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Sieve Methods (Dover Books on Mathematics)
by Heine Halberstam Hans Egon RichertDerived from the techniques of analytic number theory, sieve theory employs methods from mathematical analysis to solve number-theoretical problems. This text by a noted pair of experts is regarded as the definitive work on the subject. It formulates the general sieve problem, explores the theoretical background, and illustrates significant applications.
Sign Language Machine Translation (Machine Translation: Technologies and Applications #5)
by Andy Way Lorraine Leeson Dimitar ShterionovThis book, for the first time, collects important current topics in the area of sign language translation in a single volume. The topic is introduced more generally to benefit newcomers to the field before diving into the current state-of-the-art methods of Sign Language Machine Translation (SLMT), together with an in-depth description of issues specific to this topic, including: an introduction to and historical overview of SLMT; ethical issues related to the engagement of and with deaf users; the importance of data; the sign languages of Europe; sign language recognition and synthesis, including via avatars; data-driven and linguistically-informed models of SLMT; gloss translation; fingerspelling; SLMT communication; and SLMT in practice. Of interest to MT developers and users as well as people working in deaf studies, this volume presents cutting-edge research on machine translation in the field of deaf studies.
Sign Language Processing: From Gesture to Meaning
by Achraf OthmanIn a world where communication is key to human connection, understanding, and learning from one another, the book investigates the rich and intricate world of sign languages, highlighting the fascinating complexities of visual-spatial languages and their unique role in bridging the gap between hearing and deaf communities through information and communication technology. The book takes a journey through the evolution of sign language processing tools while exploring the cutting-edge techniques used to decipher, analyze, and process them, from the fundamentals of sign language structure and the nuances of non-manual signals to the latest developments in computational linguistics (corpora design, annotation tools, and notation systems), sign language recognition, and machine/deep learning applications. With a mission to reveal the silent language of expression, the author provides a captivating and thought-provoking look into a world often overlooked yet teeming with life and meaning. Offering a comprehensive and engaging overview of the current state of sign language research as well as its prospects, this monograph is an introduction resource for computer scientists, linguistics, educators, academics and sign language interpreters alike. This monograph is an invitation to discover the incredible potential of sign languages to transform human communication, promote inclusivity, and shape the future of technology. The readers will gain a deeper appreciation of the beauty and complexity of sign languages through technology, and they will be inspired to embrace the power of visual communication in our increasingly diverse and interconnected world.
Signal Detection for Medical Scientists: Likelihood Ratio Test-based Methodology (Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series)
by Ram Tiwari Jyoti Zalkikar Lan HuangSignal Detection for Medical Scientists: Likelihood Ratio Based Test-Based Methodology presents the data mining techniques with focus on likelihood ratio test (LRT) based methods for signal detection. It emphasizes computational aspect of LRT methodology and is pertinent for first-time researchers and graduate students venturing into this interesting field. The book is written as a reference book for professionals in pharmaceutical industry, manufactures of medical devices, and regulatory agencies. The book deals with the signal detection in drug/device evaluation, which is important in the post-market evaluation of medical products, and in the pre-market signal detection during clinical trials for monitoring procedures. It should also appeal to academic researchers, and faculty members in mathematics, statistics, biostatistics, data science, pharmacology, engineering, epidemiology, and public health. Therefore, this book is well suited for both research and teaching. Key Features: Includes a balanced discussion of art of data structure, issues in signal detection, statistical methods and analytics, and implementation of the methods. Provides a comprehensive summary of the LRT methods for signal detection including the basic theory and extensions for varying datasets that may be large post-market data or pre-market clinical trial data. Contains details of scientific background, statistical methods, and associated algorithms that a reader can quickly master the materials and apply methods in the book on one’s own problems
Signal Polarization Selection for Aircraft Radar Control: Models and Methods (Springer Aerospace Technology)
by Nikolay Kondratyevich Yurkov Alexey Yevgenyevich Bukharov Dmitry Alexandrovich ZatuchnyThis book highlights the synthesis of polarization selection system in the background of passive noise formed by reflections from space-distributed targets. This synthesis is fulfilled as close as possible to its ideal configuration in terms of maximal signal-to-noise ratio for the matched load of radar station antenna system. It presents a new approach to radar system resolution enhancement based on the development of mathematical model for radiometric receivers with mono-pulse antenna systems, as well as creation of a new algorithm that allows increasing angular resolution during the object’s search and tracking due to special signal processing.
