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Applied Statistics and Multivariate Data Analysis for Business and Economics: A Modern Approach Using SPSS, Stata, and Excel
by Thomas CleffThis textbook will familiarize students in economics and business, as well as practitioners, with the basic principles, techniques, and applications of applied statistics, statistical testing, and multivariate data analysis. Drawing on practical examples from the business world, it demonstrates the methods of univariate, bivariate, and multivariate statistical analysis. The textbook covers a range of topics, from data collection and scaling to the presentation and simple univariate analysis of quantitative data, while also providing advanced analytical procedures for assessing multivariate relationships. Accordingly, it addresses all topics typically covered in university courses on statistics and advanced applied data analysis. In addition, it does not limit itself to presenting applied methods, but also discusses the related use of Excel, SPSS, and Stata.
Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers
by Douglas C. Montgomery George C. RungerApplied Statistics and Probability for Engineers provides a practical approach to probability and statistical methods. Students learn how the material will be relevant in their careers by including a rich collection of examples and problem sets that reflect realistic applications and situations. This product focuses on real engineering applications and real engineering solutions while including material on the bootstrap, increased emphasis on the use of p-value, coverage of equivalence testing, and combining p-values. The base content, examples, exercises and answers presented in this product have been meticulously checked for accuracy.
Applied Statistics for Agriculture, Veterinary, Fishery, Dairy and Allied Fields
by Pradip Kumar SahuThis book is aimed at a wide range of readers who lack confidence in the mathematical and statistical sciences, particularly in the fields of Agriculture, Veterinary, Fishery, Dairy and other related areas. Its goal is to present the subject of statistics and its useful tools in various disciplines in such a manner that, after reading the book, readers will be equipped to apply the statistical tools to extract otherwise hidden information from their data sets with confidence. Starting with the meaning of statistics, the book introduces measures of central tendency, dispersion, association, sampling methods, probability, inference, designs of experiments and many other subjects of interest in a step-by-step and lucid manner. The relevant theories are described in detail, followed by a broad range of real-world worked-out examples, solved either manually or with the help of statistical packages. In closing, the book also includes a chapter on which statistical packages to use, depending on the user's respective requirements.
Applied Statistics For The Behavioral Sciences
by Dennis E. Hinkle William Wiersma Stephen G. JursThis introductory text provides students with a conceptual understanding of basic statistical procedures, as well as the computational skills needed to complete them. The clear presentation, accessible language, and step-by-step instruction make it easy for students from a variety of social science disciplines to grasp the material. The scenarios presented in chapter exercises span the curriculum, from political science to marketing, so that students make a connection between their own area of interest and the study of statistics. Unique coverage focuses on concepts critical to understanding current statistical research such as power and sample size, multiple comparison tests, multiple regression, and analysis of covariance. Additional SPSS coverage throughout the text includes computer printouts and expanded discussion of their contents in interpreting the results of sample exercises.
Applied Statistics for Business and Economics
by Robert M. LeekleyDesigned for a one-semester course, Applied Statistics for Business and Economics offers students in business and the social sciences an effective introduction to some of the most basic and powerful techniques available for understanding their world. Numerous interesting and important examples reflect real-life situations, stimulating students to t
Applied Statistics for Business and Management using Microsoft Excel
by Linda Herkenhoff John FogliApplied Business Statistics for Business and Management using Microsoft Excel is the first book to illustrate the capabilities of Microsoft Excel to teach applied statistics effectively. It is a step-by-step exercise-driven guide for students and practitioners who need to master Excel to solve practical statistical problems in industry. If understanding statistics isn't your strongest suit, you are not especially mathematically-inclined, or if you are wary of computers, this is the right book for you. Excel, a widely available computer program for students and managers, is also an effective teaching and learning tool for quantitative analyses in statistics courses. Its powerful computational ability and graphical functions make learning statistics much easier than in years past. However, Applied Business Statistics for Business and Management capitalizes on these improvements by teaching students and practitioners how to apply Excel to statistical techniques necessary in their courses and workplace. Each chapter explains statistical formulas and directs the reader to use Excel commands to solve specific, easy-to-understand business problems. Practice problems are provided at the end of each chapter with their solutions.
Applied Statistics for Economics and Business
by Durmuş ÖzdemirThis textbook introduces readers to practical statisticalissues by presenting them within the context of real-life economics andbusiness situations. It presents the subject in a non-threatening manner, withan emphasis on concise, easily understandable explanations. It has beendesigned to be accessible and student-friendly and, as an added learningfeature, provides all the relevant data required to complete the accompanyingexercises and computing problems, which are presented at the end of eachchapter. It also discusses index numbers and inequality indices in detail,since these are of particular importance to students and commonly omitted intextbooks. Throughout the text it is assumed that the student has noprior knowledge of statistics. It is aimed primarily at business and economicsundergraduates, providing them with the basic statistical skills necessary forfurther study of their subject. However, students of other disciplines willalso find it relevant.
