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Selbstwirksamkeit, Leistung und Calibration in Mathematik: Eine Studie zum Einfluss von Aufgabenmerkmalen und Feedback zu Studienbeginn (Studien zur Hochschuldidaktik und zum Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien in der Mathematik und in der Statistik)
by Angela LagingDie vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich dem Problem der Selbsteinschätzung, insbesondere Überschätzung, in Mathematik bei Studienanfängerinnen. Die quantitative Studie untersucht den Einfluss von Aufgabenmerkmalen und Feedback auf die mathematische Leistung, Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung und Calibration bei Studienanfänger/innen wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Studiengänge. Die Untersuchungen zeigen, dass vor allem Aufgabenmerkmale wie die curriculare Wissensstufe und der Bearbeitungsumfang die Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung und die tatsächlich erbrachte Leistung auf unterschiedliche Weise beeinflussen. Innerhalb des ersten Studiensemesters verändern sich bei der untersuchten Kohorte Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung und Leistung, wodurch eine deutliche Reduzierung der Selbstüberschätzung erreicht wurde. Inwieweit das Feedback dazu beigetragen hat, kann methodisch bedingt nicht eindeutig festgestellt werden. Die Autorin Angela Laging ist Lehrerin für Mathematik und Kunst an einem Gymnasium.
Select Topics in Signal Analysis
by Harish ParthasarathyThis book developed from a course given by the author to undergraduate and postgraduate students. It takes up Matrix Theory, Antenna Theory, and Probability Theory in detail. The first chapter on matrix theory discusses in reasonable depth the theory of Lie Algebras leading upto Cartan’s Classification Theory. It also discusses some basic elements of Functional Analysis and Operator Theory in infinite dimensional Banach and Hilbert spaces. The second chapter discusses Basic Probability Theory and the topics discussed find applications to Stochastic Filtering Theory for differential equations driven by white Gaussian noise. The third chapter is on Antenna Theory with a focus on Modern Quantum Antenna Theory. The book will be a valuable resource to students and early career researchers in the field of Mathametical Physics.
Selected Applications of Convex Optimization
by Li LiThis book focuses on the applications of convex optimization and highlights several topics, including support vector machines, parameter estimation, norm approximation and regularization, semi-definite programming problems, convex relaxation, and geometric problems. All derivation processes are presented in detail to aid in comprehension. The book offers concrete guidance, helping readers recognize and formulate convex optimization problems they might encounter in practice.
Selected Areas in Cryptography – SAC 2018: 25th International Conference, Calgary, AB, Canada, August 15–17, 2018, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11349)
by Carlos Cid Michael J. Jacobson Jr.This book contains revised selected papers from the 25th International Conference on Selected Areas in Cryptography, SAC 2018, held in Calgary, AB, Canada in August 2018. The 22 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 57 submissions. They cover the following research areas:design and analysis of symmetric key primitives and cryptosystems, including block and stream ciphers, hash functions, MAC algorithms, and authenticated encryption schemesefficient implementations of symmetric and public key algorithmsmathematical and algorithmic aspects of applied cryptologycryptography for the Internet of Things
Selected Articles from the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Applications: ICANA 2024; 10-12 July, Amaravati, India (Springer Proceedings in Physics #413)
by Yogendra Kumar Mishra Giribabu Lingamallu Tufan GhoshThis book comprises selected articles from the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Applications (ICANA 2024) held from 10 to 12 July at Amaravati in India. It presents recent developments in the fields of nanoscale sciences. The topics covered in this book include energy storage and conversion, bio- and healthcare materials, sensors and actuators, functional materials, optical materials, and computational and simulation methods. This book is useful for researchers and professionals working in the various fields of nano- and material science.
Selected Aspects of Fractional Brownian Motion
by Ivan NourdinFractional Brownian motion (fBm) is a stochastic process which deviates significantly from Brownian motion and semimartingales, and others classically used in probability theory. As a centered Gaussian process, it is characterized by the stationarity of its increments and a medium- or long-memory property which is in sharp contrast with martingales and Markov processes. FBm has become a popular choice for applications where classical processes cannot model these non-trivial properties; for instance long memory, which is also known as persistence, is of fundamental importance for financial data and in internet traffic. The mathematical theory of fBm is currently being developed vigorously by a number of stochastic analysts, in various directions, using complementary and sometimes competing tools. This book is concerned with several aspects of fBm, including the stochastic integration with respect to it, the study of its supremum and its appearance as limit of partial sums involving stationary sequences, to name but a few. The book is addressed to researchers and graduate students in probability and mathematical statistics. With very few exceptions (where precise references are given), every stated result is proved.
