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Quantal Density Functional Theory
by Viraht SahniThis book deals with quantal density functional theory (QDFT) which is a time-dependent local effective potential theory of the electronic structure of matter. The treated time-independent QDFT constitutes a special case. In the 2nd edition, the theory is extended to include the presence of external magnetostatic fields. The theory is a description of matter based on the 'quantal Newtonian' first and second laws which is in terms of "classical" fields that pervade all space, and their quantal sources. The fields, which are explicitly defined, are separately representative of electron correlations due to the Pauli exclusion principle, Coulomb repulsion, correlation-kinetic, correlation-current-density, and correlation-magnetic effects. The book further describes Schrödinger theory from the new physical perspective of fields and quantal sources. It also describes traditional Hohenberg-Kohn-Sham DFT, and explains via QDFT the physics underlying the various energy functionals and functional derivatives of the traditional approach to electronic structure.
Quanten-Zufallszahlengenerierung: Theorie und Praxis
by Stefan Rass Stefan Schauer Christian Kollmitzer Benjamin RainerDieses Buch bietet einen Überblick über die neuesten Implementierungen von Quanten-Zufallszahlengeneratoren (QRNGs) und untersucht insbesondere deren Beziehung zu klassischen statistischen Zufallsmodellen und numerischen Techniken zur Berechnung von Zufallszahlen. Der Leser - der idealerweise einen Hintergrund in klassischer Statistik, Informatik oder Kryptographie hat - wird Schritt für Schritt in die Welt der Quantenbits eingeführt, und es werden explizite Beziehungen zwischen QRNGs und ihren klassischen Gegenstücken aufgezeigt. Die Erzeugung von Zufallszahlen ist eine wichtige Säule der Kryptographie. Die Nutzung des Zufalls, der Quantenphänomenen innewohnt, ist ein sich rasch entwickelnder Zweig der Quantenkryptografie mit unzähligen Anwendungen für die Zukunft. Der Wert der Quantenzufälligkeit für kryptografische Zwecke wird empirisch durch statistische Auswertungen der Leistung von QRNGs im Vergleich zu klassischen Techniken zur Erzeugung echter und pseudozufälliger Zahlen nachgewiesen. Das Buch bietet dann einen Überblick über die technischen Implementierungen von QRNGs, bevor eine abschließende Diskussion über die wichtigsten Errungenschaften und verbleibenden Hindernisse auf diesem Gebiet die Berichterstattung abrundet und gleichzeitig die Tür für zukünftige Forschungsrichtungen öffnet.
Quantenmechanik: Einführung in die mathematische Formulierung (essentials)
by Martin PieperWer schon immer die Hieroglyphen auf Sheldons Tafel in der Fernsehserie The Big Bang Theory verstehen oder ganz genau wissen wollte, was es mit dem Schicksal von Schrödingers Katze auf sich hat, findet in diesem essential eine kurze, anschauliche Einführung in die Welt der Quantenmechanik. Speziell fokussiert sich der Text auf die mathematische Beschreibung im Hilbertraum. Hierbei geht der Inhalt über populärwissenschaftliche Darstellungen hinaus, ist allerdings trotzdem durch die anschaulichen Beispiele für Lesende ohne spezielle Vorkenntnisse geeignet. Der Autor:Prof. Dr. Martin Pieper ist seit 2011 Professor für Mathematik und Simulation an der FH Aachen. Vor seinem Ruf an die FH Aachen war er wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Abteilung Optimierung des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik.