Applied Statistics for Economists
by Margaret LewisThis book is an undergraduate text that introduces students to commonly-used statistical methods in economics. Using examples based on contemporary economic issues and readily-available data, it not only explains the mechanics of the various methods, it also guides students to connect statistical results to detailed economic interpretations. Because the goal is for students to be able to apply the statistical methods presented, online sources for economic data and directions for performing each task in Excel are also included.
Applied Statistics for Public and Nonprofit Administration
by Kenneth J. Meier Jeffrey L. Brudney John BohteAs the first book ever published for public administration statistics courses, APPLIED STATISTICS FOR PUBLIC AND NONPROFIT ADMINISTRATION makes a difficult subject accessible to students and practitioners of public administration and to non-profit studies who have little background in statistics or research methods. Steeped in experience and practice, this landmark text remains the first and best in research methods and statistics for students and practitioners in public-and nonprofit-administration. All statistical techniques used by public administration professionals are covered, and all examples in the text relate to public administration and the nonprofit sector. Avoiding jargon and formula, this text uses a step-by-step approach that facilitates student learning.
Applied Statistics for Public Policy
by Brian P. Macfie Philip M. NufrioThis practical text provides students with the statistical tools needed to analyze data, and shows how statistics can be used as a tool in making informed, intelligent policy decisions. The authors' approach helps students learn what statistical measures mean and focus on interpreting results, as opposed to memorizing and applying dozens of statistical formulae. The book includes more than 500 end-of-chapter problems, solvable with the easy-to-use Excel spreadsheet application developed by the authors. This template allows students to enter numbers into the appropriate sheet, sit back, and analyze the data. This comprehensive, hands-on textbook requires only a background in high school algebra and has been thoroughly classroom-tested in both undergraduate and graduate level courses. No prior expertise with Excel is required. A disk with the Excel template and the data sets is included with the book, and solutions to the end-of-chapter problems will be provided on the M.E. Sharpe website.
Applied Statistics for Social and Management Sciences
by Abdul Quader MiahThis book addresses the application of statistical techniques and methods across a wide range of disciplines. While its main focus is on the application of statistical methods, theoretical aspects are also provided as fundamental background information. It offers a systematic interpretation of results often discovered in general descriptions of methods and techniques such as linear and non-linear regression. SPSS is also used in all the application aspects. The presentation of data in the form of tables and graphs throughout the book not only guides users, but also explains the statistical application and assists readers in interpreting important features. The analysis of statistical data is presented consistently throughout the text. Academic researchers, practitioners and other users who work with statistical data will benefit from reading Applied Statistics for Social and Management Sciences.
Applied Statistics for the Social and Health Sciences
by Rachel A. GordonCovering basic univariate and bivariate statistics and regression models for nominal, ordinal, and interval outcomes, Applied Statistics for the Social and Health Sciences provides graduate students in the social and health sciences with fundamental skills to estimate, interpret, and publish quantitative research using contemporary standards.Reflecting the growing importance of "Big Data" in the social and health sciences, this thoroughly revised and streamlined new edition covers best practice in the use of statistics in social and health sciences, draws upon new literatures and empirical examples, and highlights the importance of statistical programming, including coding, reproducibility, transparency, and open science.Key features of the book include: interweaving the teaching of statistical concepts with examples from publicly available social and health science data and literature excerpts; thoroughly integrating the teaching of statistical theory with the teaching of data access, processing, and analysis in Stata; recognizing debates and critiques of the origins and uses of quantitative methods.
Applied Statistics I: Basic Bivariate Techniques
by Rebecca M. WarnerRebecca M. Warner’s bestselling Applied Statistics: From Bivariate Through Multivariate Techniques has been split into two volumes for ease of use over a two-course sequence. Applied Statistics I: Basic Bivariate Techniques, Third Edition is an introductory statistics text based on chapters from the first half of the original book. The author's contemporary approach reflects current thinking in the field, with its coverage of the "new statistics" and reproducibility in research. Her in-depth presentation of introductory statistics follows a consistent chapter format, includes some simple hand-calculations along with detailed instructions for SPSS, and helps students understand statistics in the context of real-world research through interesting examples. Datasets are provided on an accompanying website.
Applied Statistics I: Basic Bivariate Techniques
by Rebecca M. WarnerRebecca M. Warner&’s bestselling Applied Statistics: From Bivariate Through Multivariate Techniques has been split into two volumes for ease of use over a two-course sequence. Applied Statistics I: Basic Bivariate Techniques, Third Edition is an introductory statistics text based on chapters from the first half of the original book. The author's contemporary approach reflects current thinking in the field, with its coverage of the "new statistics" and reproducibility in research. Her in-depth presentation of introductory statistics follows a consistent chapter format, includes some simple hand-calculations along with detailed instructions for SPSS, and helps students understand statistics in the context of real-world research through interesting examples. Datasets are provided on an accompanying website.
