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The Place of Probability in Science

by J. H. Fetzer Ellery Eells

The purpose of philosophy, broadly conceived, can be described as that of attempting to resolve heretofore unsolved conceptual and theoretical problems, especially those that lie at the foundations of knowledge and values. Given the central role of science in acquiring reliable knowledge, the study of science has become of special importance within philosophy. And within philosophy of science, in turn, no other concept possesses the centrality and importance as does that of probability. To clarify and illuminate the place of probability in science Ellery Eells and James H. Fetzer have brought together some of the most distinguished philosophers from our time. After a comprehensive introduction to alternative conceptions of objective probability and the difficulties that they confront, three studies describe the special problems that arise within this context and the comparative merits of different accounts. The second section addresses the nature of lawfulness and of relations between micro- and macro-probabilities, especially with reference to the concept of fitness in evolution. The third section confronts some of the difficulties confronted by causal conceptions of probability, especially within the quantum domain. The fourth extends the discussion to principles of inference and decision. The last chapter relates propensities and frequencies to the framework of inference to the best explanation.

Place Value

by David A. Adler

You had better not monkey around when it comes to place value. The monkeys in this book can tell you why! As they bake the biggest banana cupcake ever, they need to get the amounts in the recipe correct. There’s a big difference between 216 eggs and 621 eggs. Place value is the key to keeping the numbers straight. Using humorous art, easy-to-follow charts and clear explanations, this book presents the basic facts about place value while inserting some amusing monkey business.

El placer de la X: Una visita guiada por las matemáticas, del uno al infinito (Humanidades/taurus Ser. #Vols. 318-319)

by Steven Strogatz

¿Qué relación guardan los números con la literatura, el amor o la cultura pop? ¿Cuánto de exacto tiene la vida cotidiana? Un recorrido diferente por el asombroso mundo de las matemáticas. Un matemático de primer nivel y prestigioso divulgador del New York Times nos invita a una visita guiada por las grandes ideas de las matemáticas y sus sorprendentes conexiones con la literatura, la filosofía, la medicina o el arte. Las matemáticas están en la base de todo lo que hay en el cosmos, incluidos nosotros mismos, y, sin embargo, muy pocos entienden lo suficiente este idioma universal como para gozar de su sabiduría, su belleza... y sus placeres. Este libro lo traduce para convertirlo en algo inteligible y apasionante. Cada capítulo ofrece inesperados momentos de revelación: desde la explicación de por qué los números son tan útiles (y tan eficaces para describir el mundo) hasta los escondidos encantos del cálculo, laselipses y el teorema de Pitágoras. Steven Strogatz solo pide a sus lectores curiosidad y sentido común. A cambio, El placer de la X les ofrecerá explicaciones claras e ingeniosas de los principios esenciales de esta disciplina y de su extraordinario poder para responder a muchas de las preguntas de la vida cotidiana. El autor, premiado y elogiado por sus ensayos y artículos en múltiples medios de comunicación como The New York Times, New Yorker, Discover o Science, es reconocido internacionalmente por su manera didáctica de abarcar y exponer las matemáticas y otras disciplinas relacionadas. Reseñas:«Este delicioso libro le recordará lo bonitas y fascinantes que pueden ser las matemáticas. Steven Strogatz es el maestro que todos querríamos haber tenido.»Joshua Foer, autor de Moonwalking with Einstein «Una amena exploración de la belleza y la diversión que encierran las matemáticas. El placer de la X le entretendrá, le sorprenderá y le hará más inteligente.»Steven Pinker, profesor de Psicología en la Universidad de Harvard, autor de How the Mind Works y The Language Instinct «Es la lección de matemáticas perfecta: clara, instructiva y breve.»The Telegraph «Sus fácilmente asimilables capítulos incluyen multitud de ejemplos e ilustraciones. ¡Nunca volverá a olvidar el teorema de Pitágoras!»Scientific American «Este libro me enamoró desde la primera página. Con su particular ingenio y su simpático encanto, Strogatz desmonta las matemáticas como una disciplina temida y venerada, y las vuelve a ensamblar para formar un nuevo mundo, a la vez accesible y mágico. El placer de la X es, pues, un placer.»Janna Levin, profesora de Física y Astronomía en la Universidad de Columbia, y autora de How the Universe Got Its Spots y A Madman Dreams of Turing Machines «Este libro es, en una palabra, fantástico. Introduceal lector en los conceptos que subyacen en las matemáticas. En un mundo donde las matemáticas son imprescindibles y, sin embargo, mal comprendidas, las destrezas didácticas de Steve Strogatz y su hábil estilo literario son una contribución primordial.»Lisa Randall, profesora de Ciencia de la Universidad de Harvard, y autora de Warped Passages y Knocking on Heaven´s Door «Strogatz ha descubierto una función mágica que transforma "matemáticas" en "placer", página tras página. Toma todo lo que siempre le desconcertó de las matemáticas y lo hace más que inteligible: lo hace asombroso, atractivo y fascinante.»Daniel Gilbert, profesor de Psicología en la Universidad de Harvard, y autor de Stumbling on Happiness

