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Showing 17,551 through 17,575 of 24,580 results

Perl Testing: A Developer's Notebook

by Ian Langworth Chromatic

Is there any sexier topic in software development than software testing? That is, besides game programming, 3D graphics, audio, high-performance clustering, cool websites, et cetera? Okay, so software testing is low on the list. And that's unfortunate, because good software testing can increase your productivity, improve your designs, raise your quality, ease your maintenance burdens, and help to satisfy your customers, coworkers, and managers. Perl has a strong history of automated tests. A very early release of Perl 1.0 included a comprehensive test suite, and it's only improved from there. Learning how Perl's test tools work and how to put them together to solve all sorts of previously intractable problems can make you a better programmer in general. Besides, it's easy to use the Perl tools described to handle all sorts of testing problems that you may encounter, even in other languages. Like all titles in O'Reilly's Developer's Notebook series, this "all lab, no lecture" book skips the boring prose and focuses instead on a series of exercises that speak to you instead of at you. Perl Testing: A Developer's Notebook will help you dive right in and: Write basic Perl tests with ease and interpret the results Apply special techniques and modules to improve your tests Bundle test suites along with projects Test databases and their data Test websites and web projects Use the "Test Anything Protocol" which tests projects written in languages other than Perl With today's increased workloads and short development cycles, unit tests are more vital to building robust, high-quality software than ever before. Once mastered, these lessons will help you ensure low-level code correctness, reduce software development cycle time, and ease maintenance burdens. You don't have to be a die-hard free and open source software developer who lives, breathes, and dreams Perl to use this book. You just have to want to do your job a little bit better.

Perlen der Mathematik: 20 geometrische Figuren als Ausgangspunkte für mathematische Erkundungsreisen

by Claudi Alsina Roger B. Nelsen

Dieses Buch handelt von 20 geometrischen Figuren (Icons), die eine wichtige Rolle bei der Veranschaulichung mathematischer Beweise spielen. Alsina und Nelsen untersuchen die Mathematik, die hinter diesen Figuren steckt und die sich aus ihnen ableiten lässt.Jedem in diesem Buch behandelten Icons ist ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet, in dem sein Alltagsbezug, seine wesentlichen mathematischen Eigenschaften sowie seine Bedeutung für visuelle Beweise vieler mathematischer Sätze betont werden. Diese Sätze umfassen unter anderem auch klassische Ergebnisse aus der ebenen Geometrie, Eigenschaften der natürlichen Zahlen, Mittelwerte und Ungleichungen, Beziehungen zwischen Winkelfunktionen, Sätze aus der Differenzial- und Integralrechnung sowie Rätsel aus dem Bereich der Unterhaltungsmathematik. Darüber hinaus enthält jedes Kapitel eine Auswahl an Aufgaben, anhand derer die Leser weitere Eigenschaften und Anwendungen der Diagramme erkunden können.Das Buch ist für alle geschrieben, die Freude an der Mathematik haben; Lehrkräfte und Dozenten der Mathematik werden in diesem Buch sehr nützliche Beispiele für Problemlösungen sowie umfangreiches Unterrichts- und Seminarmaterial zu Beweisen und mathematischer Argumentation finden.

Permittivity and Permeability Tensors for Cloaking Applications

by Balamati Choudhury Pavani Vijay Reddy Rakesh Mohan Jha

This book is focused on derivations of analytical expressions for stealth and cloaking applications. An optimal version of electromagnetic (EM) stealth is the design of invisibility cloak of arbitrary shapes in which the EM waves can be controlled within the cloaking shell by introducing a prescribed spatial variation in the constitutive parameters. The promising challenge in design of invisibility cloaks lies in the determination of permittivity and permeability tensors for all the layers. This book provides the detailed derivation of analytical expressions of the permittivity and permeability tensors for various quadric surfaces within the eleven Eisenhart co-ordinate systems. These include the cylinders and the surfaces of revolutions. The analytical modeling and spatial metric for each of these surfaces are provided along with their tensors. This mathematical formulation will help the EM designers to analyze and design of various quadratics and their hybrids, which can eventually lead to design of cloaking shells of arbitrary shapes.

Permutation Groups (Dover Books on Mathematics)

by Donald S. Passman

This volume by a prominent authority on permutation groups consists of lecture notes that provide a self-contained account of distinct classification theorems. A ready source of frequently quoted but usually inaccessible theorems, it is ideally suited for professional group theorists as well as students with a solid background in modern algebra.The three-part treatment begins with an introductory chapter and advances to an economical development of the tools of basic group theory, including group extensions, transfer theorems, and group representations and characters. The final chapter features thorough discussions of the work of Zassenhaus on Frobenius elements and sharply transitive groups in addition to an exploration of Huppert's findings on solvable doubly transitive groups.