Applied Statistics II: Multivariable and Multivariate Techniques
by Rebecca M. WarnerRebecca M. Warner&’s bestselling Applied Statistics: From Bivariate Through Multivariate Techniques has been split into two volumes for ease of use over a two-course sequence. Applied Statistics II: Multivariable and Multivariate Techniques, Third Edition is a core multivariate statistics text based on chapters from the second half of the original book. The text begins with two new chapters: an introduction to the new statistics, and a chapter on handling outliers and missing values. All chapters on statistical control and multivariable or multivariate analyses from the previous edition are retained (with the moderation chapter heavily revised) and new chapters have been added on structural equation modeling, repeated measures, and on additional statistical techniques. Each chapter includes a complete example, and begins by considering the types of research questions that chapter&’s technique can answer, progresses to data screening, and provides screen shots of SPSS menu selections and output, and concludes with sample results sections. By-hand computation is used, where possible, to show how elements of the output are related to each other, and to obtain confidence interval and effect size information when SPSS does not provide this. Datasets are available on the accompanying website.
Applied Statistics II: Multivariable and Multivariate Techniques
by Rebecca M. WarnerRebecca M. Warner&’s bestselling Applied Statistics: From Bivariate Through Multivariate Techniques has been split into two volumes for ease of use over a two-course sequence. Applied Statistics II: Multivariable and Multivariate Techniques, Third Edition is a core multivariate statistics text based on chapters from the second half of the original book. The text begins with two new chapters: an introduction to the new statistics, and a chapter on handling outliers and missing values. All chapters on statistical control and multivariable or multivariate analyses from the previous edition are retained (with the moderation chapter heavily revised) and new chapters have been added on structural equation modeling, repeated measures, and on additional statistical techniques. Each chapter includes a complete example, and begins by considering the types of research questions that chapter&’s technique can answer, progresses to data screening, and provides screen shots of SPSS menu selections and output, and concludes with sample results sections. By-hand computation is used, where possible, to show how elements of the output are related to each other, and to obtain confidence interval and effect size information when SPSS does not provide this. Datasets are available on the accompanying website.
Applied Statistics in Biomedicine and Clinical Trials Design: Selected Papers from 2013 ICSA/ISBS Joint Statistical Meetings (ICSA Book Series in Statistics)
by Zhen Chen Aiyi Liu Yongming Qu Larry Tang Naitee Ting Yi TsongThis volume is a unique combination of papers that cover critical topics in biostatistics from academic, government, and industry perspectives. The 6 sections cover Bayesian methods in biomedical research; Diagnostic medicine and classification; Innovative Clinical Trials Design; Modelling and Data Analysis; Personalized Medicine; and Statistical Genomics. The real world applications are in clinical trials, diagnostic medicine and genetics. The peer-reviewed contributions were solicited and selected from some 400 presentations at the annual meeting of the International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA), held with the International Society for Biopharmaceutical Statistics (ISBS). The conference was held in Bethesda in June 2013, and the material has been subsequently edited and expanded to cover the most recent developments.
Applied Statistics in Business and Economics
by David P. Doane Lori E. SewardApplied Statistics in Business and Economics, 7th edition, provides real meaning to the use of statistics in the real world by using real business situations and real data while appealing to students who want to know the why rather than just the how. The text emphasizes thinking about data, choosing appropriate analytic tools, using computers effectively, and recognizing the limitations of statistics. It motivates student learning through applied current exercises and cases that provide real-world relevance and includes analytics in action, careers, and applications of big data, Artificial Intelligence, and machine learning (including ethical issues). The Doane and Seward authors work as a team, integrating the digital and eBook assets seamlessly. In recognition of a growing interest in analytics training beyond Excel, the textbook now provides an optional introduction to R with illustrations of topics in each chapter. Support for R is further enhanced with Learning Stats modules, tables of R functions, and R-compatible Excel data sets.
