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Renewable Energy: Paris, France, June 7-9, 2017 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #254)

by Philippe Drobinski Mathilde Mougeot Dominique Picard Riwal Plougonven Peter Tankov

Gathering selected, revised and extended contributions from the conference ‘Forecasting and Risk Management for Renewable Energy FOREWER’, which took place in Paris in June 2017, this book focuses on the applications of statistics to the risk management and forecasting problems arising in the renewable energy industry. The different contributions explore all aspects of the energy production chain: forecasting and probabilistic modelling of renewable resources, including probabilistic forecasting approaches; modelling and forecasting of wind and solar power production; prediction of electricity demand; optimal operation of microgrids involving renewable production; and finally the effect of renewable production on electricity market prices. Written by experts in statistics, probability, risk management, economics and electrical engineering, this multidisciplinary volume will serve as a reference on renewable energy risk management and at the same time as a source of inspiration for statisticians and probabilists aiming to work on energy-related problems.

Renewable Energy Utilization Using Underground Energy Systems (Lecture Notes in Energy #84)

by Paweł Ocłoń

This book discusses heat transfer in underground energy systems. It covers a wide range of important and practical topics including the modeling and optimization of underground power cable systems, modeling of thermal energy storage systems utilizing waste heat from PV panels cooling. Modeling of PV pannels with cooling. While the performance of energy systems which utilize heat transfer in the ground is not yet fully understood, this book attempts to make sense of them. It provides mathematical modeling fundaments, as well as experimental investigation for underground energy systems. The book shows detailed examples, with solution procedures. The solutions are based on the Finite Element Method and the Finite Volume Method. The book allows the reader to perform a detailed design of various underground energy systems, as well as enables them to study the economic aspects and energy efficiency of underground energy systems. Therefore, this text is of interest to researchers, students, and lecturers alike.

Renewal Processes

by Kosto V. Mitov Edward Omey

This monograph serves as an introductory text to classical renewal theory and some of its applications for graduate students and researchers in mathematics and probability theory. Renewal processes play an important part in modeling many phenomena in insurance, finance, queuing systems, inventory control and other areas. In this book, an overview of univariate renewal theory is given and renewal processes in the non-lattice and lattice case are discussed. A pre-requisite is a basic knowledge of probability theory.

Renewal Theory for Perturbed Random Walks and Similar Processes

by Alexander Iksanov

This book offers a detailed review of perturbed random walks, perpetuities, and random processes with immigration. Being of major importance in modern probability theory, both theoretical and applied, these objects have been used to model various phenomena in the natural sciences as well as in insurance and finance. The book also presents the many significant results and efficient techniques and methods that have been worked out in the last decade. The first chapter is devoted to perturbed random walks and discusses their asymptotic behavior and various functionals pertaining to them, including supremum and first-passage time. The second chapter examines perpetuities, presenting results on continuity of their distributions and the existence of moments, as well as weak convergence of divergent perpetuities. Focusing on random processes with immigration, the third chapter investigates the existence of moments, describes long-time behavior and discusses limit theorems, both with and without scaling. Chapters four and five address branching random walks and the Bernoulli sieve, respectively, and their connection to the results of the previous chapters. With many motivating examples, this book appeals to both theoretical and applied probabilists.

Renormalization Group Analysis of Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in Driven Disordered Systems (Springer Theses)

by Taiki Haga

This book investigates phase transitions and critical phenomena in disordered systems driven out of equilibrium. First, the author derives a dimensional reduction property that relates the long-distance physics of driven disordered systems to that of lower dimensional pure systems. By combining this property with a modern renormalization group technique, the critical behavior of random field spin models driven at a uniform velocity is subsequently investigated. The highlight of this book is that the driven random field XY model is shown to exhibit the Kosterlitz–Thouless transition in three dimensions. This is the first example of topological phase transitions in which the competition between quenched disorder and nonequilibrium driving plays a crucial role. The book also includes a pedagogical review of a renormalizaion group technique for disordered systems.

Renormalization Group and Fixed Points

by Timothy J Hollowood

This Brief presents an introduction to the theory of the renormalization group in the context of quantum field theories of relevance to particle physics. Emphasis is placed on gaining a physical understanding of the running of the couplings. The Wilsonian version of the renormalization group is related to conventional perturbative calculations with dimensional regularization and minimal subtraction. An introduction is given to some of the remarkable renormalization group properties of supersymmetric theories.