Places in Need: The Changing Geography of Poverty

by Scott W. Allard

Americans think of suburbs as prosperous areas that are relatively free from poverty and unemployment. Yet, today more poor people live in the suburbs than in cities themselves. In Places in Need, social policy expert Scott W. Allard tracks how the number of poor people living in suburbs has more than doubled over the last 25 years, with little attention from either academics or policymakers. Rising suburban poverty has not coincided with a decrease in urban poverty, meaning that solutions for reducing poverty must work in both cities and suburbs. Allard notes that because the suburban social safety net is less-developed than the urban safety net, a better understanding of suburban communities is critical for understanding and alleviating poverty in metropolitan areas. Using census data, administrative data from safety net programs, and interviews with nonprofit leaders in the Chicago, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C. metropolitan areas, Allard shows that poor suburban households resemble their urban counterparts in terms of labor force participation, family structure, and educational attainment. In the last few decades, suburbs have seen increases in single-parent households, decreases in the number of college graduates, and higher unemployment rates. As a result, suburban demand for safety net assistance has increased. Concerning is evidence suburban social service providers­—which serve clients spread out over large geographical areas, and often lack the political and philanthropic support that urban nonprofit organizations can command—do not have sufficient resources to meet the demand. To strengthen local safety nets, Allard argues for expanding funding and eligibility to federal programs such as SNAP and the Earned Income Tax Credit, which have proven effective in urban and suburban communities alike. He also proposes to increase the capabilities of community-based service providers through a mix of new funding and capacity-building efforts. Places in Need demonstrates why researchers, policymakers, and nonprofit leaders should focus more on the shared fate of poor urban and suburban communities. This account of suburban vulnerability amidst persistent urban poverty provides a valuable foundation for developing more effective antipoverty strategies.

Planar Maps, Random Walks and Circle Packing: École d'Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XLVIII - 2018 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #2243)

by Asaf Nachmias

This open access book focuses on the interplay between random walks on planar maps and Koebe’s circle packing theorem. Further topics covered include electric networks, the He–Schramm theorem on infinite circle packings, uniform spanning trees of planar maps, local limits of finite planar maps and the almost sure recurrence of simple random walks on these limits. One of its main goals is to present a self-contained proof that the uniform infinite planar triangulation (UIPT) is almost surely recurrent. Full proofs of all statements are provided. A planar map is a graph that can be drawn in the plane without crossing edges, together with a specification of the cyclic ordering of the edges incident to each vertex. One widely applicable method of drawing planar graphs is given by Koebe’s circle packing theorem (1936). Various geometric properties of these drawings, such as existence of accumulation points and bounds on the radii, encode important probabilistic information, such as the recurrence/transience of simple random walks and connectivity of the uniform spanning forest. This deep connection is especially fruitful to the study of random planar maps. The book is aimed at researchers and graduate students in mathematics and is suitable for a single-semester course; only a basic knowledge of graduate level probability theory is assumed.

