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Arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay Sets of Points in P^1 x P^1 (SpringerBriefs in Mathematics #0)

by Elena Guardo Adam Van Tuyl

This brief presents a solution to the interpolation problem for arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay (ACM) sets of points in the multiprojective space P^1 x P^1. It collects the various current threads in the literature on this topic with the aim of providing a self-contained, unified introduction while also advancing some new ideas. The relevant constructions related to multiprojective spaces are reviewed first, followed by the basic properties of points in P^1 x P^1, the bigraded Hilbert function, and ACM sets of points. The authors then show how, using a combinatorial description of ACM points in P^1 x P^1, the bigraded Hilbert function can be computed and, as a result, solve the interpolation problem. In subsequent chapters, they consider fat points and double points in P^1 x P^1 and demonstrate how to use their results to answer questions and problems of interest in commutative algebra. Throughout the book, chapters end with a brief historical overview, citations of related results, and, where relevant, open questions that may inspire future research. Graduate students and researchers working in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra will find this book to be a valuable contribution to the literature.

Arithmetische Funktionen

by Paul J. Mccarthy

Dieses Buch bietet eine Einf#65533;hrung in die Theorie der arithmetischen Funktionen, welche zu den klassischen und dynamischen Gebieten der Zahlentheorie geh#65533;rt. Das Buch enth#65533;lt breitgef#65533;cherte Resultate, die f#65533;r alle mit den Grundlagen der Zahlentheorie vertrauten Leser zug#65533;nglich sind. Der Inhalt geht weit #65533;ber das Spektrum hinaus, mit dem die meisten Lehrb#65533;cher dieses Thema behandeln. Intensiv besprochen werden beispielsweise Ramanujan-Summen, Fourier-Zerlegungen arithmetischer Funktionen, Anzahl der L#65533;sungen von Kongruenzen, Dirichlet-Reihen und verallgemeinerte Dirichlet-Faltungen sowie arithmetische Funktionen auf Gittern. Desweiteren sind viele bibliografische Anmerkungen sowie Verweise auf Originalliteratur aufgef#65533;hrt. Mehr als 400 #65533;bungsaufgaben bilden dar#65533;ber hinaus einen wesentlichen Bestandteil f#65533;r die Erschlie#65533;ung des Themas.

The Arm: Inside the Billion-Dollar Mystery of the Most Valuable Commodity in Sports

by Jeff Passan

Yahoo’s lead baseball columnist offers an in-depth look at the most valuable commodity in sports—the pitching arm—and how its vulnerability to injury is hurting players and the game, from Little League to the majors.Every year, Major League Baseball spends more than $1.5 billion on pitchers—five times more than the salary of every NFL quarterback combined. Pitchers are the game’s lifeblood. Their import is exceeded only by their fragility. One tiny band of tissue in the elbow, the ulnar collateral ligament, is snapping at unprecedented rates, leaving current big league players vulnerable and the coming generation of baseball-playing children dreading the three scariest words in the sport: Tommy John surgery.Jeff Passan traveled the world for three years to explore in-depth the past, present, and future of the arm, and how its evolution left baseball struggling to wrangle its Tommy John surgery epidemic. He examined what compelled the Chicago Cubs to spend $155 million on one arm. He snagged a rare interview with Sandy Koufax, whose career was cut short by injury at thirty, and visited Japan to understand how another baseball-mad country treats its prized arms. And he followed two major league pitchers, Daniel Hudson and Todd Coffey, throughout their returns from Tommy John surgery. He exposes how the baseball establishment long ignored the rise in arm injuries and reveals how misplaced incentives across the sport stifle potential changes.Injuries to the UCL start as early as Little League. Without a drastic cultural shift, baseball will continue to lose hundreds of millions of dollars annually to damaged pitchers, and another generation of children will suffer the same problems that vex current players. Informative and hard-hitting, The Arm is essential reading for everyone who loves the game, wants to keep their children healthy, or relishes a look into how a large, complex institution can fail so spectacularly.