Quantenmechanik zu Fuß 1: Grundlagen
by Jochen PadeDie beiden Bände von Quantenmechanik zu Fuß führen Schritt für Schritt in die Grundlagen der nichtrelativistischen Quantenmechanik ein.Dieser erste Band konzentriert sich hauptsächlich auf die wesentlichen Prinzipien, während Anwendungen und Erweiterungen des Formalismus in Band 2 zu finden sind.Um die Grundideen der Quantenmechanik und ihre mathematische Formulierung schnell und anschaulich darzustellen, wird in den ersten Kapiteln systematisch zwischen analytischer und algebraischer Darstellung gewechselt. Auf diese Weise können neben dem traditionellen Lehrstoff frühzeitig auch aktuelle Themen detailliert besprochen werden, wie z.B. Neutrino-Oszillationen und Quantenkryptographie. Ausgearbeitete Beispiele erleichtern den Zugang. Die erforderlichen mathematischen Werkzeuge werden dabei nach Bedarf eingeführt. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist die Darstellung und Diskussion des Messproblems und anderer grundlegender konzeptueller Fragen. Ein Kapitel über die Postulate der Quantenmechanik schließt diesen ersten Band ab.Im Anhang findet sich eine kompakte Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten mathematischen Hilfsmittel, sodass auf ergänzende Literatur verzichten werden kann. Außerdem werden dort weiterführende Themen wie der Quanten-Zeno-Effekt und Time-delay-Experimente behandelt. Über 250 Übungsaufgaben mit ausführlichen Lösungen helfen dabei, das Verständnis für die behandelten Themen zu vertiefen.Die vorliegende überarbeitete und aktualisierte zweite Auflage ist um eine Einführung in einige Ideen und Probleme der relativistischen Quantenmechanik erweitert. In diesem ersten Band werden die Klein-Gordon- und die Dirac-Gleichung behandelt. Für die Relativistik benötigte Grundlagen anderer Gebiete werden in kompakter Form bereit gestellt (spezielle Relativitätstheorie, klassische Feldtheorie und Elektrodynamik).Quantenmechanik zu Fuß richtet sich an alle Studierenden der Physik und andere, die eine angemessen einfache, frische und moderne Einführung in die Quantenmechanik suchen. Das Buch eignet sich auch sehr gut zum Selbststudium.
Quantenmechanik zu Fuß 2: Anwendungen und Erweiterungen
by Jochen PadeDie beiden Bände von Quantenmechanik zu Fuß führen Schritt für Schritt in die Grundlagen der nichtrelativistischen Quantenmechanik ein.Während sich der erste Band mit den wesentlichen Prinzipien befasst, werden in diesem zweiten Band Anwendungen und Erweiterungen auf komplexere Probleme erörtert.Neben Gebieten, die zum traditionellen Stoff der Quantenmechanik gehören wie z.B. Symmetrien, Streutheorie oder Vielteilchenprobleme, werden auch aktuelle Themen ausführlich behandelt, etwa Verschränkung, Bellsche Ungleichung, Dekohärenz, Quantencomputer und andere Aspekte der Quanteninformation. Ausgearbeitete Beispiele erleichtern den Zugang. Die Realismusdebatte und andere konzeptuelle Fragen der Quantenmechanik werden ausführlich besprochen. Ein Kapitel über die Interpretationen der Quantenmechanik schließt diesen zweiten Band ab.Im Anhang wird das erforderliche mathematische Handwerkszeug kompakt zusammengestellt. Außerdem werden dort weiterführendeThemen wie der Lenz-Vektor, das Hardy-Experiment und der Shor-Algorithmus detailliert dargestellt. Über 150 Übungsaufgaben mit ausführlichen Lösungen helfen dabei, das Verständnis für die behandelten Themen zu vertiefen. Die vorliegende überarbeitete und aktualisierte zweite Auflage ist um eine Einführung in einige Ideen und Probleme der relativistischen Quantenmechanik erweitert. In diesem zweiten Band wird ein Überblick über die Quantenfeldtheorie gegeben und grundlegende Konzepte der Quantenelektrodynamik eingehend behandelt.Quantenmechanik zu Fuß richtet sich an alle Studierenden der Physik und andere, die eine angemessen einfache, frische und moderne Einführung in die Quantenmechanik suchen. Das Buch eignet sich auch sehr gut zum Selbststudium.
