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Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Teaching Secondary Math: Five to Thrive [series] (Corwin Mathematics Series)
by Frederick L. Dillon Ayanna D. Perry Andrea Negrete Cheng Jennifer OutzsLet’s face it, teaching secondary math can be hard. So much about how we teach math today may look and feel different from how we learned it. Teaching math in a student-centered way changes the role of the teacher from one who traditionally "delivers knowledge" to one who fosters thinking. Most importantly, we must ensure our practice gives each and every student the opportunity to learn, grow, and achieve at high levels, while providing opportunities to develop their agency and authority in the classroom which results in a positive math identity. Whether you are a brand new teacher or a veteran, if you find teaching math to be quite the challenge, this is the guide you want by your side. Designed for just-in-time learning and support, this practical resource gives you brief, actionable answers to your most pressing questions about teaching secondary math. Written by four experienced math educators representing diverse experiences, these authors offer the practical advice they wish they received years ago, from lessons they′ve learned over decades of practice, research, coaching, and through collaborating with teams, teachers and colleagues—especially new teachers—every day. Questions and answers are organized into five areas of effort that will help you most thrive in your secondary math classroom: How do I build a positive math community? How do I structure, organize, and manage my math class? How do I engage my students in math? How do I help my students talk about math? How do I know what my students know and move them forward? Woven throughout, you′ll find helpful sidebar notes on fostering identity and agency; access and equity; teaching in different settings; and invaluable resources for deeper learning. The final question—Where do I go from here?— offers guidance for growing your practice over time. Strive to become the best math educator you can be; your students are counting on it! What will be your first step on the journey?
Antedependence Models for Longitudinal Data (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability)
by null Dale L. Zimmerman null Vicente A. Núñez-AntónThe First Book Dedicated to This Class of Longitudinal ModelsAlthough antedependence models are particularly useful for modeling longitudinal data that exhibit serial correlation, few books adequately cover these models. By gathering results scattered throughout the literature, Antedependence Models for Longitudinal Data offers a convenient, system
Antenna Design by Simulation-Driven Optimization (SpringerBriefs in Optimization)
by Slawomir Koziel Stanislav OgurtsovThis Brief reviews a number of techniques exploiting the surrogate-based optimization concept and variable-fidelity EM simulations for efficient optimization of antenna structures. The introduction of each method is illustrated with examples of antenna design. The authors demonstrate the ways in which practitioners can obtain an optimized antenna design at the computational cost corresponding to a few high-fidelity EM simulations of the antenna structure. There is also a discussion of the selection of antenna model fidelity and its influence on performance of the surrogate-based design process. This volume is suitable for electrical engineers in academia as well as industry, antenna designers and engineers dealing with computationally-expensive design problems.
Antennas: From the Theory of Long Lines to Integral Equations
by Boris LevinThis book describes both known and new results. In the sections devoted to the use of integral equations for the current in a linear metal radiator, the focus is on Leontovich's equation. An advantage of this equation is the simplicity of the solution and the absence of the argument φ in it because the integration over φ already performed. The refined solution makes it possible to determine the total sum of the series for the current, which is close to the known solution including only the first terms. The results of the synthesis of different types of antennas with capacitive loads are presented, which makes it possible to implement Hallen's hypothesis about the usefulness of applying such loads to create an in-phase current distribution in antennas and to obtain required characteristics.New results include the widespread use of the complex potential method in relation to the calculation of capacitive structures in homogeneous and inhomogeneous media, antenna patterns and flows of electrical fields between antenna elements and in the surrounding space. In particular, the analysis of field flows makes it possible to substantiate a rigorous method for analyzing microstrip antennas. The characteristics of antennas in various conditions of their installation are considered and compared. The results of the use of multi-floors structures that provide in the wide frequency range the radiation in direction perpendicular to the antenna axis, and structures that make it possible to reduce the mutual influence of antennas located at different heights on a common mast are described.