ARM Assembly Language: Fundamentals and Techniques, Second Edition

by William Hohl Christopher Hinds

Delivering a solid introduction to assembly language and embedded systems, ARM Assembly Language: Fundamentals and Techniques, Second Edition continues to support the popular ARM7TDMI, but also addresses the latest architectures from ARM, including Cortex�-A, Cortex-R, and Cortex-M processors-all of which have slightly different instruction sets, p

Armut im jungen Erwachsenenalter und der Wandel von Arbeitsmarkt, Wohlfahrtsstaat und Haushalten

by Sebastian Link

Sebastian Link geht in diesem Buch der Frage nach, welche Auswirkungen mit dem Erwerbseinstiegsprozess verbundene Risiken (Arbeitslosigkeit, Niedriglohnbeschäftigung) und atypische Beschäftigungsverhältnisse auf die Armutsbetroffenheit junger Erwachsener in Deutschland haben. Mithilfe von Quer- und Längsschnittanalysen auf Basis des Sozio-Oekonomischen Panels zeigt er, dass nicht in erster Linie das gehäufte Auftreten von Erwerbsrisiken und atypischer Beschäftigung zu einem Armutsanstieg bei jungen Erwachsenen geführt hat, sondern die Verstärkung ihrer negativen finanziellen Folgen. Diese Verstärkung steht in einem Zusammenhang mit dem abnehmenden Schutz junger Erwachsener vor Armut durch Wohlfahrtsstaat und Haushalte.

Arnold Sommerfeld: Science, Life and Turbulent Times 1868-1951

by Michael Eckert

The subject of the book is a biography of the theoretical physicist Arnold Sommerfeld (1868-1951). Although Sommerfeld is famous as a quantum theorist for the elaboration of the semi-classical atomic theory (Bohr-Sommerfeld model, Sommerfeld's fine-structure constant), his role in the history of modern physics is not confined to atoms and quanta. Sommerfeld left his mark in the history of mathematics, fluid mechanics, a number of physical subdisciplines and, in particular, as founder of a most productive "school" (Peter Debye, Wolfgang Pauli, Werner Heisenberg, Linus Pauling and Hans Bethe were his pupils, to name only the Nobel laureates among them). This biography is to a large extent based on primary source material (correspondence, diaries, unpublished manuscripts). It should be of particular interest to students who are keen to know more about the historical roots of modern science. Sommerfeld lived through turbulent times of German history (Wilhelmian Empire, Weimar Republic, Nazi period). His life, therefore, illustrates how science and scientists perform in changing social environments. From this perspective, the biography should also attract readers with a general interest in the history of science and technology.

Arnon Avron on Semantics and Proof Theory of Non-Classical Logics (Outstanding Contributions to Logic #21)

by Ofer Arieli Anna Zamansky

This book is a collection of contributions honouring Arnon Avron’s seminal work on the semantics and proof theory of non-classical logics. It includes presentations of advanced work by some of the most esteemed scholars working on semantic and proof-theoretical aspects of computer science logic. Topics in this book include frameworks for paraconsistent reasoning, foundations of relevance logics, analysis and characterizations of modal logics and fuzzy logics, hypersequent calculi and their properties, non-deterministic semantics, algebraic structures for many-valued logics, and representations of the mechanization of mathematics.Avron’s foundational and pioneering contributions have been widely acknowledged and adopted by the scientific community. His research interests are very broad, spanning over proof theory, automated reasoning, non-classical logics, foundations of mathematics, and applications of logic in computer science and artificial intelligence. This is clearly reflected by the diversity of topics discussed in the chapters included in this book, all of which directly relate to Avron’s past and present works. This book is of interest to computer scientists and scholars of formal logic.

Around and Beyond the Square of Opposition (Studies in Universal Logic)

by Dale Jacquette Jean-Yves Béziau

The theory of oppositions based on Aristotelian foundations of logic has been pictured in a striking square diagram which can be understood and applied in many different ways having repercussions in various fields: epistemology, linguistics, mathematics, sociology, physics. The square can also be generalized in other two-dimensional or multi-dimensional objects extending in breadth and depth the original Aristotelian theory. The square of opposition from its origin in antiquity to the present day continues to exert a profound impact on the development of deductive logic. Since 10 years there is a new growing interest for the square due to recent discoveries and challenging interpretations. This book presents a collection of previously unpublished papers by high level specialists on the square from all over the world.

