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Auction Theory: Introductory Exercises with Answer Keys (Springer Texts in Business and Economics)
by Felix Munoz-Garcia Pak-Sing ChoiThis textbook provides a short introduction to auction theory through exercises with detailed answer keys. Focusing on practical examples, this textbook offers over 80 exercises that predict bidders’ equilibrium behaviour in different auction formats, along with the seller’s strategic incentives to organize one auction format over the other. The book emphasizes game-theoretic tools, so students can apply similar tools to other auction formats. Also included are several exercises based on published articles, with the model reduced to its main elements and the question divided into several easy-to-answer parts. Little mathematical background in algebra and calculus is assumed, and most algebraic steps and simplifications are provided, making the text ideal for upper undergraduate and graduate students.The book begins with a discussion of second-price auctions, which can be studied without using calculus, and works through progressively more complicated auction scenarios: first-price auctions, all-pay auctions, third-price auctions, the Revenue Equivalence principle, common-value auctions, multi-unit auctions, and procurement auctions. Exercises in each chapter are ranked according to their difficulty, with a letter (A-C) next to the exercise title, which allows students to pace their studies accordingly. The authors also offer a list of suggested exercises for each chapter, for instructors teaching at varying levels: undergraduate, Masters, Ph.D.Providing a practical, customizable approach to auction theory, this textbook is appropriate for students of economics, finance, and business administration. This book may also be used for related classes such as game theory, market design, economics of information, contract theory, or topics in microeconomics.
Audio Technology, Music, and Media: From Sound Wave to Reproduction
by Julian AshbournThis book provides a true A to Z of recorded sound, from its inception to the present day, outlining how technologies, techniques, and social attitudes have changed things, noting what is good and what is less good. The author starts by discussing the physics of sound generation and propagation. He then moves on to outline the history of recorded sound and early techniques and technologies, such as the rise of multi-channel tape recorders and their impact on recorded sound. He goes on to debate live sound versus recorded sound and why there is a difference, particularly with classical music. Other topics covered are the sound of real instruments and how that sound is produced and how to record it; microphone techniques and true stereo sound; digital workstations, sampling, and digital media; and music reproduction in the home and how it has changed. The author wraps up the book by discussing where we should be headed for both popular and classical music recording and reproduction, the role of the Audio Engineer in the 21st century, and a brief look at technology today and where it is headed. This book is ideal for anyone interested in recorded sound. “[Julian Ashbourn] strives for perfection and reaches it through his recordings… His deep knowledge of both technology and music is extensive and it is with great pleasure that I see he is passing this on for the benefit of others. I have no doubt that this book will be highly valued by many in the music industry, as it will be by me.” -- Claudio Di Meo, Composer, Pianist and Principal Conductor of The Kensington Philharmonic Orchestra, The Hemel Symphony Orchestra and The Lumina Choir
Audio Visualization Using ThMAD
by Peter SpäthLearn how to use Thinking Machine Audio Dreams (ThMAD), a realtime audio visualization engine for Ubuntu Linux. This book bridges the gap between programmers and artists. Both artists and developers with an inclination towards arts will profit from this book since it is a combination of a hands-on tutorial, manual, and reference, with many illustrations that accompany the explanations and tutorials.You'll learn the basics of ThMAD's open source software suite and then start experimenting and building your own rendering pipelines to create audio visualizations. You'll see how to soundly use all ThMAD's GUI functionalities, and all modules are provided in a way that will serve both intellectual curiosity and professional needs. The examples that are used as part of the software, and the tutorials included in the book, will serve as a solid basis for your own experiments.What You'll LearnUse the ThMAD software, all GUI functionalities, and all modulesDevelop your own audio visualization projectsExplore the program operations for ThMAD Artiste and ThMAD Player, including all possible options for controlling program operations.Who This Book Is ForVisual artists with some IT background, or developers with artistic inclinations. Development experience is not required, but surely helpful.