Plane Answers to Complex Questions: The Theory of Linear Models (Springer Texts in Statistics)

by Ronald Christensen

This textbook provides a wide-ranging introduction to the use and theory of linear models for analyzing data. The author's emphasis is on providing a unified treatment of linear models, including analysis of variance models and regression models, based on projections, orthogonality, and other vector space ideas. Every chapter comes with numerous exercises and examples that make it ideal for a graduate-level course. All of the standard topics are covered in depth: estimation including biased and Bayesian estimation, significance testing, ANOVA, multiple comparisons, regression analysis, and experimental design models. In addition, the book covers topics that are not usually treated at this level, but which are important in their own right: best linear and best linear unbiased prediction, split plot models, balanced incomplete block designs, testing for lack of fit, testing for independence, models with singular covariance matrices, diagnostics, collinearity, and variable selection. This new edition includes new sections on alternatives to least squares estimation and the variance-bias tradeoff, expanded discussion of variable selection, new material on characterizing the interaction space in an unbalanced two-way ANOVA, Freedman's critique of the sandwich estimator, and much more.

Plane Finite Elements for Two-Dimensional Problems: Application of the Computer Algebra System Maxima

by Andreas Öchsner Resam Makvandi

This book is intended as a study aid for the finite element method. Based on the free computer algebra system Maxima, we offer routines to symbolically or numerically solve problems from the context of two-dimensional problems. For this rather advanced topic, classical ‘hand calculations’ are difficult to perform and the incorporation of a computer algebra system is a convenient approach to handle, for example, larger matrix operations. The mechanical theories focus on the classical two-dimensional structural elements, i.e., plane elements, thin or classical plates, and thick or shear deformable plate elements. The use of a computer algebra system and the incorporated functions, e.g., for matrix operations, allows to focus more on the methodology of the finite element method and not on standard procedures. Furthermore, we offer a graphical user interface (GUI) to facilitate the model definition. Thus, the user may enter the required definitions in a source code manner directly in wxMaxima or use the GUI which is able to execute wxMaxime to perform the calculations.

Plane Waves and Spherical Means: Applied To Partial Differential Equations (Dover Books on Mathematics)

by Fritz John

Elementary and self-contained, this heterogeneous collection of results on partial differential equations employs certain elementary identities for plane and spherical integrals of an arbitrary function, showing how a variety of results on fairly general differential equations follow from those identities. The first chapter deals with the decomposition of arbitrary functions into functions of the type of plane waves. Succeeding chapters introduce the first application of the Radon transformation and examine the solution of the initial value problem for homogeneous hyperbolic equations with constant coefficients and the problem of determining a function from its integrals over spheres of radius 1. 1955 edition.