Around the World in Eighty Games: From Tarot to Tic-Tac-Toe, Catan to Chutes and Ladders, a Mathematician Unlocks the Secrets of the World's Greatest Games

by Marcus du Sautoy

A &“fun&” and &“unexpected&” (The Economist) global tour of the world&’s greatest games and the mathematics that underlies them Where should you move first in Connect 4? What is the best property in Monopoly? And how can pi help you win rock paper scissors? Spanning millennia, oceans and continents, countries and cultures, Around the World in Eighty Games gleefully explores how mathematics and games have always been deeply intertwined. Renowned mathematician Marcus du Sautoy investigates how games provided the first opportunities for deep mathematical insight into the world, how understanding math can help us play games better, and how both math and games are integral to human psychology and culture. For as long as there have been people, there have been games, and for nearly as long, we have been exploring and discovering mathematics. A grand adventure, Around the World in Eighty Games teaches us not just how games are won, but how they, and their math, shape who we are.

Arrival Infrastructures: Migration and Urban Social Mobilities

by Bruno Meeus Karel Arnaut Bas Van Heur

​This volume introduces a strategic interdisciplinary research agenda on arrival infrastructures. Arrival infrastructures are those parts of the urban fabric within which newcomers become entangled on arrival, and where their future local or translocal social mobilities are produced as much as negotiated. Challenging the dominance of national normativities, temporalities, and geographies of “arrival,” the authors scrutinize the position and potential of cities as transnationally embedded places of arrival. Critically interrogating conceptions of migrant arrival as oriented towards settlement and integration, the volume directs attention to much more diverse migration trajectories that shape our cities today. Each chapter examines how migrants, street-level bureaucrats, local residents, and civil society actors build—with the resources they have at hand—the infrastructures that accommodate, channel, and govern arrival.

The Arrow Impossibility Theorem

by Kenneth J. Arrow Eric Maskin Prasanta K. Pattanaik Amartya Sen Joseph E. Stiglitz

Kenneth Arrow's pathbreaking "impossibility theorem" was a watershed in the history of welfare economics, voting theory, and collective choice, demonstrating that there is no voting rule that satisfies the four desirable axioms of decisiveness, consensus, nondictatorship, and independence. In this book, Amartya Sen and Eric Maskin explore the implications of Arrow's theorem. Sen considers its ongoing utility, exploring the theorem's value and limitations in relation to recent research on social reasoning, while Maskin discusses how to design a voting rule that gets us closer to the ideal -- given that achieving the ideal is impossible. The volume also contains a contextual introduction by social choice scholar Prasanta K. Pattanaik and commentaries from Joseph E. Stiglitz and Kenneth Arrow himself, as well as essays by Sen and Maskin outlining the mathematical proof and framework behind their assertions.

The Arrow Impossibility Theorem (Kenneth J. Arrow Lecture Series)

by Amartya Sen Eric Maskin

Kenneth J. Arrow's pathbreaking "impossibility theorem" was a watershed innovation in the history of welfare economics, voting theory, and collective choice, demonstrating that there is no voting rule that satisfies the four desirable axioms of decisiveness, consensus, nondictatorship, and independence. <P><P>In this book Eric Maskin and Amartya Sen explore the implications of Arrow's theorem. Sen considers its ongoing utility, exploring the theorem's value and limitations in relation to recent research on social reasoning, and Maskin discusses how to design a voting rule that gets us closer to the ideal—given the impossibility of achieving the ideal. The volume also contains a contextual introduction by social choice scholar Prasanta K. Pattanaik and commentaries from Joseph E. Stiglitz and Kenneth J. Arrow himself, as well as essays by Maskin, Dasgupta, and Sen outlining the mathematical proof and framework behind their assertions.