Audio Watermark: A Comprehensive Foundation Using MATLAB
by Yiqing Lin Waleed H. AbdullaThis book illustrates the commonly used and novel approaches of audio watermarking for copyrights protection. The author examines the theoretical and practical step by step guide to the topic of data hiding in audio signal such as music, speech, broadcast. The book covers new techniques developed by the authors are fully explained and MATLAB programs, for audio watermarking and audio quality assessments and also discusses methods for objectively predicting the perceptual quality of the watermarked audio signals. Explains the theoretical basics of the commonly used audio watermarking techniques Discusses the methods used to objectively and subjectively assess the quality of the audio signals Provides a comprehensive well tested MATLAB programs that can be used efficiently to watermark any audio media
Audit Analytics: Data Science for the Accounting Profession (Use R!)
by J. Christopher WestlandToday, information technology plays a pivotal role in financial control and audit: most financial data is now digitally recorded and dispersed among servers, clouds and networks over which the audited firm has no control. Additionally, a firm’s data—particularly in the case of finance, software, insurance and biotech firms— comprises most of the audited value of the firm. Financial audits are critical mechanisms for ensuring the integrity of information systems and the reporting of organizational finances. They help avoid the abuses that led to passage of legislation such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (1977), and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002). Audit effectiveness has declined over the past two decades as auditor skillsets have failed to keep up with advances in information technology. Information and communication technology lie at the core of commerce today and are integrated in business processes around the world. This book is designed to meet the increasing need of audit professionals to understand information technology and the controls required to manage it. The material included focuses on the requirements for annual Securities and Exchange Commission audits (10-K) for listed corporations. These represent the benchmark auditing procedures for specialized audits, such as internal, governmental, and attestation audits.Using R and RStudio, the book demonstrates how to render an audit opinion that is legally and statistically defensible; analyze, extract, and manipulate accounting data; build a risk assessment matrix to inform the conduct of a cost-effective audit program; and more.
Audit Analytics: Data Science for the Accounting Profession (Use R!)
by J. Christopher WestlandThis book, using R and RStudio, demonstrates how to render an audit opinion that is legally and statistically defensible; analyze, extract, and manipulate accounting data; build a risk assessment matrix to inform the conduct of a cost-effective audit program; and more. Today, information technology plays a pivotal role in financial control and audit: most financial data is now digitally recorded and dispersed among servers, clouds and networks over which the audited firm has no control. Additionally, a firm’s data—particularly in the case of finance, software, insurance and biotech firms—comprises most of the audited value of the firm. Financial audits are critical mechanisms for ensuring the integrity of information systems and the reporting of organizational finances. They help avoid the abuses that led to passage of legislation such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (1977), and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002). Audit effectiveness has declined over the past two decades, as auditor skillsets have failed to keep up with advances in information technology. Information and communication technology lie at the core of commerce today and are integrated in business processes around the world. This book is designed to meet the increasing need of audit professionals to understand information technology and the controls required to manage it. This 2nd edition includes updated code and test. Machine learning, AI, and SEC’s EDGAR data are also, improved and updated. The material included focuses on the requirements for annual Securities and Exchange Commission audits (10-K) for listed corporations. These represent the benchmark auditing procedures for specialized audits, such as internal, governmental, and attestation audits. Many examples reflect the focus of the 2024 CPA exam, and the data analytics-machine learning approach will be central to the AICPA’s programs, in the near future.
Auf dem Weg zu Netto-Null-Zielen: Nutzung von Data Science für Langzeit-Nachhaltigkeitswege
by Neha Sharma Prithwis Kumar DeDieses Buch diskutiert die Verwendung von Technologie, Data Science und Open Data, um das Netto-Null-Emissionsziel des Pariser Abkommens zum Klimawandel zu erreichen. Es gibt viele Diskussionen über Nachhaltigkeit und Lösungen für den Klimawandel, um die negativen Auswirkungen zu mildern. Die Verwendung von Technologiehebeln zur Bewältigung von Klimaherausforderungen wird jedoch selten als der bedeutendste Katalysator betrachtet. Die verfügbare Forschung in diesem Bereich ist im Allgemeinen qualitativer Natur, bei der Technologie und Daten noch nicht genutzt wurden. Durch den Einsatz von KI/ML sagt das Buch die Klimawandelfolgen aufgrund von Investitionen in den fossilen Brennstoffsektor voraus, schätzt die CO2-Emissionen des Verkehrssektors, prognostiziert die durch nicht erneuerbare Energiequellen verursachte durchschnittliche Landtemperatur und segmentiert indische Bundesstaaten auf der Grundlage von Haushalts-CO2-Emissionen. Die Forscher, Entscheidungsträger, Studenten, Lehrer, Bildungseinrichtungen, Regierungen, Regulierungsbehörden, Unternehmen, internationale Organisationen usw. werden immens von diesem Buch profitieren. Darüber hinaus soll dieses Buch dazu dienen, den nächsten Generationen eine dekarbonisierte Umgebung und eine bessere Zukunft zu bieten.
