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Optimierung von Versorgungsnetzen: Mathematische Modellierung und Lösungstechniken

by Lars Schewe Martin Schmidt

Wie funktioniert der deutsche Strommarkt? Wie bestimmt man die kostengünstigsten aber ausreichend großen Rohre für Wassernetze? Wie entscheidet man, ob bestimmte Mengen Erdgas durch ein Gasnetz transportiert werden können oder nicht? Dieses einführende Lehrbuch zeigt anhand konkreter Fragestellungen aus Strom-, Wasser-, Gas- und Verkehrsnetzen, mit welchen Begriffen und Techniken sich Transportvorgänge in solchen Versorgungsnetzen durch mathematische Modelle beschreiben lassen. Neben den technisch-physikalischen Modellen lernt der Leser Techniken zur Analyse typischer Märkte und Handelsmechanismen im Energiesektor kennen. Für beide Fälle werden die mathematischen Lösungsverfahren ausführlich diskutiert. Dazu werden unter anderem klassische Flusstheorie, Optimalitätsbedingungen, lineare Komplementaritätsprobleme und gemischt-ganzzahlige nichtlineare Optimierungsprobleme behandelt, so dass der Leser automatisch zentrale Tücken ganzzahliger und nichtlinearer Optimierungsprobleme kennenlernt und sich im Umgang mit diesen übt. Das Buch beinhaltet über 50 Übungsaufgaben sowie 5 Projektaufgaben, bei denen konkrete praktische Fragestellungen am Rechner gelöst werden sollen. Vorausgesetzt werden lediglich Vorkenntnisse aus den üblichen Grundvorlesungen der kontinuierlichen und linearen Optimierung (inklusive Dualität). Das Buch ist gut als Grundlage für eine Lehrveranstaltung im Umfang von 4 Semesterwochenstunden plus Übungen im Umfang von etwa 2 Semesterwochenstunden geeignet.

Optimisation Algorithms for Hand Posture Estimation (Algorithms for Intelligent Systems)

by Shahrzad Saremi Seyedali Mirjalili

This book reviews the literature on hand posture estimation using generative methods, identifying the current gaps, such as sensitivity to hand shapes, sensitivity to a good initial posture, difficult hand posture recovery in cases of loss in tracking, and lack of addressing multiple objectives to maximize accuracy and minimize computational cost. To fill these gaps, it proposes a new 3D hand model that combines the best features of the current 3D hand models in the literature. It also discusses the development of a hand shape optimization technique. To find the global optimum for the single-objective problem formulated, it improves and applies particle swarm optimization (PSO), one of the most highly regarded optimization algorithms and one that is used successfully in both science and industry. After formulating the problem, multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) is employed to estimate the Pareto optimal front as the solution for this bi-objective problem. The book also demonstrates the effectiveness of the improved PSO in hand posture recovery in cases of tracking loss. Lastly, the book examines the formulation of hand posture estimation as a bi-objective problem for the first time.The case studies included feature 50 hand postures extracted from five standard datasets, and were used to benchmark the proposed 3D hand model, hand shape optimization, and hand posture recovery.

Optimisation convexe et inéquations variationnelles monotones (Mathématiques et Applications #89)

by Jean-Pierre Crouzeix Abdelhak Hassouni Eladio Ocaña-Anaya

De nombreux systèmes physiques, mécaniques, financiers et économiques peuvent être décrits par des modèles mathématiques qui visent à optimiser des fonctions, trouver des équilibres et effectuer des arbitrages. Souvent, la convexité des ensembles et des fonctions ainsi que les conditions de monotonie sur les systèmes d'inéquations qui régissent ces systèmes se présentent naturellement dans les modèles. C'est dans cet esprit que nous avons conçu ce livre en mettant l'accent sur une approche géométrique qui privilégie l'intuition par rapport à une approche plus analytique. Les démonstrations des résultats classiques ont été revues dans cette optique et simplifiées. De nombreux exemples d'applications sont étudiés et des exercices sont proposés.Ce livre s'adresse aux étudiants en master de mathématiques appliquées, ainsi qu'aux doctorants, chercheurs et ingénieurs souhaitant comprendre les fondements de l'analyse convexe et de la théorie des inéquations variationnelles monotones.

