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Problem Solving Through Recreational Mathematics

by Bonnie Averbach Orin Chein

Historically, many of the most important mathematical concepts arose from problems that were recreational in origin. This book takes advantage of that fact, using recreational mathematics -- problems, puzzles and games -- to teach students how to think critically. Encouraging active participation rather than just observation, the book focuses less on mathematical results than on how these results can be applied to thinking about problems and solving them. Each chapter contains a diverse array of problems in such areas as logic, number and graph theory, two-player games of strategy, solitaire games and puzzles, and much more. Sample problems (solved in the text) whet readers' appetites and motivate discussions; practice problems solidify their grasp of mathematical ideas; and exercises challenge them, fostering problem-solving ability. Appendixes contain information on basic algebraic techniques and mathematical inductions, and other helpful addenda include hints and solutions, plus answers to selected problems. An extensive appendix on probability is new to this Dover edition.

The Problem with Math Is English: A Language-Focused Approach to Helping All Students Develop a Deeper Understanding of Mathematics

by Concepcion Molina

Teaching K-12 math becomes an easier task when everyone understands the language, symbolism, and representation of math concepts Published in partnership with SEDL, The Problem with Math Is English illustrates how students often understand fundamental mathematical concepts at a superficial level. <P><P>Written to inspire ?aha? moments, this book enables teachers to help students identify and comprehend the nuances and true meaning of math concepts by exploring them through the lenses of language and symbolism, delving into such essential topics as multiplication, division, fractions, place value, proportional reasoning, graphs, slope, order of operations, and the distributive property. Offers a new way to approach teaching math content in a way that will improve how all students, and especially English language learners, understand math Emphasizes major attributes of conceptual understanding in mathematics, including simple yet deep definitions of key terms, connections among key topics, and insightful interpretation This important new book fills a gap in math education by illustrating how a deeper knowledge of math concepts can be developed in all students through a focus on language and symbolism.

Problembasiertes Lernen im Mathematikunterricht der Grundschule: Entwicklung und Evaluation des Unterrichtskonzepts ELIF (Hildesheimer Studien zur Mathematikdidaktik)

by Sandra Strunk Julia Wichers

ELIF (Eigenständige Lernzielentwicklung und Inhaltserschließung am Fall) ist eine Unterrichtskonzeption, die ausgehend vom Problembasierten Lernen theoriebasiert entwickelt und mithilfe mehrerer Design-Based Research-Zyklen an die Anforderungen der Praxis angepasst wurde. Die Schüler entwickeln auf Grundlage eines Falls inhaltliche Lernziele in Form von Lernfragen, die sie sich selbstständig in individuellen und kooperativen Arbeitsphasen erarbeiten. Damit soll insbesondere die Fähigkeit zur selbstständigen Lebensbewältigung durch eine stärkere Anwendungs- und Schülerorientierung des Unterrichts gefördert werden.

Problemlösen: Begriff – Strategien – Einflussgrößen – Unterricht – (häusliche) Förderung

by Ulrike Kipman

Problemlösen gilt als eine der Schlüsselqualifikationen des 21. Jahrhunderts. Es geht beim Problemlösen nicht nur darum, Informationen sinnvoll zu vernetzen, dynamisch in Beziehung zu setzen, Wahrscheinlichkeiten zu berechnen und eine Kette richtiger Entscheidungen zu treffen, sondern auch vielfach darum, eine Vielzahl an Außenkriterien zu berücksichtigen und ein entsprechendes „Weltwissen“ an den Tag zu legen. Dieses Buch soll die Frage beantworten, wie man zu einem guten Problemlöser / einer guten Problemlöserin werden kann bzw. warum bestimmte Personen bei der Lösung von Problemen erfolgreicher sind als andere. Nach einer umfassenden Zusammenstellung der Literatur zu diesem Thema werden Einflussgrößen auf das Problemlösen analysiert und miteinander abgeglichen und Ideen für den Unterricht in der Primarstufe und Sekundarstufe I präsentiert. Zudem werden verschiedene Arten des Unterrichts im Hinblick auf die Wirksamkeit für unterschiedliche Personengruppen diskutiert, dies vor dem Hintergrund, dass nicht nur Problemstellungen stark variieren sondern auch die Problemlöser/innen. Eine Handreichung mit Brettspielen, die die Kriterien des Problemlösens erfüllen, ist ebenfalls Teil dieses Buches. Letztendlich wird ein Modell vorgeschlagen, welches erfolgreiches Problemlösen vielschichtig zu erklären versucht.