Auf dem Weg zum neuen Mathematiklehren und -lernen 2.0: Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Bernd Wollring
by Regina Möller Katja Eilerts Tobias HuhmannDie vorliegende Schrift widmen wir unserem langjährigen und geschätzten Kollegen Bernd Wollring anlässlich seines 70. Geburtstages. Wir sehen diesen Geburtstag als willkommenen Anlass, sein Lebenswerk umfassend zu würdigen. Seinem persönlichen Wunsch folgend steht im Fokus des Festkolloquiums die Zukunft des Mathematikunterrichts und damit eng verbunden der Lehreraus- und -fortbildung. Ein glücklicher Umstand ist die Tatsache, dass dieser Fokus mit dem 100-jährigen Bestehen der Grundschule zusammenfällt. Der Festband wurde mit großer Freude und viel Elan zusammengestellt und folgt seinem Wunsch, zum Kolloquium einen Blick in die Zukunft zu wagen. Rückwärts gewandt lässt sich ohne Mühe und sofort feststellen, welche große Spuren Bernd Wollring in den letzten Jahrzehnten in der Mathematikdidaktik hinterlassen hat. Deshalb beginnt der Band einleitend mit einem kurzen Rückblick auf sein wissenschaftliches Werk und mit einer Würdigung. Die weiteren Kapitel stehen im Zeichen von Lehren und Lernen im Mathematikunterricht und Inhaltsbereichen der Mathematikdidaktik, wobei einzelne Felder, die auch Bernd Wollring bearbeitet hat, berücksichtigt sind.
Aufgaben und Lösungen der Fürther Mathematik-Olympiade 2017–2022: Für Begabtenförderung, AGs und zur Vorbereitung auf Wettbewerbe
by Lutz Andrews Alfred Faulhaber Bertram Hell Paul Jainta Christine StreibDer vorliegende Band enthält alle Probleme der 26. bis 30. Fürther Mathematik-Olympiade, getrennt nach Jahrgangsstufen und Lösungsstrategien. Die Aufgaben belegen, dass sich Problemlösen vermitteln und erlernen lässt. Zum erfolgreichen Lösen von Aufgaben gehört gar nicht so viel: Zuversicht, Konzentration und Mut. Zielloses Probieren und strenges Vorgehen sind ebenso legitime Maßnahmen. Als Zugewinn winkt ein Mix aus Strategien und taktischen Tricks. Das hat nicht selten den erfreulichen Nebeneffekt, dass Skeptiker („Wie bringe ich da Mathematik hinein?“) zu ihrer eigenen Verblüffung in manchen Alltagssituationen mathematische Zusammenhänge erkennen. Problemlösen kann durch viel Übung und Tun erlernt werden. Daher soll das Buch neugierig machen auf Knobeln, auf verschiedene Zugänge zu den Problemen – und auf Mathematik! Es richtet sich an eine breite Leserschaft, angefangen bei Schülern ab Klasse 5 bis 8, die wissbegierig sind und Neues lernen wollen, an Lehrkräfte, Eltern sowie an alle Liebhaber der Mathematik. Die Aufgaben sind erfolgreich einsetzbar in der mathematischen Förderung begabter SchülerInnen in Arbeitsgemeinschaften oder Pluskursen, können eine willkommene Abwechslung im Unterricht sein und eignen sich zum Selbststudium. Die zahlreichen Aufgaben stellen reichhaltiges Übungsmaterial für weiterführende Wettbewerbe bereit. Die Aufgabenstellungen sind in der Regel kurz und griffig wie eine Werbebotschaft, um vor allem auch jüngere SchülerInnen anzulocken.
Aufgabensammlung Analysis 1: mit mehr als 500 Übungen und Lösungen
by Hans-Jürgen ReinhardtDiese umfangreiche Aufgabensammlung zur Analysis I ist das ideale Begleitbuch für Studierende und Dozenten der Mathematik. Ob Sie ausgearbeitete Übungen zur Klausurvorbereitung oder für Ihre Vorlesung suchen, in diesem Kompendium werden Sie fündig! Das vorliegende Buch deckt hierbei das volle Alphabet der Analysis I ab - von A wie Ableitung bis Z wie Zahlenfolge - und bereitet das Material sowohl theoretisch als auch anhand konkreter Beispiele auf.
