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Statistik und maschinelles Lernen: Eine mathematische Einführung in klassische und moderne Methoden

by Mathias Trabs Moritz Jirak Konstantin Krenz Markus Reiß

Dieses Lehrbuch liefert einen Einstieg in die mathematische Statistik und baut systematisch eine Brücke zum maschinellen Lernen. Dabei werden sowohl klassische und bis heute wichtige Verfahren untersucht als auch moderne Klassifikationsmethoden des statistischen Lernens. Diese werden mathematisch präzise analysiert und anhand von lebensnahen Beispielen illustriert. Das Buch verschafft den Leserinnen und Lesern einen Überblick über statistische Methoden der Datenanalyse und deren mathematischen Grundprinzipien. Der Fokus auf nicht-asymptotische Resultate erlaubt den Zugang zu modernen Anwendungen und führt an aktuelle Forschungsfragen heran. Aufgaben am Kapitelende runden das Buch ab.

Statistische Daten erheben und auswerten für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Daniela Keller Daniela Weber

Sie müssen Arbeit mit statistischem Anteil schreiben und wissen nicht recht wie Sie vorgehen sollen, auch wenn Sie über theoretische Kenntnisse in Statistik verfügen? Dann hilft Ihnen dieses Buch. Daniela Weber und Daniela Keller erklären Ihnen Schritt für Schritt wie Sie vorgehen sollten. Sie starten mit den Fragen, die Sie sich schon zu Beginn stellen sollten, erklären dann einige Grundbegriffe und Methoden und erläutern dann wie Sie an die nötigen Daten kommen und diese schließlich auswerten. Zum Schluss erklären Ihnen die Autorinnen wie Sie Ihre Ergebnisse richtig beschreiben. So hilft Ihnen dieses Buch Ihrer Arbeit eine valide statistische Grundlage zu geben.

Statistische Hypothesentests: Bausteine der Künstlichen Intelligenz (essentials)

by Siegfried Weinmann

Dieses Essential führt über die formale Methode des statistischen Entscheidens hinaus und klärt die Frage, mit welcher Gewissheit der Ausgang eines Tests ein Problem lösen kann. Wer sich in kurzer Zeit ein Grundverständnis der Beurteilenden Statistik erwerben will, kommt an diesem Buch nicht vorbei. Es setzt am Ursprung der Stichprobentheorie an, erklärt die Bayes-Evidenzmaße des Hypothesentests und diskutiert ihre Wirksamkeit an allgemeingültigen Fällen. Der Stoff des Essentials bildet einen wissenschaftlichen Pfad zur Künstlichen Intelligenz, der dem Leser in origineller Weise den objektorientierten Entwurf eines künstlichen Entscheidungsagenten darlegt und Einblicke in den Bau von Softwarekomponenten bietet.

Statistische Testverfahren, Signifikanz und p-Werte: Allgemeine Prinzipien verstehen und Ergebnisse angemessen interpretieren (essentials)

by Irasianty Frost

Dieses essential erklärt das grundlegende Prinzip statistischer Testverfahren. Dabei stehen die Bedeutung der statistischen Signifikanz sowie des p-Wertes im Fokus. Häufig anzutreffende Fehlinterpretationen werden angesprochen. Dadurch wird ersichtlich, was ein signifikantes Ergebnis aussagt und, was es nicht aussagt. Der Leser wird somit befähigt, adäquat mit Testergebnissen umzugehen.

Statistische und mathematische Methoden in der Wirtschaft: Ein maschinen-generierter Literaturüberblick

by Vaibhavi Aher

Dieses Buch vermittelt Wissen über die statistischen und mathematischen Methoden in der Wirtschaft und beinhaltet die Themenschwerpunkte Analyse, Schätzung und Vorhersage. In jedem Kapitel gibt es ein breites Spektrum an Forschungsarbeiten, die einen Einblick über das Thema geben sowie Beispiele für die Anwendung der Ökonometrie in realen Situationen. Das Buch enthält einen systematischen Literaturüberblick auf der Grundlage maschinell generierter Inhalte. Fragen und zugehörige Schlüsselwörter wurden für die Maschine vorbereitet, die sie abgefragt, entdeckt, zusammengestellt und durch Clustering mit künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) strukturiert hat. Springer Nature hat in den letzten Jahren viel zu dem Thema in Zeitschriften veröffentlicht, so dass die Herausforderung für die Maschine darin bestand, die relevantesten Inhalte zu identifizieren und sie in einer strukturierten Weise zu präsentieren. Die automatisch generierten Literaturzusammenfassungen dienen Wissenschaftlern und Studenten, um sich einen Überblick über die aktuelle Entwicklung des Themas zu verschaffen und Forschungsfragen zu entwickeln, aber auch Personen aus der Praxis erhalten Anregungen und Impulse.

