor*innen des Sammelwerks teilen eine positive Grundeinstellung zu den Möglichkeiten, die digitale Werkzeuge und Medien für den Mathematikunterricht entfalten können, wägen aber jeweils aus mathematikdidaktischer Perspektive kritisch ab, wann, wo und wie ein Einsatz einen fachinhaltlichen und fachdidaktischen Mehrwert ermöglichen kann.

Neue Wege im mathematischen Unterricht: Auf den Spuren Mathilde Vaertings (Paderborner Beiträge zur Didaktik der Mathematik)

by Gerda Werth

Mathilde Vaerting (1884 – 1977) möchte den Mathematikunterricht ihrer Zeit radikal verändern und mit ihrer Methode der „Selbständigkeitsprobe“ einen Weg aufzeigen, Schüler*innen durch geeignete kognitive Anregung zu eigenständigem Denken zu motivieren. Ihre „Neue[n] Wege im mathematischen Unterricht“ aus 1921 schließen dabei explizit Mädchen ein, obwohl diesen, nachdem sie seit 1908 endlich auch Mathematik an Schulen lernen durften, die Begabung für dieses Fach vielfach abgesprochen wurde. Das Buch arbeitet ihre didaktischen Konzepte sowie die schulischen und curricularen Rahmenbedingungen auf, auch in Bezug auf die Lehrerinnenbildung der damaligen Zeit.

Neural Approaches to Dynamics of Signal Exchanges (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #151)

by Anna Esposito Marcos Faundez-Zanuy Francesco Carlo Morabito Eros Pasero

The book presents research that contributes to the development of intelligent dialog systems to simplify diverse aspects of everyday life, such as medical diagnosis and entertainment. Covering major thematic areas: machine learning and artificial neural networks; algorithms and models; and social and biometric data for applications in human–computer interfaces, it discusses processing of audio-visual signals for the detection of user-perceived states, the latest scientific discoveries in processing verbal (lexicon, syntax, and pragmatics), auditory (voice, intonation, vocal expressions) and visual signals (gestures, body language, facial expressions), as well as algorithms for detecting communication disorders, remote health-status monitoring, sentiment and affect analysis, social behaviors and engagement. Further, it examines neural and machine learning algorithms for the implementation of advanced telecommunication systems, communication with people with special needs, emotion modulation by computer contents, advanced sensors for tracking changes in real-life and automatic systems, as well as the development of advanced human–computer interfaces. The book does not focus on solving a particular problem, but instead describes the results of research that has positive effects in different fields and applications.

Neural Approximations for Optimal Control and Decision (Communications and Control Engineering)

by Giorgio Gnecco Thomas Parisini Riccardo Zoppoli Marcello Sanguineti

Neural Approximations for Optimal Control and Decision provides a comprehensive methodology for the approximate solution of functional optimization problems using neural networks and other nonlinear approximators where the use of traditional optimal control tools is prohibited by complicating factors like non-Gaussian noise, strong nonlinearities, large dimension of state and control vectors, etc. Features of the text include: • a general functional optimization framework; • thorough illustration of recent theoretical insights into the approximate solutions of complex functional optimization problems; • comparison of classical and neural-network based methods of approximate solution; • bounds to the errors of approximate solutions; • solution algorithms for optimal control and decision in deterministic or stochastic environments with perfect or imperfect state measurements over a finite or infinite time horizon and with one decision maker or several; • applications of current interest: routing in communications networks, traffic control, water resource management, etc.; and • numerous, numerically detailed examples. The authors’ diverse backgrounds in systems and control theory, approximation theory, machine learning, and operations research lend the book a range of expertise and subject matter appealing to academics and graduate students in any of those disciplines together with computer science and other areas of engineering.