Signal Processing: A Mathematical Approach, Second Edition (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs and Research Notes in Mathematics)
by Charles L. ByrneSignal Processing: A Mathematical Approach is designed to show how many of the mathematical tools the reader knows can be used to understand and employ signal processing techniques in an applied environment. Assuming an advanced undergraduate- or graduate-level understanding of mathematics-including familiarity with Fourier series, matrices, probab
Signal Processing of Airborne Radar Stations: Plane Flight Control in Difficult Meteoconditions (Springer Aerospace Technology)
by Vereshchagin A.V. Zatuchny D.A. Sinitsyn V.A. Sinitsyn E.A. Shatrakov Y.G.This book highlights new methods and parametric algorithms for the digital coherent processing of signals in airborne radar systems located on air vehicles. Using the autoregressive (AR) model, it delivers more accurate danger assessments for flight in wind shear and atmospheric turbulence, while also suggesting how they could be implemented. Given its scope, the book is intended for technical experts whose work involves the development, production and operation of airborne radio-electronic systems.
A Signal Theoretic Introduction to Random Processes
by Roy M. HowardA fresh introduction to random processes utilizing signal theory By incorporating a signal theory basis, A Signal Theoretic Introduction to Random Processes presents a unique introduction to random processes with an emphasis on the important random phenomena encountered in the electronic and communications engineering field. The strong mathematical and signal theory basis provides clarity and precision in the statement of results. The book also features: A coherent account of the mathematical fundamentals and signal theory that underpin the presented material Unique, in-depth coverage of material not typically found in introductory books Emphasis on modeling and notation that facilitates development of random process theory Coverage of the prototypical random phenomena encountered in electrical engineering Detailed proofs of results A related website with solutions to the problems found at the end of each chapter A Signal Theoretic Introduction to Random Processes is a useful textbook for upper-undergraduate and graduate-level courses in applied mathematics as well as electrical and communications engineering departments. The book is also an excellent reference for research engineers and scientists who need to characterize random phenomena in their research. provides details the prototypical random processes that are fundamental to electrical, electronic, and communication engineering. Consequently, chapter 7-10 coverage includes details of the characterization of random phenomena from an engineering perspective: probability mass function/probability density function evolution, autocorrelation function, and power spectral density. Chapter 11 features an introduction to order statistics, which provides the background for a discussion of the Poisson point random process in Chapter 12. Chapter 13 introduces birth-death random processes and then Chapter 14 provides an introduction to first passage time theory.
Signals and Systems: Continuous and Discrete (4th Edition)
by D. Ronald Fannin Rodger E. Ziemer William H. TranterA market leader in previous editions, this book continues to offer a complete survey of continuous and discrete linear systems. It utilizes a systems approach to solving practical engineering problems, rather than using the framework of traditional circuit theory. Numerous examples from circuit theory appear throughout, however, to illustrate the various systems techniques introduced. The Fourth Edition has been thoroughly updated to effectively integrate the use of computers and to accurately reflect the latest theoretical advances.
Signals and Systems
by K. Deergha RaoThis textbook covers the fundamental theories of signals and systems analysis, while incorporating recent developments from integrated circuits technology into its examples. Starting with basic definitions in signal theory, the text explains the properties of continuous-time and discrete-time systems and their representation by differential equations and state space. From those tools, explanations for the processes of Fourier analysis, the Laplace transform, and the z-Transform provide new ways of experimenting with different kinds of time systems. The text also covers the separate classes of analog filters and their uses in signal processing applications. Intended for undergraduate electrical engineering students, chapter sections include exercise for review and practice for the systems concepts of each chapter. Along with exercises, the text includes MATLAB-based examples to allow readers to experiment with signals and systems code on their own. An online repository of the MATLAB code from this textbook can be found at github.com/springer-math/signals-and-systems.
Signals and Systems Laboratory with MATLAB
by Alex Palamides Anastasia VeloniDeveloped as a textbook for the laboratory part of the course Signals and Systems, this book introduces students to theory through analytical examples implemented in Matlab code. Thus every theoretical equation is accompanied by the corresponding code implementation. Instead of using big M-Files or author-written functions with comments, the commands are executed one-by-one at the Matlab command line and the results, dong with comments are given side-by side in two or three column tables. This is very helpful and popular to students in Electrical Engineering, since the nature of this course includes detailed mathematical derivations and demands a strong mathematical background.