Quantification of Uncertainty: QUIET selected contributions (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering #137)
by Marta D’Elia Max Gunzburger Gianluigi RozzaThis book explores four guiding themes – reduced order modelling, high dimensional problems, efficient algorithms, and applications – by reviewing recent algorithmic and mathematical advances and the development of new research directions for uncertainty quantification in the context of partial differential equations with random inputs. Highlighting the most promising approaches for (near-) future improvements in the way uncertainty quantification problems in the partial differential equation setting are solved, and gathering contributions by leading international experts, the book’s content will impact the scientific, engineering, financial, economic, environmental, social, and commercial sectors.
Quantifiers, Quantifiers, and Quantifiers: Themes in Logic, Metaphysics, and Language
by Alessandro TorzaThis volume covers a wide range of topics that fall under the 'philosophy of quantifiers', a philosophy that spans across multiple areas such as logic, metaphysics, epistemology and even the history of philosophy. It discusses the import of quantifier variance in the model theory of mathematics. It advances an argument for the uniqueness of quantifier meaning in terms of Evert Beth's notion of implicit definition and clarifies the oldest explicit formulation of quantifier variance: the one proposed by Rudolf Carnap. The volume further examines what it means that a quantifier can have multiple meanings and addresses how existential vagueness can induce vagueness in our modal notions. Finally, the book explores the role played by quantifiers with respect to various kinds of semantic paradoxes, the logicality issue, ontological commitment, and the behavior of quantifiers in intensional contexts.
Quantify!: A Crash Course in Smart Thinking
by Göran GrimvallGöran Grimvall is determined to help mere mortals understand how scientists get to the kernel of perplexing problems. Entertaining and enlightening, his latest book uses examples from sports, literature, and nature—as well as from the varied worlds of science—to illustrate how scientists make sense of and explain the world around us. Grimvall's fun-to-read essays and easy-to-follow examples detail how order-of-magnitude estimation, extreme cases, dimensional analysis, and other modeling methods work. They also reveal how nonscientists absorb these concepts and use them at home, school, and work. Grimvall's simple, elegant explanations will help you tap into your inner scientist. Read this book and enjoy your own "Aha!" moment.
Quantify!: A Crash Course in Smart Thinking
by Göran GrimvallEssays and examples that reveal how scientists figure things out: “An excellent piece of work with lots of fascinating information.” —Brian Clegg, Popular ScienceGöran Grimvall is determined to help mere mortals understand how scientists get to the kernel of perplexing problems. Entertaining and enlightening, his latest book uses examples from sports, literature, and nature—as well as from the varied worlds of science—to illustrate how scientists make sense of and explain the world around us.Grimvall’s fun-to-read essays and easy-to-follow examples detail how order-of-magnitude estimation, extreme cases, dimensional analysis, and other modeling methods work. They also reveal how nonscientists absorb these concepts and use them at home, school, and work.These simple, elegant explanations will help you tap into your inner scientist. Read this book and enjoy your own “Aha!” moment.“A wonderful read for everyone, emphasizing how scientists and engineers tend to think about examples from daily life that are expressed by numbers . . . Highly recommended.” —Choice
Quantifying and Understanding Plant Nitrogen Uptake for Systems Modeling
by Liwang Ma Lajpat R. Ahuja Tom BruulsemaDiscusses New Advancements to Improve Existing Simulations of Plant NitrogenWritten by research pioneers and leading scientists in the area of agricultural systems, Quantifying and Understanding Plant Nitrogen Uptake for Systems Modeling comprehensively covers plant N uptake in agricultural system models, especially for building soil-plant system m
Quantifying Counterfactual Military History (ASA-CRC Series on Statistical Reasoning in Science and Society)
by Brennen Fagan Ian Horwood Niall MacKay Christopher Price A. Jamie WoodForces shaping human history are complex, but the course of history is undeniably changed on many occasions by conscious acts. These may be premeditated or responsive, calmly calculated or performed under great pressure. They may also be successful or catastrophic, but how are historians to make such judgements and appeal to evidence in support of their conclusions? Further, and crucially, how exactly are we to distinguish probable unrealized alternatives from improbable ones? This book describes some of the modern statistical techniques that can begin to answer this question, as well as some of the difficulties in doing so. Using simple, wellquantified cases drawn from military history, we claim that statistics can now help us to navigate the near-truths, the envelope around the events with which any meaningful historical analysis must deal, and to quantify the basis of such analysis. Quantifying Counterfactual Military History is intended for a general audience who are interested in learning more about statistical methods both in military history and for wider applications. Key Features: This book demonstrates how modern statistical techniques can measure the impact of counterfactual decisions. It examines the importance of counterfactual reasoning for both modern scholars and historical actors. It combines historical narrative, mathematical precision and data to create a straightforward presentation of both factual and counterfactual military history. It provides an original contribution to the debate over the validity and rigour of works of counterfactual history. It is written in a manner accessible to readers who have no formal training in History or Statistics.
