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Showing 23,026 through 23,050 of 27,258 results

A Simple Introduction to the Mixed Finite Element Method: Theory and Applications (SpringerBriefs in Mathematics)

by Gabriel N. Gatica

The main purpose of this book is to provide a simple and accessible introduction to the mixed finite element method as a fundamental tool to numerically solve a wide class of boundary value problems arising in physics and engineering sciences. The book is based on material that was taught in corresponding undergraduate and graduate courses at the Universidad de Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile, during the last 7 years. As compared with several other classical books in the subject, the main features of the present one have to do, on one hand, with an attempt of presenting and explaining most of the details in the proofs and in the different applications. In particular several results and aspects of the corresponding analysis that are usually available only in papers or proceedings are included here.

Simple Rules: How to Thrive in a Complex World

by Kathleen M. Eisenhardt Donald Sull

HOW SIMPLICITY TRUMPS COMPLEXITY IN NATURE, BUSINESS, AND LIFE Complexity surrounds us. We have too much email, juggle multiple remotes, and hack through thickets of regulations from phone contracts to health plans. But complexity isn't destiny. Sull and Eisenhardt argue there's a better way. By developing a few simple yet effective rules, people can best even the most complex problems. In Simple Rules, Sull and Eisenhardt masterfully challenge how we think about complexity and offer a new lens on how to cope. They take us on a surprising tour of what simple rules are, where they come from, and why they work. The authors illustrate the six kinds o f rules that really matter - for helping artists find creativity and the Federal Reserve set interest rates, for keeping birds on track and Zipcar members organized, and for how insomniacs can sleep and mountain climbers stay safe. Drawing on rigorous research and riveting stories, the authors ingeniously find insights in unexpected places, from the way Tina Fey codified her experience at Saturday Night Live into rules for producing 30 Rock (rule five: never tell a crazy person he's crazy) to burglars' rules for robbery ("avoid houses with a car parked outside") to Japanese engineers mimicking the rules of slime molds to optimize Tokyo's rail system. The authors offer fresh information and practical tips on fixing old rules and learning new ones. Whether you're struggling with information overload, pursuing opportunities with limited resources, or just trying to change your bad habits, Simple Rules provides powerful insight into how and why simplicity tames complexity.

Simple Solutions: Common Core Mathematics 3

by Nancy L. Mcgraw Donna M. Mazzola Nancy Tondy Christopher Backs

Mathematics Workbook for Third Grade

Simple Solutions, Common Core Mathematics 5

by Nancy L. McGraw Donna M. Mazzola Nancy Tondy

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Simple Solutions Common Core Mathematics 6

by Nancy L. McGraw Donna M. Mazzola Nancy Tondy Christopher Backs

Simple Solutions. Minutes a Day-Mastery for a Lifetime! Common Core Mathematics 6

Simple Solutions Minutes a Day--Mastery for a Lifetime: Algebra I, Part A, Mathematics

by Nancy L. Mcgraw

This workbook will give you the opportunity to practice skills you have learned in previous grades. By practicing these skills each day, you will gain confidence in your math ability. Using this workbook will help you understand math concepts easier and it will give you a more positive attitude toward math in general.

Simple Solutions to Energy Calculations

by Richard Vaillencourt

Updated with new material, this book shares the author’s secrets for simplifying complex energy calculations, and shows you how to use these time-saving methods. It shows you how to cut through the maze using innovative decision-making tools to determine whether you should invest real time and money for developing details of a project being considered. There is information covered on simplified thermodynamics that gives you a blueprint for controlling the building’s energy consumption. Key topics covered include the walk-through audit, pumps & fans VFD, high efficiency motors, insulation, fuel switching, heat recovery, HVAC, air compressor, "energy myths and magic". Each chapter has "Richard’s Retrofit Rules" and anecdotal experience in the retrofit. There is a summary of energy calculations given by category, plus a discussion of performance guarantees that helps a building manager decide which ESCO can best deliver on their promises of energy savings.