Repatriation Management and Competency Transfer in a Culturally Dynamic World

by Manmeet Bali Nag Firdous Ahmad Malik

This book examines the relevance of global strategic perspective, as international competition continues to intensify & gain momentum, and management of human resource remains a challenge in contemporary corporate scenario. As global business strategy requires globally competent people and implementation of global human resource systems, therefore the need to harness the multi-faceted dimensions of corporate employees is elaborated upon. This book explores cross cultural movement & interactions in International human resource management, where the theme of cross-cultural reentry remains largely neglected and underestimated in the sojourner’s transition trajectory. This book takes into account the available empirical investigations pointing to substantial concerns, affecting the psychological wellbeing, social readjustment and cultural identity of the returning individuals. This book examines the significance of re-entry as an issue of highest priority to both sojourning individuals as well as people managing the reentry transitions of travelers. In light of the unfolding knowledge revolution, the book explores the context of corporate India offering high knowledge density and rich demographic dividend. The need for companies, to harness the knowledge capital and accelerate Indians in the knowledge revolution is examined. Various factors that can influence the repatriation of an individual when back in the home country, and the challenges faced in repatriation at the individual-, team-, organizational-, and country-levels, is explored & analyzed. This book focuses on eliminating overall wastage and losses in Repatriation process, from an organizational point of view.The purview of this book encompasses the interface of Anticipatory Adjustment, Competency Transfer, Effective Repatriation and Reverse Culture Shock with Repatriates’ Adjustment, back home, and empirically analyzes the precursors and effects of the said paradigms in optimization of Repatriate talent from an organizational perspective. The purpose is to analyze the antecedents of repatriate adjustment in the mentioned context and to subsequently deliberate upon the acquired results to arrive at feasible and relevant conclusions. Optimization of Repatriate talent, and Repatriation Management from International Human Resource Management (IHRM) perspective, deserves a cross-disciplinary study of precursors effecting Repatriation Adjustment, with focus on the dimension of Indian Repatriate acculturation.

Repeated Games

by Jean-François Mertens Sylvain Sorin Shmuel Zamir

Three leading experts have produced a landmark work based on a set of working papers published by the Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE) at the Université Catholique de Louvain in 1994 under the title 'Repeated Games', which holds almost mythic status among game theorists. Jean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel Zamir have significantly elevated the clarity and depth of presentation with many results presented at a level of generality that goes far beyond the original papers - many written by the authors themselves. Numerous results are new, and many classic results and examples are not to be found elsewhere. Most remain state of the art in the literature. This book is full of challenging and important problems that are set up as exercises, with detailed hints provided for their solutions. A new bibliography traces the development of the core concepts up to the present day.

Repeated Measures Design with Generalized Linear Mixed Models for Randomized Controlled Trials (Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series)

by Toshiro Tango

Repeated Measures Design with Generalized Linear Mixed Models for Randomized Controlled Trials is the first book focused on the application of generalized linear mixed models and its related models in the statistical design and analysis of repeated measures from randomized controlled trials. The author introduces a new repeated measures design called S:T design combined with mixed models as a practical and useful framework of parallel group RCT design because of easy handling of missing data and sample size reduction. The book emphasizes practical, rather than theoretical, aspects of statistical analyses and the interpretation of results. It includes chapters in which the author describes some old-fashioned analysis designs that have been in the literature and compares the results with those obtained from the corresponding mixed models. The book will be of interest to biostatisticians, researchers, and graduate students in the medical and health sciences who are involved in clinical trials. Author Website:Data sets and programs used in the book are available at

Repetitive Motion Planning and Control of Redundant Robot Manipulators

by Yunong Zhang Zhijun Zhang

Repetitive Motion Planning and Control of Redundant Robot Manipulators presents four typical motion planning schemes based on optimization techniques, including the fundamental RMP scheme and its extensions. These schemes are unified as quadratic programs (QPs), which are solved by neural networks or numerical algorithms. The RMP schemes are demonstrated effectively by the simulation results based on various robotic models; the experiments applying the fundamental RMP scheme to a physical robot manipulator are also presented. As the schemes and the corresponding solvers presented in the book have solved the non-repetitive motion problems existing in redundant robot manipulators, it is of particular use in applying theoretical research based on the quadratic program for redundant robot manipulators in industrial situations. This book will be a valuable reference work for engineers, researchers, advanced undergraduate and graduate students in robotics fields. Yunong Zhang is a professor at The School of Information Science and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China; Zhijun Zhang is a research fellow working at the same institute.

Replacement Models with Minimal Repair

by M. Salah Ouali Lotfi Tadj Soumaya Yacout Daoud Ait-Kadi

Replacement Models with Minimal Repair is a collection of works by several well-known specialists on the subject of minimal repair in replacement policies. It gives an exhaustive list of minimal repair models for the effective planning of minimal repair and maintenance actions. Written in an engaging style, Replacement Models with Minimal Repair balances complex mathematical models with practical applications. It is divided into six parts that cover: mathematical modeling of minimal repair;preventive maintenance models and optimal scheduling of imperfect preventive maintenance activities;a new warranty servicing strategy with imperfect repair;mathematical models combining burn-in procedure and general maintenance policies;methods for parameters' estimation of minimal repair models; andproduct support.Replacement Models with Minimal Repair is for anyone with an interest in minimal repair and its impact on maintenance policies and strategies. It is a particularly useful resource for researchers, practitioners, and graduate students.