Neural-Based Orthogonal Data Fitting

by Giansalvo Cirrincione Maurizio Cirrincione

The presentation of a novel theory in orthogonal regressionThe literature about neural-based algorithms is often dedicated to principal component analysis (PCA) and considers minor component analysis (MCA) a mere consequence. Breaking the mold, Neural-Based Orthogonal Data Fitting is the first book to start with the MCA problem and arrive at important conclusions about the PCA problem.The book proposes several neural networks, all endowed with a complete theory that not only explains their behavior, but also compares them with the existing neural and traditional algorithms. EXIN neurons, which are of the authors' invention, are introduced, explained, and analyzed. Further, it studies the algorithms as a differential geometry problem, a dynamic problem, a stochastic problem, and a numerical problem. It demonstrates the novel aspects of its main theory, including its applications in computer vision and linear system identification. The book shows both the derivation of the TLS EXIN from the MCA EXIN and the original derivation, as well as:Shows TLS problems and gives a sketch of their history and applicationsPresents MCA EXIN and compares it with the other existing approachesIntroduces the TLS EXIN neuron and the SCG and BFGS acceleration techniques and compares them with TLS GAOOutlines the GeTLS EXIN theory for generalizing and unifying the regression problemsEstablishes the GeMCA theory, starting with the identification of GeTLS EXIN as a generalization eigenvalue problemIn dealing with mathematical and numerical aspects of EXIN neurons, the book is mainly theoretical. All the algorithms, however, have been used in analyzing real-time problems and show accurate solutions. Neural-Based Orthogonal Data Fitting is useful for statisticians, applied mathematics experts, and engineers.

Neural Modeling of Speech Processing and Speech Learning: An Introduction

by Bernd J. Kröger Trevor Bekolay

This book explores the processes of spoken language production and perception from a neurobiological perspective. After presenting the basics of speech processing and speech acquisition, a neurobiologically-inspired and computer-implemented neural model is described, which simulates the neural processes of speech processing and speech acquisition. This book is an introduction to the field and aimed at students and scientists in neuroscience, computer science, medicine, psychology and linguistics.

Neural Network-Based Adaptive Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems

by Kasra Esfandiari Farzaneh Abdollahi Heidar A. Talebi

The focus of this book is the application of artificial neural networks in uncertain dynamical systems. It explains how to use neural networks in concert with adaptive techniques for system identification, state estimation, and control problems. The authors begin with a brief historical overview of adaptive control, followed by a review of mathematical preliminaries. In the subsequent chapters, they present several neural network-based control schemes. Each chapter starts with a concise introduction to the problem under study, and a neural network-based control strategy is designed for the simplest case scenario. After these designs are discussed, different practical limitations (i.e., saturation constraints and unavailability of all system states) are gradually added, and other control schemes are developed based on the primary scenario. Through these exercises, the authors present structures that not only provide mathematical tools for navigating control problems, but also supply solutions that are pertinent to real-life systems.

Neural Network Perspectives on Cognition and Adaptive Robotics

by A. Browne

Featuring an international team of authors, Neural Network Perspectives on Cognition and Adaptive Robotics presents several approaches to the modeling of human cognition and language using neural computing techniques. It also describes how adaptive robotic systems can be produced using neural network architectures. Covering a wide range of mainstream area and trends, each chapter provides the latest information from a different perspective.

Neural-Network Simulation of Strongly Correlated Quantum Systems (Springer Theses)

by Stefanie Czischek

Quantum systems with many degrees of freedom are inherently difficult to describe and simulate quantitatively. The space of possible states is, in general, exponentially large in the number of degrees of freedom such as the number of particles it contains. Standard digital high-performance computing is generally too weak to capture all the necessary details, such that alternative quantum simulation devices have been proposed as a solution. Artificial neural networks, with their high non-local connectivity between the neuron degrees of freedom, may soon gain importance in simulating static and dynamical behavior of quantum systems. Particularly promising candidates are neuromorphic realizations based on analog electronic circuits which are being developed to capture, e.g., the functioning of biologically relevant networks. In turn, such neuromorphic systems may be used to measure and control real quantum many-body systems online. This thesis lays an important foundation for the realization of quantum simulations by means of neuromorphic hardware, for using quantum physics as an input to classical neural nets and, in turn, for using network results to be fed back to quantum systems. The necessary foundations on both sides, quantum physics and artificial neural networks, are described, providing a valuable reference for researchers from these different communities who need to understand the foundations of both.