Simple Statistical Methods for Software Engineering: Data and Patterns

by null C. Ravindranath Pandian null Murali Kumar

Although there are countless books on statistics, few are dedicated to the application of statistical methods to software engineering. Simple Statistical Methods for Software Engineering: Data and Patterns fills that void. Instead of delving into overly complex statistics, the book details simpler solutions that are just as effective and connect wi

Simple Statistical Tests for Geography

by Danny McCarroll

This book is aimed directly at students of geography, particularly those who lack confidence in manipulating numbers. The aim is not to teach the mathematics behind statistical tests, but to focus on the logic, so that students can choose the most appropriate tests, apply them in the most convenient way and make sense of the results. Introductory chapters explain how to use statistical methods and then the tests are arranged according to the type of data that they require. Diagrams are used to guide students toward the most appropriate tests. The focus is on nonparametric methods that make very few assumptions and are appropriate for the kinds of data that many students will collect. Parametric methods, including Student’s t-tests, correlation and regression are also covered. Although aimed directly at geography students at senior undergraduate and graduate level, this book provides an accessible introduction to a wide range of statistical methods and will be of value to students and researchers in allied disciplines including Earth and environmental science, and the social sciences.

Simple Statistics: Applications in Social Research

by Terance D. Miethe Jane Florence Gauthier

The efficient use of statistics can transform excellent research into dynamic, persuasive scholarship. To demystify the process of calculating data, Simple Statistics: Applications in Social Research provides a concise introduction to basic social statistics.

The Simplex Method of Linear Programming (Dover Books on Mathematics)

by F. A. Ficken

This concise but detailed and thorough treatment discusses the rudiments of the well-known simplex method for solving optimization problems in linear programming. Geared toward undergraduate students, the approach offers sufficient material for readers without a strong background in linear algebra. Many different kinds of problems further enrich the presentation. The text begins with examinations of the allocation problem, matrix notation for dual problems, feasibility, and theorems on duality and existence. Subsequent chapters address convex sets and boundedness, the prepared problem and boundedness and consistency, optimal points and motivation of the simplex method, and the simplex method and tableaux. The treatment concludes with explorations of the effectiveness of the simplex method and the solution of the dual problem. Two helpful Appendixes offer supplementary material.

Simplicial Global Optimization

by Remigijus Paulavičius Julius Žilinskas

Simplicial Global Optimization is centered on deterministic covering methods partitioning feasible region by simplices. This book looks into the advantages of simplicial partitioning in global optimization through applications where the search space may be significantly reduced while taking into account symmetries of the objective function by setting linear inequality constraints that are managed by initial partitioning. The authors provide an extensive experimental investigation and illustrates the impact of various bounds, types of subdivision, strategies of candidate selection on the performance of algorithms. A comparison of various Lipschitz bounds over simplices and an extension of Lipschitz global optimization with-out the Lipschitz constant to the case of simplicial partitioning is also depicted in this text. Applications benefiting from simplicial partitioning are examined in detail such as nonlinear least squares regression and pile placement optimization in grillage-type foundations. Researchers and engineers will benefit from simplicial partitioning algorithms such as Lipschitz branch and bound, Lipschitz optimization without the Lipschitz constant, heuristic partitioning presented. This book will leave readers inspired to develop simplicial versions of other algorithms for global optimization and even use other non-rectangular partitions for special applications.

Simplicial Methods for Higher Categories: Segal-type Models of Weak n-Categories (Algebra and Applications #26)

by Simona Paoli

This monograph presents a new model of mathematical structures called weak n-categories. These structures find their motivation in a wide range of fields, from algebraic topology to mathematical physics, algebraic geometry and mathematical logic. While strict n-categories are easily defined in terms associative and unital composition operations they are of limited use in applications, which often call for weakened variants of these laws. The author proposes a new approach to this weakening, whose generality arises not from a weakening of such laws but from the very geometric structure of its cells; a geometry dubbed weak globularity. The new model, called weakly globular n-fold categories, is one of the simplest known algebraic structures yielding a model of weak n-categories. The central result is the equivalence of this model to one of the existing models, due to Tamsamani and further studied by Simpson. This theory has intended applications to homotopy theory, mathematical physics and to long-standing open questions in category theory. As the theory is described in elementary terms and the book is largely self-contained, it is accessible to beginning graduate students and to mathematicians from a wide range of disciplines well beyond higher category theory. The new model makes a transparent connection between higher category theory and homotopy theory, rendering it particularly suitable for category theorists and algebraic topologists. Although the results are complex, readers are guided with an intuitive explanation before each concept is introduced, and with diagrams showing the interconnections between the main ideas and results.

