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Numerische Mathematik: Eine anschauliche modulare Einführung

by Markus Neher

Dieses Lehrbuch bietet einen breit aufgestellten und dennoch kompakten Überblick zu den gängigen Verfahren der Numerik. Durch zahlreiche Beispiele und erläuternde Bemerkungen ist es besonders anschaulich und eignet sich auch – aber keinesfalls ausschließlich! – gut für Lehramtsstudierende.Behandelt werden numerische Verfahren zur Lösung linearer und nichtlinearer Gleichungssysteme, zur Eigenwertberechnung bei Matrizen, zur Approximation univariater Funktionen sowie zur näherungsweisen Integration bezüglich einer Veränderlichen. Ein einführendes erstes Kapitel schafft insbesondere das nötige Grundverständnis für die zentralen Begriffe Kondition und Stabilität, die aber erst im letzten Kapitel rigoros diskutiert werden um den Einstieg in die Numerik nicht durch aufwändige Stabilitätsanalysen zu erschweren.Die einzelnen Kapitel sind größtenteils unabhängig voneinander, teilweise können auch einzelne Abschnitte separat gelesen werden. Punktuelles Lernen und Nachschlagen ist damit problemlos möglich.

Numerische Methoden für Ingenieure: mit Anwendungsbeispielen in Python

by Bilen Emek Abali Celal Çakıroğlu

Technische Systeme werden von Ingenieur*innen modelliert und durch numerische Methoden simuliert. Dieses Lehrbuch bietet eine unkomplizierte Einführung in numerische Methoden, mit zahlreichen, praxisrelevanten Beispielen, die mithilfe der Programmiersprache Python gelöst werden. In ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studienrichtungen sowie in allen Forschungsprojekten sind numerische Simulationen unumgänglich, geeignete Methoden aber oft schwierig zu begreifen. Hier erklären Ingenieure die mathematischen Grundlagen der numerischen Methoden in sachlicher, dennoch simpler Sprache, mit konkreten Anwendungsbeispielen auf Papier und am Bildschirm. Die Besonderheit in diesem Buch ist, dass nicht nur Modelle der physikalischen Systeme berechnet und experimentelle Daten bearbeitet werden, sondern der Code in Python Zeile für Zeile angegeben und erklärt wird. Über die Autoren: B. E. Abali arbeitet als Dozent an der Technischen Universität Berlin sowie der Türkisch-Deutschen Universität in Istanbul, und hat an der Technischen Universität München, University of California Berkeley in den USA und Ghent University in Belgien geforscht. C. Çakıroğlu ist Dozent an der Türkisch-Deutschen Universität in Istanbul und hat an der Technischen Universität Braunschweig, dem DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt) und der University of Alberta in Kanada geforscht.

Numerische Physik: Ausgewählte Beispiele der Theoretischen Physik mit C++ (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Harald Wiedemann

Dieses Lehrbuch stellt die Numerische Physik anhand einer Vielzahl von Beispielen aus den Bereichen Mechanik, Elektrodynamik, Optik, Statistischer Physik und Quantenmechanik dar. Der Leser lernt hier nicht nur die wichtigsten numerischen Techniken in der Programmiersprache C++ kennen, sondern erhält auch neue Einblicke in die Physik, die konventionelle Zugänge nicht bieten. Das Werk schließt damit eine Lücke zwischen den Standardlehrbüchern der Theoretischen Physik und denen der reinen Programmierung.Zu jedem der physikalischen Themen gibt es eine kurze Wiederholung des theoretischen Hintergrunds und anschließend werden ausgewählte Beispiele im Detail ausgearbeitet. Übungen am Ende des Kapitels bieten weitere Gelegenheit die Anwendungen des Gelernten zu vertiefen.Das Buch richtet sich vornehmlich an Physikstudierende höherer Semester, die bereits über eine Basis in Theoretischer Physik verfügen und auch Grundkenntnisse in der Programmierung in C++ mitbringen.Auf der Produktseite zum Buch auf finden sich alle Quelltexte zu den Programmen im Buchtext zum Download. Im Anhang erhalten Sie eine Zusammenstellung und Erläuterung frei verfügbarer Software, die sowohl dem Windows-Anwender als auch dem Linux-Freund alle Werkzeuge an die Hand gibt, die er zur Bearbeitung anspruchsvoller physikalischer Fragestellungen benötigt - von Compilern über numerische Bibliotheken bis hin zu Visualisierungstools.