Selected Contributions on Statistics and Data Science in Latin America: 33 FNE and 13 CLATSE, 2018, Guadalajara, Mexico, October 1−5 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #301)
by Isadora Antoniano-Villalobos Ramsés H. Mena Manuel Mendoza Lizbeth Naranjo Luis E. Nieto-BarajasThe volume includes a collection of peer-reviewed contributions from among those presented at the main conference organized yearly by the Mexican Statistical Association (AME) and every two years by a Latin-American Confederation of Statistical Societies. For the 2018 edition, particular attention was placed on the analysis of highly complex or large data sets, which have come to be known as “big data”. Statistical research in Latin America is prolific and research networks span within and outside the region. The goal of this volume is to provide access to selected works from Latin-American collaborators and their research networks to a wider audience. New methodological advances, motivated in part by the challenges of a data-driven world and the Latin American context, will be of interest to academics and practitioners around the world.
Selected Exercises in Algebra: Volume 1 (UNITEXT #119)
by Rocco Chirivì Roberto Dvornicich Ilaria Del CorsoThis book, the first of two volumes, contains over 250 selected exercises in Algebra which have featured as exam questions for the Arithmetic course taught by the authors at the University of Pisa. Each exercise is presented together with one or more solutions, carefully written with consistent language and notation. A distinguishing feature of this book is the fact that each exercise is unique and requires some creative thinking in order to be solved. The themes covered in this volume are: mathematical induction, combinatorics, modular arithmetic, Abelian groups, commutative rings, polynomials, field extensions, finite fields. The book includes a detailed section recalling relevant theory which can be used as a reference for study and revision. A list of preliminary exercises introduces the main techniques to be applied in solving the proposed exam questions. This volume is aimed at first year students in Mathematics and Computer Science.
The Selected Models of the Mesostructure of Composites: Percolation, Clusters, Force Fields (SpringerBriefs in Physics)
by Alexander HeregaThis book presents the role of mesostructure on the properties of composite materials. A complex percolation model is developed for the material structure containing percolation clusters of phases and interior boundaries. Modeling of technological cracks and the percolation in the Sierpinski carpet are described. The interaction of mesoscopic interior boundaries of the material, including the fractal nature of interior boundaries, the oscillatory nature of it interaction and also the stochastic model of the interior boundaries’ interaction, the genesis, structure, and properties are discussed. One of part of the book introduces the percolation model of the long-range effect which is based on the notion on the multifractal clusters with transforming elements, and the theorem on the field interaction of multifractals is described. In addition small clusters, their characteristic properties and the criterion of stability are presented.
Selected Payout Products of the Old-Age Pension Saving Scheme (SpringerBriefs in Statistics)
by Jana Špirková Igor Kollár Gábor Szűcs Pavel ZimmermannThis book discusses the payout phase of the old-age pension saving scheme, the so-called effective premium, and offers detailed actuarial models and analyses of five old-age pension saving products used in practice. These include the basic permanent monthly annuity, without any benefits for survivors, as well as products which, in addition, also include benefits for survivors or authorized persons in the event of the pensioner’s death. The purpose of the book is to point out the method of determining future old-age pensions from old-age pension savings, and to present the advantages and disadvantages of such a pension. The book also emphasizes the role of the profitability testing of the products and answers questions concerning the effectiveness of old-age pension savings and insurance. The book is primarily intended for students of actuarial and financial mathematics and future economists.
Selected Problems of Solid Mechanics and Solving Methods (Advanced Structured Materials #204)
by Alexander Ya. Grigorenko Holm Altenbach Victor A. Eremeyev Vladimir M. Nazarenko Viacheslav Bogdanov Roman M. KushnirThis book examines new approaches for the estimation of errors in approximate theories. Numerical and analytical methods in mechanics often require the establishment of a set of basic equations, and various approaches exist to create approximate theories from them. The problem is that nobody knows the boundaries of the estimation of errors in approximate theories. This book presents new approaches to overcome this problem and to provide the reader with suitable methods for the relevant field, including a representation of different scientific schools and different countries. These new methods are helping to solve many problems not only in analytical Mechanics but also in Physics, Mathematics, and Civil Engineering.
