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Strategieentwicklung mit Design Thinking: Mit Innovation zu Wettbewerbsvorteilen

by Claude Diderich

In diesem Buch wird die Anwendung der Design-Thinking-Methode zur Entwicklung von neuartigen Strategien und neuer Geschäftsideen dargestellt. Neue Strategien sind nötig, da die wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen sich in den letzten Jahren schneller verändert haben als jemals zuvor. Der Fokus liegt auf dem Erfüllen von Kundenbedürfnissen, dem Einsatz von verfügbaren Fähigkeiten und der Positionierung im Wettbewerb mit dem Ziel, finanziell erfolgreich zu sein.Der Autor führt den Leser durch den Dschungel der Entwicklung einer Strategie für nachhaltiges Wachstum und Rentabilität. Er behandelt das Thema Strategieentwicklung auf ganzheitliche Art und Weise, indem er abduktives Denken, iterative Kundenbeobachtung und Empathie mit der Entwicklung von Ideen und Validierung von Prototypen durch Kunden kombiniert.Dieses Buch wendet die Design-Thinking-Methode zur Strategieentwicklung auf einzigartige Weise an. Es ist ein Muss für Hochschulabsolventen, MBAs und Führungskräfte, die sich für Innovation und Strategie interessieren, sowie für Strategen, Innovationsmanager, Analysten und Unternehmensberater.Aus dem InhaltKonzepte und Theorien zur innovativen StrategieentwicklungEin strukturierter Ansatz zur StrategieentwicklungSchaffung der Grundlagen für eine erfolgreiche StrategieIterative Entwicklung des der Strategie zugrunde liegenden GeschäftsmodellsDie entworfene Strategie dem Wettbewerbsumfeld aussetzen

Strategies and Games, second edition: Theory and Practice

by Prajit K. Dutta Wouter Vergote

The new edition of a widely used introduction to game theory and its applications, with a focus on economics, business, and politics.This widely used introduction to game theory is rigorous but accessible, unique in its balance between the theoretical and the practical, with examples and applications following almost every theory-driven chapter. In recent years, game theory has become an important methodological tool for all fields of social sciences, biology and computer science. This second edition of Strategies and Games not only takes into account new game theoretical concepts and applications such as bargaining and matching, it also provides an array of chapters on game theory applied to the political arena. New examples, case studies, and applications relevant to a wide range of behavioral disciplines are now included. The authors map out alternate pathways through the book for instructors in economics, business, and political science. The book contains four parts: strategic form games, extensive form games, asymmetric information games, and cooperative games and matching. Theoretical topics include dominance solutions, Nash equilibrium, Condorcet paradox, backward induction, subgame perfection, repeated and dynamic games, Bayes-Nash equilibrium, mechanism design, auction theory, signaling, the Shapley value, and stable matchings. Applications and case studies include OPEC, voting, poison pills, Treasury auctions, trade agreements, pork-barrel spending, climate change, bargaining and audience costs, markets for lemons, and school choice. Each chapter includes concept checks and tallies end-of-chapter problems. An appendix offers a thorough discussion of single-agent decision theory, which underpins game theory.

Strategies for Developing Mathematics Skills in Students who Use Braille

by Gaylen Kapperman

Strategies for Developing Mathematics Skills in Students who Use Braille

Strategies for Social Inquiry: Behind the Model

by Peter Spiegler

This ambitious book looks 'behind the model' to reveal how economists use formal models to generate insights into the economy. Drawing on recent work in the philosophy of science and economic methodology, the book presents a novel framework for understanding the logic of economic modeling. It also reveals the ways in which economic models can mislead rather than illuminate. Importantly, the book goes beyond purely negative critique, proposing a concrete program of methodological reform to better equip economists to detect potential mismatches between their models and the targets of their inquiry. Ranging across economics, philosophy, and social science methods, and drawing on a variety of examples, including the recent financial crisis, Behind the Model will be of interest to anyone who has wondered how economics works - and why it sometimes fails so spectacularly.