Numerische Strömungssimulation in der Hydrodynamik

by Helmut Martin

Der Band liefert eine Einführung in die numerische Strömungssimulation im Bau- und Wasserwesen. Nach einem Überblick über die Methoden werden in Teil 1 Grundlagen und Grundgleichungen der Strömungsmechanik formuliert. In Teil 2 werden ausgewählte Methoden wie die Finite-Element-Methode, das Galerkin-Verfahren, die Finite-Volumen- und Finite-Element-Methode anhand von Beispielen aus der Hydrodynamik erläutert. Vier Programme, mit denen Beispiele im Buch bearbeitet werden können, stehen Lesern unter zur Verfügung.

Numerische technische Optimierung: Anwendung des Computeralgebrasystems Maxima

by Andreas Öchsner Resam Makvandi

Diese Studienhilfe zu numerischen Optimierungsverfahren richtet sich an Studierende des Maschinenbaus im Grundstudium und im Hauptstudium. Optimierungsverfahren gewinnen zunehmend an Bedeutung für den Leichtbau, wo eine Gewichtsreduzierung z.B. im Automobilbau oder in der Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie zu einem geringeren Kraftstoffverbrauch und einer entsprechenden Senkung der Betriebskosten sowie zu positiven Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt führen kann. Basierend auf dem freien Computeralgebrasystem Maxima stellen die Autoren Verfahren zur numerischen Lösung ingenieurmathematischer Probleme sowie Anwendungen aus traditionellen Lehrveranstaltungen zur Festigkeit von Werkstoffen vor. Die mechanischen Theorien konzentrieren sich auf die typischen eindimensionalen Strukturelemente, d.h. Federn, Stäbe und Euler-Bernoulli-Balken, um die Komplexität des numerischen Rahmens zu reduzieren und den resultierenden Entwurf auf eine geringe Anzahl von Variablen zu beschränken. Die Verwendung eines Computeralgebrasystems und der darin enthaltenen Funktionen, z. B. für Ableitungen oder Gleichungslösungen, ermöglicht eine stärkere Konzentration auf die Methodik der Optimierungsverfahren und nicht auf Standardverfahren.Das Buch enthält auch zahlreiche Beispiele, darunter einige, die mit Hilfe eines grafischen Ansatzes gelöst werden können, um dem Leser ein besseres Verständnis der Computerimplementierung zu vermitteln.

Numerology for Baby Names

by Phyllis Vega

What's in a name? In the fascinating terms of numerology--everything! Parents can now add a touch of magic to their search for the perfect, most meaningful name with this unique guide. Numerology asserts that all words, including our own names, have numeric equivalents which reveal fascinating information about who we are--and where we're headed. More than a word history book, this volume adds the wonder of discovery to the exciting process of selecting a name. From the Paperback edition.

Números (Math Counts, New and Updated)

by Henry Pluckrose

Una serie de libros para introducir a los lectores jovenes a conceptos matematicos fundamentales, ¡ahora en espanol!Estamos rodeados de numeros. Hay numeros en las casas y en los autos. Hay numeros en los telefonos y en el dinero. Con ejemplos del mundo real, fotografias convincentes y textos inspiradores, ¡esta es la introduccion perfecta al concepto matematico de "numeros" para los lectores mas jovenes!Sobre la serie: Publicada originalmente en los anos 90 y actualizada recientemente, esta revolucionaria serie superventas inicia a los ninos en el camino de aprender a comunicarse y razonar matematicamente.La base de las matematicas son las ideas, y estos libros se han desarrollado para que los ninos vean, hablen, toquen y experimenten con estas ideas. Las fotografias atractivas y el texto sencillo y directo, hacen de esta serie una herramienta perfecta para leer individualmente o en voz alta. Diez conceptos matematicos fundamentales, uno para cada libro de la serie, estan desarrollados de forma excelente, y ofrecen un apoyo curricular ideal. Esta serie es la mejor manera de iniciar el camino hacia el dominio de las matematicas.