Aufgabensammlung Analysis 2, Funktionalanalysis und Differentialgleichungen: mit mehr als 300 gelösten Übungsaufgaben
by Hans-Jürgen ReinhardtSie suchen #65533;bungen zur Klausurvorbereitung, Material f#65533;r Tutorien oder Beispiele f#65533;r eine Vorlesung zur weiterf#65533;hrenden Analysis? In diesem umfangreichen Buch finden Sie eine Vielzahl verschiedener Aufgaben - von abstrakten Beweisen #65533;ber theoretische und angewandte Beispiele hin zu konkreten Berechnungen. Zur #65533;berpr#65533;fung der eigenen Arbeit gibt es ausf#65533;hrliche L#65533;sungen zu jeder Aufgabe. Somit ist das vorliegende Werk das ideale Begleitbuch sowohl f#65533;r Studierende als auch f#65533;r Dozenten der Mathematik. Die Zusammenstellung von #65533;bungsaufgaben entstand w#65533;hrend der entsprechenden Vorlesungen des Autors an der Universit#65533;t Siegen in den Jahren 1993 bis 2013.
Aufgabensammlung Numerik
by Hans-Jürgen ReinhardtDiese Aufgabensammlung zur Numerik des Bachelor- und Masterstudiums ist das ideale Begleitbuch sowohl für Studierende als auch für Dozenten der Mathematik.Suchen Sie Übungen zur Klausurvorbereitung oder Beispiele für Ihre Vorlesung? Dieses umfangreiche Buch deckt das gesamte Themenspektrum der Numerik ab – von den Grundlagen über gewöhnliche und partielle Differentialgleichungen bis hin zur Methode der Finiten Elemente. Dabei umfasst die Art der Aufgaben sowohl theoretische Beweise wie auch konkrete Berechnungen ab. Zur Überprüfung der eigenen Arbeit gibt es ausführliche Lösungen zu jeder Aufgabe.Die Zusammenstellung von Übungsaufgaben entstand während der entsprechenden Vorlesungen des Autors an der Universität Siegen in den Jahren 1989 bis 2015.
Augmented and Virtual Reality in Mathematics Education: International Symposium on Augmented and Virtual Reality 2022 (MINTUS – Beiträge zur mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Bildung)
by Frederik Dilling Ingo WitzkeAugmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) are technologies of increasing importance in our society. In the field of mathematics education, these innovative technologies may offer a wide range of opportunities to support immersive, individual, and active learning processes. At the same time, many new challenges arise that need to be mastered by teachers and students in the classroom. With this book we want to contribute to the discourse by presenting innovative insights by bringing parties from research and practice together. The papers cover a wide range of relevant topics including cooperation and communication, STEM and modelling, development and application of design criteria, spatial geometry and imagination or teacher-trainings. The contributions include in-depth theoretical considerations, concrete developed applications and learning environments, and findings from empirical studies.
Augmented Marked Graphs
by King Sing CheungPetri nets are a formal and theoretically rich model for the modelling and analysis of systems. A subclass of Petri nets, augmented marked graphs possess a structure that is especially desirable for the modelling and analysis of systems with concurrent processes and shared resources. This monograph consists of three parts: Part I provides the conceptual background for readers who have no prior knowledge on Petri nets; Part II elaborates the theory of augmented marked graphs; finally, Part III discusses the application to system integration. The book is suitable as a first self-contained volume on augmented marked graphs, and will be useful to both researchers and practitioners in the fields of Petri nets and system integration.
The Augmented Spherical Wave Method
by Volker EyertThe Augmented Spherical Wave (ASW) method is one of the most powerful approaches to handle the requirements of finite basis sets in DFT calculations. It is particularly suited for the calculation of the electronic, magnetic, and optical properties of solid-state materials. Recent developments allow application, in addition, to the elastic properties and phonon spectra. Due to the localized nature of the ASW basis set these properties can be easily interpreted in terms of atomic-like orbitals. The book addresses all those who want to learn about methods for electronic structure calculations and the ASW method in particular. This new edition has been thoroughly revised and extended. In particular, a chapter on the new, both very efficient and accurate spherical-wave based full potential ASW method has been added.