Strategies for Teaching Fractions: Using Error Analysis for Intervention and Assessment

by David B. Spangler

Any way you slice it, fractions are foundational Many students struggle with fractions and must understand them before learning higher-level math. Veteran educator David B. Spangler describes powerful diagnostic methods for error analysis that pinpoint specific student misconceptions and supplies specific intervention strategies and activities for each error pattern. Aligned with NCTM and Common Core State Standards, the research-based, targeted interventions for each error pattern promoted teaching for conceptual understanding. Practical materials include: Reproducibles for diagnostic tests Practice pages for exercises keyed to the diagnostic tests and error patterns Teacher resources for hands-on activities, game sheets and pieces, and more

Strategies for Teaching Whole Number Computation: Using Error Analysis for Intervention and Assessment

by David B. Spangler

Through error analysis and targeted instruction, you can uncover students' misconceptions in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division and help students understand and correct their own mistakes!

Strategies to Achieve Mathematics Success (STAMS Series G)

by Curriculum Associates

Target your individualized instruction on essential math skills based on results from the CAMS Series. The new Strategies to Achieve Mathematics Success (STAMS) helps educators teach key foundational math skills and concepts for each grade and provide explicit instruction to thoroughly address grade-level NCTM Focal Points and Connections.

Strategieverwendung bei der Multiplikation zweistelliger Zahlen: Eine Untersuchung mithilfe von Rechenweganalysen unter Berücksichtigung auftretender Fehler

by Sophia Kaun

Das Verstehen und Beherrschen der Multiplikation gehört zu den zentralen Kompetenzen, die Schüler und Schülerinnen am Ende der Grundschule erreicht haben sollen. In dieser Arbeit wird eine empirische Studie vorgestellt, die Lösungswege bei der Multiplikation zweistelliger Zahlen erfasst und die Strategieverwendung unter Berücksichtigung auftretender Fehler untersucht. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurden Rechenstrategien und Fehler bei der Bearbeitung von Multiplikationsaufgaben zweistelliger Zahlen umfassend kategorisiert und ausgewertet. Dafür wurden etwa 10.000 Lösungswege von 2000 Kindern zu Beginn der 5. Jahrgangstufe mittels einer schriftlichen Befragung erhoben.

Strategy and Game Theory: Practice Exercises with Answers (Springer Texts in Business and Economics)

by Felix Munoz-Garcia Daniel Toro-Gonzalez

This textbook presents worked-out exercises on game theory with detailed step-by-step explanations. While most textbooks on game theory focus on theoretical results, this book focuses on providing practical examples in which students can learn to systematically apply theoretical solution concepts to different fields of economics and business. The text initially presents games that are required in most courses at the undergraduate level and gradually advances to more challenging games appropriate for graduate level courses. The first six chapters cover complete-information games, separately analyzing simultaneous-move and sequential-move games, with applications in industrial economics, law, and regulation. Subsequent chapters dedicate special attention to incomplete information games, such as signaling games, cheap talk games, and equilibrium refinements, emphasizing common steps and including graphical illustrations to focus students’ attention on the most relevant payoff comparisons at each point of the analysis. In addition, exercises are ranked according to their difficulty, with a letter (A-C) next to the exercise number. This allows students to pace their studies and instructors to structure their classes accordingly. By providing detailed worked-out examples, this text gives students at various levels the tools they need to apply the tenets of game theory in many fields of business and economics. The second edition of the text has been revised to provide additional exercises at the introductory and intermediate level, expanding the scope of the book to be appropriate for upper undergraduate students looking to improve their understanding of the subject. The second edition also includes a new chapter devoted entirely to cheap talk games. Revised to appeal to a larger audience of instructors and students, this text is appropriate for introductory-to-intermediate courses in game theory at the upper undergraduate and graduate levels.