Los números no mienten: 71 historias para entender el mundo

by Vaclav Smil

Un maestro de los datos y las estadísticas ofrece una visión del mundo tan sorprendente como iluminadora. ¿Es peligroso volar? ¿Qué es peor para el medioambiente, un coche o un móvil? ¿Cuánto pesan todas las vacas del mundo juntos y por qué ese dato importa? ¿Se puede medir la felicidad? La misión de Vaclav Smil es convencernos de que los hechos importan. Científico medioambiental, analista de políticas públicas y autor tremendamente prolífico, es el referente de Bill Gates cuando se trata de entender el mundo. En Los números no mienten, nos embarcamos con Smil en una fascinante expedición en busca de datos que desafían nuestras preconcepciones, al tiempo que nos invita a ver con nuevos ojos el impacto de las transformaciones del mundo moderno sobre la sociedad y el medioambiente. Basado en divertidos ejemplos, estadísticas y gráficas asombrosas, este libro es la combinación perfecta de ingenio, historia y ciencia quecambiará la manera en que vemos el mundo. Es posible que los números no mientan, pero ¿qué verdad transmiten? La crítica ha dicho...«El título de Smil lo dice todo: para entender el mundo hay que examinar las líneas de tendencia, no los titulares. Un retrato fascinante, convincente y sobre todo realista del mundo actual y de hacía dónde nos dirigimos.»Steven Pinker «La palabra "erudito" se inventó para describir a gente como él.»Bill Gates «Uno de los pensadores más importantes del mundo sobre la historia del desarrollo y un maestro del análisis estadístico.»The Guardian

NUMISHEET 2022: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series)

by Kaan Inal Julie Levesque Michael Worswick Cliff Butcher

The NUMISHEET conference series is the most significant international conference on the area of the numerical simulation of sheet metal forming processes. It gathers the most prominent experts in numerical methods in sheet forming processes and is an outstanding forum for the exchange of ideas and for the discussion of technologies related to sheet metal forming processes. Topics covered in this volume include but are not limited to the following: Materials Modeling and Experimental Testing MethodsFriction and ContactFormability, Necking, and FractureInstabilities and Surface DefectsFracture and DamageNumerical MethodsSpringbackIncremental Sheet FormingRoll FormingInnovative Forming MethodsProduct and Process Design and Optimization

NumPy: Beginner's Guide - Third Edition

by Ivan Idris

This book is for the scientists, engineers, programmers, or analysts looking for a high-quality, open source mathematical library. Knowledge of Python is assumed. Also, some affinity, or at least interest, in mathematics and statistics is required. However, I have provided brief explanations and pointers to learning resources.

NumPy 1.5 Beginner's Guide

by Ivan Idris

The book is written in beginner's guide style with each aspect of NumPy demonstrated by real world examples. There is appropriate explained code with the required screenshots thrown in for the novice. This book is for the programmer, scientist or engineer, who has basic Python knowledge and would like to be able to do numerical computations with Python.

NumPy Beginner's Guide (Second Edition)

by Ivan Idris

The book is written in beginner's guide style with each aspect of NumPy demonstrated with real world examples and required screenshots.If you are a programmer, scientist, or engineer who has basic Python knowledge and would like to be able to do numerical computations with Python, this book is for you. No prior knowledge of NumPy is required.