Optimisation in Synchromodal Logistics: From Theory to Practice (Lecture Notes in Operations Research)

by Frank Phillipson

This book introduces the advances in synchromodal logistics and provides a framework to classify various optimisation problems in this field. It explores the application of this framework to solve a broad range of problems, such as problems with and without a central decision-maker, problems with and without full information, deterministic problems, problems coping with uncertainty, optimisation of a full network design problem. It covers theoretical constructs, such as discrete optimisation, robust optimisation, optimisation under uncertainty, multi-objective optimisation and agent based equilibrium models. Moreover, practical elaborated use cases are presented to deepen understanding. The book gives both researchers and practitioners a good overview of the field of synchromodal optimisation problems and offers the reader practical methods for modelling and problem-solving.

Optimised Projections for the Ab Initio Simulation of Large and Strongly Correlated Systems

by David D. O'Regan

Density functional theory (DFT) has become the standard workhorse for quantum mechanical simulations as it offers a good compromise between accuracy and computational cost. However, there are many important systems for which DFT performs very poorly, most notably strongly-correlated materials, resulting in a significant recent growth in interest in 'beyond DFT' methods. The widely used DFT+U technique, in particular, involves the addition of explicit Coulomb repulsion terms to reproduce the physics of spatially-localised electronic subspaces. The magnitude of these corrective terms, measured by the famous Hubbard U parameter, has received much attention but less so for the projections used to delineate these subspaces. The dependence on the choice of these projections is studied in detail here and a method to overcome this ambiguity in DFT+U, by self-consistently determining the projections, is introduced. The author shows how nonorthogonal representations for electronic states may be used to construct these projections and, furthermore, how DFT+U may be implemented with a linearly increasing cost with respect to system size. The use of nonorthogonal functions in the context of electronic structure calculations is extensively discussed and clarified, with new interpretations and results, and, on this topic, this work may serve as a reference for future workers in the field.

Optimization: Insights and Applications (Princeton Series in Applied Mathematics #13)

by Jan Brinkhuis Vladimir Tikhomirov

This self-contained textbook is an informal introduction to optimization through the use of numerous illustrations and applications. The focus is on analytically solving optimization problems with a finite number of continuous variables. In addition, the authors provide introductions to classical and modern numerical methods of optimization and to dynamic optimization. The book's overarching point is that most problems may be solved by the direct application of the theorems of Fermat, Lagrange, and Weierstrass. The authors show how the intuition for each of the theoretical results can be supported by simple geometric figures. They include numerous applications through the use of varied classical and practical problems. Even experts may find some of these applications truly surprising. A basic mathematical knowledge is sufficient to understand the topics covered in this book. More advanced readers, even experts, will be surprised to see how all main results can be grounded on the Fermat-Lagrange theorem. The book can be used for courses on continuous optimization, from introductory to advanced, for any field for which optimization is relevant.

Optimization: Theory and Algorithms

by Jean-Bapiste Hiriart-Urruty Werner Oettli Josef Stoer

This book is concerned with tangent cones, duality formulas, a generalized concept of conjugation, and the notion of maxi-minimizing sequence for a saddle-point problem, and deals more with algorithms in optimization. It focuses on the multiple exchange algorithm in convex programming.


by Kenneth Lange

Finite-dimensional optimization problems occur throughout the mathematical sciences. The majority of these problems cannot be solved analytically. This introduction to optimization attempts to strike a balance between presentation of mathematical theory and development of numerical algorithms. Building on students' skills in calculus and linear algebra, the text provides a rigorous exposition without undue abstraction. Its stress on statistical applications will be especially appealing to graduate students of statistics and biostatistics. The intended audience also includes students in applied mathematics, computational biology, computer science, economics, and physics who want to see rigorous mathematics combined with real applications. In this second edition the emphasis remains on finite-dimensional optimization. New material has been added on the MM algorithm, block descent and ascent, and the calculus of variations. Convex calculus is now treated in much greater depth. Advanced topics such as the Fenchel conjugate, subdifferentials, duality, feasibility, alternating projections, projected gradient methods, exact penalty methods, and Bregman iteration will equip students with the essentials for understanding modern data mining techniques in high dimensions.