Selected Regular Lectures from the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education
by Sung Je ChoThis book comprises the full selected Regular Lectures from the Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-12), which was held at COEX in Seoul, Korea, from July 8th to 15th, 2012. ICME-12 brought together 4700 experts from 100 countries, working to understand all of the intellectual and attitudinal challenges in the subject of mathematics education as a multidisciplinary research and practice. These selected Regular Lectures present the work of fifty-one prominent mathematics educators from all over the globe. The Lectures cover a wide spectrum of topics, themes and issues and aim to give direction to future research towards educational improvement in the teaching and learning of mathematics education. This book is of particular interest to researchers, teachers and curriculum developers in mathematics education.
Selected Research Papers: L.S Pontryagin Select Works Volume 1
by R. V. GamkrelidzeAmong the finest achievements in modern mathematics are two of L.S. Pontryagin's most notable contributions: Pontryagin duality and his general theory of characters of a locally compact commutative group. This book, the first in a four-volume set, contains the most important papers of this eminent mathematician, those which have influenced many generations of mathematicians worldwide. They chronicle the development of his work in many areas, from his early efforts in homology groups, duality theorems, and dimension theory to his later achievements in homotopic topology and optimal control theory. On 3 September 1983 Lev Semenovich Pontryagin was seventy-five. To mark this important event in the life of this outstanding contemporary mathematician we are beginning the publication of his scientific works in four volumes, according to a decision taken by the Mathematics Division of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The first volume contains the most important mathematical papers of L. S. Pontryagin and also includes a bibliography of his basic scientific works, the second is his well-known monograph Topological Groups, the third comprises two monographs, Foundations of Algebraic Topology and Smooth Manifolds and Their Applications in Homotopy Theory, and the fourth is a revised edition of The Mathematical Theory of Optimal Processes by L. S. Pontryagin, V. G. Boltyanskii, R. V. Gamkrelidze, and E. F. Mishchenko.
Selected Special Functions for Fundamental Physics (SpringerBriefs in Physics)
by Valeriya Akhmedova Emil T. AkhmedovThis book presents calculation methods that are used in both mathematical and theoretical physics. These methods will allow readers to work with selected special functions and more generally with differential equations, which are the most frequently used in quantum mechanics, theory of relativity and quantum field theory. The authors explain various approximation methods used to solve differential equations and to estimate integrals. They also address the basics of the relations between differential equations, special functions and representation theory of some of the simplest algebras on the one hand, and fundamental physics on the other. Based on a seminar for graduate physics students, the book offers a compact and quick way to learn about special functions. To gain the most from it, readers should be familiar with the basics of calculus, linear algebra, and complex analysis, as well as the basic methods used to solve differential equations and calculate integrals.
Selected Topics in Malliavin Calculus: Chaos, Divergence and So Much More (Bocconi And Springer Ser. #10)
by Laurent DecreusefondThis book is not a research monograph about Malliavin calculus with the latest results and the most sophisticated proofs. It does not contain all the results which are known even for the basic subjects which are addressed here. The goal was to give the largest possible variety of proof techniques. For instance, we did not focus on the proof of concentration inequality for functionals of the Brownian motion, as it closely follows the lines of the analog result for Poisson functionals. This book grew from the graduate courses I gave at Paris-Sorbonne and Paris-Saclay universities, during the last few years. It is supposed to be as accessible as possible for students who have knowledge of Itô calculus and some rudiments of functional analysis.