Ausgewählte Kapitel der Höheren Mathematik: Vektoranalysis, Spezielle Funktionen, Partielle Differentialgleichungen
by Walter StramppAnimationen im Internet veranschaulichen z. B. die Wellengleichung durch eine schwingende Membran, die Wärmeleitung durch eine abnehmende Temperaturverteilung und die Potentialgleichung durch ein von der Randbelegung aufgeprägtes Potenzial. Welche Methoden verbergen sich dahinter, wie erzeugt man diese Animationen? Darauf soll der Leser eine erschöpfende Antwort geben können. Auf ausführliche, formale Beweise wird verzichtet. Die Begriffe werden mittels Beispielen und Graphiken in ihren Grundideen veranschaulicht und motiviert. Der Leser soll Hintergrundwissen und Lösungskompetenz bekommen, damit er sich nicht mit der Formelmanipulation zufrieden geben muss. Studierende sollen in die Lage versetzt werden, Probleme, die sich aus ihrer Bachelor/Masterarbeit oder aus den Anwendungen ergeben, zu bearbeiten.
Ausgewählte Sensorschaltungen: Vom Datenblatt zur Simulation
by Peter BaumannIn diesem Buch werden die Schritte angegeben, mit denen man aus den Datenblättern der Sensor-Hersteller die Modellparameter ermitteln kann, die zu einer Schaltungssimulation benötigt werden. Des Weiteren wird gezeigt, wie dem jeweiligen Sensor die Abhängigkeit von Temperatur, Feuchte, Licht, Druck, Kraft oder Magnetfeld in Gleichungsform aufge-prägt werden kann. Zu Sensorschaltungen wie Bandabstandsquelle, Feuchtesensor, RGB-Farbsensor, Reflexlichtschranke oder DMS-Brücke auf einem Baustahl-Biegestab werden die PSPICE-Analysen ausführlich dokumentiert. Die simulierten Sensorschaltungen können für sich und als Ausgangspunkt zu Messungen im Rahmen der Bachelor-Ausbildung genutzt werden.
Ausgewählte Themen des Malliavin-Kalküls: Chaos, Divergenz und noch viel mehr
by Laurent DecreusefondDieses Buch ist keine Forschungsmonographie zum Malliavin-Kalkül mit neuesten Ergebnissen und besonders anspruchsvollen Beweisen. Es enthält nicht alle Ergebnisse, die für die behandelten grundlegenden Themen bekannt sind. Das Ziel ist vielmehr, eine möglichst große Vielfalt an Beweistechniken zu bieten. Zum Beispiel haben wir uns nicht auf den Beweis der Konzentrationsungleichung für Funktionale der Brownschen Bewegung konzentriert, da er sich eng an das analoge Ergebnis für Poisson-Funktionale anlehnt. Dieses Buch ist aus den Graduiertenkursen entstanden, die ich in den letzten Jahren an den Universitäten Paris-Sorbonne und Paris-Saclay gehalten habe. Es soll so zugänglich wie möglich für Studierende sein, die über Kenntnisse der Itô-Kalkulation und einige Grundlagen der Funktionalanalysis verfügen.Die Übersetzung wurde mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz durchgeführt. Eine anschließende menschliche Überarbeitung erfolgte vor allem in Bezug auf den Inhalt.
Austenitic TRIP/TWIP Steels and Steel-Zirconia Composites: Design of Tough, Transformation-Strengthened Composites and Structures (Springer Series in Materials Science #298)
by Horst Biermann Christos G. AnezirisThis open access book presents a collection of the most up-to-date research results in the field of steel development with a focus on pioneering alloy concepts that result in previously unattainable materials properties. Specifically, it gives a detailed overview of the marriage of high-performance steels of the highest strength and form-ability with damage-tolerant zirconia ceramics by innovative manufacturing technologies, thereby yielding a new class of high-performance composite materials. This book describes how new high-alloy stainless TRIP/TWIP steels (TRIP: TRansformation-Induced Plasticity, TWIP: TWinning-induced Plasticity) are combined with zirconium dioxide ceramics in powder metallurgical routes and via melt infiltration to form novel TRIP-matrix composites. This work also provides a timely perspective on new compact and damage-tolerant composite materials, filigree light-weight structures as well as gradient materials, and a close understanding of the mechanisms of the phase transformations.With a detailed application analysis of state-of-the-art methods in spatial and temporal high-resolution structural analysis, in combination with advanced simulation and modelling, this edited volume is ideal for researchers and engineers working in modern steel development, as well as for graduate students of metallurgy and materials science and engineering.