Optimization: 100 Examples

by Simon Serovajsky

Optimization: 100 Examples is a book devoted to the analysis of scenarios for which the use of well-known optimization methods encounter certain difficulties. Analysing such examples allows a deeper understanding of the features of these optimization methods, including the limits of their applicability. In this way, the book seeks to stimulate further development and understanding of the theory of optimal control. The study of the presented examples makes it possible to more effectively diagnose problems that arise in the practical solution of optimal control problems, and to find ways to overcome the difficulties that have arisen. Features Vast collection of examples Simple. accessible presentation Suitable as a research reference for anyone with an interest in optimization and optimal control theory, including mathematicians and engineers Examples differ in properties, i.e. each effect for each class of problems is illustrated by a unique example. Simon Serovajsky is a professor of mathematics at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Kazakhstan. He is the author of many books published in the area of optimization and optimal control theory, mathematical physics, mathematical modelling, philosophy and history of mathematics as well as a long list of high-quality publications in learned journals.

Optimization Algorithms for Distributed Machine Learning (Synthesis Lectures on Learning, Networks, and Algorithms)

by Gauri Joshi

This book discusses state-of-the-art stochastic optimization algorithms for distributed machine learning and analyzes their convergence speed. The book first introduces stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and its distributed version, synchronous SGD, where the task of computing gradients is divided across several worker nodes. The author discusses several algorithms that improve the scalability and communication efficiency of synchronous SGD, such as asynchronous SGD, local-update SGD, quantized and sparsified SGD, and decentralized SGD. For each of these algorithms, the book analyzes its error versus iterations convergence, and the runtime spent per iteration. The author shows that each of these strategies to reduce communication or synchronization delays encounters a fundamental trade-off between error and runtime.

Optimization Algorithms for Networks and Graphs

by James Evans

A revised and expanded advanced-undergraduate/graduate text (first ed., 1978) about optimization algorithms for problems that can be formulated on graphs and networks. This edition provides many new applications and algorithms while maintaining the classic foundations on which contemporary algorithm

Optimization and Applications: 14th International Conference, OPTIMA 2023, Petrovac, Montenegro, September 18–22, 2023, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14395)

by Nicholas Olenev Yuri Evtushenko Milojica Jaćimović Michael Khachay Vlasta Malkova

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Optimization and Applications, OPTIMA 2023, held in Petrovac, Montenegro, during September 18–22, 2023.The 27 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 68 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: ​mathematical programming; global optimization; discrete and combinatorial optimization; game theory and mathematical economics; optimization in economics and finance; and applications.

Optimization and Applications: 11th International Conference, OPTIMA 2020, Moscow, Russia, September 28 – October 2, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12422)

by Nicholas Olenev Yuri Evtushenko Michael Khachay Vlasta Malkova

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Optimization and Applications, OPTIMA 2020, held in Moscow, Russia, in September-October 2020.*The 21 full and 2 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 60 submissions. The papers cover such topics as mathematical programming, combinatorial and discrete optimization, optimal control, optimization in economics, finance, and social sciences, global optimization, and applications. * The conference was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Optimization and Control Methods in Industrial Engineering and Construction

by Honglei Xu Xiangyu Wang

This book presents recent advances in optimization and control methods with applications to industrial engineering and construction management. It consists of 15 chapters authored by recognized experts in a variety of fields including control and operation research, industrial engineering and project management. Topics include numerical methods in unconstrained optimization, robust optimal control problems, set splitting problems, optimum confidence interval analysis, a monitoring networks optimization survey, distributed fault detection, nonferrous industrial optimization approaches, neural networks in traffic flows, economic scheduling of CCHP systems, a project scheduling optimization survey, lean and agile construction project management, practical construction projects in Hong Kong, dynamic project management, production control in PC4P and target contracts optimization. The book offers a valuable reference work for scientists, engineers, researchers and practitioners in industrial engineering and construction management.