Replication and Evidence Factors in Observational Studies (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability)

by Paul Rosenbaum

Outside of randomized experiments, association does not imply causation, and yet there is nothing defective about our knowledge that smoking causes lung cancer, a conclusion reached in the absence of randomized experimentation with humans. How is that possible? If observed associations do not identify causal effects in observational studies, how can a sequence of such associations become decisive? Two or more associations may each be susceptible to unmeasured biases, yet not susceptible to the same biases. An observational study has two evidence factors if it provides two comparisons susceptible to different biases that may be combined as if from independent studies of different data by different investigators, despite using the same data twice. If the two factors concur, then they may exhibit greater insensitivity to unmeasured biases than either factor exhibits on its own. Replication and Evidence Factors in Observational Studies includes four parts: A concise introduction to causal inference, making the book self-contained Practical examples of evidence factors from the health and social sciences with analyses in R The theory of evidence factors Study design with evidence factors A companion R package evident is available from CRAN.

Replication of Chaos in Neural Networks, Economics and Physics

by Marat Akhmet Mehmet Onur Fen

This book presents detailed descriptions of chaos for continuous-time systems. It is the first-ever book to consider chaos as an input for differential and hybrid equations. Chaotic sets and chaotic functions are used as inputs for systems with attractors: equilibrium points, cycles and tori. The findings strongly suggest that chaos theory can proceed from the theory of differential equations to a higher level than previously thought. The approach selected is conducive to the in-depth analysis of different types of chaos. The appearance of deterministic chaos in neural networks, economics and mechanical systems is discussed theoretically and supported by simulations. As such, the book offers a valuable resource for mathematicians, physicists, engineers and economists studying nonlinear chaotic dynamics.

The Repopulation of New Orleans After Hurricane Katrina

by Kevin F. Mccarthy Michael Pollard D. J. Peterson Narayan Sastry

In November 2005, New Orleans city leaders asked RAND to estimate the repopulation of the city in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The Bring New Orleans Back Commission needed estimates of the city's population in the immediate and near-term future to guide the redevelopment planning process. An assessment of flood damage to housing based on the depth of floodwater and the likely pace of reconstruction of damaged housing guided the estimates.

Report of the Workshop Predictive Theoretical, Computational and Experimental Approaches for Additive Manufacturing (WAM #2016)

by Xu Guo Gengdong Cheng Wing-Kam Liu

The volume focuses on theoretical and computational approaches and involves areas such as simulation-based engineering and science, integrated computational materials engineering, mechanics, material science, manufacturing processes, and other specialized areas. Most importantly, the state-of-the-art progress in developing predictive theoretical, computational and experimental approaches for additive manufacturing is summarized.

Report on Development of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei Province

by Kui Wen Erjuan Zhu

This book mainly focuses on the status, trends and countermeasures of carrying capacity in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan region. It presents the results a comprehensive survey and systematic research on the carrying capacity of this region and its mega-cities, conducted in the hope of providing decision-making support for the governments of this region. The primary goals are to be able to actively respond to the new challenges of global climate changes and environmental resource constraints; fully practice green development concepts; and actively promote transformation in the development of the population, resources, environment, economics, society and ecology in this region.

Reporting and Publishing Research in the Biomedical Sciences: Revised Edition

by Peush Sahni Rakesh Aggarwal

This book eases the task of converting research work into a manuscript, and covers the recent developments in publishing that often stump budding researchers.Few researchers in the biomedical sciences are trained in the essential skills of reporting their results, and they seek help in writing a paper that will be acceptable for publication in the ‘right’ journal, and in presenting their results ‘effectively’ at a meeting. As well as covering the basic aspects of preparing manuscripts for publication, the book discusses best practices and issues relating to the publication of biomedical research, including topics such as peer-review, authorship, plagiarism, conflicts of interest, publication misconduct, electronic publishing and open-access journals. With more than two decades of experience in conducting workshops on writing scientific papers, the editors have brought together the expertise of 29 authors from seven countries to produce this one-stop guide to publishing research in biomedical sciences. This book is intended for young researchers who are beginning their careers and wish to hone their skills and understand the rigors of research writing and publishing.

Reporting in TFS

by Dipti Chhatrapati

This book is intended for developers, testers, architects, and project managers who want to explore and make use of the reporting facilities of Team Foundation Server 2013. Although no previous experience of reporting is required, a basic understanding of the Team Foundation Components and project templates would be a plus.