Auswertung klinischer Studien mit SPSS: Ein Leitfaden zur strukturierten Herangehensweise (essentials)
by Laura Benner Marietta Kirchner Johannes Krisam Kevin Kunzmann Anja SanderNach Abschluss der Datenerhebung im Rahmen einer Doktorarbeit oder einer eigens durchgeführten klinischen Studie stellen sich viele Mediziner oftmals die Frage: Was nun tun mit der Fülle an Daten? Laura Benner, Marietta Kirchner, Johannes Krisam, Kevin Kunzmann und Anja Sander stellen anhand eines Datenbeispiels aus der Onkologie dar, wie man seine Studiendaten unter Kontrolle bringt und planvoll an die statistische Auswertung herangeht. Mithilfe der Statistiksoftware SPSS veranschaulichen sie die einzelnen Schritte einer Datenauswertung und gehen neben der Darstellung von Programmfunktionen in SPSS auch auf die statistische Methodik der Auswertungsschritte und die richtige Interpretation und Einordnung der Ergebnisse ein.Die Autoren Als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter des Instituts für Medizinische Biometrie und Informatik der Universität Heidelberg sind alle Autoren permanent damit beschäftigt, durch Statistik die Gesundheit von Menschen und somit auch (ein bisschen) die Welt zu verbessern. Neben alltäglichen statistischen Nöten von Medizinstudenten und Klinikumsmitarbeitern kümmern sie sich zudem noch um universitäre Lehre, Projektarbeit in klinischen Studien und ihre eigenen methodisch-statistischen Forschungsprojekte.
Authentic Opportunities for Writing about Math in Early Childhood: Prompts and Examples for Building Understanding
by Tammy L. Jones Leslie A. TexasTeach students to write about math so they can improve their conceptual understanding in authentic ways. This resource offers hands-on strategies you can use to help students in grades PreK–2 discuss and articulate mathematical ideas, use correct vocabulary, and compose mathematical arguments.Part One discusses the importance of emphasizing language to make students’ thinking visible and to sharpen communication skills, while attending to precision. Part Two provides a plethora of writing prompts and activities: Visual Prompts; Compare and Contrast; The Answer Is; Topical Questions; Writing About; Journal Prompts; Poetry/Prose; Cubing and Think Dots; RAFT; Question Quilts; and Always, Sometimes, Never. Each activity is accompanied by a clear overview plus a variety of examples. Part Three offers a crosswalk of writing strategies and math topics to help you plan, as well as a sample anchor task and lesson plan to demonstrate how the strategies can be integrated.Throughout each section, you’ll also find Blackline Masters that can be downloaded for classroom use. With this book’s engaging, standards-based activities, you’ll have young children communicating like fluent mathematicians in no time!
Authentic Opportunities for Writing about Math in High School: Prompts and Examples for Building Understanding
by Tammy L. Jones Leslie A TexasTeach students to write about math so they can improve their conceptual understanding in authentic ways. This resource offers hands-on strategies you can use to help students in grades 9–12 discuss and articulate mathematical ideas, use correct vocabulary, and compose mathematical arguments.Part One discusses the importance of emphasizing language to make students’ thinking visible and to sharpen communication skills, while attending to precision. Part Two provides a plethora of writing prompts and activities: Visual Prompts; Compare and Contrast; The Answer Is; Topical Questions; Writing About; Journal Prompts; Poetry/Prose; Cubing and Think Dots; RAFT; Question Quilt; and Always, Sometimes, and Never. Each activity is accompanied by a clear overview plus a variety of examples. Part Three offers a crosswalk of writing strategies and math topics to help you plan, as well as a sample anchor task and lesson plan to demonstrate how the strategies can be integrated.Throughout each section, you’ll also find Blackline Masters that can be downloaded for classroom use. With this book’s engaging, standards-based activities, you’ll have your high school students communicating like fluent mathematicians in no time!