Neural Networks and Statistical Learning

by Ke-Lin Du M. N. Swamy

This book provides a broad yet detailed introduction to neural networks and machine learning in a statistical framework. A single, comprehensive resource for study and further research, it explores the major popular neural network models and statistical learning approaches with examples and exercises and allows readers to gain a practical working understanding of the content. This updated new edition presents recently published results and includes six new chapters that correspond to the recent advances in computational learning theory, sparse coding, deep learning, big data and cloud computing.Each chapter features state-of-the-art descriptions and significant research findings. The topics covered include:• multilayer perceptron;• the Hopfield network;• associative memory models;• clustering models and algorithms;• t he radial basis function network;• recurrent neural networks;• nonnegative matrix factorization;• independent component analysis;•probabilistic and Bayesian networks; and• fuzzy sets and logic.Focusing on the prominent accomplishments and their practical aspects, this book provides academic and technical staff, as well as graduate students and researchers with a solid foundation and comprehensive reference on the fields of neural networks, pattern recognition, signal processing, and machine learning.

Neuronale Modellierung der Sprachverarbeitung und des Sprachlernens: Eine Einführung

by Bernd J. Kröger

Dieses Buch erläutert die Thematik der Produktion und Wahrnehmung gesprochener Sprache aus neurowissenschaftlicher Sicht. Nach der Darstellung der Grundlagen der Sprachverarbeitung und des Spracherwerbs wird dem Leser ein neurobiologisch basiertes und computerimplementiertes neuronales Simulationsmodell vorgestellt. Diese Einführung in die quantitative und computerimplementierbare Modellierung der Sprachverarbeitung und des Sprachlernens basiert auf einem naturwissenschaftlich orientierten Ansatz zur Beschreibung gesprochener Sprache. Dennoch wird weitgehend auf mathematische Beschreibungen verzichtet.Das Buch spricht Studierende und Wissenschaftler der Bereiche Neurowissenschaften, Informatik, Medizin, Psychologie und Linguistik an, die sich in das Gebiet der Sprachverarbeitung und des Spracherwerbs aus neurowissenschaftlicher Sicht einarbeiten möchten. Es richtet sich aber auch an Anwender, die sich mit der Entwicklung von Software zur Sprachverarbeitung befassen.

Neuropharmacology Methods in Epilepsy Research

by Steven L Peterson Timothy E. Albertson

There is an estimated 2.5 million epileptics in the US and perhaps some 40 million worldwide. As research has become increasingly molecular in scope, fewer scientists are trained in the US on basic, integrated epilepsy techniques. One frustration in neuroscience today is the application of state-of-the-art molecular biology techniques to inappropriate animal models of epilepsy - frequently resulting in inconclusive results. Epilepsy research will be increasingly undertaken by scientists well-trained in reductionist methodology, but who may be unfamiliar with integrated, whole-animal techniques. This situation appears even more difficult considering there has been no updated textbook on experimental models of epilepsy over the last twenty years - until now. Neuropharmacology Methods in Epilepsy Research describes fundamental methodologies and procedures in this field, representing the only detailed text concerning experimental models of epilepsy published in the last 20 years. This guide studies the reproduction of well-characterized and readily interpretable experimental models of epilepsy to which state-of-the-art molecular biology techniques can be applied. Each chapter features: Introduction - providing a brief background and historical account of the techniques and their use Methodology - describing equipment, solutions, species, electrodes as well as considering variations of techniques and stimulation parameters Interpretations - demonstrating the relevance of techniques to epilepsy as well as describing what exactly is being studied and how the data is appropriately applied to understanding epilepsy Topics include electroshock, chemoconvulsions, kindling, audiogenic seizures, focal seizures, and brain slice preparations. Discussions also include: Recently developed seizure models, including status epilepticus and massed trial simulations Influence of circadian and diurnal rhythms on convulsive activity Behavior al and cognitive deficits associated with anticonvulsant drug testing Technical approaches, i.e. slice models, microdialysis techniques, intracranial implant surgery, audiogenic seizure testing, kindling paradigms, and the rhythmic nature of seizures This unique text provides a thorough reference for the diverse methodologies within this area of neuropharmacological research - providing the basis for on-going cellular and molecular investigations as well as novel therapeutic approaches to the treatment of epilepsy.