Statistische Unsicherheit in der industriellen Produktion: Grundlagen und Methoden der modernen Qualitätssicherung

by Stefan Prorok

Dieses Buch stellt statistischen Verfahren und Kennzahlen vor, um Unsicherheiten in der industriellen Produktion zu analysieren und einzuschätzen. Der Autor legt hierbei einen besonderen Fokus auf die Fallstricke der einzelnen Verfahren. Für alle im Buch vorgestellten Verfahren werden neben den mathematischen Formeln auch Auswerteblätter und Nomogrammen vorgestellt. Auf diese Weise können Anwender im Problemfall eine schnelle Bewertung der Ausgangssituation vorzunehmen.Die vorgestellten Verfahren sollen den Leser in die Lage versetzen, die Hauptquellen für Unsicherheit in Prozessen zu ermitteln. Der Einsatz statistischer Verfahren zur Definition und Wirksamkeitsprüfung von Verbesserungsmaßnahmen ist ein Kernthema dieses Buches.Das Vorgehen wird anhand praktischer Beispiele und Handlungsempfehlungen dargelegt.

Statistisches und maschinelles Lernen: Gängige Verfahren im Überblick

by Stefan Richter

Dieses Buch verschafft Ihnen einen Überblick über einige der bekanntesten Verfahren des maschinellen Lernens aus der Perspektive der mathematischen Statistik. Nach der Lektüre kennen Sie die jeweils gestellten Forderungen an die Daten sowie deren Vor- und Nachteile und sind daher in der Lage, für ein gegebenes Problem ein geeignetes Verfahren vorzuschlagen. Beweise werden nur dort ausführlich dargestellt oder skizziert, wo sie einen didaktischen Mehrwert bieten – ansonsten wird auf die entsprechenden Fachartikel verwiesen. Für die praktische Anwendung ist ein genaueres Studium des jeweiligen Verfahrens und der entsprechenden Fachliteratur nötig, zu der Sie auf Basis dieses Buchs aber schnell Zugang finden. Das Buch richtet sich an Studierende der Mathematik höheren Semesters, die bereits Vorkenntnisse in Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie besitzen. Behandelt werden sowohl Methoden des Supervised Learning und Reinforcement Learning als auch des Unsupervised Learning. Der Umfang entspricht einer einsemestrigen vierstündigen Vorlesung. Die einzelnen Kapitel sind weitestgehend unabhängig voneinander lesbar, am Ende jedes Kapitels kann das erworbene Wissen anhand von Übungsaufgaben und durch Implementierung der Verfahren überprüft werden. Quelltexte in der Programmiersprache R stehen auf der Springer-Produktseite zum Buch zur Verfügung.

The StatQuest Illustrated Guide to Machine Learning!!!: Master the concepts, one full-color picture at a time, from the basics all the way to neural networks. BAM!

by Josh Starmer PhD

With over 300 pages of easy to follow, step-by-step illustrations, everyone can understand Machine Learning from the basics to advanced topics like neural networksKey FeaturesFully illustrated in color and written in the style of a graphic novel. BAM!Every concept is taught with a very gentle learning curve. DOUBLE BAM!!Every page is labeled as Main Ideas or Details, and you can focus on one, or the other, or both. TRIPLE BAM!!!Book DescriptionMachine Learning is awesome and powerful, but it can also appear incredibly complicated. That's where The StatQuest Illustrated Guide to Machine Learning comes in. This book takes the machine learning algorithms, no matter how complicated, and breaks them down into small, bite-sized pieces that are easy to understand. Each concept is clearly illustrated to provide you, the reader, with an intuition about how the methods work that goes beyond the equations alone. The StatQuest Illustrated Guide does not dumb down the concepts. Instead, it builds you up so that you are smarter and have a deeper understanding of Machine Learning.The StatQuest Illustrated Guide to Machine Learning starts with the basics, showing you what machine learning is and what are its goals, and builds on those, one picture at a time, until you have mastered the concepts behind self driving cars and facial recognition.What you will learnMaster the fundamentals to use, optimize and evaluate machine learningDevelop an intuition for fundamental statistics conceptsApply Statistical distributions, R-squared, p-values to your ML modelsGain deep insight into the building blocks like Gradient DescentVisualize machine learning methods, including Neural NetworksLearn about the limitations of machine learningWho this book is forThe StatQuest Illustrated Guide To Machine Learning is a great starting point for anyone who wants to get into the field of Machine Learning. It also serves as the perfect reference for seasoned practitioners who need to review key concepts for an upcoming job interview.For beginners, the illustrations and step-by-step approach ensure that the learning curve is as gentle as possible.For experts, the depth each topic is explored and the visualizations ensure “I finally understand!” moments occur in each chapter.