Art and IR Theory: Visual Semiotic Games (Mathematics in Mind)

by Serdar Ş. Güner

This book examines the correspondence between international relations (IR) theories of structural realism and constructivism and paintings, notably the artwork of Mark Rothko and Jackson Pollock, in a game theory setting. This interdisciplinary approach, through the lens of game theory and semiotics, permits different, enriched interpretations of structural realism and constructivism. These theories constitute an axis of debate between social and systemic approaches to international politics, as well as an axis of differentiation between scientific realism and positivism as philosophies of science. As such, the interpretations explored in this book contribute to what we know about international relations, how semiotics intersect with strategic uncertainty, and explains these interactions in the proposed games model.The book’s use of game theory and semiotics generate ‘visual semiotic games’ (VSGs) that shed light on the debate axes through strategic uncertainty, interactions, and players’ interactive belief systems. VSGs will contribute to literature on experimental semiotics in the sense of players’ coordination behavior, beliefs, and artistic evaluations. The equilibria, interpreted through branches of philosophy of mind and theories of explanation, will reveal possibilities of agreement among players about which artwork representing the theory at hand is the best, opening innovative research perspectives for the discipline of IR theory.

The Art and Science of Econometrics (Routledge Studies in Economic Theory, Method and Philosophy)

by Ping Zong

Today econometrics has been widely applied in the empirical study of economics. As an empirical science, econometrics uses rigorous mathematical and statistical methods for economic problems. Understanding the methodologies of both econometrics and statistics is a crucial departure for econometrics. The primary focus of this book is to provide an understanding of statistical properties behind econometric methods. Following the introduction in Chapter 1, Chapter 2 provides the methodological review of both econometrics and statistics in different periods since the 1930s. Chapters 3 and 4 explain the underlying theoretical methodologies for estimated equations in the simple regression and multiple regression models and discuss the debates about p-values in particular. This part of the book offers the reader a richer understanding of the methods of statistics behind the methodology of econometrics. Chapters 5–9 of the book are focused on the discussion of regression models using time series data, traditional causal econometric models, and the latest statistical techniques. By concentrating on dynamic structural linear models like state-space models and the Bayesian approach, the book alludes to the fact that this methodological study is not only a science but also an art. This work serves as a handy reference book for anyone interested in econometrics, particularly in relevance to students and academic and business researchers in all quantitative analysis fields.

Art Meets Mathematics in the Fourth Dimension

by Stephen Leon Lipscomb

To see objects that live in the fourth dimension we humans would need to add a fourth dimension to our three-dimensional vision. An example of such an object that lives in the fourth dimension is a hyper-sphere or "3-sphere. " The quest to imagine the elusive 3-sphere has deep historical roots: medieval poet Dante Alighieri used a 3-sphere to convey his allegorical vision of the Christian afterlife in his Divine Comedy. In 1917, Albert Einstein visualized the universe as a 3-sphere, describing this imagery as "the place where the reader's imagination boggles. Nobody can imagine this thing. " Over time, however, understanding of the concept of a dimension evolved. By 2003, a researcher had successfully rendered into human vision the structure of a 4-web (think of an ever increasingly-dense spider's web). In this text, Stephen Lipscomb takes his innovative dimension theory research a step further, using the 4-web to reveal a new partial image of a 3-sphere. Illustrations support the reader's understanding of the mathematics behind this process. Lipscomb describes a computer program that can produce partial images of a 3-sphere and suggests methods of discerning other fourth-dimensional objects that may serve as the basis for future artwork.

The Art of Coding: The Language of Drawing, Graphics, and Animation

by Mohammad Majid al-Rifaie Anna Ursyn Theodor Wyeld

As the title suggests, this book explores the concepts of drawing, graphics and animation in the context of coding. In this endeavour, in addition to initiating the process with some historical perspectives on programming languages, it prides itself by presenting complex concepts in an easy-to-understand fashion for students, artists, hobbyists as well as those interested in computer science, computer graphics, digital media, or interdisciplinary studies. Being able to code requires abstract thinking, mathematics skills, spatial ability, logical thinking, imagination, and creativity. All these abilities can be acquired with practice, and can be mastered by practical exposure to art, music, and literature. This book discusses art, poetry and other forms of writing while pondering difficult concepts in programming; it looks at how we use our senses in the process of learning computing and programming. Features: Introduces coding in a visual way Explores the elegance behind coding and the outcome Includes types of outcomes and options for coding Covers the transition from front-of-classroom instruction to the use of online-streamed video tutorials Encourages abstract and cognitive thinking, as well as creativity The Art of Coding contains a collection of learning projects for students, instructors and teachers to select specific themes from. Problems and projects are aimed at making the learning process entertaining, while also involving social exchange and sharing. This process allows for programming to become interdisciplinary, enabling projects to be co-developed by specialists from different backgrounds, enriching the value of coding and what it can achieve. The authors of this book hail from three different continents, and have several decades of combined experience in academia, education, science and visual arts. Source Code: The source code for the book can be accessed here.