Optimization and Control of Bilinear Systems

by Panos M. Pardalos Vitaliy A. Yatsenko

Covers developments in bilinear systems theory Focuses on the control of open physical processes functioning in a non-equilibrium mode Emphasis is on three primary disciplines: modern differential geometry, control of dynamical systems, and optimization theory Includes applications to the fields of quantum and molecular computing, control of physical processes, biophysics, superconducting magnetism, and physical information science

Optimization and Control Techniques and Applications

by Honglei Xu Kok Lay Teo Yi Zhang

This book presents advances in state-of-the-art solution methods and their applications to real life practical problems in optimization, control and operations research. Contributions from world-class experts in the field are collated here in two parts, dealing first with optimization and control theory and then with techniques and applications. Topics covered in the first part include control theory on infinite dimensional Banach spaces, history-dependent inclusion and linear programming complexity theory. Chapters also explore the use of approximations of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman inequality for solving periodic optimization problems and look at multi-objective semi-infinite optimization problems and production planning problems. In the second part, the authors address techniques and applications of optimization and control in a variety of disciplines, such as chaos synchronization, facial expression recognition and dynamic input-output economic models. Other applications considered here include image retrieval, natural earth satellites orbital transfers, snap-back repellers and modern logistic systems. Readers will learn of advances in optimization, control and operations research, as well as potential new avenues of research and development. The book will appeal to scientific researchers, mathematicians and all specialists interested in the latest advances in optimization and control.

Optimization and Differentiation (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs and Research Notes in Mathematics)

by Simon Serovajsky

Optimization and Differentiation is an introduction to the application of optimization control theory to systems described by nonlinear partial differential equations. As well as offering a useful reference work for researchers in these fields, it is also suitable for graduate students of optimal control theory.

Optimization and Optimal Control

by Ider Tseveendorj Altannar Chinchuluun Rentsen Enkhbat Panos M. Pardalos

Optimization and optimal control are the main tools in decision making. Because of their numerous applications in various disciplines, research in these areas is accelerating at a rapid pace. "Optimization and Optimal Control: Theory and Applications" brings together the latest developments in these areas of research as well as presents applications of these results to a wide range of real-world problems. This volume can serve as a useful resource for researchers, practitioners, and advanced graduate students of mathematics and engineering working in research areas where results in optimization and optimal control can be applied.

Optimization Approaches for Solving String Selection Problems

by Elisa Pappalardo Panos M. Pardalos Giovanni Stracquadanio

Optimization Approaches for Solving String Selection Problems provides an overview of optimization methods for a wide class of genomics-related problems in relation to the string selection problems. This class of problems addresses the recognition of similar characteristics or differences within biological sequences. Specifically, this book considers a large class of problems, ranging from the closest string and substring problems, to the farthest string and substring problems, to the far from most string problem. Each problem includes a detailed description, highlighting both biological and mathematical features and presents state-of-the-art approaches. This Brief provides a quick introduction of optimization methods for string selection problems for young scientists and a detailed description of the mathematical and computational methods developed for experts in the field of optimization who want to deepen their understanding of the string selection problems. Researchers, practitioners and graduate students in the field of Computer Science, Operation Research, Mathematics, Computational Biology and Biomedicine will find this book useful.

Optimization Based Model Using Fuzzy and Other Statistical Techniques Towards Environmental Sustainability

by Samsul Ariffin Abdul Karim Evizal Abdul Kadir Arbi Haza Nasution

This book explores key examples concerning the implementation of information technology and mathematical modeling to solve issues concerning environmental sustainability. The examples include using fuzzy weighted multivariate regression to predict the water quality index at Perak River in Malaysia; using wireless sensor networks (WSNs) for a remote river water pollution monitoring system; deriving biomass activated carbon from oil palm shell; and assessing the performance of a PV/T air solar collector. The book offers a valuable resource for all graduate students and researchers who are working in this rapidly growing area.