Stats: Modeling the World (3rd edition)

by David E. Bock Paul F. Velleman Richard D. De Veaux

Stats: Modeling the World, Third Edition is written from the ground up with the understanding that statistics is practiced with technology. This insight informs everything from our choice of forms for equations (favoring intuitive forms over calculation forms) to our extensive use of real data. Most important, it allows us to focus on teaching statistical thinking rather than calculation.

Stats: Modeling the World (AP Edition, 2nd Edition)

by David E. Bock Paul F. Velleman Richard D. De Veaux

Stats: Modeling the World will help students to understand and appreciate the exciting field of statistics.

Stats: Modeling the World (1st edition)

by David E. Bock Paul F. Velleman Richard D. De Veaux

By leading with practical data analysis and graphics, the text gets students "doing statistics" quickly and "thinking statistically" from the start. This introduction to statistics is accessible to students pursuing careers in a variety of disciplines ranging from the social sciences of psychology and sociology to areas such as education, the allied health fields, business, economics, engineering, the humanities, the physical sciences, journalism, communications, and liberal arts.

Stats: Modeling The World (Fourth Edition)

by David E. Bock Paul F. Velleman Richard D. De Veaux Paul D. Velleman

Clear, accessible, and teachable, Stats: Modeling the World leads with practical data analysis and graphics to engage students and get them thinking statistically from the start. Through updated, relevant examples and data--and the authors' signature Think, Show, and Tell problem-solving method--students learn what we can find in data, why we find it interesting, and how to report it to others. The new Fourth Edition is even more engaging than previous editions, builds on the innovative features that have made the first three editions so popular, and includes revisions designed to make it even easier for students to put the concepts of statistics together in a coherent whole.

Stats: Data and Models, 4th edition

by Richard D. De Veaux Paul F. Velleman David E. Bock

With a conversational, humorous, and informal writing style, this new edition engages students from the first page. The authors focus on statistical thinking throughout the text and rely on technology for calculations. As a result, students can focus on developing their conceptual understanding. Innovative Think/Show/Tell examples give students a problem-solving framework and, more importantly, a way to think through any statistics problem and present their results.

Stats and Curiosities

by Harvard Business Review

Fascinating stats... useful tips... entertaining topics.Did you know that to make a task seem easier, all you have to do is lean back a little? Or that retail salespeople who mimic the way their customers speak and behave end up selling more?If you like stats like this, are intrigued by ideas, and find connecting the dots to be a critical part of your skill set-this book is for you.Culled from Harvard Business Review's popular newsletter, The Daily Stat, this book offers a compelling look at insights that both amuse and inform. Covering such managerial topics as teams, marketing, workplace psychology, and leadership, you'll find a wide range of business statistics and general curiosities and oddities about professional life that will add an element of trivia and humor to your learning (and will make you appear smarter than your colleagues).Highly quotable and surprisingly useful, Stats and Curiosities: From Harvard Business Review will keep you on the front lines of business research-and ahead of the pack at work.

Stats in Your World

by David E. Bock Thomas J. Mariano Paul F. Velleman Richard D. De Veaux

“This text presents Statistics as a key tool for thinking about the world. By leading with real-world examples, clear graphics, and practical data analysis, we get students "doing Statistics" quickly and "thinking statistically" right from the start. The questions that motivate our hundreds of examples and exercises highlight the wide applicability of Statistics, teach the methods and procedures of proper data analysis, and--most importantly--emphasize thinking about what the results mean. We modeled the first edition on Stats: Modeling the World, the highly successful AP® Statistics book, and have been thrilled by feedback from all sides. Teachers are delighted that students can and do learn from reading the text, and their students say (to their amazement) that they even find the book enjoyable. The book's engaging style, support for underlying math skills, and scaffolded materials that enable success for all students tie all the skills and concepts to the world we live in. In this course and with this textbook, you can say goodbye to that oft-uttered math class question, "When does anyone ever use this stuff?"!” – from the book.