The Art of Data Analysis

by Kristin H. Jarman

A friendly and accessible approach to applying statistics in the real worldWith an emphasis on critical thinking, The Art of Data Analysis: How to Answer Almost Any Question Using Basic Statistics presents fun and unique examples, guides readers through the entire data collection and analysis process, and introduces basic statistical concepts along the way.Leaving proofs and complicated mathematics behind, the author portrays the more engaging side of statistics and emphasizes its role as a problem-solving tool. In addition, light-hearted case studies illustrate the application of statistics to real data analyses, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of commonly used techniques. Written for the growing academic and industrial population that uses statistics in everyday life, The Art of Data Analysis: How to Answer Almost Any Question Using Basic Statistics highlights important issues that often arise when collecting and sifting through data. Featured concepts include:* Descriptive statistics* Analysis of variance* Probability and sample distributions* Confidence intervals* Hypothesis tests* Regression* Statistical correlation* Data collection* Statistical analysis with graphsFun and inviting from beginning to end, The Art of Data Analysis is an ideal book for students as well as managers and researchers in industry, medicine, or government who face statistical questions and are in need of an intuitive understanding of basic statistical reasoning.

The Art of Doing Algebraic Geometry (Trends in Mathematics)

by Rita Pardini Flaminio Flamini Thomas Dedieu Claudio Fontanari Concettina Galati

This volume is dedicated to Ciro Ciliberto on the occasion of his 70th birthday and contains refereed papers, offering an overview of important parts of current research in algebraic geometry and related research in the history of mathematics. It presents original research as well as surveys, both providing a valuable overview of the current state of the art of the covered topics and reflecting the versatility of the scientific interests of Ciro Ciliberto.

The Art of Finding Hidden Risks: Hidden Regular Variation in the 21st Century

by Sidney Resnick

This text gives a comprehensive, largely self-contained treatment of multivariate heavy tail analysis. Emphasizing regular variation of measures means theory can be presented systematically and without regard to dimension. Tools are developed that allow a flexible definition of "extreme" in higher dimensions and permit different heavy tails to coexist on the same state space leading to "hidden regular variation" and "steroidal regular variation". This emphasizes when estimating risks, it is important to choose the appropriate heavy tail. Theoretical foundations lead naturally to statistical techniques; examples are drawn from risk estimation, finance, climatology and network analysis. Treatments target a broad audience in insurance, finance, data analysis, network science and probability modeling. The prerequisites are modest knowledge of analysis and familiarity with the definition of a measure; regular variation of functions is reviewed but is not a focal point.

The Art of Gluing Space-Time Manifolds: Methods and Applications (SpringerBriefs in Physics)

by Samad Khakshournia Reza Mansouri

This concise book reviews methods used for gluing space-time manifolds together. It is therefore relevant to theorists working on branes, walls, domain walls, concepts frequently used in theoretical cosmology, astrophysics, and gravity theory. Nowadays, applications are also in theoretical condensed matter physics where Riemannian geometry appears. The book also reviews the history of matching conditions between two space-time manifolds from the early times of general relativity up to now.

The Art of Logic in an Illogical World: The Art Of Logic In An Illogical World

by Eugenia Cheng

How both logical and emotional reasoning can help us live better in our post-truth worldIn a world where fake news stories change election outcomes, has rationality become futile? In The Art of Logic in an Illogical World, Eugenia Cheng throws a lifeline to readers drowning in the illogic of contemporary life. Cheng is a mathematician, so she knows how to make an airtight argument. But even for her, logic sometimes falls prey to emotion, which is why she still fears flying and eats more cookies than she should. If a mathematician can't be logical, what are we to do? In this book, Cheng reveals the inner workings and limitations of logic, and explains why alogic--for example, emotion--is vital to how we think and communicate. Cheng shows us how to use logic and alogic together to navigate a world awash in bigotry, mansplaining, and manipulative memes. Insightful, useful, and funny, this essential book is for anyone who wants to think more clearly.