Permutation Groups and Cartesian Decompositions (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Ser. #449)

by Cheryl E. Praeger Csaba Schneider

Permutation groups, their fundamental theory and applications are discussed in this introductory book. It focuses on those groups that are most useful for studying symmetric structures such as graphs, codes and designs. Modern treatments of the O'Nan–Scott theory are presented not only for primitive permutation groups but also for the larger families of quasiprimitive and innately transitive groups, including several classes of infinite permutation groups. Their precision is sharpened by the introduction of a cartesian decomposition concept. This facilitates reduction arguments for primitive groups analogous to those, using orbits and partitions, that reduce problems about general permutation groups to primitive groups. The results are particularly powerful for finite groups, where the finite simple group classification is invoked. Applications are given in algebra and combinatorics to group actions that preserve cartesian product structures. Students and researchers with an interest in mathematical symmetry will find the book enjoyable and useful.

Permutation Statistical Methods

by Kenneth J. Berry Paul W. Mielke Janis E. Johnston

This researchmonograph provides a synthesis of a number of statistical tests and measures,which, at first consideration, appear disjoint and unrelated. Numerouscomparisons of permutation and classical statistical methods are presented, andthe two methods are compared via probability values and, where appropriate,measures of effect size. Permutationstatistical methods, compared to classical statistical methods, do not rely ontheoretical distributions, avoid the usual assumptions of normality andhomogeneity of variance, and depend only on the data at hand. This text takes aunique approach to explaining statistics by integrating a large variety ofstatistical methods, and establishing the rigor of a topic that to many mayseem to be a nascent field in statistics. This topic is new in that it tookmodern computing power to make permutation methods available to people working inthe mainstream of research.

Permutation Testing for Isotonic Inference on Association Studies in Genetics

by Rosa Arboretti Livio Corain Luigi Salmaso Dario Mazzaro

The purpose of this book is to illustrate a new statistical approach to test allelic association and genotype-specific effects in the genetic study of diseases. There are some parametric and non-parametric methods available for this purpose. We deal with population-based association studies, but comparisons with other methods will also be drawn, analysing the advantages and disadvantages of each one, particularly with regard to power properties with small sample sizes. In this framework we will work out some nonparametric statistical permutation tests and likelihood-based tests to perform case-control analyses to study allelic association between marker, disease-gene and environmental factors. Permutation tests, in particular, will be extended to multivariate and more complex studies, where we deal with several genes and several alleles together. Furthermore, we show simulations under different assumptions on the genetic model and analyse real data sets by simply studying one locus with the permutation test.

Permutation Tests in Shape Analysis

by Chiara Brombin Luigi Salmaso

Statistical shape analysis is a geometrical analysis from a set of shapes in which statistics are measured to describe geometrical properties from similar shapes or different groups, for instance, the difference between male and female Gorilla skull shapes, normal and pathological bone shapes, etc. Some of the important aspects of shape analysis are to obtain a measure of distance between shapes, to estimate average shapes from a (possibly random) sample and to estimate shape variability in a sample[1]. One of the main methods used is principal component analysis. Specific applications of shape analysis may be found in archaeology, architecture, biology, geography, geology, agriculture, genetics, medical imaging, security applications such as face recognition, entertainment industry (movies, games), computer-aided design and manufacturing. This is a proposal for a new Brief on statistical shape analysis and the various new parametric and non-parametric methods utilized to facilitate shape analysis.

¿Pero esto también es matemática?

by Adrián Paenza

¡Todo es matemática! Máquinas tragaperras, claves secretas, laberintos, puentes flexibles y moscas que vuelan rápido como trenes. ¡Estamos rodeados de números! Fechas de nacimiento, números de documentos, id del ordenador, teléfonos... Números que repetimos automáticamente y comienzan a tener sentido cuando los asociamos y logramos pensar de forma distinta. En ese momento aprendemos a educar la intuición y encontramos soluciones inesperadas. Desde cómo mejorar el tráfico en una gran ciudad hasta cómo realizar menos pasos para montar un rompecabezas. Desde cómo elegir una clave bancaria segura hasta cómo encontrar la estrategia adecuada para no perder nunca a las damas o adivinar un número o una carta. La lógica matemática envuelve todos nuestros actos cotidianos y es mucho más divertida de lo que imaginábamos. Adrián Paenza nos invita a sumergirnos en el mundo de las matemáticas recreativas, de la matemagia. Un universo donde se aprende jugando.