Stats Means Business: Statistics and Business Analytics for Business, Hospitality and Tourism

by John Buglear Adrian Castell

Stats Means Business is an introductory and comprehensive textbook written especially for Hospitality, Business and Tourism students who take statistics or quantitative methods modules. By minimising technical language, providing clear definitions of key terms and giving emphasis to interpretation rather than technique, this book caters to beginners in the subject. This book enables readers to appreciate the importance of statistical analysis in hospitality, tourism and other fields of business, understand statistical techniques, develop judgement in the selection of appropriate statistical techniques and interpret the results of statistical analysis. This new edition has been fully revised and updated to include: New content on business analytics Case studies demonstrating practical applications An extensive selection of new self-test questions Stats Means Business is an ideal, accessible and practical introduction to statistics and quantitative research methods for Hospitality, Business and Tourism students. Visit the companion website at for bonus teaching and learning resources.

Staying Maasai?

by P. Trench Patti Kristjanson Katherine Homewood

The area of eastern Africa, which includes Tanzania and Kenya, is known for its savannas, wildlife and tribal peoples. Alongside these iconic images lie concerns about environmental degradation, declining wildlife populations, and about worsening poverty of pastoral peoples. East Africa presents in microcosm the paradox so widely seen across sub Saharan Africa, where the world's poorest and most vulnerable populations live alongside some of the world's most outstanding biodiversity resources. Over the last decade or so, community conservation has emerged as a way out of poverty and environmental problems for these rural populations, focusing on the sustainable use of wildlife to generate income that could underpin equally sustainable development. Given the enduring interest in East African wildlife, and the very large tourist income it generates, these communities and ecosystems seem a natural case for green development based on community conservation. This volume is focused on the livelihoods of the Maasai in two different countries - Kenya and Tanzania. This cross-border comparative analysis looks at what people do, why they choose to do it, with what success and with what implications for wildlife. The comparative approach makes it possible to unpack the interaction of conservation and development, to identify the main drivers of livelihoods change and the main outcomes of wildlife conservation or other land use policies, while controlling for confounding factors in these semi-arid and perennially variable systems. This synthesis draws out lessons about the successes and failures of community conservation-based approach to development in Maasailand under different national political and economic contexts and different local social and historical particularities.

Steady Aircraft Flight and Performance

by N. Harris McClamroch

This undergraduate textbook offers a unique introduction to steady flight and performance for fixed-wing aircraft from a twenty-first-century flight systems perspective. Emphasizing the interplay between mathematics and engineering, it fully explains the fundamentals of aircraft flight and develops the basic algebraic equations needed to obtain the conditions for gliding flight, level flight, climbing and descending flight, and turning flight. It covers every aspect of flight performance, including maximum and minimum air speed, maximum climb rate, minimum turn radius, flight ceiling, maximum range, and maximum endurance. Steady Aircraft Flight and Performance features in-depth case studies of an executive jet and a general aviation propeller-driven aircraft, and uses MATLAB to compute and illustrate numerous flight performance measures and flight envelopes for each. Requiring only sophomore-level calculus and physics, it also includes a section on translational flight dynamics that makes a clear connection between steady flight and flight dynamics, thereby providing a bridge to further study. Offers the best introduction to steady aircraft flight and performance Provides a comprehensive treatment of the full range of steady flight conditions Covers steady flight performance and flight envelopes, including maximum and minimum air speed, maximum climb rate, minimum turn radius, and flight ceiling Uses mathematics and engineering to explain aircraft flight Features case studies of actual aircraft, illustrated using MATLAB Seamlessly bridges steady flight and translational flight dynamics

Steady Glide Dynamics and Guidance of Hypersonic Vehicle

by Wanchun Chen Hao Zhou Wenbin Yu Liang Yang

This book presents the latest researches on hypersonic steady glide dynamics and guidance, including the concept of steady glide reentry trajectory and the stability of its regular perturbation solutions, trajectory damping control technique for hypersonic glide reentry, singular perturbation guidance of hypersonic glide reentry, trajectory optimization based on steady glide, linear pseudospectral generalized nominal effort miss distance guidance, analytical entry guidance and trajectory-shaping guidance with final speed and load factor constraints. They can be used to solve many new difficult problems in entry guidance. And many practical engineering cases are provided for the readers for better understanding. Researchers and students in the fields of flight vehicle design or flight dynamics, guidance and control could use the book as valuable reference.