Authentic Opportunities for Writing about Math in Middle School: Prompts and Examples for Building Understanding
by Tammy L. Jones Leslie A. TexasTeach students to write about math so they can improve their conceptual understanding in authentic ways. This resource offers hands-on strategies you can use to help students in grades 6–8 discuss and articulate mathematical ideas, use correct vocabulary, and compose mathematical arguments.Part One discusses the importance of emphasizing language to make students’ thinking visible and to sharpen communication skills, while attending to precision. Part Two provides a plethora of writing prompts and activities: Visual Prompts; Compare and Contrast; The Answer Is; Topical Questions; Writing About; Journal Prompts; Poetry; Cubing and Think Dots; RAFT; Question Quilts; and Always, Sometimes, Never. Each activity is accompanied by a clear overview plus a variety of examples. Part Three offers a crosswalk of writing strategies and math topics to help you plan, as well as a sample anchor task and lesson plan to demonstrate how the strategies can be integrated.Throughout each section, you’ll also find Blackline Masters that can be downloaded for classroom use. With this book’s engaging, standards-based activities, you’ll have your middle school students communicating like fluent mathematicians in no time!
Authentic Opportunities for Writing about Math in Upper Elementary: Prompts and Examples for Building Understanding
by Tammy L. Jones Leslie A. TexasTeach students to write about math so they can improve their conceptual understanding in authentic ways. This resource offers hands-on strategies you can use to help students in grades 3–5 discuss and articulate mathematical ideas, use correct vocabulary, and compose mathematical arguments.Part One discusses the importance of emphasizing language to make students’ thinking visible and to sharpen communication skills, while attending to precision. Part Two provides a plethora of writing prompts and activities: Visual Prompts; Compare and Contrast; The Answer Is; Topical Questions; Writing About; Journal Prompts; Poetry/Prose; Cubing and Think Dots; RAFT; Question Quilts; and Always, Sometimes, Never. Each activity is accompanied by a clear overview plus a variety of examples. Part Three offers a crosswalk of writing strategies and math topics to help you plan, as well as a sample anchor task and lesson plan to demonstrate how the strategies can be integrated.Throughout each section, you’ll also find Blackline Masters that can be downloaded for classroom use. With this book’s engaging, standards-based activities, you’ll have your upper elementary students communicating like fluent mathematicians in no time!
The Authentic Organization: How to Create a Psychologically Safe Workplace
by Gina Battye"The Authentic Organization is an empowering guide, offering an approachable framework for organizations to go beyond diversity and inclusion. It is an invaluable resource for any leader hoping to gain and maintain a competitive edge in today's talent market!" - Sergio Rodriguez, Senior Manager, Global Workforce DEI Solutions "The Authentic Organization deals with a hugely important topic – how to create Psychological Safety in the workplace. This book is insightful, practical, fun and easy to read!" -Andreas Richter, Professor of Organisational Behaviour, University of Cambridge “This is a timely book, written with heart. There is an increasing focus on Psychological Safety and Gina brings the concept to life, explaining how to make it a reality for everyone in our organisations.” -Simon Blake, Chief Executive Officer, Mental Health First Aid England Mastering Psychological Safety: Your definitive guide to cultivating a psychologically safe workplace In The Authentic Organization: How to Create a Psychologically Safe Workplace, CEO of the Psychological Safety Institute Gina Battye, delivers a hands-on manual to create work environments where people thrive. You’ll discover actionable strategies to establish a psychologically safe workplace; challenging and transforming workplace attitudes and outdated workplace cultures. Expect to experience a paradigm shift where psychological safety is at the core, enabling an inclusive culture and catalyzing organizational success. This book goes beyond the mechanics of creating a safe workplace, it also empowers individuals to unleash their authentic selves, not just surviving, but truly thriving, both professionally and personally. You’ll gain valuable insights and practical guidance to bring your authentic self to work, effectively navigate workplace interactions and create a highly conducive environment for teamwork and collaboration. Ultimately, you will have everything you need to drive cultural change and take an active role in creating a psychologically safe environment that empowers your team and transforms your entire organization. Gina masterfully navigates you through her distinctive approach, the world-renowned 5 Pillars of Psychological Safety framework, meticulously designed to cultivate an environment where your organization and people thrive. Within these pages you will encounter: A transformative process that empowers individuals to bring their Authentic Self to work, tapping into hidden capabilities to excel in their professional lives. A comprehensive communication framework that equips individuals to effortlessly master effective workplace interactions. A ground-breaking methodology that cultivates an environment where teams thrive and collaborate effectively in a calm and focused workplace setting. A must-read blueprint for anyone aiming to create psychologically safe work environments, The Authentic Organization is your comprehensive guide to cultivating a workplace where individuals and teams thrive. This book is the ultimate manual that leaders, managers, human resources professionals, Employee Resource Group leads, and business innovators have been waiting years for.