Neutral and Indifference Portfolio Pricing, Hedging and Investing

by Srdjan Stojanovic

This book is written for quantitative finance professionals, students, educators, and mathematically inclined individual investors. It is about some of the latest developments in pricing, hedging, and investing in incomplete markets. With regard to pricing, two frameworks are fully elaborated: neutral and indifference pricing. With regard to hedging, the most conservative and relaxed hedging formulas are derived. With regard to investing, the neutral pricing methodology is also considered as a tool for connecting market asset prices with optimal positions in such assets. Srdjan D. Stojanovic is Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at University of Cincinnati (USA) and Professor in the Center for Financial Engineering at Suzhou University (China).

Neutrices and External Numbers: A Flexible Number System (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs and Research Notes in Mathematics)

by Bruno Dinis Imme van den Berg

Neutrices and External Numbers: A Flexible Number System introduces a new model of orders of magnitude and of error analysis, with particular emphasis on behaviour under algebraic operations. The model is formulated in terms of scalar neutrices and external numbers, in the form of an extension of the nonstandard set of real numbers. Many illustrative examples are given. The book starts with detailed presentation of the algebraic structure of external numbers, then deals with the generalized Dedekind completeness property, applications in analysis, domains of validity of approximations of solutions of differential equations, particularly singular perturbations. Finally, it describes the family of algebraic laws characterizing the practice of calculations with external numbers. Features Presents scalar neutrices and external numbers, a mathematical model of order of magnitude within the real number system. Outlines complete algebraic rules for the neutrices and external numbers Conducts operational analysis of convergence and integration of functions known up to orders of magnitude Formalises a calculus of error propagation, covariant with algebraic operations Presents mathematical models of phenomena incorporating their necessary imprecisions, in particular related to the Sorites paradox

Neutron Diffusion: Concepts and Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers and Scientists

by S. Chakraverty Sukanta Nayak

This book is designed for a systematic understanding of nuclear diffusion theory along with fuzzy/interval/stochastic uncertainty. This will serve to be a benchmark book for graduate & postgraduate students, teachers, engineers and researchers throughout the globe. <P><P> In view of the recent developments in nuclear engineering, it is important to study the basic concepts of this field along with the diffusion processes for nuclear reactor design. Also, it is known that uncertainty is a must in every field of engineering and science and, in particular, with regards to nuclear-related problems. As such, one may need to understand the nuclear diffusion principles/theories corresponding with reliable and efficient techniques for the solution of such uncertain problems. Accordingly this book aims to provide a new direction for readers with basic concepts of reactor physics as well as neutron diffusion theory. On the other hand, it also includes uncertainty (in terms of fuzzy, interval, stochastic) and their applications in nuclear diffusion problems in a systematic manner, along with recent developments. The underlying concepts of the presented methods in this book may very well be used/extended to various other engineering disciplines viz. electronics, marine, chemical, mining engineering and other sciences such as physics, chemistry, biotechnology etc. This book then can be widely applied wherever one wants to model their physical problems in terms of non-probabilistic methods viz. fuzzy/stochastic for the true essence of the real problems.

Neutron Transport: Theory, Modeling, and Computations (Graduate Texts in Physics)

by Ramadan M. Kuridan

This textbook provides a thorough explanation of the physical concepts and presents the general theory of different forms through approximations of the neutron transport processes in nuclear reactors and emphasize the numerical computing methods that lead to the prediction of neutron behavior. Detailed derivations and thorough discussions are the prominent features of this book unlike the brevity and conciseness which are the characteristic of most available textbooks on the subject where students find them difficult to follow. This conclusion has been reached from the experience gained through decades of teaching. The topics covered in this book are suitable for senior undergraduate and graduate students in the fields of nuclear engineering and physics. Other engineering and science students may find the construction and methodology of tackling problems as presented in this book appealing from which they can benefit in solving other problems numerically. The book provides access to a one dimensional, two energy group neutron diffusion program including a user manual, examples, and test problems for student practice. An option of a Matlab user interface is also available.