Simplicial Partitions with Applications to the Finite Element Method (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)

by Jan Brandts Sergey Korotov Michal Křížek

This monograph focuses on the mathematical and numerical analysis of simplicial partitions and the finite element method. This active area of research has become an essential part of physics and engineering, for example in the study of problems involving heat conduction, linear elasticity, semiconductors, Maxwell's equations, Einstein's equations and magnetic and gravitational fields.These problems require the simulation of various phenomena and physical fields over complicated structures in three (and higher) dimensions. Since not all structures can be decomposed into simpler objects like d-dimensional rectangular blocks, simplicial partitions are important. In this book an emphasis is placed on angle conditions guaranteeing the convergence of the finite element method for elliptic PDEs with given boundary conditions. It is aimed at a general mathematical audience who is assumed to be familiar with only a few basic results from linear algebra, geometry, and mathematical and numerical analysis.

Simplicial Structures in Topology

by Davide L. Ferrario Renzo A. Piccinini

Simplicial Structures in Topology provides a clear and comprehensive introduction to the subject. Ideas are developed in the first four chapters. The fifth chapter studies closed surfaces and gives their classification. The last chapter of the book is devoted to homotopy groups, which are used in short introduction on obstruction theory. The text is more in tune with the original development of algebraic topology as given by Henry Poincaré (singular homology is discussed). Illustrative examples throughout and extensive exercises at the end of each chapter for practice enhance the text. Advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students will benefit from this book. Researchers and professionals interested in topology and applications of mathematics will also find this book useful.

Simplicity: Ideals of Practice in Mathematics and the Arts

by Roman Kossak Philip Ording

To find "criteria of simplicity" was the goal of David Hilbert's recently discovered twenty-fourth problem on his renowned list of open problems given at the 1900 International Congress of Mathematicians in Paris. At the same time, simplicity and economy of means are powerful impulses in the creation of artworks. This was an inspiration for a conference, titled the same as this volume, that took place at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York in April of 2013. This volume includes selected lectures presented at the conference, and additional contributions offering diverse perspectives from art and architecture, the philosophy and history of mathematics, and current mathematical practice.

Simplicity, Complexity and Modelling

by Mike Christie Stephen S. Senn Philip Dawid Andrew Cliffe

Several points of disagreement exist between different modelling traditions as to whether complex models are always better than simpler models, as to how to combine results from different models and how to propagate model uncertainty into forecasts. This book represents the result of collaboration between scientists from many disciplines to show how these conflicts can be resolved.Key Features:Introduces important concepts in modelling, outlining different traditions in the use of simple and complex modelling in statistics. Provides numerous case studies on complex modelling, such as climate change, flood risk and new drug development. Concentrates on varying models, including flood risk analysis models, the petrol industry forecasts and summarizes the evolution of water distribution systems. Written by experienced statisticians and engineers in order to facilitate communication between modellers in different disciplines. Provides a glossary giving terms commonly used in different modelling traditions. This book provides a much-needed reference guide to approaching statistical modelling. Scientists involved with modelling complex systems in areas such as climate change, flood prediction and prevention, financial market modelling and systems engineering will benefit from this book. It will also be a useful source of modelling case histories.

Simplicity of Complexity in Economic and Social Systems: Proceedings of the 54th Winter School of Theoretical Physics, Lądek Zdrój, Poland, February 18–24th 2018 (Springer Proceedings in Complexity)

by Dariusz Grech Janusz Miśkiewicz

This book presents the Proceedings of the 54th Winter School of Theoretical Physics on Simplicity of Complexity in Economic and Social Systems, held in Lądek Zdrój, Poland, from 18 to 24 February 2018. The purpose of the book is to introduce the new interdisciplinary research that links statistical physics, and particular attention is given to link physics of complex systems, with financial analysis and sociology. The main tools used in these areas are numerical simulation of agents behavior and the interpretation of results with the help of complexity methods, therefore a background in statistical physics and in physics of phase transition is necessary to take the first steps towards these research fields called econophysics and sociophysics. In this perspective, the book is intended to graduated students and young researchers who want to begin the study of this established new area, which connects physicists, economists, sociologists and IT professionals, to better understand complexity phenomena existing not only in physics but also in complex systems being seemingly far from traditional view at physics.