Optimization by GRASP: Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedures

by Mauricio G.C. Resende Celso C. Ribeiro

This is the first book to cover GRASP (Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedures), a metaheuristic that has enjoyed wide success in practice with a broad range of applications to real-world combinatorial optimization problems. The state-of-the-art coverage and carefully crafted pedagogical style lends this book highly accessible as an introductory text not only to GRASP, but also to combinatorial optimization, greedy algorithms, local search, and path-relinking, as well as to heuristics and metaheuristics, in general. The focus is on algorithmic and computational aspects of applied optimization with GRASP with emphasis given to the end-user, providing sufficient information on the broad spectrum of advances in applied optimization with GRASP. For the more advanced reader, chapters on hybridization with path-relinking and parallel and continuous GRASP present these topics in a clear and concise fashion. Additionally, the book offers a very complete annotated bibliography of GRASP and combinatorial optimization. For the practitioner who needs to solve combinatorial optimization problems, the book provides a chapter with four case studies and implementable templates for all algorithms covered in the text. This book, with its excellent overview of GRASP, will appeal to researchers and practitioners of combinatorial optimization who have a need to find optimal or near optimal solutions to hard combinatorial optimization problems.

Optimization, Control, and Applications in the Information Age

by Athanasios Migdalas Athanasia Karakitsiou

Recent developments in theory, algorithms, and applications in optimization and control are discussed in this proceedings, based on selected talks from the 'Optimization Control and Applications in the Information Age' conference, organized in honor of Panos Pardalos's 60th birthday. This volume contains numerous applications to optimal decision making in energy production and fuel management, data mining, logistics, supply chain management, market network analysis, risk analysis, and community network analysis. In addition, a short biography is included describing Dr. Pardalos's path from a shepherd village on the high mountains of Thessaly to academic success. Due to the wide range of topics such as global optimization, combinatorial optimization, game theory, stochastics and programming contained in this publication, scientists, researchers, and students in optimization, operations research, analytics, mathematics and computer science will be interested in this volume.

Optimization, Control, and Applications of Stochastic Systems

by J. Adolfo Minjárez-Sosa Daniel Hernández-Hernández

This volume provides a general overview of discrete- and continuous-time Markov control processes and stochastic games, along with a look at the range of applications of stochastic control and some of its recent theoretical developments. These topics include various aspects of dynamic programming, approximation algorithms, and infinite-dimensional linear programming. In all, the work comprises 18 carefully selected papers written by experts in their respective fields. Optimization, Control, and Applications of Stochastic Systems will be a valuable resource for all practitioners, researchers, and professionals in applied mathematics and operations research who work in the areas of stochastic control, mathematical finance, queueing theory, and inventory systems. It may also serve as a supplemental text for graduate courses in optimal control and dynamic games.

Optimization for Computer Vision: An Introduction to Core Concepts and Methods

by Marco Alexander Treiber

This practical and authoritative text/reference presents a broad introduction to the optimization methods used specifically in computer vision. In order to facilitate understanding, the presentation of the methods is supplemented by simple flow charts, followed by pseudocode implementations that reveal deeper insights into their mode of operation. These discussions are further supported by examples taken from important applications in computer vision. Topics and features: provides a comprehensive overview of computer vision-related optimization; covers a range of techniques from classical iterative multidimensional optimization to cutting-edge topics of graph cuts and GPU-suited total variation-based optimization; describes in detail the optimization methods employed in computer vision applications; illuminates key concepts with clearly written and step-by-step explanations; presents detailed information on implementation, including pseudocode for most methods.

Optimization for Data Analysis

by Stephen J. Wright Benjamin Recht

Optimization techniques are at the core of data science, including data analysis and machine learning. An understanding of basic optimization techniques and their fundamental properties provides important grounding for students, researchers, and practitioners in these areas. This text covers the fundamentals of optimization algorithms in a compact, self-contained way, focusing on the techniques most relevant to data science. An introductory chapter demonstrates that many standard problems in data science can be formulated as optimization problems. Next, many fundamental methods in optimization are described and analyzed, including: gradient and accelerated gradient methods for unconstrained optimization of smooth (especially convex) functions; the stochastic gradient method, a workhorse algorithm in machine learning; the coordinate descent approach; several key algorithms for constrained optimization problems; algorithms for minimizing nonsmooth functions arising in data science; foundations of the analysis of nonsmooth functions and optimization duality; and the back-propagation approach, relevant to neural networks.

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