The Significance Test Controversy Revisited
by Bruno Lecoutre Jacques PoitevineauThe purpose of this book is not only to revisit the "significance test controversy,"but also to provide a conceptually sounder alternative. As such, it presents a Bayesian framework for a new approach to analyzing and interpreting experimental data. It also prepares students and researchers for reporting on experimental results. Normative aspects: The main views of statistical tests are revisited and the philosophies of Fisher, Neyman-Pearson and Jeffrey are discussed in detail. Descriptive aspects: The misuses of Null Hypothesis Significance Tests are reconsidered in light of Jeffreys' Bayesian conceptions concerning the role of statistical inference in experimental investigations. Prescriptive aspects: The current effect size and confidence interval reporting practices are presented and seriously questioned. Methodological aspects are carefully discussed and fiducial Bayesian methods are proposed as a more suitable alternative for reporting on experimental results. In closing, basic routine procedures regarding the means and their generalization to the most common ANOVA applications are presented and illustrated. All the calculations discussed can be easily carried out using the freeware LePAC package.
The Significance Test Controversy Revisited: The Fiducial Bayesian Alternative
by Bruno Lecoutre Jacques PoitevineauThis book explains the misuses and abuses of Null Hypothesis Significance Tests, which are reconsidered in light of Jeffreys’ Bayesian concept of the role of statistical inference, in experimental investigations. Minimizing the technical aspects, the studies focuses mainly on methodological contributions. The first part of the book gives an overview of the major approaches to statistical testing and an enlightening discussion of the philosophies of Fisher, Neyman-Pearson and Jeffrey. The conceptual and methodological implications of current practices of reporting effect sizes and confidence intervals are also examined and challenged. This sheds new light on the "significance testing controversy" and provides an appropriate Bayesian framework for a comprehensive approach to the analysis and interpretation of experimental data. The second part of the book provides concrete Bayesian routine procedures that bypass common misuses of significance testing and are readily applicable in a wide range of real applications. This approach addresses the need for objective reporting of experimental data, that is acceptable to the scientific community. This is emphasized by the name fiducial (from the Latin fiducia = confidence). The fiducial Bayesian procedures provide the reader with a real opportunity to think sensibly about problems of statistical inference. This book prepares students and researchers to critically read statistical analyses reported in the literature and equips them with an appropriate alternative to the use of significance testing.
Significant Figures: The Lives And Work Of Great Mathematicians
by Ian StewartA celebrated mathematician traces the history of math through the lives and work of twenty-five pioneering mathematiciansIn Significant Figures, acclaimed mathematician Ian Stewart introduces the visionaries of mathematics throughout history. Delving into the lives of twenty-five great mathematicians, Stewart examines the roles they played in creating, inventing, and discovering the mathematics we use today. Through these short biographies, we get acquainted with the history of mathematics from Archimedes to Benoit Mandelbrot, and learn about those too often left out of the cannon, such as Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi (c. 780-850), the creator of algebra, and Augusta Ada King (1815-1852), Countess of Lovelace, the world's first computer programmer.Tracing the evolution of mathematics over the course of two millennia, Significant Figures will educate and delight aspiring mathematicians and experts alike.
Sikhs in the Deccan and North-East India
by Birinder Pal SinghThis book is a major intervention in the understanding of the dynamics of internal migration in South Asia. It traces the historical roots of certain migrant Sikh communities to the south and north-east India; chronicles their social, religious and economic practices; and examines peculiar identity formations. This first-of-its-kind empirical study examines the socio-economic conditions of Sikhs in the Deccan and the North-East who are believed to be the descendants of the soldiers in Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s army despatched to the two regions in the early nineteenth century. It draws on extensive ethnographic accounts to present the social realities of the different communities, including language, religion, culture, occupation, caste, marriage and kinship, and agency. It also questions the idea of Sikh homogeneity that many within the community have come to believe in, while revealing both differences and similarities. The book will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of sociology and social anthropology, migration and diaspora studies, religion, especially Sikh studies, cultural studies, as well as the Sikh diaspora worldwide.
The Silicon Web: Physics for the Internet Age
by null Michael G. RaymerThe technology behind computers, fiber optics, and networks did not originate in the minds of engineers attempting to build an Internet. The Internet is a culmination of intellectual work by thousands of minds spanning hundreds of years. We have built concept upon concept and technology upon technology to arrive at where we are today, in a world co
The Silver Market Phenomenon: Marketing and Innovation in the Aging Society
by Cornelius Herstatt Florian KohlbacherThe current shift in demographics - aging and shrinking populations - in many countries around the world presents a major challenge to companies and societies alike. One particularly essential implication is the emergence and constant growth of the so-called "graying market" or "silver market", the market segment more or less broadly defined as those people aged 50 and older. Increasing in number and share of the total population while at the same time being relatively well-off, this market segment can be seen as very attractive and promising, although still very underdeveloped in terms of product and service offerings. This book offers a thorough and up-to-date analysis of the challenges and opportunities in leveraging innovation, technology, product development and marketing for older consumers and employees. Key lessons are drawn from a variety of industries and countries, including the lead market Japan.