El planeta vacío: El shock del declive de la población mundial

by Darrell Bricker John Ibbitson

Bienvenidos a la caída de la población mundial. Durante medio siglo, muchos estadistas, políticos, analistas y estudiosos han alertado sobre una explosión demográfica que pondrá en jaque los recursos del planeta. Sin embargo, un creciente número de expertos tiene en el punto de mira otro motivo de alarma: en lugar de aumentar exponencialmente, la población mundial se encamina hacia un fuerte descenso que ya es evidente en muchos lugares. En El planeta vacío, los autores revelan cómo esta caída de la población traerá consigo distintos beneficios: el riesgo de hambrunas disminuirá, la situación medioambiental mejorará, menos trabajadores exigirán mejores salarios y unas tasas de natalidad más bajas representarán mayores ingresos y autonomía para las mujeres. Pero no todo son buenas noticias. Ya podemos ver los efectos del envejecimiento de la población en Europa y algunos puntos de Asia, y cómo la escasez de trabajadores debilita la economía e impone unas exigencias desmesuradas en el campo de la salud pública. Reseñas...«Si bien el género "todo lo que sabes es falso" se ha vuelto agotador, este libro contiene información fascinante y de vital importancia. Los datos reveladores de Bricker e Ibbitson demuestran, con una prosa enérgica e incisiva, que en el mundo se está operando un cambio radical sin que nadie se dé cuenta.»Steven Pinker «Aun cuando la población mundial esté aumentando, la tasa de natalidad ya ha empezado a caer en todo el mundo. En otros tiempos, los descensos de población se debieron a desastres naturales como la erupción del Toba, la peste negra o la gripe, pero la caída que viene ahora será cosa exclusivamente nuestra. En este sugerente libro, Bricker e Ibbitson debaten acerca de por qué, hacia finales del siglo XXI, no habrá una superpoblación global sino una rápida disminución demográfica, al tiempo que proponen medios para adaptarnos a ella.»Lewis Dartnell, profesor de comunicación científica en la Universidad de Westminster y autor de Abrir en caso de apocalipsis «Para comprender el futuro debemos cuestionar nuestras suposiciones, y la mayor de todas es que la población sigue creciendo, algo que muchos creemos. Bricker e Ibbitson nos ofrecen un desafío revelador, que debería ser tomado muy en serio por todo aquel que se preocupe por el futuro a largo plazo (que, espero, seamos todos).»Dan Gardner, autor de Risk y coautor de Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction «Un libro muy ameno, una visión controvertida sobre una realidad sobre la que se reflexiona poco: un mundo despoblado y una urbanización creciente.»George Magnus, autor de The Age of Aging y Red Flags: Why Xi's China Is in Jeopardy

Planetary Giant Impacts: Simulating Collisions and Their Consequences (Springer Theses)

by Jacob Kegerreis

Based on 3D smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations performed with unprecedented high resolution, this book examines the giant impacts that dominate many planets’ late accretion and evolution. The numerical methods developed are now publicly available, greatly facilitating future studies of planetary impacts in our solar system and exoplanetary systems. The book focuses on four main topics: (1) The development of new methods to construct initial conditions as well as a hydrodynamical simulation code to evolve them, using 1000 times more simulation particles than the previous standard. (2) The numerical convergence of giant impact simulations -- standard-resolution simulations fail to converge on even bulk properties like the post-impact rotation period. (3) The collision thought to have knocked over the planet Uranus causing it to spin on its side. (4) The erosion of atmospheres by giant impacts onto terrestrial planets, and the first full 3D simulations of collisions in this regime.

Planetary Remote Sensing and Mapping (ISPRS Book Series)

by Bo Wu Kaichang Di Jürgen Oberst Irina Karachevtseva

The early 21st century marks a new era in space exploration. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the United States, The European Space Agency (ESA), as well as space agencies of Japan, China, India, and other countries have sent their probes to the Moon, Mars, and other planets in the solar system. Planetary Remote Sensing and Mapping introduces original research and new developments in the areas of planetary remote sensing, photogrammetry, mapping, GIS, and planetary science resulting from the recent space exploration missions. <p><p>Topics covered include: <li>Reference systems of planetary bodies <li>Planetary exploration missions and sensors <li>Geometric information extraction from planetary remote sensing data <li>Feature information extraction from planetary remote sensing data <li>Planetary remote sensing data fusion <li>Planetary data management and presentation <p><p>Planetary Remote Sensing and Mapping will serve scientists and professionals working in the planetary remote sensing and mapping areas, as well as planetary probe designers, engineers, and planetary geologists and geophysicists. It also provides useful reading material for university teachers and students in the broader areas of remote sensing, photogrammetry, cartography, GIS, and geodesy.

Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems

by Terry D. Oswalt Howard E. Bond

This is volume 2 of Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems, a six-volume compendium of modern astronomical research, covering subjects of key interest to the main fields of contemporary astronomy. This volume on "Astronomical Techniques, Software, and Data" edited by Howard E. Bond presents accessible review chapters on Astronomical Photometry, Astronomical Spectroscopy, Infrared Astronomy Fundamentals, Astronomical Polarimetry: Polarized Views of Stars and Planets, Sky Surveys,Techniques of Radio Astronomy,Radio and Optical Interferometry: Basic Observing Techniques and Data Analysis, Absolute Calibration of Spectrophotometric Standard Stars,Virtual Observatories, Data Mining, and Astroinformatics, Statistical Methods for Astronomy, Numerical Techniques in Astrophysics . All chapters of the handbook were written by practicing professionals. They include sufficient background material and references to the current literature to allow readers to learn enough about a specialty within astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology to get started on their own practical research projects. In the spirit of the series Stars and Stellar Systems published by Chicago University Press in the 1960s and 1970s, each chapter of Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems can stand on its own as a fundamental review of its respective sub-discipline, and each volume can be used as a textbook or recommended reference work for advanced undergraduate or postgraduate courses. Advanced students and professional astronomers in their roles as both lecturers and researchers will welcome Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems as a comprehensive and pedagogical reference work on astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology.

Planning African Development (Routledge Library Editions: Development)

by Glen Norcliffe Tom Pinfold

First published in 1981, this book concerns specifically the Kenyan experience with regards to development planning but, given that the problems of hunger poverty and underdevelopment manifest themselves in slightly different forms across all African countries, this book has considerable relevance to development planning across the African continent.The first set of essays in this collection address the question of development which is undoubtedly Africa’s highest development priority. The second grouping of essays considers issues in project planning and asks questions concerning cost, method, outcome and evaluation of various projects in Kenya

Planning Algorithms

by Steven M. Lavalle

Planning algorithms are impacting technical disciplines and industries around the world, including robotics, computer-aided design, manufacturing, computer graphics, aerospace applications, drug design, and protein folding. Written for computer scientists and engineers with interests in artificial intelligence, robotics, or control theory, this is the only book on this topic that tightly integrates a vast body of literature from several fields into a coherent source for teaching and reference in a wide variety of applications. Difficult mathematical material is explained through hundreds of examples and illustrations.

Planning and Reporting in BI-supported Controlling: Fundamentals, Business Intelligence, Mobile BI, Big Data Analytics and AI

by Dietmar Schön

Planning and reporting solutions in many companies still suffer from poor data quality, are insufficiently integrated and are often time and cost intensive. This practice-oriented book shows step by step how things can be done differently. It systematically shows how modern planning and reporting systems in BI-supported controlling can be set up with the use of data warehouse and big data technology and usefully supplemented with AI-supported features. For the 4th edition, the book has been comprehensively updated. The extensive controlling cockpit example has been expanded. It now contains suggestions for the areas of corporate management (operational and strategic controlling), sales, production, purchasing and project management. In addition, the latest developments in BI-supported controlling with the support of traditional and explorative BI are highlighted, including data mining, predictive analytics, artificial intelligence, RPA, chatbots, data discovery, data visualization, app technology, self-service BI and cloud computing. Further innovations concern the topics of data quality and data modeling. The final chapter is "Mobile BI", which deals with the expansion of powerful mobile analysis and planning solutions with the help of tablets, mobile phones and other mobile devices.

Planning Climate Smart and Wise Cities: A Multidisciplinary Approach (The Urban Book Series)