Problemlösen: Begriff – Strategien – Einflussgrößen – Unterricht – (häusliche) Förderung

by Ulrike Kipman

Problemlösen gilt als eine der Schlüsselqualifikationen des 21. Jahrhunderts. Es geht beim Problemlösen nicht nur darum, Informationen sinnvoll zu vernetzen, dynamisch in Beziehung zu setzen, Wahrscheinlichkeiten zu berechnen und eine Kette richtiger Entscheidungen zu treffen, sondern auch vielfach darum, eine Vielzahl an Außenkriterien zu berücksichtigen und ein entsprechendes „Weltwissen“ an den Tag zu legen. Dieses Buch soll die Frage beantworten, wie man zu einem guten Problemlöser / einer guten Problemlöserin werden kann bzw. warum bestimmte Personen bei der Lösung von Problemen erfolgreicher sind als andere. Nach einer umfassenden Zusammenstellung der Literatur zu diesem Thema werden Einflussgrößen auf das Problemlösen analysiert und miteinander abgeglichen und Ideen für den Unterricht in der Primarstufe und Sekundarstufe I präsentiert. Zudem werden verschiedene Arten des Unterrichts im Hinblick auf die Wirksamkeit für unterschiedliche Personengruppen diskutiert, dies vor dem Hintergrund, dass nicht nur Problemstellungen stark variieren sondern auch die Problemlöser/innen. Eine Handreichung mit Brettspielen, die die Kriterien des Problemlösens erfüllen, ist ebenfalls Teil dieses Buches. Letztendlich wird ein Modell vorgeschlagen, welches erfolgreiches Problemlösen vielschichtig zu erklären versucht. In der 2. Auflage wurden alle Kapitel überarbeitet und an den neuesten Kenntnisstand zum Thema Problemlösen angepasst. Die Kapitel zur schulischen und häuslichen Förderung der Problemlösekompetenz wurden stark erweitert und es werden nun eine Vielzahl an neuen Aufgaben und Spielen präsentiert, die beim Fördern von Problemlösen eine wertvolle Unterstützung leisten können. Das Kapitel zur Kombinatorik wurde nach der Rückmeldung von Studierenden und Kollegen komplett umstrukturiert und ist nun verständlicher und übersichtlicher aufgebaut.

Problemlösen in der Mathematik: Ein heuristischer Werkzeugkasten

by Wolfgang Schwarz

Erinnern Sie sich an eine Alltagssituation, in der es Ihnen gelungen ist, aus einem Problem eine Aufgabe zu machen, die Sie erfolgreich bewältigen konnten? Und haben Sie dabei vom Einsatz geeigneter Werkzeuge profitiert? Solche Szenarien prägen den beruflichen Alltag aller Studierenden mathematischer Fachrichtungen. Man sieht sich permanent mit mathematischen Problemen konfrontiert, zu deren Lösung es einer guten Idee bedarf; oft findet man diese aber nicht, weil man sich der Werkzeuge nicht bewusst ist, mit denen man die Lösungsidee freilegen kann. Dieses Buch soll hier Abhilfe schaffen. Anhand von ca. 70 Beispielen aus der Diskreten Mathematik, der Arithmetik, der Zahlentheorie, der Stochastik, der Geometrie, der Linearen Algebra, der reellen Analysis, der Funktionentheorie, der Kombinatorik und der Mathematikgeschichte wird eine umfangreiche Auswahl heuristischer Vorgehensweisen erläutert, denen die Rolle des Werkzeugs in Problemlöseprozessen zufällt. Die heuristischen Strategien des Problemlösens werden strukturell systematisiert und nach Möglichkeit prozessual den verschiedenen Phasen des Problemlöseprozesses nach Pólya zugeordnet; dadurch entsteht nicht nur Ordnung im heuristischen Werkzeugkasten, sondern auch eine Verfeinerung des Pólya'schen Phasenmodells des Problemlösens.