An Anthropology of Puzzles: The Role of Puzzles in the Origins and Evolution of Mind and Culture
by Marcel DanesiAn Anthropology of Puzzles argues that the human brain is a "puzzling organ" which allows humans to literally solve their own problems of existence through puzzle format. Noting the presence of puzzles everywhere in everyday life, Marcel Danesi looks at puzzles in society since the dawn of history, showing how their presence has guided large sections of human history, from discoveries in mathematics to disquisitions in philosophy. Danesi examines the cognitive processes that are involved in puzzle making and solving, and connects them to the actual physical manifestations of classic puzzles. Building on a concept of puzzles as based on Jungian archetypes, such as the river crossing image, the path metaphor, and the journey, Danesi suggests this could be one way to understand the public fascination with puzzles. As well as drawing on underlying mental archetypes, the act of solving puzzles also provides an outlet to move beyond biological evolution, and Danesi shows that puzzles could be the product of the same basic neural mechanism that produces language and culture. Finally, Danesi explores how understanding puzzles can be a new way of understanding our human culture.
Anti-Differentiation and the Calculation of Feynman Amplitudes (Texts & Monographs in Symbolic Computation)
by Johannes Blümlein Carsten SchneiderThis volume comprises review papers presented at the Conference on Antidifferentiation and the Calculation of Feynman Amplitudes, held in Zeuthen, Germany, in October 2020, and a few additional invited reviews. The book aims at comprehensive surveys and new innovative results of the analytic integration methods of Feynman integrals in quantum field theory. These methods are closely related to the field of special functions and their function spaces, the theory of differential equations and summation theory. Almost all of these algorithms have a strong basis in computer algebra. The solution of the corresponding problems are connected to the analytic management of large data in the range of Giga- to Terabytes. The methods are widely applicable to quite a series of other branches of mathematics and theoretical physics.
Anticipatory Systems: Philosophical, Mathematical, and Methodological Foundations (IFSR International Series in Systems Science and Systems Engineering #1)
by Robert RosenRobert Rosen was not only a biologist, he was also a brilliant mathematician whose extraordinary contributions to theoretical biology were tremendous. Founding, with this book, the area of Anticipatory Systems Theory is a remarkable outcome of his work in theoretical biology. This second edition of his book Anticipatory Systems, has been carefully revised and edited, and includes an Introduction by Judith Rosen. It has also been expanded with a set of Prolegomena by Dr. Mihai Nadin, who offers an historical survey of this fast growing field since the original work was published. There is also some exciting new work, in the form of an additional chapter on the Ontology of Anticipation, by Dr. John Kineman. An addendum-- with autobiographical reminiscences by Robert Rosen, himself, and a short story by Judith Rosen about her father-- adds a personal touch. This work, now available again, serves as the guiding foundations for the growing field of Anticipatory Systems and, indeed, any area of science that deals with living organisms in some way, including the study of Life and Mind. It will also be of interest to graduate students and researchers in the field of Systems Science.
The Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice: Complete Reports of the First 100 Years (Columbia University Seminar Ser. #Vol. 2)
by Theodore P. KovaleffAnalyzes the newly available statistical evidence on income distribution in the former Soviet Union both by social group and by republic, and considers the significance of inequalities as a factor contributing to the demise of the Communist regime.
Ants Rule: The Long and Short of It
by Bob BarnerMite-size engineers construct the perfect roller coaster in this fun-filled introduction to measurement and data presentation.The ants need to plan the Blowout Bug Jamboree! But how can they build a roller coaster for the festival if they don't know how many bugs will come, or how big those bugs will be? This enjoyable introduction to measurement, comparison, and data visualization focuses on building math skills that aren't dependent on units-- so it works equally well for young readers used to inches or centimeters. And most of all-- it's fun! Colorful cut-paper art brings the bugs-- and their creations-- to life. In a deluxe fold-out spread, everything comes together in a huge, perfect rollercoaster-- big enough for all the bugs at the Jamboree to enjoy, and filled with tiny details for clever readers to spot!
Anwendungen des Cuckoo-Suchalgorithmus und seiner Varianten
by Nilanjan DeyDieses Buch betont die grundlegenden Konzepte des CS-Algorithmus und seiner Varianten sowie deren Anwendung zur Lösung unterschiedlicher Optimierungsprobleme in medizinischen und ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Anwendungen. Evolutionäre metaheuristische Ansätze werden zunehmend zur Lösung komplexer Optimierungsprobleme in verschiedenen realen Anwendungen eingesetzt. Einer der erfolgreichsten Optimierungsalgorithmen ist die Cuckoo-Suche (CS), die zu einem aktiven Forschungsbereich geworden ist, um N-dimensionale und lineare/nichtlineare Optimierungsprobleme mithilfe einfacher mathematischer Prozesse zu lösen. CS hat die Aufmerksamkeit verschiedener Forscher auf sich gezogen, was zur Entstehung zahlreicher Varianten des grundlegenden CS mit verbesserten Leistungsmerkmalen seit 2019 geführt hat.