Strategy and Game Theory: Practice Exercises With Answers (Springer Texts in Business and Economics)

by Daniel Toro-Gonzalez Felix Munoz-Garcia

This textbook presents worked-out exercises on game theory with detailed step-by-step explanations. While most textbooks on game theory focus on theoretical results, this book focuses on providing practical examples in which students can learn to systematically apply theoretical solution concepts to different fields of economics and business. The text initially presents games that are required in most courses at the undergraduate level and gradually advances to more challenging games appropriate for masters level courses. The first six chapters cover complete-information games, separately analyzing simultaneous-move and sequential-move games, with applications in industrial economics, law, and regulation. Subsequent chapters dedicate special attention to incomplete information games, such as signaling games, cheap talk games, and equilibrium refinements, emphasizing common steps and including graphical illustrations to focus students' attention on the most relevant payoff comparisons at each point of the analysis. In addition, exercises are ranked according to their difficulty, with a letter (A-C) next to the exercise number. This allows students to pace their studies and instructors to structure their classes accordingly. By providing detailed worked-out examples, this text gives students at various levels the tools they need to apply the tenets of game theory in many fields of business and economics. This text is appropriate for introductory-to-intermediate courses in game theory at the upper undergraduate and master's level.

Strategy and Politics: An Introduction to Game Theory

by Emerson Niou Peter C. Ordeshook

Strategy and Politics: An Introduction to Game Theory is designed to introduce students with no background in formal theory to the application of game theory to modeling political processes. This accessible text covers the essential aspects of game theory while keeping the reader constantly in touch with why political science as a whole would benefit from considering this method. Examining the very phenomena that power political machineries—elections, legislative and committee processes, and international conflict, the book attempts to answer fundamental questions about their nature and function in a clear, accessible manner. Included at the end of each chapter is a set of exercises designed to allow students to practice the construction and analysis of political models. Although the text assumes only an elementary-level training in algebra, students who complete a course around this text will be equipped to read nearly all of the professional literature that makes use of game theoretic analysis.

A Strategy for Using Multicriteria Analysis in Decision-Making: A Guide for Simple and Complex Environmental Projects

by Nolberto Munier

This book develops a whole strategy for decision-making, with the full participation of the decision-maker and utilizing continuous feedback. It introduces the use of the very well-known and proven methodology, linear programming, but specially adapted for this purpose. For this, it incorporates a method to include subjective concepts, as well as the possibility of working with many different and even contradictory objectives. The book is liberally populated with diverse case studies to illustrate the concepts. This practical guide will be of interest to anyone undertaking analysis and decision-making, on both simple and complex projects, and who is looking for a strategy to organize, classify, and evaluate the large amount of information required to make an informed decision. The strategy includes methods to analyze the results and extract conclusions from them.

The Strategy of Conflict

by Thomas C. Schelling

The text opens to rational analysis a crucial field of politics, the international politics of threat, or as the current term goes, of deterrence.

Stream-Tube Method: A Complex-Fluid Dynamics and Computational Approach

by Jean-Robert Clermont Amine Ammar

This book presents the stream-tube method (STM), a method offering computational means of dealing with the two- and three-dimensional properties of numerous incompressible materials in static and dynamic conditions. The authors show that the kinematics and stresses associated with the flow and deformation in such materials can be treated by breaking the system down into simple computational sub-domains in which streamlines are straight and parallel and using one or two mapping functions in steady-state and non-steady-state conditions.The STM is considered for various problems in non-Newtonian fluid mechanics with different geometries. The book makes use of examples and applications to illustrate the use of the STM. It explores the possibilities of computation on simple mapped rectangular domains and three-dimensional parallel-piped domains under different conditions. Complex materials with memory are considered simply without particle tracking problems.Readers, including researchers, engineers and graduate students, with a foundational knowledge of calculus, linear algebra, differential equations and fluid mechanics will benefit most greatly from this book.