Selected Topics in Mathematical Analysis: Real Number System – Recurrences – Asymptotic Analysis – Integration in Finite Terms (Birkhäuser Advanced Texts Basler Lehrbücher)
by Liviu C. FlorescuThis book presents four topics related to undergraduate courses, typically not covered in standard lectures. Written in a clear and careful style, these four “pearls” aim at complementing and deepening the knowledge of students and instructors by presenting a variety of techniques and useful methods. The first chapter provides a detailed discussion of real numbers, the foundation of any mathematical construction. Chapter two of the book is dedicated to the study of sequences defined by recurrence relations. The third chapter explores certain problems in asymptotic analysis, and the final chapter of the book discusses mathematical results related to “Integration in Finite Terms”. Each chapter of the book is accompanied by its respective bibliography. The book is intended for readers with a level of maturity typically attained after completing a bachelor’s degree in mathematics.
Selected Topics in Probabilistic Safety Assessment: Methodology and Practice in Nuclear Power Plants (Topics in Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality #38)
by Dan Serbanescu Anatoli Paul UlmeanuProbabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) is a structured, comprehensive, and logical analysis method aimed at identifying and assessing risks in complex technological systems, such as the nuclear power plants. It is also known as probabilistic risk assessment – PRA. This book presents the theoretical basis to understand the numerous and complex aspects that are covered by PSA and it will help the reader to better understand and to effectively manage risks. The book provides PSA methods and techniques and it includes recommended procedures that are based on the experience of the authors and applicable to different levels and types of PSA that are used for nuclear power plants applications. It can be used as extra reading for PSA courses for practitioners and it provides quantitative risk methodology documentation for PSA.
Selected Topics in Statistical Inference: Theory and Applications
by Manisha Pal Bikas K. SinhaThis book focuses exclusively on the domain of parametric inference and that, too, from a reader’s perspective, i.e., covering only point estimation of parameter(s). It covers those topics in parametric inference which need clarity of exposure to students, researchers, and teachers alike; mere statements of theorems and proofs may not always reveal the inner beauty and significance of some aspects of inference. To ensure clarity, the book discusses the following topics at an advanced level—(1) sequential (unbiased) point estimation of ‘p’ and its functions; generalization to trinomial and tetranomial populations; (2) some aspects of the use of additional resources in finite population inference; (3) the concept of sufficiency vis-à-vis the notion of sufficient experiments and comparison of experiments; (4) estimation of the size of a finite population with special features; and (5) unbiased estimation of reliability in exponential samples and other settings. This book provides a platform for thought-provoking, creative, and challenging discussions on a variety of topics in statistical estimation theory, it is also ideal for research methodology course for statistics research scholars, and for clarification of basic ideas in topics discussed at basic/advanced levels.
Selected Topics in the Classical Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable (Dover Books on Mathematics)
by Maurice HeinsElegant and concise, this text is geared toward advanced undergraduate students acquainted with the theory of functions of a complex variable. The treatment presents such students with a number of important topics from the theory of analytic functions that may be addressed without erecting an elaborate superstructure. These include some of the theory's most celebrated results, which seldom find their way into a first course. After a series of preliminaries, the text discusses properties of meromorphic functions, the Picard theorem, and harmonic and subharmonic functions. Subsequent topics include applications and the boundary behavior of the Riemann mapping function for simply connected Jordan regions. The book concludes with a helpful Appendix containing information on Lebesgue's theorem and other topics.
Selected Unsolved Problems in Coding Theory (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)
by Jon-Lark Kim David JoynerUsing an original mode of presentation, and emphasizing the computational nature of the subject, this book explores a number of the unsolved problems that still exist in coding theory. A well-established and highly relevant branch of mathematics, the theory of error-correcting codes is concerned with reliably transmitting data over a 'noisy' channel. Despite frequent use in a range of contexts, the subject still contains interesting unsolved problems that have resisted solution by some of the most prominent mathematicians of recent decades. Employing Sage--a free open-source mathematics software system--to illustrate ideas, this book is intended for graduate students and researchers in algebraic coding theory. The work may be used as supplementary reading material in a graduate course on coding theory or for self-study.
Selected Works of Peter J. Bickel
by C.F. Jeff Wu Jianqing Fan Ya'Acov RitovThis volume presents selections of Peter J. Bickel's major papers, along with comments on their novelty and impact on the subsequent development of statistics as a discipline. Each of the eight parts concerns a particular area of research and provides new commentary by experts in the area. The parts range from Rank-Based Nonparametrics to Function Estimation and Bootstrap Resampling. Peter's amazing career encompasses the majority of statistical developments in the last half-century or about about half of the entire history of the systematic development of statistics. This volume shares insights on these exciting statistical developments with future generations of statisticians. The compilation of supporting material about Peter's life and work help readers understand the environment under which his research was conducted. The material will also inspire readers in their own research-based pursuits. This volume includes new photos of Peter Bickel, his biography, publication list, and a list of his students. These give the reader a more complete picture of Peter Bickel as a teacher, a friend, a colleague, and a family man.