Simplified Business Statistics Using SPSS

by Gabriel Otieno Okello

Statistics are used throughout businesses to present and analyse data and decide on best practice. Simplified Business Statistics Using SPSS provides a practical approach to these concepts and their applications in business, economics and other areas of data analytics. This book guides the reader though these concepts without assuming prior knowledge and is an ideal reference for business analytics students and researchers in related fields. Features Includes simplified statistical contents and a step-by-step guide on how to apply statistical concepts by perform analysis using Statistical Package for Social Sciences together with an interpretation of the statistical analysis output Provides a wide range of data sets to be used for examples and illustrations Designed to be accessible to readers with varied backgrounds

Simplifying STEM [6-12]: Four Equitable Practices to Inspire Meaningful Learning (Corwin Mathematics Series)

by Christa Jackson Kristin L. Cook Sarah B. Bush Margaret J. Mohr-Schroeder Cathrine Maiorca Oliver Roberts

Start, focus, or extend your integrated STEM education journey with an authentic interdisciplinary perspective! In response to calls for active STEM learning that builds students’ agency and sense of belonging, teachers and leaders are being encouraged more and more to equitably implement integrated STEM instruction. This practical guidebook is designed to help educators create integrated STEM learning experiences that are inclusive for all students and allows them to experience STEM as scientists, innovators, mathematicians, creators, engineers, and technology experts! Addressing the STEM status quo and promoting inclusiveness in STEM fields, the authors center their work around the Equity-Oriented Conceptual Framework for STEM Literacy, which provides high-quality integrated strategies to connect students′ lived experiences to STEM learning. Simplifying STEM provides a ground-breaking model of the four Integrated STEM Practices (ISPs) to ensure coherent and aligned teaching across disciplines through authentic opportunities to meaningfully engage students. Learn how to simplify STEM with these four equitable practices to inspire deep learning Use critical and creative thinking to seek solutions Collaborate and use appropriate tools to engage in iterative design Communicate solutions based on evidence and data Recognize and use structures in real-world systems Including a STEM planning guide as well as instructional strategies and assessments for standard alignment, this is an essential resource for any educator seeking to empower their students with meaningful STEM learning experiences. The book includes an online implementation toolkit to give educators opportunities for powerful professional development built on collaboration and connection.

Simplifying STEM [6-12]: Four Equitable Practices to Inspire Meaningful Learning (Corwin Mathematics Series)

by Christa Jackson Kristin L. Cook Sarah B. Bush Margaret J. Mohr-Schroeder Cathrine Maiorca Oliver Roberts

Start, focus, or extend your integrated STEM education journey with an authentic interdisciplinary perspective! In response to calls for active STEM learning that builds students’ agency and sense of belonging, teachers and leaders are being encouraged more and more to equitably implement integrated STEM instruction. This practical guidebook is designed to help educators create integrated STEM learning experiences that are inclusive for all students and allows them to experience STEM as scientists, innovators, mathematicians, creators, engineers, and technology experts! Addressing the STEM status quo and promoting inclusiveness in STEM fields, the authors center their work around the Equity-Oriented Conceptual Framework for STEM Literacy, which provides high-quality integrated strategies to connect students′ lived experiences to STEM learning. Simplifying STEM provides a ground-breaking model of the four Integrated STEM Practices (ISPs) to ensure coherent and aligned teaching across disciplines through authentic opportunities to meaningfully engage students. Learn how to simplify STEM with these four equitable practices to inspire deep learning Use critical and creative thinking to seek solutions Collaborate and use appropriate tools to engage in iterative design Communicate solutions based on evidence and data Recognize and use structures in real-world systems Including a STEM planning guide as well as instructional strategies and assessments for standard alignment, this is an essential resource for any educator seeking to empower their students with meaningful STEM learning experiences. The book includes an online implementation toolkit to give educators opportunities for powerful professional development built on collaboration and connection.