Street-Fighting Mathematics: The Art of Educated Guessing and Opportunistic Problem Solving

by Sanjoy Mahajan

An antidote to mathematical rigor mortis, teaching how to guess answers without needing a proof or an exact calculation. In problem solving, as in street fighting, rules are for fools: do whatever works—don't just stand there! Yet we often fear an unjustified leap even though it may land us on a correct result. Traditional mathematics teaching is largely about solving exactly stated problems exactly, yet life often hands us partly defined problems needing only moderately accurate solutions. This engaging book is an antidote to the rigor mortis brought on by too much mathematical rigor, teaching us how to guess answers without needing a proof or an exact calculation. In Street-Fighting Mathematics, Sanjoy Mahajan builds, sharpens, and demonstrates tools for educated guessing and down-and-dirty, opportunistic problem solving across diverse fields of knowledge—from mathematics to management. Mahajan describes six tools: dimensional analysis, easy cases, lumping, picture proofs, successive approximation, and reasoning by analogy. Illustrating each tool with numerous examples, he carefully separates the tool—the general principle—from the particular application so that the reader can most easily grasp the tool itself to use on problems of particular interest. Street-Fighting Mathematics grew out of a short course taught by the author at MIT for students ranging from first-year undergraduates to graduate students ready for careers in physics, mathematics, management, electrical engineering, computer science, and biology. They benefited from an approach that avoided rigor and taught them how to use mathematics to solve real problems. Street-Fighting Mathematics will appear in print and online under a Creative Commons Noncommercial Share Alike license.

Street-Fighting Mathematics: The Art of Educated Guessing and Opportunistic Problem Solving

by Sanjoy Mahajan

In problem solving, as in street fighting, rules are for fools: do whatever works--don't just stand there! Yet we often fear an unjustified leap even though it may land us on a correct result. Traditional mathematics teaching is largely about solving exactly stated problems exactly, yet life often hands us partly defined problems needing only moderately accurate solutions. This engaging book is an antidote to the rigor mortis brought on by too much mathematical rigor, teaching us how to guess answers without needing a proof or an exact calculation. In Street-Fighting Mathematics, Sanjoy Mahajan builds, sharpens, and demonstrates tools for educated guessing and down-and-dirty, opportunistic problem solving across diverse fields of knowledge--from mathematics to management. Mahajan describes six tools: dimensional analysis, easy cases, lumping, picture proofs, successive approximation, and reasoning by analogy. Illustrating each tool with numerous examples, he carefully separates the tool--the general principle--from the particular application so that the reader can most easily grasp the tool itself to use on problems of particular interest. Street-Fighting Mathematics grew out of a short course taught by the author at MIT for students ranging from first-year undergraduates to graduate students ready for careers in physics, mathematics, management, electrical engineering, computer science, and biology. They benefited from an approach that avoided rigor and taught them how to use mathematics to solve real problems. Street-Fighting Mathematics will appear in print and online under a Creative Commons Noncommercial Share Alike license.

Strength in Numbers: The Rising of Academic Statistics Departments in the U. S.

by Xiao-Li Meng Alan Agresti

Statistical science as organized in formal academic departments is relatively new. With a few exceptions, most Statistics and Biostatistics departments have been created within the past 60 years. This book consists of a set of memoirs, one for each department in the U.S. created by the mid-1960s. The memoirs describe key aspects of the department's history -- its founding, its growth, key people in its development, success stories (such as major research accomplishments) and the occasional failure story, PhD graduates who have had a significant impact, its impact on statistical education, and a summary of where the department stands today and its vision for the future. Read here all about how departments such as at Berkeley, Chicago, Harvard, and Stanford started and how they got to where they are today. The book should also be of interests to scholars in the field of disciplinary history.

Strengthening the Linkages Between the Sciences and the Mathematical Sciences

by Committee on Strengthening the Linkages Between the Sciences the Mathematical Sciences

The National Academies Press (NAP)--publisher for the National Academies--publishes more than 200 books a year offering the most authoritative views, definitive information, and groundbreaking recommendations on a wide range of topics in science, engineering, and health. Our books are unique in that they are authored by the nation's leading experts in every scientific field.