Applied Statistics in Social Sciences
by Emilio Gómez-Déniz Enrique Calderín-OjedaThis work is a detailed description of different discrete and continuous univariate and multivariate distributions with applications in economics and different financial problems and other scenarios in which these recently developed statistical models have been applied in recent years, including actuarial statistics (with emphasis on credibility theory, ruin theory, calculation of insurance premiums, etc.), stochastic frontier analysis (estimation of technical efficiency), duration models (intraday rate of trading), population geography, income and wealth distribution, physical economy, tourism and sports, among others. Each distribution is dealt with in a separate chapter along with descriptions of all possible applications. The authors also provide a detailed analysis of the proposed probabilistic families, discussing their relationship with existing models, statistical properties, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses, similarities and differences, different estimation methods along with comments on possible applications and extensions. Simulation methods are given for most of the models presented. Many of the probabilistic models shown along with their applications in the fields indicated are a result of numerous research articles published by the authors although others are also provided, mainly based on classical formulations, which have been the starting point of more general models. This volume contains an extensive updated bibliography selected from magazines and books on statistics, mathematics, economics, actuarial sciences and computer science. This book is an essential manual for researchers, professionals, professionals and, in general, for graduate students in computer science, engineering, bioinformatics, statistics and mathematics, since the concise writing style makes the book accessible to a wide audience.
Applied Statistics - Principles and Examples
by D.R. CoxThis book should be of interest to senior undergraduate and postgraduate students of applied statistics.
Applied Statistics Using R: A Guide for the Social Sciences
by Mehmet Mehmetoglu Matthias MittnerIf you want to learn to use R for data analysis but aren’t sure how to get started, this practical book will help you find the right path through your data. Drawing on real-world data to show you how to use different techniques in practice, it helps you progress your programming and statistics knowledge so you can apply the most appropriate tools in your research. It starts with descriptive statistics and moves through regression to advanced techniques such as structural equation modelling and Bayesian statistics, all with digestible mathematical detail for beginner researchers. The book: Shows you how to use R packages and apply functions, adjusting them to suit different datasets. Gives you the tools to try new statistical techniques and empowers you to become confident using them. Encourages you to learn by doing when running and adapting the authors’ own code. Equips you with solutions to overcome the potential challenges of working with real data that may be messy or imperfect. Accompanied by online resources including screencast tutorials of R that give you step by step guidance and R scripts and datasets for you to practice with, this book is a perfect companion for any student of applied statistics or quantitative research methods courses.
Applied Statistics Using R: A Guide for the Social Sciences
by Mehmet Mehmetoglu Matthias MittnerIf you want to learn to use R for data analysis but aren’t sure how to get started, this practical book will help you find the right path through your data. Drawing on real-world data to show you how to use different techniques in practice, it helps you progress your programming and statistics knowledge so you can apply the most appropriate tools in your research. It starts with descriptive statistics and moves through regression to advanced techniques such as structural equation modelling and Bayesian statistics, all with digestible mathematical detail for beginner researchers. The book: Shows you how to use R packages and apply functions, adjusting them to suit different datasets. Gives you the tools to try new statistical techniques and empowers you to become confident using them. Encourages you to learn by doing when running and adapting the authors’ own code. Equips you with solutions to overcome the potential challenges of working with real data that may be messy or imperfect. Accompanied by online resources including screencast tutorials of R that give you step by step guidance and R scripts and datasets for you to practice with, this book is a perfect companion for any student of applied statistics or quantitative research methods courses.
Applied Stochastic Control of Jump Diffusions (Universitext)
by Bernt Øksendal Agnès SulemHere is a rigorous introduction to the most important and useful solution methods of various types of stochastic control problems for jump diffusions and its applications. Discussion includes the dynamic programming method and the maximum principle method, and their relationship. The text emphasises real-world applications, primarily in finance. Results are illustrated by examples, with end-of-chapter exercises including complete solutions. The 2nd edition adds a chapter on optimal control of stochastic partial differential equations driven by Lévy processes, and a new section on optimal stopping with delayed information. Basic knowledge of stochastic analysis, measure theory and partial differential equations is assumed.
Applied Stochastic Differential Equations (Institute of Mathematical Statistics Textbooks #10)
by Simo Särkkä Arno SolinStochastic differential equations are differential equations whose solutions are stochastic processes. They exhibit appealing mathematical properties that are useful in modeling uncertainties and noisy phenomena in many disciplines. This book is motivated by applications of stochastic differential equations in target tracking and medical technology and, in particular, their use in methodologies such as filtering, smoothing, parameter estimation, and machine learning. It builds an intuitive hands-on understanding of what stochastic differential equations are all about, but also covers the essentials of Itô calculus, the central theorems in the field, and such approximation schemes as stochastic Runge–Kutta. Greater emphasis is given to solution methods than to analysis of theoretical properties of the equations. The book's practical approach assumes only prior understanding of ordinary differential equations. The numerous worked examples and end-of-chapter exercises include application-driven derivations and computational assignments. MATLAB/Octave source code is available for download, promoting hands-on work with the methods.
Applied Stochastic Modelling (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science)
by Byron J.T. MorganHighlighting modern computational methods, Applied Stochastic Modelling, Second Edition provides students with the practical experience of scientific computing in applied statistics through a range of interesting real-world applications. It also successfully revises standard probability and statistical theory. Along with an updated bibliography and