The SimCalc Vision and Contributions
by Jeremy Roschelle Stephen J. HegedusThis volume provides essential guidance for transforming mathematics learning in schools through the use of innovative technology, pedagogy, and curriculum. It presents clear, rigorous evidence of the impact technology can have in improving students learning of important yet complex mathematical concepts -- and goes beyond a focus on technology alone to clearly explain how teacher professional development, pedagogy, curriculum, and student participation and identity each play an essential role in transforming mathematics classrooms with technology. Further, evidence of effectiveness is complemented by insightful case studies of how key factors lead to enhancing learning, including the contributions of design research, classroom discourse, and meaningful assessment. The volume organizes over 15 years of sustained research by multiple investigators in different states and countries who together developed an approach called "SimCalc" that radically transforms how Algebra and Calculus are taught. The SimCalc program engages students around simulated motions, such as races on a soccer field, and builds understanding using visual representations such as graphs, and familiar representations such as stories to help students to develop meaning for more abstract mathematical symbols. Further, the SimCalc program leverages classroom wireless networks to increase participation by all students in doing, talking about, and reflecting on mathematics. Unlike many technology programs, SimCalc research shows the benefits of balanced attention to curriculum, pedagogy, teacher professional development, assessment and technology -- and has proven effectiveness results at the scale of hundreds of schools and classrooms. Combining the findings of multiple investigators in one accessible volume reveals the depth and breadth of the research program, and engages readers interested in: * Engaging students in deeply learning the important concepts in mathematics * Designing innovative curriculum, software, and professional development · Effective uses of technology to improve mathematics education * Creating integrated systems of teaching that transform mathematics classrooms * Scaling up new pedagogies to hundreds of schools and classrooms * Conducting research that really matters for the future of mathematics learning * Engaging students in deeply learning the important concepts in mathematics * Designing innovative curriculum, software, and professional development · Effective uses of technology to improve mathematics education * Creating integrated systems of teaching that transform mathematics classrooms * Scaling up new pedagogies to hundreds of schools and classrooms * Conducting research that really matters for the future of mathematics learning
Similarity Search and Applications: 17th International Conference, SISAP 2024, Providence, RI, USA, November 4–6, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #15268)
by Edgar Chávez Benjamin Kimia Jakub Lokoč Marco Patella Jan SedmidubskyThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications, SISAP 2024, held in Providence, RI, USA, during November 4–6, 2024. The 13 full papers, 7 short papers and 4 Indexing Challenge papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 32 submissions. They focus on efficient similarity search methods addressing the challenges of exploring similar items and managing vast machine-learning data sets efficiently.
The SIML Filtering Method for Noisy Non-stationary Economic Time Series (SpringerBriefs in Statistics)
by Naoto Kunitomo Seisho SatoIn this book, we explain the development of a new filtering method to estimate the hidden states of random variables for multiple non-stationary time series data. This method is particularly helpful in analyzing small-sample non-stationary macro-economic time series. The method is based on the frequency-domain application of the separating information maximum likelihood (SIML) method, which was proposed by Kunitomo, Sato, and Kurisu (Springer, 2018) for financial high-frequency time series. We solve the filtering problem of hidden random variables of trend-cycle, seasonal, and measurement-error components and propose a method to handle macro-economic time series. The asymptotic theory based on the frequency-domain analysis for non-stationary time series is developed with illustrative applications, including properties of the method of Muller and Watson (2018), and analyses of macro-economic data in Japan. Vast research has been carried out on the use of statistical time series analysis for macro-economic time series. One important feature of the series, which is different from standard statistical time series analysis, is that the observed time series is an apparent mixture of non-stationary and stationary components. We apply the SIML method for estimating the non-stationary errors-in-variables models. As well, we discuss the asymptotic and finite sample properties of the estimation of unknown parameters in the statistical models. Finally, we utilize their results to solve the filtering problem of hidden random variables and to show that they lead to new a way to handle macro-economic time series.
by Alexander MastersAlexander Masters tripped over his first book subject on a Cambridge sidewalk, and the result was the multi-award-winning bestseller Stuart: A Life Backwards. His second, he's found under his floorboards. One of the greatest mathematical prodigies of the twentieth century, Simon Norton stomps around Alexander's basement in semidarkness, dodging between stalagmites of bus timetables and engorged plastic bags, eating tinned kippers stirred into packets of Bombay mix. Simon is exploring a theoretical puzzle so complex and critical to our understanding of the universe that it is known as the Monster. It looks like a sudoku table--except a sudoku table has nine columns of numbers. The Monster has 808017424794512875886459904961710757005754368000000000 columns. But that's not the whole story. What's inside the decaying sports bag he never lets out of his clutches? Why does he hurtle out of the house in the middle of the night? And--good God!--what is that noxious smell that creeps up the stairwell? Grumpy, poignant, comical--more intimate than either the author or his quarry intended--Simon: The Genius in My Basement is the story of a friendship and a pursuit. Part biography, part memoir, and part popular science, it is a study of the frailty of brilliance, the measures of happiness, and Britain's most uncooperative egghead eccentric.From the Hardcover edition.