NumPy Essentials

by Tanmay Dutta Leo Liang-Huan Chin

Boost your scientific and analytic capabilities in no time at all by discovering how to build real-world applications with NumPy About This Book * Optimize your Python scripts with powerful NumPy modules * Explore the vast opportunities to build outstanding scientific/ analytical modules by yourself * Packed with rich examples to help you master NumPy arrays and universal functions Who This Book Is For If you are an experienced Python developer who intends to drive your numerical and scientific applications with NumPy, this book is for you. Prior experience or knowledge of working with the Python language is required. What You Will Learn * Manipulate the key attributes and universal functions of NumPy * Utilize matrix and mathematical computation using linear algebra modules * Implement regression and curve fitting for models * Perform time frequency / spectral density analysis using the Fourier Transform modules * Collate with the distutils and setuptools modules used by other Python libraries * Establish Cython with NumPy arrays * Write extension modules for NumPy code using the C API * Build sophisticated data structures using NumPy array with libraries such as Panda and Scikits In Detail In today's world of science and technology, it's all about speed and flexibility. When it comes to scientific computing, NumPy tops the list. NumPy gives you both the speed and high productivity you need. This book will walk you through NumPy using clear, step-by-step examples and just the right amount of theory. We will guide you through wider applications of NumPy in scientific computing and will then focus on the fundamentals of NumPy, including array objects, functions, and matrices, each of them explained with practical examples. You will then learn about different NumPy modules while performing mathematical operations such as calculating the Fourier Transform; solving linear systems of equations, interpolation, extrapolation, regression, and curve fitting; and evaluating integrals and derivatives. We will also introduce you to using Cython with NumPy arrays and writing extension modules for NumPy code using the C API. This book will give you exposure to the vast NumPy library and help you build efficient, high-speed programs using a wide range of mathematical features. Style and approach This quick guide will help you get to grips with the nitty-gritties of NumPy using with practical programming examples. Each topic is explained in both theoretical and practical ways with hands-on examples providing you efficient way of learning and adequate knowledge to support your professional work.

Nutrigenomics and the Brain (Nutritional Neurosciences)

by Mohamed Salama

Dr. Mohammed Salama is Atlantic senior fellow for Equity in brain health at the Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI) and Associate professor at the Institute of Global Health and Human Ecology at the American University in Cairo (AUC). He established the first Translational Neuroscience Unit in Egypt. Mohamed’s collaborative research led to establishing the Egyptian Network for Neurodegenerative Disorders Mohamed was selected as a SOT Global Senior Scholar in 2013 and Translational/bridging awardee in 2016. He was awarded by Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Foundation (PMDF) for his continued research in neurodegeneration. Recently, Mohamed and his colleagues succeeded in drafting the first Reference Egyptian Genome and collaborating with other colleagues to start a national cohort (A Longitudinal Study of Egyptian Health Aging [AL-SEHA]). ​

Nützliche und schöne Geometrie: Eine etwas andere Einführung in die Euklidische Geometrie

by Wolfgang Zeuge

Dieses Lehrbuch ist eine wertvolle Ergänzung zu den klassischen, in der Schule gelehrten Inhalten der Geometrie und möchte die Freude am Umgang mit Geometrie wecken. Es wählt einen anschaulichen Zugang und ist daher besonders für alle diejenigen geeignet, die sich aus Interesse mit Geometrie beschäftigen wollen oder als Lehrkraft neue und unkonventionelle Ideen für Unterricht oder Seminare suchen. Das Buch kann als Grundlage für Leistungskurse, Arbeitsgemeinschaften oder Wahlpflichtkurse dienen, wobei man sich auf das in der zur Verfügung stehenden Zeit sinnvoll Machbare beschränken sollte. Auch für den Übergang von Schule zu Hochschule ist es gut geeignet, insbesondere für Lehramtsstudierende. Der Einstieg ins Buch ist bewusst sehr niedrigschwellig: Vieles aus dem ersten Teil des Buches wird, je nach den individuellen Vorkenntnissen, schon bekannt sein. Es wird hier allerdings aus anderer Perspektive betrachtet als es in der Schule (insbesondere in der Mittelstufe) üblich ist und und bringt somit einen nützlichen Mehrwert.Für die 2. Auflage wurde das Buch korrigiert und um einige Inhalte ergänzt. Neu sind außerdem Übungsaufgaben, sowie am Ende des Buchs ein Kapitel mit den dazugehörigen Lösungen.