Quantifying Life: A Symbiosis of Computation, Mathematics, and Biology
by Dmitry A. KondrashovSince the time of Isaac Newton, physicists have used mathematics to describe the behavior of matter of all sizes, from subatomic particles to galaxies. In the past three decades, as advances in molecular biology have produced an avalanche of data, computational and mathematical techniques have also become necessary tools in the arsenal of biologists. But while quantitative approaches are now providing fundamental insights into biological systems, the college curriculum for biologists has not caught up, and most biology majors are never exposed to the computational and probabilistic mathematical approaches that dominate in biological research. With Quantifying Life, Dmitry A. Kondrashov offers an accessible introduction to the breadth of mathematical modeling used in biology today. Assuming only a foundation in high school mathematics, Quantifying Life takes an innovative computational approach to developing mathematical skills and intuition. Through lessons illustrated with copious examples, mathematical and programming exercises, literature discussion questions, and computational projects of various degrees of difficulty, students build and analyze models based on current research papers and learn to implement them in the R programming language. This interplay of mathematical ideas, systematically developed programming skills, and a broad selection of biological research topics makes Quantifying Life an invaluable guide for seasoned life scientists and the next generation of biologists alike.
Quantifying Software: Global and Industry Perspectives (Routledge Research In Constitutional Law Ser.)
by Capers JonesSoftware is one of the most important products in human history and is widely used by all industries and all countries. It is also one of the most expensive and labor-intensive products in human history. Software also has very poor quality that has caused many major disasters and wasted many millions of dollars. Software is also the target of frequent and increasingly serious cyber-attacks. <P><P>Among the reasons for these software problems is a chronic lack of reliable quantified data. This reference provides quantified data from many countries and many industries based on about 26,000 projects developed using a variety of methodologies and team experience levels. The data has been gathered between 1970 and 2017, so interesting historical trends are available. <P><P>Since current average software productivity and quality results are suboptimal, this book focuses on "best in class" results and shows not only quantified quality and productivity data from best-in-class organizations, but also the technology stacks used to achieve best-in-class results. The overall goal of this book is to encourage the adoption of best-in-class software metrics and best-in-class technology stacks. It does so by providing current data on average software schedules, effort, costs, and quality for several industries and countries. <P><P>Because productivity and quality vary by technology and size, the book presents quantitative results for applications between 100 function points and 100,000 function points. It shows quality results using defect potential and DRE metrics because the number one cost driver for software is finding and fixing bugs. The book presents data on cost of quality for software projects and discusses technical debt, but that metric is not standardized. Finally, the book includes some data on three years of software maintenance and enhancements as well as some data on total cost of ownership.