Representation Learning: Propositionalization and Embeddings

by Nada Lavrač Vid Podpečan Marko Robnik-Šikonja

This monograph addresses advances in representation learning, a cutting-edge research area of machine learning. Representation learning refers to modern data transformation techniques that convert data of different modalities and complexity, including texts, graphs, and relations, into compact tabular representations, which effectively capture their semantic properties and relations. The monograph focuses on (i) propositionalization approaches, established in relational learning and inductive logic programming, and (ii) embedding approaches, which have gained popularity with recent advances in deep learning. The authors establish a unifying perspective on representation learning techniques developed in these various areas of modern data science, enabling the reader to understand the common underlying principles and to gain insight using selected examples and sample Python code. The monograph should be of interest to a wide audience, ranging from data scientists, machine learning researchers and students to developers, software engineers and industrial researchers interested in hands-on AI solutions.

Representation Theory

by Alexander Zimmermann

Introducing the representation theory of groups and finite dimensional algebras, first studying basic non-commutative ring theory, this book covers the necessary background on elementary homological algebra and representations of groups up to block theory. It further discusses vertices, defect groups, Green and Brauer correspondences and Clifford theory. Whenever possible the statements are presented in a general setting for more general algebras, such as symmetric finite dimensional algebras over a field. Then, abelian and derived categories are introduced in detail and are used to explain stable module categories, as well as derived categories and their main invariants and links between them. Group theoretical applications of these theories are given - such as the structure of blocks of cyclic defect groups - whenever appropriate. Overall, many methods from the representation theory of algebras are introduced. Representation Theory assumes only the most basic knowledge of linear algebra, groups, rings and fields and guides the reader in the use of categorical equivalences in the representation theory of groups and algebras. As the book is based on lectures, it will be accessible to any graduate student in algebra and can be used for self-study as well as for classroom use.

Representation Theory and Harmonic Analysis of Wreath Products of Finite Groups

by Ceccherini

This book presents an introduction to the representation theory of wreath products of finite groups and harmonic analysis on the corresponding homogeneous spaces. The reader will find a detailed description of the theory of induced representations and Clifford theory, focusing on a general formulation of the little group method. This provides essential tools for the determination of all irreducible representations of wreath products of finite groups. The exposition also includes a detailed harmonic analysis of the finite lamplighter groups, the hyperoctahedral groups, and the wreath product of two symmetric groups. This relies on the generalised Johnson scheme, a new construction of finite Gelfand pairs. The exposition is completely self-contained and accessible to anyone with a basic knowledge of representation theory. Plenty of worked examples and several exercises are provided, making this volume an ideal textbook for graduate students. It also represents a useful reference for more experienced researchers.

Representation Theory and Higher Algebraic K-Theory

by null Aderemi Kuku

Representation Theory and Higher Algebraic K-Theory is the first book to present higher algebraic K-theory of orders and group rings as well as characterize higher algebraic K-theory as Mackey functors that lead to equivariant higher algebraic K-theory and their relative generalizations. Thus, this book makes computations of higher K-theory of grou

Representation Theory, Number Theory, and Invariant Theory: In Honor Of Roger Howe On The Occasion Of His 70th Birthday (Progress In Mathematics Ser. #323)

by Chen-Bo Zhu Ju-Lee Kim Jim Cogdell

This book contains selected papers based on talks given at the "Representation Theory, Number Theory, and Invariant Theory" conference held at Yale University from June 1 to June 5, 2015. The meeting and this resulting volume are in honor of Professor Roger Howe, on the occasion of his 70th birthday, whose work and insights have been deeply influential in the development of these fields. The speakers who contributed to this work include Roger Howe's doctoral students, Roger Howe himself, and other world renowned mathematicians. Topics covered include automorphic forms, invariant theory, representation theory of reductive groups over local fields, and related subjects.

Representation Theory of Finite Groups

by Martin Burrow

Concise, graduate-level exposition of the theory of finite groups, including the theory of modular representations. Topics include representation theory of rings with identity, representation theory of finite groups, applications of the theory of characters, construction of irreducible representations and modular representations. Rudiments of linear algebra and knowledge of group theory helpful prerequisites. Exercises. Bibliography. Appendix. 1965 edition.

Representation Theory of Finite Groups

by Benjamin Steinberg

This book is intended to present group representation theory at a level accessible to mature undergraduate students and beginning graduate students. This is achieved by mainly keeping the required background to the level of undergraduate linear algebra, group theory and very basic ring theory. Module theory and Wedderburn theory, as well as tensor products, are deliberately avoided. Instead, we take an approach based on discrete Fourier Analysis. Applications to the spectral theory of graphs are given to help the student appreciate the usefulness of the subject. A number of exercises are included. This book is intended for a 3rd/4th undergraduate course or an introductory graduate course on group representation theory. However, it can also be used as a reference for workers in all areas of mathematics and statistics.

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