Problemlösen mit Strategieschlüsseln: Eine explorative Studie zur Unterstützung von Problembearbeitungsprozessen bei Dritt- und Viertklässlern (Essener Beiträge zur Mathematikdidaktik)

by Raja Herold-Blasius

Lernhilfen in Form von Hilfe- oder auch Tippkarten werden als Material zur Differenzierung im Unterricht eingesetzt. Ob diese Lernenden tatsächlich helfen, ist bisher unzureichend geklärt. Für die vorliegende Untersuchung dienen sog. Strategieschlüssel als Interventionsinstrument. Theoretisch ist zu vermuten, dass die Schlüssel den Einsatz von Strategien triggern und die Selbstregulation im Bearbeitungsprozess anregen. Im Kontext des mathematischen Problemlösens wird untersucht, auf welche Art und Weise die Strategieschlüssel den Problembearbeitungsprozess von Dritt- bis Viertklässlern beeinflussen. Die quantitativen Analysen ergeben einen statistisch hoch signifikanten Zusammenhang zwischen der Interaktion mit den Strategieschlüsseln, dem Heurismeneinsatz und dem Wechsel zwischen Episoden im Problembearbeitungsprozess. Die qualitativen Analysen zeigen, dass die Strategieschlüssel auf neun verschiedene Weisen genutzt werden, der Einsatz von Heurismen durch sie getriggert wird und dass selbstregulatorische Tätigkeiten angeregt werden. Bei der Verwendung der Strategieschlüssel werden neun Muster identifiziert.

Problems and Examples in Differential Equations

by Piotr Biler Tadeusz Nadzieja

This book presents original problems from graduate courses in pure and applied mathematics and even small research topics, significant theorems and information on recent results. It is helpful for specialists working in differential equations.

Problems and Methods of Econometrics: The Poincaré Lectures of Ragnar Frisch 1933 (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics)

by Ragnar Frisch

The development of economics changed dramatically during the twentieth century with the emergence of econometrics, macroeconomics and a more scientific approach in general. One of the key individuals in the transformation of economics was Ragnar Frisch, professor at the University of Oslo and the first Nobel Laureate in economics in 1969. He was a co-founder of the Econometric Society in 1930 (after having coined the word econometrics in 1926) and edited the journal Econometrics for twenty-two years. The discovery of the manuscripts of a series of eight lectures given by Frisch at the Henri Poincaré Institute in March–April 1933 on The Problems and Methods of Econometrics will enable economists to more fully understand his overall vision of econometrics. This book is a rare exhibition of Frisch’s overview on econometrics and is published here in English for the first time. Edited and with an introduction by Olav Bjerkholt and Ariane Dupont-Kieffer, Frisch’s eight lectures provide an accessible and astute discussion of econometric issues from philosophical foundations to practical procedures. Concerning the development of economics in the twentieth century and the broader visions about economic science in general and econometrics in particular held by Ragnar Frisch, this book will appeal to anyone with an interest in the history of economics and econometrics.

Problems and Planning in Third World Cities (Routledge Revivals)

by Michael Pacione

When this title was first published in 1981, growing concern for the future of cities and those who inhabited them, stimulated by trends in global urbanisation, had resulted in much emphasis being placed on a problem-solving approach to the study of the city. The chapters in this edited collection, a companion to Urban Problems and Planning in the Developed World (Routledge Revivals, 2013), consider the problems and planning activities in a number of cities across the world. Varied case-studies, including Mexico City, Bogota and Shanghai, reflect the differing economic, cultural and political regimes of the modern world and ensure the continued value of this comprehensive work.

Problems and Proofs in Numbers and Algebra

by Richard S. Millman Peter J. Shiue Eric Brendan Kahn

Focusing on an approach of solving rigorous problems and learning how to prove, this volume is concentrated on two specific content themes, elementary number theory and algebraic polynomials. The benefit to readers who are moving from calculus to more abstract mathematics is to acquire the ability to understand proofs through use of the book and the multitude of proofs and problems that will be covered throughout. This book is meant to be a transitional precursor to more complex topics in analysis, advanced number theory, and abstract algebra. To achieve the goal of conceptual understanding, a large number of problems and examples will be interspersed through every chapter. The problems are always presented in a multi-step and often very challenging, requiring the reader to think about proofs, counter-examples, and conjectures. Beyond the undergraduate mathematics student audience, the text can also offer a rigorous treatment of mathematics content (numbers and algebra) for high-achieving high school students. Furthermore, prospective teachers will add to the breadth of the audience as math education majors, will understand more thoroughly methods of proof, and will add to the depth of their mathematical knowledge. In the past, PNA has been taught in a "problem solving in middle school" course (twice), to a quite advanced high school students course (three semesters), and three times as a secondary resource for a course for future high school teachers. PNA is suitable for secondary math teachers who look for material to encourage and motivate more high achieving students.