Quantifying Software: Global and Industry Perspectives (Routledge Research In Constitutional Law Ser.)
by Capers JonesSoftware is one of the most important products in human history and is widely used by all industries and all countries. It is also one of the most expensive and labor-intensive products in human history. Software also has very poor quality that has caused many major disasters and wasted many millions of dollars. Software is also the target of frequent and increasingly serious cyber-attacks. Among the reasons for these software problems is a chronic lack of reliable quantified data. This reference provides quantified data from many countries and many industries based on about 26,000 projects developed using a variety of methodologies and team experience levels. The data has been gathered between 1970 and 2017, so interesting historical trends are available. Since current average software productivity and quality results are suboptimal, this book focuses on "best in class" results and shows not only quantified quality and productivity data from best-in-class organizations, but also the technology stacks used to achieve best-in-class results. The overall goal of this book is to encourage the adoption of best-in-class software metrics and best-in-class technology stacks. It does so by providing current data on average software schedules, effort, costs, and quality for several industries and countries. Because productivity and quality vary by technology and size, the book presents quantitative results for applications between 100 function points and 100,000 function points. It shows quality results using defect potential and DRE metrics because the number one cost driver for software is finding and fixing bugs. The book presents data on cost of quality for software projects and discusses technical debt, but that metric is not standardized. Finally, the book includes some data on three years of software maintenance and enhancements as well as some data on total cost of ownership.
Quantifying the Evolution of Early Life
by James D. Schiffbauer Marc Laflamme Stephen Q. DornbosThis volume provides a detailed description of a wide range of numerical, statistical or modeling techniques and novel instrumentation separated into individual chapters written by paleontologists with expertise in the given methodology. Each chapter outlines the strengths and limitations of specific numerical or technological approaches, and ultimately applies the chosen method to a real fossil dataset or sample type. A unifying theme throughout the book is the evaluation of fossils during the prologue and epilogue of one of the most exciting events in Earth History: the Cambrian radiation.
Quantile-Based Reliability Analysis
by N. Balakrishnan P. G. Sankaran N. Unnikrishnan NairThis book provides a fresh approach to reliability theory, an area that has gained increasing relevance in fields from statistics and engineering to demography and insurance. Its innovative use of quantile functions gives an analysis of lifetime data that is generally simpler, more robust, and more accurate than the traditional methods, and opens the door for further research in a wide variety of fields involving statistical analysis. In addition, the book can be used to good effect in the classroom as a text for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in Reliability and Statistics.
Quantile Regression: Applications on Experimental and Cross Section Data using EViews
by I. Gusti AgungQUANTILE REGRESSION A thorough presentation of Quantile Regression designed to help readers obtain richer information from data analysesThe conditional least-square or mean-regression (MR) analysis is the quantitative research method used to model and analyze the relationships between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables, where each equation estimation of a regression can give only a single regression function or fitted values variable. As an advanced mean regression analysis, each estimation equation of the mean-regression can be used directly to estimate the conditional quantile regression (QR), which can quickly present the statistical results of a set nine QR(τ)s for τ(tau)s from 0.1 up to 0.9 to predict detail distribution of the response or criterion variable. QR is an important analytical tool in many disciplines such as statistics, econometrics, ecology, healthcare, and engineering.Quantile Regression: Applications on Experimental and Cross Section Data Using EViews provides examples of statistical results of various QR analyses based on experimental and cross section data of a variety of regression models. The author covers the applications of one-way, two-way, and n-way ANOVA quantile regressions, QRs with multi numerical predictors, heterogeneous QRs, and latent variables QRs, amongst others. Throughout the text, readers learn how to develop the best possible quantile regressions and how to conduct more advanced analysis using methods such as the quantile process, the Wald test, the redundant variables test, residual analysis, the stability test, and the omitted variables test. This rigorous volume:Describes how QR can provide a more detailed picture of the relationships between independent variables and the quantiles of the criterion variable, by using the least-square regressionPresents the applications of the test for any quantile of any numerical response or criterion variableExplores relationship of QR with heterogeneity: how an independent variable affects a dependent variableOffers expert guidance on forecasting and how to draw the best conclusions from the results obtainedProvides a step-by-step estimation method and guide to enable readers to conduct QR analysis using their own data setsIncludes a detailed comparison of conditional QR and conditional mean regressionQuantile Regression: Applications on Experimental and Cross Section Data Using EViews is a highly useful resource for students and lecturers in statistics, data analysis, econometrics, engineering, ecology, and healthcare, particularly those specializing in regression and quantitative data analysis.