Perplexing Paradoxes: Unraveling Enigmas in the World Around Us

by George G. Szpiro

Why does it always seem like the elevator is going down when you need to go up? Is it really true that 0.99999 . . . with an infinite number of 9s after the decimal point, is equal to 1? What do tea leaves and river erosion have in common, per Albert Einstein? Does seeing a bed of red flowers help prove that all ravens are black? Can we make sense of a phrase like “this statement is unprovable”?Exploring these questions and many more, George G. Szpiro guides readers through the puzzling world of paradoxes, from Socratic dialogues to the Monty Hall problem. Perplexing Paradoxes presents sixty counterintuitive conundrums drawn from diverse areas of thought—not only mathematics, statistics, logic, and philosophy but also social science, physics, politics, and religion. Szpiro offers a brisk history of each paradox, unpacks its inner workings, and considers where one might encounter it in daily life. Ultimately, he argues, paradoxes are not simple brain teasers or abstruse word games—they challenge us to hone our reasoning and become more alert to the flaws in received wisdom and common habits of thought.Lighthearted, witty, and conversational, Perplexing Paradoxes presents sophisticated material in an accessible way for all readers interested in the world’s boundless possibilities—and impossibilities.

Person-Centered Methods

by Mark Stemmler

This book takes an easy-to-understand look at the statistical approach called the person-centered method. Instead of analyzing means, variances and covariances of scale scores as in the common variable-centered approach, the person-centered approach analyzes persons or objects grouped according to their characteristic patterns or configurations in contingency tables. The main focus of the book will be on Configural Frequency Analysis (CFA; Lienert and Krauth, 1975) which is a statistical method that looks for over and under-frequented cells or patterns. Over frequented means that the observations in this cell or configuration are observed more often than expected, under-frequented means that this cell or configuration is observed less often than expected. In CFA a pattern or configuration that contains more observed cases than expected is called a type; similarly, a pattern or configuration that is less observed than expected are called an antitype. CFA is similar to log-linear modeling. In log-linear modeling the goal is to come up with a fitting model including all important variables. Instead of fitting a model, CFA looks at the significant residuals of a log-linear model. The book describes the use of an R-package called confreq (derived from Configural Frequency Analysis). The use of the software package is described and demonstrated with data examples.

Person-Centered Methods: Configural Frequency Analysis (CFA) and Other Methods for the Analysis of Contingency Tables (SpringerBriefs in Statistics)

by Mark Stemmler

This book offers a comprehensible overview of the statistical approach called the person-centered method. Instead of analyzing means, variances and covariances of scale scores as in the common variable-centered approach, the person-centered approach analyzes persons or objects grouped according to their characteristic patterns or configurations in contingency tables. This second edition explores the relationship between two statistical methods: log-linear modeling (LLM) and configural frequency analysis (CFA). Both methods compare expected frequencies with observed frequencies. However, while LLM searches for the underlying dependencies of the involved variables in the data (model-fitting), CFA examines significant residuals in non-fitting models. New developments in the second edition include: Configural Mediation Models, CFA with covariates, moderator CFA, and CFA modeling branches in tree-based methods. The new developments enable the use of categorical together with continuous variables, which makes CFA a very powerful statistical tool. This new edition continues to utilize R-package confreq (derived from Configural Frequency Analysis), much updated since the first edition and newly adjusted to the new R base program 4.0. An electronic supplement is now available with 18 R-scripts and many datasets.

Personal Finance: A Lifetime Responsibility

by Grady Kimbrell Nathan Dungan

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Personal Financial Literacy

by Joan S. Ryan

Learn how to plan and manage your personal finances, achieve a financially successful life, and take responsibility as a citizen. PERSONAL FINANCIAL LITERACY is aligned with the Jump$tart Coalition's National Standards for Personal Financial Literacy. The personal focus of this course makes it relevant and meaningful to all; in particular, to those just starting down the path to personal financial independence.

Personality Traits and Drug Consumption: A Story Told by Data (SpringerBriefs in Statistics)

by Elaine Fehrman Vincent Egan Alexander N. Gorban Jeremy Levesley Evgeny M. Mirkes Awaz K. Muhammad

This book discusses the psychological traits associated with drug consumption through the statistical analysis of a new database with information on 1885 respondents and use of 18 drugs. After reviewing published works on the psychological profiles of drug users and describing the data mining and machine learning methods used, it demonstrates that the personality traits (five factor model, impulsivity, and sensation seeking) together with simple demographic data make it possible to predict the risk of consumption of individual drugs with a sensitivity and specificity above 70% for most drugs. It also analyzes the correlations of use of different substances and describes the groups of drugs with correlated use, identifying significant differences in personality profiles for users of different drugs. The book is intended for advanced undergraduates and first-year PhD students, as well as researchers and practitioners. Although no previous knowledge of machine learning, advanced data mining concepts or modern psychology of personality is assumed, familiarity with basic statistics and some experience in the use of probabilities would be helpful. For a more detailed introduction to statistical methods, the book provides recommendations for undergraduate textbooks.