Anwendungen und Modellieren im Mathematikunterricht: Didaktische Perspektiven zum Sachrechnen in der Sekundarstufe (Mathematik Primarstufe und Sekundarstufe I + II)
by Gilbert GreefrathDie in diesem Buch dargestellten Anwendungen prägen den aktuellen Mathematikunterricht der Sekundarstufe. Didaktische Perspektiven zum Sachrechnen und das mathematische Modellieren sind eine wichtige Grundlage für die Lehrerbildung. Auch die aktuellen Bildungsstandards stellen prozessbezogene Kompetenzen wie das Modellieren in den Vordergrund. In diesem Lehrbuch lernen Sie aktuelle Sichtweisen auf Anwendungen im Mathematikunterricht vor dem Hintergrund des Sachrechnens und des mathematischen Modellierens kennen. Besonders ausführlich werden die vielfältigen Aufgabentypen eines anwendungsorientierten Mathematikunterrichts dargestellt und klassifiziert. Hier erhalten Sie auch viele Anregungen für den Unterricht. Einige typische Unterrichtsinhalte zu Anwendungen in der Sekundarstufe wie Zuordnungen von Größen und der Einsatz digitaler Werkzeuge runden den Band ab. Das Buch wendet sich an Lehramtsstudierende, Referendarinnen und Referendare sowie Lehrkräfte mit Mathematik als Fach.
Anwendungsorientierte Mathematik: Eine Einführung in die mathematische Modellbildung für Lehramtsstudierende (Mathematik für das Lehramt)
by Joachim EngelGegenstand des vorliegenden Lehrbuches ist der Prozess des Anwendens von Mathematik. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei der Funktionsbegriff sowie mathematische Methoden zur Modellierung funktionaler Abh#65533;ngigkeiten zwischen zwei Gr#65533;#65533;en. Das Buch zeichnet sich durch folgende besondere Merkmale aus: Reale Daten als Grundlage f#65533;r viele Modellierungen als eine wichtige Voraussetzung f#65533;r einen authentischen und glaubw#65533;rdigen Unterricht an Hochschule und Schule. Einsatz von Technologie als Werkzeug zum Probleml#65533;sen und zur Illustrierung von Konzepten und Zusammenh#65533;ngen. Vernetzung verschiedener Inhalte der Mathematik wie Elementare Funktionenlehre, Analysis, Stochastik, Lineare Algebra,Numerik. Detaillierte Ableitungen von Ergebnissen sowie #65533;bungen und Fragen am Ende der einzelnen Kapitel mit teilweise ausgearbeiteten L#65533;sungen und mit L#65533;sungshinweisen helfen bei der Vertiefung des Stoffes.
Anyone Can Code: The Art and Science of Logical Creativity
by Ali Arya"Ali Arya guides you in a fantastic journey full of creativity in a coherent way that allows the traveler to learn and build up over the knowledge acquired in previous chapters until the reader accomplishes skills to develop solutions using programming." — Andrés A. Navarro Newball, Professor, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali, Colombia "An excellent book that teaches programming and software development the way it should be done: independent from a specific implementation language and focusing on the main principles that are fundamental and substantive to any kind of software production." — Marc Conrad, Principal Lecturer, University of Bedfordshire, Luton, UK Anyone Can Code: The Art and Science of Logical Creativity introduces computer programming as a way of problem-solving through logical thinking. It uses the notion of modularization as a central lens through which we can make sense of many software concepts. This book takes the reader through fundamental concepts in programming by illustrating them in three different and distinct languages: C/C++, Python, and Javascript. Key features: Focuses on problem-solving and algorithmic thinking instead of programming functions, syntax, and libraries Includes engaging examples, including video games and visual effects Provides exercises and reflective questions This book gives beginner and intermediate learners a strong understanding of what they are doing so that they can do it better and with any other tool or language that they may end up using later. Author Ali Arya is an Associate Professor in the School of Information Technology at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. He received his PhD in Computer Engineering from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, in 2003. He has over 25 years of experience in professional and academic positions related to software development and information technology. He is passionate about computer programming that brings together logical and creative abilities.