Nevanlinna Theory in Several Complex Variables and Diophantine Approximation

by Junjiro Noguchi Jörg Winkelmann

The aim of this book is to provide a comprehensive account of higher dimensional Nevanlinna theory and its relations with Diophantine approximation theory for graduate students and interested researchers. This book with nine chapters systematically describes Nevanlinna theory of meromorphic maps between algebraic varieties or complex spaces, building up from the classical theory of meromorphic functions on the complex plane with full proofs in Chap. 1 to the current state of research. Chapter 2 presents the First Main Theorem for coherent ideal sheaves in a very general form. With the preparation of plurisubharmonic functions, how the theory to be generalized in a higher dimension is described. In Chap. 3 the Second Main Theorem for differentiably non-degenerate meromorphic maps by Griffiths and others is proved as a prototype of higher dimensional Nevanlinna theory. Establishing such a Second Main Theorem for entire curves in general complex algebraic varieties is a wide-open problem. In Chap. 4, the Cartan-Nochka Second Main Theorem in the linear projective case and the Logarithmic Bloch-Ochiai Theorem in the case of general algebraic varieties are proved. Then the theory of entire curves in semi-abelian varieties, including the Second Main Theorem of Noguchi-Winkelmann-Yamanoi, is dealt with in full details in Chap. 6. For that purpose Chap. 5 is devoted to the notion of semi-abelian varieties. The result leads to a number of applications. With these results, the Kobayashi hyperbolicity problems are discussed in Chap. 7. In the last two chapters Diophantine approximation theory is dealt with from the viewpoint of higher dimensional Nevanlinna theory, and the Lang-Vojta conjecture is confirmed in some cases. In Chap. 8 the theory over function fields is discussed. Finally, in Chap. 9, the theorems of Roth, Schmidt, Faltings, and Vojta over number fields are presented and formulated in view of Nevanlinna theory with results motivated by those in Chaps. 4, 6, and 7.

Nevanlinna Theory, Normal Families, and Algebraic Differential Equations

by Norbert Steinmetz

This book offers a modern introduction to Nevanlinna theory and its intricate relation to the theory of normal families, algebraic functions, asymptotic series, and algebraic differential equations. Following a comprehensive treatment of Nevanlinna's theory of value distribution, the author presents advances made since Hayman's work on the value distribution of differential polynomials and illustrates how value- and pair-sharing problems are linked to algebraic curves and Briot-Bouquet differential equations. In addition to discussing classical applications of Nevanlinna theory, the book outlines state-of-the-art research, such as the effect of the Yosida and Zalcman-Pang method of re-scaling to algebraic differential equations, and presents the Painlev#65533;-Yosida theorem, which relates Painlev#65533; transcendents and solutions to selected 2D Hamiltonian systems to certain Yosida classes of meromorphic functions. Aimed at graduate students interested in recent developments in the field and researchers working on related problems, Nevanlinna Theory, Normal Families, and Algebraic Differential Equations will also be of interest to complex analysts looking for an introduction to various topics in the subject area. With examples, exercises and proofs seamlessly intertwined with the body of the text, this book is particularly suitable for the more advanced reader.

Never Split Tens!: A Biographical Novel of Blackjack Game Theorist Edward O. Thorp PLUS Tips and Techniques to Help You Win

by Les Golden

Renowned probability theorist Edward O. Thorp revolutionized the casino industry by developing card counting systems for the casino game of blackjack. Les Golden, the celebrated blackjack, roulette, and craps columnist for Bluff Europe,, iGaming Business, GamblingOnline, and Jackpots Review magazines, tells Thorp’s incredible true story of lucrative applied probability with charm, wit, and humor. Whether you visit casinos for fun, dinner money, or a living, or whether you’re simply interested in a story of romance and casino intrigue, this lively biographical novel will capture and delight you.Illustrations by the author.“I found the story tremendously entertaining, with a pantheon of compelling characters such as gambler Ed Thorp and bookie Manny Kimmel taking us from the casinos of Nevada to those of San Juan, Puerto Rico. Les Golden’s novel is a triumph begging for adaptation to the screen.”— LANA WOOD, Film and T.V. Producer, Actress (“Diamonds Are Forever”) Best-selling Author, Natalie, a Memoir“Les Golden has an ever-increasing influence and burgeoning popularity.A significant name in the industry, the ‘go to’ man for strategy and anecdotal literarydexterity. I cannot acclaim his star highly enough.”— JAMES MCKEOWN, Editor, iGaming Business Magazine and Magazine“Les Golden is a comedy genius. It really is as simple as that. An expert in the field,he makes getting educated not only painless but actually funny.”— DAVE BLAND, Editor, Flush Magazine, British television pundit“I learn more about strategy through Les’ writings than I do through many failed tripsto Vegas. Always concise, easy-to-read, and intelligent.”— JON YOUNG, Editor WPT (World Poker Tour) Magazine“Les Golden makes numbers hilarious. He's simply the funniest gaming strategy writer there is. His writing is ‘rakish’ and ‘bond-esque.’ ”— PHILIP CONNELLER, Editor, Bluff Europe Magazine“The dialog crackles and the fictional elements brilliantly illuminate how cool Ed Thorp is. And there’s just the right amount of blackjack and math. I love it.”— AARON BROWN, Professional gambler, Wall Street risk managerAuthor, The Poker Face of Wall Street