NY Regents Exam Test Prep Flash Cards: Geometry Essentials (Exambusters NY Regents Workbook #6)

by Ace Inc.

<P><P><i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.</i><P><P> 450 questions and answers that focus on essential geometry theorems, postulates, concepts, and definitions. Includes complementary diagrams. <P><P>Topics: Lines and Angles, Triangles, Proofs, Perpendicular Lines, Parallel Lines, Angle Sums, Quadrilaterals, Medians, Altitudes and Bisectors, Circles, Ratio and Proportion, Similar Polygons, Circles and Regular Polygons, Inequalities, Locus, Coordinate Geometry <P>"Exambusters NY Regents Prep Workbooks" provide comprehensive NY Regents review--one fact at a time--to prepare students to take practice NY Regents tests. Each NY Regents study guide focuses on fundamental concepts and definitions--a basic overview to begin studying for the NY Regents exam. Up to 600 questions and answers, each volume in the NY Regents series is a quick and easy, focused read. Reviewing NY Regents flash cards is the first step toward more confident NY Regents preparation and ultimately, higher NY Regents exam scores!

NY Regents Exam Test Prep Flash Cards: Integrated Algebra (Exambusters NY Regents Workbook #5)

by Ace Inc.

<P><P><i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.</i><P><P> 450 questions and answers. Essential definitions, formulas, concepts, and sample problems.<P><P> Topics: Sets, Variables, Exponents, Properties of Numbers, Like Terms, Simple Equations, Property of Equality, Signed Numbers, Monomials, Polynomials, Advanced Equations, Verbal Problems, Factoring Polynomials, Algebraic Fractions, Equations with Several Variables, Advanced Verbal Problems, Evaluating Formulas, Simultaneous Equations, Ratio and Proportion, Variation, Quadratic Equations and Radicals, Coordinate Geometry <P>"Exambusters NY Regents Prep Workbooks" provide comprehensive NY Regents review--one fact at a time--to prepare students to take practice NY Regents tests. Each NY Regents study guide focuses on fundamental concepts and definitions--a basic overview to begin studying for the NY Regents exam. Up to 600 questions and answers, each volume in the NY Regents series is a quick and easy, focused read. Reviewing NY Regents flash cards is the first step toward more confident NY Regents preparation and ultimately, higher NY Regents exam scores!

NY Regents Test Prep Flash Cards: Algebra 2 - Trigonometry (Exambusters NY Regents Workbook #7)

by Ace Inc.

<P><P><i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.</i><P><P> 500 questions and answers that focus on essential advanced algebra concepts. Includes complementary diagrams. Essential definitions, formulas, and sample problems. <P><P>Topics: Exponents and Radicals, Absolute Values and Inequalities, Polynomials, Linear Equations, Quadratic Equations, Conic Sections, Logarithms, Angles, Trigonometric Functions and Identities, Oblique Triangles, Complex and Imaginary Numbers, Area and Volume, Sequences and Series <P>"Exambusters NY Regents Prep Workbooks" provide comprehensive NY Regents review--one fact at a time--to prepare students to take practice NY Regents tests. Each NY Regents study guide focuses on fundamental concepts and definitions--a basic overview to begin studying for the NY Regents exam. Up to 600 questions and answers, each volume in the NY Regents series is a quick and easy, focused read. Reviewing NY Regents flash cards is the first step toward more confident NY Regents preparation and ultimately, higher NY Regents exam scores!

O-Minimality and Diophantine Geometry

by G. O. Jones A. J. Wilkie

This collection of articles, originating from a short course held at the University of Manchester, explores the ideas behind Pila's proof of the Andre-Oort conjecture for products of modular curves. The basic strategy has three main ingredients: the Pila-Wilkie theorem, bounds on Galois orbits, and functional transcendence results. All of these topics are covered in this volume, making it ideal for researchers wishing to keep up to date with the latest developments in the field. Original papers are combined with background articles in both the number theoretic and model theoretic aspects of the subject. These include Martin Orr's survey of abelian varieties, Christopher Daw's introduction to Shimura varieties, and Jacob Tsimerman's proof via o-minimality of Ax's theorem on the functional case of Schanuel's conjecture.