AP Calculus: With 8 Practice Tests (Barron's Test Prep)
by Shirley O. Hockett David Bock Dennis Donovan M.S.Barron's AP Calculus has the content review and practice you need to be ready for the Calculus AB and BC exams. Detailed subject review helps you get a good grasp of the test topics, while practice tests help you apply your knowledge so you know you&’re prepared. Written by experienced teachers who know the test, this edition features:Comprehensive content review covering topics for both AB and BC examsFour practice exams in Calculus AB and four in Calculus BC, updated to reflect the new exam formatAdvice on how to use your graphing calculators efficiently
AP® Calculus AB & BC All Access Book + Online (Advanced Placement (AP) All Access)
by Stu SchwartzAll Access for the AP® Calculus AB & BC ExamsBook + Web + Mobile Updated for the new 2017 ExamsEverything you need to prepare for the Advanced Placement® Calculus exams, in a study system built around you! There are many different ways to prepare for an Advanced Placement® exam. What's best for you depends on how much time you have to study and how comfortable you are with the subject matter. To score your highest, you need a system that can be customized to fit you: your schedule, your learning style, and your current level of knowledge. This book, and the online tools that come with it, will help you personalize your AP® Calculus prep by testing your understanding, pinpointing your weaknesses, and delivering flashcard study materials unique to you. REA's All Access system allows you to create a personalized study plan through three simple steps: targeted review of exam content, assessment of your knowledge, and focused study in the topics where you need the most help. Here's how it works:Review the Book:Study the topics tested on the AP® Calculus AB & BC exams and learn proven strategies that will help you tackle any question you may see on test day. Test Yourself and Get Feedback:As you review the book, test yourself with 9 end-of-chapter quizzes and 3 mini-tests. Score reports from your free online tests and quizzes give you a fast way to pinpoint what you really know and what you should spend more time studying. Improve Your Score: Armed with your score reports, you can personalize your study plan. Review the parts of the book where you are weakest, and use the REA Study Center to create your own unique e-flashcards, adding to the 100 free cards included with this book. Visit The REA Study Center for a suite of online tools: The best way to personalize your study plan is to get frequent feedback on what you know and what you don't know. At the online REA Study Center, you can access three types of assessment: topic-level quizzes, mini-tests, and a full-length practice test. Each of these tools provides true-to-format questions and delivers a detailed score report that follows the topics set by the College Board®. Topic Level Quizzes: Short, 15-minute quizzes are available throughout the review and test your immediate understanding of the topics just covered. Mini-Tests: Three online mini-tests cover what you've studied. These tests are like the actual AP® exam, only shorter, and will help you evaluate your overall understanding of the subject.2 Full-Length Practice Tests - (1 for Calculus AB and 1 for Calculus BC): After you've finished reviewing the book, take our full-length practice exams to practice under test-day conditions. Available both in the book and online, these tests give you the most complete picture of your strengths and weaknesses. We strongly recommend you take the online versions of the exams for the added benefits of timed testing, automatic scoring, and a detailed score report. Improving Your Score with e-Flashcards: With your score reports from the quizzes and tests, you'll be able to see exactly which AP® Calculus topics you need to review. Use this information to create your own flashcards for the areas where you are weak. And, because you will create these flashcards through the REA Study Center, you can access them from any computer or smartphone. REA's All Access test prep is a must-have for students taking the AP® Calculus AB & BC exams!