The Steady Navier-Stokes System: Basics of the Theory and the Leray Problem (Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics)

by Mikhail Korobkov Konstantin Pileckas Remigio Russo

This book provides a successful solution to one of the central problems of mathematical fluid mechanics: the Leray’s problem on existence of a solution to the boundary value problem for the stationary Navier—Stokes system in bounded domains under sole condition of zero total flux. This marks the culmination of the authors' work over the past few years on this under-explored topic within the study of the Navier—Stokes equations. This book will be the first major work on the Navier—Stokes equations to explore Leray’s problem in detail. The results are presented with detailed proofs, as are the history of the problem and the previous approaches to finding a solution to it. In addition, for the reader’s convenience and for the self-sufficiency of the text, the foundations of the mathematical theory for incompressible fluid flows described by the steady state Stokes and Navier—Stokes systems are presented. For researchers in this active area, this book will be a valuable resource.

STEAM Concepts for Infants and Toddlers

by Nichole A. Baumgart Linda R. Kroll

This book is about using Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics with very young children. STEAM is an extension of the original STEM efforts to develop scientific and mathematical thinking for use in technology and engineering with the addition of the arts and the goal to support the native creativity and innovation that all children possess. This book is organized into three sections. The first section introduces the book and discusses infant and toddler learning and development in relationship to STEAM concepts. The second section (chapters 2-6) is a series of examples of STEAM curricula in infant and toddler classrooms. The final section (chapters 7-9) focuses on classroom environments and setting up a context for effective development of STEAM curricula for teachers and effective STEAM concept learning for infants and toddlers.

STEAM Teaching and Learning Through the Arts and Design: A Practical Guide for PK–12 Educators

by Debrah C. Sickler-Voigt

In this book, award-winning art educator Debrah C. Sickler-Voigt offers user-friendly, approachable strategies for STEAM planning, instruction, and assessment to help cultivate PK-12 students’ full potential, and draws from wide-ranging artists and designers to help you develop inspired, creative approaches to teaching STEAM in your classroom. Beginning with the basics and best practices of STEAM planning, instruction, and assessment, Sickler-Voigt then encourages readers to move full steam ahead with chapters based around diverse contemporary and historical artists and designers. In helping you to explore the interdisciplinary connections between Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics, Sickler-Voigt identifies strategies to build off from STEM subjects to form authentic, well-designed, and age-appropriate learning tasks that encourage your students to make deep connections and learn subject matter in context through art media and technologies. Each chapter includes flexible, choice-based classroom resources—with tips for adapting to different grade levels—and STEAM amplifiers, which fuse contextual learning on artists and designers with real-world STEAM topics to spark student learning and ignite creative approaches to planning, instruction, and assessment. Featuring 150 visually stunning, full-color images, this book fuses tried-and-true best practices with highly applicable instructional models inspired by artists and STEAM professionals, ideal for PK-12 teachers and STEAM specialists.

The Steam Team Explains: More Than 100 Amazing Science Facts

by Robert Winston

Have you ever wondered what makes electricity? Or what's inside an atom? Or how high the Moon really is? Or what light is made of and why you need it?The STEAM team provides all the answers in this colorful, fact-packed, and informative book, explaining more than 100 key STEAM concepts in a clear way that will appeal to children aged five and above.This is the perfect visual introduction to the key concepts children need to know about all things STEAM. Each topic is explained using illustrated characters that represent science, technology, engineering, art, and maths. The second book in The STEAM Team series, The STEAM Team Explains is an essential read for young STEAM fans.

Steck-Vaughn Mathematical Reasoning: Test Preparation For The 2014 GED Test: Student Book

by Paxen Learning Corporation Staff

"Algebraic problem solving, quantitative problem solving, mathematical practices"--Cover.

Steck-Vaughn Working With Numbers: Level D

by Steck-Vaughn Staff

<p>Working With Numbers: Level D <p>A best-selling classic, Working with Numbers is a straightforward series offering solid coverage and extra practice for grade-level math-skills an ideal alternative curriculum for struggling students or those requiring remediation</p>

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