Quantile Regression
by Marilena Furno Cristina Davino Domenico VistoccoA guide to the implementation and interpretation of Quantile Regression modelsThis book explores the theory and numerous applications of quantile regression, offering empirical data analysis as well as the software tools to implement the methods.The main focus of this book is to provide the reader with a comprehensive description of the main issues concerning quantile regression; these include basic modeling, geometrical interpretation, estimation and inference for quantile regression, as well as issues on validity of the model, diagnostic tools. Each methodological aspect is explored and followed by applications using real data.Quantile Regression:Presents a complete treatment of quantile regression methods, including, estimation, inference issues and application of methods.Delivers a balance between methodolgy and applicationOffers an overview of the recent developments in the quantile regression framework and why to use quantile regression in a variety of areas such as economics, finance and computing.Features a supporting website (www.wiley.com/go/quantile_regression) hosting datasets along with R, Stata and SAS software code.Researchers and PhD students in the field of statistics, economics, econometrics, social and environmental science and chemistry will benefit from this book.
Quantile Regression: Estimation and Simulation (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics #988)
by Marilena Furno Domenico VistoccoContains an overview of several technical topics of Quantile Regression Volume two of Quantile Regression offers an important guide for applied researchers that draws on the same example-based approach adopted for the first volume. The text explores topics including robustness, expectiles, m-quantile, decomposition, time series, elemental sets and linear programming. Graphical representations are widely used to visually introduce several issues, and to illustrate each method. All the topics are treated theoretically and using real data examples. Designed as a practical resource, the book is thorough without getting too technical about the statistical background. The authors cover a wide range of QR models useful in several fields. The software commands in R and Stata are available in the appendixes and featured on the accompanying website. The text: Provides an overview of several technical topics such as robustness of quantile regressions, bootstrap and elemental sets, treatment effect estimators Compares quantile regression with alternative estimators like expectiles, M-estimators and M-quantiles Offers a general introduction to linear programming focusing on the simplex method as solving method for the quantile regression problem Considers time-series issues like non-stationarity, spurious regressions, cointegration, conditional heteroskedasticity via quantile regression Offers an analysis that is both theoretically and practical Presents real data examples and graphical representations to explain the technical issues Written for researchers and students in the fields of statistics, economics, econometrics, social and environmental science, this text offers guide to the theory and application of quantile regression models.
Quantile Regression
by Roger KoenkerQuantile regression is gradually emerging as a unified statistical methodology for estimating models of conditional quantile functions. By complementing the exclusive focus of classical least squares regression on the conditional mean, quantile regression offers a systematic strategy for examining how covariates influence the location, scale and shape of the entire response distribution. This monograph is the first comprehensive treatment of the subject, encompassing models that are linear and nonlinear, parametric and nonparametric. The author has devoted more than 25 years of research to this topic. The methods in the analysis are illustrated with a variety of applications from economics, biology, ecology and finance. The treatment will find its core audiences in econometrics, statistics, and applied mathematics in addition to the disciplines cited above.
Quantile Regression for Cross-Sectional and Time Series Data: Applications in Energy Markets Using R (SpringerBriefs in Finance)
by Jorge M. Uribe Montserrat GuillenThis brief addresses the estimation of quantile regression models from a practical perspective, which will support researchers who need to use conditional quantile regression to measure economic relationships among a set of variables. It will also benefit students using the methodology for the first time, and practitioners at private or public organizations who are interested in modeling different fragments of the conditional distribution of a given variable. The book pursues a practical approach with reference to energy markets, helping readers learn the main features of the technique more quickly. Emphasis is placed on the implementation details and the correct interpretation of the quantile regression coefficients rather than on the technicalities of the method, unlike the approach used in the majority of the literature. All applications are illustrated with R.