AP® Calculus AB & BC Crash Course, 2nd Ed., Book + Online: Get a Higher Score in Less Time (Advanced Placement (AP) Crash Course)
by J. Rosebush Flavia BanuREA's Crash Course® for the AP® Calculus AB & BC Exams - Gets You a Higher Advanced Placement® Score in Less Time 2nd Edition - Updated for the 2017 Exams The REA Crash Course is the top choice for the last-minute studier, or any student who wants a quick refresher on the subject. Are you crunched for time? Have you started studying for your Advanced Placement® Calculus AB & BC exams yet? How will you memorize everything you need to know before the tests? Do you wish there was a fast and easy way to study for the exams and boost your score? If this sounds like you, don't panic. REA's Crash Course for AP® Calculus AB & BC is just what you need. Go with America&’s No. 1 quick-review prep for AP® exams to get these outstanding features:Targeted, Focused Review - Study Only What You Need to Know The REA Crash Course is based on an in-depth analysis of the AP® Calculus AB & BC course description outline and actual AP® test questions. It covers only the information tested on the exams, so you can make the most of your valuable study time. Written by experienced AP® Calculus instructors, the targeted review chapters prepare students for the test by only focusing on the topics tested on the AP® Calculus AB & BC exams. Our easy-to-read format gives students a quick but strategic course in AP® Calculus AB & BC and covers functions, graphs, units, derivatives, integrals, and polynomial approximations and series.Expert Test-taking Strategies Our author shares detailed question-level strategies and explain the best way to answer AP® questions you'll find on the exams. By following this expert tips and advice, you can boost your overall point score!Take REA's Practice Exams After studying the material in the Crash Course, go to the online REA Study Center and test what you've learned. Our online practice exams (one for Calculus AB, one for Calculus BC) feature timed testing, detailed explanations of answers, and automatic scoring analysis. Each exam is balanced to include every topic and type of question found on the actual AP® exam, so you know you're studying the smart way. Whether you're cramming for the test at the last minute, looking for an extra edge, or want to study on your own in preparation for the exams - this is the quick-review study guide every AP® Calculus AB & BC student should have.When it&’s crunch time and your Advanced Placement® exam is just around the corner, you need REA's Crash Course® for AP® Calculus AB & BC!About the AuthorsJoan Marie Rosebush teaches calculus courses at the University of Vermont. Ms. Rosebush has taught mathematics to elementary, middle school, high school, and college students. She taught AP® Calculus via satellite television to high school students scattered throughout Vermont. Ms. Rosebush earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in elementary education, with a concentration in mathematics, at the University of New York in Cortland, N.Y. She received her Master's Degree in education from Saint Michael's College, Colchester, Vermont.Flavia Banu graduated from Queens College of the City University of New York with a B.A. in Pure Mathematics and an M.A.in Pure Mathematics in 1997. Ms. Banu was an adjunct professor at Queens College where she taught Algebra and Calculus II. Currently, she teaches mathematics at Bayside High School in Bayside, New York, and coaches the math team for the school. Her favorite course to teach is AP® Calculus because it requires &“the most discipline, rigor and creativity.&”About Our Editor and Technical Accuracy Checker Stu Schwartz has been teaching ma
AP Calculus AB & BC Prep Plus 2019-2020: 6 Practice Tests + Study Plans + Targeted Review & Practice + Online (Kaplan Test Prep)
by Kaplan Test PrepKaplan's AP Calculus AB & BC Prep Plus 2019-2020 is completely restructured and aligned with the current AP exams, giving you efficient review of the most-tested content to quickly build your skills and confidence. With bite-sized, test-like practice sets and customizable study plans, our guide fits your schedule.Personalized Prep. Realistic Practice.Six full-length Kaplan practice exams and an online test scoring tool to convert your raw score into a 1–5 scaled scorePre- and post-quizzes in each chapter so you can monitor your progressCustomizable study plans tailored to your individual goals and prep time to help you get the score you need in the time you haveOnline quizzes and workshops for additional practiceFocused content review on the essential concepts to help you make the most of your study timeTest-taking strategies designed specifically for AP CalculusExpert GuidanceWe know the test—our AP experts make sure our practice questions and study materials are true to the examWe know students—every explanation is written to help you learn, and our tips on the exam structure and question formats will help you avoid surprises on Test DayWe invented test prep—Kaplan (www.kaptest.com) has been helping students for 80 years, and more than 95% of our students get into their top-choice schools
AP Calculus AB Prep Plus 2018-2019: 3 Practice Tests + Study Plans + Targeted Review & Practice + Online
by Tamara Lefcourt Ruby James Sellers Lisa Korf Jeremy Van Horn Mike MunnKaplan's AP Calculus AB Prep Plus 2018-2019 is completely restructured and aligned with the current AP exam, giving you concise review of the most-tested content to quickly build your skills and confidence. With bite-sized, test-like practice sets and customizable study plans, our guide fits your schedule.Personalized Prep. Realistic Practice.Three full-length Kaplan practice exams with online test scoring includedPre- and post-quizzes in each chapter so you can monitor your progressCustomizable study plans tailored to your individual goals and prep timeMore than 400 practice questions with detailed answer explanationsOnline quizzes and workshops for additional practiceFocused content review on the essential concepts to help you make the most of your study timeTest-taking strategies designed specifically for AP CalculusExpert GuidanceOur AP experts explain the ins and outs of the exam structure and question formats so you can avoid surprises on Test Day.We know the test: Our expert AP teachers provide tips and strategies for scoring higher and making the most of your timeKaplan's expert psychometricians make sure our practice questions and study materials are true to the test.We invented test prep—Kaplan (www.kaptest.com) has been helping students for almost 80 years, and more than 95% of our students get into their top-choice schools. Our proven strategies have helped legions of students achieve their dreams.