Simplifying STEM [PreK-5]: Four Equitable Practices to Inspire Meaningful Learning (Corwin Mathematics Series)

by Sarah B. Bush Kristin L. Cook Margaret J. Mohr-Schroeder Christa Jackson Oliver Roberts Cathrine Maiorca

Start, focus, or extend your integrated STEM education journey with an authentic interdisciplinary perspective! In response to calls for active STEM learning that builds students’ agency and sense of belonging, teachers and leaders are being encouraged more and more to equitably implement integrated STEM instruction. This practical guidebook is designed to help educators create integrated STEM learning experiences that are inclusive for all students and allows them to experience STEM as scientists, innovators, mathematicians, creators, engineers, and technology experts! Addressing the STEM status quo and promoting inclusiveness in STEM fields, the authors center their work around the Equity-Oriented Conceptual Framework for STEM Literacy, which provides high-quality integrated strategies to connect students′ lived experiences to STEM learning. Simplifying STEM provides a ground-breaking model of the four Integrated STEM Practices (ISPs) to ensure coherent and aligned teaching across disciplines through authentic opportunities to meaningfully engage students. Learn how to simplify STEM with these four equitable practices to inspire deep learning Use critical and creative thinking to seek solutions Collaborate and use appropriate tools to engage in iterative design Communicate solutions based on evidence and data Recognize and use structures in real-world systems Including a STEM planning guide as well as instructional strategies and assessments for standard alignment, this is an essential resource for any educator seeking to empower their students with meaningful STEM learning experiences. The book includes an online implementation toolkit to give educators opportunities for powerful professional development built on collaboration and connection.

Simplifying STEM [PreK-5]: Four Equitable Practices to Inspire Meaningful Learning (Corwin Mathematics Series)

by Sarah B. Bush Kristin L. Cook Margaret J. Mohr-Schroeder Christa Jackson Oliver Roberts Cathrine Maiorca

Start, focus, or extend your integrated STEM education journey with an authentic interdisciplinary perspective! In response to calls for active STEM learning that builds students’ agency and sense of belonging, teachers and leaders are being encouraged more and more to equitably implement integrated STEM instruction. This practical guidebook is designed to help educators create integrated STEM learning experiences that are inclusive for all students and allows them to experience STEM as scientists, innovators, mathematicians, creators, engineers, and technology experts! Addressing the STEM status quo and promoting inclusiveness in STEM fields, the authors center their work around the Equity-Oriented Conceptual Framework for STEM Literacy, which provides high-quality integrated strategies to connect students′ lived experiences to STEM learning. Simplifying STEM provides a ground-breaking model of the four Integrated STEM Practices (ISPs) to ensure coherent and aligned teaching across disciplines through authentic opportunities to meaningfully engage students. Learn how to simplify STEM with these four equitable practices to inspire deep learning Use critical and creative thinking to seek solutions Collaborate and use appropriate tools to engage in iterative design Communicate solutions based on evidence and data Recognize and use structures in real-world systems Including a STEM planning guide as well as instructional strategies and assessments for standard alignment, this is an essential resource for any educator seeking to empower their students with meaningful STEM learning experiences. The book includes an online implementation toolkit to give educators opportunities for powerful professional development built on collaboration and connection.

Simply Math (DK Simply)

by DK

Understanding math has never been easier.Combining bold, elegant graphics with easy-to-understand text, Simply Math is the perfect introduction to the subject for those who are short on time but hungry for knowledge. Covering more than 80 key mathematical theories from prime numbers and matrices to logarithms and quadratic equations, each pared-back, single-page entry explains the concept more clearly than ever before.Organized by major themes – number theory and systems; algebra, arithmetic, and calculus; probability and statistics; geometry and topology; logic, game theory, and computer science – entries demystify the groundbreaking ideas of famous mathematicians such as Pythagoras, Pierre de Fermat, Fibonacci, and Henri Poincaré, explaining the essentials of each key mathematical theory.Whether you are studying math in high school or college, or simply want a jargon-free overview of the subject, this indispensable guide is packed with everything you need to understand the basics quickly and easily.

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