Problems and Solutions on Vector Spaces for Physicists: From Part I in Mathematical Physics—A Modern Introduction to Its Foundations

by Robert B. Scott

This book offers supporting material for the comprehensive textbook Mathematical Physics—A Modern Introduction to Its Foundations authored by Sadri Hassani. The book covers mathematical preliminaries and all of Part I in Hassani’s textbook. The subjects covered here include the key topics necessary for physicists to form a solid mathematical foundation: vectors and linear maps, algebras, operators, matrices, and spectral decomposition. In particular, the vector space concept is a central unifying theme in later chapters of Hassani’s textbook. Detailed solutions are provided to one third of the end-of-chapter exercises in the first six chapters of his text. The present volume helps upper-undergraduate and early postgraduate physics students deepen their understanding of the mathematics that they encounter in physics, learn physics more efficiently, and use mathematics with more confidence and creativity. The content is thus presented rigorously but remains accessible to physics students. New exercises are also proposed, some with solutions, some without, so that the total number of unsolved exercises remains unchanged. They are chosen to help explain difficult concepts, amplify key points in Hassani's textbook, or make further connections with applications in physics. Taken together with Hassani's work, the two form a self-contained set and the solutions make detailed reference to Hassani's text. The solutions also refer to other mathematics and physics textbooks, providing entry points to further literature that finds a useful place in the physicist's personal library.

Problems and Worked Solutions in Vector Analysis (Dover Books on Mathematics)

by L. R. Shorter

"A handy book like this," noted The Mathematical Gazette, "will fill a great want." Devoted to fully worked out examples, this unique text constitutes a self-contained introductory course in vector analysis for undergraduate and graduate students of applied mathematics.Opening chapters define vector addition and subtraction, show how to resolve and determine the direction of two or more vectors, and explain systems of coordinates, vector equations of a plane and straight line, relative velocity and acceleration, and infinitely small vectors. The following chapters deal with scalar and vector multiplication, axial and polar vectors, areas, differentiation of vector functions, gradient, curl, divergence, and analytical properties of the position vector. Applications of vector analysis to dynamics and physics are the focus of the final chapter, including such topics as moving rigid bodies, energy of a moving rigid system, central forces, equipotential surfaces, Gauss's theorem, and vector flow.

Problems in Differential Equations (Dover Books on Mathematics)

by J. L. Brenner

A supplement for elementary and intermediate courses in differential equations, this text features more than 900 problems and answers. Suitable for undergraduate students of mathematics, engineering, and physics, this volume also represents a helpful tool for professionals wishing to brush up on their problem-solving skills.The book is divided into twenty sections, each preceded by a clear and logical explanation of the basic ideas needed for solving the problems within the section. Many fully explained illustrative problems appear throughout the text. Subjects include applied routine and nonroutine problems in vibrations, electrical engineering, mechanics, and physics. Stars indicate advanced problems. Short mathematical and numerical tables are provided at the end of the book.

Problems in Mathematical Analysis (Pure and Applied Mathematics #132)

by Piotr Biler Alfred Witkowski

Chapter 1 poses 134 problems concerning real and complex numbers, chapter 2 poses 123 problems concerning sequences, and so it goes, until in chapter 9 one encounters 201 problems concerning functional analysis. The remainder of the book is given over to the presentation of hints, answers or referen

Problems in Mathematical Biophysics: A Volume in Memory of Alberto Gandolfi (SEMA SIMAI Springer Series #38)

by Antonio Fasano Alberto D’Onofrio Federico Papa Carmela Sinisgalli

The book "Problems in Mathematical Biophysics - a volume in memory of Alberto Gandolfi" aims at reviewing the current state of the art of the mathematical approach to various areas of theoretical biophysics. Leading authors in the field have been invited to contribute, having a strong appreciation of Alberto Gandolfi as a scientist and as a man and sharing his same passion for biology and medicine, as well as his style of investigation. Encompassing both theoretical and practical aspects of Mathematical Biophysics, the topics covered in this book span a spectrum of different problems, in biology, and medicine, including population dynamics, tumor growth and control, immunology, epidemiology, ecology, and others. As a result, the book offers a comprehensive and current overview of compelling subjects and challenges within the realm of mathematical biophysics. In their contributions, the authors have effectively conveyed not only their research findings but also their peculiar perspective and approach to problem-solving, dealing with oncology, epidemiology, neuro-sciences, and biochemistry. The chapters pertain to a wide array of mathematical areas such as continuous Markov chains, partial differential equations, kinetic theory, applied statistical mechanics, noise-induced transitions, and many others.