by Kwi-Gon Kim Massamba Thioye

This book provides information that facilitates integrated climate actions in cities, leveraging disruptive technologies, business models, policies, financing, and leadership solutions. It fosters the development of climate smart and wise cities. It reviews the major developments of climate actions in cities and combines climate environment and energy technology, policy and financing instruments. A range of distinguished authors assess the experiences thus far and also consider future development from both theoretical and practical perspectives. They also discuss many policy and technical options, including climate smart and wise city planning, inclusion of urban nature, international and national carbon market mechanisms and measuring its impact and digital transformation. Moreover, attention is paid to the role of natural principles, the role of transparency principles and to aspects of democratic climate governance within a climate action scheme. This book makes clear that the carbon neutrality, sustainability, circularity, efficiency, connectivity and resiliency of cities depend to a large extent on the specific digital technologies and the leadership reshaping our cities.Discussing multidisciplinary aspects of climate action, this book offers new insights to academics, policymakers and practitioners both in the public and private sectors. Those insights are not only retrospective, relevant for understanding the past, but they are also prospective and forward-looking, guiding the achievements of the SDGs and the climate goals.

Planning for Diversity: Policy and Planning in a World of Difference (RTPI Library Series #Vol. 8)

by Dory Reeves

The practical importance of diversity and equality for spatial planning and sustainable development is still not widely understood. Using international examples, this book shows planners and educationalists the benefits of building in a consideration of diversity and equality at each stage and level of planning.Despite being one of the most diverse and gender balanced of the built environment professions, complacency has been widespread in planning. This book shows why a diverse profession is important and drawing on a wide range of good practice, shows how those involved in planning can develop their sensitivity to and expertise in diversity and equality.

Planning for Population Change (Routledge Library Editions: Demography #6)

by W. T. S. Gould

Originally published in 1986, this book explores many important aspects of the relationship between population change and planning, exploring the impact of population change on service provision and its impact on the policy-making process. In all countries, whether their population is expanding. ageing or stagnating, population mobility is an important cause of economic and social development. This book argues that there is a need for greater sensitivity about population change in policy-making and service provision and suggests ways of achieving this.

Planning in the Soviet Union (Routledge Revivals)

by Judith Pallot Denis J. Shaw

Originally published in 1981 and based on the authors’ own research, this book provides a comprehensive review of planning in the Soviet Union up until the early 1980s for both geographers and Soviet specialists. Planning was particularly important in the Soviet Union since not only most spatial change, but all economic planning was the product of a systematic socio-political ideology. Planning was therefore the key to understanding the Soviet economy, society and spatial change. When it was first published, this was the first study in which the focus had been directed specifically at spatial planning in the Soviet Union in any systematic way.

PLANNING THE 2010 CENSUS: Second Interim Report

by Panel on Research on Future Census Methods

A report on Planning the 2010 Census

Planting the Seeds of Algebra, 3-5: Explorations for the Upper Elementary Grades

by Monica M. Neagoy

Give your students a foundation of algebra for math success – now and in the future! Students and teachers must become friendly with algebraic foundations, as they have increasingly become the gateway to careers in the STEM fields. Monica Neagoy empowers teachers to embrace algebra and connect it to higher math concepts, tuning you and your students to algebraic thinking, reasoning, and doing. You’ll discover: ?Four explorations to help you weave key algebraic ideas into everyday mathematics Step-by-step lessons from real classrooms that will guide you in teaching concepts and in establishing their relevance and applicability New methods that break down difficult algebraic concepts and build a critical foundation for higher math

Planting the Seeds of Algebra, 3-5: Explorations for the Upper Elementary Grades

by Monica M. Neagoy

Give your students a foundation of algebra for math success – now and in the future! Students and teachers must become friendly with algebraic foundations, as they have increasingly become the gateway to careers in the STEM fields. Monica Neagoy empowers teachers to embrace algebra and connect it to higher math concepts, tuning you and your students to algebraic thinking, reasoning, and doing. You’ll discover: ?Four explorations to help you weave key algebraic ideas into everyday mathematics Step-by-step lessons from real classrooms that will guide you in teaching concepts and in establishing their relevance and applicability New methods that break down difficult algebraic concepts and build a critical foundation for higher math