Quantile Regression in Clinical Research: Complete analysis for data at a loss of homogeneity
by Aeilko H. Zwinderman Ton J. CleophasQuantile regression is an approach to data at a loss of homogeneity, for example (1) data with outliers, (2) skewed data like corona - deaths data, (3) data with inconstant variability, (4) big data. In clinical research many examples can be given like circadian phenomena, and diseases where spreading may be dependent on subsets with frailty, low weight, low hygiene, and many forms of lack of healthiness. Stratified analyses is the laborious and rather explorative way of analysis, but quantile analysis is a more fruitful, faster and completer alternative for the purpose. Considering all of this, we are on the verge of a revolution in data analysis. The current edition is the first textbook and tutorial of quantile regressions for medical and healthcare students as well as recollection/update bench, and help desk for professionals. Each chapter can be studied as a standalone and covers one of the many fields in the fast growing world of quantile regressions. Step by step analyses of over 20 data files stored at extras.springer.com are included for self-assessment. We should add that the authors are well qualified in their field. Professor Zwinderman is past-president of the International Society of Biostatistics (2012-2015) and Professor Cleophas is past-president of the American College of Angiology(2000-2002). From their expertise they should be able to make adequate selections of modern quantile regression methods for the benefit of physicians, students, and investigators.
Quantitative Analysis: An Introduction
by RoyM ChiulliWritten in a lecture format with solved problems at the end of each chapter, this book surveys quantitative modeling and decision analysis techniques. It serves to familiarize the reader with quantitative techniques utilized in planning and optimizing complex systems, as well as students experiencing the subject for the first time. It can be used by students of business and public administration without a background in calculus as well as engineers with significant scientific training. It allows the reader to comprehend the material through examples and problems and also demonstrates the value and shortcomings of many methods. Quantitative Analysis: An introduction developed out of the author's experience teaching the material to students at the University of California Los Angeles, California State University, Northridge, and the University of Southern California, Los Angeles.
Quantitative Analysis and IBM® SPSS® Statistics
by Abdulkader AljandaliThis guide for practicing statisticians and data scientists who use IBM SPSS for statistical analysis of big data in business and finance is the first of a two-part guide to SPSS for Windows, introducing data entry into SPSS, along with elementary statistical and graphical methods for summarizing and presenting data. Part I also covers the rudiments of hypothesis testing and business forecasting while Part II will present multivariate statistical methods, more advanced forecasting methods, and multivariate methods. IBM SPSS offers a powerful set of statistical and information analysis systems that run on a wide variety of personal computers. The Windows version of SPSS is built around routines that have been developed, tested, and widely used for more than 20 years. As such, SPSS is extensively used in industry, commerce, banking, local and national governments, and education. Just a small subset of users of the package include the major clearing banks, the BBC, British Gas, British Airways, British Telecom, the Consumer Association, Eurotunnel, Glaxo, ICI, London Underground, the NHS, Plessey, Shell, Unilever, and W. H. Smith and Son. Although the emphasis in this guide is on applications of SPSS for Windows, there is a need for users to be aware of the statistical assumptions and rationales underpinning correct and meaningful application of the techniques available in the packa≥ therefore, such assumptions are discussed, and methods of assessing their validity are described. Also presented is the logic underlying the computation of the more commonly used test statistics in the area of hypothesis testing. Mathematical background is kept to a minimum.
Quantitative Analysis and Optimal Control of Energy Efficiency in Discrete Manufacturing System
by Yan Wang Cheng-Lin Liu Zhi-Cheng JiThis book provides energy efficiency quantitative analysis and optimal methods for discrete manufacturing systems from the perspective of global optimization. In order to analyze and optimize energy efficiency for discrete manufacturing systems, it uses real-time access to energy consumption information and models of the energy consumption, and constructs an energy efficiency quantitative index system. Based on the rough set and analytic hierarchy process, it also proposes a principal component quantitative analysis and a combined energy efficiency quantitative analysis. In turn, the book addresses the design and development of quantitative analysis systems. To save energy consumption on the basis of energy efficiency analysis, it presents several optimal control strategies, including one for single-machine equipment, an integrated approach based on RWA-MOPSO, and one for production energy efficiency based on a teaching and learning optimal algorithm. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable guide for students, teachers, engineers and researchers in the field of discrete manufacturing systems.