The Art of Machine Learning: A Hands-On Guide to Machine Learning with R

by Norman Matloff

Learn to expertly apply a range of machine learning methods to real data with this practical guide.Packed with real datasets and practical examples, The Art of Machine Learning will help you develop an intuitive understanding of how and why ML methods work, without the need for advanced math.As you work through the book, you&’ll learn how to implement a range of powerful ML techniques, starting with the k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) method and random forests, and moving on to gradient boosting, support vector machines (SVMs), neural networks, and more.With the aid of real datasets, you&’ll delve into regression models through the use of a bike-sharing dataset, explore decision trees by leveraging New York City taxi data, and dissect parametric methods with baseball player stats. You&’ll also find expert tips for avoiding common problems, like handling &“dirty&” or unbalanced data, and how to troubleshoot pitfalls.You&’ll also explore:How to deal with large datasets and techniques for dimension reductionDetails on how the Bias-Variance Trade-off plays out in specific ML methodsModels based on linear relationships, including ridge and LASSO regressionReal-world image and text classification and how to handle time series dataMachine learning is an art that requires careful tuning and tweaking. With The Art of Machine Learning as your guide, you&’ll master the underlying principles of ML that will empower you to effectively use these models, rather than simply provide a few stock actions with limited practical use.Requirements: A basic understanding of graphs and charts and familiarity with the R programming language

The Art of Modeling in Science and Engineering with Mathematica

by null Diran Basmadjian null Ramin Farnood

Thoroughly revised and updated, The Art of Modeling in Science and Engineering with Mathematica, Second Edition explores the mathematical tools and procedures used in modeling based on the laws of conservation of mass, energy, momentum, and electrical charge. The authors have culled and consolidated the best from the first edition and

The Art of Modelling Computational Systems: Essays Dedicated to Catuscia Palamidessi on the Occasion of Her 60th Birthday (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11760)

by Mário S. Alvim Kostas Chatzikokolakis Carlos Olarte Frank Valencia

​​This Festschrift was published in honor of Catuscia Palamidessi on the occasion of her 60th birthday.It features 6 laudations, which are available in the front matter of the volume, and 25 papers by close collaborators and friends. The papers are organized in topical sections named: concurrency; logic and constraint programming; security and privacy; and models and puzzles.These contributions are a tribute to Catuscia Palamidessi’s intellectual depth, vision, passion for science, and tenacity in solving technical problems. They also reflect the breadth and impact of her work. Her scientific interests include, in chronological order, principles of programming languages, concurrency theory, security, and privacy.

The Art of Modelling the Learning Process: Uniting Educational Research and Practice (Springer Texts in Education)

by Jimmie Leppink

By uniting key concepts and methods from education, psychology, statistics, econometrics, medicine, language, and forensic science, this textbook provides an interdisciplinary methodological approach to study human learning processes longitudinally. This longitudinal approach can help to acquire a better understanding of learning processes, can inform both future learning and the revision of educational content and formats, and may help to foster self-regulated learning skills. The initial section of this textbook focuses on different types of research questions as well as practice-driven questions that may refer to groups or to individual learners. This is followed by a discussion of different types of outcome variables in educational research and practice, such as pass/fail and other dichotomies, multi-category nominal choices, ordered performance categories, and different types of quantifiable (i.e., interval or ratio level of measurement) variables. For each of these types of outcome variables, single-measurement and repeated-measurements scenarios are offered with clear examples. The book then introduces cross-sectional and longitudinal interdependence of learning-related variables through emerging network-analytic methods and in the final part the learned concepts are applied to different types of studies involving time series. The book concludes with some general guidelines to give direction to future (united) educational research and practice. This textbook is a must-have for all applied researchers, teachers and practitioners interested in (the teaching of) human learning, instructional design, assessment, life-long learning or applications of concepts and methods commonly encountered in fields such as econometrics, psychology, and sociology to educational research and practice.

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