Problems in Probability

by Albert N. Shiryaev Andrew Lyasoff

For the first two editions of the book Probability (GTM 95), each chapter included a comprehensive and diverse set of relevant exercises. While the work on the third edition was still in progress, it was decided that it would be more appropriate to publish a separate book that would comprise all of the exercises from previous editions, in addition to many new exercises. Most of the material in this book consists of exercises created by Shiryaev, collected and compiled over the course of many years while working on many interesting topics. Many of the exercises resulted from discussions that took place during special seminars for graduate and undergraduate students. Many of the exercises included in the book contain helpful hints and other relevant information. Lastly, the author has included an appendix at the end of the book that contains a summary of the main results, notation and terminology from Probability Theory that are used throughout the present book. This Appendix also contains additional material from Combinatorics, Potential Theory and Markov Chains, which is not covered in the book, but is nevertheless needed for many of the exercises included here.

Problems in Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics and Theory of Random Functions

by A. A. Sveshnikov

Problem solving is the main thrust of this excellent, well-organized workbook. Suitable for students at all levels in probability theory and statistics, the book presents over 1,000 problems and their solutions, illustrating fundamental theory and representative applications in the following fields: Random Events; Distribution Laws; Correlation Theory; Random Variables; Entropy & Information; Markov Processes; Systems of Random Variables; Limit Theorems; Data Processing; and more.The coverage of topics is both broad and deep, ranging from the most elementary combinatorial problems through limit theorems and information theory. Each chapter introduction sets forth the basic formulas and a general outline of the theory necessary for the problems that follow. Next comes a group of sample problems and their solutions, worked out in detail, which serve as effective orientation for the exercises to come.The emphasis on problem solving and the multitude of problems presented make this book, translated from the Russian, a valuable reference manual for scientists, engineers, and computer specialists, as well as a comprehensive workbook for undergraduates in these fields.

Problems in Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics (Dover Books on Physics)

by Peter T. Landsberg

Well respected and widely used, this volume presents problems and full solutions related to a wide range of topics in thermodynamics, statistical physics, and statistical mechanics. The text is intended for instructors, undergraduates, and graduate students of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and engineering. Twenty-eight chapters, each prepared by an expert, proceed from simpler to more difficult subjects. Similarly, the early chapters are easier than the later ones, making the book ideal for independent study.Subjects begin with the laws of thermodynamics and statistical theory of information and of ensembles, advancing to the ideal classical gases of polyatomic molecules, non-electrolyte liquids and solutions, and surfaces. Subsequent chapters explore imperfect classical and quantum gas, phase transitions, cooperative phenomena, Green function methods, the plasma, transport in gases and metals, Nyquist's theorem and its generalizations, stochastic methods, and many other topics.

Problems, Methods and Tools in Experimental and Behavioral Economics: Computational Methods in Experimental Economics (CMEE) 2017 Conference (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics)

by Kesra Nermend Małgorzata Łatuszyńska

These proceedings highlight research on the latest trends and methods in experimental and behavioral economics. Featuring contributions presented at the 2017 Computational Methods in Experimental Economics (CMEE) conference, which was held in Lublin, Poland, it merges findings from various domains to present deep insights into topics such as game theory, decision theory, cognitive neuroscience and artificial intelligence. The fields of experimental economics and behavioral economics are rapidly evolving. Modern applications of experimental economics require the integration of know-how from disciplines including economics, computer science, psychology and neuroscience. The use of computer technology enhances researchers’ ability to generate and analyze large amounts of data, allowing them to use non-standard methods of data logging for experiments such as cognitive neuronal methods. Experiments are currently being conducted with software that, on the one hand, provides interaction with the people involved in experiments, and on the other helps to accurately record their responses. The goal of the CMEE conference and the papers presented here is to provide the scientific community with essential research on and applications of computer methods in experimental economics. Combining theories, methods and regional case studies, the book offers a valuable resource for all researchers, scholars and policymakers in the areas of experimental and behavioral economics.