Object-Orientation, Abstraction, and Data Structures Using Scala (Chapman & Hall/CRC Textbooks in Computing)

by Lisa L. Lacher Mark C. Lewis

Mark Lewis’ Introduction to the Art of Programming Using Scala was the first textbook to use Scala for introductory CS courses. Fully revised and expanded, the new edition of this popular text has been divided into two books. Object-Orientation, Abstraction, and Data Structures Using Scala, Second Edition is intended to be used as a textbook for a second or third semester course in Computer Science. The Scala programming language provides powerful constructs for expressing both object orientation and abstraction. This book provides students with these tools of object orientation to help them structure solutions to larger, more complex problems, and to expand on their knowledge of abstraction so that they can make their code more powerful and flexible. The book also illustrates key concepts through the creation of data structures, showing how data structures can be written, and the strengths and weaknesses of each one. Libraries that provide the functionality needed to do real programming are also explored in the text, including GUIs, multithreading, and networking. The book is filled with end-of-chapter projects and exercises, and the authors have also posted a number of different supplements on the book website. Video lectures for each chapter in the book are also available on YouTube. The videos show construction of code from the ground up and this type of "live coding" is invaluable for learning to program, as it allows students into the mind of a more experienced programmer, where they can see the thought processes associated with the development of the code. About the Authors Mark Lewis is an Associate Professor at Trinity University. He teaches a number of different courses, spanning from first semester introductory courses to advanced seminars. His research interests included simulations and modeling, programming languages, and numerical modeling of rings around planets with nearby moons.? Lisa Lacher is an Assistant Professor at the University of Houston, Clear Lake with over 25 years of professional software development experience. She teaches a number of different courses spanning from first semester introductory courses to graduate level courses. Her research interests include Computer Science Education, Agile Software Development, Human Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering, as well as Measurement and Empirical Software Engineering.

Object Oriented Data Analysis (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability)

by Ian L. Dryden J. S. Marron

Object Oriented Data Analysis is a framework that facilitates inter-disciplinary research through new terminology for discussing the often many possible approaches to the analysis of complex data. Such data are naturally arising in a wide variety of areas. This book aims to provide ways of thinking that enable the making of sensible choices. The main points are illustrated with many real data examples, based on the authors' personal experiences, which have motivated the invention of a wide array of analytic methods. While the mathematics go far beyond the usual in statistics (including differential geometry and even topology), the book is aimed at accessibility by graduate students. There is deliberate focus on ideas over mathematical formulas. J. S. Marron is the Amos Hawley Distinguished Professor of Statistics, Professor of Biostatistics, Adjunct Professor of Computer Science, Faculty Member of the Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Curriculum and Research Member of the Lineberger Cancer Center and the Computational Medicine Program, at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Ian L. Dryden is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Florida International University in Miami, has served as Head of School of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Nottingham, and is joint author of the acclaimed book Statistical Shape Analysis.

Object-Oriented Design Choices

by Adair Dingle

Do modern programming languages, IDEs, and libraries make coding easy? Maybe, but coding is not design. Large-scale or expensive apps clearly require evaluation of design choices. Still, software design directly impacts code reuse and longevity even for small-scale apps with limited overhead. This text evaluates and contrasts common object-oriented designs. A given problem may have many solutions. A developer may employ different design techniques – composition, inheritance, dependency injection, delegation, etc. – to solve a particular problem. A skilled developer can determine the costs and benefits of different design responses, even amid competing concerns. A responsible developer documents design choices as a contract with the client, delineating external and internal responsibilities. To promote effective software design, this book examines contractual, object-oriented designs for immediate and sustained use as well as code reuse. The intent of identifying design variants is to recognize and manage conflicting goals such as short versus long-term utility, stability versus flexibility, and storage versus computation. Many examples are given to evaluate and contrast different solutions and to compare C# and C++ effects. No one has a crystal ball; however, deliberate design promotes software longevity. With the prominence of legacy OO code, a clear understanding of different object-oriented designs is essential. Design questions abound. Is code reuse better with inheritance or composition? Should composition rely on complete encapsulation? Design choices impact flexibility, efficiency, stability, longevity, and reuse, yet compilers do not enforce design and syntax does not necessarily illustrate design. Through deliberate design, or redesign when refactoring, developers construct sustainable, efficient code.