Strengths-Based Teaching and Learning in Mathematics: Five Teaching Turnarounds for Grades K-6 (Corwin Mathematics Series)

by Beth McCord Kobett Karen S. Karp

"This book is a game changer! Strengths-Based Teaching and Learning in Mathematics: 5 Teaching Turnarounds for Grades K- 6 goes beyond simply providing information by sharing a pathway for changing practice. . . Focusing on our students’ strengths should be routine and can be lost in the day-to-day teaching demands. A teacher using these approaches can change the trajectory of students’ lives forever. All teachers need this resource! Connie S. Schrock Emporia State University National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics President, 2017-2019 NEW COVID RESOURCES ADDED: A Parent’s Toolkit to Strengths-Based Learning in Math is now available on the book’s companion website to support families engaged in math learning at home. This toolkit provides a variety of home-based activities and games for families to engage in together. Your game plan for unlocking mathematics by focusing on students’ strengths. We often evaluate student thinking and their work from a deficit point of view, particularly in mathematics, where many teachers have been taught that their role is to diagnose and eradicate students’ misconceptions. But what if instead of focusing on what students don’t know or haven’t mastered, we identify their mathematical strengths and build next instructional steps on students’ points of power? Beth McCord Kobett and Karen S. Karp answer this question and others by highlighting five key teaching turnarounds for improving students’ mathematics learning: identify teaching strengths, discover and leverage students’ strengths, design instruction from a strengths-based perspective, help students identify their points of power, and promote strengths in the school community and at home. Each chapter provides opportunities to stop and consider current practice, reflect, and transfer practice while also sharing · Downloadable resources, activities, and tools · Examples of student work within Grades K–6 · Real teachers’ notes and reflections for discussion It’s time to turn around our approach to mathematics instruction, end deficit thinking, and nurture each student’s mathematical strengths by emphasizing what makes them each unique and powerful.

Strengths-Based Teaching and Learning in Mathematics: Five Teaching Turnarounds for Grades K-6 (Corwin Mathematics Series)

by Beth McCord Kobett Karen S. Karp

"This book is a game changer! Strengths-Based Teaching and Learning in Mathematics: 5 Teaching Turnarounds for Grades K- 6 goes beyond simply providing information by sharing a pathway for changing practice. . . Focusing on our students’ strengths should be routine and can be lost in the day-to-day teaching demands. A teacher using these approaches can change the trajectory of students’ lives forever. All teachers need this resource! Connie S. Schrock Emporia State University National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics President, 2017-2019 NEW COVID RESOURCES ADDED: A Parent’s Toolkit to Strengths-Based Learning in Math is now available on the book’s companion website to support families engaged in math learning at home. This toolkit provides a variety of home-based activities and games for families to engage in together. Your game plan for unlocking mathematics by focusing on students’ strengths. We often evaluate student thinking and their work from a deficit point of view, particularly in mathematics, where many teachers have been taught that their role is to diagnose and eradicate students’ misconceptions. But what if instead of focusing on what students don’t know or haven’t mastered, we identify their mathematical strengths and build next instructional steps on students’ points of power? Beth McCord Kobett and Karen S. Karp answer this question and others by highlighting five key teaching turnarounds for improving students’ mathematics learning: identify teaching strengths, discover and leverage students’ strengths, design instruction from a strengths-based perspective, help students identify their points of power, and promote strengths in the school community and at home. Each chapter provides opportunities to stop and consider current practice, reflect, and transfer practice while also sharing · Downloadable resources, activities, and tools · Examples of student work within Grades K–6 · Real teachers’ notes and reflections for discussion It’s time to turn around our approach to mathematics instruction, end deficit thinking, and nurture each student’s mathematical strengths by emphasizing what makes them each unique and powerful.