Never Waste a Good Crisis: Lessons Learned from Data Fraud and Questionable Research Practices (ASA-CRC Series on Statistical Reasoning in Science and Society)

by Klaas Sijtsma

This book covers statistical consequences of breaches of research integrity such as fabrication and falsification of data, and researcher glitches summarized as questionable research practices. It is unique in that it discusses how unwarranted data manipulation harms research results and that questionable research practices are often caused by researchers’ inadequate mastery of the statistical methods and procedures they use for their data analysis. The author’s solution to prevent problems concerning the trustworthiness of research results, no matter how they originated, is to publish data in publicly available repositories and encourage researchers not trained as statisticians not to overestimate their statistical skills and resort to professional support from statisticians or methodologists.The author discusses some of his experiences concerning mutual trust, fear of repercussions, and the bystander effect as conditions limiting revelation of colleagues’ possible integrity breaches. He explains why people are unable to mimic real data and why data fabrication using statistical models stills falls short of credibility. Confirmatory and exploratory research and the usefulness of preregistration, and the counter-intuitivenature of statistics, are discussed.The author questions the usefulness of statistical advice concerning frequentist hypothesis testing, Bayes-factor use, alternative statistics education, and reduction of situational disturbances like performance pressure, as stand-alone means to reduce questionable research practices when researchers lack experience with statistics.An interview with the author can be found here:

Neverending Fractions

by Jonathan Borwein Alf Van Der Poorten Jeffrey Shallit Wadim Zudilin

Despite their classical nature, continued fractions are a neverending research area, with a body of results accessible enough to suit a wide audience, from researchers to students and even amateur enthusiasts. Neverending Fractions brings these results together, offering fresh perspectives on a mature subject. Beginning with a standard introduction to continued fractions, the book covers a diverse range of topics, from elementary and metric properties, to quadratic irrationals, to more exotic topics such as folded continued fractions and Somos sequences. Along the way, the authors reveal some amazing applications of the theory to seemingly unrelated problems in number theory. Previously scattered throughout the literature, these applications are brought together in this volume for the first time. A wide variety of exercises guide readers through the material, which will be especially helpful to readers using the book for self-study, and the authors also provide many pointers to the literature.

New Advances in Designs, Codes and Cryptography: Stinson66, Toronto, Canada, June 13-17, 2022 (Fields Institute Communications #86)

by Charles J. Colbourn Jeffrey H. Dinitz

This volume records and disseminates selected papers from the Stinson66 conference, including surveys, prospectives, and papers presenting original and current research. It contains four accessible surveys of topics in combinatorial designs and related topics, ranging from a tutorial survey of connections to classical group theory, to surveys of "hot topics" in current research. It also contains a prospective paper identifying topics for future research efforts, co-authored by one of the elder statesmen of the field, Alex Rosa. Finally, the research papers examine topics ranging from pure mathematics to applied work in computing, networking, communications, and cryptography. For students and newcomers to these topics, the volume provides accessible survey material that does not have onerous prerequisites. The breadth of topics reflects the vibrancy of the field in a way that can be appreciated by all researchers. The papers present important advances on theory and applications,which also benefit advanced researchers.

New Advances in Statistical Modeling and Applications

by António Pacheco Rui Santos Maria do Rosário Oliveira Carlos Daniel Paulino

This volume of the Selected Papers is a product of the XIX Congress of the Portuguese Statistical Society, held at the Portuguese town of Nazar#65533;, from September 28 to October 1, 2011. All contributions were selected after a thorough peer-review process. It covers a broad scope of papers in the areas of Statistical Science, Probability and Stochastic Processes, Extremes and Statistical Applications.

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Showing 15,651 through 15,675 of 23,786 results