Personalized Privacy Protection in Big Data (Data Analytics)

by Youyang Qu Mohammad Reza Nosouhi Lei Cui Shui Yu

This book presents the data privacy protection which has been extensively applied in our current era of big data. However, research into big data privacy is still in its infancy. Given the fact that existing protection methods can result in low data utility and unbalanced trade-offs, personalized privacy protection has become a rapidly expanding research topic.In this book, the authors explore emerging threats and existing privacy protection methods, and discuss in detail both the advantages and disadvantages of personalized privacy protection. Traditional methods, such as differential privacy and cryptography, are discussed using a comparative and intersectional approach, and are contrasted with emerging methods like federated learning and generative adversarial nets.The advances discussed cover various applications, e.g. cyber-physical systems, social networks, and location-based services. Given its scope, the book is of interest to scientists, policy-makers, researchers, and postgraduates alike.

Perspectives in Analysis, Geometry, and Topology

by Mikael Passare Ilia Itenberg Burglind Jöricke

The articles in this volume are invited papers from the Marcus Wallenberg symposium and focus on research topics that bridge the gap between analysis, geometry, and topology. The encounters between these three fields are widespread and often provide impetus for major breakthroughs in applications. Topics include new developments in low dimensional topology related to invariants of links and three and four manifolds; Perelman's spectacular proof of the Poincare conjecture; and the recent advances made in algebraic, complex, symplectic, and tropical geometry.

Perspectives in Dynamical Systems I: DSTA, Łódź, Poland December 2–5, 2019 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #362)

by Jan Awrejcewicz

This volume is part of collection of contributions devoted to analytical and experimental techniques of dynamical systems, presented at the 15th International Conference “Dynamical Systems: Theory and Applications”, held in Łódź, Poland on December 2-5, 2019. The wide selection of material has been divided into three volumes, each focusing on a different field of applications of dynamical systems.The broadly outlined focus of both the conference and these books includes bifurcations and chaos in dynamical systems, asymptotic methods in nonlinear dynamics, dynamics in life sciences and bioengineering, original numerical methods of vibration analysis, control in dynamical systems, optimization problems in applied sciences, stability of dynamical systems, experimental and industrial studies, vibrations of lumped and continuous systems, non-smooth systems, engineering systems and differential equations, mathematical approaches to dynamical systems, and mechatronics.

Perspectives in Dynamical Systems I — Applications: DSTA, Łódź, Poland, December 6–9, 2021 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #453)

by Jan Awrejcewicz

This proceedings volume gathers selected, peer-reviewed papers presented at the Dynamical Systems Theory and Applications International Conference - DSTA 2021, held virtually on December 6-9, 2021, organized by the Department of Automation, Biomechanics, and Mechatronics at Lodz University of Technology, Poland. This volume concentrates on studies on applications, while Volume II focuses on numerical and analytical approaches.Being a truly international conference, this 16th iteration of DSTA received submissions from authors representing 52 countries. The program covered both theoretical and experimental approaches to widely understood dynamical systems, including topics devoted to bifurcations and chaos, control in dynamical systems, asymptotic methods in nonlinear dynamics, stability of dynamical systems, lumped mass and continuous systems vibrations, original numerical methods of vibration analysis, nonsmooth systems, dynamics in life sciences and bioengineering, as well as engineering systems and differential equations.DSTA conferences aim to provide a common platform for exchanging new ideas and results of recent research in scientific and technological advances in modern dynamical systems. Works contained in this volume can appeal to researchers in the field, whether in mathematics or applied sciences, and practitioners in myriad industries.

Perspectives in Dynamical Systems II: DSTA, Łódź, Poland December 2–5, 2019 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #363)

by Jan Awrejcewicz

This volume is part of collection of contributions devoted to analytical and experimental techniques of dynamical systems, presented at the 15th International Conference “Dynamical Systems: Theory and Applications”, held in Łódź, Poland on December 2-5, 2019. The wide selection of material has been divided into three volumes, each focusing on a different field of applications of dynamical systems.The broadly outlined focus of both the conference and these books includes bifurcations and chaos in dynamical systems, asymptotic methods in nonlinear dynamics, dynamics in life sciences and bioengineering, original numerical methods of vibration analysis, control in dynamical systems, optimization problems in applied sciences, stability of dynamical systems, experimental and industrial studies, vibrations of lumped and continuous systems, non-smooth systems, engineering systems and differential equations, mathematical approaches to dynamical systems, and mechatronics.