Stress Concentration at Notches

by Mykhaylo P. Savruk Andrzej Kazberuk

This book compiles solutions of linear theory of elasticity problems for isotropic and anisotropic bodies with sharp and rounded notches. It contains an overview of established and recent achievements, and presents the authors' original solutions in the field considered with extensive discussion. The volume demonstrates through numerous, useful examples the effectiveness of singular integral equations for obtaining exact solutions of boundary problems of the theory of elasticity for bodies with cracks and notches. Incorporating analytical and numerical solutions of the problems of stress concentrations in solid bodies with crack-like defects, this volume is ideal for scientists and PhD students dealing with the problems of theory of elasticity and fracture mechanics.

Stress-Free Math: A Visual Guide to Acing Math in Grades 4-9

by Theresa Fitzgerald

Equipped with the #1 guide to help kids (and their parents) with math homework, students will be able to quickly find the definitions and illustrated examples that will enable them to solve many of the math challenges they face. Covering everything from "addend" to "zero," Stress-Free Math:Is perfect for both kids and their parents looking for help with math homework and the tools to ace the class!Gives students in grades 4–9 more than 400 definitions, full-color illustrations, and examples.Covers subjects like measurement, algebra, geometry, fractions and decimals, statistics and probability, and problem solving.Helps students solve math problems with confidence.Is a fully updated reimagining of the best-selling Math Dictionary for Kids.This well-organized and easy-to-follow quick reference guide includes illustrated, concise explanations of the most common terms used in general math classes. Packed with strategies to help students get better grades and master math concepts without any headaches, this math study guide also discusses how students can use manipulatives and basic math tools to improve their understanding and includes handy measurement conversion tables, guides to geometric shapes, and more. Each concept covered has a concise definition and an example or illustration.

Stress-Free Math: A Visual Guide to Acing Math in Grades 4-9

by Theresa R. Fitzgerald

Equipped with the #1 guide to help kids (and their parents) with math homework, students will be able to quickly find the definitions and illustrated examples that will enable them to solve many of the math challenges they face. Covering everything from "addend" to "zero," Stress-Free Math:Is perfect for both kids and their parents looking for help with math homework and the tools to ace the class!Gives students in grades 4-9 more than 400 definitions, full-color illustrations, and examples.Covers subjects like measurement, algebra, geometry, fractions and decimals, statistics and probability, and problem solving.Helps students solve math problems with confidence.Is a fully updated reimagining of the best-selling Math Dictionary for Kids.This well-organized and easy-to-follow quick reference guide includes illustrated, concise explanations of the most common terms used in general math classes. Packed with strategies to help students get better grades and master math concepts without any headaches, this math study guide also discusses how students can use manipulatives and basic math tools to improve their understanding and includes handy measurement conversion tables, guides to geometric shapes, and more. Each concept covered has a concise definition and an example or illustration.Grades 4-9

Stresses in glaciers: Methods of Calculation

by Peter Halfar

In this book, for the first time, a hitherto unknown general solution of the reliably known stress conditions is presented. This general solution forms a reliable and new starting point to get further in stress calculations than before. In this way, approximately realistic solutions can be found despite a recurring problem: the information deficits that are unavoidable due to the difficulty of exploring glaciers. This issue is demonstrated by the example of stagnating glaciers. For horizontally isotropic homogeneous tabular iceberg models, even mathematically exact unambiguous solutions of all relevant conditions are presented. All calculations use only elementary arithmetic operations, differentiations and integrations. The mathematical fundamentals are presented in detail and explained in many application examples. The integral operators specific to calculations of stresses facilitate the mathematical considerations. The stand-alone text allows the reader to understand what is involved even without considering the formulas. The author Peter Halfar is a theoretical physicist. He also developed a model of the movement of large ice caps (1983), which is still in use today.

Stretching and Shrinking: Understanding Similarity (Texas)

by Glenda Lappan James T. Fey William M. Fitzgerald Susan N. Friel Elizabeth Difanis Phillips Michelle Barbera

NIMAC-sourced textbook

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