Simple Extensions with the Minimum Degree Relations of Integral Domains (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
by null Susumu Oda null Ken-ichi YoshidaAlthough there are many types of ring extensions, simple extensions have yet to be thoroughly explored in one book. Covering an understudied aspect of commutative algebra, Simple Extensions with the Minimum Degree Relations of Integral Domains presents a comprehensive treatment of various simple extensions and their properties. In particular, it ex
SIMPLE-G: A Gridded Economic Approach to Sustainability Analysis of the Earth’s Land and Water Resources
by Iman Haqiqi Thomas W. HertelThis is an open access book. Crafted for both the economist and the curious mind, this book introduces a novel approach to blending economic and biophysical sciences to enable multi-scale analysis of a range of sustainability challenges confronting the world’s land and water resources at both local and global scales. It focuses specifically on the interface between the environment and food systems, utilizing economic theory to structure the overall framework. However, within the SIMPLE-G framework, there is ample room to incorporate fine-scale biophysical knowledge from agronomy, climate science, ecology, geography, hydrology, as well as a range of socioeconomic considerations. This enables multi-scale analyses incorporating grid cells that can vary in size from 250 meters to sub-regional scales. This, in turn, allows for investigation of global change drivers’ impacts on local sustainability, as well as feedbacks from local sustainability policies to regional and global outcomes. The book opens with a foreword by a prominent sustainability scientist, Prof. Navin Ramankutty, and proceeds in five parts covering, respectively: (1) introduction and overview, (2) basic economic theory underpinning SIMPLE-G, (3) the SIMPLE-G framework, including structure, data, parameters, computer implementation, and validation, (4) eight diverse applications of the SIMPLE-G framework, covering a range of geographies and sustainability challenges, and (5) a forward-looking chapter on future directions. The book provides step-by-step guidance on building and utilizing gridded models with real-world case studies demonstrating practical applications which will facilitate its use by academics, practitioners, and students conducting research on climate impacts, land-use, water resource management, food security, poverty, equity, nutritional outcomes, and overall sustainability.
A Simple Guide to Technology and Analytics
by Brian J. EvansEveryday technology is constantly changing, and it’s hard to keep up with it at times. What is all this talk about automation, STEM, analytics and super-computers, and how will it really affect my daily life at work and in the home? This book is a simple guide to everyday technology and analytics written in plain language. It starts with explaining how computer networks are increasing in speed so fast that we can do more in less time than ever before. It explains the analytical jargon in plain English and why robotics in the home will be aided by the new technology of the quantum computer. Richly furnished with over 200 illustrations, photos and with minimal equations, A Simple Guide to Technology and Analytics is a ready reference book for those times when you don’t really understand the technology and analytics being talked about. It explains complicated topics such as automated character recognition in a very simple way, and has simple exercises for the reader to fully understand the technology (with answers at the back). It even has explanations on how home appliances work, which are very useful the next time you go shopping for a microwave or TV. Even the Glossary at the back can be used as a quick look-up explanation for those on the go.
A Simple Introduction to Python (Chapman & Hall/CRC The Python Series)
by Stephen LynchA Simple Introduction to Python is aimed at pre-university students and complete novices to programming. The whole book has been created using Jupyter notebooks. After introducing Python as a powerful calculator, simple programming constructs are covered, and the NumPy, MatPlotLib and SymPy modules (libraries) are introduced. Python is then used for Mathematics, Cryptography, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Object Oriented Programming.The reader is shown how to program using the integrated development environments: Python IDLE, Spyder, Jupyter notebooks, and through cloud computing with Google Colab.Features: No prior experience in programming is required. Demonstrates how to format Jupyter notebooks for publication on the Web. Full solutions to exercises are available as a Jupyter notebook on the Web. All Jupyter notebook solution files can be downloaded through GitHub. GitHub Repository of Data Files and a Jupyter Solution notebook: https://github.com/proflynch/A-Simple-Introduction-to-PythonJupyter Solution notebook web page: https://drstephenlynch.github.io/webpages/A-Simple-Introduction-to-Python-Solutions.html