Problems of High Frequency Diffraction by Elongated Bodies (Springer Series in Optical Sciences #243)

by Ivan Andronov

Classical asymptotic expansions, while producing a good approximation for the diffracted fields in general, appear hardly applicable in the case of extremely elongated bodies. Thus, there are problems that are on the one hand too difficult for numerical solvers due to large system size, and on the other hand make the description with classical asymptotic methods hard. The book explains why this happens and suggests the way out. By defining the characteristics of a strongly elongated body it introduces a special class of asymptotic approximations, which are in some sense uniform with respect to the rate of body elongation. Chapter 1 briefly describes the results of V. A. Fock and further developments of his approach towards the problems of diffraction by elongated obstacles. It formulates the cases of moderately and strongly elongated bodies. The rest of the book describes the approach of special parabolic equations, which lead to new asymptotic approximations for the diffracted fields. Chapters 2, 3 and 4 discuss diffraction by bodies of elliptical shape: The elliptic cylinder with a strongly elongated cross section and prolate spheroid with a high aspect ratio. Chapter 5 generalizes the approach to some other shapes such as narrow cones and narrow hyperboloids. Mathematical formulas for the Whittaker functions widely used in the book are collected in the Appendix. The concise derivations are supplied with numerous test examples that compare asymptotic approximations with numerically computed fields and clarify the specifics of high frequency diffraction by strongly elongated bodies. The reference solutions presented in the book enable one to validate the newly developed numerical solvers.

Problems of Locus Solved by Mechanisms Theory (Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering)

by Iulian Popescu Xenia Calbureanu Alina Duta

This book reports on an original approach to problems of loci. It shows how the theory of mechanisms can be used to address the locus problem. It describes the study of different loci, with an emphasis on those of triangle and quadrilateral, but not limited to them. Thanks to a number of original drawings, the book helps to visualize different type of loci, which can be treated as curves, and shows how to create new ones, including some aesthetic ones, by changing some parameters of the equivalent mechanisms. Further, the book includes a theoretical discussion on the synthesis of mechanisms, giving some important insights into the correlation between the generation of trajectories by mechanisms and the synthesis of those mechanisms when the trajectory is given, and presenting approximate solutions to this problem. Based on the authors’ many years of research and on their extensive knowledge concerning the theory of mechanisms, and bridging between geometry and mechanics, this book offers a unique guide to mechanical engineers and engineering designers, mathematicians, as well as industrial and graphic designers, and students in the above-mentioned fields alike.

Problems on Partial Differential Equations (Problem Books in Mathematics)

by Maciej Borodzik Paweł Goldstein Piotr Rybka Anna Zatorska-Goldstein

This book covers a diverse range of topics in Mathematical Physics, linear and nonlinear PDEs. Though the text reflects the classical theory, the main emphasis is on introducing readers to the latest developments based on the notions of weak solutions and Sobolev spaces. In numerous problems, the student is asked to prove a given statement, e.g. to show the existence of a solution to a certain PDE. Usually there is no closed-formula answer available, which is why there is no answer section, although helpful hints are often provided. This textbook offers a valuable asset for students and educators alike. As it adopts a perspective on PDEs that is neither too theoretical nor too practical, it represents the perfect companion to a broad spectrum of courses.

Proceeding of International Conference on Computational Science and Applications: ICCSA 2021 (Algorithms for Intelligent Systems)

by Subhash Bhalla Mangesh Bedekar Rashmi Phalnikar Sumedha Sirsikar

This book consists of high-quality papers presented at the International Conference on Computational Science and Applications (ICCSA 2021), held at Maharashtra Institute of Technology World Peace University, Pune, India, from 10 – 11 December 2021. It covers the latest innovations and developments in information and communication technology, discussing topics such as algorithms, data structures and applications; wireless and mobile networks; computer networks and communications; natural language processing and information theory; cryptography and information security.

Proceeding of International Conference on Computational Science and Applications: ICCSA 2019 (Algorithms for Intelligent Systems)

by Subhash Bhalla Peter Kwan Mangesh Bedekar Rashmi Phalnikar Sumedha Sirsikar

The book consists of high-quality papers presented at the International Conference on Computational Science and Applications (ICCSA 2019), held at Maharashtra Institute of Technology World Peace University, Pune, India, from 7 to 9 August 2019. It covers the latest innovations and developments in information and communication technology, discussing topics such as soft computing and intelligent systems, web of sensor networks, drone operating systems, web of sensor networks, wearable smart sensors, automated guided vehicles and many more.

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