AP Calculus AB Prep Plus 2020 & 2021: 8 Practice Tests + Study Plans + Targeted Review & Practice + Online (Kaplan Test Prep)
by Kaplan Test PrepKaplan's AP Calculus AB Prep Plus 2020 & 2021 is revised and aligned with the 2020 exam changes. This edition features 1,000 practice questions, full-length practice tests, and concise review of the most-tested content to quickly build your skills and confidence. With bite-sized, test-like practice sets, expert strategies, and customizable study plans, our guide fits your schedule.To access your online resources, go to kaptest.com/moreonline and follow the directions. You'll need your book handy to complete the process.Efficient Strategies. Realistic Practice.Eight full-length practice tests and an online test-scoring tool to convert your raw score into a 1–5 scaled scorePre- and post-quizzes in each chapter so you can monitor your progressCustomizable study plans tailored to your individual goals and prep time to help you get the score you need in the time you haveOnline quizzes and workshops for additional practiceFocused content review on the essential concepts to help you make the most of your study timeTest-taking strategies designed specifically for AP CalculusExpert GuidanceWe know the test—our AP experts make sure our practice questions and study materials are true to the exam.We know students—every explanation is written to help you learn, and our tips on the exam structure and question formats will help you avoid surprises on Test Day.We invented test prep—Kaplan (www.kaptest.com) has been helping students for 80 years, and 9 out of 10 Kaplan students get into one or more of their top-choice colleges.
AP Calculus BC Prep Plus 2020 & 2021: 6 Practice Tests + Study Plans + Targeted Review & Practice + Online (Kaplan Test Prep)
by Kaplan Test PrepKaplan's AP Calculus BC Prep Plus 2020 & 2021 is revised and aligned with the 2020 exam changes. This edition features 1,000 practice questions, full-length practice tests, and concise review of the most-tested content to quickly build your skills and confidence. With bite-sized, test-like practice sets, expert strategies, and customizable study plans, our guide fits your schedule.To access your online resources, go to kaptest.com/moreonline and follow the directions. You'll need your book handy to complete the process.Efficient Strategies. Realistic Practice.Six full-length practice tests and an online test-scoring tool to convert your raw score into a 1–5 scaled scorePre- and post-quizzes in each chapter so you can monitor your progressCustomizable study plans tailored to your individual goals and prep time to help you get the score you need in the time you haveOnline quizzes and workshops for additional practiceFocused content review on the essential concepts to help you make the most of your study timeTest-taking strategies designed specifically for AP CalculusExpert GuidanceWe know the test—our AP experts make sure our practice questions and study materials are true to the exam.We know students—every explanation is written to help you learn, and our tips on the exam structure and question formats will help you avoid surprises on Test Day.We invented test prep—Kaplan (www.kaptest.com) has been helping students for 80 years, and 9 out of 10 Kaplan students get into one or more of their top-choice colleges.
AP Calculus Flashcards, Fourth Edition: Up-to-Date Review and Practice (Barron's Test Prep)
by David BockBe prepared for exam day with Barron&’s. Trusted content from AP experts!Barron&’s AP Calculus AB & BC Flashcards includes more than 400 up-to-date content review cards and practice questions. Written by Experienced EducatorsLearn from Barron&’s--all content is written and reviewed by AP experts Build your understanding with review and practice tailored to the most recent exams Be Confident on Exam DayStrengthen your knowledge with in-depth review covering all units on the AP Calculus AB exam and the AP Calculus BC examFind specific concepts quickly and easily with cards organized by topicSharpen your test-taking skills with content review questionsCustomize your review using the enclosed sorting ring to arrange the cards in an order that best suits your study needsCheck out Barron&’s AP Calculus AB & BC Premium for even more review, full-length practice tests, and access to Barron&’s Online Learning Hub for a timed test option and automated scoring.