An Object-Oriented Python Cookbook in Quantum Information Theory and Quantum Computing

by M.S. Ramkarthik Pranay Barkataki

This first-of-a-kind textbook provides computational tools in state-of-the-art OOPs Python that are fundamental to quantum information, quantum computing, linear algebra and one-dimensional spin half condensed matter systems. Over 104 subroutines are included, and the codes are aided by mathematical comments to enhance clarity. Suitable for beginner and advanced readers alike, students and researchers will find this textbook to be a helpful guide and a compendium which they can readily use.Features Includes over 104 codes in OOPs Python, all of which can be used either as a standalone program or integrated with any other main program without any issues. Every parameter in the input, output and execution has been provided while keeping both beginner and advanced users in mind. The output of every program is explained thoroughly with detailed examples. Detailed mathematical commenting is done alongside the code which enhances clarity about the flow and working of the code.

Objective Algorithms for Integrating Hypoelastic Constitutive Relations Based on Corotational Stress Rates (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Sergey Korobeynikov Alexey Larichkin

This book provides readers with a deep understanding of the use of objective algorithms for integration of constitutive relations (CRs) for Hooke-like hypoelasticity based on the use of corotational stress rates. The purpose of objective algorithms is to perform the step-by-step integration of CRs using fairly large time steps that provide high accuracy of this integration in combination with the exact reproduction of superimposed rigid body motions. Since Hooke-like hypoelasticity is included as a component in CRs for elastic-inelastic materials (e.g., in CRs for elastic-plastic materials), the scope of these algorithms is not limited to hypoelastic materials, but extends to many other materials subjected to large deformations. The authors performed a comparative analysis of the performance of most currently available objective algorithms, provided some recommendations for improving the existing formulations of these algorithms, and presented new formulations of the so-called absolutely objective algorithms. The proposed book will be useful for beginner researchers in the development of economical methods for integrating elastic-inelastic CRs, as well as for experienced researchers, by providing a compact overview of existing objective algorithms and new formulations of these algorithms. The book will also be useful for developers of computer codes for implementing objective algorithms in FE systems. In addition, this book will also be useful for users of commercial FE codes, since often these codes are so-called black boxes and this book shows how to test accuracy of the algorithms of these codes for integrating elastic-inelastic CRs in modeling large rotations superimposed on the uniform deformation of any sample.

An Objective Theory of Probability (Routledge Revivals)

by Donald Gillies

This reissue of D. A. Gillies highly influential work, first published in 1973, is a philosophical theory of probability which seeks to develop von Mises’ views on the subject. In agreement with von Mises, the author regards probability theory as a mathematical science like mechanics or electrodynamics, and probability as an objective, measurable concept like force, mass or charge. On the other hand, Dr Gillies rejects von Mises’ definition of probability in terms of limiting frequency and claims that probability should be taken as a primitive or undefined term in accordance with modern axiomatic approaches. This of course raises the problem of how the abstract calculus of probability should be connected with the ‘actual world of experiments’. It is suggested that this link should be established, not by a definition of probability, but by an application of Popper’s concept of falsifiability. In addition to formulating his own interesting theory, Dr Gillies gives a detailed criticism of the generally accepted Neyman Pearson theory of testing, as well as of alternative philosophical approaches to probability theory. The reissue will be of interest both to philosophers with no previous knowledge of probability theory and to mathematicians interested in the foundations of probability theory and statistics.

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