Planting the Seeds of Algebra, PreK–2: Explorations for the Early Grades

by Monica M. Neagoy

Help young minds explore algebraic concepts This book shows teachers how to create a strong foundation in algebra for very young children. Using in-depth math “explorations,” the author unpacks—step by step—the hidden connections to higher algebra. Each exploration contains an elegantly simple grade-banded lesson (on addition, subtraction, patterns, and odd and even numbers), followed by a discussion of the lesson's algebra connections, as well as suggestions for additional problems to explore. Throughout, readers will find: Clear explanations of algebraic connections Specific strategies for teaching the key ideas of algebra Lesson modifications for older or younger students An array of age-appropriate problems and games

Planung und Reporting im BI-gestützten Controlling: Grundlagen, Business Intelligence, Mobile BI, Big-Data-Analytics und KI

by Dietmar Schön

Planungs- und Reportinglösungen leiden in vielen Unternehmen immer noch unter mangelnder Datenqualität, sind unzureichend integriert und häufig zeit- und kostenintensiv. Dieses praxisorientierte Buch zeigt Schritt für Schritt, wie es anders geht. Es wird systematisch gezeigt, wie moderne Planungs- und Reportingsysteme im BI-gestützten Controlling mit dem Einsatz von Data-Warehouse- und Big-Data-Technologie aufgebaut und sinnvoll um KI-gestützte Features ergänzt werden können. Für die 4. Auflage wurde das Buch umfassend aktualisiert. Hierbei wurde das umfangreiche Controlling-Cockpit-Beispiel erweitert. Es enthält nun Vorschläge für die Bereiche Unternehmensleitung (operatives und strategisches Controlling), Vertrieb, Produktion, Einkauf und Projektsteuerung. Zudem werden die neusten Entwicklungen im BI-gestützten Controlling mit Unterstützung der traditionellen und explorativen BI aufgezeigt, u.a. Data Mining, Predictive Analytics, Künstliche Intelligenz, RPA, Chatbots, Data Discovery, Data Visualization, App-Technologie, Self Service BI sowie Cloud Computing. Weitere Neuerungen betreffen die Themen Datenqualität und Datenmodellierung. Den Abschluss bildet weiterhin das Kapitel „Mobile BI“, bei dem es um den Ausbau von leistungsfähigen mobilen Analyse- und Planungslösungen mit Hilfe von Tablets, Handys und anderen mobilen Endgeräten geht.

Plasma Atomic Physics (Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics #104)

by Frank B. Rosmej Valery A. Astapenko Valery S. Lisitsa

Plasma Atomic Physics provides an overview of the elementary processes within atoms and ions in plasmas, and introduces readers to the language of atomic spectra and light emission, allowing them to explore the various and fascinating radiative properties of matter. The book familiarizes readers with the complex quantum-mechanical descriptions of electromagnetic and collisional processes, while also developing a number of effective qualitative models that will allow them to obtain adequately comprehensive descriptions of collisional-radiative processes in dense plasmas, dielectronic satellite emissions and autoionizing states, hollow ion X-ray emissions, polarized atoms and ions, hot electrons, charge exchange, atomic population kinetics, and radiation transport. Numerous applications to plasma spectroscopy and experimental data are presented, which concern magnetic confinement fusion, inertial fusion, laser-produced plasmas, and X-ray free-electron lasers’ interaction with matter. Particular highlights include the development of quantum kinetics to a level surpassing the almost exclusively used quasi-classical approach in atomic population kinetics, the introduction of the recently developed Quantum-F-Matrix-Theory (QFMT) to study the impact of plasma microfields on atomic populations, and the Enrico Fermi equivalent photon method to develop the “Plasma Atom”, where the response properties and oscillator strength distribution are represented with the help of a local plasma frequency of the atomic electron density.Based on courses held by the authors, this material will assist students and scientists studying the complex processes within atoms and ions in different kinds of plasmas by developing relatively simple but highly effective models. Considerable attention is paid to a number of qualitative models that deliver physical transparency, while extensive tables and formulas promote the practical and useful application of complex theories and provide effective tools for non-specialist readers.

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