AP Calculus Premium: With 12 Practice Tests (Barron's Test Prep)
by Shirley O. Hockett David Bock Dennis Donovan M.S.Barron's AP Calculus Premium has all the comprehensive review and practice tests you need for the AP Calculus AB and BC exams. Detailed subject review helps you master the test topics, while practice tests help you apply your skills so you can face test day with confidence. Written by experienced teachers who know the test, this premium edition features: Comprehensive content review covering topics for both AB and BC examsSix practice tests in Calculus AB: four in the book and two onlineSix practice tests in Calculus BC: four in the book and two onlineAdvice on how to use your graphing calculators efficiently
AP Calculus Premium, 2025: Prep Book with 12 Practice Tests + Comprehensive Review + Online Practice (Barron's AP Prep)
by Shirley O. Hockett David Bock Dennis Donovan M.S.Be prepared for exam day with Barron&’s. Trusted content from AP experts!Barron&’s AP Calculus Premium, 2025 includes in‑depth content review and practice for the AB and BC exams. It&’s the only book you&’ll need to be prepared for exam day. Written by Experienced EducatorsLearn from Barron&’s‑‑all content is written and reviewed by AP expertsBuild your understanding with comprehensive review tailored to the most recent examsGet a leg up with tips, strategies, and study advice for exam day‑‑it&’s like having a trusted tutor by your sideBe Confident on Exam DaySharpen your test‑taking skills with 12 full‑length practice tests‑‑3 AB practice tests and 3 BC practice tests in the book, including one diagnostic test each for AB and BC to target your studying‑‑and 3 more AB practice tests and 3 more BC practice tests online–plus detailed answer explanations for all questionsStrengthen your knowledge with in‑depth review covering all units on the AP Calculus AB and BC examsReinforce your learning with dozens of examples and detailed solutions, plus a series of multiple‑choice practice questions and answer explanations, within each chapterEnhance your problem‑solving skills by working through a chapter filled with multiple‑choice questions on a variety of tested topics and a chapter devoted to free‑response practice exercisesRobust Online PracticeContinue your practice with 3 full‑length AB practice tests and 3 full‑length BC practice tests on Barron&’s Online Learning HubSimulate the exam experience with a timed test optionDeepen your understanding with detailed answer explanations and expert adviceGain confidence with scoring to check your learning progress
AP Precalculus Premium, 2025: Prep Book with 3 Practice Tests + Comprehensive Review + Online Practice (Barron's AP Prep)
by Christina Pawlowski-PolanishBarron&’s AP Precalculus Premium, 2025 includes comprehensive review and practice to prepare you for exam day–PLUS Unit 4 review for topics that teachers may include based on state or local requirements.Written by Experienced EducatorsLearn from Barron&’s‑‑all content is written and reviewed by AP expertsBuild your understanding with comprehensive review tailored to the most recent examGet a leg up with tips, strategies, and study advice for exam day‑‑it&’s like having a trusted tutor by your sideBe Confident on Exam DaySharpen your test‑taking skills with 3 full‑length practice tests–2 in the book and 1 more online–plus detailed answer explanations for all questions Strengthen your knowledge with in‑depth review covering all units in the AP Precalculus course and on the examReinforce your learning with multiple‑choice practice questions at the end of each chapter, all with comprehensive answer explanationsEnhance your problem-solving skills with hundreds of examples and carefully worked out solutions for all major topicsRobust Online PracticeContinue your practice with 1 full‑length practice test on Barron&’s Online Learning HubSimulate the exam experience with a timed test optionDeepen your understanding with detailed answer explanations and expert adviceGain confidence with scoring to check your learning progress
AP Q&A Statistics: With 600 Questions and Answers (Barron's AP)
by Martin Sternstein Ph.D.Barron&’s brand new AP Q&A Statistics features 600 questions and explanations covering all AP Stat concepts. Practice includes all exam question types so students can apply the skills they learn in class, and answer explanations help students review and understand the content.AP Q&A Statistics doesn&’t just explain why an answer is correct—students will learn the rationale behind why each other answer choice is incorrect, helping them understand the key concepts and how to apply them on exam day.Practice questions and comprehensive explanations follow the AP Statistics curriculum and include Exploratory Analysis, Collecting and Producing Data, Probability, and Statistical Inference. AP Q&A Statistics is specifically created to help students hone critical thinking skills and practice with all AP-style question types, such as multiple-choice, numeric response, and short and long free-response questions.Looking for in-depth content review along with realistic practice tests? Try Barron's AP Statistics for even more prep.