Selected Works of Terry Speed
by Sandrine DudoitThe purpose of this volume is to provide an overview of Terry Speed's contributions to statistics and beyond. Each of the fifteen chapters concerns a particular area of research and consists of a commentary by a subject-matter expert and selection of representative papers. The chapters, organized more or less chronologically in terms of Terry's career, encompass a wide variety of mathematical and statistical domains, along with their application to biology and medicine. Accordingly, earlier chapters tend to be more theoretical, covering some algebra and probability theory, while later chapters concern more recent work in genetics and genomics. The chapters also span continents and generations, as they present research done over four decades, while crisscrossing the globe. The commentaries provide insight into Terry's contributions to a particular area of research, by summarizing his work and describing its historical and scientific context, motivation, and impact. In addition to shedding light on Terry's scientific achievements, the commentaries reveal endearing aspects of his personality, such as his intellectual curiosity, energy, humor, and generosity.
Selection Tests in Number Theory for Mathematical Olympiads (Problem Books in Mathematics)
by Corneliu Mănescu-AvramThis book gathers carefully chosen selection tests proposed to IMO (International Mathematical Olympiad) teams across many countries. Offering a blend of original solutions and adaptations by the author, this work is chronologically organized and provides a unique insight into the evolution of this mathematical contest. The proposed problems touch on topics such as the Chinese remainder theorem, Diophantine equations, Fermat's theorem, Euler's theorem, perfect squares, sequences of integers, and Pythagorean triples, to name a few. A meticulously crafted index helps the reader navigate through the topics with ease. This book serves as an invaluable preparation tool for both aspiring students and those passionate about mathematics alike.
Self-adjoint Extensions in Quantum Mechanics
by I. V. Tyutin D. M. Gitman B. L. VoronovThis exposition is devoted to a consistent treatment of quantization problems, based on appealing to some nontrivial items of functional analysis concerning the theory of linear operators in Hilbert spaces. The authors begin by considering quantization problems in general, emphasizing the nontriviality of consistent operator construction by presenting paradoxes to the naive treatment. It then builds the necessary mathematical background following it by the theory of self-adjoint extensions. By considering several problems such as the one-dimensional Calogero problem, the Aharonov-Bohm problem, the problem of delta-like potentials and relativistic Coulomb problemIt then shows how quantization problems associated with correct definition of observables can be treated consistently for comparatively simple quantum-mechanical systems. In the end, related problems in quantum field theory are briefly introduced. This well-organized text is most suitable for students and post graduates interested in deepening their understanding of mathematical problems in quantum mechanics. However, scientists in mathematical and theoretical physics and mathematicians will also find it useful.
Self-Controlled Case Series Studies: A Modelling Guide with R (Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series)
by Paddy Farrington Heather Whitaker Yonas Ghebremichael WeldeselassieSelf-Controlled Case Series Studies: A Modelling Guide with R provides the first comprehensive account of the self-controlled case series (SCCS) method, a statistical technique for investigating associations between outcome events and time-varying exposures. The method only requires information from individuals who have experienced the event of interest, and automatically controls for multiplicative time-invariant confounders, even when these are unmeasured or unknown. It is increasingly being used in epidemiology, most frequently to study the safety of vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs. Key features of the book include: A thorough yet accessible description of the SCCS method, with mathematical details provided in separate starred sections. Comprehensive discussion of assumptions and how they may be verified. A detailed account of different SCCS models, extensions of the SCCS method, and the design of SCCS studies. Extensive practical illustrations and worked examples from epidemiology. Full computer code from the associated R package SCCS, which includes all the data sets used in the book. The book is aimed at a broad range of readers, including epidemiologists and medical statisticians who wish to use the SCCS method, and also researchers with an interest in statistical methodology. The three authors have been closely involved with the inception, development, popularisation and programming of the SCCS method.