Perspectives in Dynamical Systems II — Numerical and Analytical Approaches: DSTA, Łódź, Poland December 6–9, 2021 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #454)

by Jan Awrejcewicz

This proceedings volume gathers selected, peer-reviewed papers presented at the Dynamical Systems Theory and Applications International Conference - DSTA 2021, held virtually on December 6-9, 2021, organized by the Department of Automation, Biomechanics, and Mechatronics at Lodz University of Technology, Poland. This volume focuses on numerical and analytical approaches, while Volume I concentrates on studies on applications.Being a truly international conference, this 16th iteration of DSTA received submissions from authors representing 52 countries. The program covered both theoretical and experimental approaches to widely understood dynamical systems, including topics devoted to bifurcations and chaos, control in dynamical systems, asymptotic methods in nonlinear dynamics, stability of dynamical systems, lumped mass and continuous systems vibrations, original numerical methods of vibration analysis, non-smooth systems, dynamics in life sciences and bioengineering, as well as engineering systems and differential equations.DSTA conferences aim to provide a common platform for exchanging new ideas and results of recent research in scientific and technological advances in modern dynamical systems. Works contained in this volume can appeal to researchers in the field, whether in mathematics or applied sciences, and practitioners in myriad industries.

Perspectives in Dynamical Systems III: DSTA, Łódź, Poland December 2–5, 2019 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #364)

by Jan Awrejcewicz

This volume is part of collection of contributions devoted to analytical and experimental techniques of dynamical systems, presented at the 15th International Conference “Dynamical Systems: Theory and Applications”, held in Łódź, Poland on December 2-5, 2019. The wide selection of material has been divided into three volumes, each focusing on a different field of applications of dynamical systems.The broadly outlined focus of both the conference and these books includes bifurcations and chaos in dynamical systems, asymptotic methods in nonlinear dynamics, dynamics in life sciences and bioengineering, original numerical methods of vibration analysis, control in dynamical systems, optimization problems in applied sciences, stability of dynamical systems, experimental and industrial studies, vibrations of lumped and continuous systems, non-smooth systems, engineering systems and differential equations, mathematical approaches to dynamical systems, and mechatronics.

Perspectives in Lie Theory

by Filippo Callegaro Giovanna Carnovale Fabrizio Caselli Corrado De Concini Alberto De Sole

Lie theory is a mathematical framework for encoding the concept of symmetries of a problem, and was the central theme of an INdAM intensive research period at the Centro de Giorgi in Pisa, Italy, in the academic year 2014-2015. This book gathers the key outcomes of this period, addressing topics such as: structure and representation theory of vertex algebras, Lie algebras and superalgebras, as well as hyperplane arrangements with different approaches, ranging from geometry and topology to combinatorics.

Perspectives in Sustainable Equity Investing

by Guillaume Coqueret

Sustainable investing has recently gained traction throughout the world. This trend has multiple sources, which span from genuine ethical concerns to hopes of performance boosting, and also encompass risk mitigation. The resulting appetite for green assets is impacting the decisions of many investors. Perspectives in Sustainable Equity Investing is an up-to-date review of the academic literature on sustainable equity investing. It covers more than 800 academic sources grouped into six thematic chapters. Designed for corporate sustainability and financial management professionals, this is an ideal reference for ESG-driven financiers (both retail and institutional). Students majoring in finance or economics with some background or interest in ESG concerns would also find this compact overview useful. Key Features: Introduces the reader to terms and nomenclature used in the field. Surveys the link between sustainability and performance (including risk). Details the integration of sustainable criteria in complex portfolio optimization. Reviews the financial liabilities induced by climate change.

Perspectives of System Informatics: 12th International Andrei P. Ershov Informatics Conference, PSI 2019, Novosibirsk, Russia, July 2–5, 2019, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11964)

by Nikolaj Bjørner Irina Virbitskaite Andrei Voronkov

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International Andrei P. Ershov Informatics Conference, PSI 2019, held in Novosibirsk, Russia, in July 2019.The 18 full papers and 3 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 70 submissions. The papers cover various topics related to the Mathematics of Computing, Information Systems, Formal Languages, dependable and fault-tolerant Systems and Network, Automata Theory, and much more.

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